HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-28, Page 7Arr 2S, 1STI 'OKHERE! RLAND BROS. prepared to supply- ._ CLOTHING, Cheap and Good. are requested to call,. prices and judge for them- uging their fel.V.N CLOTH, ! every attention paid to then. • it all our Work, ound, not to be beat, either '7E, FIT, or FINISH. Men 's and Boys' _eare and economy. ITTHEALAND Oppeeite Carinichael'e 0 AL:I iirb,u4t; Son 'HAVE REMOVED I: Stand lately occupied by ROBERTSON: & CO- • sell the Stock at Reduced (lex' to- make room for Spring t=oode. BARGAINS - S, WINCEYS„ ANNELLS,.. -made Clothing, Yr8. AND SHOES. _ of FRESH GROCERIES, just received_ .?iONTIIRON& SON. AND. I I 0 E. reeeeXtear,ceee ' 04-5 re -r - --eta , E Pt' Ill, I LAIi)k GE !. • . OLHER-5-., ereu ceer.le. •.:1--s•rtinent t.tri2,4t and heavy her ze etc., ••rt !tflt.t1 ti% tU4n' ili niL r the ielaet. ate•teli*".tiain arreet, ‘V. fl. UiiVEi_ l'e• Rs I entte Er aet pate, aet :old t riteeeyeesag er.r0‘11- • • a-tun/ere for ti,1,.•• tinting the !net:, he wilt re- t•-••tv7.1:1:vtt:i.;VA.'r WI hand a large WvisfIrt - ree.ra oinlock ! f • I, .°: - • ir t.. 1,70. Z.'. 5 ES srms ( te. t r.- ApRir, 28. 1871. , Grumbler's. A very large, very respectable, and very knowing_ class of anisan- thropes rejoice in the name of O -rum biers, persons who are se sure that the world is going th ruin, that they resent every attemptto com- fort -tiler* as an insult to their. saga- city, andilaccoidingly seek their chief cansola tion .' in being inconsolable, their chief *pleasure in being dis- pleased. i Their raven croak drowns all melodies of lark and linnet. In- deed, like Jacques, " They can suck melancholy out of a song, as a \\Teazel sacks eggs." It is to them we are doubtless indebted for that phrase which includes all our attions and all the cireumstances of our being in this world under the general term of " tha concerns of life." Doleful and crabbed, their ipouversation is a snccession of ominou3 prophecies emitted in a series tof growls. Mad at the infatuation of -those simple- tons who insist on feeling cheered by cheerful things, they gruffly hint of the tempests which arecradled in the sunshiue and the calm. You meet one of them in the street, and in a gush of delight at the heavenli- ness of the weather, venture the Sug- gestion that it is a fine day. "Yes," he replies, one 4. those infernal *storm -breeders!" . Suela a creature having no other comfort than a kind 4 fretful satisfaction in ' finding fault, you make him. hopelessly 'this- -erable When you leave him no shad- ow of a cause for complaint.. Thus Charles Lamb speaks of one of his' raimpaniona a, ho, in the game of whist, was always gruinbling because • lie had so few trumps. By some ar- tifice in dealing, the whole -thirteen the were once given him, in the hope that Some sound of glee might be audiole through his it-tail-Jr:tie:re grunt ; but after examining his lated attentively, he looked more Wr etched than ever. "Well Tom," said Lamb,- " haven't you got enough trura ps now'' "-Yes," was the growling ansWer, "but I've got. no other cards l'' Indeed, discontent - in the confirmed grumbler, is literal- ly a complaint --,a, settled disease of the mina. All his perceptions of, nature and l life being twisted and distoeted into the shape Of his 0 WI3. rvrretCh6d faucies, he can. See nothing aS it is. abstdriate in absurdity, 1 you cameo tatemp t or c6ax him,into eense. " He is as stiff as a poker," said a friend of one of these unrea- l' eonable and unreasoning dogma- ,' tist.s. -" Still_ as a, poker !"was the reply.; why, he would set an example to a poker!" Dejection in the heart is thug apt to become stupidity in the head ; and against stnpiditY ".heaven and earth fights in vain," wer In fact, the gruntbler cultivates his -wo etathhed lob y as a. conscientious du- ?la- s ty, and swaggers and swells on the pet 3trength of it, as if to be a saarliug -- pet. bore was Ito reac,h the summit ()Chu- had Dran es:cllerree, and to grow in and 1 - utupidity was to. grow in grace. yar " Sir," said Dr. Johnson in refer- ee to one of this ,i.;lass—" Sir Sher- ry is chill; bet lueniust have taken A great deal of pains to become what we 'low aee him. Such an excess of stupidity is not in nature, sir, I aan willing to allow: hint all the merit fow it he MD Claitn."—SliCcesS and, ;es Conditions. B. P. iihipp7e. , -GC% 41*. A Wonderful City is Londan. *Lewis prefe s large women to little women. woirran should weigh from 140 to 160 punds, those ,weighing f •om 100 t 110 he calls littlehe averag large sized woman is, ike the la erage- sized man,super or intel e tually herwise, T d reason \ by wo- re so much 4na11er than menri they iaveij iio .adequate ex1 while the 1 ji gs, stomach and hicli the growth by the corset size anFd acti- a,nd o men.. is th erciee liver, the organs 0 , depe ds, are reditie to ha f the natuia VitY. Th able. hien( two shopkeeper, and o employed in the three girls did ii play t little, -and calls, go shoppinF, and summer vii3itl the Countr3 health.: Thle-buSin ss we until finally- the daug iters togeth that .e was iatiel ly charism for the idleness of r gir1B:is aeplor- Dr. Lewisiells the story of a who had three a ers na ons, growin up. e of ti shop, thing e• tither to an b and famil the girls should } nandon . life, and help hi, to c business. This they1 did. were discharged; the became inclustriOas 'a and the family 'mien poverty and dist' e .s. e raiinds of!j worn as their botlies fr ofidleness. - :A jr 'be rained by it. ct il leid, d t is a Tli mucll no other obj husb T ioor, ar e work, not absu The A Bla ',age don" stor six, is L 1; w to h We -ditv• UDZ -iris life t that t the most was a eis ,ns was \-\ h. le the Init dress, lk, receive i. d iting the o their t la badly, ca, led .his tol them ha the en - as th at tb ir idle- rryi on the Th Clerks dz ughters- d ueeful. ; _. aV 1 . frOtil t la era au wo Historjv of a .R con tribu tor to e lea:Stip -set forth of a. rzg cart et, " gives tlie other was the ss poor icifer. nted a lp us SaVed and sewed. Som times t wou d cut n seas n of rei retu lied to ban s were blis ered, th and then father but he soon gay " th thar he t a n id only girl ini a ts poverty'a d tl We, that is mo arpet, the ooy, ncl we werjt t ad washed, (IL or four nitrta Lie boys WO 1 1 more, but f entanee the the charge. 11)1i ered, n leo -blis ei took ni) it up, S • tarnal thilact would it would bej worth.' all cut, s wed, co nd into balls at last am. the warp of woo lamb's back, and \ It loolced yell en enough to c s'er th the best be :room ls in. all. ; rhile we Were tackin iet one of he ne ein, and afte epraier We have got„ nee, When did y 4 mak ask d. ' Oh! 'wedi tilt ma it is four times more. populous than NeW York -and St. Peershurg, twice as populous as Constantinople,. laes two-thieds more poop e in it lc than Parie, and onne-fourth ore than ft,leiii. It contains as many people ec Scotland_ twice as many as Den- mark, aud three times the Duni bet. of Greece. Every eight minutes i! -eight and day}, one person. dies ; i'very five minutes one is - born: Eight hundred thousands have leen. added to tile population. since 1851. Otily half a million of all this popula- tion atteed public \Vol -ship and there . are a million:a absentees who if incliued to attend would require to have 800 new places of worship built ; 100,000 people wbrk on Sun- days ; there are 140,000 habitual gin di•iuleers ; 190,000 intoxicated , ileople taken :every year oft the stree.ts ; W0,000 fallen women ; 10,000 profession•al gamble's ; 20,- 000 _ children trained to crime ; 30,000 thieves and receivers of stol- en goeds. There are 10,000 public houses and beer ehops, ftequenttcl rearetthe ly by 500,000 persons. In eveiN 890 of the population one is insane. There is one baker for every 1,e2.06 persoels ; one 'butcher for every. 1,553 ; and one grocer for every 1,- Zi00, and one .policeman for every. 608 inhabitants.. On the other hand, • ()tit of 60,000 street Arabs, 30,000 are at ragged schools. There are 400 B i b te wain en, 3$0 City Missio aries and 20,000 persons attendiii ilublic worahip in tke theatres evely Sunday evening, It is a world in iteelf. . . 41* • Ow The sixtieth anniversary. of the marriage' of Count Wrangle was la-tely celebrated in Ger luau y. it ie said that during that long period tilete as been DO matrimonial quarrel - i in although -there Irave been” se aeral iettle wrang.les.• c,tr can sai iffer as is sort would to have to get k is for ought nicious arpet• Toledo Bran - of the Imily of s proud her and agreed work. al, cut years. •ay they e a brief nvarrablv 'other's ijie were. theirs, h shears, 13ing that st more pie rags cred and A.] int Dol- rom our the car - and we los floor ut forty Beg BL an itoi Elt.P9SITOR. ILLIARD H LL R W. COLLI S a:to state that he has open d in KIDD'S NEW BLO X, ILLIA.RD ROW. ere are in the hall FI UR TA - (Riley & May's Mai ufactured excellent accommodation for Nils - and. players.; ttendauts will be on hand at all. rea- ble hours. R. W. COLLINS, Pr iprietor. TH01%350'1%1 & WU..iAMS Are introducing the cele ratel. "i'CLIMIVINg'S" STRAW COTT R Which has already _met with Unrivall d • sucsess in other parts of ianada.. lArarianted to give perfect atisfacti n when driven either by horse or hand po v- er. ALSO -MANUFACTURE NJW AND 8 11ORSEPOW !at., SUITABLE FOR DRIVING STRAA CM -MRS, SAWING NACDINES, OPEN CV •INT RS, ANE LITTLE GIANT TREESIIERS bot gliten carfiet We could u' any car et, replie meth co e much.? Ours Only c st t yaral, and 'it's al n hie ided for it • ui it o 'other loOkes at notlier, pelt er of ou looks spok a w Mtry Jones a4 be -mined a carpet vierth aS S urs in a Yea I by 1 leaf hats at th rteen W en the last ta'cic ha Ui o its place s .ro kn -es &drier and wise own the tier's: girls our carpet. 1 I tpet." ' " mother it is a oughten "They altkincls of !Farming including-- - Reapers, Fanning Mill Mowers. Cultivators, Combined Machines,. Separators, 'Weeders, Pitts' Power, Plows, Sa.wing Machines, Double Mouldboard Plow dollars a. we girls ok us a e Rev, W. Belleville an derstana tha Minagement of he We le e, Belfast, Ireland, aa te( the Rev. W Pep, foi the .Preside chairl of that inetitution; th stead f the -Rey. 'Wm. _Arthur, ho wil return to Ei gland in July Wel • th t Mir. Puns on wil England chitin. the .6 de 0110- 1 look -ed poke but library. ters Lad as much jug palm a -piece. n driven our men. iforley paper the C naplements • OrSe Hoes, ang Plates, &c. MILLWRIGHTING ENGII_qe. BERING DEPARTA ENT.- - Steam Engines of all S" es Built, Grist Mills, Flom .Millis, Saw Mills, Flax THIS, by water or stN m And all kinds of CTORIES CONTRACTE F09 AND XECTITED IN T.B MOST, APPROVED STYLE. TfTRBINE WATER - HEELS, LATH. MILLS, 8,11 . NGL} MILLS, BRAN DU TE And all kinds ot machinery of the be c nstruction, supplied on s ort notice . REPAIRING ENGINES AND CHIN Y Proraptly attended to Address, THOMSON & :WILT TAMS, • Mi chell, P.O. Seafoeth, Sept, Oth, 1870. 144-ly unshon. . "We inittee of - 1 Yan Col- noraina- hora M.A., understand leave for b rattier, but - w iether he wil aeeep he above p sition or not i not lk. own." r::rs Ny''l: I - 'What oin'tl",did"iquWitlY le s -4a A Wiseonsia school h4 •4.- v ry good-natured1n. ST hell d aovtihng er i a difficult lesson, s angrily qiestioned by the ' te• er," Why dirLyou w.ork. bin his i Is :Onr" To seri. his work,' replie he young sr (t Be q lick, then, Imna hurry." give your sick h rsc 'tother' day`i'' "t p at of tur- ntine." Johni liar its home and a mdoministers l ' to a favor - i e charger, which, stir) n:e to say, d es in half an hour. • 1. is opinion o Tom's yeterinlary a,bi k y is some - es bat staggered. He me ts him the n xt day.. "\\e11, Tom I give my b rse a pint of turpentiine, and it k lied him:1. "Oo it did toine." FOR SALE OR TO RENT. HE undersigned offers f r sale or rent, on the 3d Concessio of lvlcK. 1o, Roxboro Road, lk mile frofie fo •th, and one mile -from Roxboro a re and 9 rods of land, with good b Mg Orchard of 24 trees. asso fed; fr '1.1 use, 22x32 feet, in good. c ndition v ry comfortable ; also, a vell, pu aiid-stab1e on the premise ; the lo 11 fenced.. FOr fruther par ien a ply to the proprietor on t1 e pr iifl to il- ea- 1 ar- me nd 11), is ars. es. Sealdoth Founary ZAPFE & CARTER DESIRE TO CALL THE ATTE-4 ON OF TIM, PUBLIC TO THER, 159-tf ' JOHN YOLNC; FOR_SALE. MHE most eligible. situatioi S afo on the East eide of II ain Street, arlY opposite the Post Off cc, m wirieh ti ere ie a comDi modious v -11in tete 3 ix26, two stories high ; stab e am, w od- sl ed, and a good well with pump in. it. e front of the lot on .M in street is es ell situated for the erectl u •of Storer., 1) 911gin a central position or business. ' lie property extends from Main street Victoria street. The lob 'fronting on. Nicterie stl'ect is used as a -Garden, in mhitili there are the ch.oicest young Fruit. 'Imes, apples, pears, plun) a cherries., g ape vines, gooseberries, urrants 'ami s rawbeTries. The garden is in the high- ( et state of cultivation alid oduccis an enenelauce of vegetables. For further particulars apply' to GEORGE leicPB.IIeL PS, -P.- L. S. Seaforth, Jan'. 17..1871. 1.63ti ImpRovED Threshing Mach nes, THE BEST AT PRESENT IN USE. TO FAME S• IRON HARR WS. MHE UNDERSIGNED as on liana J, a large number of I ON HAR- ROWS, which he is prepar d. to sell on reasonable terms. These harrows were manufactured at Gananoque. and are The Best Xow Tse. A. Guarantee will be given with each, that if it do not work satisfactorily, it may be returned by the purchaser within thirty days. O. C. WILSON, Agricultural Imple ent Agent, 169-tf SEAFOR 03.`'Z'T. These machines possess many I. prove- ments on any heretofore made,- They are 'manufacturing Machines of TWO SIZES--,-. one especially constructed for travelling; the other a smaller size. calculated more especially for HOME USE. So far as their large machine has bee introduced, it bas given theVERY BEST SATISFACTION. - They manufaeture the I3itts' Improved Horse Power. In addition to the above, the s bscrib- ers manufacture almost every a tiele in their line, such as SAWING MACHIN S, Capable of sawing from 50 to 60 ord.s of wood. pee day. STRAW CUTTERS . of a Superior kind. • . GANG PLOW, The Latest Improved. CULTIVATORS AND P OWS • Which cannot be surpasse 1.. EVERY DESCRIPTION SF CASTINGS MADE ON THE SHORTEST Ts OTICE. • They have a highly approved p0 ttern for SCHOOL DESK IRONS REPAIRS IN ALL BRA CHES Attended to Promptly. ac-ff They employ no Agents, and can therefore give. the purchaser th adva,u- tage of the commission. They employ none but the be. t labor, and material, which_ vari•auts 'them in guie•antecing satisfact on. INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE GIVE US A CALL BEFORE BUYING FROM OTHERS. FOR SAL it HAT splendid Hotel Ctand on the Market Square, Seaforth, known as iIic' CORN EXtell.A.,`N(lele, anti dowse a . ood business. To an elite prising than, ith some capital, it offers excellent in- duceraents, being on one o the leading treets wed close to the Sal Wells. Also two comfortable C TTAGES on ,Igin Street, Goderieh, ren ed at $200 a -ifear• and several, Town Lots. Ter S— ihoderate. Apply to \VM. M LOOM, A the .Mailet. Seaforth, Jan. 23, 1871. 164I-tf TOYS & FANCY SELLING 01 1' eeeer*.sease , • 00 i M. R. COU TER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY , YOUR Christm.as Presents, AND 1NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Just received a corn& FINE COLD AND SILY RUSSEL AN stock did R JEWELRY SWISS ww s To be sold Che ever. per than ZAPFE & CARTER. 1-13-1y— M. . COUNTER. SEAT-n-rr, r: r O. 1;2 MONEY TO L ND. ON Farm or desirable Vil age Property (.3.& per cent. Payments 'made to suit the borrower. Apply to A. G. McDOUGALL, lusurance Agent and * Commissioner, Seaforth, or to JOHN SEATTER, Exehange Broker' heaforth. January 13, 1871. 162-6m Voile eeaulae unlPss signed 1,!Purrs. DANIEL IVI'GREGOR, BOOKBINDER, HULLETT, TTAS just receivtal a iarge Stock of the jjj_ materials -used itt the business, and is now fully prepared to execute on the ehorteet notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured With. ie Registers, LedOers, AND 3BIJI 1300=S, OF ANY KIND, D. Mc_NAUGHT- AATOULD respectfully i timate to the VI' inhabitants of Seaf0 h and vicin- ity, that he still continue to carry on Besiness as usual, in the Id stand, on the North road. jobbing of all kinds, and 1 torse-shoeing especially, promptly atten ed to, Tei -ms reason" ble. 164-tf DAVID Al NAUGHT. 1Ruled Printed and _tirade To order, on. the shortest notice, end a prices which deify competition. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND ! FANCY CASES . Made to order. THE SEAFQRTH Lumber ard. MABEE & MA DONALD Beg to inform the public hat they have opened a LUMBER YAR in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, oei t ie ground_ for- merly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr.; Thomas Lee. They will keep constantlyi on band a good assortment of Alelt KINDS OF LU20,IBER, dressed an I undressed.' A LATII AND SHI (ILES, All of which they are pre ared to sell at the lowest possible prices, foe Cash. Builders and. others will lind it to their advantage to inspect ou , stock, and as- certain our prices before piarehesing elsc- where, as we are in -a poSition to offer ood inducements to cash itirehase.rs. MABEE & MACDON ALD. Seaforth, Dee. 29, 1870. l60-tf OLD ANDNEWBOOKS _BO 1LN .D AND. REPAIRED At city prices. , !.1 , Persons residing at a diStance by leaving their books at the Signal Booie Store, Goderich, or at the EXPoSITOR Seaforth, or at J. R. Geant's, Ain- , leyville, stating style, may 1 rely upon them being well bound. I All co.nnnunicatioas addresiied to the. undersigned, will receive pronipt atten- tion. DA.NTEL McGREGOR, Coustance, P. 0 Seaforth, Nov. 9, 1870. WirNI. N. W_AITON ALWAYS HAS ON TLND THE BEST SEWING H3NES IN THE MAR C.ET, Either for Family use, oi for Manufac- turing purposes. Both ingle-threaded and double -threaded, and loca-stitch _Machines tun be supplied. l'erfect satisfaction g taranteed, wed instructions given to piirehasers gratis. S. W LS N, HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, ck:c., STREET, SEAFORTH. OoimI all you ood folks who want Har- ness, istantial, low-priced, good and. new, 'ILSON'S, Main street, Seaforth, excellent stock you may view. Su At \ A The W The Ti Her The tock is owned. by JAME: ; WILSON ose work is so high- y renoevated ; hop is on Main street, Neaforth, • a place may easily be found. are plenty of bits, bridles and curbs rsingles and:saddles so line, e is nothing eau eqiial their make, • ey are just Na. 1 A and prime. 11 Her are lots cf good blankets for winter T at will keep froin your horses the , cold; Ant the fly nets, so _graceful for Sum- mer, mimed with blue, green, yellow and. Cra heap whips of every description, F m the stage coach, carriage or hand At AMES WILSON'S shop, Seaforth, A. ay always be had at command. WAI. N. WATSON , Oen alit& insure property agaiaEt Fire and Marine Disaster, and Life and Limb against chath and accident, with the best Companies, being 'Agent for The Liverpool and .kiendon and Globe, (Euglish.) The Provincial of Ca.riaillae (Canada.) The Goie District Mutual (Village and. Farm.) The Niagara Dietriet Mutual, (Village and ann. The Travelers of liartford, (Life and ecideut.) )ssesLiberallyAdjusied and 1 Promptly &tiled. MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of int rest. No com- missiore and expeuses m iderate. . MORTGAGES boug on equitable terms. 160 EGG EAIP RIUM: The Subscriber is still in his old stand, and prepared to pay The Highest Cash Price Fcir any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS Delivered at the 1 Egg gmparium. Main street, Seaforth. Her are sponges and combs and rosettes All useful and pod in their way; _ Wi lone and. shortetugs in abundance, Harness that don't break M. a day, Por •manteadis and Trunks of all kinds, alises of a quality spicy and. rare, If you should desire to purchase, 1 the shop of JAMES WILSON repair. No come, and that without further delay, xcellent bargains make while you can, At he 'Saddle and Harness Emporium,' nd. remember JAMES WILSON'S. the man. To all parties (merchauts and others) with whom he has done business during the past four years, he returns hearty thanks, an1 truste_by strict attention to business to merit their patronage in the future. DAVID D. WILSON. Seaforth, March 16, 1871. 171-tf • I keep constantly on hand a etock-of TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUS, VAL- ISES AND WHIPS. Horse Collars and Blankets, an every article connected -with the business. TRUNKS, VALISES, HARNESS, SADDLES aud. BRIMPS, Made TO order. J. WILSON. EG -G -S! EGGS I MHE Subscriber beg S to intimate that he ie still prepared to purciaseEggs - dEaTAiii PRESERVATION OFTHE • S 1 G IT T. M. R. COUNTER ITT AJTEk'NTAKE,11-21.:3? Oifn(tn.,)Ts(t,)(1!eieiAngaetitlr ci(i poERIe Fhicisall.e D 31bElcCareg TaAt eErSptilt!,:taV•gsfi'ns:Ifi material manufactured espe- cially for Optic purposes. It is pure, hard, and brilant, and as near Achromatie as con be produced. The pcculiar form and scientific accuracy attain- ed by the aid of complicateti and costly machinery, war rants us in assert*them te T11 E OST P RFECI ePECTACLES EVElt MAN ITFACTUILED. They assis the sight most elide, con fee ease and comfort an th wearer, cauee.a continuous and abidiiat improvement of the ayes, and last a great many years without rejuirrn th be changed. So they are the CHEAPEST as well as the BEST. LAZARUS. MORRIS & 295 Notre Dame erect, (np stairs), itir We employ no Pedlers, Montreal. IN CHANCERY Between JOSEPH KIDD, Plaintiff, and J AMES MeMULKIN and 1110.MAS KIDD, Defendants, 14th December, 1870, I bereby appoint THOMAS KIDD, of the Village of Seaforth, County of Hu - rein, merchant; Receiver in this ea.' -e. J. A. BOYD, Master. AR parties indebted to the late firm of EIIDD & McMULK1N evill please eall and settle the same at once and oblige, THOMAS' KIDD, Seafortb, Dec 21, 1870, 159-tf THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY, JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. This inValuable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dan- gerous diseases to which the female con- stitution is subject. It moderates all eXecss and removes all Obstruotions, from whatever -cause. To marriet: ladies it is peculiarly Baited. It will, in a short finite 'bring on the monthly period With regularity, and. although very powerful conteins no- *nig hurtiul to the constitution. in nil oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, , }tains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue oq slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics, and 'Whites, it will effect a at his cure when all other means have failed. F.. he pamphlet around eaeh package has full oirections and advice. or will be sent free to all writing for it, sealed from oh- servatien. 3013 MOSES, NEW YORE:, SOLE pnoTRILFOR. ; gl 00 ai 41 12/ cents for postage eh - eio8ed. to 3...;orthrop ee Lyman, Newcastle Store at the Market, and. to pay t litillett. 153-tf.— -FT 1 JaIGIIEST PRICE IN LIVERY STAi3LE. TAMES ROSS desiries to , inform the public that he has opened a New Livery Stable in connection with his hotel, where parties can be, accommod ated with first-class horses aid vehicles, at reasonable prices. Sea tiele Jeify. :let, for all fresh Eggs that ma.y offer. Ont, general agents for the Domiiiion, To Merchantin Town and Country will insure a bottle containing over 50 with whom he has done Business in the pills by return mail. past three years, he leeemeis his best 1 Ore -Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson and thanks, and hopes for :a continuance of Co., and R. Luresden ; A. 6tephols, Business relations. J- S Coombe Clinton, !and all Medicine Dealers. & Sele !seam MAT CONT. 2cfort, Ma- e'.4 Neweesele, I:- a 1 ! -e