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The Huron Expositor, 1871-04-07, Page 5
ARIL t87r. Farces Ferguson, of London,. ised toe similae dignity-. ned as member of Parrias Dublin eity at the last eiec-- 1 mug territory of Wyoming .red for the enfranchisement. 1 , and Laramie claim's the - mot* being the first place in t where a female jury waa, fled. Their first ease was a western despeiado, and' 5 HO frIllatlina on the part !akar sex. it is said that' inging in their verdict they the Divine guidance, while- uls calmed the rising genet -- singing ae baby, -don't get in the furp., tames gone to sit on a jury.' -WO. OP lade Victory ---Free Salt. and Goal. 'ree-Tratler (.New:I-ark) re - 0 the proposed change ins , ed States aariff, says: "At years of untiring labor, Feats and discouragementse victory has been won by ,rtt aders. In its conse 'i will bee- Sedan: The Tic- _ an our readersknow, was. pal and salt ; the free-trad- , ag a majority, of three to ken Dawes and Bingham, ;ors of the infamous \root 'en; tariffs of 1867. voted , e majority. The rout of * *tip/lists in the House is. The Senate'e temper is. the test vot to table the, which was titter' ..an the the last session ; it stood t- tiling to 33. against it. .ectionists then had time- on e-, and by fillibustering pre- etian. - . It is 91010 conceclecl r.e: moRopoliste that the &a- fire free coal and adt, if =te be obtained. We hate. - first great victory, and a i-plete one it is; but we are Ay iconoclasts, we are peace L ; and now- it iereains to tariff which' _-will tax the n fair principles, and give aennent a revenue for its . de. We _ had. .anticipated ei the.. reaction against the - lead tyranny of protection in, its moinenturn, re - from the wa-ongs of an in - e all; at once awakening a of the -wrong done them, e tear away the whole tariff - and -the actionof the a votiug to free tee, and ' -well as salt and coal con- t; view. But it must bare- : a. See0-Odreaction against -,e; is, to be avoided. -Free- know that governments are , end that they must be el, and it behooves t'aem to [ e it is - to be 'done. Thei. de League has often pro - its pei1ie3ry_ Find we Will 1:10t than simply i:eiterate C. ' L tariff on atticles of excIu- reign - origin, which can be , tetoduce $I3D,ocicI,000 in : intain the internal I e venue deli is good far $120,000, - teary wore, and the prob- (dyed; This is all. attain - erne arid o,ne which will w protection, which. is wintriT, , fcmght agttinst." ,- - --, ----.cks-sp---- ' Will ----An 0 -Id Bachelor His Property to His achelor of Passaic Village, .1,ed .Ntarsh„ died recently, estate valued at about including So di -me of Led near Passaic., and six IfiS hist will alai testa - curious documetit. all of his property is bee to his horses. The farm at.eres is set apart for their support, and 8300 a year is also, provided for their Id welfare. _ $1,2-00 a year iated to iecompe.-nse a man hole time and skill shall be their care. To clinch the the executor(c, who are - . Tereune and a New York „ are bequeathed the SULU €‘11011, to. seu that the re - )1 the will ale cat lied Thi,t state of things is for ten. \rears when the ed. to be sold.. A poor rking OR the place, and hers„ are beneficiaries „ amount, but a large jx)r- it. is left to the horses. tO whom he was attach- ( son t(rlY ia•ovidtel for. lie - %nations, ansl the distant not come in for their slatre , speeitied ten years have vb 111t 1 ti MeXiC0--All0ther ,i.V1.1 war Expected. M EX ico,e7,11trell 25. -The ies ccunbincxl against the ro- of (Juarez ale willing to It eitlaT by impeachunint or Nothing has yet ;been. rthe Inatter of the impeach - The itres; of the capital is esing the critical condi country, and War is Iredicted. Pending dis- ‘ Congress of the Tenure .LNT, aII:AV • rkeur 114,1Pusq Milli, 7, Is171.. - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 'beep introduced to coarol the ap- • entment - of Cabinet Minister. Mariscal hatt been appointed Hillis - ter of Foreign Affairs, and Valasco Minieter of the Interior. Suvedra has been transferred to the Ministry of Justice, Romero will probably go to Washington, and. Payno will probably assume the Ministry of Finance: Cbngress is in a dead lock. The Opposition have a majority, but are unable to accomplish their_ aim, `because the Juarez deputies leave the hall and prevent the necessary quorum. The fercible attendance of members is prohibited by the con- etitution. Negrete published a card denouncing any union of interest with Lerdo. Affairs in Jalisco are oritieal. The Mexican authorities refuse to surrender the murderers of Americans in Arizona. ORDER ,RESTORED IMPARTS. THE INSURGENTS ROUTED THE DEFEAT. OF THE NATIONAL INS,UR- , GENTS. • NEW YORK, April 4•. -The follow ing is a sneeiale dated Paris,. Mon- day evening: About 4 o'clock yes- terday afternoon, after great pre- parations, the National insurgents oomraenced passing out arNeuilly gate, iri atl fifty thousand- men..Gen. Bergeret, Flourens, Menotti Gari- baldi commanding. It was under- avood that Fort lalerten'would not fire. About 6, o'clock the artillery was all front, and Gen. Bergeret in advaace with 10,000 men, when • suddenlY, Valerien opened fire, kill- iaig cemMandent Hignoy. General Bergeret had -just got ont of his cat• - nap, when the vehicle was smash- ed by a bombshell. The wildestkene - ensued. The troops tried, to• retreat ; • the main 'body left Bergeret alone with 10,000 men. He tried to fit,dit with the field attillery against Val- • erien, but it was useless. The Com- munists got into the city,. but Bete eeret and his men .are cut. off and- cannet pass Va1erien. The main body escaped 'with the loss of one hundred niert, butBergeret must have lost large nu/leers. Altogether there • are 12,000 men killed, wounded and missing, including, Bergeret's forces. The Communist troops under arms number 150,000. Henry. General Duval was shot. No fighting has occurred to day on any other part of the line. The s are becoming more than ever perated at the resistance shown he Insurgents • • ANOTHER REI3EL..1).E special Versailks despat ch says: Lay the. Government troope again - pletely defeated the renartant of Communists,. taking many thou - prisoners and:- all theirarta- tro exa by .con the the San lery„ and destroying. their • army. Gen. Vinoy's troop* enter Paris Wednesday or Thursday. ORDER RESTORED. .A. despatch from. Versailles, says -order has been restored, and that the troops have entered the toWn-, . --eteeme THE DOMINION PARLIAMENT ' THE ADMISSION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ow Saturday April 1, Sir George 1 Cartier moved the second reading of the address for the admission of Brieish Columbia. Me. Mackenzie briefly stated that the Opposition would only offer another Iferrual groiest against the resolutions, and then phice the responsibility entirely on the Government.. .He moved in amendment - "That this 1House, while willing to give its best con- sideration to any reasonable terms of imion. with British Coluninia, is of opinion that the terms embodied in the said, address are so unreason- able and so unjust to Canada that this House should not agree there- DEFEAT OF THE INSURGENTS—DEATH OF FLOURENS. VERSAILLES, April 4. -Yesterday = two Corns .., of instAgents advanced towards Versailles, one via Mendon and Obattilmi, and the other by' the wav of R,euil. ' Both were routed with heavy loss and Flenrens was killed. The troops, whose expected defection eonstituted the' hopes Of the insurgents, behaved nobly. The insurgents in Forts Val -tyres and lssy tired ,on the troops to -day: - The Government forces ; attaeked the insurgents, and speedy and com- plete success is ant icipated. • In the aasembly toeley, Thiers, in some re - narks on the state of affairs, said tthe Government would. deal harshly with the ringleaders of the insurrec- tion, but leniently with their dupes. The sentiment was received with ape plause. ; _ • - THE ARMY 01? VERSAILLES. • VERSAILLES, April 4, -The army of Versailles surrounds Paris, and order elsewhere in France is estab- lished. ' TUE ATTACK OF THE INSURGENTS. . VERSAILLES, Anril I. -niers has isSued a, prodmation addre,ssecOto the Prefects of the departments, as follows : On Monday the insurgent li at.sses ttacked - our fames sinail- taneously at Nantete, Paten, -Bou- gual, B'Zons, Cheton and Croissy. Fort V erien, at daybreak, began to cannona le the insurgents, -who were -at first sheltered by the villages bf Nanterre, .Rneil and Bougival. They subsequently attacked the Government forces, by Whom they Were repulsed. Gen: Viney, with cavalry, was by this time in. a positon threatening to outflank the insur- gents, and they fled in, complete rout, leaving many of the dead and wounded in the hands of the Govet n men t troops. Thiers says,. "-The Government. I will exercise clemency to all who have been roisled, but will ptinish with severity the ringleaders." The insurrection is important. W." I OIL , Dr. Tupper defended, the agi ement, and. Mr. Scatcherd con - del ned it. Hon.Mr. Huntington' eloquently argued against the ac- ceptance of the terms of the address. • Mr. Rymal, in a witty and effec- tive speech, directed attention to the tion of the Finance Minister in rd to the financial aspect 'of the ific Railway echente, fter some ternarks froth t Mr. Thompson of Oiftario, in opposition to the scheme, he Houseivided, 1 and by a vote ef .86 nays to 8 yeaSe the amendment of Mr. Mackenzie was rejected.:1 Sir A. T. Galt proposed an a,mendt rae t, postponing the second reading until Monday, declaring, in effect, th t it was understood in the ar- ina reg INSURGENTS C031I'L2TELY. _ROUTED. A, special fror4Vei. sallies, A pill! 3, says : All day teeat battle has, raged between - the Goveenmeet force's under Gen. Vinoy and 100,- 000 commuists under Gen. Bergeret. Everywhere t:lie latter were defeated with 'terrible s1.ngh I ef,net r Perrret and Flou re n s, and. must either sutreuder to -night or be Gut tc pieces in the morning. Many of the communists refusecito fight and are throwing down their arms and beggicg for meicy. • 2,000 FRISONERS: Versailles, April 4.-A circular issued to -day by Picard to the _Pre- fects of Departments, enuouaces the victory of the Assemblists in the ooaflict before Paris. The redoubt at (Jhatillon, neid by the insurgents, was captured- this morning by the forces of the (levesteneeL, rangenient that the to e built by the private companies • Su' no be res Pr tai up railway was not ominion,,,but•by eoeiving. money eidies and land, and that. it was intended to pledge the Dominion end theapplication of its money urces. to a loyel and • earnest secution of the work without en- ing undue and excessive burden's n the pebple. - ,The amendment Was lost by a vo e of 7 o 126. 1 The address was th naretialcel aestiecaotil dotliinilionday, the pr ncipal teatUreS of the proceedings were the introduction el. the Biitish Co umbia resolutions and . the rose- coloured speech of the hopeful rost- ra( ster-General; -Even he admitted wi h regard to -coMpleting the rail- ' w in ten years, that it was not to built at all hazards and against Obstades, the period named being rely an;estimate 1. . .. enator de St. -Just oppo ed the tmasure in a French speeeh, and in ,ved, '.. it amendment, "that . the fu ther consideration of the clues- , T1 be postponed in order: that ther consideration may be given suell an important question!. Senator Miller spoke in favour of .th resolutions,. and Senator ' San - bo -n.against theni. The debate was ad'onrned ; and after giving several B 5 be al DA, ti' fu to ities as the case of the Abyssinian captives. But in this matter as in that of the Fenian r id claim's, and id correspondence g nerally, he as- serted that the Imp al auth rities were cool ad ndiffe • nt conc rnin.g the interestsof -Ca a; an after ✓ ferring to. ," inele endence" which h _desired to ke back- ound, concluded I an ad- d ess to the effect ti fully ✓ ccgniz. lug, the. d maintain defences, nO Opinion in oppo p rial policy, the the peculiar and an of the Dominion, "conterminous for second and third readinas the nate adjourned.. •• In the House Mr, l‘lasson of. ulanges enquired: when proroga- ti might be: expeeted, and Sir G. Ot /tier, simulating industry; hoped to be -able to n eet throhalt by Satur- day if the House -would -+.1`ct the Gey- er ment. • He subsequently- stated th-y had theE1cbionBi11 to 40 on w th, the Fupplemen tary Estiniatese w fich the Finance' Minister would br'ng downi to -day, With !legislation fo • the extension of the' Customs a .dother deptartmentS to, Manitoba ai d British Colnutbiati • Mr. Mackenzie urged the necessity of carefulness in legislation; and wnletiio Opposition 70, odd do all in theirpower to facilitate business; the +eminent should.° show the same irit. Hon. Mi Holton :considered wag impossible to get thiough b - Saturday,. In answer. to_Mr, Oliver, the inister, of Customs said there had eii no retur4s featie Manitoba pectieg the collection of customs • 1870.; and some $10,500 duties d wen paid by the I-Iudson Bay mpany upon goods imported dur- i g the same period, .as far as could bt ascertained.. •. Mr. Cartwright moye.d an address t the Queen reepecting the with- drawal -of troops and munitions of W tr from this copaitry. He consid- ed the policy a, wise elle in general, it there were exceptional circum- anceS in regard to Uanada. which considered warrantedea different urse. He thought the Scott raur- s 1,11-11-,p,N)M1 t1v:rtf./1 11 th.0 1' a p inthe y moving 4,. while tyl of Canada to d expressing i ion to the Im- oiw3e, in view of malous position a thousand miles to any of whose i toriously actua ents of bitter h ti owerful State, habitants are by senti- ity to the Bri- tish Empire," cannot." but feel the withdrawal of the troops is calculated to excite much u eesuaes,s in the minds of many of Her M, 'esty's Most faithful subje is on th &Ton - t' ent." • Sir George E. C aldress expressed iishes of the Gove ould not oppose inded the mover garrisons at Quebe The House wen on the address, re leave to sit again. rtier said the generally the ri ant, and they ; but 'he re -- t let there were nd Halifax. ntocommittee oited,. and asked 1) • THE NOVA SCO 9L BlIfiBEItX: Mr. Jones adverted to the dis- graceful attempt at bribery on the part of Dr. Tupper and. his agents it Nova Scotia. He read the cor- respondence,. and indignantly en- quired if the Dominion Cabinet was to prostitute the atronage of this country as to coerc a Local Legisla- ture, and prevent. by 'corrupt and improper means. t ie expression of the will of its legi 1 tors.. He de- nounced the trans e on as of such a disreputable chile ter that it only eeqpired to be laid b fore the House to receive the mai • sal too-lideriana- tion it deserved. 'e charged -Dr. Tupper with stir g upi religious strife in Nova 5 da through his newspaper organ alifa,x. ,- The last menti d Charge was denied by Dr. Tup • but he coolly and unblushingly milted that he bad endeavored to ibe Mr: MeNab to arrange -that he upon the Bill dis minion officials, N • ment consideied tame to defeat. Mr. Blake, in te arcastan condemn conduct ef the Pre vy Connell, who h• he; was uliworthy sentative of the position he now Hon. Mr. How - the responsibility, the action of ,his 1 ad wanted the a overnment. Mr. Mackenzie• loetiently denou Ie never expec onduct in Ontari 'overnments, as 1 -teorked .together. the House could publicly condemn entering its .e0D de it journals. • He tu v ‘ustitiable exercis t the elections, conduct of the M. He moved an an the circumstanc declaring that • " this House the co • Chas. Tupper, in ercise the patronar poverament as t.ction of. the Lo ova Scotia, wa lion of the laws o Icaltnlated if un ment to inflict a d ountry and its i • . Sir George Ca and violent reply, the question at is his colleague by unseemly attacks zie and the Opp Hon. Dr. Tu responsibility foe announced his int if the vote went advErzing to the 1 be proceeded to wanton attack o Mr. Blake, and the Oppotition ; were fully met a Mr. Dorion, Mr. Make. - le fo h;. - 11 a 11 bi 11 • 109. Mr. Oliver proposed an amend- ment to strike out" salt, peas, beans, bailey, rye, oats, Indian corn, and bnckwheat," which was also lost; and Mr. Cameron's amendment shared a like fate, ;the nays being. 113 to 37 yeas. • - • BIRTHS. HIORSON.-At Seafoith, on Saturday, April 1st, the wife of Mr. John Hick• - son,.merchant, of a soak; • Ross. --At Harpurhey, on Thursday, 30th ult., the wifesi-f Mr. James -Ross, of a daughter. TAYLOR, - On the 9th concession of • Tuckersmith, on the 3rd inst., the wife of.Mr. Thos.. Taylor, of a son. ould go right" I ranchising Do- h"ch the -Govern- great impor-1 s o the keenest d t e shameless • i en of the 1ri- d thus shown that o act as a repre- °pie or 'fill the d. hrorgh Sharing uld not defend lleague, which robation, of the ' vigorously and eel the liribery. ec such. - flagrant the agh the two had stated, had a argued that C7 dear -itself by • the act, and atien Upon the rted to 'elle un• f Grand Trunk d criticised the ter of .eustonis. dment• reciting f the caseeand the op'inion of uct of t e Hon. posing o to ex - 11 the D Minkel influence; the Legislature • of flagrant viola- ublic niorality, el )uked by Earlia- ep disgrade On the itutions. ' er mad a long a oring al ogether u -and d fending eking t most ten Mr. lack en- si icn. p r aSSU b's condt nl fl The House di past eleven upo amen.clinent, wide of 51 to 93. PROTECTION OF The third read Amendment Bili • Finance liniste of Huron, move( strike out the everit occurred. tionr.M. Bow • ment that only c • be left on the fr aftee some • of 38 yeas to 11 'lin Lawson n 11.1t, SN'Ordl- 11. 11 P. al MARRIAGES. BurioN:-FoRsYm-In Ainleyville, on the 22d,u1t,'Mr. John Button, ot Mor- ris, to Miss Janet Forsyth, of Grey. ROFFE-KA-rE -In Stratford, on, the 21st ult., by Rev. George Wood, Secre- tary ofi Conference, assisted by Rev..J. Jbseph. Ilaylocki. Re -v.. C. W. Roffe, • Pastor of Primitive Methodist Church, :Stratford,. to Mrs. Mercy Kaye, of Michigan, IL. 5: SLOA.N-HPwsos..?-- At the Wesleyan Parsonage, Mitchell, on the 29th ult., • by Rev. Mr. Hawke, Mr. Thomas • Sloan of Hullett,,to.Mary Ann Hew son, Of Seaforth. ALEXANDER -CAMPBELL. -On Wednes- day, 29th ult.; at the residence of the brides brother, township of Gey, by Rev. J. W. Bell, M.A., Mr. Alexander Alexander,of xandrrey e4r,t.o Miss Ann, Campbell, bo CAMPRELL-PETERS:-At Speedside, Era- • mosa, on the 29th ult., by the Bev. W. F. Clarke, assisted by Rev. M. D. Archer, Mr. James Campbell, of Loudesboro, County of Huron to Jane, youngest daughter.of the Isle James • Peters ; of the Towinship of Eramosa. DEATHS. BRAVA: —In Morris on the 25th Mr. John Brant, aged 24 years. HUG 1LL.-In McKillop, on Saturday, 1st inst., 'Mr. Wm. Huaill, a native of Whorlton, County of York, England, aged 84 years. 11 1 Cr -1 11 0 ed fall ct,. and don, of resigning inst him. After the case arse and ckenzie, hers of charges of by and Mr.. tory of tke a co Ir. her men 111 tit his dispose I tckenzie 41111111111111•11111 • THE MARKETS. • SEAFORTH, April 6, 1871. Market dull, very little offered. Wheat, (Fall) V bushel, 1:25 te 1.30 Wheat (Spring) tri bushel, 1:25 to 1%35 Barley V bushel, • 0:48 to 0:00 Oats V bushel., • 045 to 0:45 Peas V bushel, 0:75 to 0:76 Butter,117 lb. 0:124to 0:1,5 Eg s,•4... 0:11 to 0:12 Bac es,• 6:50 to 7:50 Mheen Skins, 0.50 to 1:75. Apples • 0-85 to 1:00 Potatoes' 0:35 to 0:50 Hay, per ton, 9:00 to11:00 Flour, per 100 lbs. • 350 to 0:00 Timothy Seed, per lb. ' . 0:06 to 0:10 Clover Seed, per bualiel, 4:50 to 4:60 eel at ai twthrter Ir. .1Iaeltenzie's as lost by.a. vete H SALT INTEREST. ng of the Customs vtias• moved by the . Mr. Cameron, a amendMent to rd To this- impose, moved in amend - a and &Ace should e list. This was 's ussiper by. a vote 11 0 CLINTON, A pro 6, 1871. • By Telegraph to the Expositor. Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1-20 to 1:35 Spring Wheat, per.birshel. 1:20 to 1:35 Oats, per bushel, Peas, per brishel, Barley, per bushel, Butter. perp.er, lb, • 0:43 to 0;45 0:73 to:0;75 0:46 to 0;43 0:121to 0;16 Eggs, per d_oz. 0.11 to 0;12 GODER1OH, April 6, 1871: (Signal Report) . Fall Wheat $1 25 to 1 35 1 25 to 1 28 0 41 to 048 • 0 70 to 0 80 0 50 to 0 52 a 45 to 0 50. 0 16 to 0 20 0 11 to 0 12 7 00 to- 7 00 Spring:Wheat Oat's Peas Barley. Potatoes Butter Eggs - Pork • CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. DATE Hons--Quiet.. Salea.at $5 90 (@, $6 50. •' Carrras-Steacly, Seres, ab • $6 15' ©. $8 00. First Come, First Served. ST. MARYS, April 6, 1871. Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:10 to 130 6pr1ng Wheat, per lanshel, 1:25 to 1 35 Oats, per bushel, 0.40 .to 0 47 Peas, per bushel; 0:70 to 0 75 Barley, per bushel,. 0:40 to 0 48 Butter per lb., • 0:10 to 0. 15 Eggs, per doz. • 0:I1 to 0 12 LONDON,. April 6, 1871. . (Advertiser .Report.) White Winter Wheat :-,--;1 25 to $1 30 Springdo . 1 20 to .1 30 Barley 0 50 to 0 55 Oats 0 46 to 0 47 Peas 0 75 to 085 Butter, in kegs, 0 10 to 0124 Eggs, 0 12 to 0 14 • TORONTO, Wheat, Spring, Wheat, Fall,Souks, Barley, . • Oats,. • Dressed Hogs, -Hay, Peas, April 6, 1871. • $1 35 to 1 40 • 1 30 to 140 0 64 to 070 - 0 52 to 052 6 75 to 7 50 10 00 to 15 00 0 83 to 0,83 • MONTREAL, April 6, Flour, (Extra) per barrel., 6:00 Fancy, 6:00 Sup. fine No .1 Canada W. 6:20 No 1. W'eatern Wheat, 6:10 • No 2 4' 5:80 Bag Flour • 3:00 Wheat, (da,nada •bpring • 0;00 Western • 0:00 Oats, (per 32 lb.) 0:45 Barley, (per 48 lb.) • 0:48 Butter, ( Dairy) ° 0:18 • (Store packed) '0:14 5:90 7:00 21:00 0 :6e Ashes, (pots) . Pearls, Pork, (mess) Peas, 1871. to 6;60 to 6.50 to 6:40 to 6:20 to is:85 to 3:20 to 1:45 to 0,00 to 0:00 to 0:46 to 0:48 to 0:19 to 0:16 to 5:05 to 7:50- to21 :50 to 0:66 FARMERS GET YOU S MID Seeds SEED, SEEDS, Seeds SCOTT' ROBERTSON'S. NAMELY Dawbarn's Purple Top SiNtecle. Skrving's do do - Sutton's Cliampion Sharpe's Pttrple Yellow Aberdeen and. Waite Globe.. White Belgian Carrot Se d• Seed Potato -es Of the following varietils HARRISONS,. • GLEASON% -CALICOS; PEACH BLOWS, and GARNET CHILI. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Thursday, April 6, 1871. The receipts are moderate, being 171 cars. against 270 at the same t me as week. .But the Eastern. -.markets are glutted with the heavy run of last week, and much of the stook bought here at that time lost money in Albany -and New York. Uuder these circumstances East- ern buyers are helcling out of the maa ket, and. there is no shipping demand what- ever.. The only transactions to -slay con- sisted of salts of single ear -loads to local and interior butchers at prices whkh are no criterion or -the nin.ritet, Hol(Ws are firm and preier trusting to the effect of ithe light receipts rather. thnn Some salea by. heavy concessions. 110G.. ed te - strike out -1‘ tl.t. 11.Z. t. LS; .It; W. SCOTT ROBERTSON, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL April 4th, 1871. 174 CAVANAGH'S NEW BAKERY & CO FECTIONERY srrop.. OEEAT CREDIT SALE' TIM STOW IMPLEMENTS,: ETC. • To8EPII P. BRINE has received' . ey struotions from MR. JOHN RUSSELL,. • to sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On -Lot 41, 2nd Conces TireKERstarrix, n Tuesday, ilth April, 1871, Co menehig at 12 o'clock, noon, the for, lowiing Farm Stock, Implements,. etc., viz :.two inagnificent Horses, from-. Fis ier's celebrated horse 'Hard Fortune,' ri8. g four and five years old.; 2 Mares, 6 C ws, 4'Heifers, 4 Steers, 20 Sheep,. .an also all necessary Implements for the; wo king oft a first-class farm.; also, about • 100 bus ls of capital Fife Spring Wheat,. for seed, will be sold for Cash. TERMS OP SALE. --All BUMS Under $5, cas • over that arao-unt, ten months' cre twillbe given by furnishing approv- ed ecurity. 8 per cent. discount for cash. Ur Refreshments at One o'clock.. uckersmith, Mar..28s,1871.. • 174-1 J. CAVANAGH Keeps on hand ALL KINDS OF 1E3 P Ei _A_ ID., Biscuits, Crackers, CAKES -.A.ND• CONFECTIONERY_ WEDDING CAKES lqacle to. order.. • J: CAVANAGH, 174 Main street, Seaforth. C. H. CULL, FARIVLFOR SALE. - OR SALE, on reasonable- terms, Lot*.; No...3, 8th Concession, Tuckersmith, co taining 100 acres, of which 75 are - ole red anciin a good stateef cultivation. Th re are en the premises- a god 'log - house, barnand stable, also a good bear -- in orchard, and. a never failing well of. wa er. convenient to the house. • It is sit tate(' -within six miles and a half. ef th flourishing -village of Seaforth, and: on y one mile _and a half from •a good. vel road. For. further particulars ap )1y to the proprietor, z on the premises,, or by letter (post-paid) to , JOHN McKAY; 74.tf -Egniondville P. 0.. • ILIME. HE Subscriber is prepared to famish • parties building with a first-class ar- tic e of Stone Lillie, at 20cents per bush -- el i.t the kiln, McKillop, near Thome so saw -mill, or 22 cents per bushel de ivered in Seaforth.• . pleis left with Mr, BULL, Mthii."- st eet, Seaforth; will meet with prompt at ention. JAMES • DODDS, 74-tfi AGENT FOU LOCKMAN'S SE ;TUG M.4. CHUBS, Telegraph and 'Express Companies, CANADA LIFE :ASSURANCE CO., Issuer of Marriage Licences. American Money bought and sold. Particular attention paid to JOB PRINTING-. OFFICE -Elliott & Armstrong' d Book - Store, Seaforth •- 174 COURT OF REVISION; The Cdurt of Revision and A.ppeallor -the Township of T.Isborne will be held at the Town Ball. EL1M T1LLE, . OA SATURDAY, lai3 6;1871, At1.0 o'closie, A. 'M. Parties interested will goliern them- selves aeodingly.„ SAMUEL P. HALLS, Township Clerk. rsborne, April 1, 1871. 174Ab ALVITAYS ON;TIME, fli K. ANDERSON, MAIN STREET, „ is now fully prepared for SPRING, 1871, with a beautiful stock of E GUSH, SCOTCH, CANADIAN;_, • FRENCH AND - AMERICAN WEEDS", DOESKINS. 1=t0A.1.3CMOTI-1., NOTICE, HE:Court of Revision ferthe 'Awn - ship of Stanley. _will be held'at Mr. RIC -Tr Ore CHIN (2.4 HOTEL, Bayfield road, on MONDAY, the 15th day of MAW., at ten o'cloelr., a. FLUNKETT,.. Township Clerk. Varna, April 6, 1871. • 1744d M LTONS, WATERPROOFS, ETC., se - and to none irt the county, which I am pi epared to make up into every style of G nitlemen's Garments„CiMil' FOR CAs11- . All the latest Novelties mn N CK TIES, SCARFS, COLLARSJU.. HOSIERY AND GLOVES; HITE DRESS,SHIRTS FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTS, t gether with a well -selected stock of D E ROLOTHIN G-, • splendid value, d everything found in connection with a first-class 0 en tlemen's ,Outtitting Es- t blishment. Call on Andemn...for od suit at a. low price. FOUND, -:r1-1A It A inlevville, a plir of 11007:z. pi ,, reit4i alaa « T. IC. ANDERSON; • Main Street., Seaforth, March. 31, 1871. • 17341 HEAP LOT FOR SALE. ACRES East half..of Lob 2t',. Tenth. 1,1 Con., ,Culross, County. of Bruce, ith Log -house. Eight acres cleared; tented. Actlreas•Exrosrrort, Seafortk o JOHN LOGAN, .Esq.., Teeswater, March 31, ill 1. . 173-13t • HORSE FOR OR, Sale, Cheap for Cash, or on. time,. a good Driving Mare. Apply to McINTOSEI & MORRISON:. Seaforth, March 31,, 1871. 17341 • EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber is stili in L old stan. d. prepared to pay The Highest Cash Price or any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS- elivered at the ' Egg Emporium,. • 'Main street, Seaforth. , parties (merchants and othersy ) . -ith whom- h'e has &Via business (luring he past four years, h raturns hearty hanks, and. trusts -by strict attention business to merit th;Ar patronage in uture. DAVID D..AVILSON. Seaforth, March 16, 1871. 17141 JOURNEYMEN SHOEMAKERS. ANTED,- immediately, two gooJi.l. general. workmen, to whom con- • . taut en4oyment and the highest . vages will be given; married men pre- - erred; nont but steadymen need apply. 172-tf THOS. CO VR.)4.71111_1: • NOTICE:. N'eOTICE is hereby giverr*o.ill persons 4 tnot to cut any tixaber,or trespass ou ots. N. 18, E. 4 19 and 20 in the 5th. oncession Hay, asAhe owner, PAUL D. EfiL, is determined. to punish to tht tmost extreme -of the law all. so -doing. 165:tf AVOID .QUA CK S.-.--Avidtith ofeari indiscretion, causing nerrairs debil-.. • ilitr..•prLinattice decay, etc,. haring ttie, .1. in, vain every ..advertiset1 retned:-, bas • r -x1 :4.: .11 fr..- :-/),11.: 1 •