HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-21, Page 64 6. THE I-{URON EXPOSITOTI. APRIL 2 1871. The Mins:store' Work and Pay. The clergy are the worst ' paid body of laborers in the country. They work with ability and- zeal. They are educated, sensitive men, often carefully nurtured, and they are expected to be every body's servant, to hold their time and talents at the call of all the whim- sine1 old women attic parish and of the selectmen of the town. They ale to preach twice or thrice on Sun- day, to lectnre and expound during the week, to make paroehial in eun. or storm, to visit the poor, to be -the confidant and counselor, of a throng., and always in every sermon to be fresh and bright, a.ncl always ready to do any public service that may be asked. Of course the clergy- man must be chairman ot the school committee, and a director of the town library, and president of eliaritable societies. Ile can not , give a great -deal of money for . educational and charitable, and festhe- tic purposes—net a very great deal —but he can always give time, and he can always make a speech, and draw the resolutions; and direct generally. ae is, in fact, the town' pound to which every body may commit the truant fancies that nobody else will talerate upon the pastures and lawns of his attention. He is. the 'town pump at which every body may fill himself with advice. He is the town bell to summon eveiy body tosevery common enterprise. He is t1.2etONVil beast of burden to carry', every body's pack. With all this lie must have a neat and pretty house, and a comely and attractive wife, who must be always ready and well dressed in the parlor, although she can not afford to hire sufficient. "help.." And the good man'S child- ren must be well behaved and properly clad, and his house he a kind - of hotel for the traveling brethren. Of course he must be a scholar, and familiar with current literature. and he may justly be ex- pected to .fit half a dozen boys for college every year. These are but illustrations of the functions he is to fulfillkand always without murmur- ing ; And foriall he is to be glad to get a pittance upon -which he .can barely bring the ends of the year to- gether, and to know that if he should suddenly die of over -work, as he probably will, his wife and children will be beagars.—Edit(e-'s Easy Chair, in, liarper's ilagazine for May. SEAFORTH FURN TORE WAREROOMS, • RQ1,3E,RTSON Importer and manufacturer of all kinds - - OF 119U _KEI:OLI) FURNIZURE, Such as UNGES, CENTpsE TABLES, MATTRASSES, " T & BREAKFAST TABLES, UREAUS, CHAIRS, arid BEDSTEADS, an Great Variety, Mr. R. has great c ilidence in offer- ing his 4,00ds 'to the piiblic, as they are made of Good Seasoned_ Lumber. and by First -Class -Workmen. SOFAS, DININ 440 Coffins made to Order On the Shortest Notice. OOD TURNING Dons with Neatuess and Despatch. WareroOrns: TWO DOORS seyritu SHARP'S . HOTEL, 'Main Street. r Seafarth, Jan'y 2Is4, 1.870. 57:-tf. .. -40 • ir Personal and General - Rev. Charles Wadswoith, of Philadelphia, has declined a call to Chicago with a salaiy of $8,000. . Charles Lennox Remend, a negro, has been appointed inspector in the Boston Custom -House. A Presbyterian Church in Tiairo, Nova Scotia, has had -but three. pastors in a -hundred years, and one of its elders has held his office for No 'Armistice. HN LO, AN - IIAS declared war, itgknst the. rner- cantilc ion of Seaforth, with a large and varied stock: ef am.maition on hand, in the shape of 3 17s111-sZ 681D S —AND— GRO'CE'RIES, Which for quality,j style and cheapness, cannot be conqu redwith fair play. Th following are Special lines FANJY -DRESS GOODS, WIN- CEY (Plain. and Checked,) LUS- TRE, POPLINETTS, FRENCH NOS, PRINTS, POPLINS, OOTTON;i BLE A CHED LANNELk BLANKETS, DS, HOODS, .HOSJEB.,Y, TLES, G1JOES, FINGER - YARN, READY - MADE MER •GRE DO., CLO -MA ING CLOTHING, H TS & CAPS, TWEEDS, COT AND -FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, DBAWERS, SU- GARS, TEAS, TOI3A000ES, RAI INS, CU-RRANTS, SPICES, &c:, &c., Too numerous to mention, A.OIE M nchestt.O. House 0 MAIN STREET, 01R,r11 SEAF RTII, Nov. 10152-tf., 1870 67 years. The arrival of Ife. Charles liathews, the celebrated actor, -in. ew York- is announced, also -his engagement to appear for a few nights at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, beginning with next Monday. 1Mr. Mathews is now on his way to England, after a most successful tour through Australia,. Prince Napoleon and his wife live at two different hotels in Geneva. Their relations are said to be very inharmonious. , For some _time past the PriuceskOlotilde is even reported to have refused se- ine her husband. Donald Dinnie, the. well-known Hiehlitnd ch:un pion, _has been en- gaged for a summer tour through the principal cities of Cahada and the United States, the enaigernen t being L60 a -month and-all-Dexpenses paid. Flethine of Blair Athole, who ranks,neat to Diiinie in High - i land Competitions, has it s said, also been engaged for the same tour. - Die authorship of Ginx's Baby" is creatine a good deal of speculation. It is perfectly well known, however, in the best informed circles that Mr. Edward Jenkins, son of Rev. Dr. Jenkins, of St. Paul's Church Montre‘d,iS the allthor. lir. Jenkins is a. London baiTiSter 11 -ho has made lame. contrib•ntions to the literature of t -the old -conntry and the New Dominion—notably on imperial and colonial question. _He, lately re- turned to Englaid from Demerara, where he hail been employed on a commission. by the British Govern- 1 IV AOIAall "Die library of the late D'Arcy McGee was sold on Saturday by auccion. The uooks realized good prices. The Rea-. Samuel Belcher, of the Dioceseof Huron has been appointed incumbent of Grace Church, Point St. ,Charles, Montreal, and will be inducted -by the Metropolitan on the 1 Gth instant. agimomeiN110. wine CHEAP LOT FOR SALE. -- ACRES East half of Lot fal, Tenth jJ Con., Culross, County of Bruce, with Log -house. . Eight acres cleared. Patented: AddresS' Exrosrroa, Seaforth, or JOHN LOGAN, Esq., Teeswater, March 31, It'71. 173113t . Hs - LUM DEN s just received. a Fresh Stock of- , PURE CHE Toilet and Fanc T oth and,Nes. English, CE PERF P.RUGS AN -P I CA LS Soaps, Combs, Hair, 3rUshes, French, n ' merican. ERY. VINE DYE STUFFS. Guaranteed to be of th.e best quality: Horse and CattleMedieines Condition Powders., acct.) ysicians prescriptions carefully and ately dispensed It LITMSDEN, = TO CARPENTERS CON- TRACTORS, And the Public Generally. WROXETEB, SHINGLE FACTORY. T e proprietor of the above Factory desi es to state that he is now prepared to st I PPlY Shingles of the Very Best Quality, On he.shortest notice, and at the very low st cash prices, either at the mill or deli ',ere(' at Seaforth Railway Station. Ord. ea promptly attended to. P. A. IRELAND, • 1d9 -13t Wroxeter Shingle Factory, JOHN- BRIGHAM, Ex4iange Broker, and Railways' Ticket - Agent, Houghton's Hotel, • Opposite „C-1- : T. Railway Station, SEAFORTH, ONT. Through Tickets issued to all points in the Western. States? Califotnia and Red River, at reduced rates, affording the ',greatest facilities to Emigrants. All necessary information giVen re- specting Land Agencies, etc. GREENBACKS, Bonds, Coupons and uncurrent Money, Gold and Silver Coin, bought arid sold at best ra,tes. 17-tf 0-1 0 see .CD e•-<1 ra • 0 • F'"'. 0 020 0 <41 1 LOOK HE(RE SUTHERLANI BROS. Are now prepared to sup ly GENTS' CliO HING,. Cheap and Goicl. Parties aro, reques'ted to call, compare prices and judge for them- selves. 4) QUEEN suran e Company F LIVER -001- & LONDON. 0—. CL PIT.A.L $2,000,600 Sterling o CH BF OFFICES QUOCH Buildings, Liver - poo , And Gra .echurch Street, London. C kaiA1).A. Bile 'CH OFFICE---Ixehange Build ngs, Montreal, Bo, RD—Wra. 1 lorton, Esq., Chairman: Hei ry Thomas Esq., David Torrance, fE'sq., andtlis Hon.. James Ferrier. eienaiss--:-IV olson's Bank, GAL; Anvisnas — Messrs. Ritchie, , Those bringing their will have e eryattention. as formerly. We Warrant all FOR SALE, A HOUSE AND TWO LOS. ADESIRABLE Dw.elling-hou e a,ral two excellent lots on St. John street, Seaforth, for sale on reasonable terms. Ap )1y to JOHN SEATTER, 1 07 -tf Drriggis,t, &c, Mo ais & Rose. MipICL ADvI$Ett—Wi14ia1I; Sutherland, ES -q. M. DL I URVEROR-- homas S. SOU, Esq. Iserron—T omas R.1Johnson, Esq. - ESIDENT S 'CRETARY1 A_ND GENERAL AG ENT, —A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Se mama Street, Montreal. , 'he unde igned having been appoint - 0(17 gent fo the above "Company, parties de iring to insure against loss by fire can do o on thai most favourable terms. 1 de Policles'granted on as adVantage- ou terms as any other respectable Cone: pa ty (Thing buSiness in Canada. 1 JAMES H. BENSON, 0 F/CE—BESON & -lEYERL'4ent Sg iN le Law Office, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov 8, 1870. 153-tf.- 1 WN CLOTH, paid, to them ur Work, And are bounci not to e beat, either for PRICE, FIT, or FINISH. Men's and i3 ys' Or_s0T1-1 Outwith care and econo SUTHERLAND BROS., 171-tf Opposite Cat -Michael's Hotel. REMOVAL 1 J.Bonthronee Son MISS = McINTOSH HAVE REMOVED! To the Stand lately occupied by WM ROBERTSON & CO. shes to Owounce to the ladies of Sea - forth and'surrounding country that Bile has removed to', Ttie FAEMEEW - STORE, above the OLD kin OFFICE, Where she will be most happy to receive orders in ILL ERY, DIESS AND AN LE MAKING the laiest and most approved style of season. 1 She also keeps on hand. Choice Selection of Flowers, Feath- ers, Terry Silk, &c. RAW AND HAIR WORK cleaned. on short netice • They will sell the Stole at Reduced. Price; in order to make room for Spring Goods. ti 1 1-tf GREAT BA GAINS McINTOSH & MORRISON' TWEEDS, WINCEYS, • FLANNELS, Ready-Madec lothing, BOOS ANDH SHOES. —ALSO,— A Stock of FRESH GROCERIES, just received. T. BONTHRON & SON. 1 6 9 - tf NOTICE 7! 0 !IARK MEN. The sub cr ber is prepared to contract f r the delveof CARRIAGE J FACTOR MAIN STREEF,!SEAFORTH. The subscribers cel; thankful for the very liberal patroOee they have received since commencing business in Seaforth, and wish to intimate t� their qnstomeis and the public generally that they keep on hand. and. arei Manufaeturing all kinds of wheel work, guch as CARRIAGES, OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, D*MOCRATS, . WAGONS, SLEIGHS,, CUI-t7RS, &c., Made up by EXS'AIENCED WORK- MEN, in the very latest styles. We Do No Itorse-shoein , But pay all our a tention to the above class of business. Parties who fa -or us with their orders w 11 get good satila tio a. We keep a fi st-class Carriage Painter. PAI Done for country shops, and -old .wcIrk repainted at reasonah e ratee, Repairing promptlef attended to. Cordwood, LuinbOr, Shingles Lath taken in exchange for work. McINTOSEI& MORRIS° 1.674f SEED POITATOES ALE. - ED has on hand, oncession, Tuc1er- and FOR rpHE UNDERSIG 1at lot No. 5, 3d • 1.i.$40N,. HD HARNESS, SADLES, BRIDLES, &a, &c., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Come all yoa good folks who want Har- ness, Snlistantial, low-pricea, good and new, At 'WILSON'S, Main street, Seeforth, An excellent stock yon may view. The stock it owned by JA.111-1 WILSON Whose work is So high: y renowned ; The shop is on Main street, Seaforth, Tis a place may easily be found. Here are plenty of bits, bridles and curbs sursingles and saddles so fine, There is nothing can equal their make, They are just No. 1 A and prime. Here are lots cl good blankets for winter That will keep from your horses the Cold; And the fly nets, sb graceful for Sum- mer, Trimmed with blue, green, yellow and gold. Crack up whips of every description, For the stage coach, carriage or hand, At JAMES WILSON'S shop, Seaforbh. May always be had at command. Here are sponges and combs and rosettes .A11 useful and good in their way; With long and short tugs in abundance, And. Harness that don't break in a day. Portmanteaus and Trunks of all kinds, Valises of a quality spicy and. rare, If you should desire to purchase, To the shop of JAMES WILSON repair. . Now come, and that without further delay, Excellent bargains smith, L. R. S., a qui ntity af Seed Pdtas can, toes of the following varieties: Early At the "Saddle and. Harness EITIDOrytil?,", make while you Rose, Early Go Gleeson. He wil on the above rre want good seed p each week. 167-13t drhh, Harrison and b prepared to meet, m es, those -who may tatoes, on Saturday of A LAN. HOBSON. CERTAIN PRE SI M R VATION OF THE EIT- OLJNTER NAT ;.T011.MAKERAID JEWELER, SeafOth, Ont., ole Agent for the aleED ef our "elebrated c SPEC which umber" cially ias ansic:sur nea ieilrodbu and c rants be ,T SPEC UFA' the si fer ea .e and comfort on t th wearer, cause a ontinuous and abidim improvement. of he: eyes, and last a great many years vs.thdut requiring to be changed. So tth y are the CHEAPEST as- well as the B 'ST. 7.S. MORRIS & Co. Dame Street,(up stairs), Montreal it • ACLESs -the Lellseis are ground by us, from 1 manufactured ewe, or Optic purposes. It dierd, andbrillant, and Achromatic as can, be ed.! The peculiar forna iesstific accuracy attain - the aid of eonaplicated stly machinery, war is in asserting them tc '1E1 MOST PERFEC1 TA CLES EVER, MAN 1T1RED. They assis rhtlinostbrilliantla, eon AN BARK e t the foil wing Stations : Carr nbrook, Mitche I Sea - forth, C inton and Gocle ich. I Terms ot contract aucl all p rticulars f trnished. t the subscriber's _store in eaforth. EXtra inducements ffered to artics clo ink, contractsarsjStrai oat o:f S a. orth. c le 1. CORB Y, mer Seafarth 'larch 17, 1871. 171-8t _ TO THE PUBLIC A_T LARGE, -o W H. OLIVER, SIOZ'.i OF THE MAIN STR1 ET, -SCOTCH COLLAR. A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. ltepairing promptly. attendeci to, and charges moderate. R emember the place ! sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf • . W. II. OLIVER.. MR. JOHN THOMPSON THANK.8 his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will re- ceive its continuance, He has now on hancl a large assort- ment of Good Sound Green Hemlock! Which he warrants -will give satisfaction. eeso FENCING AND DRAIND.TG LU BER, ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. —ALSO-- 200,00 FEET OF PINE CUT FOR BUILDING AND GENERAL PURPOSES Which he offers on liberal terms. Or- ders svill be promptly attended to. The Mill is situated on the Townline of McKillep and Hullett, 3 and miles from the Huron Road. Seaforth, Nov. 16, 1870. 84 tf, LAZAR 295 Notre ir We employ o Pedlers. IN 0 ANCERY Between JOSE H KIDD, Plaintiff, and JAMES MO ULKIN and THOMAS KIDD, Defen lents. h December, 1870. I hereby appo'ntITHOMAS KIDD, of the Village of . egorth, County of Hu- ron, merchant, tedeiver in this case. J. A. BOYD, Master. All parties in 1(II)1) & M cM and settle the s Seaforth, De ebted to the late firm. of ULKIN will please call me at once and oblige. THOMAS KIDD. . 21, 1870. 159-tf If you Mt W. P • . G Opposite Seo Main want a good RY AGET'S LERY, t 1.obertsen's Groc treet, Seaforth. PT-10TOGR, PAS of a superior des- cription, unsur ias ed in the County of Huron." Mr. Paget wi h. 8 to explain that his - gallery, though sinall and of mean ap- pearance, is (jute suitable for the pro- duction of fisst-claas Portraits. 163-13* BUSH FAR FIOR SALE CHEAP And remember JAMES IN ILle0.1s se the luau. I keep constantly on hand a stock of TRUNKS, PORTMANTEAUS, VAL- ISES AND WHIPS. Horse Collars and. Blankets, And. every ea -tie -le connectedwith the business. TRUNKS, VALISES, HARNESS, SADDLES and BRIDLES, Made to order. J. WILSON. 165-tf TI AV,ELERS INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN., LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSUR PINCE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, 1 cheap, Lot No.:10, Con. 13, township of Grey, Co. of Huron; about 70 acres of tide lot are timbered with hardwood, four acres of which are chopped, the bal- ance is timbered with cedar and pine of excellent quality. 1 There is sufficient of this latter timber to pay for the whole lot. The lot -Neill be sc)hl CHEAP FOR CASH, or on ime. Title indisputable. For further pa tiaul ars a-pply (if by let- ter, prepaid) to Adam Gray, Planing Mill, Seaforth, or to he undersigned proprie- . . tor. RODEI 1CK GRAY, Thamesford, P. 0. Thamesford, Nev. 9, 1870. 153-tf.— FOR SAL IN HARPURKEY. mHAT comf. rtable Cottage & Grounds the Prope -tee of Eisseena Possession on the First of 'May. Apply to the Proprietor, Seaforth.. 168-tf PAID UP CAPITAL, $500,000. Cash Assets.. .$1,,,600,000 THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE C*P AN Y, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Grants LIFE ai4 ENDOWMENT POL- cies upon. the LOW RATE CASII PLAN, Which combine ample security and cheapness of cost,' under a definite contract. NO UNCERTAINTY about the amount of premium. NO BOTHER about notes. NO INTEREST TO PAY for the use of your own money. NO eV3SESSMENTS, present or pros- pective. , NO DISAPPOINTMENTS in regard, . to impossible dividends. NO DEDUCTIONS of loans, notes. -or other written -obligations, when the pol- icy becomes a claim. NO OVER PAYMENT of premium, Ni DOUBT but what you have all the insurance you pay for. e_ NO QUESTION but what you have reliable 'insurance at lowest cost. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT It has issued. over Two Hundred Thou- sand General Accident Policies, dis- bursiag in payment 13,742 claims under thein, a sum averaging about Seven Hun- dred Dollars Per (ray for the entire pe- riod; During the last twelve months there were written in thie department, 29,359 General Accident Policies, on which the gross premiums were $:',521,710 30. Theis: were paid. 1,319 claims for death Or whol- ly disabling injury by aecideixt. _ Of these 33 were tor fatal and. 1,286 fur non-fatal injuries. W. N. WATSON, 'Agent, SEAFORTH, Ont, RICHARD BULL, Esq., 'Manager, Hamilton, Ont. THOS E. FOSTER, (;eneral Agent, Montreal, ge 1G6 -13t* • Aynit, 1,, 187L. ade lauterhinineglon: g 44 Laws-a-nmesy, soul sal i 1 w is young, 'twos differ when felks WAS 4 (.y ! get 1.married, they took me itated upon it, and kr ied each other ent and ret .i to idered ; -and when tW, ied, they were marri and very muck marl Tie feom top to tee ; ant pected to stay married ; th no Iik aof your disvorces t kneA, , beforehand that thi 1 het and to liold i tin- ,ii aeldthey mestly nsualry -j nowt a young fellow ewes gal, asand asks her to marry ie'd task her to tal.ee, Igind she's all ready. --e; 1,*( th4 a k ver too,'—anal the. et.i marred, with no nor senele of their re-sponei Cock Robin. ba e when and chirps to Jenny Rol4 pretty eoon they go . fiD1143 she doii.'t like tobaa and be don't like a wife ; do nothing but rrizzle and so on it goes from b: 1, nut 1 aa last they sue f a-oree. And they 11 get An4 all for What ? 7liy„ 1 if:allat 1.31-d, i ist)o-nill. f sta(kYuels eve,:.--- 17 i!io‘I eVI ?' ameomfortability ' Oh, L naly " Ineompatibility of to ! 1 ' IIii.„ ellieisii,gItoiii,l:o' \l.v- eitug;g-jessteat; 'Nam in tability of tempt the worde that ' does It not there allere emeomfo tem ier in every family, ; haa been and ell'ers will -1. in. tie good old ;times th( screw it down and . keep and so, you see, they mama along without bone elfH 1-'01X,CS. DOLet : ver sup tha there wa.s uncomfoit tem )eieenongh in Noah's all hem odde and ends -a ,cree e.rs that 'W-LISII7t now abl to one anOther's f TUCS •e4 in together th and eats, sheep: and N and geese, aickens and w sku )ks, I'll beq—and in stab e-reerfi IleCommadati von 3 How was it about a • abit ty of temper there, pose ? Aniy, don't you hed. to 'commodate all of luff and bear away,' as t the lion, 1 'pose the nikle-doves ; and th kiln er soft like, so ae not. elle klid not laugh out as h wanted to, I dare say; th; he kinder shut up groai the Ikang'roo took eare i on dther folkses toes; the keerful not to kick alp and if the dog .felt as in he didn't bite nobody. the way they done it, HO t stands to reason, they don't you see, it they bed i giv n Way to their unconi of temper, slid each o tn - out heir ewn enrage/ler:2 , why in course, they'd her". _boa* out of that thma tub of hie in less than no ehe'il a? 'foundered, and i gone to - the hottons, woulaln't have been no ca more Nvechling rings, that, and where you and I'd b a ITI hty bard thing to sa:i But. as I was sayia4 n't ; they behaved beat :don see how- it was ;: :eouldn't hey been Noalfe for, between you and f, -/ wasn't much ; an onsteaki inan . he allera was, ya wasn't he, Sill anal no navigating, by no mean ' -will say foet, he man erniee remarkably well, C what hie cargo : was and ere mi -was half -on-xcnkk tainIy made a Paving v) which was a good deal vonaidered.1" —.D. R. Co IfalperWiagazine, Jr sYs.! Pints of .au ./ayrshil at a op. lie head of the eaw i 'wit" at the foieliead ; lt- pron inent, clear, and the ihorns riong stro cured back, the neck fine t its connection witl _ and !free from loose skin. . the back straight from tl the 1,wrias to the tail, . If thinat the top:; the. light, the middle abet.' -widening and deepening and !welleirched ribs, fill; behino the shoulder 1 hindquarters ha*, the 7,1140 aizrdteanidiatirs,t) thighs, tapering to a snt wira bone under the ku ,/..yoosd( naitely thin and elasi feel ; t81:efttniallikdVe713.1:Yw'ell 1 athtet4hed uilkit)tie v,,esseliliii:(gki,y7id under surfaee a plaile a paraillel to the sivell o the teasel weil rounded bound up behind': with ' aeri 8:zed eork Alyea 1 ine. teats, so pLIIIteil that ti'from behind one half 0 mea ttin