The Huron Expositor, 1871-04-14, Page 80
Don't fail to call at Frank Paltridge's
And get one dozen photographs of your-
self for one dollar.
NEW STORE.—We uederstand that
Messrs. -Hoffman Brothers are about
opening oat a new Dry'Goods Store in
the stand lately occupied by Mohr & Co.
Tama Marcia—We *nderstand that
two members of the SeAlorth Volanteer
Company, purpose going to London; te
attend the trial math far the Wimble-
don team, to be held on the 27th and.
28th inst.
PERSONA.L.—We are pleated to learn
'that Rev. Mr. Stair; who was, for sever-
al days coafined to' his room with
tberia, is again nearlyrecovered, and
_able to attend to his ministerial duties.
CHESS MCH.—A. cbesS match be-
tween Seafoith and Toronto is at present
in progress. So far the ,game is a very
close oee. It Will be concluded in time,
to aable us to- give the complete score
net week.
errEss Coateite—We observe that the
London Adveihieer has devoted weekly
-space for extending the knowledge of
chess. The column seems tobe couched-
dd by a most competent person, and. one
who thoroughly anderstands' this earl,
dent game.
EetanuenrsiNme—The Messrs. Hicktort
lave started a branch store in Watibrloo
Village. We wish them success, and
tenet they may succeed in building up as
extensive and Incretive busineis in Water,
too as they have done inJ Seaforth.
EXTRA. PRIZES; --7The inhabitants of
=_Brucefield and vicinity will give the fol-
lowing extra prizes, at the South Riding
Spring Fair, to thorough -bred stallions :
1st $5 ; 2nd, $3. Parties competing for
these prizes must be prepared to produce
pedigrees of their animals.
work en the Canada Presbyterial). Church
of this village, is progressing favorably.
Mr. Duncan, tlheconeractor for the wood
work, is making a first-class job. Mr.
Darling has the contract for the Plaster-
ing work, and is now busily engaged with
it. Mr. Darlings Connection with this
department is a sure guarantee that the
week will be well and. neatly done,
• EITSINES.S NOTICES.—We direct the at-
tention oftour readers to the new adver-
tieements of.:111essrs. Kidd, Hickson, and
Campbell. They have each received
large and well selected spring stocks,
whichare well worthy of a careful in-
speetton from intending purchasers. Mr.
Kidd has added a Millmery department
to his establishment.
CRICKET —A parting of the Seaforth
Cricket Club will be held at Currie's
Saloon, on Monday next, at 8 o'clock
P. M. We have seen a very handsome
°ticket -bat, which will be presented by
Mr. •Meyer, President of the Club, on
that evening, to the player who made
the beat average score last season, -who,
we understand, is .Mr: James_ H. Beeson.
Besteltante —At a meeting of the
base -ball players of Seaforth, held at
Murray's,Hotel, on Wednesday evening,
5t1I inst., a Clob was • formed, to be
named the "Star Base -Ball Club." The
following officers were deleted.: H. W. C.
Meyer, President; Thomas Smythson,
Seeretaxy ; T. P. Bull, Treas,urer ;
Cameron, Captain; Messrs. Latimer,
McMurray and Dalson, Managint, COM •
mitten It was proposed that .th; mem- als
herald') fee he 25 cents, and monthly
dues 10 cents for the ensuing year.
Mr. G. hesney, weighec 1580 Ins.; wh'
Mr. G.I Walker furiiisi (.1 a heifer a
steer, Mr. Peacock, of ullett, furnisli
a steer and heifer, the latter of whi
though' only 18 months ii (I, -weighed 101
Ibite and Mr. Crawfor of the ainc
towashi , contributed cow 'wcighing
1330 lb . 1
stock Ieziw has been: onsio.erably dn-
larged and intproved, a d has , adopt d
the eight -page form Of pi blieation. T ie
Review now claims te he the largest in s'ze
and to have the latgest circulation of a iy,
loeal paper in Ontarre. ! Ve will not d s-
pute the assuiriptietuas to size,but wh n
it comes to talkiem of ]1 circulation, e e
would gently hint that alocal paper n t
a hundred miles from Se feeth lias claims
in that respect-, which ikre .certainly as
Well founded as the Rein w's. However,
the Review is a gipod pa mr—temperatb,
moderate andgentlemanit in its tone -h-
and desertees thellarge m4•aeure of Bocce s
it has. actitetred: We tru t its prosperity
may tontiteue.
1 ,
'FOR. RIM RIVER. --:-On 1Ionday last,
party of ' seven, all fore er residents
this vicinity, took -their departure f
Red River. The followin are the nem
of the gentlemen Who co poeed the pa -
ty : Thomas 111orrison, jr., ] McKillop ;
Frtincis- 'Neilson and a n, McKillop ;
Archibald &Hers, Grey ;' Angus Camp-
bell, Kiribiirn, and a ge timer( named
McDonald. They all took through tick-
ets to St. Clmicl, and pro osetgoing from
thence, by teams, to Fo t Garry. I'Ve
wish. them a safe and speedy journey,
and health and ]prosperity in their flew
homes. AVe are also in ormed that a
number of others from thi neighborhood
purpocie leaviiig for the . acne place on
Monday iiext.
Seeming ScnOet, A NIVEI1S,ARY.—The
Wesleyan, Methodist tiSable th-Scheol An-
eiversaryi wait held on the evening of
Good Friday. The childreei of the school,
numbering, about one hien lred, were en-
tertained tit tea, after whele- under the
direction of Mr. William lill, the Super-
intendent; they assumed thcir places on
an elevated platform wluch. haat been
erected for the purpose. t the foot of
the elevated seats was anther platform
for the speakers andetecite -s. Rev. Mit
Price acted at ehairman, aricl prompter to
the' childreh in ' their reci ations. Mise
Price presided at the piano. Mr. Brandt
singing. The recitation% and dialogues
Acted as leader for the chi dren in their
were not only well exeeut d., ).iut appro.
ria,te, and the singing wa in every way
deserv ing of the approbati n it received
Tom the audieeee. The entertainment
vas highly successful, and much credit
$ dae the Managing Committee for the
Meient manner in which th.e arrange-
ents Were carried out. , The proceeds
mounted to :marry ten dollars.
. '
BumeeNG.---Beilding in Se forth this
ming is pretty brisk, and the prospect
s that the. village will be considerably
creased in this wey during the. coming
u ildings which.
go, as being
mmer. Besidee those h
e notice 'a week or two
a ceerse of erection, Nye have now to, no-
] s
ice tt-M
he f tlowing : 'r.. IT. -,'Aelams is-
uilding 'commodious fr me dwelling
mime oteh his property otittoderich Street,
i -cljeinieg he residence of .Mr, Hicks ;
Ir. Andrews'is also buil ing. a frente•
( welling house. on the sana street:, near
he hVe lapin Method t Church.
4.4. ]Cleff ie building a fr :m,e, dwelling
louse near the Baptist Ch chi, and Mr.
'homes B , is buildinve ar e addition
o his . Furniture Ware-rm ins on Main
treet.e: *. Scobie in als builcliing a
1 rge frarci 'dwelling -house eae the Epis-
t . n ,
opal .0hur de..-BeSides the a ovb, Messrs.
'elemaii and •Goulinloelt be cOmmenced
leerection of a large War hause, 100 x
0 feet ; aid Mr. Marshal ii going to
trild. a .st jre house at his . i1L which 18
be 45x3; feet, and 35 fee hih. We
o learn that Mr: Josepn- Cie. cl, of Car-
nbrook,„arpoees erectin 17 (1 ming the
a eater or Snagnitud.e p ejected, and
iming su iner, -a "large bri dc hotel, on
a corner, adjoining the res :dmice- of Dr..
erre, oil Market Street, 'There are
so 21.. nut her of ether iii dings, of
hiclitWill, ditubtlesse be p !eeeded with
s may.- '
• '
SoCIAL.—The Odd -Fellows' • Soda]
held in the Lodge -room, on Wednesda
evening last, was a very pleasant an.
successful affair. The attendance of th
Brethren arid their friends was good
and all seemed to. eujoy tlaemselve
heartily. During- the evening, seyera
excelleut songs were sung by Miss• e
Humble, Mitchell, Robertson, Scott
Campbell and others, also by Meseta
• Sperling, Cavanagh and Digby. Misses
• Humble wed Campbell 'presided at the
melodeon in a graceful and proficient
• manner. The refreshments were gotten
• „ up by Brother Cavanaele and it is need-
less to add thetethey were of the best
order. The entertainment theoughout
• wee Most satisfaetery to all, and. we
trust that this may not be the last op-
• portunity of a similar character afforded
• by the members of Fidelity Lodge for
social COnVerse and amusement.
SEAPORTH COUNC L .—Th e Municipal
(toenail of the village of Seaforth, met on
• Tuesday evening last. Present— the
Reeve and Councillors Strong, Broadfobt
and Segmiller. The minutes of last meet-
,• .11,g were read and adopted. A. report
• was presented by the License Inspector.
A communicatioti was ateeived from E.
• Lusby, and petitions from G. Ewing and
others, and Ale. Cambrio and others.
It was moved, secouded and carried, that
J. Duncan's account of $7 be paid, and a
debenture be issued for the same. The
report of the License Inspector was re-
ceived and adopted. Mr. Reynolds was
granted a tavern license for the current
• lieense year. The petition of G. Ewing
and others was read, and laid over for fu-
ture considera.tion. lt was resolved that
. the Council would not bind Mr. Lusby
to teccept the offiee of Street inspector:
it iera,s moved, seconded and carried,
that this Municipality will pay thirty
cents towards boxing in a proper mem
her, each shade tree that is or may be
Flanted ia this vinaxe. according to by-
aw. • John M. Martin was appointed
Street, Yard and Chimney Inspector, at
a salary of t we atydi ve dollars. The
Conned then adjourned.
FAT CATTLE. —The God erich Star says:
Uur Goderieh butchers on Tuesday,
the 4th inst., received a drove of nine as
flue fat cattle as have ever been seen iu
the town of Gederfeh. They -were the n
property of S. arid 1% Andrews and (eo. t
Hilton, and were bought specially for the h
Lastern market. The aggregate weight
of the eine head was in the neighborhood.
of 14,504) lbs., and cost over $700. Two
(if them were raised in the county of
Bruce, and. weighed 275()(.)f the
others, three were raised in Hullett. and
four iu Tackersmith. The finest of the
lot, a heifer three years old, was raised
by Mr. S. Carnoehan, of Tuckersmith,
Whieh weighed 1350 lbs.; a cow fed by
ifle Shootin
The annieal match of the
5 eforth and the tnembets
Association1•Cameoff on t
S afor, o e Go d Fridae
Nineteen erltered or the fie
ti dye for he second. A
w th gusts, blewi from th
T e followi g is the score o
w uners : 1e
t C.
• - 200 Yards
mem; lstprize,.2 4 3-h
kinson, 2d.........
ambell, ,...,....3 3 3—
200 Yards
• is prize 4 4-1
e, 2(1 .3 3 3--
bertson, .3 3 4-1(
st rted in
m nts' have
tichig has Al
'ertocie ereale.—A public ex-
it N
•Ul , of the s
1, Logan a
Jo Murd
Al out eight
telt dance.
r sent, amo
131 bert.
olunteers of
if the Rifle
Range, att.
7th ins.
match, and
'troller Wind, -
F. 6u thwest.
tthe prize -
300 Yds.
3 2— 8
3 4 3-10
4-3 0— 7
300 Y'dit:
4 3 3-10
4 3 3--10
3 3 3— 9
A hi'ass batid has .been
Irroinibtook. he instru-
beau procured, and prae-
-eady coinmence I. t
. Mr.
ants of t
• COMM e
ed abou
•pupils a
rjittbe •
y were e
se by the
frt. nds who
SiS ee.
att ndede an
ly. The soh
pro perous a
ste e of affai
„tir Murdie's
ro ttess and
1 ETiRINo. of
Ir. Pellow,
irt ine has s
• of t
le from b
s for eale
which, ei
ago, lids
ie village
ver d good one
it. e trued uht
As -git ent on Ti
di.00l in Union
el Hibbert, of
e is - the effiei
eseeeu • pupils
nember of valtere were
• g whom were t le trueteese
elbert, and sae -mat of the
e ehil leen,' Th exanifina-
ced_ About 10 'clock and
() during whicl, time the
quitted theinse ye credit-
erious branche .in. wnieh
A minc.d. In I e evening,
Was gieenin he sehoed,
ehildrien and a• number ef
indly volanteer 4 their As-
o ent itaihnien : Was well
• pass il 'Off very suressfi1-
01 is 41.1together ire a most
cl- sa- sfactory •-audition, a
-which is largely Oeing te
Oetse, ering effi ruefor the
ntprovere en t of iis• 'pupils.
'Rom BusiNess. —The ge-
he _Er obert Hote1,1 Stella,
ition of re -
that view.'
back bo-
a "ear or
and glory
stead is a
t, the hotel canoot • fail to prove a
table inviistment to some' enterpriet
'oniface.-taStraybrd Becteeta
sday, 28th
which Mr.
t ]teacher.
vete in at-
al-irigI realized
ified his . inte
Ismess, and etitl
itis sp endid ma
e it erection
•rmed the pride
of Staffa. The
and -with, the
dr Mr. Pellow'
A Tuckersrnith Farmer on the
County Bonus.
T the Editor o the h uroa11:1114t issue
vour that
Sin,—I noticediin
there had been a meeting held in Sea -
forth ef the se fempointed Directors of
the London, II tem and Bruce Railway,
and a few of the Reeves of be 'ounty of
Huron, and that all at 1aici meeting
where in favor of giving a Couuty bon
to said .railway, b*t strang to say mo
especia.10 in favor of Mr. Bishop's pr
position, to give a County bouus towa
the road, and to make it large �nongh
buy up the Nor here. (ravellt ase to se-
cure the good will of those municipali-
ties. Such a proposition is worthy of the
man who made it, and the thing is too fla-
grant to require eithet argument or cora-
t. ,hen a, vote of the ratepayers
was taken, not many months ago, and
it was attached to a more feasible Bee law
than the one it is stow to form a codicil
to, it got an everlasting hoist. What
new light has 3Er.. Bishop got that he
cannot let his se ethe stand upon its own
merits as all things of a pudic nature
should. He could not in n.y opinion have
made a 'imposition better calcalated to
defeat the railway- bonus than the one he
made, and what is all this 'mete and
filmier and expense of calling a special
meetingaf the County Council when they
will have their o d nary,meeting in about
six weeks hence, w ich I think would be
time 'enough to get up such a obnoxious
and 'corrupt By-law ? I think the rate-
payers shoulcl get a little time to consider
Over the matter before any by-law was
forced upon them for their vote. --We
have paid pretty dear for our w istle al-
ready in the way of railway' bo us, and
I think -we should be cautious anct look
out that we don't get caught in the same
trap again. I gannet see for iny part
that any bonus that we could give, not
to be oppressive On the ratepayers, would
induce any sane capitalists, (and ca.pital-
ists generally are sane), to aec pt and
embark in the building of a railway from
London to,Kincardilne, but we are 'will-
ing, for out part, to let the thing stand
or fall on its mean, but if such a proph-
sition as Mr. Bishop's is relied lipoid to
force through thei project, vte are sure
that at this time nd in its preseut shape
it a blimder w ch even its autor will
dimes at hie command to prey() a very
dangerous lobby _membet. Mr. Taylor
was offered $5,0o0 in hard cash to With-
draw from the contest and allow the
Hudson Bay autocrat ..te go in by accla-
mation, buC he was , proof against the
temptation. The resolt is, of conrse, a
defeat, though not s6 bad as it might
have been, when we leave out the French
• vote. • Provencher went ea we all expect -
us ed: I Delorme, one ,of 'tiers most active
re suPporters last winter, being the success-
o- fel candidate against Wm.1Dease, a loyal
rd Frenchman, who lasttwiuter suffered the
to pain of excommunication' from mother
churnh, and is still under that harm. In
Lisgar division the contest was between
Dr. Shultz and Colin Ingster, and resale -
ed in a glotiouse victory Tor the Doctor;
he standing St the head of the poll with
a majority of over 250 votes oet of about.
400 votes pelted. At Portage La Prairie
the vote is a tie; 288 votes being polled
on each side. We had quite a turn.out
to meet the Doctor on his returning from
the election, with flags tlyieg, and in fact
a big time generally. We escorted him
to his residence, when thete was consid-
erable speaking, and then went home. I
happened to be up at Fort Garry 'today
when the Ontarios were on parade, and
heard the Colonel had a letter from Mr.
Royal, disclaiming all knowledge of the
authorship of the artich si in the ..Aroltoeatt.
Monde against the Ontarios. A deputa-
tion of the officers by command of the.
gallant Colonel, waited on the gentleman
to hear his defence, and the letter abovementioned was the result. Well, we are
awfully excited here about the matter,
and now since the officers have taken it
in hand. we must await further develop-
ments, The Colonel has pledged himself
to the men to see to the bottom of the
thing, and I certainly pity the man who
is found guilty, if he ever flails into the
hands of othe 1stOntario. 1 It was fear-
ful' to listen to them—men who were
never known tb utter an path, vowing
vengeance agaitist the perpetrator ; and
in fact it was o ly by the COlonel promis-
ing to make a personal affair of it, that
the men were kept from executing sum-
mary ,vergeance on Mr. Royal, who, not-
withstanding his letter, is looked upon
with strong suspicion, as it is thought a
man who was liar enough to pen those
articles can also lie himself out of the
GEORGE Selmer.
Tuckersmith, plil 12, 1871.-
. .Ai • levvillo.
.FAT-A,L ACCIDE T --On Friday night
Let, an old man of. ether dissipated hal.,- -
its, named Hugh ubas, met hisdeatb at
th.e Crown Rate , Morrisdale, ,,4 n the
gravel road about four miles south of this
place, in the follo vi ig manner : It seems
that he had been isuaying round the
hotel for two or tut e days previous to
the night in quest , and had been in-
dulging pretty fre .1 -in liquor. On this
night he retired to h's bed in the upper
of liquor, and so4 me daring tl e night
part of the house .:.,o iSiderably th,- worse
he wee quite dead., i inquest Was held_
got up, and in atte ptieg to corndown
stairs fell, and burst:a blood vess in hie
head. When first no iced in the m rning,
on Saturday, by Dr. Holmee, coroner,
fehen a. verdict of accidental death was
returned by the jury.
KiSE-BALL.L- The iMaitland' Base -13a11
Club, Of this place, et in Armstrong's
Hotel, on the 4th int., for the purpose
of electing officers] for the. ensuing sea-
son. The officerelected are ----,C. R.
Cooper, Presidentl; F. S. Scott, Vice
President ; John Hamilton, Secretary ;
john Stewart, Treasurer, and John Arm-
stropg and Williain tAinley, Field. Com-
mittee. After going through theit- busi-
ness, the meeting adjourned _to meet on
the first Tuesday oT next month. I
FIRE IN;GREY,--1-Iye regret to; learn
that the new resid nee of Mr. John l'in:
cent, of Grey, wit mimed on 5;unday
last, at noon: Th re • was $600 'album
ance on the house. The origin of the
fire, is unknown.
Wr• oxeter.
'APPOINTMENT.—Geo. A. Powell, Esq.,
has • been appointed postmaster for this
village, vice- Cyrus Carroll, Esq . re-
signed. -
POSTPONED DEBIT —The debate be-
tween the Clifford an tVroxeter item
ary Societies, which was postpon cl on
; account of the elections, is to take place
in McDonald's Hall. Clifford On rEhi1ri-
day evening, May 4th. The subje t for
debate is ." Greece er Roine—whic i was
the greaten" Cliffer •takes the•af 'rma-
. .A MEAN Tnicee Seem yo ng men,
who in their own opini 11 are very ' pinin-
ny phellows," but evho in the opini;on of
the public are decided nniscencee, tbok a
skunk that had leen 1 illed in a swamp a
short distance from th1e village,' and de-
posited it on Mr. Tho. McDonald'emeat
stall one night last; eek. In the lan-
guage of the art-cait cs, the effict was
'very ". striking;''perfuc!. ficating
round that eat :
in little danger of b ling misthkeb for
-odor of Roses, or Mur ay and a;nnaan's
Florida Water. ' We ear that Mr, Mc-
Donald intends prosec diem the perpetra-
tors of this cowardly t ick on accou t of
damages, to the meat i the 8110
MANITOBA. NEWS.-.:- The fol1oviiig are
extraets ham letters 1 tely rece yed from
lelani tuba -:
Winnipeg, 11 arch 7th ]S71. .
The nomination tool place •on Tuesday
last, and . a very quie affair it was, al-
most as . quiet as Um last—t en on
I hursilay came the elet ions. he poll-
ing in Winnipeg was P etty spir ted and
resulted in a rnajorit for D. A. S-th.
The Scoteh of Kildona i parish voted for
-Smith, a free dinner at Davis' Hotel be-
ing it is supposed a 8 rong incentive in
turning some of theme ho had tronlised
to vote against him.'on know,jth t in
this country of all th ?
sins of ini siou
end connniseion of whi ,h a man ca. be
guilty, that of oppositf n to the 'Hu son
Bay Company is the gr ,atest an(p. w rst.
Then in the Headiugl division, 8 eith
had a majority ofsoi e 20, that result
being,attained by putti ig in the French _
parish of St. Charles. Then the St.
Boniface parish cast ai almost na in-i-
oils- vote for Smith ; th vote theze at the
close of the poll standi g 93 to 1, the one
Opposing tote being H. J. Smith a b ew-
'y one
er in the parish, Nvh 0 as the o
who dared to vote against the pr est , so
that you see, exclusive of the Fr nch
vote of St. Boniface, east and We t o
Cheeks, we had. a majority of the Eng-
lish-speaking population against D. A.
Smith . His opponent was John traYlor,
a residentofthis countity, and a thougn
not a man of great ability or intellect,
yet liad the character' cq honesty and dis-
interestedness. Mr. Stith,' dear knows,
is no shining light, but Ire has got the
ImrnoveMeNas. —.Considerable. im-
provements are goihg on in our small vil-
-lege. • A number of new. residences and
additions to old ones 'are ie process of
erection, and a great many Are talkieg of
putting up new . buildings ithreugh the
summer. •
Rateweee—Since the macitement of
the political contest has diel - away,. the
chief 'topic occupying the pa he mind is
the railway question. ,Th .route laid
down by the ',melee, Huroij and Bruce
Company, suits the people of this village
and neighborhood to a demonstration,
and there will,be no trouble in this part,
in .carrying a large County bonus, or a
Township one either. • W hope the
friends et'. the London road will not let
the. grass grow under their.f et,: but will
pat forth every exertion to c rry forward
• the scheme. !
ITEms.---The weather duri ig the past
week has been very fine, ax farmers are
,,busy putting in the spriegcrop.—Large
quantities of maple super an eyrup have
been made around this neig borhood—
Our merchants are. %Yellin out their
spring stocks, which consi&b of choice
selections .—Great quantities of shingles
for sale here. If] you want a good patent
chum lie go to T. Iterrow's.
EXAMINATION,—,School i Section No. 6
of this Township, was exam tied :pretty
thoroughly' last • Thursday. So thought
the children of the Section, , t any rate,
andtheir opinion is not to lie ignored.
Messrs. Cameron, Baird,'Hi mmell and
Mackintosh assisted Mr. - Je lieson, the
teacher m the work of exam nation. ' A
number of dialogues and re itatioris re-
lieved the monotony of the 1 roceedings.
Miss . Maggie Laudesborou di carried
away the prize- in ceimposi ion, while
Master Cousins . performed e radigies of
reasoning in geometry. Ind ed, all the
classes acquitted themselves 'n suck an
able manner. as spoke -velum 8 in1 favor
of their teacher, who was s -assiduous
in his duty toward them. A .the close,
Mr. Baird niade a few neat at41 appropri-
ate remarks suitable to the oc asion. '
Temperance Meeting in' Elibbert
To the _Editor of the Hltroll V ositor.
in this part of Hibbert and Tuickersmith,
• DEAR Sten—The friends of emperancef
on • Friday evening; March 31„ 1871,
were favored with a very 'nteresting
'temperance meeting in the Methodist
Episcopal Church m this net hborhood.
Ite.y. T. Reid presided, and fter a few
opening remarks by the Chab man, Rev.
A. E. Griffith, of Seaforth, w. 4 called on
to address the audience, which he did
in • a very , able and. eloquei t speech,
highly interesting and. deli ihting the
assembly. The lecturer evi ently felt
that his theme was indeed a good one,
awl Worthy the attention of all, for he
threw his whole heart into t le subject.
The meeting closed at a seaso able time.
all.feehne that the evening ;had been
well and ° profitably spent, and 'hoping
that duch meetings would be more fre-
quent. By giving this notice a place ire
your excellent paper, you will much
oblige the good cause of temperance.
Hibbert, April 8, 1871. .
-DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.7-On Sabbath last,
the fine brick residence ef Mr, John
Henderson, of this township, was com-
pletely destroyed by fire. Abut twelve
o'clock, when all the occupants of the
house, with the exception. of Mrs. Hen-
derson and the servant girl, , and most of
the people in the neighbOrheod wete ab -
tent at church, the servant girl, who
happened to be out in the yar( , noticed
a small flame of fire issuing from the
south .corner of the roof of the house.
She immediately pee the alarm, and
fortunately a neighbor happened te be
passing, who proceeded with the utmoet
speed to Me. MeDiarmidts church, a dis-
tance of about a mile, and infotmed Mr. e
Habkirk, son-in-law of Mr. Henderson, and i,
and ; 'ethers, of the fire.. 'Crime this in- I
formAtion being received, quite a number y
of the neighbors left the chureh, and pro- f
ceeded to the burning house, but ere they . I
re,aehed it, the flainee had got such head-
way that it was impoeeible to do much
towards savnie the imildinse All the t
.furniture, clothing, etc., which
down Stairs., were, howeven saved:with- o
out receiving - much. injury ; . bat the n
Whole contents of the :upper tery were al
completely destroyed. • This part of t e
house was occupied. by Mrs McFall, sr ,
and contained a considerable amount f
furniture, clothing, carpets, etc., beton
ing both to her and Mr. Henderson; ani
amongst which was all the clothing folr
six beds, a large chest filled with ne
blankets, and a large quantity of wear
Mg apparel, also about 47 in money.
The origin of the fire is not detinitel
known, but it is supposed that it woe
caused by a spark from the kitchen chim-
ney. Mr. Rendertion's entire loss is esti-
mated at about $700, and no insukancec
The building is entirely °netted, the wbo
work being completely burned out, bn
the walls stand as firm and good as eve
they did. The wind at the time ev-.
blowing directly from the south, had i
been from almost any other direction, i
would have been next to impossible tci
have saved. any Of the outdmildings
Mr. Henderson is going to comenelmo t
£e -build at once.
,Couttete.—The Council met parsnalt
to aeljourmeent, at Mr. Morgan s Hotel,
Bayfield, on Monday, April Std. Al
the membere present. • Minutes of las
meeting read and approved. •A petition
presented from the Trustees of the Bay-
field School Section, praying the -Council
,to rescind a By-law passed on the 18th;
October, 1858, which took a piece off the;
Bayfield section and annexed it to No. 3,1
• —action to be taken on this petition next!
meeting of Council. t A strong delegation;
from Brucefiekl, headed by Mr. Brigs, 1
• prayingIhe Council to submit a By-law'
to a vote of the ratepayers, offering a
bones to the London, Huron and Bruce
Railway. to induce said road to approach
Bruce -field. • Application from the Rev.
Mr. Collins, for remuneration of expenses
incurred and injuries sustained to his 1
• horse by a hole in the culvert. - Moved '
by George Castle, seconded byj Thomas
• Keys, that the petition of the ITrustees ;
of the Bayfleld•School he over till next
meeting of Council" to allow rnefubers to
consider the nen( School Act—L. Carried.
Moved. by Thomas Keys, seconded by
Dr. Weeds, that George Anderson be
transferi-ed from his beat on Cencession
7, to the sideline between Lots $ and 6,
extending aleng blind line south to town -
line, and that he be pathmaste in -that
beat.—Carried. Moved by Dr. Woods,
seconded by George Castle, t tat this
Council grant half the cost of }Ridge
over James Logan's creek, provided the
'cost be not 'welt $30 for a bridge, and
• provided that the Rerve pay the other
ehalf out of his roacl appropriation for
• 187L—Carried Moved by Dr e Woods,
seconded by George Castle, that this
Council publish and submit a By-law for
the consideration of the ratepayers for a
grant in aid of the Londole Heron and
Bruce Railway,—say six thousand dol-
lars if the line be carried to within three-
quarters of a mile of Brucefiel I and a
also -t
station maintained there, or ten thousand
• dollars if the line he extended t within
a similar distance] of Clinton and a Ste -
tion there maintained, provided hat
no County grant be made for the railroad,
and provided lastly that the road be con-
structed before the money be paid.--Car-
lied. Moved by: Thomas Keys, second-
ed by Dr. Woods, that $10 62 be paid_ to
George Stephensma, for gravel taken to
date. —Carried. Mo ved' by George Cas-
tle, seconded by Thomas Keys, that the
Clerk be instructed to direct the path
mastersto have all creeks and ditches
opened and • cleared of driftwood and
other obstructions in their beats, =lathe
Clerk get 150 copies of this motion print-
ed and: one sent to each pethmaster.---
Carried. Moved by Dr. Woods, second-
ed by Thomas Keys, -that a By-law be
framed_ and passed to prehibit all rar-
ties from taking or using any timber,
gravel, stone • or other material off the
public highways or roads, save by the
authority -in writing of the Reeve Or
Deputy Reeve for the time being —Car-
ried. Moved by Thomas Keys, second-
ed by Dr. Woods, that $25 be granted to
Mr. Collins for injury done his horse by
being injured in a culverha-Carried.
Moved by George Castle, seconded by
Di. Weems, that this Council do now ad-
journ to meet as a Court of Revision,and
subsequently for general pusiness, on the
third Monday in May next, • at Mr.
Ching's Hotel, at the hour of 10 o'clock,
a.m. . Wm. PLUNKEIT, Clerk.
• SPECIAL NoncEs. -
An Extraordinary Watch..
• The •following paragraph, from the
Pontiac Union, was voluntarily forward-
ed. by Mr. Bowlby, of that place, to
Thome Russell & Sons, the eminent
English watchmakers
• "Twelve. yea] s ago the 7th of last
July, Mr. George Wee Bowlby, of Pon-
tiac, purchased of M. S. Sniith, of this
city, a gold hunting -eased English lever
full -capped Watch, of the make of Rus-
sell & Sons, Liverpool. The Watch was
set to running, regulated, and lia,s been
carried. in the pocket of Mr Bowliey,
without more than two 'days' inter-
mission, ever since, having never been
cleaned, never run down but once, and
never hiving the time changed but
twice, once when it run down, some
eight or nine years since, and once
some two years since by a jeweler who
put iato it a new crystal. On this
last occasion it was set by a chron-
ometer, which has remained without
change of time since, -and is now 50
seconds faster than tame time, and the
watch is 23 seconds slower than the
chronometer, or that much nearer true
time. Incredible as it may eeena, the
works iii this -watch are to all appear-
ances as clean as on the day it was pur-
chased, the cases being so nicely adjust-
ed' as to exclude even water. • These
facts, vvonderful as they stem, are reli-
able, Mr. Bowlby being a man of char-
acter and ready to make affidavit to
them, as they may in. part also be sus-
tained by Mr. Smith, and those at am-
tiac familiar with the watch, which4 so
highly esteemed by its owner that
money would hardly purchese it." See
the. following :
• PONTIAC, Feb. I, 1S71.
• Mr. Russell, send a statement
of one of your watches, the .niin.ber is
27,826. The watch is running. The
best of watchmakers say they can see no
good reason why it will not run twelve
-ears longer.• It will be 13 years the 7th
of nextfuly that it has been running.
f you want good evidence of the fact,
o•u can have as good. as is in America
role yours truly, G. W. Boweev.
leply to letter sent by G. W. Bowlby,
• Pontiac, Mich.
Dear Sir, —We thank you sincarely for
he trouble taken in writing us the ac-
count of the wonderful performance of
ne of our ratelies, No. 27,s26. We do
et -advertise our uoods in England at
1, as their fair, sound q.nality is gen-
erally well known, and we have no view
to do so, otherwise the evidence you of-
fer so kindly about No. 27,826 would be
very valuable to us, but we forward
your letter t the manager of our Cana-
dian House, Mr. A. W, Russell, of To-
ronto, and we dare sae, he will be glad to
make use of it, and either he or our-
selves here will be glad to zerhe any
frien& reCoMinended by you, if they
ever reituire the Russell watch.
Yours, &c.-, RusELT.. A,- SONS.
• M. R. COUNTER, sole agent for the
Ru.ssell Watch ii Seaforth.
• IRON IN THE Beoore—When the blood
is well sepplied with its iron element,
we feel vigorous and full of animation.
It is an insufficiency of this vital clement
that makes us feel weak and :tow -spirited;
in such cases, the Peruvian Syrup (a pro-
toxide of iron) can supply this deticieery,
ana its use Will invigorate us wonder-
pound Syrup of Hypophosphites. --Wast-
ing of the tissues of the body is arrested,
the muscles made firm, and the nerves
regain their power by using Fellow'
Compound Syrup of Hyphphosphites.
APHONIA CURED—Fell° s' Com po tied.
Syrup of Hypophosphitee.—Aphonia, or
Lose of Voice, is remedied in a short
time, no Matter whether the della° be
from inflammation of the lining mem-
brane, from cold, or froni nervous de.
• Price 81 50 a 'bottle.; 6 for 97 50. Sold
by apothecaries and by F. Candi]. &
wholesale agents, Montreal.
Or The efficacy of Bryan's Pulmonie
wafers in curing Coughs, Colds, bald All
Bronchial aCtections, and cheering- the af-
flicted, has passed into a proverb. ID the
United States, whete these marvellous
Wafers are known, they bear down all
opposition and eclipse all rivalry; the
demand for them has steadily increased
for the last twenty years, until now the
sales average over one hundred thousand
boxes a year. • Eminent memheis of the
medical profession without number ad -
Mit that they know of no preparation
producing such beneficial results as these
wafers. When taken in time they effect
a permanent cure. -
Sold by eveey druggist and most of the
hespeetable stores throughout the Pro-
vince, at 25 cents per box.
• Trains leave the l Seaforth station as
•follows :—
18.05 A. M.
• 0.50 lc if
1.35 P. te.
Gomet. wear.
2.25 e. M.
Keeps on hand
.Biscuits, Crackers,
Made to order.
174 Main street, Seaforth,
OR Sale, Cheap for Caele or on time,
a good. Driving Mare. Apply to
Seaforth, March 31, 1871. 173 -ti
as opened out a large stock of Spring
cods, comprising. ail the -
atest -.Styles in _Alillinery..
• Dress and Mantle Making
romptly attended. to.
• Stamping done on the shortest notioe,
Straw and Hair Work of every kind
• executed in the neatest manner and
latest styles.
172-tf Reynolds' Seafortb.
HE Court of Revision for the Town-
ship of Stanley. will be held at Mr_
IMAM, CHING'S 110TEL, Ellyn -cid road,
MONDAY, the 15th day of MAY, at
n,o'clock, a. m.
Township Clerk.
'Varna, April 6, 1871. 174 -td
TEAR Ainleyville, a Pair of BOOTS_
Prove property, pay expenses and
t. ke away. WM, :1.1ALC()til..
Seaforth, April 5, 1871. 174-2t
HE Subscriber begs to intimate that
he is still prepareti to purchase liege
at his
tore at the Market,
and to pay the
for all fresh Eggs that may offer,
To Merchants in Town! and Country-
th whom be has done linsintss in the
st thiee years, be retnrns his best
nks, and hopes for a eontinu_anee ef
siness relations.
,wi. MALCOM.
e forth, Mardi 3, 1871. 16S -ti
licLEAN B11OT1
N":;:. *.t` )•••••
EW 1111
Nall its
From 50 een
all styles,
Fer the Red River:14
my Hate, CapstAtiet
before ifaving..
keep he best mei
,cerics, echery. Liij
.BC,St, $1 Tea ft
eafortle, April 12, 1
If'OP V411' -
;Acres, qUall
New Value Barn, '
75 acre elearede
Tfirhome fa. r],i;s:xttirlattxt:9
I Half -C n
1-00 eres, h
eentrally betwcen Wt..
liarristen, 30 acres
lag-houte, 15 acrest
easily be drained. IS
A.1 G.