HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-05-19, Page 519, 1871.. cl a road through ve had known in the Usborne pew :herons, we might: hem for assistant oad through the the township, for been taxing ow-- , ur-, and which is .a o the whole of that ith, and also to part orne, Hay and the f Stanley. My at- tiied to a road that County to suitthe Dar myself and a fey e he alludes to the over which three- unty were settled,. leading to the coun- market for years.. Council did to this d eight inches of ace, without either tang it in a proper o that a toll might nd it has been kept in„ townships ever .sting the County .a. op charges me with letcer froman art- t American Journal, Railway.' I never the Scottish. .Amer a heading, and it is ' e never did ; some have told him or s letter for hien, or -e made such a mis- forh-s information, M. article appeared in rerwarl headed "Ac-- seri& ," and I quoted iicla I inadvertently lit i but I denv the ion had anything to cg me to write that heless, the few words true: The Seaforth sag was a. blunder, as the special meeting The scheme was: as tier,. anda different }t € be expected. They I could not venture to tvernmen:t had been Thanking you, Mr., >wing these lengthy in your columns, I way scheme in the - promoters, trusting pie to get the matter ible shape before it: is lie ratepayers, if not,. h Sea bubble, itwill atf icily yours, GEORGE: SPROAT.; May 16, 18=[ 1. WAR IN FRANCE. `anis are hastening to a downfall of the Corti- ,ently expected. The e prep-aring for an. beleaguered city, anti > be a strong party in - give them assistance. ders are quarrelling w, and there are good the Rouge rebellion !g be suppressed. :rasions amongst the incieasing in number :e, and it is evident to l the end is nearly` The Cri Peuple it the Communists are of a chemical prepay h they can instantly ersailles forces shoultt. ie city. Soule severe , taken place in. the of Fort \ranvi es,; b Ut ithout any _ important ties over 40 years have pen towork on the de- 'is. A new military has been appointed.. .i d the -central cora- l' the best of terms t. Gas been appointed chief try of War, and Gen. tnmunder of the forces it du Jour and .Avenue ay 16.—The fall .of` age is imminent. The south-western arron- Paris are uninhabit- has been great loss of erty in those portions of ie 144th battalion -of Guard has refused to ie Paris.. The tri color to -day on Fort Vanvres. May I6,--ljatest- dies- i Paris state that the 'exports that the Ver- ve been repulsed, at car t Mason, Chief of en arrested.. La Liberte v erriment troops- bate ,s through the breacli,s allot and at Auteuil.. traps at Point du. Jour ay 1 G—A despatch says „ion of many thousand ,• to raise ttgtunat the, tiedia.tely the V ersail he ramparts • The Coni- as, sl>li:t into two factions, n - war with the other. lists have effected three breaches aiid - massed er., of troops within 500. rain1nirts. `l.ie destruc- uid property by bombard - American quill ter to day iI MAY -19, 1871. { BIRTHS. 34iox.Arr.—May 5th, at Atlanta, State of Georgia, the wife of Mr. P. James Moran of a daughter. The above gentleman, Editor of the Atlanta Su*, iso non of Mr. D. Moran, of this village. MARRIAGES- 1TCG EGOR—RATrENBnRY.--At Bay- field, on the 10th inst., by the Rev H. Gibson, Mr. Peter McGregor, of Seaforth, to Miss Emnia Rattenbury, Bracefield. E0Y—MADGE.—At the residence of tno bride's father, Thomas ]toad, Usborne, by the Rev. Mr. Dufikley, Miss Anne Madge, of Usborne, to Mr. Wm. Roy, of, the Township of Fullerton. DEATHS. BURGESS.—In McKillop, April 26th, Mary Burgess, aged 70 years. The de- ceased was aunt to W. T. Hays, Esq., . Mayor of Goderich. .CAsEMORE. In Turnberry, en Monday morning, May 15th, Mrs. George C emore, aged 71 years. fig —At Adj ala, on Sunday, May ,7th, Mrs. George Kidd, aged 74 years. De- ceased was the mother of Joseph Kidd, Esq., of Carronbrook, and T. Kidd, Esq:, of Seaforth. SPARLIi G. -At Seaforth, on Sunday, last, the 14th instant, Mr. Richard Sper- ling, aged 33 years. I►14Rits,—At Bayfield, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. T, J. Marks, aged 21 years. • For cheap ladies', gents' and children's Prunella Boots of every description, go ;to T. Coventry's. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, May 18, 1871. Wheat, (Fall) e bushel, 1:15 to 1.23 Wheat (Spring) 4' bushel, 1:15 to 1:29 Barley a/ bushel, 0.:40 to 0:44 .Oats 43' bushel, 0:40 to 0:40 Peas 1? bushel, 0:70 to 0:75 Butter, 41 lb. 0:12ito 0:13 Es, 0:11 to 0:11 Hies, 6:50 to 7:50 Sheep Skins, 0.50 to 1:75 Hay, per ton, 7:00 to10:00 Flour, per 100 lbs. 3:25 to 0:00 Potatoes, 0:40 to 0:50 CLINTON, May 18, 1871. By Telegraph to the Expositor. Fall Wheat, per bushel, ' 1:10 to 1:25 Spring Wheat, per bushel. 1:20 to 1:28 Oats, per bushel, 0:38 to 0;44 Peas, per bushel, 0 72 to 0;75 Barley, per bushel, 0:,40 to 0;44 Butter. per per, lb, 0.12to 0;14 Eggs, per doz. 0.11 to 0;11 GODERICH, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat -Oafs Peas - Barley Butter Eggs Pork May 18, 1871. $115to125 115to128 O 40 to 040 O 70 to 075 O 40 to 0 44 O 12 to 0 16 011 to 01.2 7 00 to 7 00 ST. MARYS, May 18, 1871. Fall Wheat, per bushel, • 1:15 to 1 25 Spring Wheat, per bushel, 1:25 to 1 29 -Oats, per bushel, 0.35 to 0 40 Peas, per bushel, 0:70 to 0.75 Barley, per bushel,_ _ 0:40 to 0. 4$ Butter per Ib., 0:I0 to, 0 13 Eggs, per doz. 0:11 to 0 11 LONDON? White Winter Wheat Spring do Barley Oats Peas Butter, in kegs, Eggs, Wheat, Wheat, Barley, ,Oats,. Hay, Peas May 18, 1871. $i 20 to $1 30 l 25 to 1 35 O 52 to 055 O 42 to 0 43 O 75 to 0. 85 .0 10 to 0121 O 10 to 0 11 THE HURON, EXPOSITOR. 5, NOTICE. TABORRERS wanting Work fo a few jweek:i-will find employment on the GOV RNMENI' DRAINS, In Grey. WAGESs'$1 25per day. Enquire of the foreman on this work, or apply to the agent at the offie, Jas. T. Blain. I G. BL AIN, .Contractor. Grey, 11 ay 12, 1871. 180-tf TORONTO, May 18, 1871. Spring, $1 25 to 1 35 Fall, Smiles, 1 20 to 1 30 0 55 to 0 62 047 to 050 10 00 to 15 00 0 88 to 0 90 MONTREAL, May 18, 1871. Flour, (Extra) per barrel, 6:70 to 6:80 Fancy, .6:25 to 6.35 Sup. fine No 1 Canada. W. 5:90 to `6:30 No,1 Western Wheat, :5:80 to 5:90 5:45 to 5:70 2:90 to 3:00 1:35 to 1:45. 0;00 to 0:00 1:28, to 1:32 0::45 -to 0:46 0:65 to, 0:70 0:,16 -to 0:20 0:13 to 0:15 6:15 to 6:25 6:80 to 6:85 18:50 to19:00 1:03 to 1:05 No 2 •' Bag Flour, Wheat, (Canada Fall) Spring Western -Oats, (per 32 It_) :Barley, (per 48 Ib:) Butter, (Dairy) (Store packed) Ashes, (pots) Pearls, Pork, (mess) Peas, CHU CH OFFICER WANTED- I: HE M naging Committee of the Pres- .". byteran Church, Seaforth, will re- ceive Teners for the cleaning and care- taking of the Church for the ensuing - year, from 1st of June. The defies of said office ay be learned on application to R. Lu ., SDErr, where Tenders \ may 'be left addre°sed to EDWARD CASH, Chair- man of Co ' •' ittee: The abo e tenders will be received un- til Wedne,day, May 24.- Seafort May 11, 1871. 179td STRAYED FOM ayfie years old white, of dark the years Qid, heat], nea while spo person gi colts will. dress eith GEMERI Huron, 0 t No. 10, near the village of d, two Mare Colts, one two white face, near hind foot er feet dark -color of horse, nut. The other colt is three bay color., small star in fore - hind foot white, and a small on the of hind foot. Any ing intormation of the above e rewarded for so doing. Ad - r W. W. CONNOR of JOHN GEMMERRHART, Bayfield, County of t. 179-3t* NOTICE. SEALETENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to the 24th day of M: y for the Pasturage of the Ag ricultural Grounds (4 acres) up to the lst day. of Ja+wary, 1872, and also for the right to sell refreshments during the Fair and Show .days. The Society re- serves the entire right to the grounds on the F: it and Shove days, and also the right to 1 t four additional booths on the days of t Fall Show. JULIUS DUNCAN, Treasurer. Seafort. , May 16, 1871. 180-1t BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Thursday, May 18, 187 1. The total receipts of cattle for the three days this week are 315 cars ; last week they were 323 cars. The aver yge quality is very good.. The market is dull, heavy and lifeless, with buyers unwilling- to operate except at lower prices than last week. The trade to -day was all of retail character, the only buyers being local and interior butchers, as will be seen ,from quotations. The sales were : Yeoman, for self and Warner to Bugle, 15 head good Illinois steers, average 1227 at $7 00. - Goldsmith to Burgundy, 13 head Missouri steers, average 1130 at $6 874. Yeoman, for Bacon, to Spath, 32 head good Illinois steers, average 1252 at $6 95: L. C. Colt, to Falk, 31 head do. aver- age 1180 at $6 87,i. Stevens to Dotey, 18 head- Michigan eteers, average 1158, at $6 62i. HOGS. The market is dull and lower. Prices ranged from 5c. to 5'ic. per 1h. for fair to good butchers' hogs. SHEEP. Nothing whatever doing. BOSTON LIVE STOCK. But vss.—Receipts of beef cattle were 462 head. The market is, very quiet and butchers are buying slowly, at &c. below lastweek's prices on all grades. Sales of choice at 1150 ; extra at 10 75 to 11 00 ; tint quality 88 50 t) $9 50 ; second do. at $5' 50 to $9 50 ; third do. at $7 00 to ssS 00. Sip AND LAMBS.—Recenpts, 1,209 -head. Market steady. Sales in lots at w:) 75 to $6 50 each ; in extra $6 75 to $9 62. CALVrs.—Veal calves at 4 to 10c. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. LIVE ITot:s- -Easier. Sales at $1 35 to* 60. Insolvent Act of 1864 01 the Amendments Thereto. In the m tter of JAMES YOUNG, the Elder, . n Insolvent. TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Cred'tors of the above -nam d insol- vent will be held at the office of Mes- sieurs Ca.. eron & Garrow, in jt e town of Gode ' h, on TUESDAY, the hirtieth day of ay, A. D. 1871, at t . of the clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of consirering the advisabilit of fur ther proc edings to realize and et in the remaininoutstanding assets of the es- tate, and generally for the or. ening oil the affai s of such estate. Dated he eleventh day of May A. D. 1871. JOHN HALDAN, 180-Zt Asdgnee. GOODS BUSINESS JJR for sale at Sea.foith. - VERY LIGIBLE OPENISG FOR A- PUSHING MAN WITH A M . DERATE CAPITAL. Mr. a RIFFITii DAVIS, of Seaforth, having d tided upon retiring from the retail tr. + e, the undersigned has received instructions to offer the whole stock . F It SALE BY TEi'(DER, 0 To be a. to SAT It consi Dry Go conditio per iixve lows : Hosiery Staple 1 Carpets, Smallw' Dress G TO CHEESE -MAKERS. MITCHELL'S • PRIZE R Liquid . Annatto AND FIRST-CLASS ENGLISH . RENNETTS, FOR SI L LE AT ' SCOTT ROUERTSON •S, MAIN STREET, SEAFOETH. dressed to me at Brockville, up RDAY, the 27th ' MAY, inst. tsof an excellent assortment of ds, all in the best order and , the valeation of w ich, as; tory takeni at cost, is las fol -1 and Gloves... ..... oods. Tweeds,Flannela,&c. res, &c ................. . ods, &c ` Shop F rniture. Total In ten facility viewing est info should otherwi of respo The 1 necessa The p ing of houses, sell or $244 901 !381 53 ,193 42. ,741 03 ;327 80 ,888 68 184 00 180 • 6,072 68 Ing purchasers will h ve every fforded them by Mr. Davis of the stock and obtaining the full- •mation regarding it.: Tenders ame a rate on. the doll 'i , and if e than for caster 'state the names ible parties offered as security. ighest or- any tender will not ily be accepted emises, in Main street; 'consist - tore and dwelling, with oil t- arden, &c., I am authrazedto nt on moderate terms.? TENDERS Will also be received, at the; s ore place andt .+ e, for the purchase of a small stock o Groceries, Hardware and Dry Goods, : mounting too $2,040 2now in charge if Mr. R. B. Scott, at 2, now my of Huron. DUNCAN McFARLAINE, Acc r ntant. Broc . ville, May 12, 1871. 180 FELLOWS' 11YPOPH9SPHITES.• Amo g the disea$es overcome by the use of Fello s' Compounds Spirit of Hypo - phosphites, Are O.nstipation, j Asthma, onsump- tion, Laryngitis, ; Nervous 1J bility, Dy: pepsia, Chronic Brone iitis, Chr : nic Diarrhoea, Melan holy. Debirty resulting from Typ oid and other 1 w fevers. Diphtheriti Prostra- tion, ysteria, Hypoeqhondri , Amen- norrhoe , Chlorosis, .Alia mia Leucorr- hoea, N rvous Excitability, Ma •asmiis or wastin i of the musoles, ! Aphon a or Loss of. Voic Chorea or St. ` itu ' Dance, Sluggis ness of the Liver, Iii rrupted and Fe:ble Action of the Heart, Suff"cat- ing feel ngs caused by mucous obstruc- tions o the lungs and air passages lead- ing the eto, and debility from various causes, many capes of which appeared hopeles . Solcl by apothecaries. Price, $1 50; : ix for $7 50. JAMES I. FELLOWS, 180 °16t Chemist, St. John, N. B. A FULL STOCK Of all ports of Boots and Shoes, In Leather, At J. DUNCAN & Co.'s. CREDIT AUCTION SALE. J. P. BRINE had received instruc- tions from Mr. THOMAS CRICH, to sell by public auction, on lit `)9, 2d -Con- cession, Tuckersmith, H. R. aavat oa MONDAY, MAY 29, 1 71, The following farni stock, &c., viz.: Four horses; aged 3, 4, 9 and 2 years re- spectively, 7 cows, 1 farrow ow. 2 heif- ers in calf, 4 yearlings, 3 apt g calves, 11 sheep, 7 store pigs, 1 1ub r wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 2 buffalo 4 r bes, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 new ' reaping a d mowing machine, 1 cultivator, 1 iron plough, l wood plough, 1 pair iron harrows, 1 pair wpod harrows, 3 sets double harness, 1 1 fanning mill, 1 long sleig , about 4 tons of hay, 1 glass cup -board, box stove, 1 milk can and a lot of milk ans, 1 horse rake, and other . articles too umerous to mention. A D Atw Seafort Appl y 167 - FOR SALE, OUSE AND TWO LOTS 'SIRABLE Dwelling -house and ) excellent lots on St. John street, , for sale on reasons le terms. N` o -. ,JOHSE,1TtUER, s.. Dru gist, &e. Sale to Commence at 11 o'clock. TERMS OF SALE - All sum under $5 cash, over that amount, one ear's credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes. J. P. BRINE, Auctioneer. THoMAs enrols, Proprietor. May 17, 1871. 180-2t ++ LOOK HE E! SUTHERLAND BROS.' Are now prepared to supply GENTS' CLOT ING, Cheap and Good Parties are requeste to call, compare prices and judg for them- selve • Th se bringing the. OWN CLOTH, will hi ve every attentibl n paid ter them as formerly. We Warrant all our Work, And re bound not to be beat, either for PRICE, FIT, or FINISH. Men's and Boys CLOTIIINO- Cut 'With care and economy} SUTHERLAND BROS., w w c z SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. LLI: 'HJJUO[: V IS 'Loomis S ISIV Q `sons NVIAWOH V `JOAO uuqp 'dIdVIHD NIos Oct Illi tioNIW ..ole cola `spa4,ti,D' ut -1oty `a2atjiamoy `sptirilog `suollop NITpuU LaJD. `s `SZlIIHS a(I W xiavaa GNV `S I IIJ JIHS (SrI.M.VHS dILLSl1,'I CI'NV aovri `SNlv1Hno N11811W aNv 3ov1 `saVaUas-aaa atmo'ioo aN V HIM . •°T WATL YH atm '1i27 HI Fl a UHV LIVID OIC (`sioloo tit) `sassaxa .L iriaoa 'goals ipv'Ia ao-OKIISISNO0 S€[000 Ana Mali 30 J.or1 V i paalaad- lsnia 'OVU GMT I MIDIS z o Pt. p 1IW . ROBERTSON & Co. GN - 011 THE 171-t Opposite Carmichael's Hotel. COME And get your choice of PAI ' 500 S OF RUNNELO B OTS, Hav ,At J. DUNCAN 8 Co.'s. NOTICE • To parties- iadebt*d Co Mr. GRIFFITH DA V1S. The +nsiness, including book debts and note-, as well as stock, as set forth in an dve tisement for tenders, have, by his own free will and pleasure been placed in mk bands for settlement, to enable him . retire from the reta'1 trade. Dur- ing he next fortnight it i hoped that man will make a prompt settlement to Mr. Davis. 'as after that time other nue s will be employed in making col- lect' ns. DUNCAN McFARLAN-E, Accountant. )3{ ecli,ville, May 16, 157,1,. 1.80.31 CIRCULAR SAW, on hand a splendid assortment of Spades, Shovels, SHEEP -SHEARS, Garden Hoes and Rakes, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Of all descriptions, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &C., Water -Lime and Calcined Plaster. JACK -SCREWS TO HIRE_ Having removed to more commodious premises, we are enabled to keep a Piano & Wall Paper. WHO WANTS A FIRST-CLASS PIANO! Now is the time to buy ; will ie Sold at a Bargain. Much Fuller Assortment Than formerly, and are determined Not to be Undersold. Call and see for yourselves. Remember the place, KIDD'S BRICK BLOCK, (Sign of the Circular Saw,) SEAFORTH, ONT. WM. ROBERTSON & CO The Telegraph Bookstore I Is the Place for WALL -PAPER 1 ARMSTRONG & PRICE, Seaforth, May 18, 1871. 180-ly Arrived to -day 500 NEW SPRING DRESSES; —AT TIIE-- ST.0-IN- O 777. A, G„ MCDOUGALL. Call at CRAY, SPARLING & CO. OPPOSITE WILSON'S EGG STORE. FULL ASSORTMENT .—OF— NEW DRY COODS, GROCERIES, ETC. 3000 Lbs. of Fine Heavy DRIED PORK ! FOR SALE. CHEERING PROSPECTS FOR AN ABUNDANT HARVEST The present favorable Spring weather - warrants both farmer and mechanic it making timely preparations for the com- ing harvest. THOMSON & WILLIAMS. While thanking theirpatrons for the lib- eral encouragement accorded them in the past, would. cordially invite the atten- of Farmers to their choice assortment Qf Harvesting Machines for 1871. Our Ohio Combines] Machine, with Johnson's, Improved: Self -i ake, hate given complete satisfaction for the past- owo years, and is now `offered to the public with the strongest guarantee for - durability and perfect work. The Cayuga Chief, Jr., Mower; Which has gained for itself a world-wide, reputation is again offered as the moat - durable, handy and best working Mower known,. being constructed. in the body of' the machine entirely of iron and steel, and with it we defy competition.. We. also offer the +To1inson's Self -Raking Single Reaper, which took first and' second- prizes atPro- vincial Exhibition, 1870, This reaper is, acknowledged to be superior to any other pattern now in use, as it cuts perfectly, takes up lodged or tangled grain better-- than etterthan any other rake or reel machine, an& cuts equally well from either side of the field when wind is strong from any di- rection, can be raised or lowered. when in motion and is very durable. We invite inspection of aur machines: and mode of manufacturing by pur- chasers before giving orders elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction in every ma- chine, ono sale.. TERMS EASY. The agriculturalists of Perth and :ad -- joining counties will not (we believe) be - so blind to their own interests as to: - give their orders to shops ,more- than 100 miles east, when there are first-class, works in their midst:, building, largely the best machines, equal to any of the: same machines made in the Province. Call and see us,- -send in your orders. by mail, or deal with our agents, as in every case you will get; a perfect ma- chine, and on the same terms as your neighbor. Our principles of business, and prices being established and uni- form. All other kinds of implements -con- stantly en hand. STEAM-ENGINES BUILT, And all kinds of MILL WORK clone - promptly. Address Tti.OMSON Se WILLII AMS,. MITCHELL, Ontario.. 180 -ch GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO. THE OSBORN' z.o 47.; Lock -Stitch Sewing MACHINE. Thousands throughout Canada are, now using these machines. They have' been tested beyond all question, make the favorite lock -stitch, alike on both sides, and are pronounced superior to, any other machine offered the public. For wide range of work, perfection,, beauty and excellence of mechanises, adaptability, strength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine Has: No Rival. - Improvements have lately been: made, enabling the manufacturers to. claim it :as the ne plus ultra of Sewing machines. Hundreds of testimonials are being received daily from, old. as Well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. Will do, all kinds of do- mestic sewing, from the finest .cambric to the coarsest overcoat or upper leather... GUAR.A. TEED TO, BE AS REPRESENTED, 0R No SALE, WARRANTED FOR • THREE 'YEARS. The Osborn Outfit is complete andi. readily comprehended. Is sold. at one- half the price hitherto charged for ma- , chines doing a like range of work, the manufacturers being determined to place `tithe,the rea - ch of every family in, the; country. • A. TRIAL FE30P.E PURCHASE. will con- vince all that- our machines are un - Produce taken in Exchange. equaled. THE GUELPH REVERSIBLE; 177.' Is pre-eminently the best Single -Thread Machine offered to the public—hence its, marvelous. success Will do all varieties of domestic sewing. Peaces, GREATLY REDUCED. Band Macbine, with fall outfit, $l2 ;; Treadle do., an. te; Each. machine guaranteed. 1 Agents wanted everywhere. Splen; - did,induceinents to make money. Apply to GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO,,, GUELPH,. GAN .DA. W. N. WATSON,. Agent,. 1S0-Iy SEAFOP.TH.. EDWARD CASH, Dealer in all kinds of Farm and Dairy Produce, WHOLESALE AND, RETAIL. The Highest Priee-in Money FOB. WOOL AND BUTTER. Pay your fees and drive up to his store, GODEL',ICH STREET,. SEA FO RTH. BUTTE Ps. FIRKINS for iale and. to exchange. 120 eh • NOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I_RE subscriber offers for sale a large; frame cottage, 30x40, new, aad a cor- ner Village Lot, opposite the Baptist. Church, Seaforth. Farm property - would be taken in exchange. Apply,•oii& the premise. 17.2-12tt A.LEK, Mei AR7.I1... { •