HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-07, Page 9- 4. E i1IJRQN tX.POSITOrt, APRIL 7. 1871. amssiedraaes pito 0-'xpooltot. DISTRICT MATTERS. RAILWAY MEETING. The meeting between the Reeves ama Deputy Reeves of the municipalitie interested in the construction of th •Lonclon, Huron and Bruce Railway reit the Directors of that Railway was held, according to appointment, on Thursda last, 6th inst. The following municipalities were rep 'resented : Tuckersmith'James Dallas • Hay, Messrs. Brown arid`Wanless; Stan ley, Thomas Simpson; Stephen; Thos. Greenway; Usborne, Messrs. Bishop an Willis, Grey, ,John Leckie.; Morris Thomas Kelly and Dr:Holmes; Tarnber lar, M. Messer; McKillop, Messrs. -Shan * non andHays; Seaford', Mr. McCaughey :Besides these gentlemen, there were pres ent other prominent gentlemen from Sea forth andil other sections of the 0quaty. Isaac Carlinee Esq., °mimed 'the chair, d anMr. M. Y. McLean, of THE EXPOSI TOR, was appointed -to act as Secretary. The meeting was opened by the chairma making a few appropriate introduetor remarks, explaining the objeet fer whicl the meeting was called, and urged -strong ly the necessity of the Reeves and Depu ty Reeves going to work earnestly t devise some 'means whereby 'the neces sary means can be raised to secure th success of this road, as if the present op portunity was allowed to pass anothe might not offer: He then called upo Mr. Murray ;Anderson, of London, evh made -a few remarks, after Which shor addresses Were 'made by Messrs. Leekie, Kelly, Bishop, Greenway, Dr. Holmes, - and others, each of whcen advocated th scheme warmly, and made 'various pro positioae as to the best raode of raisin!, the required sum. The majority of th speakers, however, favored raising it b County bonus. At this juncture it wa requested thet the public withdraw. W may here state that it was asserted b Mr. Churcher, that the London bonu for $109,000 was passed by the :Coune- ofthat City, on Wednesday evening last, without a dissenting voice. A resolution moved by MrgBishop, seconded by Mr. LeOkie, to the effee that a County bonus is the most jus and feasible way of raising the! require sum, was carried almost unanimously, It was further moved by .Mr. Green way, seconded by Dr. Holmes, that th Warden of the County be eetitioned t ;call a special meeting of the 'Count 'Council for the purpose of submitting by-law to the ratepayers to grant a bonus to the Railway. • Don't fail to call at Frank Paltridge' and get one dozen Photographs of. your ;self for one dollar. • 'THANKS.—Our thanks are due M. C. 'Cameron, Esq., M.P., for frequent sup plies of Parliamentary papers. Coareramare—Worknien are new en gaged in digging the eliar for Mr. Mey • er'e new Uri& store, adjoining Scott' block. EARLY S EEDING. —We notice that sev era -1 of the farmers of Tuckersmith an Hullett have already commenced SOIVill their spring grain. GORREenor4.—Th7e new hearse w- oke of last week, we are infornaed the property of Mr. David Duncan Eg tacealville, instead of Mr. Thos. Beil. NEW. YORK HOUSE.— Mr. Willie Campbell, Merchaat Taller, of the Ne York 110,use, as just received_ a large and. splendid std. k of seasonable goods. tkao and see them. 10 POST OFFICE INGS Bic.—We are informed by Mr. Diekstin, that the de posits in the Post Office Savings Bank here, for the quarter ending 31st March, amounted. to $8,391 Pretty good for :Seaforth. • FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. —W. Suitt Robertson has_ now on had a splendid as- sort -merit of seeds of every description, and. as they are being sold. off very rapid- ly, it would be well for these who wish to purchase, to call and- see them with- out delay, EASTMAN'S PENMAN'S ASSIST VT: — This novel little instrument is d signed • to give ease and facilityl in writiijg, and to assist new beginners in learn pg the • proper method. of holding the pen Mr. -J. P. Flanigin, the ageut for thii- °min- ion, is in town; and will a' hort3.y wait upon our readers to secure their orders. • A NEWLY MADE DOCTOR. --We hacl • the pleasure of a Visit, a day or two ago, from Mr. M. M.• Campbell, of Usborne, 'Who for som.e time has been pursuing his studies for the medical profession at the University of Michigan. At the dose of • the late session Mr. Campbell graduated, having obtained. the degree of M.D. ODD FELLOWS' SOCIAL. —The Brethren of Fidelity Lodge propose holding a social in their Lodge Room on the evening of Wednesday next We trust that a large • attendance of the Members and their friends will be present, as we can safely promise them a pleasant evening's enter- tainment. CENSUS ENUMERATOR.—OUT Old friend, Mr. J. P. Brine, has received the ap- pointmeht of censusenumerator for Sea - forth, and has been for some clays past busily engaged with his duties in this eonn ection. • A better appointment cou ld not have been made, as whatever Mr: Brine undertakes to do, he always does well. Cnor PROSPEMS. —From nearly all sections of the County, we hear the most eneouraging reports as to the appearance of the Fall Wheat. The snow has cleared off leeving this crop apparently in excel- lent cenclition, with no appearance ef win- ter -killing or other injury. Tel -niers are busily engagod at present with prepara- tions for the spring seeding, and should Yae-orable weather continue, the seed will be in the ground this year at an earlier period than usual. Bi LLTARD To I: RN A ME ST. —On Friday last a billiard tournament was played be- tween six -players of Seaforth, and six of Stratford. at the latter place. The Sea- ford' players, after making 2,00 points, were defeated lay .6.a. 'When play was over, the billiaidists adjourned to Mr. cherIes Browniner's Hotel, where an ex- oellent repast was partaken of. The Sea - forth players were 80 I a eleoniely enter- tained by their Stratford friende, end the I time pa sed 'so pleasan 1311,that they we e almost reconciled to t eir defeat. e+ CUM xRANO SAWS. A. few clays a in passung the reeidene of Mr. Thorn s Stevens, we observed • his yard eali t at first we- took to b a salt -derrick n ia, small -scale Which mr. -Stevens h d erectedor the purpos f experiment' ig in the salt -finding bus neas. On enqui , however, we learned, to our surprise, that this unique conic 1 structure was to .be used for smokingh: s, instead of fpr salt-boraig purpose . ,e would e- spectfully suggest o the enterprisi • g. salt companies of .Mit -hell and. List° el that thlia, follow Mr.Stevens' exam le and; urn their derric s to some prac i. cal prime. . CENSO EN OMBRA TO S —T1;e followi are names of the 'deua s thanmerater in this Co nty so far as e have been al le t3 ascertairi them : 1 Seaforth.--J. -P. • Br n cr Tuck Broadfo rsmitlf. --ling A, William Y Stanley,— Hugh Simpso , James W Bence. • Hay. Michael Ze mean, -I alpli Brown. McKillop.—Geo. Bi van, E ward Roach. Grey. Archibald MeDrrald; Peer McDon ld, Lyster Ha a Cheney, Jo, rlg, Robert 11. re; Sr., Tho less, James nCharles Cr - John O'S'u es c - as e- li- Mord .-7-Godfrey sythe j lin McRae. So .—rhe eoci 1 leyan lechodist 0 evening last, by •t congregation, was e in every respect. „Th very large, the *church The lefreshrneats—o pose, b the Bac choicest' and most a and proved them to inary alit. The inteil • enterteiement, whic tions, readings and sin Indeed, the enter -to; was amost pleasant and reflected -the those N1rho got it ip ably filled. by. Mr. C formed his ditties in el clearly show that he in the right' place," n fact that he is a baehe singing -of the choir ad pleasure of the even' af the entertainment handsome sum of 1 and some cents, o Ines; Geo. F SPRING GOODS. --gb now eltifr receiving th goods,. andmany of already present a very appearance. Ae the forth are Always up w carinot be surpassed f and go- eheadativeneas but they will be pr coming i3eason to. offe to purchasers, that it to come to Seaforth fr this and adjoining c their spring goods. been renowned as a pl highest *prices Were pa duceof all descrietion were:sold at the very respect, ci;ur business its repatation shall st ed. In order, howeve may_' be 'kept alive should. not fail to kee fore the public in the POSITOR, a duty, whic some of them have he lected. 0 given in the W s- ✓ h, on. Mond y achelors of t e in ntly success ul attendance as being well fill d.. epee:0d, we s p- ork—were of t 80 tiung descripti. n. adepts in the c 1 - al part of t e sistecl of reel a - ,g, was also go d. Ment throughout • profitable one, h st -• credit upon The chair was lborne, who per- ch a manner as to the'"right man twithstanding the or The excelle t ed. much to tie g. The proceeds amounted to tie e ty-four doll4rs ✓ merchants re ir spring stock jof he store wind° s gay and tempti4ig reheats a S4a- thl the times, alid heir enterpr se we have no doubt pared during tie uch inclueme ts pay them w11 all quarters of ty to purchase ‘3,-.,aforth has- eeer where the very or farmers' ad. store goods p o - est ; and in thCis e are hound that remain unchang- that the public o this fact, they i prominently be olumns of the Ex- , eve regret to saee ettefore sadly neg- cl A THRIVING To 2. people are in a quandar addition to their popu year, by the location t Trunk work -shops, of .At the present tinae houses are vacant in t time arises, how are th i tion to be ,4ccomm d number ofnew buildin ed, end already sever meneed. The race -co pot, comprising 200 ac chased, and cat Up in which seventy1 aye , We congratulate .our: on its pgospent the well deServed,4tratf been a ' liberal, go -a place. When th evor. don, Huron and Bruc ted. in Seaforth, we ex similar accession to Where will poor old Consumed—with envy Clinton editor be It where? Echo .answer . Trdt, BAT AND THE glad to see that the this and neighboring izing their clubs!andig for the summer's c elf base -ball has bee° within the lea fees, - among the younger po loving community. . generally prefer- base - cause it is less nianot because there are no cricket, and because it to play a game. Tbe ever, stick to their g there is nothing, like they may, for what eh or billiards to ten -pin. base -bell. But beth g let the lovers of each vorite. Tho truest of that which says "A 11 makes Jack a dull bo during the coming su may be able so to in hearty labor . with amusement, that- whil not be neglected, the suffipient attention. .—The Stratford They expect an on the present •e of the Grand over 1,000 souls. not half a dozen war,. So the q1108 - coming popula- ted ? A large s must be ere t - have beeri com- ✓ e, near the de - es, has been per - o building lots. lof heady been so1d. n ighbering town re so that it • having alwa d, enterprising -shops of the Lon - Railway are loge- eet to chronicle a guy population. Clinton be then ? Where will the en? Where, oh, , where ? a 1 is BA E. L. —We are ash -ball 'players :of illages tare organ thieg in readin ss paign. The game e very popular years, especial y • ion of the sport 'he young people all to cricket be- notis and tedioi s, dlnongw n't take asin kiesolo old stagers, ho me, and maint n *cket. Ana w 11 a is to cheelce s, So is cricket o es are good, a d Land by their a - the old adages is ork and 1)0 1)1 y 5' We hope th t mer every "Jae ' etmingle hone t, lea,sant, rational the former may tter will recei'v'e 11 It LECI`URE IN. EGMO.: evening of Friday, th Campbell, of Seaforth, -rare on "Canada, Ot Canada Presbyterian ville—over one hund resent. The chair s Rev. Mr. Graham, t -chnrch, evho ietrodue his usual happy taan occupied over an hour was au able and inte audience listened with throughout, and ehee warmly when he rest' • collection was taken u mondville Sabbath aT(eih vote of thanks was tan and the meetiag broke second lecture of the e • —On tile 31st March, Dr. delivered a lee- ✓ Home," in tie -!liurch, Egmon l- ed peoplebeing Tas taken hy the ie pester of - the d the lecturer' n •The lecture in delivery, and esting one.: The marked attention ed the 1ecturir ed his seat. ,A in aid- of tne Etre • ol, after which a lered the epee!: er. ip. This was the um', and we ufi- 88 derstand that it is Mr. Gra am's,: inten- tion to , postpone the other lectures for • the present en a c unt of; the busy sea- son just coming or. The Bev. Mr. Mc- Diarmid, of the Canada Presbyterian Church, No. 2, M KilloP, has been en- gaged to d.eliver the third leeture when a more convenient season arrives. These lectures are in aid jof the Sabbath School, which is in a vely flourish' g condition. We recommend, he lauds le object as well as the maniaet Mr. ,G aham has of raisingenoney irk 4 s support. We hope , all the coming 1 ecifuras may be as -suc- cessful and as 'We1 patrorria d as the one uponlast Frida evelaing THE LIST° L SALT WELL. -.-.'The Penner says Mr. ohn lareEwen has been rather unfortani , so far iii his salt -well drilling. He hs only got i down about 80 feet, and. Its met evith an Unusual number of ohs ctions - $ tich as loose • boulders, etc., +2 0; mg trou le and delay. The solid rock as not yet ecu. reaahed. PEDESIRIANT shall, of Coded any man in the • race with him f tance to he 200 --Rdbert Gilbert Mar - b Townsh* , challenges minion te run a foot - r ;1500 or $1,000. • Dis- ds. • A 34 p3rvine. BtfismEss is g A ing quite lively again since the roads ia e become more passa- ble. Our niercilia ts are busy with their spring stocks nhi eh they have purchas- ed in the best mar cets, and are prepared to dispose of at h lowest rates. RAILWAY. -7- e pleased that tT e Huron and B been definitely el in order will, he th .Morris s-vill do t ie •and liberal boni se • SUGAR l41LAXI 'that last week a season for snga farmer is makin 'made upwards jo large quantities lof THE SALT W L prosperously. A has bean reache Fooe's passed off with joying themselv s day, and consol reflection that if t others were Ian sh' ple here are highly route of the London, RailWaY has at last eted. The next thine bonuses Grey and r duty' in this re3pect; will be granted.. —The farmers tell us the best week of the eking. Nearly every little, and some have 700 pounds, besides syrup. —Boring is going on depth of over 100 feet Y.—The first of April th,and jallity, all en- • with the praaks of the with the ey did laaigh at °there, g at them. r •xeter. • SCARLET FE •— This = disease has 'made its ap a ;,..r ce in Wroxeter. So far, however, t e has been only one fatal case, a- da g ter of Mr. N. Allen, •aged 4 years, -le • died last Thursday, after suffering d y or two.' COMPETITIVE E AMINATION. —A peti- tion is being cir u ated among theteach- ers of Ilowick, sking the Township Council to app.° riate a aura of money towards getting rizes for a competitive Township ' exam ation. Should the Council accede to the petition, we shall in all probability have the examination some time in th 1 tter part of May or the beginning o J a e. BRASS BAND. Gafton's Hall, o inst., for the endeavor towa Band in Wrox Meeting was held in Saturday, evening, 1st u pose of making some cl getting up a Brass t r. A committee was appointed to go ar mad -_among the villa- gers to solicit su ascriptionsto raise a fund for the pui po e. Another meeting will be held iet Thursday evenmg, when the comm ttee will report progress. BREVITIES. — IMiiple sugar ie coming into the market in large quantities. --- Fanners are busy ploughing:—Farmers' wives, sons, aacil doughters, are busy making sugar and molasses. ---Our mer- chants are exhibiting large stocks of spring goods .—We have beautiful spring weather at present. --A large number of people from this neighborhood start for Manitoba shortly. L ridesboro. • IMPROVEMEN 8.—Messrs. 'Callender & Scott, of Clinton, are engaged in the erec- tion of .a •cheese factory. It is abont a quarter of a mile south of the village on the bank of the river Maitland. We Wish them success in their enterprise. '1 The natives here are all alive about the Londore Huron and Bruce Railway, and intend sending a deputation to London some time this month, to show the peo- ple of London the advantages of running the -line through by Clinton instead of by Seaforth, as they have concluded to do, and we hope the London people will not bo so blind to their own interests as not to be advised. I •, BUSINESS. —Rosiness is dull, with the exception of the egg • trade, which is brisk. We would recommend thoselwho are in want of hens he try Lonclebo s ro and vicinity, foe, certainly our hens can, not be beaten in producbiveness. The 'eggs they pro uce Jalone would almost supply the Lor don Huron and Bruce Railway with fr ight, and that is one of :the advantages f the Clinton route., PHILANDER. Brucefield. • CRICKET. --The"Brucefiold Cricket Club was reorganized on Saturday, April 1st. The following officers were appoin ed : Dr. Munro, President • Dr. Stevart, Vice -President ; Wm, deIntosh, S cre- 1 tary • Robert Ferguson, Treasurer ; W. R. iffill, II. Cameron, Geu. Baird,1Jr., Wm. Rettehbury, Robert Ferguson, and. E. Briggs, Managing Conunittee ; Robt. Ferguson, Oaptam. The admission fee is $1. The late Treasurer presented a cricket ball to die club, which was a donation of the President, for winning the majority of the Matches played last season. • Itirtletim • Serroori EXA.MINATION.—The examina- tion of Mr. Fr enian's school, in Kin - burn, took plac on Thursday, the 23rd Preceedin s tommenced at 1 o'c ock p.m. The New re says " There eta present, Mr. Yo Mg, Superintendent, IMr. Turnbull, of 01 ton High School, ho took a leading part in the exa,mina, and the Trustee and a number of par nts and visitors ; ih iced one of the plea ant features of the inburn examinations is the interest m infested by the ptiblie generally. The examination, as we con- fidently expecte( , proved that the school is making subg aetial progress, and the. Trustees are ac ing wisely in providing a good building nd apparatus, and lase- ly, giving the h nclsome salary of $5C0 to the present efficient teacher, who Ihai •been about fouyears in the section. Landa.tory remarks were made at j the close by Al assts. Young, Math° on, Turnbull, Thomeson, and .Nrc•Millan, pre. vious to which a large whither of rize books were distributed to the successful competitors. The proceeding was brought to a close by the Rev. MrYoung pro- nouncing the benediction. " -4 Tternberry• . SCHOOL EXAMTICATION.—A public ex- amination of School Seddon No. 6, Turn - berry, -Was held on Friday, the -24th ult. The examination was condutted by the teacher, Mr.. M. Isbester, assisted. by Mr. J. McCrea, of an adjoining seCtian. The pupils were strictly examined in the various branches usually taught in com- mon schools, and their readiness in an- swering the questions asked. indicated diligence on their part and efficiency on the part of their teacher, while the order maintained during the whole proceed- ings reflected credit on concerned. At the close of the • examination quite a number of valuable prizes were dietribut- ecl among the pupils.—Cor. Usborn.e. • SERIOUS ACCIDENT. —A few days ago. as Robert, youngest son of Mr Pe -ter Gardiner, was riding , a -colt to the water, the animal shied, and threw the boy off his balance. He clung for some time in. this position, but at the same time kept -hold of the bridle The. colt trample d him under foot, tearing his coat, vest and shirt, and inflicting on him severe in- juries-. He was taken up insensible, and carried to the house. • We ate glad to learn that Master Gardiner is in a fair . way of recovery. • Go deri ch. The following items are condensed from the Home Journal: • The Grand Trunk elevator is being got ready for business. • COLBORNE .—The receipts of the town- ship of Colborne for 1870 was $7,465 16, and. the expenditure $7,036 76. • FIsR.—The '4rst shipment of fish to the American market from this port was made by Mr. Leonard, last week. • Seitel Fon Caacaeo.—It is contemplat- ed, by a gentlema,n of this town, to com- mence 'the shipment of salt to Chicago. BEN CHER. —At a meeting of the God- erich lawyerer, on tho 23rd ult. ,it was proposed by R. L. Doyle,: and seconded by D. Shade Gooding, andicarried unani- mously, that john Macara, Esq., be the Bencher for the ensuing year. IN Mearortauee;—The members of Knox Church, have just had erected. in the Goderieh Cemetery, over the grave of Mrs. ,Ure, the late wife af their esteemed pofasltio6r0, .a beautiful monument, at a cost Froin the Star we cull the following Marine intelligence The W. Seymour, Captain Marlton, started on first trip Saturday, April 1st. She calls at ports on the aorth shore.— New tugs for Goderich harbor are being built by Messrs. Z. Tolsma and John Brown. •Mr. Tolsma's is to be 60 feet in length, by 11 beam.—Goderich fishermen. are preparing for an early commencement of their labors. •Several new boats -are to be added to the fishing fleet this spring. SPRING SHO S. -• The North Riding So iety's Spring Show for entire stock, will be held at Blyth; on Wednesday, the 19th April. The annual Spring Show of the South Riding Agricultural Society, for entire stock, will be held at Brueefield, on Fri- day, the 21st of April. The 1 sborne and Stephen Society's Spring Show for entire stock, will be held at Exeter, on Thursday, the 20th of The Grey Branch Agrieultaral Socie- ty's Show, for entire stock, will be held at the village of Cranbrook, (Town Plot), „Grey, an Friday, the 21st of April. , 1 Divisions Clourts---1871. Goderieh, •• • • • . • ' • • April 10 Wingharn, ... ... April 25 Ainleyville, ... May 23 Seaforth, ... May 25 Exeter, May 27 • Dungannon, ... .•. • . . Bayfield, ... • ... . Mayiti29 ay30 Clinton, June 5 Goderich, June 12 For a genuine good pott ait of yourself you must go to Frank Paltridge's. One dollar per dozen. IIMIIM1111111111111•1=1111. NOTIC1E TO BARK MEN. • The subscriber is prepared to contract for the delivery of TAN BARK At the following Stations Carronbrook, Mitchell, Sea - forth, Clinton and 6oderick. '• Terms of contract and all particulars 'furnished at the subscriber's store in Seaforth. Extra inducements offered to parties closing contracts at once. L. B. CdRBEY, Farmers' Store, Seaforth. . Seaforth, March 17, 1871. 171-8t TAVERN FOR SALE. HE well-known and old established, j_ Hotel, The Roxburgh Hotel," sit- uated in the thriving village of Rox- burgh; along with the house is one-half acre of lancl and good stabling.. Right opposite is "Rock's Mill," doing the largest gristing business in the County. To a party with a small eapital this is one of the best stands in the County of Huron. Apply to the proprietor, THOS. . WILSON. Walton P. 0. ' 171-tf MISS McINTOSH Wishes to announce to the ladies of Sea - forth and surrounding country that she has removed to The FARMERS' STORE, above the OLD POST OFFICE, Where she will bel most happy to receive orders in MILLINERY DRESS AND MANTLE MAKINC0 In the latest and. racist approved style o the season. She also keeps on hand A Choice Selection of Flowers, Feath- • ers, Terry Silk, &c. -• STRAW AND HAIR WORK eltancd on short nctice. 171 -ti Root of all Evil SKIEY No more to he had at SCOTT ROBERTSON'S But to produce the best and largest of COOD ROOTS BUY' Y( ir OUR • Field & Garden Seeds SCOTT ROBERTSON'S Timothy, No. 1.. Red Clover, •" Alsike +Etta% " Trefoil ditto, " Dutch White do." Flax Seed, " Tares or Vetches. Rape for early feed • Onion and Cabbag Seed. Mangle. Early Potatoes. —AND, A LARGE STOCK Of the following kinds of PROVISIONS • Constantly on hand. SUGAR -0 U _RED and SMOKE BOILING HAMS, BACON—CUMBERLAND CUT„ CHOICE SHOULDERS; SMOKED CHOPS. .; LARD; IN TUBS &, CROCKS, S;Weet and clean. Factory Cheese, Brandy Cheese, Stilton Cheese. A few Tubs of very choic Dairy Packed FALL BUTTER Choice Faxnily Flour BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, OAT AND CORN MEAL, ETO. COUNTRY PRODUCE Taken in Exchange for all Purchases. Goods delivered in Seaforth, Harpurhey, and. Eghiondville. W. S. ROBER SOIN, 8wiforthi 15th March, 1971. 171-21 BY-LAW • To stop up and sell part of the Road al- lowance between Lots No. 15 and 16 on the first concession, Huron Road Survey; in the Township of Tuckersmith. • WHEREAS it is expedient to stop up part of the original road allowance be- tween lots fifteen and sixteen, on the first concession H. R. S., Township of Tucker - smith, such part*of road allowance never having been assumed by the public as -A travelled road, the land being swampy and unfit for that purpose; and WHEREAS another road as been open. ied in lieu of said part of road allowance, A is therefore expedieet to sell, grant and. convey the same to WILLII331 CHALK Gormock, Proprietor of the lands on ea33elitsrridennB • ereFoef.riE E.t4cTEo by the Mn. nieipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Hume, and it is hereby enacte..I by the authority of the same, that the part of. original road allowance between lots fif- teen and sixteen, in the that concession, Township of Tuckersmith; commencing on the Northerly boundary of the travel- led Huron road. ; thence on the Westerly boundary of the road. allowance between lots fifteen and sixteen; siateen chains and fifteen links to the -Southerly bound- ary of the allowance, for road between the Townships of Tuchersmith and Mc- Killop ; thence on said boundary conrse South, sixty degrees East, one chain ; thence on the Easterly boundary of the allowance for road between lots fifteen and sixteen, sixteen chains and ten links, more or less, to the Northerly boundary of the travelled. Huron road ; thence on said boundary course North, seventythre.e degrees and. thirty minutes West, one chain and three links to the place of be- ginning, containing one acre and two roods and eighteen perches be sold, grant- ed and conveyed to WILLIAM- CHATIC GouneooM, for the sum of Forty-five Dollars, ($45). to have and to hold, him, his heirs, assigns and. successors for ever. NOTICE. The above is a true copy of a propeveed By-law to be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council' of the Corporatiou of the Township of Tuckersmith, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of MAY next, in the soilage of Harpurhey. • WiLLIAM MUIR, • Township Clerk. • March 17, 1871. 172-4 HOUSE AND LOT -FOR SALL THE subscriber offers for sale a large •frame cottage, 130x40, new, ad a cor- ner Village Lot, opposite the Ba,ptist Church, Seaforth. Farm property would be taken in exchange. • Apply 0/1 the premise. 172-12t± ALEX, MoARTHIJR. TORONTO MILLINERY. MSS ERWIN LIas opened out a large stock of 'Spring Goode, comprising all the Latest Styles in Millinery. Dress and kande Making . Promptly attended to* E Stamping done on the shortest liotice. 8tra,w and Hair Work of every -kind. executed in the neatest niannSa and latest styles. 172-tf- Reynolds' Block, Seaftirth. FOR SALE; A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS• ., A DESIRABLE -Dwellirig-rhouse and litwo excellent lots on St. John street, Seaiorth, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to • JOHN SEATTER, 167-tf Draggist, • NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late Witham McAdam, whose debts are overdue, are requested to pay the same to C. L. Van Eamond, at Egmondville, within one month from date. And ell persons having any claim on said estate will present the same to the same person, duly authenticated. C. L. VAN EGMOND, JAMES HILL, • •Executors. March 14, 1871. 171 -ti` EGGS! EGGS -1 MHE Subscriber begs to intimate that he is still prepared to purchase Eggs at his Store at the Market, and. -to pay the :HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH for all fresh Eggs that may offer. To Merchants in. Town and Cceintry with whom he has done Business in the past three years, he returns his hest • thanks, and. hopes for a continuance of Business relations. I WM. MALCOM - Seaforth, March 3, 1871. 1-68-tf Seeds ! Seeds ! TOHN BEATTIE keeps conetantly nn trY hand, at hie Stall m the Market Building, the best quality of Seeds of every description. TIMOTHY, • CLOVER, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS AND BARLEY, • . etc., on hand. JOHN BE.A.TTIE, 169-8* Market Building, Seatoeth. • FARM TO RENT. MO rent, Lot Nos 11 and 12, 16th Concession, (REY, consisting of two hundred Acrea, 90 of which are clear, and about 40 acres ploughed. There is a good house Arid bank barn, with eta,ble underneath, and a good yoting bearing orchard. The farm will be let for five ydaril. For ferther particulars, apply to JOHN THOMSON, Seaforth; or to JAS. DOUGLAS, near the Farm. 172-3a* PRIVATE SALE. One span of working Horses. One set of double Harness. (inc Wagon ; one iron Plough. One set of double Harrows. - The above will be sold on easy terms. Apply to ALEXAN DElt 8M ITH, 1;ot 25, 4th Coneession, McKillopa 1714t TRACY, M.. , County of Huron. idence—One door East ° pise.opal Church. Seaford', Dee. 14th, 11 • 0.1114)0RE, M. Dia 3 of McGill 1.7iiivera- hysician, Surgeon, .&-e. ,ence Zarieb., Ont. Zurich, Sept. 7th AME S '.`31EVVAII.V j , Gradulite of ,\It -C.;1 loatre,al, Physician, Sill nelgesidence--13rueefieh jan. 13, 1.8 R. W. R. SM ITH, geon, ete. Office, --4 1obertson's Resi levee Seaforth, Dec. 14, 186 L. VERCOE, , than, Surgeen, etc. en-ce, eorner of Mao treet, immediately in tore. Seaforth, Feb. 4t1i* IS It. CAMPBELL, Ce County. °glee and 1rby's, corner store,. Mr forth. •Offite day, Saturd LEGA_ if 10 AU G HEY & i Barristers, Attorne_ . . itors inChaneery and t "ries Public aid Convey! -..t, we_ for the It C. 13ank, Sea f r the Canada. Life Assn N. 33.-30, 000 to lenel Iharres, Holmes, and. Lots 3 Seaforth, Dee, 14th, MI -- - -- ---1 ENSQN & MEYER., 'Attorneyat Law, Sol ory and insolvency, Con a ies Public, ete Offices,' N '-roxeter. Agents for I an Co. of Upper Canfad iial Seenrities Co. of Loi olkL. .1' ey at S per cent; n -a- iarged. . nEigsolsr., Seaforth, Dee. IOth 186 1-19_TE st.cJj Jarsacci:mirn(, )1,)(iaptrizi: - ON -1 -M -E 11. -CI -A L HOT 1.,;- ling public. The larder a w'ays supplied with the 1 te afford. Excellent stabr tipn, . IA inleyville, April 23, 1,_ • 7 NO VS HOT EL ILA, la. The urnieraigned be 1)lkhhC for the liberal peke mthem th Ntvolihtirme in times past in thealaise to inforin resumed business in. the' iota _oldheirwieinlidsl'7happyanalllan T Seaforth, May' 5,114)N 871.0.1! e urrisH ENCHANGE -erieh, ON -re, 3. CALL. R ; J. 8: WeeerAers, -4 n Hotel, Waasaw, N. iis hotel has recently beo lied, and. refiated theou w one el the mest coniferl m dimes in the Provini.,e, P ons for Commercial Tr:: Terms liberal.: Goderith, April 14, 1870 ISCELLAN 3 A. SHARP'S LIV Stables. °Mee- eAt..18- Seaford'. Good Horses, Conveyances, alwaye on Lt 41cl HARP'S LIVERY $T.,1 le) ST., SEAFoirril. First .a.a7.1 Carriages always onha z>blie terms, - R. L Seaforth, May lith, 3870. & W. MiePIIILLIP •illmannerud8ur(37ne 8(;otliel etc. A with neatness and dispateh' lips, Commissiener in Be Next door south of Sha.rp f oeth. $eaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. TE7TH EXTRACTED Vil •.cARTWR WWI% L. i fl.e):74,t.:th,De—eAur(ti)sett‘ie.eeitirot,iflatlixlit:threcac; iBtNtes...;aiette::fe:3:t: Hotel, the first, Tnesday eau. 0f. tach M011th reia.311,1lHictiedl,ayli. 14 the fol days a 3 Parties requiring new Villegtell to call, if at eider ton, on the first day of atte Over 54,000 petieute ha ”xteaetad by the use ef th VoUlton's offices. New York,