HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-21, Page 7APRIL 21, 1871. W LSON, NESS, SADDLES, 3RiDLES, &e., &e., STREET, SEAFORT H. you good folks who want Har- ntv1 TOW -prieeti, good, and new, SON'S, Main street, Seaforth, t.ellent stock yon may view. k is owned by J\\ri*1 LSON work is so high: y renowned ; is on Main street, Seaforth, .dace may easily be found:, pienty of bits, bridles and curbs -fle•yl and saddles so tine, !nothing can eqv,a1 their make, are -just No.1 A and prime. lots cf good blankets for winter !will keep from your horses the ; Iv nets, so graceful for Sum- . rer, i-ied with laereeia, yellow and p whips of every description, he stat4e coach, carriage or hand, IFS WiIis(LN'S shop, ticaforth, always be had at command. :e sponges and combs and rosettes said and good in their way, ylig and short tugs in abundance, Harness that don't break in a day. nteaus and Trunks of all kinds, as of a quality spicy and rare, 4tould desire to purchase, he shop of JAMES WILSON e, and that without further e1ay,. - tient bargains make while you - 'Saddle and Harnesa Eranorium.' ; rernember JAMES 1VILSON'S ale man. constantly OR hand a stock of KS, PORTMANTEAUS, VAL- ISES AND WHIPS. brae Collars and Blankets, very article connected with the busin8ss. TRUNKS, VALISES., SADDLES and BRIDT,r,S, Made to order. J. WILSON. TRAVEIERS SRA GE COMPANY. inARTFORD, CONN., AND ACCIDENT INSUR PAID Ur CAPITAL; $500,000., Assets.... ....1,600,000 TfI E WEIRS INSURANCE COMPAN (aF If A I tTFOR1), CONN., LI E and ENDOW :MEN T P OL - on the W RATE CASTI P LAN. combine a Triple security and 1ness of cost, under a definite ( *ERTA NT Y about the itt of premium. myrit ER alsynt notes. EcrEttEsT TO PAY for the use- _ (mu yney, ASSESS2,IENTS, present or pros - NSA YINTMENTS in "regard. ioSsilybr. IYEE/•1,-(*T1of loans: notes, or written obligationS, when the pOl- ka,rnes a claim. ( ),VE Ft- PA Y -M Yrs of premium. !t DOt RT but what you have all Usuranee you' pay for, QUESTION but what you have iie nisurance at Ioweat cost. ACCI DENT DE PARTM ENT. is issued over Two f undred Thou - General Accident Policies, dis•- ing in payment 13,7-1.2 claims undcr 'a stun averagine- about Seven Ito ii - Dollars per day for the entire pe - 4 -ring the last twelve months then. ritten in this department, 29,37+9 •r1 Accident l'oliel.ts, on whieh the s premiums were • .1-1, k1.0 .sku. 111C1t!" paid. 1, 319 claims for death or Avii0I- istibling injury by aceident. Of these ifere for fatal and 1,2b0 fur non-fatal ries. . N. -V‘ ATSON, gent, SEA FORTH, Ont. ARD ni-114,1.1•41., lanagar, 1iaxuiltou, ( E. Fo-,TER, Gemral Agent, Montreal, Q., APRIL 21, 1871. HE URONI EXPOSITOR. WI "Archie Hutchingtdn' on Mar- riages "Laws -a -massy, soul sakes ! when Lwas young; 'twas 'different then. -why; when folks, was a going .to get married, they 'took time, and meditated upon it, and kinder stud- ied each other out an reflected and considered ; and when they did get married, they were married for sar- thin, and very much marriede-4nar! ried from top to toe,- and they -ex- pected to stay married ; there warn't no talk of your disvorces then ; they knew beforehand that they was to 'hey and to hold.' till grim death, and thek mostly usually did. But now a young fellow sees a pretty gal, and asks her to marry him, just as he'd ask her t take a walk; an she's all ready -L.--; yes, Sir, and thank,yer too,'—and they go and get marriedi with no more realizing" sense of their responsibility than Cock Robin bas,when he twitters and chirps to Jenny Robin.S e11 pretty soon they go at it—she finds she don't like tobacco " smoke, and he don't like a wife that can't do nothing but frizzle • her hair, and so on it goes from bad to worse, until ac last they sue for a dis-; vorce. And they'll get. it, too! And all for what Why,for rincom- fortability of temper! Cth massy, soul sakes! now, did you -ever 1—‘ uncomfortability of tem- per !" Oh, Lardy !". " fancom pati bility a temper, Mr. Hutchington,” I suggested. "'Yes, I know it ; I said so ; un- oomfortability of temper—them'S the words that does it Well, is not there allers ancomfortability 0 temper m every family, and fillers' has been and alleys will be ? Only in the good old times they used to sore* it down and keep it under ; and so, you see, they managed to get along. without none of your dis- vorces. Don't yer suppose,Sir, that there was uncomfortability of temper enough in Noah's ark, -with all them odds and ends of creation, (Teeters that N4.- asn' t noways agree- ableto one another's feelings. -PH essed in' together there ?—dogs and cats, sheep and wolves, foxes and geese, chickens and weasels (and skunks, PH bet) ---and mighty smalt- stable-room accommodations, I tell you! How was it about t- abitity there, do you sup- s pose ? Why, don't yoU see, theyi lied to 'commodate all of um ; jest luff and bear ,away,' as the sailors say; the lion, 1 s'pose he roared kinder soft like,. so as not to skeer the turkle-doves ; and the byenay, she did not laugh out as loud as she wanted to, I dare say ; the big bear, he kinder shut 'up Cowling; and the kang'roo took care not to leap on other folkses toes; the balsa was keerful not to kick Up his heels, and if the dog felt as mad as fire, he didn't bite nobody: That was the way they done it, no doubt ou't, stands to reason' they did ; 'cause, don't you see, it, they bed all on um given way to their uncomfortability of temper, and each on um adted out_their own onre,generate tater, why in course, they'd hey stove the bottom out of that thunderink old tub of his in less than no time;",and she'd a' foundered, and. they'd all gone to the bottom, and )phere wouhln't have been no call for any more wedding rings, that's sartin.; and where you and I'd be now it's a mighty hard thing to say. " But, as I was saying, they did n't ; they behaved beautiful! I don't see how it was ; seems it couldn't hev been Noah's doings— for, between you. and 1., I guess he much, an onsteady drinking man be allers Was, you know; wasn't he, Sit? and net used to navigating, by no means. But will say for't, he managed that cruise remarkably well, considering what his cargo was and that his. crew was half womenkind ; he sat.- tainly made a gaving v'yage of it, which was a good deal, all things cousidered !"—.D. R. Castleton, limper's Ma02-1,:ne for May. vio •40. Points of an A yrshire Cow. - The bead of the cow is short, and wide .at the foiehead ; the eyes prominent, dear, and, expressive; the horns long,. strong, high and a curved back, the neck long; and !ine at its connection with the head,' and free from looSe' skin or dewlap; the back straight from the roots of the horns to the tail, the shoulder thin at the top ; -.the forequarters light, the middle short and deep, widening and deepening backwards, and well -arched ribs, filling welt up behint6 the shoulder blade, the hindquarters long, the .hock bones wide apart and somewhat prominent, with wi4 kianiaches, broad short thighs, tapering to- a small, clean, wiry hone under the knee, the skin moderately qin and elastic, the bran elose, soft and curly, with a silky feel; the milk veins well developed, the milk vessel long, wide, and well attached to the 1)64, the sole or under surface a plane and running parallel to the swell. of the belly; the vessel well rounded and firmly bound up behind with four moder- ately sized cork shaped plumb bang- ing teats, so planted that when view- ed from behind one half of the space is between the teats, and the other two quarters outside; snd when viewed from the side on third is before, one third between 1 nd the re- maining third ehind. The Aunt an Once on a 1 four hundred t the old toy the dry spell of hard frost, WI skass, while v star. An old a loy her front t with the rh um .in her noze, near the front superintendin _wheat, -whim tlieyung .trieing tew git down c their house. Jist then along' cum grasshopper," s oking a "Bego ie dull ca -thee begone flora' me," ing the old , an the yoUng aunt talk with her. "Good mor dustry, good grassbug. " that yu are roo Hav yu 1 • " Dredfull. s "Winter wi on! " I herd the " Terribel b Harlem road y •"When dew merits will be overberd the Gra PPer• revious ti e, about ousand. ye 1-.1 go, in moon, dur n very eather, jut fter a en grass utr waz e ening nus was , wlioh• d 1 st awl ell], and w z t -pursetie Vnacina e z chair, oor of an aii t hill, a phatt k .11 ov uiit.were llat into giving be stopt ing, old morning!" fine per , al ing in V" 1 erd the grat larp frost' last 11 soon ae in oafing ii5e„ and - pray and spie- r* s- tew teW hay a ot ar In- sa d the ov wheat IS ews ? ight ! reek - owls hut I s nite ! -d ackside t in the esterda y yu think sjpec e,pay- ook ? the older his say, az i cum past nabor ShermanPs lower barn this -moining, that es waz deal on plenty, and ew work again ! in -an awful hurry, to tend a jmnping Steel- ; this eazon. z' oittjrig a good they must git ” Well! i a am going down match betweenSkingsteel and spring, two .yung grassliwper iz tew be the last hOp -ov the " IAzaust be a going ! "I am uncoMmon sor stay longer ali-da'anake y visit ! - " By the Wia.Y-1. Old Iliad -ter Indus- try, i hay: got a:profounill snkret, that i want to tell Yiu' but it wOldn't hay it known by ennybothiy, for awl the world, if it should git lout once, it would ruin "Then keep ithe sekret youreself," spoke the aunt', "it is worth more to yu than. ennybedcly This iz everly word the bizzy old -mint sed, but !kept her eye all the time on the phatt keernel of wheat, ' and the loafing grasshopper moved off; whistling "Sally cnra up." REMARKS. This iz the way Withall loafers, if they kant Steal yure time, with idle questions, 'their last doclq.e is to steal yure credulity- with an dle se-, kret.—(Tosh ry k.ant good THE MOTH E -IN-LAW. ---4'he mucli abused mother -"n -law --the bet jC noire ofthe Saturday Review and the small Wits everywhere—is, we!are happy. to say, rising in market value. " A. coiner in mother-in-law, has been made in Lima, New' York -State. A. young gentleman lately threw that small town into a fever by elop- ing with the mother of his wife. It, appears tIzat he could not have the latter withoutthe former, , but could have the former without the latter, and so he availed himself of the chance. This e opment marks a new .departure, in. ore senses ,than one, in matrimonial science. It is a mere experiment to be sure, but the results may be most i.iportant. if the match is fortunate, thle maxim will be es- tablished: "To suppress your other - in -law -a --elope 4vith her." -.• 0 ap. BENEFIT 9F RAILWAYS —A gentlenaan formerly a resident of Belleville, but wh� left here about. six years ago for, Kansas at the time when the Pacific Railwaly was being commenced, in a bnsiness letter to this'office says he purchased a small property at that time for $200, which is nowvalued a 3000, and that the population of 0 e city in which be legated then was 4000, now it is 35,000. This is the way in which the great Wed is being ., built up, principally thrc)ugh Itail- ways. All along that line, to the borders of Salt ,I, ke City. sinailar results are apparent. i Thriv- ing villages and prosper usi.towns and cities have been built upipa con- sequence of the n ,openina- i p I br.the country by the Pacific Raiflwii,y, and large tracts of 1 nd have been located. upon and settled by a Ilardy and industrious population, and a.1 with- in a few years.—.Belleville ntelli- gencer. • yng m7 an wIpm 1 WHAT NOT LOSE.—i cl every OU addressing, whatever yollr p may be, liowever active 11 absorbing, don't, unless yo i a` ing to forfeit one of the most of human enjoments—dnn't can possibly 1i9lp it, allow y to lose your taste for reading,. nothing of books a.s a m re tute for and preventativ of gence in low pleasure ; y u, are above wanting that sori. commendation. But it is a ba to have the brain always fill 1 0 say to now rsuits wever e will- asting if you- • arse] f I say SUI)Sti- Ifldlll- • hope, of re - 1 thing d with. 0 one's own n• irow perso al conceens, or what is 1110 degree worse, .w4th the small personal concerns of ne s neigbo s. I have not a word to. utter aga nst strenu us devotiori to business while you are at it; on the contfarv, that s the secret of luccess, ai d what is worth more thari .succes —of self approval. --- Lor Derby/. R ILW Y TIME TABLE. T ains leav the Seafo th station as folio V8 • OING "EA, T. GO NO 7EST.! l.05 A. m. 2 25 .50 "4' 1 850 £' " .35 r..ar. • 1 35 " " MEN ' NOTIC* To reditozs 'cif KIDD liNiciVIULICIN.. jJRSUAN2 to a decre4 of the Couse. f Chancery in a cause of Kidd vs. Mcl\triulkin; the creditors of the said firm, lately carrying on business as general merehants all the village of SeafOrth, are yn or before the 1st day of May, 1871, to send,'I prepaid t� he Master of the i said Co rt, at his lhambers, Os- , goo( Hall, 1 oronto, tbe r names, ad- dres es and 0 escription , he full partic- lars of their aims and statement cd thei4 securities ; or, in d fault ,. thereof, they Will be peremptorily excluded from the j benefit f the said decree. The clalilus will b adjudica?et upon before the itlaster at 10 o'clock o 5th May. (Signed) 1 J. .A. BOYD, 175-3t Master. pESTRABLE R SIDENCE FOR SALE. R SAL hanged and Lot in acre of lancti tain The bea plea of a mile of ti For further SH NNON, 10 chea.p,-or twould be ex - r farm prop rty, a House arpurhey There is one th_e lot. The house con -- seven irooms and. two pantries. e is also a good °retard of choice g fruit -trees: 11hi.13 property is antly sit tated with n three-quarters e business part of Seaforth. rticulars apply to THOS. n the prenaiises. 175-4t ED ARD CASH, Dea er in all Iiinds:.ef F irm and - Dairy' roduce, WHOL SALE and RETAIL. Clover ld Timothy Seed-, CHEA ER THAN EVER,. Plerity of SEE POTATOES' Of t e best lt.ncls. Goderich Street, SEAPORTS. A•ril 12, 1 71. 17.0 tf 1 W SPRII\G GOODS. E. HICKSON Sc CO. Beg leave to announce that theyare• now opening ups AN EXT4 LARGE STOCK OF SPR -NG GOODS, In every depart lent, and 'invite an early inspection from customers and the public in general. The goods -will show for themselves, so. COME ON. Hickson, 175-2t s Emporium, SEAFORTH. First Come, First Served. FARMER§ GET YOUR S=::) S. I Seeds, SEEDS, Seeds, .AT SCOTT ROBERTSON'S. NAMELY, Dawbarn's Purple Top Swede, Skrving's do do Sutton's Champion • do Sharpe's Purple do. Yellow Aberdeen and White Globe. White Belgian Carrot S'eed. Seed Potatoes Of the following varieties: HARRISONS, GLEASONS, CALICOS, PEACH -BLOWS, and GARNET CHILI. W. SCOTT ROBERTS?N, MAIN STREET, SEAFaRTH. ,174 April 4th, 1871. C. H. CULL 4,11111111MOINIII, CAVANAGH'S NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY S '11 C>DER, P - J. CAVANAGH Keeps on hand ALL KINDS OF 13 1:t ID Biscuits, Crackers, CAKES, AND NFECTION ERY. WEDDING CAKES Made to order. CAVANAGH, • 174 Main street, Seaforth. NOTICE A SPECIAL MEETING of tile Conn- -JAL cil of the Corporation of the County of Huron will be held in. the j• Court Room, in Goderich, On TUESDAY, the 25th inst., - For the purpose of submitting 6. By-law to the ratepayers, to grant aid. byway of bonus to the London, Huron arid Bruce Railway. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. County Clerk's Office, Goderich,Apri110, 1871. 175-2t NOTICE -I MORRIS COURT OF REV SION. mHE Court of Revision for the Town- • ship of Morris, will be held -at Bo - land's Hotel; BLYTH, On Monday, 8tliMay,1871, AGENT FOR LOCKMAN'S SEWING MACHINES, Telegraph and Express Companies, CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO., Issuer of Marriage Licences. American Money bought and sold. Particular attention paid to JOB PRINTING. OFFIcE—Elliott & Armstrong's Book - Store, Seaforth 174 COURT OF REVISION., The Court of Revision and Appeal for the Township of Usborne will be held. at.. the Towii Hall. ,ELIMV1LLB, On SATURDAY, May 6, 1871, At 10 o'clock, A. M. Parties interested will govern them- selves acedingly. SAMUEL P. HALLS, Township Clerk, Usborne, April 1, 1871. 174-4t MUNICIPALITY OF SEAFORTH. COURT OF REVISION. The_Court of Revision for the Munici- pality of Seaforth will be held in the Council Room, Town Hall, Seaforth, On TUESDAY, May 16, 187.1, At the hour of 10 o'clock. All persons interested will please gov- ern th.emselvea accordingly. T. P. BULL, Clerk Seaforth, April 10, 1871- 175 -td Commencing at 10 &clock, a. m. efi" All parties interested are .1.eqnested to take notice. TII0M.AS HOLMES, Township Clerk. TORONTO MILLINERY. MISS ERWIN Has opened out a large stock of Spring Goods, comprising all the Latest Styles in Millinery. " Dress and Mantle Making Promptly attended ta, Stamping done on the shorte t notice. Straw and. Hair Work of e ery kind executed in the neatest ma4ner and latest styles. 172-tf Reynohrs' Block, S afortb. SEA.FORIfH. Planiug Mill, Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY. THE Subscribers beg leave to thank 1 their numerous customer a for the liberal patronage extended to them since commencing business in Seaferth, and trust that they will be favoredwith a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would d€ well to give them a call, as theywit continue to keep on hand a large Stool of all kinds of -- DRY PINE LUMBER SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, kc., Thevfeel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour 'them with their patronage, as none but first class workmen are employed. xor Particular attention paid to Custom Planing BROADFOOT & GRAY. HORSE FOR SALE. 0011'. Sale, Cheap for Cash, or on time, a good Driving Mara. Apply to "McINTOSH & MORRISON. Seaforth,.M.arch 31, 187.1.. 1,73,tf. CJiange of Business Ji ST STARTED ND BOUND TO SUCCEED.. 4D. Subscatiber, Mr. THOS. LEE, aving purchased the Stock of SHEARSON & CO W. at a onsiderable reduction on cost, he is , both dire and determined to sell to his. with a call, and all those who may kin wellisllthIlsidly tiers, the people of Seaforth and. faeou Inni at such prices as. the si rrounding k • just receiN'Ted. a large•Staek of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, COM,FRISING TEA)I3, UGARS, COFFEES,. RICE, NEW FRUITS, Whic he will sell at remarkable Low Prices. F OUR AND FEED.. He al -o keeps constantly on hand, a large, stock of Flour and Feed of every desy, cription, consisting of• FLOUR, - C RN MEAL,. AT MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR: Bran Shorts, Oats, Barley, Peas, Jac Flo r and Feed delivered with dispatch, in H rpurhey, Egmoirville and Seaforth,. free of charge. 41 MEDS! SEEDS r Alt viieties of Field and Garden Seeda! kept constantly on hand. A111 kinds of Produce. T ken. in Exchange for Goods, at TH HIGHEST CASH PRICES.. REMEMBER t SHEARSON cf: CO.'S OLD STAND" THOMAS LEE. I69Ltf A WAYS ON TIME.. T• ANDERSON, MAIN STREET?. ? now hilly- prepared for SPRING, 1871; with a beautiful' stock of ENqISH, SCOTCH, CANADIAN.,„ FRENCH AND AMERICA TWEE DSt DOESKINS,. 33 ()AID 01-. 0 TI -1S,, mEr, ONS, WATERPROOFS, ETC.,. seconJ to none in the county, which 1 arai prepa ed to make up into every style of - Gentl men's;Garments, CHEAP FOR, CASH.. All the latest,Ayo-velties in, NEC TIES, SCAR, COLLARS, ETC., OSTRRY AND GLOVES, W ITE DRESS- SH-IRTS, AMY FLANNEL. SHIRTS,. togetl er With -well-selected stock of ULIDE RCLOTIIING, splendid. valu e, and everything found in connection with a firs -class Gentlemen's Outfitting Es- tablis ment, Call on Anderson for at. good uit at a low price. T. K. ANDERSON, Main Street: Seaferth,. March. 31„ 187L 173-tf FARM FOR SALE... Tiop SALE, on reasonable terms, Lot. X N�. 3. 8th Concession, Tuckeismith„. containing 100 acres, of which 75 are cleared and ilia good stated cultiiration.. There are on the premises a good log house, barn and stable, also a good bear- ing orchard, and a never failing well of wateil convenient to the house. It is. situa ed within six miles and. a half of the Aeurishing village of: Seaforth, and- onlyne mile and a ha. half from ,. good_ gravei road. For further particulars appl to the proprietor, on the premises„ or if y letter (postTaid) to ' JOBN McKAY., r tf : Egroondville P. 0, Tp tide el at son's deliv Or street atten 174 L [ME. Subscriber is preparedto furnish rties building with a first-class ar- f Stone Lime, at 20 cents per bush -- the kiln, MeKillop, near Thom - saw -mill, or 22 cents per bushel red in Seaforth. Leis left with Mr. BULL, Main- , Seaforth, will meet with prompt - ion. JAMES DODDS, -tf MeKillop.. NOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. m E subscriber offers for sale a large. 1 fr me cottage, 30x40, new, ad a cor- ner Village Lot, opposite the Baptist Chur3h, Seaforth. Farm property - woul I be tak.en.in exchange. Apply oat the remise. 172 12t -t ALEX. MOARTHUR. NOTICE, TO DEBTORS- TICE is hereby given that air par-. ies indebted to Du. COLEMAN,. either by note or book, are rerested to call t his office, at the Salt Works, and settl the same immediately, otherivi se - they i Will be sued without further notice , Seaorth, April U., 187L. I-7,5-th