HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-14, Page 7Argils 14, 1871. forth Foundry 'FE & CARTER E TO CALL THE ATTENTION THE PUBLIC TO THEIR IMPROVED ?,shing Machines, THE BEST PRESENT IN USE. machines possess many improve - n any heretofore made. They are -,7turing Machines of TWO SIZES, 1--cilly constructed for travelling; .tr a smaller size, calculated more ly for HOME USE. r as their large machine has bee -eed, it has given the VERY BES'I - :manufacture tile Pitts roved Horse Power.. mtiou to the above, the subscribe'. ufacture alnaost every article iii' it. atieli as X.WJNG MACHINES, of sawing from 50 to 60 cord s of woodper day. STRAW CUTTERS, of a Sa1ient:1r kind. GANG PLOW, The Latest Improved. IVATORS AND PLOWS,. Vhich cannot be surpassed. TERY DEscittprioN or CA.STINGS TIIE SHOR'I'EST NO'PLE_ aye a highly approved pattern for 'SCHOOL DESK IRONS. IRS IN ALL BRANCHES Attended to Promptly. ey employ no Agents, and can re give the purchaser the aci van - t11(. comraiseion. ; employ none but the best skillea artil material, which avarrants guaranteeieg satisfaction. - KING PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE E us A CALL BRPORE BUYING FROM OTHERS. ZAPFE & CARTER. 143-1y— NIEL IVI'G EGORy OKBPMER HULETT I t received iarge Stock of the Hale usad in the latsinesa, and V prepared to execute cm the t waive and in the latest styles, as he may be favoured with. s ters, Ledgers, AND 13.ocvis, ▪ or ANY" KIND, Printed and Nadu , on the shertest netiee, and a reeav hieh defy eounn tition. DIES' WORK BOXES _AND kNCY GASES Made to order_ - ASD REPAIRED At city prices. residiue - at a diatance by : herr hooks at the Signal Booa aalcrich, or at the Exeosrroe kakierth, or at J. R. Gvant's, Aut 17.tating style, may rely upon Aug well bound. ketuunicittiens addressed. -tc the inual, will receive _prompt a teu- , DAN TEL R 0R, • Uoustance, 153-tf. , Nov, 9, 1570., ERY STABLE-. }SS desirics to inform VI* die that he hae (awned a New i 'tai(-' in connection with hia there parties ean be acenntraod alt first class horses and vehicles, at able prita s. Jan'y. tUst 1870- 97 -tf ' APRIL 14. 1871. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. • The Shocking T agedtt near Edinburgh. The SCQUIThen gives the followiag &bills of the tragedy at the village ,df Stow, nearEditiburgh A. young mother, who during the five years. •sbe had resided in the village with ber husband, had borne the character of a quiet in -offensive person, sal - delay and without any other 'known reason than that she had been found seemingly in the act of pilfering • from a grocer's shop,* went 'how% and, having cut the throats of her- ewo chilaren, tried to make way with herself. The sespicion of insanity naturally attaching to the chief actor ia such a tragedy seems in this -case to have been. untenable; the medical' eeritleusen, we Understand, who. have, r, been, ia attendance on the _unfortu- nate \vermin, hot finding any sufficient grounds for such a theory. Tho wo man's real name is Eliza: Sinclair or Clafcon, she becamethe wife of Samuel Chilton, a weaver, employed iu a spinning -mill at the north-east end of the village of Stow. Clafton, is 'however, generally known in the isace by the name of , John! Smith., and of course his -wife and children bear the same surname. He is an Englishman, and settled at Scow about five years ago. His wife is a Scotch women, and was born in Les- lie in Fifeshire. It would .seem that shortly after five o'clock on •Nlonday afternoon, Mrs. Clatter'gee a.1 att ctt the shop of Mr. White, a grocer in the village. She had the youngest ehild on her arm at ;the time, .and is said to have gone home quite quietly, and without any noticeable differ - nee from her ordinary demeanour. Shealy . afterwards the grocer and bis family had gone te their recitals above the shoe for tea; leaving the -shop unattended. The shop door bell was at the time out of order, presumablyina the know- ledge of Mrs. Clafton, and the latter was foun1 behind the counter of the shop with a quantity of groceries in Let apron 'by one of Mr. Whyte's daughter's, NV ho happened to go down ferred. The Commission rs them- sel vess bave no power to rbitrate, and we fear that if they bad they might be found ranged fiv against five on sorrie ,crucial princip e of the dispute. It i even doubtful whether the Conarnissioners have ti to 1 rescribe any limits to' tions to ire ferred to . th ni tors they y recommend, land, it is tolerably cl ar Mart the cannot draw ' up tiny statement I f facts - which shalt be taken as, tic urate by -future judge* They may lame ar- bitritors, and the arbitra ors may have powerto agree upon a umpire, "ate • whicki the real busi ess will have a chance of beginn ng.1 But it is evident that this ler. th ning out of tie proces of settlem eit 1 nereases the •isk of s me obstacles arising to prel eat its euccess. A s ttleurent ma e come Out of it, but it at pres- • ent a long way off. • Christian NfiLmes i an4 Wales Pque°wesr he - arbitra.- 'At Haworth, in Yor ngland • shire, where Grimsha,w preached, and where Wesleyanism has since pined a great hold on the people, we meet with many Abels, Cables, Enechs Hirams, :Jesses, Seths, etc.; while Ellsanahs, Ichabods, and ' Zerrub- loabels are not wanting. The Puri- tan custom e of using abstrect.' qualities • e , hristian names still also . cbtains limited degree ; the registration saes yield marry exaMples of a, as Affability, Chatty, Coin - Deli vex snce, Equalitz , Grace, titude, 'Hope, Industry Mercy, esty, Patience, Prud nee, Re- tance,, 1 Sobriety, Te pera,nce, th; Unity, and Virtue. POPULARITY OF BOY+L AMES. e find all the childr n of the en making upon the national sters a titular imm press ore or 'distinct. Such an eve it as the Hage of the Prince of \ ales was, to leave '1,11 especial raark upon • indexes. During the year in ce, about lite (1 the nearly Albert 28 to ind the for Mo pe Trt Qu reg les ma sur :the w h • ch his wedding took el. about six o'clock. 1-ithe girl called 1,5 0 female children rec her parents, and Mrs. White went narie of Alexandra, . an down to are shop, when Mrs. Olaf- 3O1O 1,oys were .registere ton apparently gregly put about at Ed yard. The Albert A exanders being caught in ths act, left abruptly. we -e also nutaeraus ; and the birth It is Supposed that, maddened by an reg'stees forrthe period a intense feeling of shame, the turere other indications as to Ili able woman at once wenL home, ta en in the young cbupet and after writing a.note, which wes tin afterwards fouad; in. her house, took C01 a razor and cominitted the horrible Or te ime. Mr. 'White grocer, and a II 1 all na who was with him at the One, went AI went for Chalon at the Inull an Al told him of the apparent .' Altering at which his wife had bee caught and. at seven o'clock v lien the dosed, Claften called in at the shop eccentric names, boraowed , 'yen on his was homeMeans Se rptural words and ti les as laraely . - -. • time and before Clafton. got to as any body of reli ion sts. fWe ly found at Bridgend Maher- lalhashboz. At Tremadoc we le EterOSS Ian Hosenn t. There s a Sinai at Llanidan, in nglesey; 1 a Selah, near Monmo th. The lilies of Old Testi:Merit nomen- ture are clearly attra.cti, e to some, their ,own. sakes ; we la ve twins pecti vely -ther, the rs" of the i ound n interest e. • The followieg are s me of the binatioris which we lime noticed t were then cOnferr d a personal es :—Regina Alexi nd a; Prince red Edward, A lbertla Alexandra., xandra Albert, xa dra Vic - a, Alexandra Denmlarkl,etc. WELSH SORT PTURA NAMES. he Welsh Calvinis s indulge ik house, a neighbor named James Roebuck had called to "wait his re- turn and have a chat with him. Oa entering the house . Roebuck w, found • Mrs. Clafton and the two an ehildren 'lying on the floor in three od pools of blood, and with their throats. t cut and in their ntht-dresses. rRheree foi • youngest child was a girl only eleven nionths old, and in her case death muse have been instantaneous, as the throat was cat frem ear to ear, and both the eviadpipe and the jugular vein oconapletely severed. La the case et the second child, a boy about three years old, the cut • in the throat was not So deep or •ide, but here, too, the windpipe • was completely severed. 1 at Cal 'Die Alaba,ma Claims. From the London Times, iliarch 16. • It would, indeed ' be unwise to - build sanguine hopes on the negotiae • Lions nol,v pending at_ Washington. • We shall be more than gratified if - they ',rave successful. But the obsta- cles are more apparent than the means ‘.if success; and it. would be • unreasonable to feel any disappoint- ment if the lal-iors of the COIDDIIS- 81.0riers should fail to produce a set- tlement of the disputes between the • two countries. It must, indeed, be aemerbbered that the Commissioners are not charged with- the dirty of settling these disputes, but on- ly W ith the task of devising some in a eh in ery. for their • . se ttl enu n`. This may be, and -should be, easy So far as regards the Fisheries. In that dispute there . is no coatention . about principleS. - It is admitted that the DoMiaion of Canada has proprietary rights over a breadth of: sea extending three miles flora its - (exist, and the difficuley which so long prevailfd in applying this doc- trine to gulfand bays has been rem os- ed. All, that rem aiii. to be dune is to agree \ u pon the ode to be pursued by Carea4 in deft uding her rights, so as t'64 insure an ade- Thia e reservation- of them for the inhabitants et the DoQuion With- out unnecessary interference. NV ith the fishing vessels of New -England. We cannot suppose the Joint Com- • inisaion will have much trouble in accomplish this, and when it ahall be accomplished the whole fishery ditty culty will be over. It is otherwise with the Alabama question: • The Jeint Commissioo. can do no more , . than east?about fon a proper court of arbitration to which it may be re - 1 in I-1 tit Bi an fox P1 the regiOers named re az and,. -uz. But, fu es of th " bad charact le are HD t unfrequently selected. given to 'children. ' Ve have nd inthe registers an Absalom, ain, a Delilah, a Her d, and a araoh. STRANdE NAMES Among other combin list a Cardin fit d in our CI urda a °Teen Leaf, a y, a Lecky Day, a Si R se Budd, a Seaman Tr 'al Palmer, a Valentin S ooting Galler, , a Boy Si art Natty, and a Teml e have also Amiable C lestial Charrni iltshire, Choice Pick 'rug, Enough Pease° E lwards. Holy 'Davies, rah Herldry,i Mode ignal Bigot Peel, Para rfect Sparrow, .Singu llehawk, Stubborn P ,mpestuous Stinger. agazine. tions, we 1 Wolsey Christmas g Song, a. 'kipper, a Orson, a 1 .Kine est Sleet. • Reading, nine" - •el Dirty Giddy llustrious n Leggs, ount PyS", sir Onion ger, an6 -Cornhill built. I pat in a d41 for building this bridge and'got th job; on which 1 bleared $800, Whieh enabled me to p y for my house and lot easily, and alsq for the newspaper. If I had 11k subscribed for thp newspaper would have known ijothirig of the bridge contract, and ould Tnot have been able to meet mly payment,on my house and lot. 1 A mechanic never loses anything y taking Iris 1cc1 paper. ---Cor. 8 clrv Leader, si bi di IA Blmd Ca d We were mitnes es ice to a singula me of crib betwe ind and a man mb. At this ilas bOth were unusu the .stranace conteat with interest by nu tis. The blind nr i us, as he almost a this game, althor this inetance erein that • pro owing hij rowe ith him for a con. For the informat e will state that shows his cards to tells him ire a. whis.)e na.tion. He needs ore than once, he r member the nu and its position in of the rest in his which afforded ui •••••••- 1 tl • My First ltsTevirspa er. • Twenty year ago Ili ed in the vn of 14 , ! , India.n. On re - resin g home from my shop one . . ening, for I am a c Tenter by ede, I saw a ittle gir lerve my or. My Wife met me at the or with a pleasant smi e which is couraging to a mechat ic after a 1 rd days labor She s id Mrs. R. td 'sent ber 1 ttle girl fter their n wspaper; win h she ha borrowed. e sat down to tea. e had been arried 091y s: months. My wife a id to ree,1 eta i g me by my given n ime, "1 iwish i ou woul 'se bscribe fir the newspa: er. It , .: so much , .mpany ter me ben yo aregone' 11 y answ r wa "I world like lo d so, ba you [know I • we a littlie p vareat n ourr house a )d lot. It a ill be all I cad de t ra et it." She s: id, "if ou take the 1 aper I will s w for th tailor to.pay f r it 1 sub- s ribed for the paper. •, it came in due tirne to rny house. While resting c ne noon and looking o‘ er it, I saw' n advertseinelat cf i1lte county c rumissioners 4o let a ridge to be 0 Player. a night or 1wo transaction -a a man totally lolly deaf ind inating game expert, and was watched erous specta- proved victor variably does gi his -opponent s so proficient e. sional sports, s refuse to ploy id ration. of the curious t re. blind man ysta,n.der, who • their denomi- ever to be told ever failing to b r of each card lation to each d. But that )St thought for although the aefore, they at ave a mutual onversed with s readily and had been de- aigtift. hextraordi- g his left hand, d made himself dto his fellow indicating with along the table 'y to the forma - Melt he desired ias truly a sub - d one calculated ef in that great compensation, c'eprivscl of one if iS given some ater degree than 11 0 1I l it 111 reflection was, tie t parties never me once appeared to understanding, anc each other ahnos rapidly as if D eitb e prived.. of -any mut The mute wrot nary rapidity, usi while the blind m perfectly under sto sufferer by simple his dexter linger the letters necessa tisn of the Words to use The seen ject for thoright, a to confirm the bel heavenly law o 'wh ereby „ a Per son natural seneelor other faculty n gr is vouchsafed io otl es unafflicted. The parties of w ram we speak are both men of mo e ability and acquir prominent membe with a State re other, is ae lands painter of no mean clenly lost his si since; the other dumb when only s feow an attack of yet we doubt if happy men exist They seem by so e satiOn to forget with • their great other powers • and sation.:—Sacreseen 1 0 111 than ordinary nts. One is a our local bar, ation, and the e and aninaal erit. One sud- t a few years came !deaf and en years ofage. rlet fever. And o more genial he corn ni unit y. godlike dispeu- to be satisfied ss; because of fts in compen- Reporter. ca 1 Rat -Pro o A. corresponde- nt() Yorker gives k•ections for maid walls :— Dig the cellar a and'dig a trench ches wider than t and one foot in de broken tone we with a sledge; th Wall on the top of Another : Bef lay the wall, plac NEW BOOKS. • • • REIGN OF LAW,- by Duke of '''rgyle. • HUXLEY'S LAY SEiRMONS. - THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE, (Brewer) CRITICAL NEW TESTAMENT. EADIES1 BIBLICAL 'CYCLO PEDI A EADIES' BIBLICAL CONCORD NCE. JOSEPHUS' W0RKS.1 EXETER HALL LECTURES. MOTLEY'S DUTCH REPUBLIC: GIBBONS' RISE & FALL, - ROMAN ,EMPIRE, MACA ULEY'S HIS•TORY OE ••ENGL NP. MARKHA:M'S HISTOR Y OF , ENGLAND, COTTAGE LIBRARY, choice and cheap FA MIILY READING, SA.BBATII SCHOOL LIBRARIES, •HYMN BOOKS, ETC. —ALSO— DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS,• • CASH BOOKS. • WRITING PAPER, •• ENVELOPES • Commercial and fancy, at It, LUMSDEN'S • Dm).b and Book Store. , Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. Cellars. t of the INral tLe followinkdir- a rat -proof cellar cleep as you. wish, 11 around siX re wall is Ala, filling it vith 1 settW together n commence the it, . •- re commencing to all .around a tier of thin, flat stone, projecting outside of the wall into t br sixteen inches, be troubled with r dig:down by the 'kis of a wall, and when they -some t treflat stonethey are completely no.-plussed, and back square out. e earth fourteen nd you. will never ts. They always MANITOBA, ITE son, of thefirm o is.—Mr. R Nichols & R bin bin son, Montreal, wh fats just retufrned from Red River, !states that it too hinafifteen days t come throuel t St. Joseph, stiff e attack of inflam els. There was n the settlement n Daeotah. Th .maintained i officers. -The forc Province nu iber St. PaUl. Riel is ering from a seve maticn of the boN very little snow but considerable military force to 86 privates and 5 at present in the 580 men. Ora lodges have,been volunteers, and a pox is decreasin chewan. Gener nes -s reigns throu VI rge and Ma established b th riving. 5 • on; the Si 1 peace and guiet- hout the Proeiince. oni th skat- NO ICE. SIGN OF, l'ILE Golden Padlock KOTICE is herel ytiven to all persons not to is any timber or trespass on lots N. 18, E. If and 20 in. the 5th concession Hay, as the owner, PA OL BLL- is determined to. punish 0 the utrnost extreme of the law all so doing. 165-tf • kEL toa as A VOID QUA C .—A victim o-tf early _A_ indiscretion, causing nervou debil- ity, premature dee ty, etc., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, ihas a simple means of self -cure, which he will send free to his fellow -sufferers. Address J. H. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau st., New York 162-6m • ••,---4•14444144••14.441•••—. MILLS FOR SALE OR TO RENT! --0— MHE SUBSCRIBER °MRS FOR SAL E or to Rent, on easy terms, • THE VARNA MILLS, Consisting of a Flour, Oatmea, , and. Saw Mill, all of which are in goo running •order. The Flour Mill contains , Four run of Stones and the interor is well finished, and all the machinery in first class con- dition. There is in connection a good Dam, and an abundant supply of watei to run all the mills the year round. These mills are situated in the centia of a splendid Agricultural country, and a rare chance is offered to any person desi- rous of embarking iuthe milling business. There is also an excellent opportunity (jcould e bepremises,driven elB l the works1NCFORfor SALT n h on ud by water. . ' The above property is situated Six miles from Clinton; Six from Bayfield, • and. Eleven from Seaforth, with good gravel roads leading to eachplace. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, on -the premises, or to Varna P. 0, W. TURNER. VARA, August 11, 1870. , 140- CD 2. 0 CrJ sp )-1 - CD. 1-1 ,r( 0 0 0 cr. 1-d 0 0 aRI 3O MOTS SEAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROOMS. M. ROBERTSON Inaporter and manufacturer of all kinds OF 110USEHOLD PURNITUI?4, Such as SOFAS, • LOUNGES, CENTEE TABLES, MATTRASSES, DINING 4t BR EAKF A ST TABLES, •BUREAUS, CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Variety. Mr. R. has great conidence in offer- ing his goods to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber. and by First-class Workmen. • Coffins made to Order On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Warerooms TWO 'DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL, ain Street. one with Neatness and Despatch. Seafarth, Jan'y 21st, 1870. 57 4f. No Armistice. 0•1 JOHN LOGAN TIAS declared war against the mer - ..11A cantile opposition of Seaforth, with a large and. varied. stock of amunition on hand, in the shape of DI 0 S —AND__ GROCERIES 4/ Which for quality, style and cheapness, cannot be conquered with fair play,. The following are special lines :— FANCY DRESS GOODS, WIN- CEYS, (Plain and Checked,) LUS-' TRES, POPLINETTS, FRENCH MERINOS, 'PRINTS. POPLINS, GREY COTTON, BLEACHED DO., FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOUDS, HOODS, HOSIERY, MANTLES, GLOVES, FINGER- ING YARN, READY - MADE CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, TWEEDS, COTTONAND FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, DEAWERS, SU- GARS, TEAS, TOBACCOES, RAISINS, CURRANTS,SPICES, &a, &c., Too numerous to mention, • QUEEN Insurance Com pany OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling CHIEF OrFices--Queen Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechurch Street, London. CANADA BRANCH OFFicaa--Exchange • Buildings, Montreal. BOARD—Wm. Morton, Esq., Chairman: Henry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon. James Ferrier. BANKERS—M01SOD'S Bank. LEGAL ADVISERS — Messrs. Ritchie, Morris & Rose. MEDICAL ADVISER2-'Mrinialit Esq. M. D. Suievanon—Thomas S. Scott, Esq. Auorroa--Thomas R. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL AGEN T, —A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Sa,crement Street, Montreal. The undersigned having been appoint- • ed. Agent for the, above Company, parties desiring to insure against lass by fire can do so on the most favourable terms. Life Pehcies granted on as advantage- -• ous terms as any other respectable Com- pany doina business in Canada. JAMES H. BENSON. Agentl OFFICE—BENSON & MEYER'S Law Office, Soaforth. 153-tf.— TAVERN FOR SALE. THE well-known and. old established Hotel, "The Roxburgh otel," sit- uated in the thriving villa e of Rox- burgh; along with the house is one-half .acre ofland and good stabling. Right opposite is -`• Rock's Mill." doing the largest gristing business in the County. To a party with. a small capital this is nue of the best stands in the •County of Huron. Apply to the proprietor, THOS. WILSON, Walton P. 0. 171-tf Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. MISS McINTOSH • Wishes to announce to the ladies of Sea - forth and surrounding eountry that • she has removed to • . • The FARMERS' STORE, above the OLD • POST OFFICE, Where she will be most happy to receive orders in - MILLINERY, DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING, In the latest- and. most approved style of the season. She also keeps on hand A Choice Selection of Flowers, Feath- ers, Terry Silk, &e. STRAW AND HAIR WORK cleaned. on short notice. 171-tf NOTICE TO BARK MEN. The subscriber is prepared to contract for the delivery of TAN BARK At the following Stations: Carronbrook, Mitchell, • Sea - forth, Clinton and Goderich. Terms of contract and att particulars furnished at the subscriber's store in Seaforth. Extra inducements offered to parties closing contracts at ()ace. L. .R. CORBEY, Farmers' Store, Seaforth. Seaferth, March 17, 1871. • 171-8t • AT THE Manchester House I MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII, Nov. 15, 1870 152-tf. LUMSDEN Has just received a Fresh Stock of PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Toilet and. Fancy Soaps, Combs, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, French, English, and American. • PERFUMERY. qENIJINE BYE STUFFS. • Guaranteed to beof the best quality. TT orse an d Cattle Medicines Condition Powders. Physicians prescriptions carefully and accurately dispensed. • R LUMSDEN, -THE nron XpOli.tOrt L5 rueaestrea EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, IH SEAOR'J'IL • " T E RIM S. $1.50 per annum, in advance; if not so paid $2. 00 ,will be charged. No subs- cription taken for a shorter period than three months. '`• •yea, • ADVERTISING,RATES. Per line, first insertion, 8 cts ; subse- quent insertions, 2 cts, each -time. Ad- vertisements measured by a scale of solid 1Jrevier. No advertisement taken for less than One Dollar. • CONTRACT RATES Column for One Year. - $60 00 Six Months, - - 35 00 Three " •• 20 00 One Year, - - 35 00 Six Months, - 20 00 Three " - -12 00 One Year, - - 20 00 12 00 TSihxreeM°`31` th-s • 8 00 12 00 4 • "One Year, - Six Months 8 00 " Three - 5 00 One ia *alf uarter 4 1'' ,, ighth • a 1 44 CC 4C 44 t • 4 4 Att • 4 t t ••4 Advertisementa, without specific alirec- ions, wiL' be inserted till forbid, and barged accordingly. • McLEAN BROTHERS, MURDO Y. MeLEAN, Publishers. iALLAN McLEAN.