The Huron Expositor, 1871-04-21, Page 1,j-
• "I A' ute
APRIL 14, 1871.
veil known, and we have no view
e otherwise the evidence you of-
alv about No. 27,826 would bet
ainalde to us, bat we forward
;ter t the manager . of our Can'ouseMr. A. W. Russell, of To -
we dare say he will be glad to
("4` it„ and either he or our-
aere will be glad to -s&&e any
reeommended by yen, if they
giro the Ritssell watch, -
ars,&e lisesanat, & Solsse
, COUNTER, sole agent for the
Watch tit Seaforth.
• • • n. •
tez Tun Bnoore-When the blood
:supplied with its iron element,
-igorents. and full of animation,
ineufficieney of this vital element
kee -us feel weak and ?owsspirited;
•-asee. the Peruvian Syrup (a pro-
f iron) can supply this definiency,
!use win invigerate ns won1er-
nrt7 --AnnEst-en--Felhawa' Com -
up of Hypephosphitea. - -Want
-tissues of the body is arrested,
0les made firne and the neves
her poser by tieing Fellowe
id Syrup- of Hypephosphites.e
.%7TA Cetten-Felkt S' Compound
tiy_pophoephitee,-Aphoma, dr
!Voice, is re.medied in a short
matter eyhether the cause he
imam:titiaii of the lining mem-
rem cold,. or from nervous. de -
50; a 'bottle ; 6 for R7- 50- Soid.
cariee and by F. Utudil &•
o :vents,. Montreal.
effiettcy of Bryan's, Falisionie
staring, Coughs, Celde, and all
affectIone, and cheering the af-
nit passed into. a )O% CI In the
tateswhre these marvellous
te known, they bear down all
and eelipee all rivalry t the.
Or, them has steadily increased
st twenty years, until now the'.e•-•
i!age over one hundred. thousand
'nate Eminent merabex s of the
fession without nninber ad-
ey know of no preparation
•! such beneficial results as these
When taken in time they erect
ht mire,
i• every druereist and. most of the
le stores axintighout the Pre-_
25, cents per box..
leave the Seafortla station as
norea WEST.
2.25 n. et.
8.50 `• "
Reel) on hand
ts, Crackers,
Main street, Seaforth-
[e, Cheap for Cash, or O11 time,
L-Driviete- Mare. Apply to
March 31, 1E,71. 113--tf
,i. out a large stock of ,tsring
terising all the
t-Vif‘S in Alillinery.
-s....i and Mantle Making
sttended to.
e done on the shortest notice.
ti, Hair Work of every kind
en the neatest manner anal - '
jala' Block, Seafertb.
urt of Revision for tile Town-
( Starlit y, will be held. at Mr_
4.1feei`e, lo -ret„ 1;avtietti road
the 15tli day of Mar y, at
Township Clerk.
pril 6. I•i7.L 174 -td
leyvitle, a pair of BOOM.,
r t y pay. expenst•s and.
W M. uM_
pril In71. 174-2t
ieerilber Twee to intimate that
1.d 1L1 ard to purchase Eseass
I at his.
t the Market,
la to pay the
tIt that may &Ser.
Outs in Town and Cenntrte
ht tete (lone .Busease in the
N t'a.r.S„ ht! leturns his bust, .
L fir a contieuance
:;, 1S-7 L. Ge-te
VOL. 4, NO -O.
WHOLE NO. 176:
And. surrovading cotintryl
The Stock is now complet
T. KiPp'S-
All its branches.
Splendid Trinund
From 50 cents upwards.
in Ian styles, and at all prices.
1,00:0 Canadian Volunteers,
]'or the Red River Territory; to purchase
any Hats, Caps, Clothing, Boots & Shoes
before leaving.
I keep the bast and largest Stock of Gra-.
ceriee, (:lrockery, Liquors, etc., etc. kept
Best $1 Tea for 90 cts.
Seaforth, April 12, 1871. 175
FOR SALE, Elr 1101r1OK.
fe` it Acres, quarter of a mile from
Leeehville, from Wroxeter.
New Frame Barn, 120 rods, board fence.
75 -acres cleared -finest quality of lan
The farm is situated on the main road,
from Wroxeter to Harriston. Price-
-$4000. Half Cash required.
100 Acres, 13th Concession, situated
centrally between Wroxeter, Clifford and.
Harriston, 30 acres cleared; good hewn
log -house, 15 acres cedar swamp, can
easily be drained. Immediate possession.
Price --$170(). Half Cash required.
Further particulars from owner.
vii: 111. GRAY,
176-3* Seaforth.
Arrived to -da
S C-1- 1\1- 0
, --i-
: i--- -
No t• hlils•dallihilyae.
i,b_p.e. i kelpin' mild Pe-
Until his shaUkB re wiadjeetives
' t torn, I
And they've toasted in English, and.
• Scottish, 'and G elic--
• `-` A health to Louise and the -Marc uis
tiadLtfi,,1, iess
otrne.*,''' i,e1
I ken is guid as she's
Her icher, ILFeen, is as lang as it's
- I !
I raw, 1
But I'l v no just sae sure that I envy
' 1 inirony
In g tin' a Queer
'It's a'i ery fine when they're billin' ,
For l cortii 's the same in 1401 life
I n low, -
And 1 ye's j ist as sweet ie. a 'cot
'Tis gem hat's )-e t, set without
. , 0
er or slw.
I'm.a Wier i yea or at least -wad
leen ane, i
If n titre h d 'made me a woman a a',
And if e'd been my Son, I'd hae said to
im, ` Johimy,
1 •
neware o' a Queen or 9.,Mither-in-1
1 ,.
for a Mither-in-1 w.
s a
Hai it been a bit Alaachioness, noo, r a
tiehess, • I
T.1; adua hae be ! sic a barros to
raw, .,
: 1
For t1n, " ike has Faither thd De con
foie 1 im," , 1
He micht hae' kePt somethin o'
'Reign fp' the taw."
• It's mi Yhty 'er honor to marry a Ca,
- !Pell,
ff R Deralty eould. see it ava,
• Bat Ii. thin -in' the reins will be pu
ey and tightly, - -
No he s g6ttin' a Queen for a Mi s er-
Nae d ot yot 've heard tell o' the ma at
he ra, e, _
Whi won. a big elephant, tus es,
nci a' '
Whan he b oeht the prize hame to
sent ti his mammy, . _
He and, 1 °nest I man, that his h use
- was ore smIa). -
I mak nae lusion-I draw nae coi elu-
sion- -
rn ust le that big flea stick fas to
•' the wa', -
But the honor, I'm tl inkin', it mair
• !tile profit'.
Inaein' a Queen. or a llitliersin- &NV.
Wliell Tier Majesty' tights, for the c •oon
• is but mortal,
Alt1 o' it's laid doom that Queens c nna
:do ivsngl Still he, law1g doesna hold in regard. to , eeo i :
Wh lk, no. bein' a statute, whiles ecries
them a twang
Then le ca,nita say "i‘ adana, this -hoose
is my .castle,
If t ingselitina i1, e ye, just toddle
alva','? I
Or orc er her carriag ,• r sulk at his din-
ner, I
For he's gatten a f tt.en for a Mi her -
in -law.
I wac a mind ten a welve prince for
• . brithers-' .
- For I mckon -a Heilander equa to
And ! tine-
f'oerthe: Scp.'iabbles o' " Hoens
and `I` Slow'ens,
.A kelp frae a can pbell would mak'
• them agree. I
But i 's rid' just 9 ea y to manage the
No they le we. n' the breeches dis-
sectin' and a, ,
Nee cinder the las die tak's refuge in
Pre erve us ! a ecia for a Mither-in-
law. '
Shoul 1 the Lord. i r providence send
me a Jessie, , ,
For coortas a rade that I'm partial
I woi d. gie her hat day, like a ):rave
Dh u ni- w as, al
ocket that's en pty, a heart that is
-I wat -ferlelleit for theQueen-I wad dee
for the Hie an'sl-
Fo the honor 0
wad draw ;
But t ae sun lit:its
A iQueen's a we
funeral wasnlarge
by his brethren a
- Shade trees .
y attend 4, especially
Avon L dg , I.O.O. F.
re being
the principal str et -s in th
nia. The 0Orrlei fi:Ve a lil
etery tree which ves thre
pia ted on all
to of Far-
e; abrso.r, for
- Mr. Willis, Kerr, of th township
of Pellatton, cemmeneed the erec-
tion of a large annery itlth village of
Mitchell. -
The folhatii resolut on
altbe last meetii g of the og
"That no Lop .ratepa ers
Huron Road: be allowed. to
labor on the saen for the en
as we consider ti at the county, council at
its last meeting has wine beyond its
jirrisdiction in re Yard to Grav 1 Roads."
That section of t e road is no in a very
bad 'condition, a if no rovem-ents
are put upon it d iring the cui rent year,
-we de not envy those will be compelled
to travel over it uch.
- The annual Spring 'Show of the
South Riding efeerth Agricialtural So-
ciety was held a St. Marys on Wednes-
day, the 12th int. The aispla,y of stal-
lions was very e, and the bulls were hf
excellent quality,
as passed
alone the
o statute
rent year,
• •
-e- Messrs. Br oks and Colquhoune of
the township of 1 Hibbert, have recently
imported from , cotland a fine stallion.
The31:, paid $2,00 ' for him. .
- Mr., E. W -ight, Of Lon on Towne.
ship. raised fro one grain of lellow corn
in 1869, 1306 gra ns, and fietn'the same in
1870, 1158 grain , '
' - The late fa orable w atl er has had.
a good effect upon the fall W eat in the
conntiee of Bra t, \Vat do , and 1)Ox-
ford, and it is ow leo' ing fresh and.
well. , -The pres nt 'pros' ect are,- that
there will be an .abundant Crop.
- It is rutimked, that a a. an'the
name of James , enderson w rking at a
saw mill in the townshi of Blenheim,
County of .0/dor', has fal en heir to over
• -$200;000 by- thealeath of i rieh relation
in England. .
- The Spring Show of Ithel Elma and
Wallace Agricultural So4ietr was held
:on the driving parka Listdwel, on Friday
•lat. Tbe weat ter was no itions, and
there was a larg turn oulI of farrners and
- others.. The Sh sw of ,sta1jIion exceeded
both in nuinber nd quali y t lose at any
previous exhibit on of th so 'ety. . ••
- The 'Galt p ople are co emencing to
-agitate theext nsien of th: Doon and
Iierlin Rail -way o that to xi. 4. meeting
was held and a orinnitte wa appointed
to wait on the orth-Dn hie Council to
ask aid in freer Of the ni ve efit. '
— A meting of parties \ab ut to emi-
grate from the vicinity f. 8 rathroy to
Manitoba, was h -1d in th, t, t iwn on the
afternoon -of the 6th inst. T ie principal
object °V the, nt eetins na s t decide on
the best and c leapea Way • f reaching
Fort Garry. ;
--- Mr. Georg Bell of Du fries has a
cow which is pr ving mor . th n ordinari-
ly valuable by i iereasing his stock much
more rapidly th n by the usual course of
. nature, having ad no les than six calves
in three year.
--- On Than* ay evening hist the body
of an elderly m n was fotinel in a culvert
• of the railway a out one mile and a half
west of Glencoe Beside him lay a bag
containing sem clothes, and on his per -
MI Were f01111( ON HI Canadian .and
-United States n one, an4 numerous. pa-
pers, all of a•pe 7sonal na1 are • .
- A Public ark, or 1 leaSure -ground
- is being laid. ou in tlie t omishing town
of 8trathroy. a
--s- Election p titions h• ve been filed in
the Superior Co vets Torcnto againstthe
return of Mr. F tisiinmo. s, o Brockville,
and Colquhoun, of Stor ontl ; and. peti-
tions are .in arogree.s of preparation
against Mr. Cr ig; of Glengarry, andl\lr.
M. 0, Cameron of Toroitto. •
and is consigned to -a 1%011 real firm. The
value of her cargo may le judged from
the fact that the Canadi n duty upon it
is estimated at $20,000,
new semi-weekly line of freight
steamers will ply this summer be-
tween Montreal, Glasgow and Liverpool,
connecting with the Gr, Trunk Rail-
way. Mr. Allan has perf cted the arran-
gements for these 'steam rs, -Which, we
understand., are to a be separate and. ad-
ditional line to the main `` Allan Line."
-On Sunday last '.31.
wood of the 10th Collo.
borough, while taking
bush, detg up wine re
parsly and. ma,ae a dein
Mg some of the fluid him
a weaker portion. In tw,
was dead, and his wife su
from the effects. Parties,
careful how they eat ee
virtues•they do not uncle
Elisha Sher-
ssion Maryr
stroll in the
ts of the wild
- from it. tak-
elf and his wife
haurs the man
Tering beriously
ught to be very
ad roots whose
-The township• of Yallace, in the
•Clounty of Perth, has r cently received
56631.55 frinn the Pro vin, ial Government
on account, of the Land Improvement -
Fund_ accrued tothast Township. There-
with the Councilredeeme 1 55,000 of their
Railwa,y: Debentures ata deposited the
balance in the Bank of llontreal. '
ett on.
The Grand Trunk nd the EleciL
' ainpbell the sword, l•
o is best at a dis-
*bit near as a Alither-
-AValts Lan2ont.
•, Oapth,cla.
:Mr. Platt, of 1G6derich, last week,
shipp -al•frei a that telnn, a cargo o salt
by st 'amen to Clitcag ).
, -- n Friday Iasi% ,' an. old lady n ed
MeG egor, was getu g1 out of a waggon in
front of Mr. Arehibal Ps store, Goderich,
her ' oot sl'pped, ani sbe fell to the
ground. witl such i f me as to cause .•her
cOnsi emble inju7. .. .
. ,-- The C ounty, Goencil of the -County
of P rth, advertise ,for tenders for the
erect on of new tell -gates on their gravel
road, in hutted those taken down when
the t11 system was a olished. -
— Mr. Thomas Clark, adebunta,ut,
ud possessor of a
telied on Wednes-
a .ago.
he Listowel Banner
vith tWa mammoth
as from a Brainah
11(.11, and measured nehes by 6)2, inches
' in encumference ; she other was from a
rhe • 1 8' b 6'
Stratford, iS the
brocK of ducklings,
(14 1 rornial:, a we(
The edita of
cell` preselited
One of tiles(
. .
--, The folloe me is a , fulllist of the
• P we feel certain from the reasons we ha1
gentlemen coniprising the Provieicinal I (riven and. not'from any instructions fr
Board of Direetors of the London, Huron! liead-4;arters. -We have deplored t
anti Bruce 11ailray John Birrell„ Esq:, unceasine and trifair attacks of the 01
people in the Democratic interests.
received $.90O in hand in part paa-mei t
for his services, which it may be saia. bee e
been estimated Tar beyond. their valu •,
as it is safe to say that few colored m
can be indeced to swerve from their a
legia.nce to the party of freedman
The Brockville Recortle -, in a late issue
says that "in .its neighborhood every
Grand. Trunk voter was eoerced into 4Ot-
ing for Tory candidates, 1 In Brantford it
was the same." The /?ee' refer says, "t -14s
tyranny is unbearable, a id. proposes th It
a mammoth memorial 1.1‘ drawn up ani
signed by the people f Canada and
presented. to the En dish Board cid
Directors; . complaining of the intel-
ference of the Candaian officials of --t1 e
Grand Trunk in our elections, an,
respectfully requesting t e Board to take
steps to put an end to si ch interferenee
for the future. Wouli not the ballot
put a stop to this all to ind ?" '
• That our friend, the Li litor of the Rf-
COrder fully believes wlie t be states in the
above to be true, we do not doubt ; but
we feel pretty certain that our contem-
porary is laboring under a great mistake
regarding this matter. We are unwilling
to believe ' that anything like coercion
was resorted to with the vie* of indue-
ing the men to vote for the." Tory ea
&dates," but if- such ay9. the case, it w s
not done by the instructions either f
Mr. Brydges or Mr. Spicer., We are 1
cline(' to. think that the eirne secret of the
opposition of the employnes of the G. T.
R. to , the candidates sepported by the
(Robe, is to be traced. to the fact, that the
men have had strong gr innds for feeling
deeply wounded at the unfair way in
way in which that joule al had assaulted
Mr. Brydges, as well as every person -
connected nvith the so, d. In its late
attacks no ' exception _a *as made by the
Globe- in its sweeping denunciations
. :
against the management of this line of
railway ; hence the eriaployees felt justly
indignant at „such treatment, and voted,
it is said, altnest to a man against the
Reform candidates supported, by the
Globe. • That they shoald have -pursued
shah a course will not! sunrise anyone
who knows anything of human nature:
dges may have,
hat he is univer-
ployees OT1 the
he case, it is not
he large body of
tter what their
oe,. should. take
o resent the i ).-
Whatever faults Mr. Br
it is.generally admitted
sally esteemed.. by the e
road:, _ And this being
to be wondered at that.
men under him, no m
polit'ical leanings may
the first opportunity t
dignities cast npon theilrchief and e
selves by the Wok. his is what th
journal had ."reasen. to expect fr
its late conduct. it be true,
stated above, that the G. T. it. employ.
voted against the Reform candidates
the late election, whiCh we as a Refo m
journal mech. regret, it arose plincijially,
The Railway Question.
To the Ellgor ofthe _Huron 'Signed.
SIR, -If we are to believe history, a
cient and. modern, and our own. expel
ences we must come to the conclusi
that all nature, animate and inanimat
seenis to be subject to certain kinds
natural, and the human race a
not exempt from the sante general la\
of nature. At the present time, the e
appears to be a malady ot a very vir
t kind raging throughout the Counti s
-Wellmston, Grey, Huron and Brix .
:known as -the Railway Fever,. 'which o
ginated some two years ago in thn city
Toronto, and ultimately spread eto t
Cities of Hamilton and London, and
few idle Physicians from those cities, s
lied forth to inoculate the peeple of tho
Counties above nameAl, in order -that th
mieht fill their own pockets, by prat.»
0 •
ing to cure the disease they themselv
ingenerated. Put it appears that wh
the malady reached. London, (London
ing an inland town)thesymptoms beca
more rabid, for they seem evidently aftid
of the waters of Lake Huron, asr.
Woods, of Stanley, has offere4 to p
handsomely to be enabled to drown t
malady in Lake Huron, Bayfield,
the townsof Goderieh has even offer
the London Doctors $50,000 to be allo v-
- ed to drown itatGoderieh. But it seei
that a Mr. Williams, a vendor of 'Pate
Medicines from Lonlon, has ' been pr,
tising on the Editor of the Clinton .A!
Era, and a Mr. McGregor, of Blyth, a
failed, but succeeded very successfully
thoroughly inculcating Mr. John Leck
of Ainleyville, Reeve of Grey, and he
communicated the disease to a few m
Reeves of the County, consequently
meeting was held at Seaforth •to dev
means to effect a cure. And. the res
was, a requisition was sent post haste
the Warden to call a special meeting
the County Council on the 25th, to -fres
a By -Law to raise 5250,000 to be gi
as County Bonus to aid. the London,
ron and Bruce Railway, and in order
make the carrying of the BY -Law dually
sure by securing the votes of parties de
ly interested. Mr. Archibald Bish
Reeve of Usborne, suggested that
would be well to add. other $40,000
purchase the Northern uravel Road
very patriotic scheme to his View, c r-
thinly. Well might Mr. George Sam
an ex -Reeve of Ttickersmith, exch
through last -week's EXPOSITOR, " t
the thing was too flagrant to require ei
er argument or comment," and ask w
all this flurry and. haste, and extra ex-
pense, when the Comity Council -11
have an ordinary meeting in about ,ibt
weeks hence. But • they are evidently
afraid of a public discuisiern and to
carry the BysLaw before it gets thor-
oughly ventilated, Mr. Gibbons, the
Warden, told us not long ago through
the public Press, that immense slims of
money were blundered away through the
incapacity of the County uouncil, and
that some of their doings were involved
in mystery. :Now, Mr. Editor, I can as-
sure you that the Farmers of Huron want
to pay for no more of these mysteriotts
blund.erings. Let the County Council
give ample time to discuss through the
County Press, the propriety of
the V50,-000 bonus, then if it be consid-
ered to be for the general interests of
the County I say by means let • us
have it with a sufficient gharantee teat
the road will not only be built, but be
kepi, in good running order without any
es further sunsnly. Butas Mr. Sproat says
at " we have paid pretty dear for our whis-
tle already," and I think experie, ace
shauld teach us to defer the matter for a
few years, until we wipe out some more.
of our indebtedness. The fleti011e of the
e Reeves at the special meting of the
President ; James Consuls, Esq., (Mayor at times upon Mr.Brvdees and the 0-ra ii)(3. C"IitY Umn&ii should. be jealor sly
of the City of London,) -Viee,President ; watched, as the ratepayers of Huron
Ellis W. Hyman, reasurer ; Mur- Trunk Company, becai:ise we felt it Ns as want to pay for no more of these (flare-
injnring a line of railw iy to which t xis put b1&. farces, 8uch as 1-Va ena.cted. by
ra.y Anderson, Esq. Mai aging Director ;
James H. Flock' , Esq., q,olieitor ; Thos. Province is more indebted for its pies ut Mr. Greenway, iteeve of Stephen, who
prosperity than any other public wit r- was one of the chid and 'urgent sup-p)rt-
Chureher, Esq. Secretary ; Hon. J. Car-
lin a M'.1'.P C. P. Smith, President of prise. We admit that the Grand Trui k, ers of the late By-Lavirfor the purel ase
a ea of the Northern (;ravel Road whulebeing
*/ •
the Board of 'Irwin, J. Atkinson, Vice -
ers of 1E70 be reappointed for the cnr-1
rent year. Moved by Mr. Duritin, sec -1
ended by Mr. Kinalian, that the Counci
now adjourn to meet again on the 23t
May next. AS &OTT,
. Turn -berry.
SPRING- S4HONV,.-Tie Spring Show (-C
the Turnberry :Ari
held. at the .Villag
Wednesday, the 5th
of the roads was all t
to induce people to
ultural Society was
of Winghanz, oni
instant. The state!
let could be desired, I
urn out and enjoy'
the occasion. This being the fiest Spring'
show which has been
growing village, it
quite a success; atn-
held in that rapidly]
night be emisidered
although the dis-
play of entire animals and seed grain was
not so large as wotild be expected in older
settled sections of the conntry, yet it
shows that the ag iculturists here are
fully alive to their own interests, and
seem to understand the .advantage of
s article,
feature of the show
quiet demeanour of
attire absence of any'
, We were eke)!
great interest taken
• rmers, and farmer's,
ach other and. cora--
-s of agricultural dise
e noblest pursuits
open to the young n en of our country.
in the class of ei
prize was awarded to
lion, Hard. Fortnn
useful agricultural
Hadwin. Tbe sect».
to Mr. John Jobb's
promising young ho
to Gold -finder, canned by Jarnes Bran.
btoredylpl(lzse,onee '11-sc!
Thant - the sees
wham buil) owned
President of the Board of Thule, Alex.
Johnston, G. G. Magee, Isaac Carling,
W.T. Hays, J, Blackbuhr, D. Shoff, E.
Flarria, • Joim Williams, IN'. Farris, • J.
Egan, R. .
1- The lle-e. E. C. W. McColl, M. A.,
pastor of the Congreg tional Church,
Stratford, was on Thurs.( ay of last week,
made the recipient by the ladies of the
chureh of a flattering testimonial accom-
panied with a handsome sum. of money.
like other other railways, may
times be better for being aroused t
more faithful discharge Of itsduty towa
the public, but this can be done wi
out going to such extremes. •
Would the better policy not be to c
tivate the goodwill of the employees
the Grand Trunk, when this cattle d
without sacrifice of principle ? This is
rieNV NV:111011 -we think the most of the
cal presS take of this [subject, and.
a pa,esed by the Council, and then returned
ds home, and issued hand -bills, recommend-
h- ing the ratepayers of his 'Township to
vote down thesaid By -Law whith must
have cost the County over $3M00.
of was certainly discreditable in the extreme.
10- •
s west Wa.wanosb..
one which -is well north considering,
even- by the Globe. If we believed t rat Cot:sere AlesserlsG.-The Council met
on TuesdaY, llth inst., as a Courtof Re-
-- The grain ware -house of Mr, James I Mr. Budges or any of, his subordin tcs
'McRoberts, Lucan, wag completely I attempted to coerce their empleyee to viSion and Append. All the members
deStroyed • by fire on tnd, th -inst. I vote against the . candidates of the Be- present. , Appeals against - assessment
About 3,000 bushels of grO.n... were also Thrill party, we Would denounce s-neh were put in from saineel Wil liam
destroyed! The propert was insured for concluet as stiong13, as either the (Robe or Tooke, Peter -McCann, Charle.s Wilson,
$4,500. • I tl* 1?ecorder. But °A no evidence. has- and 71.1r. McGreeor. Wm. Tooke's as-
- The agent of the 3 ontreal Bank .at i -been offered to suStaiii this charge, we sessment was reduced .$,100 ; Peter Mc-
t it is not true.-- Cann, 8350 Uharles Wilsons $100 ; Dr.
McGregor, S100 -off personal property ;
'Juliet% April 15, 1871.
prodacing a first- cla
One very gratifyin
was the cheerful an
ail present, and the
signs of intoxicatio
pleased to notice th
in it by the young I
8011S, in vying with
peting for the henou
tinction—one of t
tire horses the first
the well know stale
, justly famed as a
tunnel, owned_ by R.,
d prize was awardea-
(hestnut Stallion, a
'se; the third prize
Of the thorough.
prize .was awarded
Kay's celebrated 1)1
ond to a yearling
by Mr. Robert Kell
Gnus. -For the
Spring Wheat; the 1st prize was awardl
ed. to Mr. Peter jr. ; 2nd to Mra
Jas. Wilson ; 3rd, Ir. Robert Currie. f
OATS. -For the best two bush. of Oats; ,
ie. 2nd, Jno Pt ober*
st two brisk.. Peas
nrrie ; 2nd, Peter!
, Jess. Wilson a• 2n14
e were two dlliere),,I
prize, 'W. Leeeh.',
best ten bushels of
1st prize, Robt. Cur
sine •
Pnas.-For the b
1st prize, Robert
Deans, jr. .
13ARLEY-1st priz
Jas. Wilson. The
kinds. .
CLOVER Seed -IS 11
TIMOTHY StED. -Best one Intsh. of
Timothy Seed; ls prize, Rolet. Kelly;
2nd, Robert Cm-rie. --e'Vew Bre.
COUNCIL ME.ETIN( .-The Council met
pursuant to-adjoerr ment ; all the mems
bers present ; the Reeve in the chain.
Minutes of last en eting were read and1
approved. In reference to the i'slairrisbairk.
Bridge, theClerk laid a letter before th4
Council from M n Holm es, Clerk of Morri4
stating that the Coancil of Morris wish.e4
the matter to lie over till after the meeta
ing of the County Cbuneil in June. Mr1.
Hogg reported he had let a job of clearin
away the driftwood at the brides?. on the
gravel road nortl
Samuel Porter for
reported he had go
Thomas Job for $1
Report for 1870 as as examined by thia
Council, when it. nas moved. by :Mrs,
Leech, seconded la Mr, liege, that the
Anditors'Report be received and adopted,
and that the Cle.r1 get the It epoit puli
lished.-Carried. loved by Mr. Leech,
seconded by Mr. Hogg, that Albeit
Luxford be refunde $2 or statute labor.
e -Carried.
of 'Wing nun, te
$3 75. Mr. 'Waugh
six pikes made with
20. The Auditor'
PATH MASTE LS non 1871. .
F. W. Irwin, Jo m Fri fogle,
Mundell, Roliert Jtobert
Wm. T1 )111as Mc( 'raight,
L. J. Brace, R..1M Kee, C. Curry, Isaan
Medcalf, Thos. Etla ic, William Clendens
Mg, B. Holmes, .fliailvs Heinntli. WM.
Manson, Thomas- . obb, P. McBride, P..
Willson, A. Gordan, J ames Bently, R. ).
Evans, "Mc -‘lavan, John Powell,
Philip Curry, J. 'W. Walker, lits;a41
amilton, Sal bl1111, James
Wm. Portens, Jan es Twilit', James M e -
Gee, 8. topper, Vin Douglas, J. Me -
Ewan, Wm. _Mill John Seell, Wm.
Smith, Sairmel leek. Flames Met; er,
John Di anion d, P 1 c Laren, Alex ander
Rebertson, Peter 'alitelen, J.
J., Miner, Robert Smale, Marakie,
A. Swindleimrt, Thoinas Carrutheis,
Thomas Elliott, George Moffat aild.
Archibald Stewart Moved. by Mr. Hogg,
seconded by M cornyn, that the
petition of Then s Maley in regard to
taking his, lot fr )m School Section No.
3,:. and. annexing i to Section No 2, lie
,oseer for further c iisideration.--(arriesh
John Johnston pa d $30 for a Tavern
cense, Wm. j. nrston paid $:30 for a
tavern license. John -W. Walker was
paid $S, for attens anee and beard for the
late William Spik Samuel Porter ap-
plied for a taxer n license, which was
granted and paid '11 in part ler lieense,.
Moved -by Mr. Cerny)), seonded by Mr.
Leech, that the tonneil 110 now adjourn
Perth, Wiwi 011 Good F idaY, absconded to meet pi) the 21 d Monday in May !tit
with a large sum 00 the un4s of the in- 1 Be,ilin 1161eflraPh•
3zualuel. Clark , $340 ; Alfred Kir alit Johnston's 111111, -)Anevale, at 10: 'o'clock,
reasonably conclude th
stitution, -was captu re.d b3 the authori- 'ease0 , Alex. Lose, Fe;100. 'The further
a , L CL .
?viliLlidaonid. ttitha iCo,u_rt_c
ties, at Rome, N.considerable For correctness, stYle; and beauty)
so •
portion of the money • h Ucrk
examination of the assessment roll was
en from him. ran a rto p b
-The emigration oft
ren h Canadians
at one dollar per dozen. deferred till the 25th May next, to which
• from some parts of the- roamce of Que- ! •
this spring.
nal on Thurs.
mbarked on
ir the States,
ions of their
anada is well
reat acquisi-
places they
ter and more
. Canada. this
hieen's Bi rth-
on Jan. 13th,
corm ion hen,. and , y
inches. '
- The Stratford Beacon of the 14th
inst. saval-• "\\C eeeret to announce the
sudden death on , II10-nday night, of Mr.
Hem y King, who has for many- years
past been eonspicuous at our -ward elec-
&me. 111.r. King was a native of Hath-
erleieb, Depinishire, England. He was a
c;ei:ial and good natured citizen. The
bee is said to be very la go
A Quebec parer says th-t-
oflast Week seventy-seven,
day one hnedred perso s
the Grand 'Trunk at Lea f
amid the tear* and larue ta
-friends and connectionsC
rid Of them. They are no
1 bon to any conntry; The
vaca te, will donbticss by be
thrifty se.ttlers.
-The first tea ship for
; year still be (Inc about the
day. She sailed from Chin
(late the court a,Lljtiurne(1. Ordinary
municipal business was then taken up. A corresponder
- • Ta. A e te Sent to
mmany g .n
Tenders ere received for the ereeti 311 of Ersays .- A
a Town- aaci---------------------------------lter 6coit, of
t of the Clinton ..Vezo
boy employed. by -Mr.
sums of mone*y have been offered to color- John Irwin, $610; Thorna,s Menary, *570; With a span of k'''..11)•1(rPlit.ei:iillAl:sn•slelsar,
The New York Milks SaVs rge fieation, from Malcoll Bine, fur $.500 ; in a field, on Saturlay the 8th instep,
ed whh
men in this city to go South, for the Walter Stewart, 5530.. Moved. by Mr. seddenly taking right ran away. ..Nflr-
purpose of influencing the colored vote at Gaunt, seconded by mr. Durnin, that the
• :
the South in the approaching Presidential building of the Town 1 hall be let ta, Mr.
1 election. It is a well established fact John Irwin, to be finished in all its parts
that thousands of dollars have been offer in terms of his tender, Me. Irwin's sure -
1 ed by the Tammany men to colored Re- ! ties being conenlered in all respects viati8-
publicans who would enlist for this pur- factor) .-Carried. Pathmasters were
j pose, and that James Frisbie, ot this (fay, appointed for the year I.;;7L Moved by
has gone on this mission to Huntsville, Mr. Wilson, E•econded. by Mr, G
IAla., there to work among the colored that the pound -keepers aid ftmee- view -
Scott tieing near
tempt to stop tin
him &nen and. t
several dangerou
mid breast.'
For a genuine
you must go to
dollar per dozen.
it betere them to at-
ril ; but they knecked
•ampled him, g
wounds about his face
cued portrait of a:ourself
''rank Paltridge s. On