HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-21, Page 3PIZ IL 21, 1S71. CAPS ! by Duke of rgerles ,LAY SERMONS. CC D SCIENCE, (Brewer) ;NEW TESTAMENT. 114.1CAL CYtLOPEDI A 'fICALCONCORD- NCE. VURKS's ?..N.LL LECTURES, 7S DUTCH REPUBLIC:. i3E & FALL, ROMAN EMPIRE,. ..., HISTORY OR ND. i.M"S HISTOR v UF . ENG /AND, r),RA R'Y, choice aft cheap READING, : SCHOOL LIBIZA,RIES, . HYMN EiciOlia., ETC_ . —ALSO— ALS, ASH BOOKS. : WRITING PAPER, EN VE LOPES sul Laney, at UAWLY'S b- and Book Store. A% 3, 1870-. [ILLS E OR TO RENT --a-- CR.111ER; OFFERS' FOR to Rent, on easy terms, ARNA MILLS, Flour, Oatra-eal, and Saw 7hich are in good running cprder. II contains Four run of interor is well .nlainery in first class cons is in connection a good Linindant supply of watet mills the year round, are situated in the centre igriculturai country, iend tterel to any persen deai- iirreinthe mining business. 0 ,t an excellent opportunity Ift SALT on the premises, kir which mild: be driven property is situated Six ()tau ; SiX from Baytield, rom Seafortla with good: ading to eachplace. particulars apply to the the preinises, or to Varna. ' W. TURNER:, t hi, 1870. Rti FOR SALE. sown aud oid stabliahed he Roxburgh Hotel," sit - :thriving -tillage of Rex - with the li'onae is one-half not gumi stablingRight Rock's Min." doing the g business in the County, -h a small capital this is t stands: in the County- of to the proprietor, THOS. Oton 1,?. 0-, 171-tt L E Olt' STAGES, .aforth and Wreauter, ------ idersigned, beg to inform oSeaferth, the public generally, that nniag MA" a;TAGE, j)ted,) each way, as follows erth at 11 a. ne ; avires p. m. ; Ravine Wroxeter ving Ainleyville at 3 p. le; with meiniug and even - ug east and west, also with Ilarriaton stages. (um- 1ee and fast time. Livery at 'eaurth ,OSS & .101INrN)NE, Proprietors. Hu -Row. -rnE 3rd CONe."ESS1ON„ er hitoWit !IS the 1 TUOMPSON FARM, ,:..a•to, it i admitted by an is Lot, that for ereps aud. superior in the county. A ddrees, BOX 175, Seaforth. 70. ,*1 APRIL 21, 1 871. THE HUR. N EXPOSITOR; Tile Chinese ..Langu- ge---How Different Ideas are Expressed. reporter of the San Pyancisco _Bulletin has recently visited the ChineSe school at the California State Prison, and the followin4 statements are upon his :authority : (. The peculiar characteristics of this rade crops out in every direction. Imitationis the all prevailing power; with this facility they master the English language' in a remarkably -short space of time. In reading aloud they seldom became proficient; in writing the language they resort to imitittion, and speedily. (wet come all obstacles. Some of the, chirography -of the Celestials is equal to litho- graph in point 6f harmony and de- licacyonly one of the Celestials at taw institution is conversant with the ganclarin dialect of China ; he possesses an expressive countenance, .ilad is considered the handsomest specimen of his race within the pri- son walls. Ile is serving out a sen- tence. for a brutal assault -upon Mr. Boyd, Of this 6ty. In connection with this subject numerous inteiest- &ng facts -concerning the Chinese (language wee obtained from the able teacher of this department of the school. According to his state- ment, and he- has the confidence of the officers of the prison, the Chinese language is a string of monosyllables, and they are not numerous, tut their meaning is varied by different pro- nunciations. Thus the word tchia,spok- en by lengthening u; means master, when pronounced rapidly it Means kitchen, and when spoken with a loud voice, and 'depressed toward the end, it signitiespillar. The language 4 the provinces varies, and even among natives of the same province, signs are used to relieve the ambig- uity of words. There are not mor than. 350 sounds that can be dis- tinguished by the English alphabet, and the written language has 80, 000 characters, representing object or ideas. The vocal language bein so deficient to the ear, it is -common to prevent mistakes in talking t make with the finger tl* sign oftla -character that one means to expres. by the word; for 226 different an flesh side with. pu stone, and with the I will be very white. good mittens, and b for ladies in cold weather sofas and carriages. ice and he or rotten- , and they also make ful jackets or rugs -for discordant ideas are, on an- average to be expressed by one sound so simi lax that the difference cannot be con veyed by our alphabet. The Chines -characters seem devised as a coin munication between those who ar deprived cf speech ; the sign is some times arbitrary, and at others it re - resents the object described. Thu a prison is'represented by a square -denoting an inclosure, and the add' tion of a dot within it represents prisoner. The character that repre seats a 4sed twice denotes - _thicket, and thrice a forest.- Th character for .tim,e, repeated, mean eternity. Some of the combination of the characters to express othe ideas are ingenious. Thus the chat aeters combined of good and 2009* make praise. A bargain is denote by a word and a zail, comfort is pressed by rice and mouth, and ,li _tening by door and ear. The con pounds ate various; aud Many thein show the low estimation i which females are held in Chim The charactet of vicious is compos. d. of the sign of a woman and fugitive. Subjection. is denoted bv'the sign, of a woman and a claw. TO sco/d is ex- pressed by.. - the sign for two women. Anger is expressed i..sy the chfiractei's for women, and soar wine. Levity is -denoted by a character °of a ;man, placed between two 1.1,0211en. Some combinations, however, are expressed in a more gallant spirit. A young unmarried maiden is exprebsed by the charztoterS which denote woman and bending down. Ilandsome is denoted by the characters for a Ito-. -man and siglb. 1 R FOR TIIE VILLAGE OF SE JULIUS DILL f IN ACCOUN THE MUNICI EA wi AL PORT FORTH. "NT SURER, [Til • TY OF• SEA -FOR H, • FOR THE -YE R 1NDING FEBRUARY 1 1871. RECEI To balance in hands of ers 1869 George Forsyth, fees ..; How licences ShoP licences Billiard licences Market stalls Polltax.. - Halbrent Drain rent .;. Boundary line S. Gj McCaughey, fines nes •loan nk T. Trea ur- .. mafket Joh Beattie, fines.. A. G. McDougall, °Clergy Reserves , Proceeds'of $2,000 Royal Canadian B Taxes for 1869 • 'Taxes for 1870 Total reccipta $409 12 1,108 00 495 00 345 17 65 00 74 50 108 00 14 00 18 75 30 10 10 00 5 00 13 145 90 90 1,882 00 894 00 141 53 2,092 67 ...$7,797:19 DSBURSI MENTS. By pa1. ic contracts, streets, s gtd.. clriin Contract fo Hall Royal Cana School Sundries I J. Duncan, disc &o... I... )a tt t 'By cas Tctal disbursem • Household Weights & Measures Wheat .flour, one pound is one quart. Indian rfteal, one pound two ounces is one quart. Butter, when soft, one pound and one ounce is a quart. Loaf sugar powdered, one pound one ounce is one quart. - Best brown sugar, one pound and two ounces is one quart. - Eags of the average size; ten are one, pound. • Liquid inelasure—Sixteen table, spoonfuls are half a pint. What to d.o With Sheen Skins. Take long woolen skin; make strong suds, using brit water; when it is cold, wash the skins' in it, care- ', fully squeezing theni between the hands to get the dirt out of the wool; then wash the Soap out with clean cold water sufficient to cover two skins, and let them :Soak over nig it, or twelve licoirs ;then hang them over a i)ail to drain. "When they c.re well drained, spread or stretch care- fully over a board to dry. When.a. little (-Limp, hilve one ounce e;ich of saltpeter and. alum, pulverized; and Sprinkle ; place the. flesh sides to- gether, •in.(.1,- hang rn. the shade for two or thrde days, turning under the skin uppei most every day until yer- fectly dry. Then scrape the Ilysh 'side with a blunt knife, to remove &c., for d.ewalks; • .,.$2,033S8 !Town, .. ... 30925 iati Bank 2,56222 1,80n 00 ... 254 31 rint, I - 14957 by Support of ...• • 1051 42 Engineer acpun' ... 95 00 93 43' Legal. SerVi ... 85 00 Salary, Cler. 80 00 "Tre. ure 40 00 Col ecto 43 00 ' A ss -ssor 35:00 Str et In to Bel in hands of it CC pec - 25 00 -ring r.,.. 24 00 reasnrer. 62 11 nts., • We have ,auclite lected for 1869 bet 1870 the amount UDR • ' A. G. .MoDO ARCHD. D books and vouchers rect, the balance in Treasurer being $6 Dated:at Seaforth, 4th_ March, 1871. ...$7,797 19 1 the* Treasurer's and found all dor- the hands of the 11 taxes uncol- g -$.a4 61, and for • lleoled is $36. j„_wAR _amnia/re •G , is 176 EG -G EM ORITTINI The subscriber is and prepared to pay The Highes For any quantity of GOODFR Delivered. at the till in his old stand, Cas Price I • SH EGGS Egg Erns oriumi Main stree , Seaforth. To all parties (roe with whoin he has the past four years thanks, and trusts y st business to merit th ir future. D A.VI Seaforth, March IIRANK PALTRIDGE, . PHO 0 MATHER, , Reti sus thank 110 his very numerous friends for theif very extensive patron- age, iancl. wouldet). to state that he is e turning out bet er pieturee than elver, since Ins return film England, where he visited some of 4h4 bet galleries in Lon- donandother large cities, and !also bronght home 801110 extra good. elremi- caliel (on which the success -4 Pluitog-; raphy 'featly depends, )—better than , can lbe o stained in Canada, ail made ar rangements for i urther supply, which , together with j extra finely appointed roonas and. long xperience, renders Frank PalItiridge's Photographs universally ap- preciated and. apkkiowledged. to be, the best produced Vest of Toronto, 'Call and !sec' some of his new style of medal- lion pictnres,— h only due medallions maae in the Co n y ; also, those'beauti- ful, ; never-fadi g enameled picturee,— the Only place ti ey can be lobtained. him elf, that i 11 those who , obtained Fra ik would. b o state, in justice* to Such poor infern.r pictures, last surMner, durhig his abs n e in England, that if . they bring the hack (as a great isiVany have clone), h sill exchange ' them for goo4, properly nade and artistically - posed pictures, in de by Frank himself. I wIlruld say 1 , n destroying all nega- tivels from. wh el those poor pictures wene -made, as lei g unfit for use. I am determined to 1 e p the lead in Photog- rap ly in this 8 ctjion. All work war - ran ed.. Alwaa s t honie i and in good I' 1:- NK PALTRDIGE, te er. 1r Ph_otograi n r, Scott'. Brick Block, SEA FOR TH, :Ont. ir Photogr, p s at One Dollar per dozisn, with a 'i.w to still ferther re- ductions. . 170-tf eha,nts and others) one msiness diiring he rcturns h arty ui et attenti n to atronage the D. WILSON. 6, l71. 17 etf EGGS! MHE SubsCriber egs he is still-preli fed t •`• at his GCS! o intimate that purchase Eggs • Store at t e Mark • audto HIGHEST- PR • -1 for all fresh Jijg To Merchants i with -whom he. (tias past [three ye4,rs, thanks, and hopes Business relations. pay the OE IN CA. H s th t may offe . To one e r or a Seaforth, March , 18 • JAM Begs to intima, hasil removed riscin's Carriag Mf.Williain 1 , Where he ma Mr -Williams is thei shortest noti 04riage Pan and Oi1 ra 9ive him a cis,' opposite Murr y' TINq. S W,ILLIAms e o the publie that he fr m 'McIntosh & Mor- actOry, and has rented GrasSie's Paint hop, e found at uiy time. repared to ekecute, on e, all kinds of Sign Painting mental NE -York. . Remenaber the Place, Stables. 170-13t 1Seeds! Seeds! TOHN BEAT IE keeps constantly on .1D hand, at his. Stall in the Market Building'the best quality of Seeds of every description. TIMOTHY, CLOVER, WHEAT, ri and Cot ntry usiness in the turns his best contirmanee of IALCANI. 1. -l68-tf E. hF Court of Oevisio ' n for the Town - 1 be held.at Mr. Bayfield road, T ship of Stanle Ilrenano CITING'S ROTE on MONDAY, the 15th day of MAY, at ten o'clock, a. m.1 - WILLIAA P UNKETT, ownship Clerk. Varna, April 6; 871: 174 -td FARNI FOR SALE. Ttarm, Lot NO. 28, First Concession HE Subscriber offers for sale his of Hey, London Road, half a mile from Kippen, consisting of 100 acres of ex- cellent land, 65 of which are cleared. For particulars, app any remaining scraps of flesh, .trim ;Al ,liXAN DER MUNN-, -off projecting points, and rub the 170-tf °lithe Premises. 0 etc., on hand. JOHN BEATTIE, 109s8*- M ket B1ding, Seaforth. X_TS, PEA.S AND BARLEY, FUR ITITRE EAI A T THOS. BELL'S. THOMAS ELL 3, TO FARMERS. IRON HARROWS. rPTIE UNDERSIONED has on hand a large number of IRON HAR- ROWS, which he is prepared to sell on reasonable terms. - These harrows were manufactured. at Gananoque, and. are , The Best Now i4 Use. .A guarantee will be fihren with each, that if it do not work satiefactorily, it may be returned by the purchaeer within thirty days. 0. C. WILSON, Agricultural Implement Agent 169-tf SEAFORTH, (.)NT. Is now prepared - to main facture furni- ture' • s Cheap as the Cheapest. • Parties wishing to . buy w olesale can be supplied at 1 Toronto Wholesale Prices. ARE ROO MONEY TO LEND. O N Farm or desirable Village Property 0,1, per cent. Payinents made to snit the borrower. ApplY to • . A. 0. McDOUGALL, insurance Agent and. Commissiener, Seaforth, orto JOHN SEATTER, Exchange Broker, 'Seaforth. January 13, 1871, 162 -Gin IS OPPOSITE TH MAS WORKS OP, CORNER OF AR- ' I ET SQUARE, G done on the Shi rtest Notice. COFFINS kept constant y on han 01. A HE FISE FOR HIRE. 170-tf OR SALE. OT 16, 11, 16th Con.ceesion, Grey. .fJConsiderhie clearing aind a good h use, with gime very valUable -pine. ,pply to M CAUGHEY &I OLA.IES- T D, Seafor h, or to Mr; Peter Sincliair, o 15? 14th C mcession. Grey. 167-tf HE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY, McNA WOULD respectftilly inhabitants of Sea ity, that he still continu Business as usual, M tlae the North road. • Jobbing of allkinds, an espouially, promptly atte 13, MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. Tbis invah able medicine is u failing ii the cure o all :those painful d dan- 'Irons diseas .s to which the female don - subject. It nioderates all Oyes all obstr 'lotions, from se. ladies it -Alain a short ilyperiod wit very power -fel gi sfitutien. is th e scess and re IV atever ca Toshitd.mariIrtN on the mont , a d althoug t ing hurttu to the constitntion. In all eases of N ous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the a,cir. and Limb, Fatigue on sight exerth n,1 Pal pitation f the heart, I ysterics, a d 'Whites, it will effect a cure when -a 1 other means have failed. The paraphl t arotind each package has fnll directioi s and advice. o will be Sent 4..ee to all w iting for it, se led. from ob- Sensation. 3, OB MOSES, :1/4,7EAV YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. ' $1.00 and. PA ceets for postage, en - Closed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle Ont., ;generel agents for the Dominion, Ivill insure c. bottle containing. over 50 villS by return nmil. - - e C4'Sohl in Sea,forth by E. Hickson and. and I .. 'Llunsden ; A. Stephens, Mitchell; . 8. Coombs, Clinton; and. lledicin NOATIIRC it peculiarly time, bring regularity, contains 110- isaf' Terms reas 164 -ti DAVID II GHT intimate to the orth and vicin- s to carry on old. stand, on Norse -shoeing ided to, able. &NA UGHT. Dealers. P & LYMAN, N e Agents. wca,stle, 172-8 SJHO1OO 0 Seaforth _Foundry • ZAPFE & OARTER DESIRE TO CALL TEE ATTENTION 01? TIIE PUBLIC TO THEIR THE SEAI'ORTII Lumber Yard:- MABEE & .ivitCDONAL.D Beg to inform the public that they have opened. a LUMBER YARD in Seafoi•th, near Shearson's Mill, on, the ground for- merly used as a Lumber Yard; by Mr. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a. good. assortment of ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, dressecl and. undressed. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, All of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possible prices, for Cash. Builders and others •a¢ill find it to their advantage to inspect our stock, and. as- certain our prices before. purchaeing else- where, as we are in a position to offer (mil inducements to caSh purchasers. MAB.EE & MACDONA.LD. Seaforth, Dec. 29; 18,0. 160-tf IMPROVED Threshing Machin THE BEST AT PRESENT, IN USE,. These machines posSess many improve- ments on any heretofore made, They a e manufacturing Machines of TWO SIZE one especially constructed for travellin e the ‘otter a smaller size, calculattei more especially for HOME USE. So far as their large machine bas be introduced, it has given theVERY BES S ATI SFA.CTI 0 N. 1 They manufacture the Pitte Improved liOrse Power:, ! 1 In addition to the above, the subscrib- ers manufacture almost every article in their line, such as, . SAWING MAOMNES, - Capable of sawing from. 50 to 60 cords of wood per day. STRAW CUTTERS, of a Super* kind.. GANG BLOW, The Lateat Improved. CULTIVATORS AND PLOW, Which cannot be surpassed. ' —07 -- EVERY DESCRIPTION 01? I CASTINGS • , MADE ON THE SHORTEST Noncp. o They have a highly approved pattern for SCHOOL DESK IRONS. REPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES Attended to 1Promptly. 1 oar They employ nio Agents, and dian therefore give the pu- cha,ser the advan- taire of the commiesicn- They 'employ none but the best skilled labor, and material, which warra,1 ts them in guaranteeing satisfaction. 1 INTENDING PURCELASERS WILL PLEASE GIVE US A CALL I3EFO1E BITYING FROM OTHERS. • ZAPFE & CARTE . 143-4— i BILLIARD HALL R. W. .COLLINS Begs to state that he has opened in KIDD'S NEW BLOCK, A BILLIARD ROOM.. There are in the ball FOUR TA- BLES, (Riley & May's Alanufaeture,) and excellent accommodations for vis- itors and players. Attendants will be on hand at all rea- sonable hours. Be W. cCLLINS, 6-tf Proprietor. THOMSON & WILLIAMS Are introducing the Celebrated "CUMMING'S" STRAW CUTTER thieh has already met with Unrivalled sucsess in other parts of Canada. Warranted. to give perfect satisfaction when driven either by horse or hand pow- er. ALSO MANUFACTURE A NEW "A.ND 8 HORSEPOWER, SCITADLE FOP. DRIVING STRAW etsrmns, SAWING MACHINES, (WEN CYLINDERS, AND LITTLE GIANT THRESHERS. WM. N. • ATSON A LWAYS IIAS O. HAND THE BEST SEWING M CHINES IN THE MARKET, Either for Family use, or for Manufa,c- turing purposes. Bata single -threaded and double -threaded, and loca-stitch Machines can be suppli (1. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and instructions given to pUrchasers gratis, 1 WM. N. 1, V kTSON Can also insure property against Fire and Marine Disaster, andi Life and Limb against death and ae.cident, with the best Companies, being Agent for The Liverpool and 4ondon and Globe, (English.) 1 The Provincial of Canada, (Canada.) The Gore District Mntual, (Village and The Farm.) The ara. District Mutual, (Village . and Farm. The Travelers of II rtford, (Life and Accident.) /04, tioneGeiraine uniese signed I, Duna. DANIEL IrGREGOR, BOOKBINDER HULLETT Also, all kinds of Farming, Implements including— Reapers, Fanning Mills. Mowers, Cultivators, Combined Machines, Horse Hoes, Separators, Weeders, Pitts' Poker, Plows, Sawing Machines; Gang Plows, Double Mouldboard Plows, &c. MILLWRIGHTING & ENGIN- EERIN G DEPARTMENT. SteamEngines of all Sizes Built Grrist. Mills, Flour Mills, Saw Mills, Flax Mills; Ly water or steam, And all kinds of FACTORIES CONTRACTED FOI AND EXECUTED IN Tli E MOST APPROVED. STYLE. TURBINE WATER - WHEELS, LATH MILLS, SHINGLE • MILLS, BRAN DUSTERS And all kinds ot machinery of the be construction, supplied on short notice REPAIRING ENGINES AND rillACHINEBY Promptly attended to Address, , THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, P.O. Seaforth, Sept, 6th, 1870. 144-1y 11AS just received a iarge Stock of the materials used. en the business, and is now fully prepared to execute on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. Registers, Ledgers, FOR SALE OR TO RENT. :THE undersigned offers for sale or to 'rent, on the SC1 Concession of McKil- lop, Roxboro Road, 11 miles from Sea - forth, and one mile from Roxboro, 1 acre and 9 rods of land, with a good bear- ing Orchard of 24 trees. assorted; frame house, 22x32 feet, in good, condition and very -comfortable ; also, A, well, pump, and stable Ott the premises; the lot is well fenced. For fu i firer particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. 159-tf JOHN YOUNG. • AND 33i-AtsTi Elooir OF ANY KIND, Ruled, _Printed and Mc de To order, on the shortest notice, and a prices which defy competition. LADIES' WORK BOXET AND FANCY CASES _ Made to order. OLD AND NEWBOOKS .80 UD ASD REPAIRED At city prices. . • Persons residing at a alistance by leaving their books at the Signal Boaz Store, Goderich, or at the Exrosrrou office, Seaforth, or at J. R. Grant's, Ain- leyville, stating style, may rely on them being well bound. All communieatione addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt a ten - tion. DANIEL McGREGOR, •• Constance, II). 0. Hu lett. Seaforth, Nov: 9, 1870, 153-tf.— Losses Liberally,Adjusted and LIVERY STABLE. • :Promptly Settled. AIONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. No com- mission, and expenses: moderato MORTGAGES bought on equitable terms. 160 FOR SALE. rpHE most eligible situation in Seaforth, 1„ on the East side of Main Street, nearly opposite the Post Office; On which there is a commodious Dwelling -house, 36x26, two stories high; stable and wood- shed, and a good. well with a pump in it. The front of the lot , on Main street is well situated for the erection of Storee, being in a eentiul position for businees, The property extends from Main street to Victoria street. The lot fronting on Victoria street is used as a Garden, in which there are the ehoieest young Fruit Trees, apples, piers, plumbs, cherries, grape vines, gooFieberrivs, currants and strawberries. The gin den is in the high- est state of cultivation and inoduces an abundance of vegetables. For further particulars apj)ly to GEORGE MePIIILLIPS, P. L. S. Seaforth, Jai.17, 1871. 163ti FOR SALE: HAT splendid Hotel Stand on the Market Square, Seaforth, lsnewn as the CORN EXCHANGE, and doing a good bueiness. To an 'enterprising man, with som(3 capital, it offers excellent in- ducements, being on one of the leading streets and close to the -Salt Also, two comfortable COTTAGES' on Elgin Street, Goderiell, rented at $200 a year, and several Town Lots. Terms-- mod_eratee Apply to WM," M A LCOM, Sea.forth, Jan. 23, -1871Athe Market. . 104-tf At TAMES ROSS desiries to inform the 0) public that be bas opened a New Livery Stable in connectio3i with bit hotel, evhere parties can be atcommod. ated with first- claes horses and vehicles; at reason able prices. Sea.orth, jan'y. 2113t1 1570' 07 -tf TOYS —& !FAUN CCM 1 SELLING OFF A.T CQST1 --AT-- M. R. COUNTER) NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Christmas Presents, AND NEW YEAR'S G TS • Just received a complete steck of FINE COLD AND SILVER JEWELRY RUSSEL AND SWISS WAT4— HEpi, To be sold Cheaper than • ever. M. B. COUNTER. SEAFORTH, Dec. 13) ISM 152