HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-28, Page 8• • t • .1 *Se 1 • t r ,..4-4•••• • ..41, t HURON irro1L txpoitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. CHAMMON YE0 is selling at auction a large stock of bankruptigoods. See ad- vertisement. • Don't fail to call at F ank Paltridge's and get one dozen photographs of your- aelf for one dollar. - • A NEW Dame. ---The Ifuron. Home Journal (Go(Ierich) has commenced the publication of a daily edition. FLAX. -We- learn: that Mr. Shantz has succeeded. in prcicuriog all the land he requires for the cultivation of flax this season. • • - NEW DRY G00138 STORE. - Messrs. • Roffman Brothers have opened. a new . dry goods store in the shop lately occu- pied. by Mohr & Co. A MAMMOTH of Hallett, 9th Concession,Lot 14o. 1, in- forms us that he has a spring lamb which weighed, at its birth 15 pounds. o • PROFITABLE Ewes. -Mr. Stoneman, of the township of Tuckersmith, informs ns that this season 18 of his ewes have had ;30 lambs, none of which have died, aud au. of which are growing nicely. . - ANOTHER NEW STORE. --Messrs. Gray, • Sporting & Co. purpose opening out a large and varied stook of dry goods and groceries in Bouthron's old stand; near - Murray's Hotel, about the 5th of next month. NEW EttotNE.-A new engine, from the works. of Messrs. Thompson & Wil- liams, Mitchell, is now being erected in the derrick at the Sparlinet well. It is expected that boring will commence as soon as the engine is ready. THE AUDITOR81itE-P�RT.-We have been requested to state that an error has been made in, publishing the Auditors' Retort without the consent of the Couns oil or without having beenpassed by the Council. Said Report Will appear in due time and in an approved form. Litter Tow. -Two young men -named 'Thomas Smitheon and *Frank Smith -left Seaforth on Monday last, to push their fortunes in the United States. : Mr. John McCulloeh, brother -in -low of Mr. Alex. Stewart, of this Village, also left few De- estroit on Tuesday last t FOR MANITOBA. - 01 Monday los Messrs. A adrew.Miller a d John Robert- son, of the township of Mortis, nea Wroxeter, took their departure fcr Man- itoba. They go via St. Paul. We Wish them a safe and Speedy journey, lead th' largest measure of prosperity in their new home. - • A GOOD ANIMAL,=:The tine thoro'-bre( b-urham bull, which took the first Ariz at both the North and South BidinL Shows, the property of Hmapprey Esq., .Reeve of Buffett, was -only 3 year old on the 1.6.6h- of April. Our reader may 'have some idea of his dimension when we--s-tate that he weighs 2,187. • pounds. THE " ALBION,"-The New York Al lion is so long established and well know as hardly, to require a recommendation. It is published in New York every Sat Tinley; price, $4 a -year. Remittance a o cominunteations- should_ be addressed t Piercy Wilson, Albion office; 39 Pal Row, New York, The New STAVE FACTOEY.t-The en gine* ii -i. the new stave factory is now in working order, and active operations in - that establishment have commenced.. Ii the course of a very short, time Mr. 'troll' mar have everythingin .workina order, and the es:tablishment running at lull blast. • ; 'My Summer in a Carden' i is the title of a very interestine tvork, written by Charles Dudley War ner. It alio contains an* introductory - letter by Rev. Henry Ward. Beecher It is exceedingly racy, and well wortl - reading, and cavi be had at the Tclegrapl Book tore for the slinall sum of twenty - live cents: i • THE P P, 071.3( "110 N 1ST 0 DA:AN-The Pf0 ple's Journal a paper devoted to the ad- - yoeacy of -a peetective tariff, has made it. i appearance in enlarged form and in a eel, and handsome dress. it is a paper con diieted with much ability, and although we cannot often agree with its opinions we can, always admire the rigorous and foreil/te mamter in,which they expressed, The Peopte'a Journal is published am edited. by John Maclean, Toronto, an , its price is t.' per annum. THF, BriliCEST ELT) CH ElisE PAOTOBY.- - Messrs. J. Biel:sou & Co. of this factory -have, during the present spriug, built 'it large fehlition to their factory, • and hay. (itttlet'W 1SC, (:0.1sidgrably increased theiri fa chairs for the manufacture. of cheese dur- , fug tile coming Season. They have no\ , every einwettience. to enable them, to do large business, and we trust they wit ha lit-ea:Illy patron•ied by the farmers it the vicinity of Yrnessehl. -he factor 7 win rnmeiteo work On Monday next th1sof Ma."BT A Coop MovE.-- -We uildei stand that the sof met Trusteee have .V.4, the eimtrao for the erection of a, substantial aita haud same fence nem Ika the Sehoul i1r0,011(18 F•tcp hethe right direction, Girt 1(ill add iniudi to the qppearallett of ou and htutaso-ne sehoot eddieu. An other useful and comparatively inexpen siV,, 1111tWt1vt,=Int'llt Nvoula be the plantha of shale toes atomel the grounds. Th seaten ia new prebablv too fai adva,nect f trthis at pr,ssent. hut we trust that ilex fell will nut lie allowed to pass without et la' being taken to aceomplith this much detired ornamentation. the Buffalo and Gode Grand Trunk -are as fo rate to ,Fort Grry on Mer U.S. currency per ,100 lbs sto St, Paul pn houseliol &c. (one rnat charge $175.00 per r h District of t AssizEs. T Goderich on To CORR tions from been receiv 1d next week. " The Seisfo h Ex'osi " cently formed acqitai " skunk, pro re nata. " must have been .sA•iy Koncarliine Review. - Fop.- tile i.r:forma- fn11 of intending emigrants- to :Manitoba we may stat, Vaal Bi-ieliam, at the statein It -re, as prepared to issue. tiartb tiekets from Seaforth to -Fort (erry. ditFirst elass ticket, .toul cas. :3:10 in phl or Uattailian currency iifers will be Crqlrvtd P*1171 by rail, and from th•nce to Port Cat ry by stain.. Eftelt pasengt..7r wi!l at,wod to t.tke 100 lhs lta.4giuze. • with he; -without kite Fir the inlet-mar:en nt partite( lid Inv y 01 any di ere! eel, we it,71,- ratts recut alt- statio.) We cannot above, unless contly" comm Review luring e lows : Throu h handise,• $5.2 , Through rate goods, stock, of- stock, fre ), ssizes open dt t. - Communioa- Howick have be attended to • OR man has e- tance with a he introducti n 'striking.' " ttach aJny meaning to t he fac that we have " need. xehanging with t es an planation. Sootats-A most 4 place. We es ay ev terian Char h Thee ly spent i tie t listening tol speech's,'- and to the 4xcellent About $26 e reali ed. c n -The socials, und r th Wesleyan Methodis kept up and poutin e ta and profita4le 10 0- . ssful social to4k in the Pres y - g was pleasa t - course, and in citations, •& c of the cho auspices of tie urch, are stJiil be intcresti DRAMATI ,ENTERT I forth Dram» tic; Clu entertainme t this e e if purposes,. hen a h Drama enti led the tion," and a 'very a a the " Rough Dime and with th kind a Donald, whew. 1pre of Miss ' DUin - wh songs., the gn ertairijth and we wool 1 adv se hear good mu c and se this evenin g ENP. -The S a - ill give another iig, forcharitable igi1y instructi've mentons Qu. s- ing Farce entitled 'will be playeld, once of Miss IV c- at thepiano, a ill sing seve al nt will be go d, all who wish good playa to 'SEA.FORT OUNO L. Cou•neil of the villag Tuesday even ng. Strong, Broad not, 13 a Mr. Strengi 1 ann. g b Chair, the i i utet 0 read and a . LAO. count of $5.5 for co 10p was ord ir e: tor's report as re e for a more de ailed t count of W 1 oranc orderedl to be .aid. T Burden aiid o hers i i was recc-ived nd the ordered to i ipect a same. The CCOUIIt plank and spa fling In was, oidered o be p then adjouriae 1. to • f() -1-The Munici al f eaforth met an s rs eand Segmill r. en voted to P e eatImeetiriw re homilies Bell's c - n, etc., for Di n - aid. The An red back to th m tisment. The c - f $'2 for work N as c petition of J s. eg,ard •draini ig street Committee d report on he f. Mr. Adams or ounting to $10.15 id. The Com di THE To w that .Dr. 0oeo issuo, ineinua has been peed Council dui in gant Now, Council:has PAIN an in hi esi for pr t tht i• the o far ot ha printing dons tha neceesary. e also we have hod respect, the 'e ing perf�rize hard barg no instanc business work, and other towns 11 0 ealin has n wit for it, have gene high a 15 a ti3V 011 a, LNG. -We not letter in to-do he amount wh dby the Vill t year is extra tte are aware, 1 rger amount .vas absolut w that so far ce s' ch go he of of ly as vih them in t iis een a job of pri t - t first dried -re a 'K. the charges in b en higher t1 y pay for:sr r , a,n is charted ages hi this vicini y. 'We. knowto hing of :towthe villd.ge finances ha been ram; aged daring he pasta -Year, t, without fea Council ha their busina in the matt ,r extravagan :e tablished aea a all ch in 11 o know and arse ietion, that if economical in as they have b of print prin1ing, the charg cannot be successfully nst them,. . f con -tea e been as ss relation .Aeelneto s young niau niried Cliarters,• whe resides on the Mile lltoacl, iit the townshi. of Kippen. road, about 3 Taakemith was engaged •at work saw ron miles E lt11,o this village, .he Metaw.th an ace On Saturday • last, a ur all en of .5. - ident hich eaus.d him severe in, s . It seems that yoi ng Charters , as doing eomei hlng a latut the machinery" ill the lover p tr of the ini) 1 while a lam set truck tvals Isth g wliteled along over he d. The wile 0 t e truck broke, and me whealwitl to le brokeii art of the a le. le fell th ougl t ie floor, a distaiice of abut eight f a, , na,,strikiligi Charters on ihe head, lnflicllii g a 4tv- ing 'a ionsi le able. from t ie -tri p r par alniost a m de th ly killhd, a , •winc; wheel fell, t, • when i -, stru We ark gla, his mddieal • • c 1 of his incover r, and that his doily well 4 eon sh be , xpected under' the cuastance. ., . ; : . • . . . FPAL 1 NAM NT ----.4) 1 Thursday I, st, the:20th i st as a. yi ung lad, 41..ai led- -Philip Bead° ',-son rf M..iseador, poter. Eget oa d vil C., AN'il,S=(1 ivin a a load of creek, s i t rs ety; aJong t e northern gravel. road. t w- ards Ainle3 villo, he mef with an accident which resu te lin hideath a few ho It afterwards. It seems: hat the lad vas sitting, on 4 .1) iffalo rob upon the top of the.lo, ol, a a in attemp Mg to get it fi om under, to p a e it o -ver him, to keep off the re, n ' whi h was at the time: felling pretty hea,7il 7, he fed Off between he wagegob an te wheel, nd being entail- gled in the 1 nes 1.1 -;IS here held. `• "be poor fellow r maiocil 11 this posthe 1,_ the: wheel 1 tie Sieg nvee ris body at ex e y - revolution- i n•til he :lines becanie so tieht the hors, , teas •te p )ed. In this po- ition hew ts found •by: ome of the neigh- bors and taken to:a h4til•e close by. w keii a niesstnee • vas .0. mice: dispateheil to y bad wouml, peel - tip is nt, Po t df 't gxPOstr011. the harrows for the be t milch cow of any breed, except Durham. We may state, that last year Mr W lson obtained for the Society a c rnbi ed reaper. We . Wilson's -exer- ociety will not be rs. orth Catholic h. oa Expositor. ed -Divine Service lurch in Seaforth, as Much pleased rformauce of the rship of Miss k. 1 the opportunity best Church mu- nd must confess canty musical re - country, :the coin:, rable, Miss Me - credit for her en- . . The congrega- id of their accom- ganist, and I hope reciated and esti- feel confident that M tions in behalf of he forgotten by its m mb The MUsic m ea C ur To the Editor of th Hu DEAR, SIR, -1 a ten at the new Cathac 0 on ;Sunday last, a d. with the tine -was car cad e h th nt, the choir, under the McDonald. I ha of hearing some o sic on the Contin that, allowing fpr sources in this new parison is most fav Donald deserves -great ergy and peraeve anc tion may 'won be pro plished and talent d o her services wilt b ap mated at their ipr • per worth. Yours 're. spectfully. *forth, Aps!il 871. The South Ri on of the se the heads I wastnot Meta to the distance ust have been descemli ig- hint, with tremendous rot ce. o team. flom Dr. 'Ver oe, teildant, that there hopes 11.3 er- The Spring Sh.w o of Huron Agrieu tur .eahibition of esti e • s the village of Bru efi 21stint. The Shaw successful of the been held in this ance of spectator. the pretty little overflowing. Ani. ng noticed' many of he • and stockbreeders fro ing, and several' fron The interest man•fest twists of the COu ity i is most commend blc and rapid improv mei , place in the stock o clear indication thatt of the best teaults. the display of Stock could hardly be surp of the. Province. Th tion were all superi credit, not only tb th the Counties, in 147E01 In Bulls, the displa large, was, as regards ity, nearly equal to th eral of those on the,g parted into.the Count and have been parch ed stock -breeders at With such sires, the ty must, in a short ti perior order; - and w that . the highest prai -enterprising geutleme buted so- liberally of der to bring about thi heir p1ucl • and ent -With a speedy reward a list of the suceessfu the. number of on ries kin Cou w vil Spring Show. the I.:tenth Rid ig 1 Society, for he ock ;was held at Id, on Friday 1 st, as orfe °fettle in.st 1 which has er ty. The atte id- s • very. nd age. was filled to those present, ve prominent farm rs the North Bid - other Count'es. d by the agri ula 'these exhibiti ns and the mar ed t which is tak ng the County i a my are pro4.uct ve On this oceasi n, vas excellent, nel sed in any sect on Horses on' esh- bi- ✓ anintals, - a -ir owners, but to they are own.,d, , although not 80 excel ence of qt al- it of horses. 8 Y- und.lhad been m - by their own rs, • sed from, celeb at - very high fign tock 'in this Co ifl-. le, be of a, very n - may here st tte e is due to th se who ha'ie con ri- heit means in or - result. 'We tr 1st rprise may meet The followin is competitors mi n each class: • • - HORS 1,8. • Dialight-.-Six . eutr es ; 1st, Williarn McGregor,- " Conquer )r of the Wes ,2d, E. Marr, "Youn, Comet rad, as. iBroadfeet, "Yo ueg P obi, Hood. -last-named - horse is only three y old, was raised by M . Broadfoot, an certainly eertainly one of the finest animals, its .age„ we have seei Agricultural, or Ge entries ; 1s, Richest Hard Fortune ; d, J .tain Wallace, 3d, " Coacbm.an." earriage-Four ex Wise, - "Royal Geo Seaforth fa, Dr. Vei e. ICetwithsta ul- mg that aIJ 1 as done, for him which care aml medical, kill could do, he only li nee ered about diteen hours, when de , h relef. Ire wasquite consci nts , eame to hie until the lat beme to f ther'S residence en Fridey- thoniing, nc Saturday. • 4 .CONliTE.NL that, our ene his ars is - for for :a ing time. eral P 1G408e- -"en Netter* "Yong hn Masson, "Cap - Leonard; Hun er, tries; 1st, m. go ;" ' 2d, Jos ph Oesch, ." Rol bie Bun s ;" 3d, John I it- chell, Yourig Chaur de Leon.' Thoroue/seraed-(A special. prize gi en by the citizens of Br mefield.); 'Two en- tries,; 1st, W. J. Batey, " Sir Arch 2d, joint Rattenberry "Beacon." BIM S. D uriz ains-Thocou( h -bred, over two years -live entries lst, Humphry " Dixie -Duke ;": 21, Thos. Gt., nt, " Rodoey ;" 3d,, R. Govenlock, " ord Maitland." Under two years Five entries; James ' Broadfc ot, "liuke of Huro 2d, . Htigh. Love, Sr., "Young Oxfor 31, James W. Elder, "JohnJohns% Grade -Over two , ears -five entr es 1st, George Sproat, alb* ;" .24, J hn Steel, d e"rttl‘ivlotoiyi hree entries; 1st, Sohn Kitchen, "Flo -'er of the Forest ;" d, Wm.' Wis, "F ederick ;" 3d, Alexander Ross, Gambetta." St, „.)) - Grey Spri g' Show. • The Grey Branch A tricultural Society's Spring Show was hel l Oranbrook Friday 2Ist in4t. e Show of atoll ons was large, greatly ea eeding in nuineeis and :seroassing q iality that of last year. The following i • the prize list Battey Dranght ; en, tries ; .1st " Young yron," .owned. by ni.• flay, Molester rth »2d, " French Meseeeiger," Bi reess, Ainleyville 3a, Captain Watt,' W. Storey, Moles- worth . Cetera' Piirnosed -Five entries ; bst, Mare() Pelo,"-owne( zie, Elma; " Pri ice Albert," Win. Eckineyere Ethel ; dee `" YoUtg Hard. For tan e, " Isaac TO, re:e. • The Show of I3utls was so large, but some very good. anir alst ware ex ; hibited. 1 1 Thoroug,h-beed; Du -ham \Pivifill(sT. entries ; 1st, " Stilt ire" stone miler ; = 2d, ''Waterloo," James r(ihnetone, mnthe; d, "New 'Year's Day," Daniel. Woodi di. Grade Buhs-t-One entry ; "Ydune Sultan,' Alex. 8 tewa tai own er. • _Aliale yin RAILWAY. -There s finother flailway scheme on foot. Fr( m Drayton, via Lis- to-wel, A inleyville. ; kid Winham, to Eineardine. • Siorevaeks are in (id lorable ton. here are eon tam complaints Of perir:11:5 getting hurt on account of then' • , defective Stat. The body was eonve eu • Wilon, ha • .: the ill:mutt et tural ed to the Scii viety, to be ti'! nip cutter, VI il,V011. pair of ir ma frini P. I'. turnip cut ter the best zito the funeral took plac on . LE LIB E RALITY.-We ,Vtic townsman, (1, Ilueutcled in procuring ft mu irers two valuable agri which -will be pres( nt- th Huron Agrieulturel empeted fm- et the fall ex- implemente are : A lil- Iued at;;;•028 from ,Nles Vhitelaw, of Paris; ma a harresys, valued ELI; oil, (''r anal) (eine. will he eiv(ii a:-; a peize for Is Inn. Durham e. - eel Exe er. Coot) INV ENTI( J. . -Mr. John. moe. if If the townsli on exhibition on th Thurtday a -week flee empleineet in the sha This- harrew is desi; retail' or lumpy land thelii net, cau an erdinary barren.. 1t ann. nwalors, 111 tILO nuintre upon tin - top-tirsed. a p may la: added, that t , it (de('ly.and exnees = I)1111)11 til its usefain chat e Inf. re leavii p of t. shone, had show grmoia, on e• new agricultural ie of a clam hrro. ned o he used on to smooth down not be with effected It i alstaesefu I for ap read g eaveely se „which have been oof of it a utility, it ie judges examined •;ed a, Vera favorable :,•se ; aed it was pur- g the grevoithe Mr. Richard Manning, one of the most enterprising and successful farmers in the township of Usborne. We have little doubt but this harrow will, ere long; come into general use aminigst our agri- culturists. Wroxeter BUSINESS NOTI E. ' Mr. GEORGE EYVEL Nis kindly con- sented to act as Agent for '111E Exrosrro, for Wroxeter and vicinity. All orders for Job-printig, Advertising or Sub- scription, given to Mr. Ey vel will receiee prompt attention. Gorrie. bring some poor delinqu nt to justice. to bring a Missionary to these parts to Christian oath. the Magistrates are calle 1 on deify to thoroughly explain the o ligations of a We hope that 801113 steps may be taken LEGAL. --All the talk ow is law, and prinoi Goods. N E W the affairs of the CCrporation accordiog to law. Yours trulta T. T. COLEMAN. Seaforth, April 261th. osaims. NEW • ARRIVALS J.Bonthion&Son Have a large stock of Our Munimpa! St tement. 75 the Editor of the hurolit _Exposior. DEAR Sue -With your permission I -would like to make a few remarks upon the Auditor's report, pliblished in last week's Exposrrou. In • a conversation with one of the auditors, :I may remark, thathe soid that they Ot4ted the books as they found them, and it a further con- veration with the treasdrer, he points oat he Must enter the accounts as they are -sent for disbursement to him. It would be much more sOtisfactoritto the tit fatepayers if the separate on andirg debte due- the corporation we'e enter- ed1 in some; book, and; t on - show how Much was realized to 1th t eeperate ac,. count, and why the rem inder, if any,! was not realized. - For i stance, if tine hundred young men are I ving in WWII,. why de we hot receive' q 200 poll tax? Also, how many Market stalls are rented by the year, and the price per stall, and why the 'whole amount was not collected, or if it is outstanding, bo W much does it amount to? -It woe 'pointed out last year that the .• rent realized from the drain, which cost the corporation very dearly, was but O mere trfle. This year itis but 18 75, while at least 13 or 14 lots are drained into it at 'a rental of 15 cents per foot, realizing arithmetically $117 to $126 . to the corporation funds, and the :other drains at :8cts per foot. What has become of the difference? The Reeve, it a conversation. with nim, -says the most of it has been • c011ected. ' Then where has it gone to ? The drai, accord-, ing to the Auditorle report for the past two years, would show an indebtedness at least of over $150. • Why do not the accounts Show who. has paid, and who has has not,- and why? Why is there' not a rental account for drains, 'showing the credits of each separate and distinet in- dividual? The market ; also is rented per year at an auctioneer's bid, why not show the -indebtedness, if any, land how to be realized from the market clerk, or if he is forgiven the amount ?. Rea specting the disbursements, how • conies it that we received in 1870 from the bank - but $894, and. paid. out $2,562? Either the Auditor's report is wrong or We. are iudebted to the bank ,sine 1869. . And is it possible the Corporation at the end of the financial for 1869 Was indebt- ed to the bank. $1,66822 ? It is very cool indeed, to borrow Money from the bank contrary to the statute, which says no money can be borrowed except by by- law lawfully subriaitted to- the people, . and furthermore this 'account does not show how much was 'paid. in discount. On reasonable terms the disconnt for ninety days would be !about $4, and if renewed since 1869, it mast be over $100. At any rate let us see Whatis the 'amount of the discount. The amount for con- tracts for drain and sidewalk is $2033 88. What became of the money borrowed. from the bank, is it ialso expended on coutracts, if so, theni say . so, and the gross amount spent oix contracts- is $4,- 596 10, for the moneyl received from the. bank- must be expended somewhere,? But $2,000 is -raised 1 by vsay of loan, necessarily t40 money' raised M the bank is over and above that account, and where is the great return for oar money ?. --Our principal7streets not yet gravelled. What is the ineanin!g of $254 31 for . sundries? It is the first time :we ever heard of a sundries aceleunt in a Municipal Corporation, in other ‘VOTUS, -we lose one dollar in $30 of the gross colleetions to this account. The Recto and some of the Councillors say they do not under- stand it themselves, llut it is their duty to undentand their aw accounts, and they have sworn so,- and filially, according to the statute, audit them themselves to see they are right. but they pass them no tinderstaeding them. by their own acknowledgement. The next item is $149. 37 to J. Duncan for discotit, -&c. Mr. Duncan says he receiVed no Stich sum. "What then is the meaning of it? It is unjust to Mr. Dun- . - can, to charge discount account against him if allowed to somebody else. The account' howeyer,, show e a loss of one dollar in fifty of the gaits collection to the Corporation, en two1per cent: But the money from the hankwaS discounted in the book and. entild not be, chargedin - the account, The taxes were -colleeted without discount. The loan without . dis 011n t. Every. other aeconnt was col- lectd without discount except the market clerk' e $1,108, and a great deal of it was paid out at par ----ay , one half, • leaving $550 to pay .S149 57 disCount, or ever 27 per cent. The next is support- - ing a haby in. charity, we will )ass tins oer, hoping tote of the Municipal of- , ticers had any relation to the poor unfor- tunate, but we wonla reconimend in future the action of Iitratford, who dm- phatically refused to be parent to any such offcring.. The baby . account iS one dollar in seventy-seven, gross collection engineers account -about $1 ,in 880, printing about $1 in ;382, legal services $85: What had the Corporation to ; do lastyear in law, and to whom was this . motley pad? Must we pay $1 in $90 to protect our interests, very nice pieking. Adding those several expenses together, we lose one dollar in every seven or iht, for sundrie, disommt, and etceteras.- About the loan, he* conies it the ;A ilitors- repot. t eh ows a realization of • $1,882 from $2,000 loan when, there -was i but .,..;11,90() sold. in debentures? \\ ho wants to) pocket the extra :3100 ? We have a balance of $62 11 on hand, with- out paying the County tate Where is the County Treasnotr's rtport, and how . is it to be paid, by another note dieeount; ed. in the bank, as we are told there' is no 111ney on hand ? Where are the fuds, gentlemen, in the hank or other- wise ? It is a faree to say we owed no- thing before in -ti by-law, when we had the Seined delit and alse $2,562 the bank, contrary to the I•tatute and coutrary to year c.,atii z, to administrate • A large stock of FR$S1.1. 0 C ,RIES, Which th4 will sell very cheap. Call and see for yourselves at the Shop lately oecupie WM. ROBERTSON &00. J. BONTHRON & SON. 169-tf WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER 5,000 On hand, and more Will be sold AT OLLS eco;n1 1 heap for Cash. THE TELEGRAPH B9 OK S TOR SEA 0#,TIL A NEN PIANO For sale:- either on inte or for cash at The Telegrai h Book Stor Seatorth, April 25, 1871. 177-3t McINTOSH & MORRISON'S CARRIAG MAIN STRE The subscribers fee thankful for t very liberal patron agathey have receiv sence commeocing butinees iii Seafort and wish to intim, e to their custom rs and the public ge eral-Ty that they ke p on hand and, ari manufactuting 11 kinds -of wheel weak, $rieb. as CARRIAG 0PEANJ TOP BUGGIE DEMO C TS„ • 1 • ' WA GONS, SLEIGHS, CUTER, Made up by EX thE0F,D WOR( - MEN, in the very latest styls. We Do No Horseshoein put pay all our a tention to the alto e class of business. Parties who favor us with th ir • orders will- get good satibfaCtiOth We keep a first-class Carrie e 1 Pamter. , rAts IN G . . Done for elintry sh ps, and old w repainted at reasotab e rates. Repairing rr0mpt13 attended to. Cordwood, Lit 1*, Shingles Lath taken in exc111ane for work. MoINTOSTI Rk, -MORRISO rk MORTGAGE SALE • • TTICDER Power of Sale containedi i a l) Mot tgage, m ale: by Wm. MeMill• n,• dated 28th It arch 167, default hay est been made ; the 'I Iola therein mentim ed being in the village ofIrucliela, in he : Countrof 1-1-nrn; containing three-lif'Is of an acre, being c enposed of part of Lot 31, in the 1st Von ession of , the TON 'n - ship of Tnekersrai In East of the Lon( on Road, and more li lly described in s id Mortgage, will 1 , offered -for sale by Public rauction, b Chaunnon Yeo, A: • tioneer, at D" . if,,tel, Brue„iiidd, 011 ATIRD.AT, the 20th day of MAY, A. D. 1871, at 12 ocl ick, noon. There are a good Frani e Dwelling -ho Ise and Blacksmith Shop on said Land, lid situated on the L anion road, in said. il- laee. Tents made knnwn on day of sale, , nd in the meantime will he made known to inteuding purchasers by applying, to MeCAECalEY & HOLMESTED 17G -4t lieltors for Motga. CHEAP LOT FOR. SAL. 7,11 A.CIZES. Last half of Lot 2P, Tenth ow Con., Celruee, County of lirtce, with Lo -he -Lieu. 1 Eight acres ch'ar'd. ' Patented! Addrest ExeoTroe, Seaforh, Mareh 31, It; LI -473-14 or JOHN LA 1( ;Al L"1.,Teewater, • •s. APRIL 28, 1871, Bankrupt StOeld $5000. Air R. C. YE0 has received a large consignment of Gods, being pat of the Stock of D. LEWIS & Co,, Mon- treal, which will be Sold off by PUBLIC AUCTION, At his Store, 8eaforth, COMMen (illy on Saturday, the 22nel instant, and continuing next week, Afternoon Sale a1 o'clock: Evening Sale at 6 p. m. For list of goods see small bills -ancl posters. • C. YEO, Auctioneer. Seaforth, April 19, 1871. DISSOLUTION OF. PARTNERS/BP. riE Partnership existing between W. 11 Elliott and 0. Armstrong, as: Book- sellers and Stationers, is this day dis- soled by mutual consent. Mr. C. Armstrong is authorized to collect all debts dne to said film and settle all claims ut on it W. ELLIOTT., ARzeTRONG. Seaforth, April 4, 1871.. The above Besiness will be carried on by the tindersigned, under the name, of Armstrong & Price, who will attend -to all orders entrusted to them in the above line of business. - C. ARItISTROG, J.' E. PRICE, N. B. -Every one who wants to get good Map of the Dominion of Canada and.: the North West, call at the Telegraph' Bookstore and. gut one that is -a Map. 176-3t Agents wanted. to ganesase for this Map, NOTCE. The Court 6f Revision For the Towesliip of Tackermith, will be held at the Village of 1-Tarpurhey, Hotel, On WEDNESP, AY, the 10th day May next, at th o hour of 10 o'clock . M., for the pmatnee of examining the assessment roll and revising the sante if necessary. WILLIAM MUIR, Township Um& 176 -ti April 18, 1871, LUMBER ! LUIVIBER LATH aud THE Undersigned have on hatd at, their Mill one half mile nn-th Ainleyville, a large Stock of Dry Pine Lumber, part (about 3,000 feet) of 'which is Dressed. 1-f and 1-1 Flooring. They have ale° on hand . • 75,000 ft of Strip Lath -which is warranted first-elas, and no slabs. Their Shingle Machine will start aboet the '18th bltant, after Avb5-el a:tte a plen- tiful supply of SHINitLES will be kept - on hand. Prompt attention given to 014ers fron a distance. - M. & Dingle, April 12, 17l. 176-tf. TliORO UGH-1311BD IMPORTED STALLION, "Sir Archy" SIR Ant:HY, 1..)1,,9t b7.,,, Grey Eagle, ny Woudpeeker, by Bertrand, dam Prim- rose, by Post -boy. O. D. PLyton 1, by imp. .0Iencoe. Giante.s by imp: Levia-- thfanl N inginia by Sir Aecly, Virginia by imp: Dare Devil, Bolinebroke by Pantaloon, Cades by Ring 11C100, Plilll. rose by imp. Dove, Stella by imp, Otel4 ha by imp Schwa, by Godolphin Ares Abirails.itw- iiintillee b6eesetnbilo)yo (1 eblts- 111:Vsiegrtehea't Sr to -day in Canada, and his ancestors ard noted. among the great horses of Amer ice.. For some of the performances -(4' this horse. see bne: Until recentl, the thorough -bred •horse was -considered only adapted to thi . turf, but the principles 'if breding, as is now well establishd, essign him a far nobler sphere. It is now agreol that to attain sueeess in rearing any of the d, IlleStie animals, the male muet be thor- oup.I-bred.- 1 o produce the raet,r, the trottimic liorse, the midering lee-se-of-all-ne-11 and the spirited ieeldster and. eairiaeil horse, the etal lien Juliet be therongq bred. With tide eross, the le evy falai mate will predelee,the noble e ndelioaee',. the thorough -bred. male the. raeer, ;eel the trotting or paving mare will yiela the trtter, Vieler tine theory 2 take pride in nffering t4Sir Arh3, to the breeders of horses in this section of the country. As a stoph getter he is ut- rivalled ; his stick 1 einted fot eounar constitution, for great streeenda dhcilitY of tlisposition and ap-ed. " Sir Arelty - is seven years old, stand e 11;1 bande high, a. beautiful vial). ba, .with legs, mane, aad teeel. avy ijnar- e, and pone:Tinily 11. .'ii -1, ti1i1ii1 it an eminent degree the leible ale, pie - feet horse, parte I having mares, and, who inaend In -ceding, will do wall to et( "Sir Archy.- " Sir Arell" will etend for inare, this season, 1871, at his own :stable, - mn:trifle, throueli the ( Imre ei asee. inle leap, :f8, to be pill at the time 1 iee ; the sa-en, ;412, p a! d- la the last of the 1-e0:1,11 7, to tn. 1:3, 1 - able Jan. 1, 1s72.. iI U---' flitrIP:t litart`S from a distaoce may 1,1y lei end - me the hada: heme them( te- ()Ant' St_ This hem flo111 tho Stecte It fal. les W. d. 13ailty from th a ei tot ef tetra. \\',,h . I. I', tf 1,n latieeetse 17-J3-2111 • 14 tt- MeLEAN THJL VOL. 4, NO samorretw MEDIC .•••••lb - - " R. W. R. SMITH, goon, -etc.1 Robertson's Resi knee - North.. • Seaforth, Dee. -14, 1 S4: - ;- - ) M. De, -(1 of Idniverei Physician., tur on, kee cllente !Zurieli, (bit. Zurich.). Sept , 7th„ 174 AMES TEWATCP, 4t= Grduate' of MeG, ontreai, Physivian» ser- a re:_i(levncEReeo:Ei::,,e1(D Brneelel(1, ,ran. 13, Ih St;ett%orth,. Fh API, IS RI CAMPBELL, -County, '.)thee eta orby's, -comer' store, M • f rth. Office day, Solara L:EGA veAvolitY k 1._ Barristers Attorme ieitors in Chaneery and. t, t4rics Public and Convey- rs for the 11. C. Banke. r the Canada i Life Assn N. B. --$30,900 to lend uams., Houses and Lets . Seaforth, Dec. 14th, 1 ENSON & MEYER. Attorneyat Law, Sol eery and.. insolvency, -Co arks Pnblic, nte. Oflices4 roxeter, Agents for lioan Co. ,of Upper f'anat onial Securities Co. of Lo Money at .8 per cent; elllargel. lien. IL BIO, Seaforth, Dee. Ith, IS -- tat • - HOTE tr le-TOX'S liOTEL (L. V' The und.esigned b tublic for the liberal pat o him in times past in th. rod aieo to inform them t resumea business in. th where he will he happy: f tm. old friends, and. tia. 1310 Seaforth, May 5, 1S70: EXCilANG erieh, Ost, (*AL fon ; 8. Witieaens an Rote), Warsaw his hotel has recently 1. elished, and mated tha 3 1 oW of the, inost conic, nodiens in he Provinee.. Z4yous for Commereial Terms liberal. - Goderith, April 14, 18 M I SCE L LA & W. MePHILL: Land Surveyai etc. All manner of Co» eith neatness and aispat lips, Commissioner au ext, door south of Sh. orth, • Seaforth, Dc, 14, 1% A. SHARP'S' tar . Stables. niive :A Seaforth. Good 1 -1 -(n -se. .7onveyances, always WA id lIAR.P'S LI V ERA' NT, SEAFORTII. land(ages always on ebbe terms. . Seaforth, May 5th,-- I11 C. H. O m; nyr L-OCKMA trS SE Wet\ Telegraph and Expr CANADA LIFE A$S Iesuer of Mania, American- Money I Particular attention pai .1013 PR1N Oteis•E- LiilOtt & titor, Sea,forth 7IETH EXTRACTED CA RTW1 lit,. „ Dentist, Extracts by the use of the Ni office, Over- the 'Be ford, A ttendam•e ilt Hotel, the iirst Tuesil if each month ; inertial Hotel, fon. the days and Tridet•s. Parties requiring 1 quested to call, if at S ton, on the lirst eia ver 54,00 patien extracted by the use Coal ton's offives. New