HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-07, Page 8won exproitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. RAILWAY MEETING. The meeting between the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the municipalities interested in the construction of the London, Raron and Bruce Railway and the Dire9tors of that Railway was held, acccrdng to appointment,• n Thursday daot, 6th mat. The following mm-tieipalit s were rep 'resented Tuck-ersmith, James Dallas; Hay, Messre. Brown and Wanless; Stan'. ley, Thomas Simpson; Stephen, Thos. Greenway; Usbbrne, Messrs. Bishop and Willis; Grey, Sohn Leckie ; Morris, Thomas Kelly and Dr.Holmes; Turnber- ry, Mr. Messer; McKillop, Messrs. Shan- non andllays; Seaforth, Mr. McCaughey. Besides these gettlemen, there were pres- ent other prominent gentlemen ftom Sea- forbh. and other seetions of the •County. Isaac Carling, Esq.; occapied 'the chair, _and Mr. M. V. McLean, of Tire .Exaosr- TOR, was appointed ta act as Secretary. The meeting was opened by the chairman ineleta,g a few appropriate introductory remarks, explaimmg the object fortwhich the meeting was called, and urgedltrong- ly the necessity of the Reeves and Depu- ty Reeves going to work- earnestly to devise sceme means whereby the neces- sexy ineang can be raised to secure the success of this road, as if the present op- portunity was allowed tie pass another might not offer. He then ealled. Upon Mr. Murray Andersoe, of London, who •'made a few remarks,' after which short addresses 'ere niade by Messrs. Leckie; Kelly, Bishop, Greenway, Dr. Holmes, andeothers, each of wham advocated the scheme warmly, and made various pro- positions as to the best mode of raising the required sum. The majority of the o• 'speakers, however, favored raising it by County bonus. At this juncture it was requested that the public withdraw. We enay here state that it was asserted. by Mr. Churcher, that the London bonus for $100,006 was passed by the Council of that Pity; on Wednesday evening last, without a dissenting voice. A resolation, moved by Mr. Bishop, seconded by Mr. (Leckie, to the effect that a County bonus is the most just and feasible way of raising the required. • sum, was carriedtalmost unanimously. It was further moved by Mr. Green- way, seconded by Dr: Holmes, that the 'Warden of the County be eetitioned to icon e special meeting of the County 'Council for the purpose of submitting a by-law to the ratepayers to grant ° a ibonus to the Railway. Don't fail to call at Frank Paltridge's • and get one dozen photographs of your - ;self for one dollar: . 'THANICS.-011i thanks are dere M. O. Cameron, Esqa M.P., for frequent sup- plies of Parliainentary papers., ComeroNeED.—Workmen are now en- gaged in digging the eellar fo,r Mr. Mey- er's new brick° store, adjoining Scott's block. EARLY'SEEDING.—We notice that sev- eral of the farmers of Ttickersmith and. Hullett have already conamenced „sowing their spring grain. CORRECTIGN.—We new hearse we spoke of last week, we are informed is -the property of Mr. David Duncan, Eg- Meadville, instead of Mr. Thos, Bell. NEW YORK HOUSE.— Mr. William Campbell, Merchant Tailor, of the New York House, has just received a large and splendid stock of seasonable goods. Go and see 'them. POST OFFICE SAVINGS ReNic.—We are inTormed by Mr. Dickson, that the de- posits in the Post ,Office Savings Bank here, for the quarter ending 31st March; amatinted. to $8, 92; Pretty good for 1 b`ca,forth. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. —W. Scott Robertson has now on had a splendid as- sortment of . seeds of every description, and is they are being sold off very rapid- ly, it would be 'well for those who wish to purchase, to call and see them with - oat delay. 1 EASTMAN'S PENMAN'S ASSISTANT. — This newel little instrument is designed -to give ease and facility in writing, and to assist new beginners in learning the •; proper method of holding the pen. Mr. J. P. Flanigia, the ageet for this Domin- • ion, is in town, and will shortly wait •upon our readers to secure their orders. A NEWLY MADE DOOTOR.-----We had -the pleasure of a visit, a day or two age., from Mr. M. K Canapbell, of Usborne, telio for some time has been pursuing his otudies for the medical profession at the University of Michigan. • At the close of the late session' Mr. Campbell graduated, having obtained thedegree of M.D. ODD FELLOW:i' SOCIAL.—The Brethren. af Fidelity Lodge propose holding a social in their :Lodge Room on the • evening of Wednesday next: We trust that a large attendance of the members and their friends will be present, as We can safely promise them a pleasant evening's enter- tainment. CENSUS EN ITME aotoe..Our old friend, lir. J. P. Brine, has received the ap- pointment of censas enumerator for Sea - forth, and has been for some days past busily engaged with. his duties in this eonn ection. A better appointment tepid uot have been made, as whatever Brine undertakes to do, he 'always does CROP PROSPECTS.—From nearly all seetions of the Count-, we hear the most encouraging reports as to the appearance of the Fall Wheat. The snow has cleared Yift leaving this clop apparently in excel- lent cenditiou, with no appearance of win - 'ter -killing or other injury. Farmers are busily engagod at present with preParat tions for the spring seeding, sand should. fatorable weather continue, the seed will be in the ground this yeat at an earlier period than usual. Blew:op TourixamENT. Ftiday last a billiard tournament was played be• six players of Seaforth, and six df Stratford, at the latter plaee. The Sea - forth player& after makine 2,400 points, were defeated by 65-. \Then play was ever, the billiardists adjournea to Mr. Cherles Browning's lintel, where an ex- eelleut repast was partaken of. The Sea: forth players were so I a eleomely -enter- alined by their Stretford friend& null the time passed so pleasautly,that they were, elmpet riconciled to their defeat. ctitoNo• Sitas --A few days ago, in passing the res deuce of Mr. Thomas Steven& we observed.' in his yard ethat -at first we took to be a salt -derrick on 04 small Seale' wicliehl Mr. Stevens had erected or the purpose of experimenting I ' in the sat -finding business. On enquiry, howeve we'warned, to our surprise, that this unique corneal structure was to be used for smoking hams, instead of for salt -boring pnrpose4. We would re- spectfully suggest jo the enterprising salt cam anies of ,Mi1teliclI and Listowel that th y follow M . Stevens' example and tarn their derricks to some practi- cal purpose. Cattle c s ENUMERAN are =Haines of the'G this County so far as ta ascertain them : Seafoiith.—J. P. B in gh ,Chesney, James oung; Robert Mc - RS. SUS we The followitig tnnmerator in ave been able Ttekcismith. ---II Broadfoot, William Mosrdtaniei.u.,7_, Hugh Lovo.. Sr., 'Thozna.s Simpson, James %Vian1es, James Es- sence. Ila,y,—Michael Z Iler, Charles Cr' e - mean, .Ralph Brown. McKillop. --Geo. 1 iggar, John Q'St. yin, Edward Roach. • ''Grey.- Archibald M Donald, Pet r McDonald, Lyster Hayward: ,.[ Morris. —Godfrey 'Holmes, Gee, Far syth, John McRae. I I • ' Soctette—Th.e sociaLl given in the W s- leyan Meth1 odist Chine , OaMond, y evening lest, by the B, chelors of t e congregation, was dinui ntly successf il in every respect. The attendancc w s very' large, the cburth b ing well fille 1. The iefreshments—Prep red, we - su - pose, by ' the: Bachelor —were of t le choicest and most appeti ing descriptiob. and proved them, to be adepts in the rnjl inary art. The intellectual part of t e Indeed, the entertaiMent through° i m , entertainment, which consisted of recit tions, readings and sin ' 'g,teas also goo was a most pleasant and prcfitable o and reflected 'the highest credit up n those who got it up. The chair w s ably filled by Mr. Col orne, who p• r - formed his duties in suck a manner as o clearly show that he ,wes the."right man in the right place," notAs ithstanding the fact that he is a bachelor The excellent singing •of the choir adde much to the pleasure of the evening.' The proceeds of the entertainment ai ounted to the handsome sum of twen y -four dollars and some cents, 'SPRING GOODS. lour, merchants ate now daily receiving their pring stock of goods and and many of the store.windows already present a velar g and tempting appearance. As the` m ' chants of Sea - forth are always up ribli the times, a d cannot -be surpassed [for heir enterpri e and go:aheadativene 's, v e have no dou et but they will be r€ p red during t i e coming season to offer Sach inducmee s to purcliasets, that it wi pay them w 11 to c-ome Seaforth from all- quarters f this and adjoining cou4ty to purchaze their spring goods. eiforth has ev r been renowned as a placEf where the ve y highest pitices were jaid for farmers' p duce of all elescrietiOns, nil store goo is were sold at the very lo est ; and in t is respect; our business met are bound th t its'repatation shallsth1 emain unchang- ed. In order, however, hat the pablic • may be kept alive to his fact, th should not fail to keep i prominently e fore the public in the 01 nms of the E: POSITOR, a duty, which; e regret to sa sonie of them have hetet fore sadly neg- leeted. • _ A TERI-vita- Tow?. The Stratford people are in a quandary. They expect an addition to their pop lat on the prese t year, by the location there of the Graa d Trunk work -shops, of o'er 1,000 sou s. At the 'present time not half a doz n houses are vacant in to-wn. So the qu - tion arises, how are the incoming mpopula- tion to be accomola ed ? A lax e number of new buildings Must be ere t- ed, and already several ii ave been coth menced. The tace-cour e, near the de- pot, comprising 200 acre , has been p 7 chased, and cut up into which seventy have alleady been sol We congratulate oureneighboring to n on ite pi osperity, the more so that it is well cleserved,--Stratt re. having alwa s been al liberal go -a ead, enterprising :place: 'When the wotk shops of the Loe- done Huron and Bruce Railway are loc ted io. Seaforth, we ex edt to chronicle, a similar accession to our population.. Where Will poor old Clinton be then? Where will the Consumed—with envy. Clinton editor ' be t ecu ? Where, .oh, where? , Echo answer-, where-? .1 1 ' Tat BAT AND Tito Betere—We aim 'glad to see that the .1) se -ball players of this and neighboring illages are orga izing their clubs and g WLag in readine s for the summer's cap a gn. The gar e al base -ball has beco very popul r Within the last few years, tspceia1 y among the younger po tiOn of the spo t - loving tommunity. 1 114 youngpoop generally prefer bas alt to cricket b cause it is less M0710 s and tedion because there I are n g waits as cricket, and because s oi't take so lo to play a gen* Th stagers, hoe ever, stick to their and maintain there is enothing like c i iiet. And well they may, for what c is to checkers, or billiards to ten -p , 0 - is cricket to base -ball. But both ga s are good, a d let the lovers of each id by their f vorite. The trucs of the old adagesis that which says "All o k and no play makes Jack a dull boy ' We hope that during the coining su:n • r every `Jack" may .be , able so to in eimingle honest, hearty labor with , le sant, rational amusement, that while ee . former may not be neglected, the t er will recei e sufficient attelition. LECTURE IN Eomc Net the evening of Friday, ti 3lst March, D-. Campbell, of Seafort4i, delivered • a lec- ture on. " Canada, 0 r Home," in the. Canada Presbyteriaar :i urch, Egmond- ville=over cue him& d people being present. I The chair H1 a taken by the Rev. Mie Graham, ti e pastor of the chard', Who introduce 1 he lecturer in his usual happy man le The lecture occupied over an hour in delivery, and was an able and inte esting one. The audience listened with le arked attention throughout and. chee ed the lectorer warmly when. he resui ed his seat. A collection was taken u in aid of the Eg- mondville Sabbath Sele ol, after which a vote of thanks was tem erk the speater. and the ineetieg broke ip. This was the eecond lecture of the e ure and we uir- ,„ TF1E derstand that it s Mr. Graham's, inten- tion to postpoii4 the otherlectures for the present en a4cdunt of the busy sea- son just coming bn. The Rev. Mr. Mc- Diaxmicl, of th Janode, Presbyterian Church, No. 2, Killop, has been en- gaged to deliver th third lecture when a more convenient s ason arri-ves. These lectures are in a d. f the Sabbath School, which is in a ve y flourishing condition. We recommend the laudable object as well as the manner M. Graham has of raisingtnoney in:its support. We hope all the corning lectures 'rcia.y be as suc- cessful and as -Well patronized as the one up_oniatt Friday evening. HtJ RO N EXPOSITOR THE' LISTOWEL SALT Waria. --The Banner says Mr i John McEwen ha,sbeen rather unfortitnate,, so far in his salt -well drilling. He his only got dowel about 80 feet, and has met With an -unusual number of obstrUctions such as loose boulders, etc., •eitusing trouble and delay. The solid rock hies mot yet been reached. • PEDESTRIANIS r RdbrtGjl1,crt Mar- shall, 6f Goderi h Township, challenges any man in the •ominion.1to run'a foot- race with him f r $500 Or $1,0001 Dis- tance to be 200 'ads. I Ai • Pinatas is g tt ng quite lively again , RAILWAY.— e ple here I are highly 1 since the roads a. e become more passa- ble. Orir mere a ts are buy with their spring stocks, w i h they: h ve purchas- ed inthebest ra r eta, and re prepared to dispose of at h lowest rtes. pleased that the Iroute Of the London, Huron and Bruce Railwaye has at last been definitely- s lected. :The next thine in order will be the bonuses. Grey and Morris will do their duty in this re3pect, and liberal bonuees will be granted. SUGAR MANING.[—The farmers tell ns that last week Was the beet week of the season for sugar making. ' Nearly every farmer is making a little, and some _have made upwards fof 700 pounds, besides large quantities of syrup. •' I THE SALT WELL —Boring is going on proeperausly. A. depth of ver 100 feet hae, been reached. ' , ALL Foot's Dy. --The rstiof April passed off with Mirth and1j lay, ,all en - toying themselves with the make of the day, and consoling therosel es with the reflection that if they did Ian h at others, others were laughing at then 1 • Wrcimeter. SC.eIARLET This inade its appearance in far, however, there has be fatal case, a daughter of aged 4' years, whe clied la after suffering a day or two. .disease has oxeter. So n only one r. N. Allen, t Tharsday, COMPETITIVE EXAMINANT N. ---A peti- tion is being circulated moo g the teach- ers of Howick, asking th Township Council to appropriate a ,s in of money towards getting prizes for competitive Township -exanamation. • Should the in have the examination Council accede to the petition, we shall n all probability some time in the letter part of May or the beginning of Jane. BRASS BAND. -4 ineetiag w.as held in Gofton's Hall, on aturday evening, 1st inst., for the purpose of iaking some .endeavor towards; getting up a Brass Band in Wroxeter.: A committee was appointed to go ar4und amo g the villa- gers, to solicit su scriptiou to raise Ai fund: for the purpose. Ano her Meeting will be held next Thursd y evening, when the committ e will re ort progress. Bnovmee.--Meple suga is coming into the market in large uantities.— Farmers are busy ploughin .—Farmers' wives, sons, and doughte are ,busy making sager and molasse .--Our mer- chants are exhibi ing larg stocks of spring goods .---W have be itiful spring weather at preeen---A lar e number of people from this thhorlitod start for Manitoba shortl Lon. IMPROVEMENTS. Scott. of Clinton, tion of a •cheese f quarter of a mile s the bank of the wish them success The natives her Londore Huron intend sending some time this tale of London the the line through b Seaforth, as the and we hope th bo so blind to tlje to be, advised. BUSINESS. Si exception of the brisk. We would are in want of h and vicinity, for c not be beaten in eggs they prodac supply the Lond Railway with ft -0i the advantages 6f e4 .1 eaboro. Messrs. Callender & re engaged in the erec- dory. t is about a uth of t131 e 'village on river Maitland. We in their Tterprise. are all alive abput the 1 Bruce Railway, and eputatio ,to London th, to show the peo- dvantag s of running Clinton instead. of by aye cone uded to do, ndon 1)e41)1e will not own interests as not , I ess is dull, with the egg trade, which is recommend those who 'ns to try Londesboro rtainly onr hens can- proclueti eness. The alone woulcl almost n, Huron and Bruce ht, and, that is one of he Clinton route. Pm LANDER. • CRICKET. —T was reorganized The following Dr. • Munro, P Vice -President; tary • Robert F R. 'Vail", n. Ca Wm. Ratteiebu E. Briggs, Man Ferguson, Capt is $1. The late -cricket ball to th donation of the the ma,jcirity of t season. efielcL rucefiaid Cricket Club Saturday', April 1st. ers were appointed: ident • , Dr. Stewart, m, MeLntosh, Secre- son, Treasurer; W. ron, Gee Baird, Jr., obert F rguson and. • g Comm ttee ; &ht. . The ahnission fee reasurer, presented a club, Which was a resident, Ifot winning e Matches played last IC ffi 11 Ki burn . SePooa Exam -a TION1,---The examina- tion of Mr. Free an's school, in Mil- burn, took place ojt Thursday, the 23rd ult. Proceedings • orninenced at 1 o'clock p.m. The .New 1 says .., "There we present, Mr. •Yoike , Superinteo dent, Mr. Turnbull, of Chn on High School, who took a leading part in the exarninatida and the Trustees and a nimbler of parents and visitors; iiideed one of the pleasant features of the Kinburn exa ninatjons is the interest ' manifested b3 the ietiblie generally. The examinatio , as ei.e con- fidently expected, proved th t the'schod is making subttantial prtgiess, and the Trustees are 'acting -wisely in providing a good building and apparatas, and last- ly, giving the handsome salary of $500 to the present e4.ient teaeher, who has been about fou4 Years in the section. Laudatory remarks were made at the close by Mem Young, Mathe on, Turnbull, Thom] son, and McMillan, ire - violas to which large number of ptize books were distributed to the successful coinpetitors. The proceeding was brought to a close, by the Rev. Mr: Young pro- nouncing the benediction." Turnberry. SCHOOL_ EXAMINATIOT —A public ex- amination of School Sed ion No. 6, Turn berry was held on Friday, the 24th ult. The examination was etinc acted. by the teacher, Mr. M. Isbeete , assisted. by Mr. .IJ. a. . McCre, of an ad'j ining section. The pupils were strietly e amined in the various branches usuallY• t ught in COM - mon schools, and their Tea iness in an- swering the questions as ed indicated diligence on their part amj. efficiency on the part of ,their teache', hile the order maintained during th 'hole proceed- ings reflected credit on a1i concerned.' At the close of the exann ation quite a number of valuable prizes are.re distribut- r ed. among the pupils.-- oe tJsborre. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. ' A few days ago. as Robert, iyoung,est Kiri f Mr Peter Gardiner, was riding' a polt to the water, the animal shied, and jhrw the boy off his balance. He dun far some time in. this position, but at thh 'same time kept hold of the bridle. Tiei colt tramplsd him under foot, tearing is coat vest and shirt, and inflicting oil him severe in- juries. He was taken ip insensible, and carried. to the house. ,We are glad. to learn that Master Gardiner is in a fair way of recovery. Goderi h. The follovring*- item ate condensed from the Home Journal ; The Grand Trunk elevatar is beimg got ready for business. COLI3ORNE.—The receipts of the town- ship of Colborne for'1870 was $7,465 16, and the expenditure $7,038 76. • Fisra—The Brst shipment of fish to the American market from tais port was made by Mr. Leonard, last week. • Saw FOR CHICAGO.—It 5 contemplat- ed, by a gentleman of this own, to com- mence the shipment of sall to Chicago. BENCHER.—At a meetha of the God.- erich lawyers, on the 23 d ult., it was proposed iier R. L. Doyle, and seconded by D. Shade Gooding, and carried unani- mously, that Sohn Macarar Esq., be the Bencher for the ensuing year. IN Matromuni.—The members of Knox • Church, have just had erected. in the Goderich Cemetery, over the grave of Mrs. Ure, the late wife of their esteemed pastor, a beautiful monument, at a cost From the Stair we cull the followine 0 marine intelligence: • The W. Seymour, Captain Marlton, started on first trip Satard.ay, April 1st She calls at ports on the north shore. --- New tags for Goderich harbor are being built by Messrs. Z. Tolsena. and John Brown. Mr. Tolsma's is to be 60 feet in length, by 11 beam.—Goderich fishermen are preparing for an early commencement of their labors. Several aew boats are to be added to the fishing fleet this spring. • SPRINC SHOWS. The North Riding Society's Spring Show' for entire stock, will be held at Blyth, on Wednesday, the 19th ApriL The annual Spring Show of the South Riding Agricultural - Society, for entire stock, will be held at Brucefield, on Fri- day, the 21st of April. • The T. shortie and StePlien Society's Spring Show for entire etock, t will be held at Exeter, 071 Thursday, the 20th of April. • The. Grey Branch Agricultural Socie- ty's Show, for entire stock, will be held at the village of Cranbrook, (Town Plot), Grey, an Friday, the 21st of April. Divisions Courts -1871. Goderieh, Ainleyvilie, Seaforth, Exeter, .•. Dungannon, Bayfield, • Clinton' -... Goderich, 41/.• • • • • • • . • April 10 April 25 May 23 May 25 May 27 'May 29 May 30 June 5 June 12 For a genuine good portrait of yourself you must go to Frank Paltridge's. One dollar per dozen, NOTICE TO BARK MEN. The subscriber is prepared to contract for the delivery of TAN BARK At the following Stations: • 1W- Carronbrook, Mitchell, Sea - forth, Clinton and Goderich: Terms of contract and all particulars furnished at the subscriber's 'store in Seaforth. Extra inducem.ents offered to parties dosing contracts at once. L. It. CORBEY, • Farmers' Store, Seaforth. • Seaforth, March 17, 1871. • 171-8t TAVERN FOR SALE. THE well-known and old established. Hotel, "The Roxburgh Hotel," sit- uated in the thriving village of Rox- burgh; along with the house is one-half acre of land. gala good stabling. Right opposite is 'Rock's Mill," doing the largest gristing business in the County. To a party with a small capital this is one of the best stands in the County of Huron. Apply to the proprietor, THOS. WILSON, Walton P. O. 171-tf MISS 1VicINTOSH Wishes to announce to the ladies �f Sea - forth and surreunding country that she has removed to The FARMERS' STORE, above the OLD POST OFFICE, Where she will be most happy to receive orders in MILLINERY, DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING, In the latest and most approved style of the season. She also keeps on hand. A Choice Selection of Flowers, Feath- ers, Terry Silk, &c. S'iRAW AND HAIR WORK dance' on short rictice, Root of all Evil . HISKEY No more to be had. at SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, Bat to produce the best and largest of COOD ROOTS BUY YOUR Field & Garden Seeds at SCOTT ROBERTSON'S Timothy, No. 1. Red- Clover, Alsike ditto, " Trefoil ditto, " Dutch White do. " Flax Seed, Tares Or Vetches. Rape for -early feed. Onion and Cabbage • Seed. Mangle. Early Potatoes. A LARGE STOCK I 'et the following kinds of PROVISIONS • Constantly on hancL SUGAR -CURED and SMOKED BOILING HAMS, BACON—CUMBERLAND CUT? CHOICE SHOULDERS, • SMOKED CHOPS. LARri) IN TUBS &CROCKS, Sweet and dean. Factory 'Cheese, Brandy Cheeses Stilton Cheese. A few Tubs & of very Dairy Packed choice FALL pUTTER. Choice Family Flour, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, • OAT AND CORN MEAL, ETC., ETC. COUNTRY PRODUCE I Taken in Exchange for all Purchases. Goods delivered in Seaforth, Harpurhey and. Egtuondville. W. S. ROBERTSOM 8-taforth, 15th Mardi, 1871. 171-21 APRIL 7. 1871. BY-LAW To stop up and sell part of the Roal al- lowance between Lots No. 15 and 16 on the first concession, Huron Road Survey!, in the Township of Tuckersmith. WHEREAS it is expedient to stop op part of the Original road allowatee be- tween lets fifteen and sixteen, on the first concession H. R.3., Township of Tucker : - smith, such pare of rad allowance never having been assumed. by the pubhe as a travelled road, the land being swempy and unfit for that purpose; and WHEREAS another road lias been opem ed in lieu of said part of road allowance, it is therefore expedieot to sell, grant and • convey- the same to 'WILLIAM CHALK GOUINLOCK, Proprietor of the lands on each side thereof. BE Fr THEREFORE ENACTED by the Mue nieipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tackersinith, in the County of Huron, and it ie hereby enactet by the authority of the saute, that the part of original road allowance between lots fif- teen and sixteen, na the -first concession, Township of Tuckersmith, eommencing on the Northerly boundary of the travel- led Huron road; thence on the Westerly boundary of the read allowance betweea lots fifteen and sixteen, siateen chame and fifteen links to the Southerly bound- • ary of the allowance, for road between. the Townships of Tuckersmith and Me- Killop ; thence OA said boundary coulee South, sixty degrees East, one chain ; thence on the Easterly boandary of the allowance for road between lots fifteen and sixteen, sixteen challis and ten links, more or less, to the • Northerly boundary of the tralrened Huron road; thence on said boundary course No rth, seventytheeese degrees and thirty ilinntes West, one chain and three links to -the place of be- ginning, containing one acre and two roods and eighteen pereh\ersbtellti,oHAgranTI ed and conveyed to \iL GOUINLOCK, for the sum of Forty-five Dollars, (545). to have and to hold,_ hime his heirs, assigns and. Saccessors for ever, ' NOTICE. . The above is a true Copy of a,propoeeed By-law to be taken into consideration by the Municipal Comiciltof the Corporation of the lownship of Tucketsmith, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of MAY next, inthe village of Harputhey. • WILLIAM KUIRe Township Clerk. March 17, 1871. • 172-4a HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALL THE subscriber offers for sale a large frame cottage, 30x40, new, a3d a cor- ner Village Lot, opPosite the Baptist Chiu -ch, Seaforth.1 Farm• property would be taken in 'exChange. Apply on the premise. 172-120- ALEXI PlioARTHUR. TO.RONTO MTLIDINERY. MISS EjR W I N Has opened nut a lax e Stock of Spring Goods, comprising all the 4. Latest Styles pi Milhnery. Dress and Mantle Making Promptly attended to.f Stamping done on the shortest notice. Straw and. Hair Work of every kin[ executed in the _neatest manner and latest styles. 172-tf Reynolds' Pock, Seaforth. • FORSALE, . A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. • A DESIRABLE Develling-house and litwo excellentlots on St. John street, Seaforth; for sale on reasonable telIMS. Apply to JOHN SEATTER, 167-tf I Druggist, &a. -NOTI A LL persons iodebted to the estate of lithe late Wand McAdam, whose debts are overdue, are requested. to pay the same to 0, L. Van Eemond„ at Egmondville, within one month from date. • And i1 persona having any claim on said estate will present the same to the same person, duly authenticate& C. L. VAN EGMOND, Executors. JAMES' HILL, • March 14, 1871. •171-4t* _EGGS::! MHE Subscriber begs to intimate that he is still prepared to purchaee Eggs at his Store at the Market, and to pay the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH! for all fresh"Eggs that may offer. • To Merchants in Town and Country with whom he ha a dope Business in the past three years, he returns his best thanks, and hopes for a continuance of Basiness relation& • WM, MALCOM. Seaforth, March 3, 187L 168-tf Seeds! Seeds! TPFIN BEATTIE keeps coneta-ntly on Pj hand, at his Stall in the Market Building, the best- quality of Seeds of every description. • TIMOTHY, CLOVER, WHEAT, OATS, TEAS AND BALEY, etc., on hand. JOHN BEATTIE, 169-8* • Market Building, Seatorth. - • FARM T� RENTw rp0 rent, Lot :Nos 11 and 12, 16th 1. Concession, GREY, consisting of two hundred Acres; 90 of which are clear, and about 40 acres ploughed. There is a good house afol ba0 barn, with stable underneath, and a gobd young bearing orchard. The faroa will be let for five Oar. For forther particulars, apply to JOHN THOMSON, Seaforth; or tri JAS. DOUGLAS, near the 'artn. I72 -3t* -tee PR IVATEI SALE. One span of working' Horses. One set of double Harness. One Wagon; one iron rlough. One set of double Harrows. - The above will be sold on easy terms. Apply to ALEXAN DER SMITH , Lot 23, 4th Concession, McKillopi 1714t BUSINESS MEDIC T• eRoAu nCtYy„ fMir. u1)11), n, elooi ce—Ont eloorEast opiscopal Chettch, Seaforth, Dee. 14th, If C. MiN)Itit, M. D. „f McGill Univeia eysician, :Surgeon, o enee 'Luria., Ont. Zurich, Sept. 7th, 1871 AMES STEWART, e Graduate of MeG e iontreal, Pleysician, Sur residence--Brueefieh Braceliold, Jan, 13, 4.8 3-1-a. W. R. SH MIT', ,geon, etc. -Otfice,-: obertson's Resi leozoe 4:4)iet Srth, Dec. 14, 186,J1 L. VERCOE, M. / „ cian, Saracen, lete„ 'ilen-ce, -corner of Mai eet, immediately in ore. Seaforth, 4th„ jflLi•. CAMPBELL, County. ()lace aeid ;why's, corner store, -Me f trthe Office day, Satu.1-4 1-1cATIGH.BY Barristhrs, Attornel , -jolters 111 Chance-ry end 11 teries Public and Convey tors for the R. C. Bank, Sea for the Canada Lift Assn N. B.-520,060 to lenit Parrot, Houses and Lots 1 Seaforth, Dee. 146:18 ENSON & lEY1i,,`- Attorneyat Law, Soil -oory and. Ineolteeney, Cow aties Public, etc. Offices, 'iTroxeter. Agents for Lean Co. of Upper Caned onial Securities Co, :of Lot Money at 8 per eent ; n .eharocil. TaENIA'ON, ISeafortii, Dee, link 18,1i HOTEI OM.MERCIAL 1IOTE James Laird, envier mat -class accommodation Ineg public. The larder a ways supplied. with the .1 teaffor& Excellent stabli tion. • lAinleyville, April 23, 1. , e7- NO VS HOT EL The undersigned liege public for the liberal patre to1hini in times past in the and ads° to inform. them tau returned business in the -where he wlll be happy, t frign ou friends, and minas T114).M. &aforth, May 5, 1870„ ert.el-iejl' J. ICA41314:314,4i ai Hotel, Warsaw, N. T1iis hotel has recently be ,ri4siicd. and refitted th.roa flowone of the most comfell MR:EMI:3 ill the Provinee, oins for Commercial Tri crires cIoderich, April 14, 1 ISCELLA A.- SHARP'- LIVE$ e Stables. (MI ee—At Seafoethe (Good Horse& Conveyances, always ou Le Qt HARP'S LIVERY tiTi• 0 Sr, Sooaonern. Fire; and Carriages always' on hal ble terms. R.. L SHARP, Seaforth, May 51h, 1876, & W. McPIIILLIA „ Land Surveyors, CiA -eta. All mamier of Conve with neatneSs and divot -eh lip, Commissioner in •it. 'Next door south of Sharpe forth. Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868. MTH EXTRAZTED WM CA RIVIIICHT. (JkJ...; , Dentist, Extracts tecti by the use of the Nitrou Office, —0 ver the 'Beacou- fora. A ttentianc::: in aeafni MAO, the first Tuesday' an each month ; in Clinton, mere:jai Hotel, oie the folk days and. Fridays. Parties requiring new t 'quested to <NAL if at Seafoe tun, on the first day of atte Oyer 54,,000 patients hal exttacted bv the use of tiq t.,:oultoefe offiees. New York