The Huron Expositor, 1871-04-07, Page 7rtk ndry • .CARTER O CALL THE ATTENTION EE PUBLIC TO THEIR IMPROVED nng Machines, THE BEST RESENT IN USE, lines possess many improve - V heretofore made, They are ng Machines of TWO- SIZES', constructed for travelling; 'Smaller eize, calculated More ir HOME USE. their large machine has be it has given, the VERY Barf TI ON. --aufiteture the Pitts' Ved Horse Power, n to the above, the subscrib- ure almost every article in ech as rNG MACHINES, a:Ting from 50 to 60 cords of WOO d per day, LAW CUTTERS, Superior kind. 4NG PLOW, Latest • Impreved. a -ORS AND PLOWS,. careaat-betsurpassed. es- DES.c" ;la P TI ON OF !CASTINGS FHE SHORTEST NOTICE. 'highly approved pattern ler DOI DESK INNS. ?IN ALL BRANCHES 'ended to, Promptly. mtploy no Agents. and can Te the purchaser the advan- Orernission< toy none but the best skilled 'Material, which warrants t--oeateeing satisfaction. PilltatAsERS WILL PLEASE A OAr.TT:PORE BUYING MOM OTHERS, ZAPEE & CARTER. }43-iy— THET BLOOD: De4, I(/), SYRUP rnates the weaR straw-, Lseby supplying tile- blood witlx TiiZtAcEN•r—TRON. are yen get Pei -ellen Syr.up., J, P. 1)INs10RE, Proprietor. ,liey St.. New Ior- 1.truggistagenerail.r. PerGREGOR, fNDER HOLLETT 6cteived a large Stock of the - used M the basiness, and repared to execute on the e and in the latest styles, lay be favoured with. rs, Ledgers, ra AND 13003Ks, ;f" ANY KIN O, rinted and Mezde he .8.1wapst wthee, and a it* defy campetition. WORK BOXES AND X CASES !tide to order. T)NEWBOOKS ..t.„17) REPAIRED t city prices, id*. at a distance by Jeks at the Signal Bocos. le or at the ExToSITolt (kr at J. R. Grant's, Ain - style, may rely upon bound., ettiene addressed to the 11 reeeire prompt atten- MeGREGOR, Coustance, P. 0, Hallett. 1870., 153-th -- STABLE,. desiries te inform the he has opened a New - :in connection -with hie lestice can be aecommod , Jass horses and vehicleg‘ _ 21 tit, 1870. 97 -tf • APRIL 7, 1871. HURON EXPOSITOR. Thomas Brassey, the Great English Contractor. The patient sagacity and calm _re- eolationto abide by the rules he had laid down for his own conduct, • enabled Mr. Brassey to per- form, at the same time, an amount of work ,equal to that of three •or four ministers of Publie Works put together, may be illustrated by an anecdote never until now put forthn in the year 1862 Mr. Brasiey was in ,Tarin. Some Italian not tables of that day called upon him at the Hotel Trombetta, in order to obtain his support for one of the great enterprises by which it was then bought to enrich the Peeinsula. Mr. Brassey was conversing with rliamentary tactics tO bear on the English engineer (who had him- idecl common sense bf, the great for the company, but he had explain- , ed his own tiuly invariable system," It would. be intolerably tedious to - attempt a niole detai1e4 recount of the -entire ,c nvel s4ionJ In a word, :the half houjr for which Mr. Braaeey had impt °tied hia countryman, las ed fromrc to nearly' ten p, m:, wh n the 'deptuttatien at length re- tir d, ma.kitg arrangemetts for a secend nei View. The Italians were thoroiighly: beaten and tired Out, with: leir Own efforts, They had not mac e aniach of way. The regular payment, iesisted on by the Enelishnnan they had never dream- - ed of really making. They brought their fullest experience of legal and una an COn self been served by an Italian motor, ¶hm they endeavored , Government much as a c,aptive kiteto use, and they came tagrief' is seryagaiest his learsighted honesty ed by the gable -keeper, who. suspends him as a terror to other He never undertook their: contract predatory birds), when the deput- -*air , aio tn arrived,—a lawyer of emin- Highland Scenery. • mice, a member of the administration s we ascend the slopes which more than one deputy _ of the away, from he foot of Dun -i, (Jhamber. - Ensconcing his compan- highest hillJ in . the island, ion in the inmost chaerber of the a,) we'c me ltpun a region of fsuit, where every word that passed "L nk:land "—tha t is , to say, of was distinctly heaid, and where he she ly sal, co -ercd with dose, was asked to wait for half an ' hour, soft and sp ingy grass. -This ex-. Mr. Brasser received his iisItorsten ls in fiat and: in swelling undti- Nothing could be :more apparently lad ns to the rocky thshore or to a 1). satisfactory an the conirneuceinent irpi it where the sto .my Wi ds have 4 the interview. The advantage of bro en in upon the ward, nd scat - the project was set forth by the pro- tercd .the fine sand in w+iths al - lectors, and aditeitted by Mr. Brassey mo t as white. as.sie w. Troin this whose - brief o'aea,sional remarks pas ure Jana a xide view cpens be how that -he had thoreughly forc us to the rairth ward. The maStered the subject. Wheu the 'hills of MI are seen tertninating -whole matter had been presented nd a rocky a in its fairest light, k)y one and ulnwide •another of its advocates, ...vIr. Brassey remallked that it might Saco dine if he explained the invariable princi-- pies on which. he conducted business'. . He was willing to afford. a large measure of euppott . to any enter -6 prise of whil he undertook the _ , . works. He was prepared, in such case, to subscribe to the capital, and to hold, without forcing on the market, a certain, proeortion of shares, or bonds, or buth.° But such finaucia1 arrangements must be en- tirely distinct from thoee Made for the execution ef the works. For that he must receive monthly pay- ment in cash, aceording to regular monthly certificates by the engineer of, from 80 to 90 per cent of the _ • value of work done. If the diree- tors were prepared to deal on these terms, he should be ready to enter at once into the details of prices. The deputation were delighted. Nothing could be more to the point er more in accordance with their ideas of business find habits of action. Then the Y commenced a review of the featurds of the scheme, and travelled a seemme al tiover. tue ground already- Coveted, rising how2 ever, in enthusiasm ea they dwell on the unrivalled. advantages which the share -lit -skiers NvOuld enjoy. They . tait4 asssy. e. 1 rPal lvt- Mi BsThterm's-were consictere(1. the con& act as settled . I 1 fully acceptable to - both sides, and and they would send their eptineer to. the meet Mr. Brassey's engiefeer, and setsle the &tulle of the schedule, as to which no difficulty could. arise; tis there were amp0 precedents to follow. They . would -take their leave of their honored. friend With the u tm os t content. The little noise which accompanied the rising of half a .dozen persona eucceed- ed. The door opened, and, just in backing out, " Of course," said the first speaker, " Mr. Brassey had no objection to accept, as • cash, the shares of the Company for whichie had promised to subseribe 1" "Stop, gentlemen,'" said Mr. 13rassey, "I am. eorry that I have failed to explain my meaning. You must not go away under a mistake. I told you that, if we agreed to the details, 1 woblit,subscribe for a cer- • tain proportion of shares. But I told you thaaAhis must be kept quite distinct froM the monthly pay- ments. They must he regularly. made in cash, to my bankers; on no .other consideratitin will I look at the business. I b.ave large sunis to pay every month, and I cannot allow any uncertainty to, exist as to the regularity of my receipts, Pray understand that. -It is a Sine qua "0-f course, if Mr.- Brassey put it in that way, the directors would. be delighted to meet his views. They had merely intended to avoid trouble, • by proposing one transaction' instead of two. But it was for. Mr. Brassey to decide." Then followed a secona repetition of the entire argument, to which Mr. Brassey listened with • great patience. Again. the leave taking procePs was gone through ; and, again, as if a mere casual re- mark---" The ahrectors understood • that the compan Y's obligations were eqctivalent to cash, as, in point of • fact, they were at 3 per cent. pre- mium, ii.id therefore N-1/4 ()Ala more than' bank notes." "In that case," Mr. Brassey re- joined, "it would be • easy for the oompany to convert thew, and to pay him in money. ,He did not wish, for more than, his price. The advantaese to be .delived from the premium on the obligations might be very large. - Soi m.uch the better fall the (To] ., in a long . premontory hea -Hated. 'A e , inter,' exp me, of se es dotted Vitl ialands, all f the -Sane cttrious f rm. and and shape precipitOus in the side and perfectly,fiat in. '1outline. except one island put of ' the inidclle of whi a p h rises a low cOnieall ill, with r featly symmetrical outline on either side. This is now known and --r thename of the "Dutchman's Cap,'" and is, and must always have beer an in -aluable lanch ark for - boa s iaaviga, ing in Stormy weather tliri ugh sueh a dangerous trehinel- ago of 1roc] $. Far . isla ds. and far ..al. o ltea llauds of Mel], rises la a clear day dlong ridge of sharp and peaky mo utains, sinking, ii noble outlines ints the ocettn on the 1 est These are he islands of Egg end Rum. Atic beyond thes-e, again to tlie rigl t; low down upoa tiie hovizon, ma be seen traced iginstj the dis- tan sky, in the fain est hu purest blu a. shaa.p setr tted iangc of mot ntains. . These aae the Uuetifihn. Hil s, in Skye. To the Iextreme left that is;:to the west--:- he hor- izon is occupied, t.eros sorn twenty milt S of sea,. Iwith a low hummocky outline, endum in detached, spots- of Of it'll, which only topear at inter- vals above ate ara,vez. Th se in'lit cate the ielzinds of Tyree and Coll. he Southwest is ,tIliej:opela ocean, ail its vastnese itS freshness, its i)oweee Froi 1 '4ii.s slAnd, also, the vie* to war I is finer than fro n 1 the nes' ie sites, blecause Ibi.4 h laps the end of the Ross and the eye k-anges. along i ern coast, thus conireaud'ng the mot th of Loch Scridea, a well as the- receding shores - of 1Loch-ea; kae . On a calm, fine - eve,niug in aatti ren, when the atm esti] ere has thesingular clearness hich ie the often to be $eei iii the He- brides. I know no view aii any at of Scotlaud more. beautiful!or • va- riedthan the view fron fl e north end of 'anal The distanccj on the lnarj from the Cuchul n , ills in Skye to the Papsof Jura i, ninety- six miles. Both are clearly visible, the one to the extrem other to the extreme sot ind ed, a wide horizon, wealth of deltid and 8(' tain as belongs to very any country—From, Duke of .Arg ile. " The p.ifirt and the P ess I the , course of an edit rial on " Editors amid Divines," the ,Bali - more Amer/cif/az says : , We -admit that the press has the •ntage of the pulpit, inasmuch as, ver stupid maybe its editorials, s, or should have; all Ore stir - news of 'ithe day to cothpensate he clullriess of its4 utterances. palpit, on the other ha d, if it not furnish a discourse that is intereating and instructive, lag to- save the pew and winking at the ould.not .be in order ok to reacl, qr to get by, a throw to inter - hold on p awake beyoi be d these ond the pa rt of the cat - old mo- re over - f s north, n rth1, th9 th. TIAs is, vit Such a an 'noun - eve spots in 021 ,"by the ad va how it h. ring far The doe, botl proilides not from nodding preacher. ir to t• ke up a b i up 3nd escap,e the infli tio retr at: Thre reader ea cloW ,a paper when it .faile •est hina, Out the pew rnlust manfully to the end, and ke as est he may. Elumarl na tu ro canxliot standi everything, and whipli of o r readers can say he h s not at times, while listening to x ull antl h eistian tter ex - felt it ence of is head mo otonous repetition of trut s, that he has heard pou 'tied fifty times befor imp ssible to resist the nfl s1ej, and almost jerk d away in his efforts to keep his head in sterdy position? We can go to a place, of amuse one position for ti r at a time, withou drowsiness, beca,w deeply interested, dull and spiritless - the somnolency o Then again, the p nothing to say' th sufficient interest, space with selecti ings ofothers. Ra dull and spiritle intelligent and e, p regards it much t -to say nothing here comes the poi] to make with the would not be bette they feel particula pid, to take a book and read to their c of the able and • that can be found t who writesmerely t without the interes to his readers, has cation, and we are 1 think that the divi merely to consume' hi has mistaken his cal li e ant and sit in e or four hours any. feeling of the mind is one hoar of a rmon will test he best .1 of us. s, when it has is regarded of it can fill up its rom the writ - r than publish editorials, the rienced editor wisest course d torially. And. t which -;ie wish lergy, whether it • for tl-eim, when ft 11 dull and Btu - ore the library, rigregatao some ]ojuent s mons re. 4il'he editor ill un his space, e may impart staken: his vta her inciiined to. who preaches allotted hour, 11 ert-' II -me int 1-1. Cti:) pa! • Ismid 1-1 • CD ,doni read CD 0`434 ;:131 fampssi twmi INMSES O 0in:wag 0 • OT 16, in 16th t FORS Considerable ele r h use, with some v A ply to MoCAUG TED, Seaforth, or to ot 15, 14th 'Coneessio THE GREAT FEMA J1313 MOSES' PEI110 ry 1 E. ncessio , ig and. i good valuable pine. & HOLMES- . Peter Sinclair, 1674f E REMEDY, ICAL 171 This invaluable m/i in th.e cure of all thos gerous diseases to which stitution is subject. eXcess and. removes a whatever cause. To marrieC la:die. sUited.. It will, in a' on the monthly perio and although very powe thing hurttul to the c n titutioni cases of Nervous ain4 pinal Aff Pains in the Back andi nibs, Fat slight exertion, Fa1pit on of the Hysterics, and Whit cure when all other The pamphlet around e full directions and advi free to all writing for it, servation. JOE MOSES, NiNV YORK, S .$1.00 and 12& cents closed to Northrop d; Ont. general agents fe 0 ine is ui failing ainfuI and dan- the female con- t moder tes all structio s, from t •is pe ulia.rly ort time bring th regi larity, ful cont ins -no - In all ctiona, gue on heart, it will ffect a 8, ns ha,v ch packa . or wills sealed f 0 failed. •e has e sent m ob- LE FRO IETOR. or poste e, en - an, Ne 'e.astle the Doniinio-n, will insure a bottle containing cver 50 pills by return mail. 61rSo1d. in Seaforth Co., and R. Lumsden Mitchell;.J. S. Coon all Medicine Dealers. NORTHROP & LY_M N, Newcastle. • Scle Agents ; Stphens, E. Hiclon and A. s, Clinton., and 72-8 AS. wi L.49 N, -=„ . ii•se.st -"teet&-teet41, HARNESS, SADpLES, BRIDLES, &c., &c., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 6ome all yoi.i good folks who Want Her- iiess, Substantial, low-priced, good. and new, At WILSON'S, Main street, Seafdrth; l . An 'excellent stook you may iew. The stock is owned v by jAME!; ILSON Whese work is so highT:y renowned; The shop is on Main street, Seaforth, Tis a place may easily be found. • Here are plenty of bits, bri▪ dles and curbs Sursingles and saddles so line, There is nothing can equal the' make, They are just•No. 1 A and p I pi, e. Here are lots of good blankets f r winter That will keep from your h rses the cold ; Ancl the fly nets, so graceful Sum- mer, _ Trimow Trimmed with blue, green, y Sum - and" Greek up whips of every description, For the stage coach, carriage or haml, At JAMES WILSON'S shop, .• Seaforth, May always he had. at cominand. Here are sponges and combs and rosettes All useful and good in their -way ; With long and short tags in abimdance, And Harness that don't break in a day. Portmailteaus and Trunks of ai1 kinds, Valises of a, quality spicy and rare, If you should desire to purchase„ To the shop of JAMES WILSON repair. Now come, ancl that without further delay, Excellent bargains -make while you can, At the "Saddle and Harness Emporium," And remember JAMES WILSON'S the man. - I keep coestantly on -hand a stock of TRUNKS, POR TMANTEA, US, VAL- - ISES AND WHIPS. Horee Collars and Blankets, And every article connected with the business, • TRUNKS, VALISES, HARNESS, SADDLES and I IDLES, • Made to order. • • J. WILS•N. 165--tf TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP NY. HARTFORD, CON, -N., LIFE AND ACCIMENT INSUR ANCE. P AID UP CAPITAL, • 8500,000. Cash Assets......$1,6 0,000 THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE 00.11.13ANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Grants LIFE and. ENDOWM.E.NT POL- cies upon the LOW RATE CASH RLAN, Which combine • ample secur ty and _cheapness of cost, under a definite contract. NO UNCER•TAINTY about the amount of premium. NO BOTHER about notes NO INTEREST TO PAY fo the use of your own money. NO ASSESSM.ENTS, preeen. or pros- pective. •• .NO DISAPPOINTMENT regard. to itapossible dividends. • • NO DEDUCTIONS of lo s, iotes. or . other written obligations, w en the pol- icy becomes a claim. • NO OVER -PAYMENTS �f premium. NO DOUBT but -what you :-a.ave all the insurance you pay for. NO QUESTION but what tient have reliable insurance at lowest col. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT. It has issued over Two Hundred Thou- sand, General Accident Mimes, dis- bursing in payment 13,742 claims under them, a sum averaging about Seven _Hun- dred lqllars per day for the entire pe- riod. . _ During the last twelve months there were written in this department 2.9,359 General Accident Policies, on wliich the gi os premiums were $521,710 30. There -were paid 1,319 claims for death or whol- • ly disabling injury by accident. Of these 33 were for fatal and 1,286 for non-fatal injuriee. W. N. WATSOINT, Agent, SEAFO1tT1, Ont, RICHARD BULL, Esq., • Manager, Hamilton, Ont. THOS E. FOSTER, eral Agent, Montreal, Q. 166-13.(jellt* The Latest New's of the Day. ANOTHER ARRIVAL 01? NEW GOODS 1.H.IS "WEEK FOR J. MOHR ar, co. Which they are selling, as usual, • CHEAPER Than any other house in the Doininion. SUCH AS, New Black Silks, • New Fancy Silks, New Poplins, New Dress Goods, And all kinds of FANCY GOODS. a Remember the store, Veal's Old Stand. MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. 166-tf LOOK HERE! .SITTHERLAND BROS. Are now prepared. to supply GENTS'. CLOTHING, Cheap and Good. Parties are requested to call, compete .prices - and :judge for thein- - selves. Those bringing their OWN CLOTH, will have every attention paid to them as formerly. We Warrant all our Work, And are bound. not to be beat, either - • for PRICE, FIT, or FINISH. Men's and Boys' Out with care and. economy. SUTHERLAND BROS.,' 171-tf Opposite Carmichael's Hotel. FOR SALE. 1 A YOKE of good working OXEN, ...fkApply to Dr. SMITH, ' Seaforth, Feb. 3, 1870. 165-tf QUEEN Insurance Company OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling ----0 CU= OFFICEs---Queen Buildings', Liver- pool, And; Gracechurch Street, London. CANADA_ BRANCH OrncE—Exchatige Buildings, Montreal. BOARD—Wm. Morton, Es, Chairman: • Henry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon. James Ferrier_ BANK ERS—Molson's Bank. LEGAL ADVISERS -7— Messrs. Ritchie, Morris & Bose. - MEDICAL ADVISER—William S-atherland, Esq. M. D. RVTh SOEROR—omas S. Scott, Esq. Auhrroie—Thomas R. Johnson, Esq. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAL AGENT,A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. • Sacrement Street, Montreal. • The undersigned having been appoint- ed. Agent for the above Company, parties desiring to insure against less by fice can do so on the most favourable terms. ' Life Policies granted on as advantage- ous terms as any other respectable Com- pany cloine, business in Canada. JAMES H. BENSON, Agentl , OFFICE—BENSON & 'MEYER'S Law Office, • Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. 153-tf.— NOTICE TO DEBTORS. :HAVE sold my book accounts to Mr. J. M. McGREGOR. Debtors would do well to settle with him imme- diately upon receiving their accounts. WM. F. =TON. Seaforth, Dec. 23 1870. 159-tf ..••••••••• SEAFORTH F RNITURE WAREROOPAS. • 1.0BERTSON porteeand manufacturer of all kinds OF • OUSBEOLD FURTITURE, • Such as S FA.S, • LOUNGES, ' CENTRE TABLES, MATTR.ASSES, DIi ING & BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, . • CHAIRS, and • BEDSTEADS, . In Great Variety. • Ir. R. has great conidenee in offer - in his goods to the public, as they are ma le of Good Seasoned Lumber. and by First -Class 'Workmen. *. C ffins m.adelto Order On the Shortest Notice. WOOD tURNINIG one with Neatness and Despatch. 11 Warerooms : TWO DOO4S SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL, ain Street. eaforth, jan'y 2ist, 1.870. 57 •tf. o Armistice. OHN _LOGAN- AS &dared war against the mer- cantile opposition of Seaforth, with a large and varied stock of arnunition on hai d, in the shape of ci-opips —AND -- G R 0 C -E R E S WI ich for quality, style arkl. cheapness, .cannot be conquered. wit]: fair play. he following are Special lines :— F NCY DRESS GOODS, C YS, (Plain:and Checked,) LUS- T ES, POPLINETTS.FRENCH 1‘.1I;R,INOS,. PRINTS, POPLINS, G EY, COTTON, BLEACHED D FLANNELS, BLANKETS, o OUDS, HOODS, HOSIERY, M NTLES, GLOVES,' FINGER - IN 1 YARN, READY - MADE, C °THING, HATS ' & CAPS, T EEDS, COTTONAND FLAN - N L SHIRTS, DitAWERS, SU - G RS, TEAS) TO1,3A_000ES7 R SINS, CURR.A.NTS,SPICES, &a, &c., TOo numerous to mention, • AT THE • • anchester rawiN STREET, 0 Sr -mar, Nov..1.5, 1870 Toi LITAISDEN as just received a Fresh_ Stock of PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS et and Fancy Soaps, Combs, Hair, 'ooth and :Nail Brushes, French, English, and. Atuerican. PE4FIIMERY. HUME DYE STIJFFSI. uaranteed to be of the best quality.: rse an dCattleMedicines Condition Powders. Physicians prescriptions carefully and acc irately dispensed. R LUMSDEN. THE ittou 18 rumasvm)T... E ERY FRIDAY MORNING, IN SEAFORTIL SO cri thr TERMS. 1-50 per annum, in advance ; if not aid $2.00 will be charged. No subs - don taken for a shorter period thate months. ADVERTISING RATES. . TRANSIENT. Per line, first insertion, 8 ets ; -Subse- quent insertions, 2 cts, each time. -Ad- • veritisentents measured by a scale of solid brdvier. No advertisement taken. for lesi than One Dollar. CONTRACT RATES • Column for One Year, - - $60 00 SixMonths, - 35 00 "Three "' s 20 00 One Year; - - 35 00 4 4 " Six Months, - 20 00 " Three " - - - 12 00 44 One Year, - - 20 00 " Six Months - . 12 00 " Three" - 8 00 E" dith • One Year,- ' 1200 " Six Months --8 00 " Three " - - 5 00 _dvertisements, withoutspecific diree- tiJns, will be inserted till ferbid_, and ch rged. accordingly. lleLEA.N BROTHERS, • DIURDO Y. MeLEAN. Publishers, NcLEAN. '4 GC CC t 4 t GC-