HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-05-19, Page 25 4 2. - 4:71 t.h., THE HURON EXPOSII4OR. .MY MAY 191 1871. Dr. Coleman on Municipal Afe fairs. . • Ts the Editor of the huron .Epositor. DEAR ask you the favor of publishing another letter concern- ing the 'Annual Municipal State- - anent, as published by the Auditors. .As a rate -payer of this Village, it is my right and privilege to enquire to the truth about the manage- ment of the Corporation_ affairs. I did sa of some of the Councillors, separately, and also of the Reeve in the presence of Messrs. Wm. Grassie, Wm. Hill, D. D. Wile -on. Their statements was materially different, therefore, I called for in- formation, and I have, got it, with its tisual clearness. - At the close of my former lettere I mentioned that there was no receipt. for the County morey in the report. In the detailing statement (nine feet 'Ong) in the Clerk's office, (foi which I apologize to the Auditors, as it is understood I am the cause of the en- largement of the report,) there none. It is an understood thing .that taxes are collectedfor certain purposes, and one of these -is the County rate, which amounts to over $510 for Igst year. The Assess..., • ment Act in several places distinct- ly asserts that every special . or definite tax must be paid for that purpose, and the County rate is. one of those. SEC. 192," All moneys collected for County purposes; or for any " of the pur- poses mentioned in thepreceding section, shall be pa,yable, by. the Collector to the Township, Town or- Village Treasurer, and by him to the County Tteasurer." That rate for 1870 was not paid out according to the foregoing sec- tion. - Therefoie,- our Municipal • Corporation did not honestly keep their declaration of office, for they withdrew the funds from the Vil- lage Treasurer. In truth, our gross collections according to their books for last year are not $7,797 19, but at $8,309, as the County taxes, which were collected and paid, left a deficiency equal to an amount !inf. ficient to make $8,309. Economy with a vengance ! Inaagine 400 aGres of land assessed $8,309, every acre paying $20 in taxes, or will have to pay it. Suppose, again, those gentlemen were not honored with tnel confidence of the people, they have no right at law or equity to entail debts upon their successors. A part of the money spent in law - costs would be better spent in in- structing our n3unieipal officers in the duties which: they are ewohn to protect according to law. - The year jest past shows an ex - lessee." There 'Mc. _Kidd has p others have paii and wehave h that he most why does not ti show it, or-wh is. the only nia money,, and he ;street. He ha name `entered o should be • a who paid, and Mr. Cash pa d m poral ion for st a nes deta en t Wh ed Wh the its ther or h wif Cou info• •first 'Rat cou for mo s n dra li's d thei dr ard he it is coll e de aile has it? fiaso 'io lo no ight t t se cco etail d s ho id ne at oes The e " pota ion• ; doneoe 07ri ITt, .apab e -01 ow °lane ime fail 11 a, a led state has. it? by the Co statement re has it ouncil 111 usiness. may .be, tint then ip short tiM ago came to sbwe oil asking cl med our Reeve class hote at er steep hari t was pre en ted iayment. Tha ey gees ! • ther muni ipal pro ring their str sidewalks, &C S bee. Ta swa rat so at • penditure of $8,309, .of which $2,- 033 are spent in improvements and contracts., The salaries and expenses appertaiaing to. the Couacil are about $250e the remainder is spent in driblets; or $6,800 are frittered away in useless,or worse than useless jobs. In the detailed statement there are several refunds of taxes, and the •nanles of members 'of the Corporation are given directly, and • we believe some indirectly, connect- ed with contract tronsaction • with the Cotporation. It is possible those jobs were as cheapl y) end as effectual- ly performed as they could be, under the circutifhtances: • But that is not the. point, the law distinctly says no member of the Corporation shall have any interest in" any eontract, directly or indirectly, and you have swain in yeur declaration that yokti- will net, neither to your own know -- ledge will you allow it. The infer- ence. is,—you help me, and 1 will help you. We now charge the Council with DOD passing the Auditor's report, as • the law requires they must audit it themselves. The morning of the 5th of May,. after the issue of your paper, the detailed statement was hullo- up itt the Clerk's office. The Reeve, in a letter to your papeN suvs it is bun.' up there, and will .be „ • fatted econenlical and co rrech—w ith- • oet his seeiag i! Rather stretehy that! Another violation of con- scionceeif thele is tiny left. And it is an incontravertible fact the •Auditors' report was not passed in Council. .Itead the following •.sectioe :— • • sec. 171. --"The Auditors shall prepare an abstralt of the receipts, expenditures and liailities of the Corporation, and, al- so a detailed statement of the ,said. par;: ticulars in such form as the -04uncil di; • reefs, and report in duplicate oil all the aeoonnts audited by them, and make a • special report of any expenditure made contrary to law, and shall file the same in the' office of the Clerk of the ()Outwil within one month- after their appoint.: Blunt, and tlicreafter ally inhabitant or nte-payer of the municipality may in- apect one pt 'such daplioate reports, at all a"..asan Ode `Ina and, may by himself or 11 a 1 a ti me arit sen $1 to is 11 ties ets, afor 11 count. not eatisfied with its And we have oney, been thanked by several foc calling craey, ; I their attention to the matter, but es say 1 that is not the point We are very if so, heavy rate -payers, and we have a rig t te an explanation, failing that, we must believe there is something i wrOng, aud if there is, a Court Of laW will ratify it.• = t ternent r.. Bull ,drain Itlrorit lave bis . There ent of - he Cor- r. The t,show it. manure Just imagine our Reeve running from door to door, asking consola- tion from rate -payers, and stigg,est- mg the •letter was ell bosh; and again, that he could not understa d it; and again, the detailed stateme t will thew correct figures, which We did but 'quote. We ask but a ele!ar balance sheet, showing the outstand- how it ? h0 er debts. The ilAuctitorsi. duty is ‘ . se show to audit all..the books' of the C -r- .., •ansauting poration, not the cash book tilot e. her errors But oar Corporation •have no otIler o furnish uooks, they furnish none to the Treasurer, nor the heading of thle ac - p and his counts. • The Council, like the re bf the Aborogines, trust to namely. Time fails us to write about the sidewalk .. tolb Eebmondville, ' 'and through the East side of Main street. And We can assert that $100 of the taxeslor 16n have not been expended. in the 10 acres of land, or streets pertain- ing to it,. East of Main street, for three years, except- to drain' the West side, scarcely that, those in- cluded, and that the money raised last year is almost equal to that raised in Tuckersinith, the richest C rporation • in the County of uron. Yours truly, • T, T. COLE3t.A.N.I Segel -MI May lOtli, 1871. We are hem to -a if Per day. d the ac- Counsil h way the now in), ins and oes not, ed from tores is t •e County ed up in- nnicipality at the Most year. sidewalk from he market, when es Ieep, iu No- provements n the season abandoned dr use the money r ce rn license and liqu Lowed up to say • which was wal ething else. mpts improve ents 3asonab1e part •f th 1869, they laid Goderich street to snow was eight 'ac ve her. Last we4e attempted some of th ii the inclem ers were ks on a ra e as by con le there w e was any k was be on. lir Council liegiip side nging them boards, lost the labor ding the car e have ex ement, it is as -.Oar as mud. more expla the, . fro Oti pia ste wh the wo ea pul ch. •th itt clu ga itt no ex bai De ki Ba cir pi un an Bi 'ta an ot tio his agent, at his own expense, take a copy- : thereof ilr extracts tla-rena Saw'. i7.—" The Council shall, upon the report. of the aaditors, finally audit and allow the ftecoaats of the Tremitrer or chamberlain and Collectors •and. all quit-; the Corpora- tioa ; and in c;..se of eharges not •ret4ula- fed by law, the council shall allow what i 11e lizae- liaen looking xhrer the tteineil hooks,•and hod 110 "Dr. " '` rep,irt fur SpeCial • ac= stall ?tccou n t ; eeents. rriwie iz.; no - do knew senie of the • stall le Hely r list veer was not collect- ed, thoegh theee wag sofliciont rna- tie i..I mshe the eent out of the. or or ra or Bi ti ye so late m wer r 11 n4Y of the weather. odifie linst mot. s mor ecessit by riding ad of using nd for the paid than for, if the un earlier in the re in the habit of 'ants front one street, to another, breaking g ithe dotibl- nd expense, not in - .age. mined -1the detailed account, 't of any exp ept a few : EO. 218.—" iS kers, or issueF any Bo mature or ogler unde d or in any f nai in t k. Bill or No ulating Inc e of specie, ess speeially Ccuneil in 1, Nete, Deb ing, for th ount than o 'Bond, Bill a �r nclertak' of this seeti 'EC. 219.—" akes, or ass nowingly u nt or exchan benture or u in any form, or Note, in g medium, atlion o e disc nclitur the Bank- unt account, in contracts, oun o il shall act as d, Bill, Note, taking, of any e nature of a e, Or int nded to fonn a to supply. the , so todo, shall - might have the pleasure oi tasting the regult of their labors ;• while all the .guest e of the White House, there and then, partook of the gift. The interior of the cheese was found of a beautifdl color, richly tinted with anatto ;i it wes a little variegat- ed in appearance, owing toso many dairies ha.ving contributed the milk or curd, but the flavor was pro - the best ever tasted at All tht ar Round. - -- ate by 4. 11.rvir1n4 nounced to b Washington. Anec Darwin has not written in vain. Let alrparents and teachers buy 'his latest work, "rhe Descent of Man" (ought he ne to have called it the ascent of man), and indeed other works of hs, for the sake of the 1 zoological a1ecdotes. Here is one : A certain mptherly ape was wont to adopt and 'cams for a variety of young besides her own --such as puppies, kittens, monkeys and other human beings. Akitten under her care, striking round, as kittens will, sceatched the, good ape's nose—an unprecedented experience in till her • nurseiy work. The ape caright the kitten at once, examined the, 'paws, discovered the offending claws, and bit them off, one by one. A capital .story! I have wakened in the night and laughed. in the dark at the vi- • sion of that sober ape chastising her kitten, tempering, mercy wtth j us - all descend like such a. A Big Cheese. 'There are several towns named lieshire in the *United States, two o which, in Massachusetts _and Con- n cticut respectively, • imitate the. heshire of the old cOuntry by mak- i g cheese. . Quite early in the cen- t iry there wes a struggle in the nited State e as to the foihn whieh tie Government should permanent- ly assume, John Adams 'advocating o e variety of Federalism, Thomas Jefferson another. John Leland, a uritan elder of Cheshire town, in Massachusetts, threW himself heart and soul into the eontroversy ; in aermons and speeches and converse - ons, he took Jefferson's side in the cinestion, and brought over the hole of the townsmen to his way 'f thinking. When Jefferson was lected to the Presidency, Leland roposed that they ehould celebrate ,he event by makin ' and presenting o him a cheese suci as the world ever before saws e advised that, n a certain clay, all° the cnrd from ne day's milk of all the caws in Cheshire township should be brought um, or as money, noras a patriotic couttibution to the r t(I) passlabject in view. The inhabitants ut rize -entered joyously into the scheme. ke or ive any Bond, ntisre o other und.erAll—men and vvolnen, boys , and , paym+nt of a less girls: ---Who had th o ownership or hundred. dollars ; and keeping of cows'b rought th2ir qnota Ilrote, 'Debenture, or of milk or .curd to a particular in contraven- e void." spot. A' large cider -press had been y person issues thoroughly cleaned out, a new false iiig or making, bottom provided, and a monster hoop riders in pay- laid down on it, cbrresponding in 1; sp eie, or to pa th.s A3t, such sderneanor.!' SEC. uncilof any 1‘ n name, or d either alon ters into a c keg a purch rporatfon, ;s ich is on tha e same Coat all also be h w thereon ag. The money ithout ni6 here are ma c uld be me • ore will.su tI Silver Or d. That -10 cents per the.' instal 1 er in which 'oration are high privild ouncilinen wri team fr an's door, 'al ni sl 1. 1 g issued n, shall n case azi sts, in iss ter S ort e, any Band., Bill, Note, ("Waking, of any kind the n tare of a Bank ended t forma circula- r tb sui ply the place of s mo ley, contrary to n sh 11 be guilty of a n, ase inember of the unicipal ty, either in his e •n e of another, joint y with another, act f any kind, or' in which the interested, and void in equisy, chase 'or sale, 88 ers or nt selol. sal a- rpart *coil att, nu, Id vi4id in any action at ins t the -lorporation.". is lpaid ut ii contrdct, ticning the locality. v ()the!' things which ned :One or two. d ain was dug cents per e dug for As is hut an - 111 ti ee. el([, at ra n coif od, and t i f the' incapable. man - 1 th fun.s of the Cor - w sted it was our e • to i ea' one of the ra wing plank with his DI befCc'e Mr. J. Dun - ti piaci a them across newly formed st eet. where be lone tray 11 d and o his own pro- )erty. 1 • One woral • Tie'ReeVe says L ' 1 ve wrote f ty, aim not oue person wi fie conversed' underecood ., hen be *does, not undeeist vin. accounts, for. we Vat ils. Auditors' figures. kl A 1 inan if be I understood r he replied be ' Then, ;you are 'soy SQ." ..An-. s.,town said ti ore. notori h .•whow u1 his esked in Jet e ,‘ very v e.." the Ii(st ne I heal other able st en hi the ; "That letter thee d cdpr and if half hat it are a e set f And Mr. R. eve s. bosh." cdms- understool ta let Reeve so a id he p he says n t one pe. he, con ver. et tinder mention sev oth r called to se the ke bince it WAS hu 0 tice. Hit lust be -so, the we are d from apes, I would she 'for my ancestress in the' millionth degree before Eve. "Give tiine enough," the datighters of such an ape might keep boarding - school with Isuccess. --T. K. Beecher. LOOK OUT, YO YG NEW COLLARS, 1NT*E -VT rr RECEIVED T. K. AND FIVE AT CLOTHING AND FURNI S NEW SCARFS, RSON'S HMG NOUSE. THOUSAND OF THE BVERY BOX CON TA (Some very vain Great Western, COLLARS --Franklin, Eureka. TIES—Elite, Bon Ton, Sappho, Lothair, EW PAPER COLLAR, VHA PAIZB, We-) • St. George„ Dead Shot, Bishop, lipp,er, Crown. SCARFS—cabinet, Grand Duke, Von ioltke, Bismarck, Crown Prince, Con- queror, Pall Mall, General, Marquis, Correct $arf, Standard. K. ANDERSON'S. • i The Hidden Grief. Every man has his own grief and sorrow. Where wil! you find a heart that has no secret sadness lying heav- ily upon it? It may not press with equal weight upon the soul—it is well that it does not. But it is there, ready to stir the depths of our sorrow in mo- ments of loneliness, when afar from the noise and busy haunts of men. Then association is linking us to all the past. Then we live amid the scenes, the 'thoughts, the companions ot days gone by, •A cheerless, rainy day, a solitary walk itt the quiet i country, tle funeral of a friend, an hour's me itation at the eventide, may awak n the tender and tearful memories (!)f the p st. How many and how various re the causes of sorrow! Row soon the early dreams fade away ! How rapidly perish the visions of our riper years? But it is our portion here that we must have sorrow mingled • with our , joys. Few, indeed, are without them. Look at the crowd that passes along the gay thorough- fare. Follow them to their solitary chambers. 1 Question them alone in in the stillhour of the evening. How many of all that crowd, apparently so though4ess,.. have a burden and a serrcess ling uPon* their hearts ! Friends have died. The loved ones of home ate far away. Many, many are the tears that fall in secret over the bitteruess of the heart, of which the world knows nothing. - irnensions with the thickness and diameter of the intended cheese. When the accumuleted gifts of curd were thrown in; skilled dairy -ma- trons mixed, flavored and tinted it. Then came the pressing-Limniente work, seeing that 4 thick a cheese could not possibly he of good crab ity throughout, unless the pressure upon the curd were much beyond the usual -degree. Sturdy men, with arms bare and rauFleles well braced, turned the sciew press until it would not yieldanother fraction of an. inch. Then, Leland standing in the centie, and the people being grouped around him, -all sang a hymn, and dedicated the cheese to Thomas Jef- resident of the After a due pe - drying, arrange - for carrying the Washington, the d as the distance was not less t`han five • hundred miles, the enterprise was certainly a formidable one. The weight— someSay fourteen hundred arid fifty pounds, some sixteen hundred. ponnds (twenty filmes that of a full- human heart, .or wonderful inquisie tivenesein regard to the personal and priyate affairs of friends and neighbo .s. • This spirit makes more mischieIIin the community than almost eny other cause,, and creates more +lice, envy, and jealousy than can be overcon3e in a century. Let every man mind his own buei- ness, and there will not be half the trouble in the World that there is at i il-1iwmeAeNrstEtnhtongood su.‘na on hand for good lam Security,at 8 and 9 per cent. ,—Private Funds. present. ferson, the new Great Republic. riod of settling an merits were made mighty cheese to Federal Capital, a DoN'7 BE DISCOURAGED.—A. crow, ready to die with thirst, flew with joy to a pitcher which he saw at a distance. • But when he came up tits it, he found the water so low, that with all his Stooping and straining he was unable to reach it. Theieupt+ he tried to break the pitcher, then to overturn it; but his strength was not sufficient to do eithei. At last, seeing some small pebbles at hand, be dropped a great many of them, one by one into the pitchei, and so raised the water to the brim; and quenched his thrist. Skill and patience will succeed where force fails; necessity is the mother of invention. Noted Furnishing Ho se for Boys, Youths end Met. 179 -oh SEAFORTH, May, 1871. • * • MIND YOUR Busietass.—To tell a man to Lis face to mind his own businessj would be considered about equal to knocking him down. And yet it is ene of the simplest rules of .conduct, and the most useful that mankind can adopt in their inter- course With ea.ch other. There is a reat deal of Paul Pry spirit in the • sized Enesh .Cheshire cheese) could not safely be trusted on wheels, with such- roads as A meriCans then possessed. A "snowy:seasen was se. lected, Sledge was 'provided, the cheese was blanched, and. Master John Leland piloted lit all the way w Washington. He, was three weeks on the journey, and, wherever he rested at night, received q lite an ovation, for the,nature of hie errand had become rutnOred al)ont. Ar- riyed at Washington, he weit to the. White House. where, on an eppoint 1.3 dameg ng ed day, lie was!•received hy Presi- NEW SPRING GOODS. E. HICKS° tic CO Beg leav.e to announce that they are now opening up AN EXTRA LARG STOCK OF SPRING OODS, In every department, d invite an early inspection from customers and the public in general. The goods will show for themselves so COME ON. Hickson's Pmporium, SEA -FORTH. 175-2t INK. MISS McINTOSH Wishes to announce to the ladies of Sea-. forth and surrounding examtry that she has removed to The FARMERS' STORE, above the OM POST OFFICE, Where she will be most happyto reeeiaTe orders in J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, . PERFUMERY, , FANCYAND TOILET ARTICLES - Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to lend on easy terms. for Pure Wines and Liquors for medi- cinalpurposes. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. MONEY! $5,000 TO LEND. 'MILLINERY, • DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING In the latest and inost appro'v'ed style of the season. She also keeps on hand A Choice Selection of Flowers, Feath- ers, Terry Silk, &c. STRAW AND HAIR WORK cleaned on short notice,. • JOHN'S. PORTER. GOOD RULES.—The f0110 Wing rnles Seeeopsru, July 25, 1870. 139,— for tle. govea ri men t, of children, which — were ti)eit presented in (me of Jacob Abbottls books, are said to have r te thit week dent Jefferson. and ?ill the offieials, JAMES WILLIAMS PAINTING • 17I-tf FOR SALE, A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. DESIRABLE Dwelling -house and two excellent lots on St. John street, eaforth, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN SEATTER, 10-tf Drug&t, &c. 5 • THE 0- • • 0011 I1/0$14.01 -t reesersuen EVERY FRIDAY MORNING /eV SEAFORTH. TERMS). $1.50 per annum in advance - if not -So paid $2. 00 will be charged. No subs- cription taken for a sliarter period than three months. ADVERTISING RATES.. TRANSIENT_ Per line, first insertion, 8 cts ; subse- quent insertions, 2 cts, each thne. Ad- vertisenoents measured by a scale of solid brevier. No advertisement taken for le s than One Dollar. CONTRACT RATES Oiie Column for One.Year, Six Months, - Half 6 44 -64 Begs to intimate to the phi:le that Qflartcr rs is. true, vou with a goodly nem ber ot A leese„ been offgreat serviee to Many success- .f • rison's t•arriage Factory, aod. has rerite( . "It was sented the cheese to Jefferson in the When you consent, censent cord- -- has renioved from Mc ntosh & Mor ennueillors." dors and other folk. Leland pre,- ful teadlers CC C‘ f Cl• shire ever family and every Eighth • Grassie's Paint $e. two meta name of thewhole of the inhabitants Y- 1 - • • When you refuse. refuse finally. ' • an( I to1( 1 the o ; cow had contributed towerd it. The President, of course, .said what was • theahortest notice, all kinds of -on so remaikable ocea, Carriage Painting, Sign Painting stricetes wheh son. with whom od it. I could persons who ditors'• revolt., iud they are . _ Shop, Whun you punbh, punish good Where he may be founc a any e natl.' redly. Mr. Williams is prepased to execute, 00 Corn wend often. Ne ver pi epee . ati sioh. °He caused a. great v,.edge t be cat frotuthe cheese and 60-eyt d beck. to Cheshire -that the - to wasesen • 40. For correctness, style, and beauty, Frank Paltridge's photogrophs at one dollar per dozen. and Ornamental Work. Give him a call. Remember the place, oppositey 1 i0 -13t .1.tirra. 's Stables 6 C C 4 44 Three " One Year, - ". Six M(Mths, - -` Three L. - One Year, - " Six Months - " Three " - " One "Year, - " 81x Months - " Three $60 00 - 35 00• 20 00 sa 00 20 00 • 12 00 20 .00 • 12 00 .8 0 -12 00 8 00 .5 A dvertisern en ts, without speeific - tions, wiL be inserted till f b. I, ard charged accordingly. cLEA N BR °TITERS, - BID-E,D0 Y. BleLEA14„ ALLAN BieLEATL . BUIE • —The New• , etriped. stockin —In Pioch six cents a glaS —Mootreal i • 'Nelson Monum --Seanalees k iia;),:t,ivgerollciigilau . —Fashionab Nl !—Young • la season, inline from the waist. —At -Buff. do pressnrue is bur —If thodist , will cost Mtn $4 in the United the rate of tt -working day. II ii—et:iungsllk ai eel has discovetei. m oe ess Its • li, „rer ta. el:. —Many hes proved to lantern at the t kites—Letedit —By the use thirteen metals11 in the sun, 1.s.:‘sid. L --In' Califon. flora ten to fifty( year. At ie5tst and hou knew t —Mr. Bonne eentlae to his WI, ,of a mile on the unprecedente ,onds. — en Vkt have. grown so • -during her long . a" I intends to trave -cluriug the camp been dvised toS =dant iileysiciani. r,"--nsi..,,,,been h ast:i el entire ineonte of t year to the -Germ. in the lute war, a • men made widow —Among tps • ie that of a lady dress who is willi in lessons on t' scene for an artis Iter gaiter keepin sic of the wash -le: machine. —13righeill 170i yet, has been a sl. for the Mrs. Youn .$25,000 to proci accoutrements, a tra.esport them to saints and senate. • —The liefele —" A thing not the fact that Ca; maritime :power it hae 7,50I. Arips, -899,090 tons, an every nation exce the United States_ -" His Grave brelhe ie (navel t of Yeddo, Japan. foimed wieether th dred Pane is of 6 or Whether the "S of the Golden Noe authority over 1,ot • titles those Japant —A gentleman • Emperor and E. burst saye that the tieite fat end fus plexioh dark and a bleora • The En) fed look, is low in; and leeks as thou care in his life. E taehe are , now san- -No more .gra were ever exchang4 -once passed betweei Edward Everett a inBoston. Tbe j rtary toast, gave the. follows merit whe The gentleman the plimented at once with this equell T 1 promptu ,.intlicial learning na, country, there Wi • &Dry higher." . —A„ WA.‘�vrlob.xthwo°14: N 7- • rather too young from a very attenti man the ether eve very broad hint to - . by calling the girl and sending hex to by taking into the of bread aed butt .attachnient; and ee in her kindest itt I3ebby, take this a Mug way, and yr be anxious.” • 10,a—vGir, jetyA=14 said : " I have lion more than 1 could. steers. If -eels them early. Any. brick ovens 4re dui gives tee the her Thnt iN, the:- read 4 swi,tiaste1,eariitio nedvvislat : , duties pressing upa the weight of yeare; 'decline neer Jv ever