The Huron Expositor, 1871-05-12, Page 3MA\- 12, 1871. Arrivals t PANY t their Mr. MeMUL-I:' Tine of the choicest Stocks to Seaforth, which, owing sem, they are enabled to rid say that from the a ht since the - G 001)S, tDt ("raaLle pe,sitio7'k to offer lith" any 1'1 LES €)F ()l:el> t ATE THEIR PRESENT' nye facilit;es in buying bah ara S T ate ce>Itiwet.iolns with some a thorough kntrwletlg e of xilsl>eetion ttf their stbek, the Market this SeaasCni. wing lines, viz GLOVES, 1 I M EH 1 N CSS; L't BA1€:ATiIFAS,. LLII�:S, made clothing. R.TN1ENT r. ata`X cheapest goods,.. •cybicT eft prices. `, a x.pl>r(Itiitil21ltL or -yourselves. TEA. COMPANY. 1 6 tf. VW VIRLSON, t -s1 N (.j S _ .ADDLES,. 'ab7r-1, STZEET,. SE WORT .: . ytsa guotl folks who want Itar- nzt.ie><1.,-low-prieetl, good and new, leuecS; Maiu : taeest,, Se aforth, vellcnt stock you may view. lc is cywned b' .l .\ M L: ; W I L `()N work is eo Weir y renowned i 1' IA on Main street, Seaforth,; lac,e may easily be found,. ..:: :bridles and curbs bits, l.r ` t .n� of le t t, 1� .• es and saddles so fide,. nothing eats t geed their teals, are just. No. 1. A. and prime.. c, lots t .t good bla ktkt .°s for winter v itt keep from your lic>rsea the tel , ets,, so graceful: for Sum - east \s nth blue, greet , y elluw and , F k11L 7 ye or every, ry, eft scri jetion, la(. ta.;e t•oac la, e.arriage or level F e: W 11.St)N'; shop, Seaforth, ,always 1°)e had at command. sp uges atzti {tombs and rosetieee •c r .auel good i!<u their:: way ; t*t•F alit. si urt tUg3 ua a 1tuad><I1te,: l:taratess that don't break- zu a day - d tt .eats and .t'ruarke t}f a ll kinds, seg of a quality epiey and rare, 4 kl Ele�ire: ttl'> uL hase, ettep ` ht�.al {F {t ` \t'1LSON }zkac aud: that without further Elt:laay, you •lIt>±tt bargains make 'wl.td.e you E ;hTb. ‘‘Saddle and Harness I•`Inne>rntrxn, tuber JAM ES WILSU.N'S the man. ep efel:�tantiy, ort handl a stock of 1 ti VAL- ISES AL- .Ntir PORTMANTEAUS, ISIS ; AND: .'HIPS. t e Collars and _Blankets, .v article connected with the business TRUNKS, N KS, V ALISE:S, •14, SADDLES t)L) S and BE IDLES, Ma(.le to to der. e•I. WILSON-, MAY 12, 1871.. 1j THE:.HTJRUN EXPOSITOR. 3, GAIETIES. Here is the most dog toned affec- tionate sample of amatory poetrytnat =e 110.-ve ever seen: Wn old Carlo sits in Sally's chair, (l,. don.'t I wish that 1 were there ! When her fairy ringers pat his hea 0, don't I wish 't was me Instead 1 When Sally's arms his neck imprison, 0, don't I wish Itty neck was his'n 1 When Sally kisses Cairlo's nose, 0' don't 1 wish that 1 were those l , A Louisville woman was walking along t1i(s street on a windy day last week,' the dustfilling her eyes to stic1i, an extent that she could not see a switch engine that was bes.,ing down on her. Justus it was about to crush-- lien, a roan matched her by the dress, pulled her off the track, and saved her lie.: In removing the female obstruc- tion from the track he (ore her dress, and when she saw thereat that was there she opened her mouth and swore at him until he fell on another track and came near being killed by the brother of the engine that was after_ the woman. He is not pul ling women :around by their dresses any mole.. Mr. Greeley says the reason there is a scarcity of lnal.rle sugar this spring is, that the farmers didn't more than hatlf manure their sugar feeds whc n they planted them las t fall. He says fon every seed yen plant you want tL pile of manure, when the vines will be f:ti•lvweighed down with little si;ollloped cakes. Farmers will never learn anything, if they keep ,on fooling a away their. time as they have the past year. Some of these eneouniters (between ministers and their beams) arise out of the old question of sleeping in church.. For example " I see, James, th at ye talc' a bit nap in the kirk," said a minister. to one of his people ; "an jou no' take a mull with'. you'? and when you. become heavy an' extra pinch would keep \ oo up." " May be it wad," said James ; " but pit you. the . snee shin in till 'our sermon., minister, and same`. ma)=tic. that 11 serve.- s the purpose." During the French war two ladies in Stranraer were going to the kirk ; the one said to the other, " Was it not a wonderful., thing . that the Breetish were aye victorious ower the F`reneh in the battle ' `' Not a bit," said the other old lady. " Dinna yea ken die Breetish aye say their prayers before gaae� into battle ?" The other replied, " But canna the weel French prayers as wee say their l � I'i ench i 3 The -reply was most' characteristic, " Hoot, jabbering bodies ; wha could understand them.?" A Highlanclinan was tried- for a capital offence, and had ratter . a narrow escape ; but the jury found hint Not guilty." Whereupon they judge in discharging, thought fit - to admonish him. " Prisoner, before you leave the bar, let lite give you a piece of advice. You have got off this time, but if ever you 'come before me again, I'll rr an eel. - be h� 1)ec�autlo i (surety) you'll b Thank you, my lord," answered, Donald, " thank . von for your good advice ; and, as;I'm na ungrateful, I beg to gi'c your lordship a piece Never }f tact vice in return. 1,�e be caution for anybody, for the cautioner' has often to pay the penalty ? STEEPING IN Civa(IL -In a c11u1ch not far north of Aberdeen, one of the members was in the habit of sleeping every Sabbath during the sermon. One Sabbath. however, the q u ietness and gravity of the ehtirch were fairly upset by the sleep-. er dosing his equilibrium, and fall- ingum1 bump right on his bead in the passage: The minister, who was an eccentrb and quaint plain-spoken 1 short in his serinnon t)ld nman,._s to.p1 ec s , and, addressing himself to the now wide-awake member, said. "-John, ye've gotten mony a soar' sleep in the devil's- cradle,. but' be has fairly .eoul)it it on ye the day." A BAGMAN]) MEAL.—. -A. ',alb,- of Royal troop, who were taken prisoners -by the-Tilehland army at the baffle of 1 adient k in 1745, were (=fined in a barb at. St. 3S and, not being supplied with food, arra` exciseman, ore of the Glasgow militia, undertook to speak for him- self itt.self and comrades to a Highland ser(reaant vrh0 had. command of .the guard : " Seigeant, do you mean to ;starve us to death. If its our -tura it. Af ;er leav ing my position at , I proposed to go back into. the ministry aud becote & parish • minister. `t According] as I had opportu- nity, I preaehe to several destitute churches, and as gratified ifi:ed to hear at the conclusi n of ID sc rvices,that the people wer vv ell pleased with my preaching, s nd but Or my grey Bair would ba. re me at- a pastor; but they could not think of so old a.. Calan I Well, while - 'I iA as going through this ex )eriencel, an old friend suggested to me to cblor my hair, and thus remote from the eyes of the people the eproach of °being in old .man. And I consented, finally, to va.ke this e periment. Abd what do you think ? The very first time .that, T preache with 'frown hair up- on niv Bead,: I was greeted with a call to settle n the ministry, and peen tile happy Pas - pe 'fee )as-pe.''fee ly satisfi ht tor ed ve ever since of .a united people.". 1 o -much_ for -- o much 1I1 sot ething, aft(' the old prover.' ing andl>ehavii the color cif one's hair proof 'that looks are r'all, notwithstanding that koks are notli- ohr is all. Plea for al t,Popui[ar ,Bible: A •writer in the TI["atc/ niccn and cm), taping up the Hawthorne, that the Mild be is,5ued,. Jike a portable vol a rhes Reedy?. ,(BQs s tug esttion of Seiil)tua es sh other books,;.: says.: f` U od'ti bo( from its «nem its friends arc books could passed tl rou o �- t )lc. a, e --c m' sterpieces of tot y, philosoph — "unable the rem and to 0 rde into paragraph lot col ch: k has 4uffered much in t1 e world ' es but, .not gi iltl ,ss Few endure what it has h; Tal. e s in y book r, bett many a4it y, poetry, la toget er ; ,slice three :a1 in s� t i page Drably nt eg'ird . w• �h wit.) an head ea su linary of its conte ts, pa •ts of this fo • `a," rum th n bind it tb ,a vo vita ient shap•. innvyi cireul i1gt hay: in hand otimes,l F ceyscctts If th ew, t r 'active f—or I �' 1� n. yritte ()pies in as tniel ' Ip�t?etry • tth an r take the Vaa g ; print th unins on ipters gat t [s; witho )ors - his -s. lei ters yith little thein all alike r our lines all type, two b•crin new •egt lai inter- onnection, u absurd repeating in .title • and 1.1T1 of intoe-' ldy size; and tau. for •it. ori histories !l rge-paged, ke our .14lac- ? of r Life of NI€ rk, Luke n typography h ife of the by Strauss or f mil's and o°oj1 shape as er's? Why e. Printed like on fellow's' • • expect a l.it Why can w of the Jews ciar-typed anlays and iist, by John, as the same le person �naFn ; ou .ter's Lett wper's or ist• David' ose any m 01 or aS spa C m ol: ew Sty e rbf Ste m Engine., Amen°. e recent DS Is a new oral o gliSll inven- ti. f t steam engine, solving tl e gine culiarities constnuctio dici, or wheel, mounted on t fried shaif, ai e cylindrical! chain )(Yrs, in which weighted pi 'tubs woi k steam•tigh.t. Ti e diatribe 1 olio wi .Ina hallo\ NN nth each oa tl` e shaft; a e€ ch other a arts by co al low , sh aaf induct the ;her openir ting wi±li the steam. m d to and ieni, and. stops in ch pair 17 wards the d the other -"aft, whereb give a.lota h: oc 0' et t p e t a 5 _t 'to -day it nlaay be yours . to morrow. Though we be ptisoner5 of war, are We to get neither, victuals ,nor drink ?"` " -Vhaat the deevil do von vt•aant wi' the -itial and drink. 'Vow halm' the morn, whether or no A Clergyman under 'False Colors. A clergyman in Boston, who has seen his two score and ten, was com- plimented on his hale and youthful looks, the other day'. Smiling, he touched his handsome brown hair, and replied. - You. know they have a way of litlpiti,,, old inn in these'd,ivs, ,t What," said his friend.:t hav-;e y been .coloring your hair3" •• Yes„" ret>Iied ire, " I have been cls>it;ti What .1 once thought {nothing. g would it.rlu.'t alaeto clo. 1 have been turning inv grrey. I1air brown, and I u ill tell you how I Was bd:oUght to s :are pl iced in a line 11 r o -n o1)p'osite sides of the p t its opposite e tonne to I together in ecting o s. In the t opening ,: t re formed to. 8GE., ani to d away from in the di 'd corwnni- be clic .bels, so that a be alt-rnately adrnit- c • nducted away from n doing so move the )aids, and thus one of ra ' be rroved outwards eriphery of the disc, inward to the axis or the pistons are'caused • motion. to the disc. 1 re How to keep al Situation." The folio vino ino bit of mood advice i:. from the .IrarILir},g AIci7z, and is v rorty of t ; attention of all- our siders : I Lay it d it :you Nil hich is le ails, bits 1: aper, and Be ready t( our or boa n a a.ccomoc at to make ain i y. Though lire' yOUr egni f it. ---Mail 0 him,'ar he a 1) 1)OSit Title -y01i. Those won ime to sec t vorling hon shatter what 11, at precis 'alculate the light their: •e]trt)ved- -\v r t 1 0 vv. as a 'foiln'dation rile, be " faithful: in that s `" Pk k up the loose Wine, iclean, w=rapping them in their places. hrow in an odd' half r' • time wli en it will' be on, and do not 'seen rirt of ii. Do it heart- -riot a word be said, be Moyer vill make a note e tTourSelf inclispensible d he Wi1,1 lose many of will• t: ic.:he )at cinu lie o1 .7..GVIV 11Q Y �1 I \IIIZOJ ) ZSOD LV w tri •uonIV J LNYHO T J1I Aa ead mt ZP1 .<. C1 CD my. N Mr• 10-4 C O r )1Ne CO O p HH tft RIErm Le -el r 0 fru IMO 2 0Fri cs c osi • The CAVANAGH'S NEW BAKERY ,& CONFECTIONERY 1 f g men who watch the le ver second -• their r is up- who - leav=e, no tate,- t le work may be ).y th instant= -who exact ,t notnt they .cairn work,. nd yet not be io aie lavish of then; 'ui plu\-ea's gt orls, w 11 a w ay s Le. the rst to reenis b notic Itl at tines are! get lull, .,tnc1 tltEzi sc.ivivi c, re no ]onb •cici.iir•e;41: The tot.1 .lie War an Baler,, and. he Paris in( haler:, -'-the rayed out O;t;{,,),t,UO, eruiaa e ' lendiim e on ounts° 1284,671,G61 he rec i its, including enmity it r to 2G 473,98b �, , difl'ermee being de- f the J russign loan o° CAVANAG Keeps ori hand . T ALL KINDS OF BREAD, Biscuits, Crack CAKES, AND coy FECTYONER WEDDING CAKES Made to order. rs, J: LAS- ANAG.IT, 174 Main street,'' Seaforth. tto LADI ES —OF— C) 1-1 And urrounding country Stopk is now complete SEAFORTH laning 11'I�Ifl9 �ash, Door, and 'S TPOli,1U1l'q O w — FASHION. r4rJ� rj ;-1 to tt" al U= Uj cf' 0,0000000 t=? 'Y • / , e to C: r1' sre N-FilAi MILLINERY ! n all its branches. -- SP lendi I Trimmed HATS - AND BONNETS, Fr m 50 cents up ;yards. SILK AND- VELVETEEN MANTLES 1 In all styles, and at all prices. -40o WANTED 1,000. Canadian Volunteers, For f ie Red River Territory, to purchase my Bats, Caps, (clothing, Boots & Shoes before leaving. REMEMBER l I kee' the bast and. largest Stock of Gro- ceries, Crockery, Liquors, etc" etc. kept in Seaforth. Best $1 Tea for 90 cts. "? lb. STRICTLY ONLY ONE. PRICE ! I BLIND FACTORY. HE Subscribers beg leave, to thank' their numerous eustolners , for the liberal patronage extended to them sine commencing business in Seaforth, and - trust that they will be favoredwith a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build'' w ulcl dc well to give them a call, as th y ev=il: continue to keep on hand a larg Stocl, of all kinds of • DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, They feel confident of (riving satisfaction to those who may favour the with �t their patronage, as none 1., first class workmen are einT)]ayed: i; Particular attention paid to Custom Planing THOS. KIDD, Seafcrth, April 12, 1871. 175 BILLIARD HALL R. W. COLLINS Begs to state that he has opened in KIDD'S NEW BLOCK, A BILLIARD ROOM. IRON _CLAD IRON -CLAD DAIRY PAI B[,OADFOOT & GRAS_ FOR SSALE, IN HARPURHEY. >r 11 A'1` comfortable Cottage & Grounds the Property of EDWARD CASH,— Possession on the First of 1lay. Apply to the Proprietor, Scaforth. 1G5 -if CH t J( • There are in the hall FOUR TA- BLES, (Riley & - Titay's Manufacture,) and excellent accommodations for vis- itors and players. Attendants will be on hand at all rea- sonable hours. -R. W. COLLINS, 6-tf Proprietor. EESE, A_ D arryiii any . Made to order. AIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES, )H 176-t Of all kinds, KEPT ON HAND, —AT— 'fi HOMSON 81. WILLIAMS Are introducing the celebrated "CUM INC'S" STRAW CUTTER. Which has already met with Unrivalled sucsess in other parts of Canada. Warranted to give perfect satisfaction when driven either by horse or hand pow- er. ALSO MANUFACTURE A NEW - AND 8 HOESEPO\ ERz - SUITABLE FOR DRIVING STRAW GUTTERS, &Aw ING MACHINES, OPEN CVLI .DESS,. AND L1TiLE GIANT THRESHERS. Also, all kinds ;of Farming Implements including— Reapers, - Fanning Mills, - Movera, Cultivators, Combined Machines, Horse floes, Separators, Weeders, Pitts' Power, Plows, Sawing Machines, Gang Plows, Double Mouldboard Plows, &c. MILLWRIGHTING Sr ENGIN- EERING DEPARTMENT. Steam Engines of. all Sizes Built. Grist Mills, Flour Mills, - Saw Mills, Flax Mills, by water or steam, - Anel all kinds of FOS ND FACTORIES CONTRACTED �. EXECUTED IN THE. MOST APPROVED STYLE.: - - TURBINE WATER WHEELS, T LATH MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, BRAN DUSTERS And all kinds of machinery of the be construction, supplied on short notice REPAIRING ENGINES AND MACHINERY Promptly attended to . Address, THOMSON & WILT-IAMS, - i -Mitchell, P.O. Seaforth, Sept, Gth, 1S70. 144-ly- t• Seaforth Foundry. APFE & CARTER DESIRE TO CALL THE ATTEND 0 OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR T SON BROTHERS', treet, FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HE undersigned offers for sale or to rent, on the 3d Concession of McKil- lop, Roxboro Road, 1 miles from Sea - forth, and one mile from Roxboro, 1 acre and 9 rods of land, with a good bear- ing Orchard of 24 trees. assorted; frame house, 22x32 feet, in good condition and very comfortable ; also, a well, rump, and stable on the premises ; the lot is well fenced. For fiuther particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. 150-tf JOHN YOUNG. FOR SALE. IMPROVED hreshing - Machines, .es THE BEST AT PRESENT IN USE. These machines possess many improve, wits on any heretofore made, They- are eanufactiiringMachines of TWO p1ZES, o e especially constructed for t) Ka r ellin-g; t re -other a smaller size, calcul<atc>d more e:.pecially for HOME USE. So far as their large machine bras bee i troehiced; it has given thew ERS' BEST- ATISFACTIOt. They manufacture the Pitts' Improved Horse Power. the ,l� the s abscli ) In addition to �above, es manufacture almost every ai;(tieie iu t eir line, such as THEmost eligible situation in Seaforth, on the -East side of Main Street, nearly opposite the Post Office, on which there is - a commodious Dwelling -house, 36x26, two stories high ; stable and wood- shed, and a good well with a pump in it. - The front of the lot on Main street is 1 well situated for the erection of Stores, being in a central position for business. The property extends from. Main street to Victoria street. The lot fronting on Victoria street is used as a Garden, in which there are the choicest young Fruit Trees, apples, pears, plumbs, cherries,: grape vines, _ gooseberries, , currants and strawberries. The garden is inthe high- est state of cultivation and pi o duces an abundance of vegetables. For further particulars apply to GEORGE McPHILLIPS, P. L.- S. Seaforth Jan. 17, 1571. 1 G3tf FOR SALE rpHAT splendid Hotel. Stand on the 1 Market Square, Seaforth, known as the (JORN EXeHANGB, and doing a good business, To an enterprising man, with some capital, it offers excellent in ducements, being on one of the leading streets and close to the Salt Wells. Also, two comfortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street.reet G Oden1Gh artnt rented at F200 a year, and several Town Lots. Terms— mo aerate. erms—noaerate. Apply to. WM. MALCOM, At the Market. Seaforth, Jan. 23, 1871. 164-tf. TOYS & FANCY GOODS!, ,. LLLINXU>=F AT COST _-AT-- M. R. COUNTER) NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR - Christmas Presents, AND . 1 SAWING MACHmNF`S, apable of sawing from -50 to 60 , orcls of wood. per day. STRAW 'CUTTERS of a Superior kind.. GANG PLOW, The Latest Improved. ULTIVATORS AND PJaOWS) Which cannot -be surpassed. 0 EVERY DESCRIPTION pi? CASTINGS IADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE, 0 hey have a highly approved pattern for L DESK €SK IRONS. EPAIRS IN ALL- BRANCHES Attended to Promptly. They employ no Agents, and can herefore give the purchaser th aeivan- are of the commission. ' They employ none but the be. skilled abor, and - material, which' -arrants hem in. guaranteeing satisfacti n. NTENDING. PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE GIVE US A CALL BEFORE B ' G FROM OTHERS. ZAPFE & C RTER. 43 -1y -- eod ,arta. None Genuine unless signed N. DANIEL . 'M'GRE a OR D R DODK�IN ER, NULLE T AS just recZ>.ived a targe ,St >ek of the . ta. and materials used. in the; bu e't.s5 � i is now fully prepared to exeenn e on the shortest notice and in the late t styles; a' all orders he may � be favoured lith. Registers, Led„ers, 1I .ANIS 81_, A.. v% O DE ANY BIND, Ruled, Priiited and °n To order, on the shortest i te.t z sot. I prices which defy connpeti LADIES' WORK BO AND FANCY GAS :Nixie to order. OLD AND+1 EWB .BU CND AL1:.D REP,rl. At city prices. Made e, and a XES ()KS RED , Persons residing at a di. tante by I leaving their books at the Si, s al Boo . Store, _Goderieh, or at the 1',xrosrrOR office,.Seaforth, or at J. R. - Grent';s, :Ain- leyv isle, stating style, may Liy upon then) being well bound. - All t:oll)Iuuliicaticens addressed to +1t undersigntd, will receive 1>ron pt atter- 1 1 EAR'S : GIFTS. S.7. thin. Just received a complete stock of . FINE GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY $SEAFORTU i USSEL A. ND SWISS TCH To be sold Cheaper - than ever. M. 11. COUNTER, SEAFon T it, Dec. 13, 1870. 52 DANIEL McGill• (rt )lt, Coidstaice, P. 0 }1iulctt. Sea▪ forth, Nov. 9, 187(). - 153-tf.- -• LIVERY STA$LE. TAMES R()S +desiries to Inform the t' public that he has aper'd1. a -New Livery Stable in connection v. ith 102 hotel where parties can be aicrdennne:dl att'd with first class hones aidii vehicles, at reasonable prices, { Sea orth, Jnn'y. 2lst, 1870• 9; •t1 . • {