HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-28, Page 528 i8I difficulties in the way, and overcome those difcul k ere now prepared to moue The road is now run- trains a day from Dray - whole of the road to Pais - under contract by the lst nd it will reach the waters iiouthatripton in time for zany to secure the Bruce onus.. With regard to the le extenseen;, he would sa;y ilorr ent the Toronto Nar- Ee n p ny withdrew, the which he repr esented- took of the territory in North nd South Brace and we faith with thepeople of Lit. The C' rl)any are nowt to pttt on a sta .tl of engi trrvey the Kincardine We have a charter -Which to Y urh.i there extensions, e.c.essairy assistance to en - build tarem has been ars guaranteed a by the �,-rretrt onpaany. The lowest sale aide of bonds. is 85 een:ts,: rhe cruse they were para•u- ie Grettt Wt stern. If we ;he {fir (gat Western at our night as well try to. the Fella of Niagara 1(1 our role. The Great, wlilt=lz 1s interwoven with atlttrtltrr7G; vvil,l - a.egi ire tel,. It is that ii titu- t v Mai we r d v for assis-- D(irainiou day the guage is built on the IX elliug on Bruct4 be changed to w ith the Great Western, 41otllek rail will be laid i Irl the tern inder- of the =pts upon tee 4 feet 8 inch Lis sorter as the. Engineers the s.urveyof the Kiucar cline 1 bung down their plans eppear 1.e are on in. the Rs erf North limon, with an it front the Great t Westerri.. 2 tare blanches, similar to. :(ow li Lae for our main line, )li for your bonuses.' After this length, Ir. Drown, taandieg the statement which. at the cofiu en e.nent of € sr, launched forth i n a tirade' of abuse against ;mages in general, and the scheme 1_tk. patrtiC Utak', f Unneev Az DEMON, :I\ nag :tor of the London road, re most efeetive manner to e which Mr. Brown n had fipon the London, Huron tee company and scirerne. Mr. Anderson coacluded 'As, it being six o'clock, the adjourned ed until seven. e c:sa niug session addresses« livered by Aiesare. Wood, U and' the irrepressible expressible of the ilaniilton delegation, ssrs Atkinson, Flot k, and a, of the London clele atien7 f of their respective schemes-. ktaattCe- of t hese addresses we (rt be ore, rl v'atriens: shapes, ottld not new be either in- t or interesting to ottr read- we to reproduce it. The rn was kept ul• until' after. k -k, when the Oow cil ad - 1 to meet again on Wel- uol`ning apt nine O'clock. feeEDNESS.r:LY, April 26. Formed met pursuant to ail- rlt,the Watden in the Chair- Eater of the previews meet- [� read aiul approved, when reeelutioe was - Fe:rimtit- Nerved 'jy: Mr, Leekie, see --- r Mr. Meeser4, that this: (noun imuit. ak By -Law fur a6 beaus unt) for the Leaden,. Huron •e I alilwav ; allso a bonus of to the Wellington, they ce Iia: ttvi 41(•(:`.ui czUL' objected to this - on the gonad % that the was Bailed to sxbriiit a. ];3y- a bonus t -r the London, Ha - Deuce only, and censequen- a not legally vote to su bin.lt -w er �intirig a. bonus to they it'£)n,. grey .Dile Bruce - ;Warden alydern gust tined Mr, Mc- ,s of jet(. t- on, ghat.1 ruled the out of order. (IiseussiuT.. Iter•e ensued, in .l1<Pse s.. Lee i,e, Ilol tlfe4, Greenway, Patton, Kelly, arid Bich p took part, and -which the Hamilton delega. c e=ive'd some pretty Baird t'er the rn darner ri n li.i h they ttetnptiikg to !tial the L` on- te=tiara by pressing the claims io td upon the attention of cit. l r. t i teen: '`ay wets 1 severe * 1nErn t he iiumilt oir i(=li and }rat€dled Mr. Adaui i a li'?tit gloves. l F it}€,-ltif� 5 maim was vvitli vv•heli it was tl 1)v.'Mr. !loon, ' (e urde'elbv at e, that a vote tie now talkvn. Elie to• gi trit $'234/, - the 3<t)', - the Isonldor, kI lar on and i(•ailway. ell in amendment by ire that no ac_tiou Ito taken on ktiou of a By-law far as (`eau- is eau-is to the Loudon, Huron and llaailway Utnnpatny, but than next itt` l,e; 1'E�tE".1`r'E`d to the ne.,ht< of t.lie Council, in c,rclt.t. to trtore definite litffrrillaattf)n aa et)e}te of the road, as else et£ APRT: 2$. 1871. the G-rey, - and -Bruce Railway. - There voted for the notion : Mes- srs. Daiton, Armstrong,-Cronyn, Carrick, Shepherd, Patton,- Gaunt, Castle, Snell, Moon, Farran, Gibson, Horton, Girvin, Perkins, Creswell, Scott, and Yoiing.=1S. For the amendment—Messrs. -Willis,Yearly, Simpson, Kelly, Holmes, Messer, AftDonald, Green way. Bishop, Hays, Shannon, Dail las, Brown, Leckie, McCaughey. --15. The vote was item taken, to sub- txt :t a B3 -law, with the following re- sult I eccs-Messrs. Leckie, Hays, Bishop, Green way, Messer, Holmes, Kelly. Yearly, Corhyn; Willis, Mc- Caughey.—, -11. T . ayllessrs. Young, Browr.,, Cresswell, IM] las, Shannon, Perkins, Scott, McDougal, Girein, Horton,. Moor, Snell, Castle, Gaunt, Simp- son, Gibson_ Patton, Shepherd,- Car - 'ick, Dalton, Armstrong, F .arras. —21 2J.Q 3 The Council tl.eii adjourned. The largtst, cheapest and best selected stock of Boots and Shoes in Seaforth, .at T. Coventry's. - Mr.. Livingstone`s Repiy to Don - aid ?McGregor. To the Editor of the Ilitron Ecpositor•. DEAR SIR, ---The ,Clinton .iVew .Dict of the 2Otll -inst., contains a ply to my_ letter of the 12th inst., from that mythical !literary paragon, Donald McGregor, of Blyth. Never laying made. any pretensions to lite- rary houours, res productions in that line are few and far between, brit However small in number, they al- ways stand open to correction. The Y .g r:•eatDonald asserts in the most -posi- t ve termsthatmy" taste, style and Grammar is bad," (a favorite expres- wort, by the way, of a e.et' aria local magnate in Blyth),and-the decision _haaviug come from such high author- ity, judging from his great literary productions, whose- purity of diction rto one can deice .I hate no alterna- tive but to believe that my taste, style,andgialnaiar. are really bad, arid _ as a matter of course 1 m ust relin- quish mine and adopt the same style and purity of language. as that of the great Blyth journalist. On my sugaring off" (ecouse the the most appropriate) a term, but_it is rl 1riate -Donald's wouderful - !otter,! I care- fully examined the dark slimey sedi- ment remaining in the bottom of the kettle, -and found it to consist of the following strange mixture : "Tiger 1 egotism, bad taste, style, and _grammar, a quotation front Sol - om£n,. an idiotic laugh,,, pushing cor- respondent, Toady, Porter in a store, and lastly, an old worse out horse story," the whole mass strongly: re- sea'tbling a literary compost very much: re -ed in third rate newspaper offices twenty five years since, but now totally excluded from all res- pectable journals. Tlie letter in. question beingso 'foully personal, and written not by a>eiyjindivialia14named Donald Mc- Gregor, brut by a notorious political renegade; under an assure f, iia me, =because he dare notnia,ke lis sinster insinuations and false charges over his own -signature, well knowing that they would recoil upon his own !bead, but true to his cowardly na- rture and character, strikes .his oppo- nents from behind the shelter of an imbecile. in view of all this, I shall in fu- ture decline to take any further no -tice of his letters, until heb niself learns to write with " better taste and style," than he has shown here- tofore ; and when he manes charges, or meddles with men infinitely his su eriors, mentally or socially,o be able to do so in a candid, ge;,tienaan- 1v. Manner, over his own nate, and not attempt to wriggle out of a tight place by tendering to one opponent the most abject ect apologies; and to the other his Billingsgate jargon. It is unsatisfactory, to say the least, to _carry on a public correspondence with such airy notliirgs. • MARRIAGES• CLE NAN—RioRDAN.-At S.waforth, on Monday lasts by the Rev. James Mur- phy Mr. John Clennan,Morris, to glias Ellen Riordan, of Tuckersmith. DEATHS. McPurmars Suddenly, of typhoid fever, at Bic, Province of Quebec, ou • - Saturday last, Mil. William McPhillips, son of Geo. McPhillips, Esq:,: P. L. 5., Seaforth, aged 21 years. Mr. McPhillips much prrolniset and and. respected by al several years Lieutenant of talion Volunt has;'for the 1 as engineer of survey. .The e.00 r� 1\ o. er A tat t' the s ad n ;as_ a young man of was highly esteemed who knew hiin. For upied the position'of- Uornpany, .33rd-Bat- ilitia, Seaforth, and o years, lbee41 engaged n terc oro niial Railroad kws was coq municat•t a j h to his parentere on la h ed by telegr 1 .. - n 1st. Hi's be.eaved pa- rentsAlotiaa eve hg � � rj Y rents and. friendsh$ ve the syrppathy of the entire .conjtmun ty. TH i1I RKETS. .. i On accountIof t ' e large g im- portant of m portant local inatt r, and the - number of lengthy but intere ting communications -which we give this week we ate c led to omit the publication of !out usual market reports. There is, however, no c tan„ a of any account to chronicle. The 13irtf a410 s iota;; ,mar k et is much ,about the same as last week, except that milch cows`and fat stock are in slightly better demand.. For cheap ladies Prunella Boots of to T. Coventry's, gents' and children's every description, go MA -E. STR AY TRA.YED from ' es of - the kaubsc, i, Lot -the premi 35, First lay, April oncession, MoKillop, o " ' Sun( 3; a small mare, wi h white star on forehead. finder w 11 b suitably re arch d on ming he to (EORGE GAGEN, 1st cession, cKi lop. 17741 bay Th ret Co s Ste Ap stri has eel tak I would further recommend. the writer of the articles over thesigna- ture of, Donald McGregor, to look well to' himself, as he is well known, aril not meddle with the characters' of public men, in ca.se his own may suffer by comparison, also to abstain from all men tion -cit yay `.` distingu ish- ed relatives," unless he wishes me to refer to a. few of his distinguished relatives .who emigrated from the sol" to Botn€'v Bay,, at the urgent invitation of Her Majesty's Government. A.nothec `` not un- eoininon old country' characteristic, it wt u_d be very amusing all around. -would it not `t' ear ! Trusting Mr. Editor that you w Ci91 ex., us, this, toY , last letter on the f. abov-e subject, I renaa;n, Respectfully ,Yours, N. M. LmNGSTONE: Ainleyville, April! 26, X8 71. CO` RAYS' into ubscribe , lot hen - To shi il, a BR, WN e along the b just 3a,1 .d. o prove prop her awat . xeter,. A ril 2 STRAY. theP reiniiies of the No. 2, 2d Concession about the 'lst ' of COW, wit a white ek and whi a face ; she 'he owner s request- - rty, pay 'charges and _ JOHNI FORD. ,' 1871. . 177-4t* • t.i unic ,URRT he Court {of "Grey T On Mo mencing 11 pers mselves a. Co th -3t a1 it� Grey p of . . y Y 0 REV' SION. of Revision for h13 Town - will Je held at. otel, Cra brook, days 22d May, 871, at 16 'clock A. M. as interested ill govern 'cord nngly . J. R. G-RNT, Townsh p Clerk: RLINC • C The latest styles of Boots and Shoes of all kinds cheap at T: Uoventry's. — Information coine,s from Washing- ton raq bin,),- trit- that the Secretary of the United States Treasury has decided l tl 1 t cattle for !,reeding purposes may be imported iron Canada into the Uiited' States free of duty, and that the C'ustonis officers mloi'g the lines have been so instructed. BOU' n BONT THE - HURON . EXPOSITOR. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. Every class o: Goods wi 1 be bought tae most advantageous terms, and ill be odered atP rices t establish a �N rade, and whic will si cl comparison -th'•an legitimate tom ition. y .. 177 Read, Read, Read: NEW STORE JUST 'OI ENED, and SPR1IN Goods Sold CHET Nothing charged to show gooc I TRIAL IS TH SUREST j. H 177 F GOODS received daily. >LPER than ever. - ls. TEST. AN BROS, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. CIE ZT g III 3O NOTS ^^ 0 'PVrLI Q'H?I 3iI Frear Arr*vats I, BEAT Fresh Arrivals COMPANY J3E ts to announce to their friends and the public, that their Mr. McMULKKIN has J 'ai§t returned from the Eastern Market, with one of the choicest Stocks qq NewSeasonable le DRY GOODS ever imported into Seaforth, Which, hich, owing of and Seaso b s P to th einorirrous reduction inprice the p of goods this season, they are enabled to offer t pries which must ensure a ready sale.- They would say that from the fact of their tock being all new, and bought since the ' HOUs AND LOT OR SALE. Th1 s bscrnber ofle s for sale -the House and : Lot on \ illialn Stree , next to Mr. Williamson' - Will be evil I cheap. For �i�s;iticu a s apply on th mi Irt ase s, 176 tf. T. - ELLIOTT, R1AT F LL and oli the; very best term:, that they goods at mn'nimuni prices- They are n GOODS, bought at prices THY LiTY P MARKET VALUE. Th ^ y would also ,G,rv possessed by no other Ho of the largest Wholesale the Wholesale Trade. Ti which will be found. reple Particular att PRINT DRY GOODS, re in a most favorable position to offer t encumbered with any PILES OF OLD R LENT ABOVE THEIR PRESENT ay that they have facilities in buying both and Gtoceries I se in Seafort having intimate connections with soine apses in the Dominion and a thorough knowledge of ej' would res ,ectfully invite inspection of their stock, e with all t e Novelties in the Market this Season. tion is direc ed to the' 'following lines, viz. : DRESS GOOD ARASOLS, TWEEDS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TICICNGS, FRENCH D' BLACK LUSTR S, AI NES, FRENCH MER INOS, LACK COBURGS, BLA_CX BARA REAS, TABLE -CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, hoes and Readymade Clo hing. Boots and S THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is always wellsupplied lied ith abundance of the best and cheapest goods, which will e sold. at i,he most reasonable prices. Their LIQUOR, DE Give usac DILL'S BRITANNIA. HOUSE, SEAFORTH. • -In inviting the public attention to the Spring and Summer "stock of 1871, W. HILL would remark that he has secured some very cheap lines of seasonable goods,which will be shown at prices that must satisfy prices the most economical buyer. As all the good's are marked at the lowest possible profit, no reduction in price can be made. The goods . marked in plain figures customers may all In 1 figures, be sure that no more thanthe regular price will be asked, and it would be well to remember that, as a rule, ARTMENT is well supplied with all the BEST BRANDS. 11 andjudge for yourselves. , T'Y OUR 80 CENT TEA. & BEATTY - COMPANY.. C:AIIAlICI AEiZ.'5 �UILDJNGS, Main .Street, Sea orth, April 2p, 1871. . 176-tf. GOODS ARE NOT QHEAP WHERE TWO PRICES ARE MADE. The stock in the staple department is- at all times well maintained'. • Grey and White Cottons, SHIRTI1NG Jeans, � Denims, Ti kings, Prints, BRILLIANT S, &c. C411 and examine. Bleached and 1 l Iea ched LINEN DAMASKS: it ls. � ollallds Hessians, D1 ZTnign clo. , Dressed H , Extra value in B own Hollanc s. Ask for it. Particular care has been tak n to make the DRESS A'N:U M LLINERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. N DRESS OODS. Lustres, Black and Colored; R p 1s, plain and brocaded; Crape Cloth, black and olcred; Plain and Checked, Poplinettes, Plain and Brocaded : oplins. SILKS,. &c., are wor by of attention. Enquire for -BLA K SILKS. The MILLINERY AND ,11 ANTL} ROOM, under the charge of an.e perienced milliner, is especially at- tractive, showing the newest °tyles at the lowest pos- sible prices. BATS, BONNETS PLUMES, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Or ainents, Trimmings, &c. A lot of SHAKERS to b : (riven away. Call and get one. Cloth, Velveteen and Silk MANTLES of the newest designs. The FRINGED' WATERT i3OOF cloth for Spring Jackets. MORTGA.E SA IJE. TJNDER a Power f Sa e contained in a llortglge, made by g Hat- ton, i ton, of the lownshipi of • owick, in the County of Huron, V° rpeu r, an Mar- garet'Hatton, his w e, ( mug a party thereto for the purpo e of b wing Dower, ) beei havingbt,ei ma le in the clue payment thereof, ant clue notice having been given to all par ies i terested, there will be sold by PUBLIC - ULTION,. on MONDAY, THE 1ST F M Y, A:D.1871, At GOFTON'S H TE ,: 1lTroieter, At 12 o'clock, noon, the _ ollowung Pro !Ot N E W. S P R party, namely, Lot 'um -r Six, "on the° South side of Queen tree , in:the village of Wroxeter, according to a plan Of part of said villa e, made by . BAY, .Esti., P. L. S., andregistered, coy tannin„ 1 fifth of an acre, with valuab te bu ldings her -eon. 1 EP,,TVLS made know at Sale Deed under Power of sale i 1 the M * rtgage. BENSON & M YER-, - Solicitors for the Mo Arrived to -day 500 aaee. Seaforth, April 17, 187 . 176-2 'TOWNSHIP OTI • IHE COURT OF .11.E ISMT APPEAL for the To • nship' . berry, will be held at Mr J. Jo EI 1LL, Bluevale, on MO TDAY, of. May next, at the hour of Ten a. m. The Assessment oll can at the Clerk's office. DAME OHN ownsh. Turnberry, Aril 14 1 71. E. AND tTt rn SToN'S. the 8th o'clock, be seen TON, 1n Clerk. 176-2 DR ESS —AT THE— SHA LS. A job lot of Shawls, to be cleared out regardless of value. TISK.INGS. HOTISE FUR Lace and .Mus i>v C 'tains. All -wool and Union Damasks. Da' ask tnd Pru ted Table -Covers, Table Napkins, Antimacass rs,: Dia er and Huck Towelings, Fringed and Bordere , Towels White and Brd wn Sheet- ings, Alhambra and 'arseill s Quilts, Cotton Fringes, Table Oil Cloths, Window H !lands:.. A Wood stock of BRO A CLOTHS, KERSEY- b MERFS, MELTONS, C, nadian and'nimported TWEEDS, Unio TWEEDS, ambroons, ottonades, Pers an Cord for Clerical Wear. Ready -Made S ITABLE FOR '1IE SEASON. Clothing made o order,—go .d style and fit guaranteed. fl Clothing, Ge Colored and Wool and.- ler: Shirt -fronts, B mond" Tie, S Caps, &c. PARASOLS, _ lars, Embroicle fasts' Waists Buttons, Tasse. 111T- G port'and Valenciennes Lace nts' Fri nishings. White Cotto SHIRTS, Woolen do., ino Undersh 1 is and Drawers, Socks, aces, the "B rwick" Collar, the Dia- carfs, . Bows Handkerchiefs, Hats, A } FULL ASSO ttTMENT OF 3osiery, Glov s, Corsets, Ladies' Col - ed and Lace Sets` Sewed Muslins In- nd Robes, Crrlbroidery, Silk Fringes, s, Chantilly a. d Gossamer Falls, New - &c. bought from a manufac- alf price. S T Cl -,N' O R 777. A. G. MCDOUGALL. A. lot of HOOP -SKIRTS turer giving up business at 1 BbbTS AN Having purchased large trade in this dePrtment, pu a good aSSOrtniellt to select THE GR is kept supplied'with fresh -compare favorably with any the TEAS, --the always gni Take a 'note of the address SHOES. to meet the increasing chasers can make sure of rom at right prices. CERY and good stuck, :and will house in the trade. Try satisfaction. '� 1 1 HILL'S "Britannia House,"' pposite Knob's Hotel, ,Adjoinil g th Post Office, SEAFORTIL