HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-21, Page 5RffpT f87 trrivals ANY aeit Mr. MeMULIKIN- of the choicest Stock4- Seaforth, which, ()Wing they are enabled to dd say that frlan the since the cable position to offer any ILII OF OLD E THEIR PRESENT' facilities in buying both ,s reannections with some: borough knowledge of"- .}ection of their stock,. Market this. Season_ iinea, vi X 0 -0V ES; MER NOS, 01 BARAT EIE AS,., ide Clothing, MEN T cheapest goods, which., ces.. 1ieT with all the S COMPANY. 176-tf. -AGE SA T_JE. wer cif Sale contained in made by William Hat - [ship of llowick, in the a. Carpenter, and _Mar- • is wife, (being a party Tpose of barring Doer,) been made in the due. and due notice having, parties interested, there ?17..bLIC AUCTION, on. ST OF MAY, A:D. 187i,„ \Vroxeter, ;Son, the following Pro - AA Number Six, on the een, street, in the village iording.to a plan of part inade by A. _BAY, Esq., :ste:ed, containing 1 -fifth LIuabIe buildingsthereon.. le known at Sale. r of sale in the Mortgage. N & MEYER, iters for the Mortgagee. 17, 1871. 17G-2 TICE. t of Revision. ip of Tuckersrnith,. will f Thopurliey, -in Hotel, AY, the IOth day of he. hour of 10 o'clock carpo ,9f examining the nd reVasing the same, if ILLIAM MUIR, Township Clerk,. 176 -td 1LUMBER 1 ad SHINGLES. Tiridil have on hand at ?". one haff mile North of rge Stock of Dry Pine out $5,000 feet) of which and 1-!1 Flooring. They - t also 011 hand t. ottStrip Lath 'arranted first-elass, no 14oltine will start about .41 slabs. k after Nykltich date a pleii- HINGii.ES will be kept on hand., tiou given. to orders.from [ T. S.,'NITTI-1, !:}r', 11571. - 17G-tf, LOT FOR SALE.. .ben offers for sale the f Lot ou NVilliam Street,. - lliatrison's. Will be sold prtitluttra apply on .the v: ;call at Frank Paltridge`:,-, cp,:x.1 photographs of your • ••• ar.. Aiknft., 21, 1871. HILL'S ROUSE, SEAFOR H. THEc HURON EXPOSITOR. . , Iii inviting the public attenti n to the Spring and Summer stock of 1871, W. HIL would remark that he has secured sonie very chea lines of seasonable ; goods, which will be shown at p ces that mug satisfy I the most economical buyer. • As all the goods are marked tr. the lowest possible profit, no reduction in price can e made. The goods being allmarked in plain figur s,,, customers may be t •I - sure that 110 more than the reguli r price will .be asked, and it would be well to, reme il r that, as a rule, • GOODS ARE NOT CHEAP WHERE o- rfucts ARE MADE. The stock in the staple depar iment is at all times well maintained. Grey and Whit Cottons, SHIRT' GS, Jeans, Denims, Tiel ings, Prints, BRILLIANTS &c. /0- Call and examine. Bleached and Unbleached INEN DAMASKS, ;Union do., Dressed Hollan s, Hessians, Drills. Extra value in Brown Ilollands. Ask for it. Particular care has been take to make the DRESS ANI) MILLINERY DEP IITMENT COMPLETE. IN DRESS GOODS. Lustres, Black and Colored; Re Crape Cloth, black and col • Checked, Popilinettes • Brocaded Po SILKS, &c.; are worthy of attention. Enquire for BLACK SILKS. s, plain and brocaded; red; Plain and Plain and lins. 1 The MILLINERY AND MANTLE ROOM, under the charge of an experienced milliner, is especially at- tractive, showing the 9west styles at the lowest pos- sible prices. HATS, BONNETS, PLUMES, Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Ornaments, Trimmings, &c. A lot of SHAKERS to be given away. Call and get one. Cloth, Velveteen 4,nd Silk MANTLES' of the newest • designs. ' he FRINGED WATER:PROOF cloth for Spring • Ja kets. SIIAWLS! A job lot of ShAvils, to be cleared out regardless of value. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Lace and Muslin Curtains. All -wool and Union Damasks. : Damask and Printed Table -Covers, Table Napkins, Antimacassars, Diaper and Huck Towelings, Fringed and Bordered Towels, White and Brown Sheet- ings, Alhambra and Marseilles Quilts, Cotton Fringes, Table Oil Cloths, Window Hollands. A good stock of BRO kD CLOTHS, KERSEY- MERES, MELTONS, Canadian and imported. •• TWEEDS, Union TWEEDS„ Gambroons, Cottonades, - Persian. Cord for Clerical Wear_ READY-MADE CLOTHINCi14 SUITABLE FOR. THE" SEASON. 1 Clothing made to order,—good. style and fit -guaranteed, GENTS' FITRNISHING§.„ Colored and White- Cotton, SHIRTS, Woolen db:, Wool and Merino, Undershirts and Drawers Socks; Shirt -fronts, Braces, the "Berwick" Collar,.the "-Dia- mond" Tie, Scarfs,. Bows,. Handkerchiefs, lilats„ Caps, &c. A FULL ASSORMMENTOF' PARASOLS, Hosiery, Gloves- Corsets,, Ladies' cor- lars, Embroidered and Lace. gets; Sewed Muslins, In- fants' Waists and Robes, Einbroidery, Silk Fringes, Buttons, Tassels, Chantilly and Gossamer Fall,. New. - port and Valenciennes' Laces, &c. A lot of HOOP -SKIRTS, ;bought from a manufac- turer giving up business, at half price. BOOTS AN D SHOES Having purchased largely to meet the increasing. trade in this\ department, purchasers can make SUM' of a good assortment to select from at right prices. • THE GROCERY is kept supplied with fresh and good stook, and; will compare favorably with any house in the trade.. Try the TEAS,—they alWays give satisfaction.. Take a note ofthe address, W. HILL'S "Britannia House," opposite -Knox's Hotel, • Adjpining_ the Post Oftice„ SEA FORTH. k ; BRIT HIL INNI '6 ROUSE, SEAFORTH.i 111 inviting tlie public attention to the Spring-, ,and Summer stock bf 1871, W. HILL would remark -,hat he has ;secured some very cheap lines of seaso,ble goods, Which -will be shown at prices that must satisfy the most economical buyer. As a1the gopds are marked at the lowest possible profit, no reduction in price can be made. The goods being all rnark0 in plain figures, elastomers may be sure that no m re, than the regular price will be asked, and it would b well to• remember that, as a rule, GOODS ARE NOT CHEAP WHERE TWO PRICES ARE MADE. The stock in the staple department is at all times well maintaine Grey and White Cottons, • SHIRTINGS, Jeans, Denims, Tickings, Prints, BRILLIANTS, &e. allancl examine. Bleach d and Unbleached LINEN DAMASKS, Uni la do., Dressed Hollands, _Hessians, Drills • t Extra value in Brown Hollaids. -Ask for it. .• Particular care has been. taken to 'make the DRESS. AND MILLINERY i)EPARTMENT COMPLETE. IN DRESS GOODS. Lustres Black and Colored ; Reps, plain and brocaded; Crape Cloth, black and colored ; Plain and Checked, Poplinettes, Plain and Brocades Poplins. • SILKS, &c., are worthy of attention. •1- Enquire for BLACK SILKS. The. the cha tractive sible pr Flower Alot get one Clot designs The RINGED WATERPROOF Cloth, for Spring Jackets. SHAWLS. jo1 lot of Shawls, to be. cleared out regardIss of value. JILL' ERY AND MANTLE Room; under ge of an; experienced milliner, is especially at- showihg the newest styles at the lowest pos- ees. I HATS, BONNETS, PLUMES, Ribbns, Laces, °Laments, Trimmings, &c. of SHAKERS to be given away. Call and , Velvelteen, and Silk MANTLES of the newest • 0 SE FURNISHINGS. Lace ariI Mi1in Curtains, All-wooll a4d Union • Damasl s. 14 -mask and Printed' Table -Co ers, Table Napkin Antimacassars, Diver and Huck Towelingsi Frmge, and Bkdered Towel White and -Brown Shajet- ings, Alhambra and Marseil es Quilts,,Cotton Fringes, • Table'dil Clot14 Window Hollands. A gil)od stoclit of BROAD, CLOTHS, KERSEYMERES, keltons, Canadian and Imported Tweeds). • nion Tweeds Gambroons,, Cotton desi_ Pe siair Cord for Clerical Wear:. Rea y-IVia4e 1 Clothing, suirrABL, FOR THE SEASON. Clothih made to order;., -;---good style and fit guaranteed, i - Gent's' Furnishings; • • Colored. and! White Cotton SHIRTS, Woolem do., Wool aid Merino Undershirts and Drawers, 'Socks, • Shiht-friprits, Braces, the ": erwick" Collar, the,"Dia- • mond" ' Tie,. Scarfs, Bo, s, Handkerhiefs, Hats,. a Caps, &c. • A: FULL eASSO TMENT OF Paras4s; Hoiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ladies' Collars, Embroidered andl. Lace Set Sewed MuslinsOliflints' Waists and RObies, Embroid ry, Silk Fringes, Unttons) Tassels .Chant,illy and Gossamer Falls, Newport and Valenc ennes Laces, Etc. • A lot of 1100p.SKIRTS bought from a manufactory giving4 busifiess'at half price. BOOTS AND SHOES. Having purchased largel . to meet the increasing trade ii: this. department, purchasers can make sure of a goodlassortment to select from at right prices., • THE G CERY • is kept supplied with fresh and good stoeksandwill cornparp favoi-ably with an house in the trade. Try the TE S,—ti y always gi e satisfaction. • Take: a note. o the addres HILL'S • Britan ia House," opposite Knox's Hotel, cljoining th Post -office, SEAFORTIL -111....211111...11A HILL'S BRITANNIA HOUSE,, SEAFOkTH. In iiiviting the' public attention to the Spring and, Summer stock of 1871, W. 11 LL would remark that he has secured some very chap lines of seasonable - goods, which will be shown at prices that ming satisfy - the most economical buyer. As all the goods are mar at, the lowest possible profit, no reduction irk price ea i be made. The goods. being all marked iia plain fig res, customers may be - sure that no more than the reg lar price will be asked-,. and it would be well to remem er that, as a rule, GOODS ARE NOT CHEAP WHERE' TWO PRICES ARE MADE.. The stock iu the staple dejiartnient is at alt times well maintained. Grey and While Cottons, SHIRTI GS, Jeans,, Denims, Tickings, Prints,. BRILLIANTS, &c.. Call and examine. Bleached and Unbleached LINEN DAMASKS:), • Union do., Dressed Rolla ds, Hessians, Drills.. Extra value in Brown. Hollands.. Ask for it.. Particular care has been tak DRESS AND MILLINERY DE IN DRESS Lustres, Black and Colored; Crape Cloth. black and Checked Poplin and Brocaded SILKS, &c., are wort Enquire for BLA ew t© makR the, ART MEM Cog T,LETE:- OODS. eps, plain and brocaded olored ; Plain and ttes, Maim Poplins y of attention:: SILKS. 1 The MILLINERY AND 1A1NTLE ROOM, under' the charge a aa. experienped Miner; is especially at- tracti,ve, showii3g. the newest styles at the lowest pos- sibte prices.. • • HA -TS, BONNETS,. pufmus,, Flbwers; Ribbons, Laces, Ornaments, Triinraings3,&e... A lot of SHAKERS to be given away. Call, amt.- get one.. Cloth, Yelvet6en, and Silk. AiANTLES of the -newest. designs.• The FRINGED WATERP .00F Cloth, for Spring,- , Jackets, SH A A job lot of Shawls -to• be feared out regardless oil value:. • HOUSE' FITIMISIIINGS. Lace and Muslin Curtains. All-woolt and Union Damasks, Damask and Primed Table -Covers, Table. Napkins, Antimacassars, Diaper and Huck Towelings,„ Fringed and Bordered Towels, White and;Brown Sheet, hags, Alhambra and Marseilles, Quilts, Cotton Fringes), Table' Oil Cloths, Window llollandi3,, A. good stock of BROAP CLOTHS, KERSEY- MERES, MELTONS; Canadian and imported_ TWEEDS, UNION TWEEDS,' • Gambroons, Cottonades. Persian Cord for Clerical Wear:. • Ready -Made Ciothing;„ SUITABLE. FOR TAB SEASON: Clothing made to order,—good style andfaguaranteekil. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Colored and white Cotton' SHIRTS; Wooten, (16.), Wool and Merino Undershirt& and. Drawers, Socks,. Shirt -fronts, Braces. the " Beilwick " Collar, the " Dia -- mond" Tie, Scarfs,. Bowe,,: Handkerchiefs, Hats.,,, Caps, &c. Al BULB • Z It RTiMENT OW PARASOLS, Hosiery, Glove, Corsets; Ladies r Ci -- .1r -s,, Embroidered and Lace ets, Sewed Muslins.In- fants' Waists and Robes, Ein roidery) Silks, Fringes), Buttons, Tassels, Chantilly and Gossamer. Fallsi New- , port and:V.alencie.nnes Laces, &c., A lot of, HOOP -SKIRTS, bought from: at maa-AufActurer giving. up. business at half prico:. ROOTSAND SHOES.. Having ilurchased largely to meet the increasing - trade -in this department,,purelaasers. can make sure of ' a pod.assortment.to select from at right prices. THE GROCERY' • ialept suppliediwitli fresh, and good- stock, and wilt, compare favorably with any'house in the trade. Dr the TEAS,—they, always.give satisfaction. Take a note of -the -address, ,HILL S 0. 9 " Britannia HOuse," opposite Knox's Hotel,' Adjoining the Post -office, SEAE0Rmr.. • 4. 1 i 7-4 oft