HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-28, Page 41[ ;It : 4. THE HU N EXPOSITOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. — Court of ilayieion—J. B. Grant. Wall Paper—Telegraph Book Store. New Arrivals—J. )3onthron & Sou; New Store—Gray, -Shafting & Co. Cow Et:tray—John }ord. Mare strayed—George Gagen. siga of the_Red Flag—Hoffman Brothers. ptriat imam All Official Noticed, Published FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1871.; The Special Meeting of the Coun- ty COuricil. - As will be seen by our report of the specitd meeting of the County Council, held ttt Goderich on Tues- day mid Wednesday last, a motion to submit a By -Law to the Rate- . payers of the Cotuaty asking them tc grant a bonus of $250,000 to the J,S. McKenzie and J. H. Cleve- . land ahainst the return of Mr. G-ee orue W. Hamf ilton forPresc tt ;o Nelson 0 -4 Gorham, Amos J. iHughes, B. W. Howard, Josh Wilson, Jr., John ertenson, S. P. Irwtn, and J. D. hillips against the return of Mr. lfred Boultbee ' for the North , I hiding of ',York ; Tf Jonatha:n 'issons against the return of Air. W.1 ,. Ardagh for the North Minh 0 imcoe handl of Thomas Gral7au L toains t , the return 0,f, Mr. Petet attersonlfo the W iit Ridiug o York." I . I Our Out -Going Population. LOIld011, HUV011 ant Bruce Railway was voted down, by a Majority of eleven. We are not surprised et th is result,indeed we scarce] y -expec- ted anything different. This action OU the part of the .County Council, however, will not by any .means baulk or impede the scheme. On the contrary, we believe that it will have a beneficial effect, inasmuch -as it will stumulate th•e promoters and friends of the road to more vigorous and oreited action toWardi obtaining direct bonuses from the municipalhe ties more immediately interested. The townships will now he appealed to a 6 once, and we have the strongest faith that, if the scheme is properly - laid before the people, they Will respond liberally. and that the re- quired.amount will be granted with- out a mat mur. -With regard to the conduct of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce tieople, ia putting forth sach strenu- ous efforts to burk . the Lohdon scheme, we have only to say, that tliey did not do, themselves .credi, hot their scheme benefit by 'thei•' vis:t to Goderich. They -did succeed, however, in convincing almost every member. of the Coonty. Coupe -it of their insincerity ancl laek of inten- tion to carry out what they 'wares% to be so desirous to do, viz., mild a bronco. from Harriston to- Kincar- d Me. . ., The whole object of these lIamil- n people is to prevent the London hood front entering). North Huron, as they well knowthat the moment the London road enters the North- ern tuwnships, they will have an a :thee and trottblesome opponent. For this reaeo 1, an 1 iao other. do they desire if possible, to nip the London scheme in the bud. It 'is well that the people of the north- ern townships should lepow this, that they may no longer be cejoled into oppoing a road which they -cm easly get, and which • will answer their purpose, for the sake of a phantom scheme whicit would but illy serve thene eveu if carried on, and :‘ which Jcan never be . carried to successful •oin pl e amt. Let them give Mr. - town and hie followersthe cohl shoulder and they will soon -desist from annoyina them. — We arty here state th i. was intimated by members of the Board of Directors at Goderich, that the load woil id reit by way of Bruceffeld, iustead of directly through the Town- ship of Tackersmith from Kippen o Seaforth, as was at first intende 'We are glad that the Directors hat e determined upon . taking this step, as the road so located will much better accomodate the people of the • „ townehips of Tuckers -with and Stan- leveand will draw, a considera‘ble add faunal A moo n t of tra -' c. - . 1. _ Contested Elections. - If the timelier of .petitions filed agridiret Members elected at the late - . electione is any ariterioe, we .should. say thohethe one day P01 ing system _hoe not been produ.c.tive • of mach good. - It was, heretofore, .;uncer- e • t etood, that the greatest amoont of hribeay and corruption, (luting an electioe -campaign, Woe perpetitttetl on the eveaiag ot the first day:. It and ; exem° " I a now se,,10, 11.01,VeNe", that thOSP leve',"37w :efft' who detive to reach the pinotteleeof P e Ttd fame -ituel bailor by such qeestion- vitu):Ot "'; able metes, as well as those who tire own' 'Pun''' wiifltig tu sell their peiticiples-- for Itibn eonsidehttion, tem still tied anni ui')al ioye opportuuity to covey on their: nefate etterded % i()US mid discreditable harteringe. The folltwing grist of petitions has 1ready been tiled witt the Clerk of Un' Court of .Qtwen'e Bench :ae" The pethdou Of Jawea Beth tine agamet the rettarn ef •Alr.1ViiIiain Colqu- holm for Stmonoot ; of Samuel egatuet the return of Air. William Ititzsiumeets for Broeltville; of Int hieheete against the return of AI te Woe Craig for Reussell ; of Rebel t Lyon egitin.st etWe return of Mr,' t :tor W. hi ()plc' for Carleton - of - A1ldel-80in ag,aitist the return of Mt. Gideon 'Striker for Prinee Edward ;ofJ. W. Collverand Jahob Misener against the return of Mr, Laehlan McCallum for Monk ; o: According • liehed ou enty persons taken thtir Station, duriiag last onth and the firet three weeks of the present le United States and to a statement we pub - last ;issue, about sevi. from this' vicinity hetet eparture from Seatorth inonth, for t !Manitoba. Of thes , about one.' i fifth were estined for the Mont- . -- 1 toba settlem nt . while the remain der proposed to.try their fortunes in the Wettern States We alpines that from oqier sections of Ontari the ernigrati n at this season of th - year, Will be a.bchic the same as from our.. 0 Sin], and that -about the same li ratio of the emigrants will be des tined respe tively for the United States and Manitoba. While it 4. still to he regretted that so many of our very bestcitizens are going fron us to teke up their residence in foreign country, yet there is matter for congratt lotion in the fact that whereas the whole flow -of our erni 1 oration was armerly turned tower b the Wetter' States, at least one fifth ohf it is now diverted to our Own .W ,stern country. Ther is ground fa - . encouragement here We believe 'thew are many thou sand square ailes of the most fertil and product' N1 land ye( to be settle in what was formerly known as th Hudson's ay Terri(ory, , 'Witl such a hard and ipdoscrious popu lotion as in now flowieg into tha country, thee com.be n doubt tha if the:propet acilities for reachin markets ar afforded its progree Must be e eedingly rapid. W are confide t that, if the proposel Railway to 'B•itish Columbia conl I be construct qnickly' and cheapl as far as Ma mita, 'without the job- bery pad etthavagauce there is to much reaso to fear, will, attend i the ' emigrati n into that colon, webld be so teat, and the progress - of the new 6 amtry so rapid, tie t the road, fo hat distahce at leas would be a, pa ing investment. out -going 1 o ndation destieed f r 1 Itegardm that pottion of our the bWesteri States, and which s still much t re largest, while a knowlecigin i. fit, as a loss, we cannot t look upon 1( 7f ith the poignant r - (net with w iich 'some profess to r b gard it. TI is Vortion .of our ein gration is oafposed principally f yoeug meal many, of them. trade -- then. To tl iv class, it cannct be d nied that t le high wages •pail it many parts of the W stern .Stat s are an iridtoement not as yet pa allelechin at y part of qui. own tet r - tory. A y wig mane kble and wil - ing to Avot especially if he has a trade at his fivers' en s, canreadily find profital le eMployt lent in mai y parts of the Western -totes, and •-f he be steady a d criteria —in .ot wor 1 &he "take:, .care Id imself,"—I e may aceurn late mene . There a le hundreds o young letnadians no v m nearly 0 'my State f the Ii-nio1 holding go.d. eituatio is and int ceipt of g od salarie. ,—in fact, t hes become- notorious that the At t- ericans prefer °allot] ans for ern ployes, even to their wn counta.,- emen. Rai. o lh does th emigrant f this class orget the home of II- 9 youth. W know of nore than ot e rnortgoge p id off a C with mone whieh wa, devoted son, in. the far the young tariadiaa ewith a littl honest indestry and luift, retur is to his .natilye conntr e invests his earplugs ihi. business ! r egricultuip and the experience he has gained n his wanderings being f good servi-e to him, he beconiee at enterprish g lary citihe a So, w hile should rin, made to if ble calla° ment to tie e populat on a•-ithidfonr . - tries, the fereign emit] a - TIM be idOkeCi Op011 IS d evil, ns i is sotnetimes .itli odva itages, add -11 .nadian far earned hy a West.- Oft( a f ,this cla, s, capital ac um u lated ill the general r ici Fox.' conte Ora of it h says :--• The talent, of every description, will he represented, both frott Canada and the neighboring Sta es ; and the celebration promises t be of. a very superior character, and such as " det Deutschen " only are famous., From all appearances, it will be theigrand- est affair ever bel 1 in this chunt and second r lily Gillmore's tam us Boston " J ' jo os of the 2nd y in speaking best Musi&I though not Loathe less:real. ' ire not t .Gern.a n Peace "Active a t1.-extenst are being o atle by th the .Conn of Wa holding of heir groat vol. The celebratiot place at th To or 211t1 tif ltlay next, anc tally, be late ely attend .frour all; pa •te of the • leorn that several- o residentof C.:minty 'la with their this end tla " iiit ouutry inc estival. e preparatio s Germans of tloo . r t ie Peace Ft -:ti - is to tae Berlin, on t will undou ,t- d by Geruut rovinee. h the Gotni " Pairi Last Week, we Mr. Ca eron's absence from ti e pendence of the e neither i Pe nor It seem. that Mr off" wit.' Mr. W tive. ell, if tl ng •ff." ("a .0 publicity )xe, motion of vote on the em bill,but 1 p;ac for COMIlle Cameron "pai rigi t, a COOSel is s the hest to le - 'ed Ta_ ex cuse Alt. Cameron eo n give for us absence on that imp rtant occasi n, it woult have be n • s much to is credit h. d he kep sil nce altogether. True, it does not seetn quite.so lad to ‘.‘ pai off" as t i de ibehdely eh rk a vote, ut thit " Air' ng hoff ":is g a- et•ally t e resort f "loose -fish" N Ito have no the named courage either to shirk a. vote -or ot irt a man ler which N ill rot receiee the apliro 'al of * ehei Comfit ien s. Ptovid ng Mr.- °aileron's ceurs were follox ed li out by nembers of he Opposit en generally; and tat "very Opp si- tionist ' paired o " rith an o ip ti- ent, where would the ppposition be, aud w at would bet' me of ti eir measur s? The oh y of "pair ng off" is ibsurd. Sul pose Leonh as' •three lit ndred 5 art t us had " pai ed - off " ait, i their th rty thousand op o- rients, li w long eon] the gallant lit- tle banc have .maint ined their o- sitien it. the narr w ap where they stood? This " pi iri g off" bush ess won't go dow-h with the upright," honest Reforinerl of "outh41-furore 11 the mijoini end to uidie n Waterluo THE CE SUS AN ED—LORD PROS*ECTS 0 N ET 0 ONTO. 19 01 GAI HE `II ANG T AND , THE, SC Q E 0 INT H. 1, Toi has b G IT IS BM./ ND ER- S HOL IDAY- 00AL ES—MR. • BLAKE URDER VOTE, — MiIISS10N. FOur ro rrespondent. oi April 24, 1871. e lull in politics of Parliament, ernment mi. do- ty much to the census. TI ere that, some of the inost emmen tion ith this w a good deal of cahlY, and have almost finished their litbars. It by no lateens follows, engineers itt the wor.d had given]. t have been ex- though, that the reparted settlement at t ieit ' opinion ihat for a loco known peenliae of he fisheries question is the true rbod the narrow gueoe was by fa nail at the head one. It is to be hoped not, at any ed ' by the ate Wu ithless to us, and tile idea of a fisheriee are _Mr. Duukin rat • The American h h. ir-splitter of the They since th and eri hags is manner of tak TO, e prorote tioi ot o confin d pre nth bas unc oubted y bee blundeting ini c no matter and i raigi pected tom th yell obi itie • of thee tle ot this Depot- ment. was rigiteouslfr uh Mr. M Gee, Damin'on," 1 • , - it is exttemely doubtful ,,whether he willhie Able to weather throegh the fitnt session. He' may .' possibly— thouh,lait is hardly likely—start with a majority of. two or • three—not more - But his 'great Weakness, as compared. with the Opposition is in, point of ability, 'The Government rankle hi,tve rather lost, if anything, in this respect, 14 the eiuetions.--- Wodd and M. C. Cameran are aeso- httelly the ..only: men on that eide with anythingtlike distioguiehed de- bating powers. On -the other hand the Opposition gained lou•gely in hatiant of ability. .131ahe. and Mac, ken zie, McKellar and 'Adam Crooke, and (Jerrie, besides several younger and lees ex tietienced, hut telented Men .111 agitintt Wood and Caniet- o11—if Wood reniainni nth° Govern- ment, which is exceedingly doulhful. it i remeured that McDougall will doee take place it will greatly add I talc( Richards' place. If this chanhe to the debating power of the Govern- ment, for McDoegall it not excelled Dotal -Lakin.. Iiih! accession to the it . if these who had bee in that. lespect by any maii in the Govertunent, though, a road which would Would now assiet . add! anythine • to the71°:trillunialeatritcliaY1 I_ to them As regards the two routes teed by the Great A-Vt. Stern. If we:. in question his contti nente Were not had not. the Cheat Western at -,011r - he give it his sup ered that the only to raise the mone Bonus. Su far as situtents were COTI ed not whieh rou He had always to forth route, and won, as he believed it to b most easily cons ru -would Vote in &vim Bonns no matter Whi were choseu. He c if the people of the Opunty paid for the construction of th road throxigh the County, they were the proper parties to say whet t le road should be located. Mr. GREENWA . the people of e Stephen and ITehOrn to build the Buffalo 1-o u Rail way tb roi gh yot many of them ha 1 never receiv- ed any benefit front t, and be con- sidered that it would illy be justice benefited by hem to obtain hi of some use APRIL 1 811 o • or He consid• hacl found ditfiettlties in the way, air and just way yet they had overcome those 1LS by County ties, and wele now prepared to ID 0 VO and his con- on rapidly. The road is now run- er ed, it mattet- ning three_ trains a ,dav from Dray - e the road went. ton ; the whole of the road to Pais- pported the Sea- ley will be under contract by the let d do so still, of July, and it -wilt reach the waters the best and edge at .Southampton timeifor ted, but ,he the Conipany to secure the Wilee of a County : County Bonus e With regord to the hof the routes Kincardine extensien, he would eay nsidered that that the moment the Toronto Nar- row Guage Company withdrew, the Company which he represented took possession of the territory in North Huron and South Bruce, and we shall keep faith with the people of that section. The Company are now psepared to put on a stnif of engi- neers to enrhey the Kincoe dine Branch. We -have a charter which allowshis to build, these extensions, .and the necessary assistance to ell. - able us to build them has been as gond as guaranteed by the areat Western Company. The lowest sale we have made of bonds is .83 cents, and this because- they were getaran- he ait that al though qhiwnehips of bad assisted and Lake Hu - this Co D ty, strepgth, for he has no followers. 11 think the up -shot of the whole mat- .' at all interested. people who would hi ter will he, that if Sandlield finds he can control a majarity.,1-Wocd. will Money should say y read should take, an remain in the Government and Mc- Dougall will take Richards' place.— lawNenould be sithrni such a way as woult The "if" in this case, however, is im- portant. The Council now resolved itsel opportunity. The Government papers just now into Committee of the whole,. Mr thought the ve to pay the hich reute the that the By - ted to them in hive thein an are raising a great cry against Mr. Shaunon in the chair tunity was given members.of the Rail to adthess the meeti • Blake, and charging him with shit k- ing the vete on Mr. Bodwell's 'no- tion respecting the mutder of Scott. My. Blake addresses a puhlic meet- ing to -morrow nigh t at Bo w ma n vine, and I will not aai ticipate his defence. But I n state, as a matter of fact, that Mr. Blake and a number of h's company and hoN statement of t of Wbich: am personally cognizant., ward other western members had arroinged to proceed should to leave by the 10 o'clock train on bonus be granted the Mr. CHU RCHER, o the first speaker ea delivered a very 1.)1. - and an oppor the differen ,ay-delegittions London. wa. led upon, and ii straightfor le position o they propos& the necessat t by the peopl the pie.ht the matter eeiee eh ; that of Huronthey proposed to built Mr. Blake waited till the last nJor talent for the question to be put, but the epeaking having coatinued till a a cheap road—a hood which woult afford all necessitrh faihtie to th people of this County. They' pro latehour, he had to lertVe to catch itesed to build the ro d without th the train. Mr. Blahe is above the, assistance of foieig4 capitalists, a the little dodoe of dm Ino- votes. If hY so doing the mo ley which th he lochs in anything, it is not iu road would earn wo come bac b again to themailvhs •nstead of goin courage. His vote wonid not have effecte'd the result, and is Itis views to the old country tjD pay interee , on the subject -are well 1:110W11 there certainly woe no very henious offence in his carrying, out a previous ar- rangement to leave that evening. Reliable private informittin re- page could be buil ceived here frotu Wash in g ton confirm than a herald guage ; the reportthat, the Joint High the narrowgnage,sys Commission are getting along mph with the broad peg and dividends, as wo Ild be :the cos - were the road built lay old countrt capitidists. With regard to the ques tion of gua for -a half let with regard t em as compare( he would ha inick, we might as well try to swim np the Falls of - Niaeara as to 'mild our toad, The G'reat Western, which is hiterwoven with our institution, will acquire our tonds. It is that institu- tion upon which we rely for assis- tonce. By Dominion day the guage of what is built on the Wellinetou Grey and Bruce hill be changed to d W corresponwith the Great estern, and not another rail will be laid down upon the remoinder of the road except upon_ tne 4 feet 8- inch page. As soon- ae the Engineere o nplete the r vey of the Kincardine route and bring down their plane we will nppEtir le 'ore you in the tOwnships of North Hilton, with an aoreeruent from the Gi eat Weetern relative to the bronehes, similar to that we now h -the for our tain line, to ask you for your bonuses. After getting this lenoth, Mi. Brown, n otwithstap di the state ill ent w hi c he m tde at the commen. eaient of his add es, launched forth in a furious tirade of abuse Against narl ow guages m gePerah and the London schente in particular. Mr. AlunitaY ANPERSO:N, Montag- litag Director of the London toad, re- plied in a most effective manner to the abuse which Mr. Brown had oes be hail that a mem t•adietin 26(51 to "honeet Abe,' A lid was the `f nih splitter ' of the -e ni ed States. He. has a perfect 'a da for details, nd would ao dou made an e lent census ent n era or, but his rdind has nor greet) m ug to fit hire for theofii e of p a ning and cartying into efiect p heal system for `a,k- i»g. iccurat ennus. There is an- otherifeature c nn cted with the subject for thh'e Dunkin ie no mole, th blame t "an his colleagues, and that is ti th appointments aVe been mat e for aolitical ptulpes- es rather th a achount of competency of ti rties Appoin The. abaft is t Some eases- - have b4en apo ees anci enutii 'unfit for the o -Whtell. 'Perinea, of -GoYernme a Certain. ext our system of I notice tha Kint,st, GotorameGen is aboat to le v N :Enghtt Doyleenow L Seotia,I will a ment in his a - plains !of thi, the su [mast tion that II will draw hie loll sidate ab- sence and tha Sr dra w eimilO me rarity filling ii. pl iS altogether a von. Governor -Genet i draws half- pay ; th to the ildalinistratot The .cduntry will th ing peeuniatil by His Exeellerm , a would ;The very t neo. it hine frhui et.jOyin iday, eepecially ehlviens:ele rt countey --at theit ow Thlhaslieep a Nk Specolatio4.1atel) in regard t the LOC7/11 iGOvernment. -No doubt - and- Sereie Dines- silences time ta0 pen. of hi. 000 -lents 1As friends are wisely silent as f 'tare political pit spects. T1 p rt to -day is that le is getoine auci will Soon O to .NOst He' is -not e mart to t4si1e, and it is no at all mil will face th new House on e pi 1 in ted as commishian- tors who are titterlf ot This is -an eyil e evc ry Departn eht t an is, pet•hap , to nt, iseparable rain! overt ment. he en erable Br hh, is n, orowling at the Id His Exhellency fo • a few months' d Sir Hastings ie vernor of Nova n Mister the G-odern- se ce. The Whig eotn- irra gement on Excellency during hie astings will also nt while tempo- ce. The Iritig ). While the absent nly other half roes in his ohs .nee. Tefore lose oth- the a.bsen e of •d it certi inly miens to pr eumaner 4)01- that his re. lion- mbe. linove the i sweet, will on erful absence the tech T1011 'hat li Or a and o his e re- bet- ome kely but heaped upon the London, - Huron and Bruce company and scheme. When Mr. Anderson concluded his remarks, it being 8iX O'ClOCk, the, Conneil adjourned until seven. At the eveniug session addressea -a-ere delivered by Messre. Wood, Chisholm, and the irrepressible. Brown, of the Hamilton -delegation, the more preferable. Their Enginee and Messrs Atkinson, Flock, and emild build and equ p this toad fo • Churcher, of the London delegation, $12,000 per milef uhts sum the itt behodf of their respective schemes. money ccmpensittion for what is vir- propoted, to raise 1,000 per! mil 1 The substance of these addresses we tually a part of oui- territory—the from London, *0, op from th have given before, in various shapes, three miles from the shore --is re- County of Huron, aid $2-,000 froil and it would not now be either in- pugnant to ;the' feelingh- ofall trr e the goveinment, tvh.l.ch wouldi leav structive or interestirio to our reads' :Canadians. The incorrectness of the but 5O0,000 to. nise after that without th It ha.sj bee in offering t ot giving a fai 250,000 aske 'Huron. No ndon was-abot lotion of Truro about 8u,000 ; the value of thie rateable property of London AV' s about $5,000,000, of Huron abot t COUNTY COUNCIL. $14,000,000, so thal, it .would 1e report is apparent flota the fact that the American fitheries are under the control of the several States border. - Mg on the Atlantic, a d, therefore, Congress could not barter them away without their consent. I But . of the fact that an -amicable settlementhas been, or is in a fait• thay of being reached:there need be little doubt. PO-NTIAc. which could be do slightest difficulty. stated that Lotaclon give $100,000, was proportion to the from the County of the population of:L 20,000. and the,pop A ccoi•ding to call of the Warden, the County Council met at Goderich on 'Tuesday last, to take into con- . sideration the propriety of granting ,a bonus to aid the construction of the, London, Huron and Rtuce Rail- way. Deputations representing the Leudon, Huron and Bruce and the Welliugton, Grey and Bruce Rail- ways were p.esent and addressed th.e meeting. 1 A fa4 attendanee of the mem- bers of the County i Council was present. I ' About half past four the Warden took the chair, and explained the 1 reasons why he had ea led the meet - trig. The Clerk read t le requieition calling the meeting,raf ter which the signers of the requi4tion were called upon to explain Whvi they desired a meeting to be callied., Mr. LECKIE said ithat he consid- erhd the road, if. bbilt, would be a benefit to the whole °aunty. All sections of the county had con- tributed towid•ds assisting to build the road which we at present have al though the Northern and Sou th ern sections had rot received that benefit from it which the municipalitiee in the centre had, He therefore con- sidered it nothing but just that those whom they had helped should now help them. This being the case, he thought a County bonus the moht fair way of raising the required sum for the Lond'on, Huron and Bruce Railway. For thie reason, he had signed the requisition calling tliis meeting, so that t ley might ascer- ty were willing tain what the Coo to :do fol. them. Alr. BISHOP. di( not believe in the grouping te, s eue not would seen by this that Londoa was givin I 1 1 her full propoiti They la asked the representatives of' th County to locate phd read but the refused, and threw' this responsibili upon the Directors qf the Compan The Directors were thereforh_ conji- Felled to take the °cation ef the route upon therose Yes, and ithe selected the route vhich seemed be the niost favohal le .in an con mercial point of v eW. But th were not in any tya tain the selectioh made. • If the Cott Huron, or the pelvic., of Huron, will take in hand to say whore theroald shall be bulk the Directors will most happy ,to meet their view Any scheme which 'pay be suggest( by the people of Huron will 1 adopted if the Directors considers practicable Mr. ADAM Bnown, of the Ha ilton delegation, was the next spea er. He haid that he did not pr ers were we _to repretince it. The 'discussion was kept tah untilafter ten o'clock, when the Wotn: aell _ad- journed, to meet lapin on Wed- nesday morning at nine o'clock. WEDNESDAY, April 26. The Council met pursuant, to ad- journment, the War den in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved, when the folio hing reeol tioo was submit- ted :—`• :Moved hy Mr, Leckie, see- onded by Mr. Mehr, that this Ctnin- cil submit etBy-Law for a bonus of $200,000 for the London, ITuron and Erece Beltway; also a honus of - $100,000 to the Wellington, Goey and Bruce Railway. Mr. Alcatoortntr objected to this motion, on the ground thot the meeting was called to snbmit a By - O Law for a bonus to the London, lin- - ran and ,Bruce only, end consequen- tit, cortld not legally vote to sebum bound to xnaiu- a By -Law erantino a bonus to the . 0 0 hich they had Wellington, Grey and Bruce. nty Council if The Warden sastained ,Mr. Me- Caughey's objection, and ruled the motion out of artier. e A long discussion here ensued, in , 1 which Messrs. Leckie, Holtalesi d ', Meseer, Greenway, Patton, Kelly, e ! Gibson, a.ud Bisheip look part, and - t i during which the Hamilton delegot i titan received' eorne pretty hard - ! knocksfur the manner in which they - weie attempting to berk the Lon- don. scheme y pressing the claims upon the attention of Mr. Oreenway was re 11pon the Hamilton. - pose to enter jot° any discus don of their root with the gentlemen from London, Ithe Council. nor to say one *mid disparage- especially sev ment of their- aelfeme, unless lie gentlemen, aid handled Mr. Adam should require th 00 so in self -de- Brown witho &Yes. fence. He merely come to the meet- Mr. Leckie's motion was with. f drawn, when a Moved by ing to make a plain etatement facts regarding t Wellingto Grey, and Bruce Rnilway, in order ' that the repre:-entatiyes of the peo- ple of Nerd) Holm might know! what tikey had done, what they1 were doihg, and what they intended to do. Mr. Brown wentinto a long history of the trolables and trials which his Company had to contend up to the present tithe, the eubstanee of which has alreedy appeared in these columns in our. report of the Wingham meeting- hist winter. Mr. Bhowo ther. said that althouoh they • , it was Ir. Moon, secondedby Mr. Castle, that a vote be now taken upon the By-law, to grant $250,- 000 -to the Landon, lluien and Blume Railway. Moved in amendment by Mr. Bishop, that to action be Liken on. the question of a By-law for a Coun- ty lionus- to the London, IltifOn and Bruce Railwity Company, but thee the same be refereed to the next meeting of the Council, in order to obtain more definite informatitin as to the noute of the road, as also of 1, 1 4 timel Weiiingtoii, Grey, alwa voted tor the m am. Dalton, ithrinStrOU CakTitk, Sliephorti, Patt 'Coetle, Snell, Moon, Fa rtori, 8ct, and Voting. -1A. For the 41:Tnenolonel Yearly, Simi) I-1imns -Messer, MeDer y. Bishop, Itlys, Shot hu, Brown, Leekie, Me.° ha% a BA -law, lvithitnhtal The V-01-#1. hi' e 1 B -shop, Greenway, -Yearly, Corm telt sswell, hoe, ftletnil 8dOtt, AieDkollf4a). Giro MOO/ 811(111, CaNtle aon. Ctilisopt Petton,81; rick, Dalton., Armstro - The COMICiithen adie Tim Inrgt s cheapest am' 'stock. of Boots ani Shoes at, T. Uoventry's. Mr- Livingstonein aid McGre To the EMtiot foilthe Hamm DEAlt SlIzi----Tlie Era of the 206 inst„, ply to my hitter a ti from that n4-ilibit-al lite Donald Met; regor, ot 11 laving made Any pretzel rary hon -ours, rey prodot . line are fe,w and far I however emalt in neenl- ways stand open to eorr _great Donald eisserte in t t;ve terms -that my "ha. Grain In ar is lied ," (a fat ii:°' .nboYeii the wiii;ti()), fa nagititand having come from sea ity, judging .from kis tadections, NN9tose I 3 one tem deity, I ha vye, ell:itlgi ai tobui.61.ie::artella a • a matter of course 1 -q. tine mine and. adopt t a ul pet i ty of language e; 1 -eat Myth journalist. On my " sugaring o t ,rain bat it iti the most. 1 oneld's wouderful lh folly examinea the du . i anent "reinamog in . the kettle, and feund uf the following etrai " Tiger I egotistn, bad • n'ild granneart a quotat umon, an idiotie laugh rbspon-d-ent, Tht Aly, PUr tfad lastly, an old wort story," the whole mael sent bling a I iteiary inch need in third ra cffices twenty five yen' itow totally -excluded pectabie journals. The letter h in qu , foully personel, and w 4 ny indirithilil named- tregor, but liy a notot a enegad.e, under an a. 4 an -tie he dahe not me asinuations and falee II -IS own sighatnre, NI hat they wo.teld iecoili wad, bet triii.e to his dice and eharaeter„ ett- tients from behind -the 'ntveilice.w of ell this, , in. -e decline, tht take at ice 4 his letters, unti learns to write with 1 pdstyle," thipzi he la.i 14)• orf°nTleed;(1'alellsditin11 iuteleAl superiors, mentally or bio to (Titr, eo9ilivierl a clu V ult; of, attempt ho wrig place by tenilering to the most aleject apo the other his; Baling -se is unsatisfactory, to sot , carry on a ' public e with suela airy nothin I would further 'writer oldie artielesi tnre -of Donald Met well to Iiimmelft as he and rant meddle with of pahrie men; in co. antler 1,y cemparitono from all mention of hit ed ielatives,' unless h refer to a few of kit, helatives who einigri ould nal" to Botivh -tu•gent invittation of itoverninent. Anotl {-maroon old country it wi ud heveryantul wonloi it nohl eh '. Trusting, Mr. Edit xcuse this,: my lots above fl'Ildeet, I RetPectfully , N. Itl Ainleyville, April 2i' ...thet.tishat The latest styles ot of all kinds ,..heap at 1% ti — 'Information eonie; ton that thn Seeretar: 8tates Treasnry hai (10 -for brepoling 'purposes front %uvula. into the of duty, and that thei Cox% the :in:s have te4