The Huron Expositor, 1871-05-12, Page 4TH HIMO
MAY 12, 1871,
nieyvi1io—J. Leckie. ,
Church Officer Wanted.
GardnerSewing Machine—P.- Grassie.--
Look Oat, Young Men -T. K. Anderson'
The Russel Watch—M. R. Counter.
Egmondville---New Grocery -a- William
Great Credit Ross.
:Servant Wanted—Apply Expositor Office
Berkshire Boar—Wm. Blair.
Estray colts—W. W. Conner:
Agent Wanted—Sydney' S Frost.
The Gardner Patent- P. Grassre, Agent.
ttron txpo5itor.
All Official Notices Published
FREDskY MAY 12, 1871.
Rouse, Men of Huron.
The Reformers in many constiav-
eneies in Ontario have already com-
menced to backle on their armor in
preparation for the coming contest.
The elections for the Dominion Par-
- liana en t will certainly be held du r-
ing the coming year, and it is
deemed prudent that preparations be
commenced m time. Should not
the Reformers in the,County of Hu-
rom he making a move? The Con-
servatives have already commenced
putting their electioneering machin-
ery in proper working, order, and
why should we stand idly by ? If
we wish to repeat the victories
achieved at the late elections. in
this county, we must be up and
doing. It will Dot do to put eff till
the last moment and allow ourselves
to be taken by snrprise as we have
been before. Let meetings be held
at once., beth in the North and
Sort th, that matters .May be freely
discussed; and, if necessary, let ef-
ficient Reform associations be.
-formed, that the peogress of events
may be properly watched, and that
the party may be in such a position
that, when the time arrives, every-
man will be ready and at his post.
It will not do for the Reformers of
the South -to put off and dilly-dally
until, the Goderich people take the
initiative step. They, as a general
rare have their own ends to serve,
and we in the South should look af-
ter, our awn interests. Let not the
masa wait tor the action of the few,
but let the majority 'rule. We
would also urge upon the Reformers
of North, as well as South Huron:
to mate no delay, but to commence
at oncesuch preparations as will
-f'ertable them, when the proper time
arrives, to present a united and solid
front to the enemy. Let them do
this, and victory will surely be
their reward.
• .
taking all things linter co sideradon,
it moist be gait evitle t tfi any
unprejudiced prsi1 thnt he Hamil-
ton men are trot since' but are
merely raising a ust in order that
they !nay smothe • out t e London
Le us now s e wha are the
capa ilities of th Hamilton COM -
pany to builfl t t vbr nch, even
were their intentions e er so sin-
cere. It bas be 1,e, cont sed, °Vet.
and clver agai a, the irectors of
t he W rid Brace
road, ee,n backed
up b Raileery
have Wilt
ne. At a
ellington, Grey
that had tlietic not
the Great Wester
any, they cottld not
one mile of their main 1
late meeting of tie English Board
of Directors of th;e Grea Western,
A. reS01 11 ti011 was passed o the effect
that the Board yt.ould' n 1 t sanction
or a .ist any branches o the Wel-'
lingt n, GreyandlBruce oad. This
,resol tion has never bee revelled,
and e fancy that the gentlenien
who (impose the Direct rate Of the
Gr•ea Western i e Engllid. are not
the en to pass a resolu ion at one
meet'ag, and yes ind it a the 'next.
Tlitr it will be seen that he Harriil-
ton ernpany, 'with ' all heir blow-
ing nd olustering; are n t in a posi-
tion o build es single ile of a
bran le road. it is sal 1 that the
Can dian Board of Diree ors of the
Gre t Western. a ,F faver Isle to the
bran 11 scheraes. Thia, s nothing
new, as the Canadian oard have
awe ,s been laver able t them, and
have never made a declaration
*Tail st them Besides his,it is to
the interest of the Grea Western
to have any proje t kille off in its
infancy, which, i carried out'would
draw trac fro. the ilrellington,
it - 'controls
the .ase,
the Cana-
oad should
might as
hiS object,
ame time;
r proinises
y Valueless
the Horne
ed by Mr.
• Vullsion of
ce in the
they would
which they
. Well, if
s not Mr.
that Board
had time
• e branches
could doso,
as easily as.
btained th lette from the
surer.of the road, hich he read
re the Coun y Cou cil a week
o .age. Y t not rithstanding
he went i tto tha contest in
without o e sin le line , in
f of his. ass tions, . -41 he .will
e intb Hur n in like manner.
, i
peeple of ' rey,. however, very
•ly gave him the cold shoulder:
i 1 '
we trust th people of Huron
do likewise 'should he attempt
to i neose upon hem.
e have ex mined the whole
ma ter cerefull and thoroughiy,
anc we cannot elparriviaiaa iW. he
conlusion that e garie vvffiCethe
Ha uilton pee& are playing is a
id gouge game' t of the rnost . e'en -
ten peible description. They know
well that if tI Lon,4on road is
bui will be It strone competitor
,wit i the line ev lich theyare at pre -
sen constructin.Ag to ainp.;een, and
co quently thy are bound to de -
lea iG if they cite. Tc), a.ccomplish
thi object,the may even go so far
as o survey th r' )(Lt and appeal
to he municila ities for aid, 1- s they
did in Grey, fiti ' further' than this
the will neve go. if the people
of orth flure allow themselves to
be ed away h tin ae p, e ,ei sione,
th will live t regret their Ifolly.
re the other hand, the projectors
of he 'London S heme are in earnest.
Th y cannot po sibly have anything
The Latest Dodge of the Hamil
ton Railway Schemers.
a well written aeticle from the
Listowel B CIATICV, which we copy on
the seventh page of this issue, it will
be seen that the promote ra of the
Wellington- Grey and Br u ce Railway
have pr o mai I gate (I. enot het. schen) e in
elder to baulk the construction of
the London,Huron and Brice
way in Ncrth Huron. The scheme
aow proposed isto construct. their
Kincardine- branch from a point on
the main liae in the township of
Wallace to:Listowel, and thence,
derongh the townships of Blum
Grey, Ttiraberry, Morris and Wawa-
riosh, by way of the villages of Aaii-
ley.ville, Bluevale, arid Wingham to
:Kincardiae.- It will thus be seen.
thet the proposed route through
ifieron, sisa precisely the one Nviricti
labs ben decided upon VI the Direct-
ors of the liondorr road.. This ruute
is, undoubtedly, a preferable one in
every resect to that pray' lotus! y, map-
ped out by the Hamilton men.; as,
of course, the further they get from
their main line, the- less coml:.etition
will there be:between the two lines.
Still, 'even: by this route, the _Inanch
would be a strong competitor for the
. legitimate traffic of the main rale
nettav the whole distance which it
traveises. The amount which it is
o posed to ask fuoun the- en imicipal--
ities, for the construction of the road,
is not by any means exorbitant, nor
le it more than could be readily
obtained, providing the promoters of
the selierne were acting in good faith;
tt whiele there is now room for
very grave doubt. But the amount
Grey and Bruce, which
and works. Th a bein
we a,re not surpr sed tha
dia,n Directors o 1 that -
make statements which
sist in accemplisuing
kno ing Well, 4t the
that aray atatements
mad by them, a e utter
wit out the sane ion of
Boa d. It is Ise sta
Ada Brown, t at a
feeli g has ta en pl.
Eng ish Board, id that
now sanction a heme
befo e pointedly rejecte ti
this is the case, h v do
Bro n or some pf his
obt in a certificate from
to hii effect? He ha
enor gh to do so ince th
wer spoken of, rd he
if w at he stat:- Rs true
or t
ably be obtained. 'rho questions
fec ing the relations between Cana
the United Sta
n so satisfactorily, a
ian raid claims
Fisheries are
and the free ni0
Lawrence by Alai
vided for. A cone
ently been made o
n tere,et,and for
!loth ing—a bsol iti1
retiirn. True, tl
name of a possible
tian, in lieu of our
are also to have t
lerican fisheries, bt
ca fisheries are 40
w1 at Canadian would
pe uniary considered°
'w1 at we have always
ve.ted right? In lo
eri s and the navigat
Lawrenee, we lose ou
of rocuring Reciproci
ha, e nothing to offer
that privilege. The
je t to the approval o
St tes Senate and the
li4ttent, and the Pani
ad it is saidwill
, wih.
ile e of deciding upo
or rejection of those
affect the Dominion.
es Lave n
ranged. Ti
tically giv
ration Of t
rican vesse
ssion has a
every Caud-
ell this, e
y nothing
ere is son
oney eonsi
fisheries, a
e freedom
t the Arne
Ise to us, ar
not scorn
in lieu
ing the Fis
on of ,the
• best c
y, as w4 w11
in return for
reaty is sub -
the Unit d
British, I". r-
ment of Oafn-
ve the pr v-
the approvil
lauses which
ain .by .\dee iving the people.
.y wilL.'eertarnly build their road,
hey get; from the municipalities
aid 'Which:hey esk. We be-
e they are diticere lin their pro -
ions, - and what they promise
y will perform. Any 0110 who
listened to the addresses ofthe
members of the Delegationrepre
se ting the twO'schemes, can hardly
ha e failed to come to the same con -
0Rn:int intelligen e hes lately
, .
be n received from Di. Livingstone,
th African explorer. A despatbh
co es by way of Born ay, from the
Is and of ZanzitiAr, situated on
th eastern coast of Africa, near
th sixth parallel.of atitude. The
in tepid traveller is s id, to be alive
aid well,thoughhe his been strip-
ped I
of everything the, might facili-
tate his return to civi iiation.m, he
news has come in ti e form o, a`
di .ect communicatio to Livine-
stene's friend, Dr. Ki le, the Britisii
C nsul at Zanzibar.. This is title
th.rd authentic tid Das of Dr.
14 vingstone within si mOnthS. He
m y, therefoie, be assumed to be
ne king the best of his way to the
coast, with intelligen e of unknown
n tion, and freshly discovered
re liars.
isicn that e have, as to which i
asked NV 0 uld 'roe ie sittheien Es
. .
construct a road such taatlattproposedl a
redlly in earnest, and which is ea-
Even gaa.ating per mile fionr uet voting to mislead. ; 111 fact, wo
do not believe that there was a
the Government, which is as much ,z
is will be obtaimed for any brauch
1:Oad, they will still be short a w
considerable sum. The Government hi
4,fs2,000; added. to the $4,304 they
. w
propose to miser from the munietpail- afi
ieies, would make but $6),3,0ada Now
takes $6,000, per mile to build cL
e 4 •
t if they could, die- London project,
.3 feet 6 inch oeuvre road over a
moderately level country, and how , 4na 11°""ug al"e*
or Deputy Reeve at thelate
eting, of the CountyCourecill who
not thoioug,bly nouviaced in
own mind that the Leaden Itien
ie really honest and in earnest,
that the flatuilton mere Nvbre
rimed merely by a desire to kill,
the Ilatualton Company expect to
build a nye feet, road over a emintry
a ye' nsiderable portion, of which . is
net level, requires explanation. ' It
will be noticed, that the amounts
which it is vuovtaaed to ask from the
several! mattairivalisti*a N 0 r t'a
1 urn. by. the- 1.r.bmilaora Qbinglassly,,
as almost, the sant as those- wleiete
the, London Company have all along
seated theew odd veil via ta, So. t,
SEVENTEEN Election Petiti ns
le ve been filed aaainst the . return
o members elect , fOr the Ontario
L gislature. Amongst the last
fi ed werepetitionsagainst lklesSrs.
C. Cameron, McKenzie, nd.
Ceooks. The number petido ed
a( ainst is about equal from each
p rty. It would almost saem that
a race was being inn to see which
s'de eould have the largest number
o petitions filed. This may be very
fi e sport for those engaged iii it, but
b> the rate -payers of the Province,
ho will have to bear the heaviest
s are of the expense, the fun ev:11
nit be so highly appreciated. Many
o the cases are of the most trivial
kind, and will be most certain. to
f. 11 through.
THE Reformere of Hamilton are
a ready making active preparations
f r the coming elections There
-lave been several large meetings
Horse racing is becoming the
favorite emu ement among spurts in
One of th Manitoba M, P. P's
had ,not left his seat in the house
after the adj urnment at Rester more
than ar 110 111 until he was lying
helplessly dr 1i,k in, the ni uddy street.
It is state on what is said to he
official authority that the eulistment
of men for t e eupport of the cane
of Napbleon n France is oeint,,-; made
in America.
Mr. Cum rland has been return-
ed M. 11. P. for Algoma, by acclam-
ation. ne more Government man
in the I4egislatnie of Ontario. This
was ant cipated.
Bejleville bas increased in value,
as per ireeess nent, during the past
year, $50,00 Hamilton has increas-
ed over t mi lion of dollars.
The tails ay Commissioners ex-
pect to ave the rails on the round
for trac .-lay ng in June, of ttvventy-
three m les. f the Intercolonial be-
low Ri iere du 'Loup.
On S ttur ay the tide rose so high
in Que rec hat the , wharves were
covered. 1,100 chests of tea were
destroyed, a d flinch damage caused
in the lowe town.
The d ve t of the rail way through
Elora 11 s lr d no effect in injuring
the pia e, ether the reverse, the
!reptile on leing now about 1,800
against 1,50 only a short time ago.
Theaci c Railway survey staff
is to be v ry large, and will be
accornpanie by a geological survey
ing Orty.
Messrs. . el -reason & Cook, of the
Toronto T legraph; have disselved
partnerahip!) Mr. Cook retiriug, Mr.
Robertson 'arrying on the business
held for the purpose of effecting a
thorough .organizetion of the party.
1nhere seems to be a desire. mani-
sted to throw Mr. McGill, the
1 reseet representative, over -board.
ler. McGill, however, does not coin-
cide with this part of the progra M me,
d announces his intention to fight
out, win or lose., If the party
iould select another candidateeMr.
_1eGill will no doubt' give
ouble. He is an old reside) it of
be city, te
is tolerably. popula, and
as peraned an ordinarily straight
muse in Parliament. We do not
hulk the Hamilton people could
mch better their position by select
ng a new man.'
sugokfils of, the treaty of the,
at High, Commission, signed last
uday„ iii Wershingtou, i1,1 be,
rid in another column. It will
aeen that the Alabamayitimse-
other queetions at issue be,
tilut 1414peEia1 .Govertnaptit
the UniteSaes havebeen
reereed, to acbierators, aud a result
ae .eetable te baths parti.§. ii.112I.Pha
IN THE English House ot Commons
n Tuesday last, a resolation wes
reposed by Mr. Miall, member, for
radror4, for the disestablish-
lent -of the Church of England. The
esolrition was dupported oy its
lover. in a speech of much ability
ind- eloquence:. Messrs. Disraeli;-
' ladstone,- and others spoke strongly the close
gainst the resolution, and after a set sea
enethe discussion it was put tot the
Hates,e, and lost OD a division, by a
Majority of 285 - conte, cas
lish fluent
.THE ASSIZES terminated at Goa- J.,00don,
oriel' on Monday last. Although, it seems
levee amount of business came be: habit of t
The Bri
(-tether with
for Eurppe
relying of c
the treaty
On Frid.
Sing -Si g.
mess, the
precipi atin
the p vem
Two of the
ed to 1, e.
It is agai
peror Napo
secretly, rel
in thermy
to regin t
The tra
Western fo
of the 9 -ran
of the Nor
con sidera bl
over the a
Public n
of North
Dundas on
to make p
ish commissioners, to -
Gen. Schenck, will sail
n the 24th of this month,
urse on ratification of
y the Senate.
while 86 convicts in
eison were marehing to
allery floor gave way,
several of tile men to
ult. forty feet beneath.
prisoners are not expect -
express our approbation of the con-
duct of the executive in Canada, for
the zeal and attention which they,
and especially Messrs. Muir, Price
and Reid, have given to the duties
of their repective offices?'
At the convocation of, Victorr.a
College, Cobourg, on Monday last,
fourteen graduated in Arts; six took
AL A., thirty-raiue M. D., and eight
were declared Bachelors of Law.
Rev. Dr. Nelles, President, in his
addiess, adverted to the flourishing
state of the University, the class in
Arts this year having been the
second largest in the University.
The Belleville IntelliOncer says :
The business of the Gray Truuk
Railway Cempany hi s increased to
such an extent that additional roll-
ing :t.)cic is very much needed. To
supply this want the Company has
recently purchased eleven engines
from the Weree Western Railway
Company, and have given orders tc
the Canadian. Machinery Co M
of Kingston; for. nine more engines.
The Rolling Stock Company of
Canada have also given orders for
the construction of 500 freight cars
for the Grand Trunk.
n rumored that the Em -
eon has gone to, France
ing upon the disaffection
for support in anattempt
e throne.
c returns of the Great
March are $378,000 ;
Trunk $576,000 ; and
hern, $42,000—being a
increase in each case
ount in , 1870.
eeting of the Reformers
entworth will be held in
atu rde y, the 20t1of May,
eparations for the next
Dominion election.
The, unc mmonly numerous blos-
soms Whicl whiten the strawberry
plants thi spring, prophesy an
unnsualiy abundant crop of this
lucious ber .y. The nurserymen say
that the fr it will be greatly reduced
in price.
, Preside t Thiers has isstied a
proclamati n to the people of Paris,
in which e says the government
will not b mbard the city, but will
make an assault on the ramparts.
He reque tis the citizens to rally
round th troops, and promises in
return for thei • aid the granting of
an amnest and the continuance of a
subsidy fo the poor. .
A great meeting of men over 50
years, tool place in the Place Bastile
Paris.; 'Five thousand were present
ed to the Louvre and
arms. They say they
ow the young men how to
e arms were promised
and marct
want to Sll
fieht. T
The Treaty was signori by the
Joint High Commission at Washing-
ton on Monday la*. Althoagli the
Commission. have been cautionein
talking to persons dutside of their
own circle, the following points are
said to be correct:
First—There are to be two Boards
of Arbitration or Cornmisaiona ; to
one be referred the Alabama
and other similar claims, which are
recognised as., national on the prin-
ciple of responsibility kir such de -
predacious where the government
has not exercised the utmost dilig-
ence and possible precaution to pre-
vent privateers being fitted out in its
ports to the Power with whom it was
at peace. The other Board is to take
cognizance of miscellaneous claims,
British and American, Confined
principally to periods from the com-
mencement to the, close of our late
civil war. '
Among these are the St. _Alban's
ciaiens for damage to property in
that town by Clanadians, but no
claims for the Fenian invasion of
Canada are to be admitted.
As to the claims of British sub-
jects for seizures cf their cotton,
Great Britain does not recognize
them in the cases. where each subject
tcrok up their domicile in the South,
as thereby they subjected themselves
11 1 i k d ti encie of
to t s es an ton ng s
war. • All legitimate claims for cot-
ton will, however, be considered. It
has been reported without warrant
that they will amount to a million
dollars. There will be no difficulty
in ascertaining all the partiCu lays, as
the Treasury peeartment has all the
names of the owners thereof, and all
the partictilars -concerning these
seizures. The government is aware
that claims were recently published
in that country, but it also has in-
formation that many of them have
already been adjusted, while the
others will not come within the pro-
visions of the treaty. Among the
claims which will else come befOre th
board, will be that cf the Ameri-
cans growing out of the purchase of
saltpetre in the East .Indies, and.
which was seized by British euthori-
ties. There are other miscellaneous
claims which come before the
second board.
The San Juan question.will be re-
ferred to the arbitration of a friend-
ly sovereign.•
them. The prisoners Lacey). are re The treaty provides for the free
Mimed if they refuse to fight for the navigation of the Si Lawrence by
Commune, the insurgents being un- vessels. of the 'United States, and for
able to feed useless mouths.
On Thuirsday the 5th inst. a heavy
snow titter prevailed on Lake Huron,
lasting. n arly twenty-four hours, reference to a commi3sion the Am-
d eta i ing tea ni erS at differen t poin ts. ericans will- have the free use of our
The steamer City of New You k was inshore fisberies,; on the same terms
detained s thirty hours ald Presque as our own_people; In exchange for
Isle, and tie Lowell, upward bound, this conceesion on our part Bbritish
about the ame length of time. A t,
f the, storm the weather subjects shall have the right to fish
in Anierican waters, north of the
Loos's. —At Egmontlirille, WedneSday
the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. William
Logan of a son.
MOODIE.—On the 8th inst.- the wife of
Mr. R. B. Moodie G T. Seaforth,
of a son. ;
B UC HAN ANI---Smrrn.—Ath Seaforth, Ort
the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Price,
Mr. John Buchanan, of Usborne, to
Miss Mary Smith, of Seaforth.
SEAFORTH, May 11, 1871.
Wheat, (Fall) tf bushel, 1:10 to 1.12
Wheat (Spring) V bushel, 1:12 to 120
Barley t$ bushel, 0:40 to 043
Oats * bushel, 0:40 to 0:1t
Peas tt bushel, 0:70 to 0:75
Butter, IP lb. 0:12ito 0:11
Eggs, 0:11 to 0:11
Hides, 6:50 to 750
Sheep Skins, 0.50 to 1:75
Hay, per ton, 7:00 to10:00
Flour, per 100 lbs. .3:50 to 0:00 -
• CLINTON, May 11, 1871.
-By Telegraph to the L'xposito .
Fall Wheat, per bushei, 1.10 tot 125
Spring Wheat, per bushel. 1:20 to 1:25
Oats, per bushel, 0:38 to 0;40
Peas, per bushel, 0:72 to 0;7.1
Barley, per bushel, 0:40 to 0 ;42
Butter per per, lb, 0.124to 0;14
Eggs,•per doz. 0.11 to 0;11
Fall Wheat • $1 15 to
Spring Wheat 1 15 to
Vats 0 43 to
Peas 0 70 t
Barley 1'0 50 to
Butter 0 16 to
Eggs • 0 I 1 to
Pork 7 00 t
1 30
1 30
0 43
0 80
O 52
0 20
0 12
7 00
ST. M.ARYS,. May 11, 117L
Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:10 t 1 -30
1 30
0 75
0:40 tq 048
0:10 td 0 15
0:11 t 0 11
spring Wheat, pe/ bushel, 1:23 t
Oats, per bushel, 0.40 t
Peas, per bushel, 0:70 t
Barley, per 'bushel,
Butter per lb.,
Eggs, per doz.'
the use of the Canadiau canals on
the payment of the regular tolls.
The treaty provides tkat, -without
May 11, 171.
White Winter Wheat $1 25 to $1 35
Spring do 1 15 to 1 35
Barley 0 50 to 0 56
Oats 042 to 0 41
Peas 0 75 to 085
Butter, in kegs, 0 10 to ,.012,
Eggs, 0 10 to 0 12
• th .1, tl cases were
ore e cent ,. no ie we
f more than ordinary importarieee the menet and retrirned receipts to
.he most important of those 44- the parties. He was arraigned before
eeses1 of was th111
a cese of ,cQtegov.
. the 1'o/ice Magistrate on Mon lay
d„. tbp. To wnsb ip of Hullett. After. "list, and Upon confessing his crime
t nun,aber of witnesses Inaci. been ex-
; was emanniged to stand his trial at
p and cold.
g man reamed John La-
uer in the wholesale. estab-
f J. Atkiesion, & Co.,
39th parallel. The taking of shell
fish, salmon and shad will be re-
stricted in both cases. Fie)), oil and
sea fish of all kinds shall be admitted
TORONTO, May 11, 1
"Wheat, Spring, $1 25 t
Wheat; Fall, Soules, 1 30 to
0 55 th
047 t
• I0 00 t
080 t
1 :35
1 35
0 62
0 50
15 Qa
0 87
MONTREAL, May 11, 1 71..
Flour, (Extra) per barrel, 6:55 t 665
Fancy, 6:15 t 6.25
Sup. fine No 1 Canada W. 5:75 t 623
No 1 Western Wheat, 5:55 5:65
No 2 " 5:30 5:40
Bag Flour, 2:90 tp 3:00
Wheat, (Canada Fall) • 1:35 o 1:45
Spring 0;00 0:00
Western 1:28 1:32
Oats, (per 32 lb.) 0:46 o 0:47
Barley, (per 48 lb.) 0:65 0:70
Butter, (Dairy) 0:16 t 0:17
(Store packed) 0:11 o 0:15
'Ashes, (pots) 5:35 o 6:37
7:00 7:00
18:50 19:00
1:00 1:05
Pork, (mess)
Thursday, May II, 1871.
The arrivals of cattle this week so far
are 323 cars, against 326 at the same
time last week. There is a shade better
feeling and a light amount of business
was done on a basis of about ite, )4.:r Ib
bette; prices. The sales are :
Banett to W. N. Woods, head,
good smooth Ohio steers average 1,311
at $6 85.
Same to Bowden, 61 head prit4 do-.
average 1,385 at $6 70.
Buckles to L. & R. 32 head extra do.
average 1,264a,t $7 0,0. 1
; Wilson to Geary, 50 head goo4 Mis-
souri steetts, avesage 1,195 at $6 70.
fleynolds, 56 head fat Texes Isteers,.
average 1,195 at $6 70. 1
Seather to Maekay, 40 head plinois
stockers, average 847 at $5 50. i
The market is very dull, with parties.
apart. Holders ask 51 to5ic. perlk. with,
'1 ^
511Te.hbeids-upply is lightant1eonsists1whol3y•
of Western. The market is Without
change. The sales were 1
No. Av. Price. No, Av. Price..
300 Ind. 81 $5 25 221 In. 671 $4I�
797 do. 76 5 50.
BEFSE.S.--:-Iteceipts of beef cattle were
276 head. Ilriees unchanged. Sales of
clioic,! at I2e ; extra at 11. 25 to ;1250 „-
first quality $10 25 to $10 75 ;1st:wild,
do. a.t $8 50 to $9 50 ; third do: at $7 50
to $3 60. , 1
EEP LAMBS. —Wceipts; 1906,, .
head-. Sales in loti at $5 75 tti $6 50.
each; in extva $6 75 to $it 52f
Usi.vEs.—Areal calves at 4 toi9a.
'.4) •
LIVE an a,dvanc4ig ten-
dency. Sales at $4 75 to $3 10.
BEEF UsTri,E—Ifave au advanding ten-
dency. Sales at $1 50,to $6 90.
The latest styles'of Boots and Shoes.
of all kinds cheap at T. Coy•entry's.
at., has been detected in free of duty into each country. If
-x-XTANTED, immediately, a girl to do
vv the work of a small family. Ap-
ply at THE EXPOSITO. office.
money he opened, took posseasion of
king letters from the post fisheries, her claim is to, be referred
ehet be had been in the and privileges in exchaege for her
the funds of the &in. Canada claims other compensation
°thee, and those which contained to a mixed commission.
'-"')..1.14c1 i,n thi e4see °P• b°431 sides the (clerartee Sessioes.
lee sexy tettereaed a, yeediiot or df At the ball -yearly meeting of the
sharehol ra of the Great Western
attoak of Bots and 51,10A in Sea‘otl;EI.
VIP largest, cheapest alai best selecte4 li.'''''ii'ay
at T. Coventry's. •
• 1 ' 1.1'417.1,7i(lit.PIATio . Lord Mayor in the chair,
In the 'louse of Lords on Monday mo t flattering :illusions were made
evening the University Tests. 1,3il1 1 to the present management. The
wa?. sastaipted IT Liye ina.lovit.y., q.kairrnan, saki' :,--" 1‘ think we should
of Canada, heid at the
avern, Bishopsgato, street,
Fingland, April lath, the
French News.
A despatch from Yeasailles ae-
nounces that Fort d'Issy has been
captured and that GencreL Douai
has advaaced 'within. 300 yards of
the enciente. Ms Thiers is hope-
tul of a speedy termination of the
Commupe elite, The chiefest per-
plexity at present es 110 VI/ to raise
money to, satisfy the German war
indemnity. In the German Reichs-
rathe the Bill for the admission of
Alsace and Lorraine into the Ger-
man -Union was the subject of the
mITE Managing Committee cf thePreti-
byterian Chureh, sea -forth, will re-
ceive Tenders for the cleaning and care-
taking of the Chtu•oh for the ensuing
year, from 1st of June. The duties a
said office may be learned on application
to IL LUNISIAN, where Tenders may be
left addressed to EuwARD Cssa, Chair-
man of Committee,
Seaforth, My 11, 1871.liOtd
AN old -established Tanners' Mutual,
Fire Insurance Company desires an
Agent to travel in South Huron. Ad-
dress immediately SYDNEY S. FROST,
81 1;
HE undersigned having a
to close' up his present bus
view of operatino. elsewhere,
to announce tha.tflos has en
$2%030 WORTA
New Sta
of every kind,
Which. he will dispose td nt
for Cash or Produ
Ilave just been received dire
Manufacturers in Great
.Spring, and will be fpund
assorte'i and attraeti
Nqw is the tune for Farmers
to get Bargains, as the whole
be disposed of in three
knci 11 Acres of
with Orchard,
111 the thriving village of
*la a number of 'Village
• Ainleyvilk and neigh
—ALSO, —
*14BIG-11$, ETC.,
lg. B.—All parties hidebt
valet by overdue Note 0T'
nquested to call and settle
once, thereby save costa.
wt THoi‘
(Late of Senfor
Bbies to inform the public
cued a Grocery Store,
1 TR .BRICK. Pit
Ilately occupied. by Mrs 37
re iae wili Veep h
Fresh -Gro
d every description, at p
able as those of any X.
in the trad
The Higbpst Ma
A call is respectfully
Oardner SOWitl
15 the best family an
suaehine now made; wi
Fancy Work. The ge
attachments are so sini
mon can learn to work t
hour. Tailors and sho(
preference to any no
within the reach of all.
Has no gear of any
aTia b'IMPLE
It W00141 be wen f
ellasers to call on any
tioned parties and ace
fore pun:basing one
The above machine ea
. at any time, at Willia
'T. K. Anderson's, Seat
1...'xeter ; Mr, Pierce's.
; r:
(;enerai Agen)tEforEttilie
R. Sale, Cheap ft4
a good Driving M
StAfortk llareli 311