HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-14, Page 5APRIL s.4,: I A Happy Pair, ? tor of the Huron Expo: ztor. iome power the giftie gie us wren's as others see us," from many a t funder frees' Donald McGregor;, of td the editor(sae\ e the, the : Clinton :eta Era, -at by the way, most aapprc1 .€tnefl, as it passes through iew eras and changes that tionPiusses its ed,i o- I to aecollect its last r the 't ezer Era editor-. the sdbstance of ttie buI seehes he made late! sr in !s.1 favor of the London., d Bruce Railway scheme- vthing in connection with, At and as- it should be, jumped at the conclusion gad ova€es vex be built viler I ?MO eve ry thing . is all rite z : ire sat`i with his pe- op hetic eye the gloriou. deuton,. the Queen City or with its spires, its sling'- teaiir..lg in the sun - le hum of its busy poplar nbered by tens of thou-:. ele€l in hes ears , the smoke✓ adreds of manufactories; err black colu.tuna against: caped ing its wealth and., 'e -and above all, and over inton .sue Era spread its. wings, and the happy - and appyan,' people from aft'' knee ` and acknowledged 1f the Clinton Press. l rely the Clint= seer is i his sign lived vision.. kn people, having an, eye.. but the lapid ace m u - rhe Almighty Dollar, in. and quickest possible- tare ossible-ive decided to build their- ia Seaforth. " Secleath t "Sound the alarm'' What is this railway `f` its projectors, chat they the Hurons for support,; ate Clinton ?' 4L Oppose - he shrieks ; " teach re pu lers in London and that Clinton is not to be. `' `F 01 good Londoners," reconsider your rash (le- ts to3 late. Have you eelings no selfish ends 'it you can coolly lacerate trace your steps before it But ah 1 .1 see your stony r IIo lurking smile of re- Now,. by the shades ef- el my elan; I will 'go for - .,tar scheme' My war slo- ho amongst the hills and i v th and . ondesboro€ g L t hosts, led by McGregor, :au into the lake (at, Kin-- ahe bird of ill-onaora nr dark wings over your re, and ecieeeli your death:. winds; f Learn, black xlliarnsr and Ainteyville. ,, that a Matheson never forgi es' The foregoing, when F' 'deans that the Clinton diter hes made,, and al- ; an ass of bicuself.} to McGregor of BBlytli.. pity him and his .Blyth they no doubt feel disap- ehsing their chance of'get eoFmmtult' nication. They str honestly anal fairly, 1 `c} gain their ends, and Ii the conteet. All very but it is a short sl heed: a display of n- call jeal- Lek their opponents in a and lay to their- charge info -untied aacCusa1t10rIS, chickens, will surely fen roast.. Mr. McGregor' Williams of using ba6ner-f 1I1 favour otlie ti44aafortli ints that Mr. Williams bribe. If the 13ly-th so, lee there t I y to buy a they- will fincl to the •r r-ansotll he will brim a premium un lust now on. 'se richness, of their milk, Wand for it by weakly Clv ise Mr. McQregar to af't f>rs of, ger ',Alenten l i k e C1S Of Lunndon, and Mr .411er'vilnc., alone, :ts both tienieil are weIl known e lectecl. Pulmlic1y ere c`y." are utas whose words €s their' bonds, and their )Elft fol' their f ice 011 de- reit= a LSO info rma l r- N O- t h citiZeng .of Ainley - dated theLondon people. never promise( 1 tlheta t.icitms totheir scheme,— 'et. c;lhen e,—et.lenig their posidon_ was the best for getting the tv telt they c;ouId afford Kh€1I€:I€tiv iii 1 ehey cltcl: St1:. silent diel they feel, that from A i ley l'ille waited Boit 1Xlaard of Trade 'to• € en€t to lay down the. ;t to aver k at once, other - vino would withdraw itcst. The t csul t is wE41 E the close of that meet- ' invited to an Oyster t s, I will confess it, we €€t the expense, , to ht Of ;f Famflf', ivark s`onn, hut tset of 8everaml 01(1 and va i- atilt tlw fellvwi.w • eves - APRIL 14, ig71. { THEonolowommisiba. sing we treated our London friends to a champagne supper, winding up with three cheers anda tiger for the London, Huron and Bruce Rail- way. In conclusion, if Mr. McGregor feels that he has missed some of the goodthings of this life, he can easily recover lost ground by going to Lon- don, putting up at Strong's Hotel, ordering a Champagne and Oyster Supper, eating, drinking, and mak- ing merry., and 'charging the whole to account of, tt - Yours Truly, N. M. LrvnlosToNE. Ainleyville, April 12, 18 71. For cheap ladies', gents' and children's Pru sella Boots- of every description, go to T. Coventry's. THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT. ELECTION DILL. The Interium Elections Bill _corn- ing up, again, Sur George Cartier said be would accept Mr. Dorion'rs amendment, giving municipalities the power to divide polling districts and locating polling places where necessary, instead of returning offi- cers. Mr. Tremblay proposed "to provide for holding elections by bal- lot, but the Douse decided against Mai by a _ ,vote " of ninety to thirty-nine. Mr. Costigdn offered an amendment against dual repre- sentation, which met the same fate, though it narrowly escaped success; the yeas being 57, nays 63. Mr. Young moved that polling tike place at one andthe same_ day, - special provision being made for Algoma; Manitoba . and British Columbia. TSis was lost by only ten votes, the yeas being 56 hays 66. An amendment to the same effect;. but allowing different days in different provinces, proposed by NIr. Mills, was defeated only by seven votes. An amendment by Nir. Fournier, re-enacting an old law against brib-' ery and unduly influencing voters was adopted, and the House went into committee on the Bill. Hon. Mr. Dot ion moved to disqualify Dominion officials in Dominion elec- tions. A discussion followed, during which Mr. Tilley admitted again that he had sent a.telegram stating that the would be satisfied if they— officials--would hey—ofcia s --would vote in a certain way. , Mr. Blake moved in • ame-nd meet to disqualify . Government offieials in Nova Scotia of the same class as are dispualified in Quebec and Ontario. There was further discussions and !upon division Mr. Blake's amendment was lost—yeas, 47; nays 83. Mr. Blake mev ed for the adoption of the local rule,_asre- gards e-gards voting, in Nova ' Scotia as in other Provinces ; but this amend- ment as well as Mr. Dorion's, shared e. the same fat- Hon. Mr. Dorion moved all controverted elections be tried before courts of law, ..but the House, by a vote of 80 to 50, reject- ed the proposition. The requisite alterations were made in Committee, and an amendment of Mr. Drew,• that theesubdivision of wards shall be the slime: as at the last local elec- 'tion in s Ontario, was atlolited,and the Bill was finally disposed of. After ,some , further business the House adjourned at midnight. WAS HE A REBEL Attention was directed by Mr. Ross, of Prince Edward, to a rumour that Mr. Delorme, a ,.member fol Proveneher, paid been a member of Rid's' so-called Government and of the court-martial which condemned Scott, which, if true; would render this guilty of high treason 'and mur- der. Mr. Delmore promptly denied the truth of the rumor, and said the had not known anything of the Scott murder until two days afterwards. f aids. His statements were corroborated by Mr. D. A: Smith, who expressed same indignation that such reports should be current: Hon. Mr. McDougall moved to refer 1 he matter to a special .committee of enquiry, and Sir Geo; Cartier proposed to leave it to the Standing Committee on Privileges aurid Elections. Mr. Blake expressed himself satisfied with the distinct statement of Mr. Deform , as a committee would not have time Ghia /session to arrive at a satisfactory. oanclusion. Mr. 1°tackenzie also spoke. Mr, A. P. Macdonald, of Middlesex, lamented that Mr. Blake's :action had gained many a good Conservative vote. - Hon. Mr. McDougall and Sir George Cartier were both pressed to withdraw their motions, and the former, though first refusing, agreed to do so ; but Gem,- vernmentmembers objected. After some further discussion, an amend- ment, proposed" by the Hon. Mr. Dorion. declarin that there 1A1 9S 710 .Case to be sent to a co mit- tee, was carried by a vote ` of 94 yeas to 46 nays. was not traditable under the trleaty. The administration of cri miaal justice rested with the Local Gov- ernment, not with ¶he Domi ion. Governor Archibald would act pon the advice o his responsible rad- visers The largest, c ieapest nd best mei cted stock. of Boots and Shges in Sea orth, at T. Coventry'. - } F IRTH. HuoILL.—In Rllullett, on the .11t ult., the wife of M1q. D. Hugill,'of a s n. ST[IA1 T.—In Stanley,• o11 the 9th ult., the wife of Mr. John Stuart of a daughter. . GR.nxnnc.—I}1 Clinton, on the 30th ult., the wife okt a Rev. 3. Graham, of a son• - A. Kana—in the Township of Howie , on the 29th ult., the wift of Captain ane, of a son. DONAGHY.—At oderich, on Sunday, the 2nd inst., th wife of Mr. Wm. Donag- hy, of the St : r, of a sen. SPROAT.-At Boreland, Township of Tuck- ersrnith, on the 10th inst., the wife of Geo. Sproat, Esq., of daughter.' EATH. STULL.--In Wingham, at Griffin's Hotel, on the 3rd 'nst., Hier. Jacob Stull, father of Mrs C. Griffin, aged 83 years and 4 month BULLOCK.-ln Hullett, on Thursda -, the 30th ult., Ann Eliza, youngest d • ugh - ter of James Bullock, Esq., age one year.. The latest styles of Boots and of all lf..inds cheap at T. Coventry's hof THE VIARKETS.. SEAF( gni, Aril 13, 18 1. Market dull, very litt a offered.. Wheat, .(Fall)bushel 1:25 to 1.30 vhert ( Spring bush l ., 1:25 to 1:35 Barley t? bush 1, 0:48 to 0:50 Oats bushel, 0:40 to 0:45 Peas' bushel, - 0:75 to 0:76 Buttf.r,: V lb. 0:12to 0:15 E s. 0:11 to 0:11 Hob, 6:50 to 7:50 Sheen Skins, 0.50 to 1:75 Apples 0.85 to 1:00 Potatoes 0:40 to 0:50 114, per ton, : 7:00 to 10:00 Flour, per 100 lbs. 3:50 to 0:00 CLINTON, April 13, 1871. By Telegraph to the Expositor: Fall Wheat, per bushel, 120 to 1:35 Spring Wheat, per bushel. 1:20 to 1:35 Oats, per bushel, - . 0:44 to 0;45 Peas, per bushel, 0:73 to 0;75 Barley; per bushel, 0:00 to 0;48 Butt r• per per, lb, ' 0.00 to' 0;16 Eggs,per doz. 0.00 to 0;15 BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. { Thursday, .April 11, 1871. Th market is glutted with cattle, the arrive Is being 322 cars since Saturday— doub e enough ; for the requirements of the arket. Dealers .are unwilling to touc except any stock t at a decline 1 whicl buyers are reluctant to concede. The market is at a complete stand still with no prospect of an immediate im- provement. I No transactions of a shipping character occurred to -day. , HOGS. . The m rke tc. lower T a tisabout , than at the c: ose last week, with very little ani- mation. The sales were.: No. Av. Price. No. Av. Price. 126 217 $6 62i 116 204 $6 50 105 218 _6 65 105 184 6 40 SHEEP. Western sheep are commencing to ar- rive cuite freely, but as yet not sales have been made. 1 -i _ STRAYED I1 O.M the Premises of the Subscriber, en Sundaynight, the 9th instant, a Light Bay Mare Colt, ..with black mane and tai year old. She has c ., one a y lyttle• white on the fore part of one of het hind legs, et the hoof. ,Any person• fielding the same and returning her to- the owner will be suitably rewarded. :.. , THOMAS- FOSTER.. Seaforth, April 12, 187I. 175-3 NOTICE A >;PECIAT,MEETING of the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the County of Heron -will ble held in the Col rt .in od rie: PL G e ell O , On TUESDAY, the 25th inst. For the purpose of submitting a By -Taw to the ratepayers, to grant aid by wee : of bonus to the London, Huron and Bruee Railway. Cas my Clerl G odevieli, April TEE. ADAMSON, Catiety .Clerk. rs Office, I0, 1871. 75-2t • H U RO N EXPOSITOR. N.EW PkING GOODS. E. Beg leave to a A ICKSON & CO. lnounce tha they are now opening up EXTRA ARGE STOCK OF SPRIN G GOODS, In ever lepartme t, and invite an early inspecti I from customers and the public in. gener.1 . The _ t COME - Hick^ 175-2t ids will how for themselves, so N. son's SEA Emporium, ORTH. LAD 1 —OF— SEAFO And surrounding N9 TICE! MORRIS REV 1O I complete T. KI +'S 1tiIY0' JUM. e4 ess* iz Oq ti 0 Trf SY W ; Se C.6. co? WoW w ese 4 W N es H 1 W MIL In all its br 1endid P ATS AND From 50 cents SILKACNDV MANTL In all. styles, and ERY t, hes. immed ONNETS, wards. ETEE I' S I tlall prices. 1 ; WANT 00 Canadian Yo the Red River Teri ni Hats, Caps, Clotho before leaving,' Eb'IEi I Y I eep the bast and lar cer es, Crockery, Lieu. in Sealo B st $1 Tea for TP>ICTLY !ONLY' THO Volunteers, itary, to purchase Boots & Shoes R es4t Stock of Gro - etc., etc. kept t 0 cts. lb. E PRICE t Seaforth, April 12,187 KI Do, 1'' •I lrc S COURTOFS . THE Court of Revisionfor the Town- ship shi - of Morris, will be held at 13o - land's Hotel, BLY TH, On Morlda r 8th May,18 1 Commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Ws All parties. interested are requested to take notice. ; !THOMAS HOTMES, 175 3— 'Township' Clerk. EDS RD CASH, Deale is all kinds of .Farm1 and Dab - roc uce ainrocl-uce 'WHOLESALE and RETAIL. THE SCOTT _lf(RDER. Clover and Timothy Seed In answer to enquiries by Mr. White, of Fast Haistin's respecting C'I-I'EAPEIt THAN EVER. a 1 a the murder of Themes Scott, Sir ' Flentof 'Geer:re Cartier stated that the Do- .EED POTATOES minion had no jurisdiction over Red Of th best kinds. River, at the time of the nilirder, and consequently could not demand :Lora ext adition, besides the crime Ai) ill 12, 15.74,. Cote c lm street, 1 1s. SE AFOBTH.. 170 tf. PUBLIC beg to recommend K.inbtirn, as askilft dical Practitioner. . TICE. De . Mitchell, of 1. ncltrustwbrt y I has been'irt . -t teniclance upon my family .off and on, f.r the past two years, and in everyinstance where his professional services were e- quilred has been most snc essful, and h ton, 1 S B 1JLLOC' s.1 175-3 SEAEORTH. given unqualified satisf(se JA Mullett, April 11, 1 MUNICIPALITY 0 COURT OF The Court of Pevisi pality of Seaforth:wil Council -Itoom, Town I On TUESDAY, 3 At the hour oil 10 &el All persons irrtereste ern themselves accords. 1 al a lk T. 871. 1711 -td • Seaforth, ,April` 10, 1 VISIO1 for the Muniea- held toe ,. Seaforthin r=16, 1871,, gill. please g v - y.' P. 73UZ,L, Clerk NOTICE TO -T-0:riJE is hereby 1 ties indebted to either -by note or book call at his office, at th settle th e$ •i > t11G hum they wid be steed with Seaforth, April- 11, ERTORS. en that all par - D . COLEMAN, a e requested to alt \i'ks, cls. telt', otorherwiandse n further notice. 1.7,5-tf READY-MADE CLOTHING AT COST PRICE. as r 0 MINN Z 0. m m N NOTICE To Creditors of K1 DD &-McMULKIN. pt1iSUAN.T to a decree of the Court of Chancery = i11 a cause of Kidd vs. Al Malkin, the creditors of the said firm, lately carrying on business as general merchants at the village of Seaforth, are on or before the 1st day of May, 1871, to send, prepaid to the Master of the said Court, at his Chambers, Os- good Hall, Toronto, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full partic- lars of their claims and a statement of their securities ; or, in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the - said decree. The claims will be adjudicated upon before the Mnstel'; at 10 o'clock on 5th May. (Signed) J. A. BOYD, l75 -3t Master. Change' of Business JUST STARTED!. AND BOUND TO STCCEED. • r(1HE Subscriber, Mr. THOS.. LEE, 1 having purchased the Stock of W. A. SHEARSON & CO.,. at a considerable reduction on cost, he is both able and determined to sell to his, customers, and all those who may kindly favour him with a call, at such prices affe will astonish the people of Seaforth and the surrounding vicinity. He has just received a large Stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. COMM/NG- TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, RICE, F *st Come, first Serve. FARMERS GET YOUR SE] D 8" L Sled SEEDS, Seeds SC OTT ROBERTSON'S,. NAMELY, Y, Dawfbarn'»Furpl'e Top Swede:. NEW FRUITS, ETC:, Skrti ing''s Which he will sell at remarkable Low Prices. • FLOUR AND FEED, He also keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of Flour and Feed of every des- cription, consisting of - - FLOUR, -CORN MEAL, OAT MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Bran, Shorts, Oats, .Barley, Peas, &c. Flour and Feed delivered with dispatch in Harpifrhey, Eennonvillte and Seaforth, free of charge_ SEEDS r SEEDS r All varieties of: Field and Garden Seeds kept constantly on haanfd. All - kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange foo Goods, at THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. REMEMBER ! SHEARSON & CO.'S OLD SAND 1 THOMAS LEE. I69-tf • _ FARM FOR SALE.. OR SALE, on reasoxable terms, Lot X No. 3, 8th Concession, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, of which • 75 are cleared and ina good stated cultivation. -There• are en the premises a good log house, barn and stable, also a good bear- ing orchard, and a never failing well of water convenient to the house. It is situated within six miles and a half ora the flourishing village of Seaforth, and only one mile and a 9.half from a good gravel road. For 'further particulars apply to the proprietpr, on the premises, or if by letter (post-paid) to JOHN McKAY, 174-tf Egmondville P. 0. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE,. SALE cheap, or would 'be ex • FOR ebangt cl for farm property, a House ailafl Lot in Harpurhey. There , is one r acre of land in the lot. The house con- tains seven rooms and twoI pantries. There is also a good orchard of choice I bearing fruit -trees. This property is I pleasantly situated within three-quarters of a mile of the business part of Seaforth. For further particulars apply to THOS. SHANK(`, on the premises. 17,3-4t r+, LIME. HE Subscriber is prepared to furnish 1 parties building with a first-class ar- ticle of Stone Lime, at 20 cents per bueh- el at the kiln, McKillop, near Thom - son's saw -mill, or 22 cents per bushel delivered in Seaforth. Order s left with Mr. BULL, Ma street, Seaforth, will meet with prompt attention. JAMES DODDS, 174-tf - McKillop. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. H +' subscriber offers for sale a la, go •1 frame cottage, 30x40, new, aid a eor- ner Village Lot, opposite the Baptist Church, Seaforth. Ears propeety would be taken in 'exchange. Apply, en the premise. - 172-12te. ALEX. 34 cARTHi ALWAYS ON TTM.E. Stitt Sha do dos n1s CIarepion do- e's Purge do ' Yell u w Aberdeen• a-nd White Whi e Belgian Carrot Seed.. Globe., eech Potatoes Of t e following varieties e ARRIS'ONS„ - LEAS NS. OA.LIGOS,, PEACH BLOWS, ands 4ARNET CHILL. W . SCOTT ROB'ERTSON', N1.AtIN STREET,. SEAFORTm. ,Aissil4th, 1871. 174 C. H. OULLp., AGENT PARI LOC, f H'S BE YliNG iirA HLNES„ T legtiala . and Express Companies, CA ADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO:,, Issuer of Marriage Licences. Ameriaan Money bought and sold., P art.eular attention paid to JOB PRIM TING. O ce•---Elliott sit Armstrong's. Book-. -Stor Seaforth 174 TK. ANDERSON, AIA1N STREET, . is now fully prepared. for SPRING; t 1871, witiit a beautiful stock of ENGLISH, SGOTCI, CANADIAN, FRENCH' AND, AMERICAN, TWEEDS! DQESKIlTS, B E o CLOTHS, MELTONS WATERPROOFS, ETC., second.to none in the county, which I am preps/ea to make up into every style of (Gentlemen's Garments, CnE2P.Felt CASH. A•1i the latest Novelties in NECK TIES, SCARFS, CALLARS, ETC. HOSIERY AND. GLOVRS, -WHITE DRESS" SHIRTS, T TY FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTS, together with a well -selected, stock of If e DERCLOTHIN G, splendii value, and everything foundin connection with a first-class Gentlemen's Outfitting Es- tablishments Call on Andersen for a good suit at a .low price. T.. K. ANDERSON, Main/Street. Seaforth, March 31, 1871. 173:tf COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision and Appeal for - the Township of Usborne will be held at - the Town Hall. ELIMVILLE, On SATURDAY, Mae 6, 1873„ At 10 o'clock, A:_hlr Parties interested,. will govern them. -- selves- aoodiiigly._ S,A..Mi1TEL P. HALLS, Township Clerk. Osborne,: April re. 1871.. 17 4.-4t•• CHEAP LOT FOR SALE. e1 .ACRES East half of Lot 29,,Teinth • /- Con., (iulross, County of deuce, with- Log•ilnuse. Eight acres cleared. .., Pateste 1. Address lilxrd5sl'rc,l;, Seaforth, or .JOHN L(/GAN, Esse:, Tees -water. March 31, 1; j.,, 173-13t 1