HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-04-07, Page 3APRIL 7 1S71.. FA 'TO XT STREET, SEAFORTII. •cribt•rs feel thankful far the tl patronage they have received. Fieiieing business in Seaforth, It, intimate to .their customers. h1i generally that they keep tttl are manufacturing all tet t -w rk, such as AND TOP BUGGIES, H )(RR_ T t, ACCO d`:. Ci `lTER*,.&c:„. 'y EXVEINEN(`E1) Z ORO - tae IS -cry styles. (.? I-IOi' 4e-: thOeing7 our attentiuu to the above• !Eyes, I ficvor us with their riot::s will get good } F iiLti,if k( liaa. a fir. t-c'l.ts> earring(' t�rttry )41.1pal, an4 €Fif.t work 1 i't LrEt V-tv- 3att?E(i( ti to:.. fx l.at .t . r, �.un pts and for ,ont.z., N TOSIL 4k 2 01til1SON. e t .e }tm rlr k..t.. t;NI:f) h.:.; on l.aral,; - . .ts . `tet'!', :t: ti; Tucker:, t f �, at tt,E�iLi of �`t:t,:iL aL Ctta - yrr- F8.(eEe( tit teh, f t a: it ten and, ,r girl lit• l,.( part :1 to ineet,' t'tlfl:.t•,; ((ttt.:t• Li; may porn t o.. s tt ifla€v of ALE.AN F•f. !iE+ Fc-, -Ti t...`a1 _k t t`lt r t `I., .AND t 1:`.'E' t l x.;Y sc•atfoth„ I tt x e}e �f t'.pi for I'.Te sale E k 6 as S 4 k� pi” h' 4• f x t1 t `:e% -.i ()t e ine .t :tPk ;_,t.,It:'tt by - frormt •ttp •t'E' l• r:.'€t=. .'.t: : ti: -t t C•sL,f�- tilt ff t (i, 4 .:+E s. l,tttk`, } E!:!, , t1;4r''tt nt, and lit t.ir.k, ltt !rat.: it' t - c.a� rt bt- Itntl,ti ,• : l.,• 1ti. �ti.ftt 1(trrn . y attain- , by .lit.• v.i.1 (•ttt.E',itt:`:.tul. slt ,.ff nut,. alrf 'y T * r t t: them tt( .•tit. F.t( "F' 1 ),t%1'Ettl: f'I.$'"' I re;`tt -' at si s1 t t .. t I. t..c t tllttrtit}eon rt. f.r t on th.t a t te,_ .Il Fru !ttl .El,ttlln t 'Ef• t -t t' i anti t a. grc [ l t t(t R it `r .(r l:H• are tt+c, (`i 11:A 1'ES r.fLt :•- Ni01.fr1S tL Cu. _ t- l)a?rEt:r Stmt. L, tilt stairs), i oittrea.l. tti• no 1N—tilers.. `�k. tleA O t E'1t l� t trt}, l'laitttif f acro'_ It t 1.1i IN ;caul '1'1°E) ,k,S f tt (tato.ut, - 11th IDot•v..0)er, l (I. ,ttt.te•itEt THOMAS, 1.11)1), (,f e k ,., t I ait, ( `(Ludt-`` (,f i tt- <t,- ltt-t t•iv;:r itt tlti: c :tee. J..k.,1.E.Uy 1, Master. Iri(1c41tf+t1 to the late firm of t , rtt t t"� t. 4 will l tc at:;e Call t. ;ia'. tie a6tt.. onco taut ohfi;`E): rt'ttu)L .s KIDD. eltt-1ti7u. I59-tf� k)4w tilt a good T _I.'it TRY P. PAGET'S :,GALLERY, . LERY, R:•f t't t Lkf,l,et•tsel (rueerv. is Strt-et, t afcart1I. ':.kP1t•g of a :•tti)errttr des- tft.lfar. swtl in the County of hes tt:, explain that his li •niall and of mean ap- trttitt• tablt• tt,r tl.(, Pro- t -class Portraits. l65-13' VW FOR >E OK, EAP ?I f:4i(;NEI} offers for sale, t,eti No; .30, (.'on. Ist., t.-:wnsliip ,t Huron; about i() acres of tizci1tc-rt-f1 with hardwood, 'tp Melt. are- e:lu,ltl+e(1, the hal - !red. with cedar and hint) ctf tit):. There re is sufficient c>f cher to pay for the whore r ilr l,e .ttltl (11 EA 1' FOIL time. Title iut1i41,tttar.Ixltt„ r llotu a s apply (tt by lrt- i.,Aihtin (;ray, Muting -Min, o 'ia itiug-Mi11,,.> the. undersigned lr<t olzric:- WICK (I1;.- Yr Tha:utesfurd, t r , Nev1, 157(T.�_l,rl-tf-.. 1411kPL;R HEY. gtttrtaltlr Cottage & (irttuajtlx. :c•rty (fr 1•ttmc•.,t:it ('_r:;tt. — the; 1•`rE:.t of Nlay. AI ply et for, Seauurth_. 1;(i64 APRIL 7, 1871. imearamimommimensur BRIEP NOTES, One person out of every two hun- dred in Memphis is ailawyer. .--Wisconsin furnished nearly 250,000,000 feet of lumber during the past year. A. lover in New Hampshire. walked 700 miles the past year, visiting his sweetheart. - -.-tat a recent Georgia auction $2 {ought $11,955 lin Confederate send). F .—Jeff Davis - was serenaded in Selma., Ala., a few nights ago. —The great bell on Notre Dame, Montreal, weighs over 10,500 pounds and can be Beard forty miles. —The first - halt of March this year is said to have been the warm - half of March during the past 47 years. . —The Japanese have but one newstiaper, published once a mont=h, in the shape of :a . stitchedpamphlet of about 100 pages, —A Boston shoe -dealer has been delighted by the recei(-t of an order for the family of a Mormon Bishop at Salt Lake—twenty wives - and . fifty children. —Sonne Chinese ftahermen caught on the 15th instant, t the .eatrarice to the Bay of San Di. o, Californian, ai Green turtle, measured easured four feet six inches in length and weighed 335 pounds. —Leading citizens. of San Fran. cisc° irrespective of party, are mak- ing arrangements for a suitable recep- tion of President Grant . upon his expected visit to that city. } —The manuscripts ofthat superior Quaker, William Penn, have'been purchased by a cumber of citizens of Philadelphia, who intend to pre- sent them to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. -. ,The appraisers have concluded their estimate of the personal pro- perty }erty of the late Senator Blood, an d find that it foots up over $600,000. This with the real estate makes his estate worth over $1;000,000. ••• The heir -apparent to the throne Of Austria is described -by a gentle- man who lately had an opportunity to observe him very closely, as 'a timid, good-natured boy,. whose chief enjoyment is to fiddle.- He possesss fine musical talents; -. - - -At the assizes in. 'Woodstock, Mr. Hay theeditor of the Erubro 1 e-viev, was sentenced to pay $100 in the libel case. --A steam traction engine to run on the streets without rails, was run yesterday in Montreal, and..worked very successfully. — There are at present in the House of Representatives at Wash- ington 131 lawyers, 25 farmers, 21 merchants, 11 physicians, 11 edi- tors, '6 bankers, 5 manufacturers, 4 lumbermen, 3 railway kings, 3 gen- eral business men, 2 clergymen, and 1 teacher. --The new French Ministers are aged—Thiers, i years ; D ufatiure,- 73 ; Laicv, G5 ; Favre, 6.2 ; Le Flo, G1; Simon, 57; Lambrecht, 52 ;_ Picard, 50. Five are lawyers : MM. Thiers;. D ufau re, Larcy, Favre and Picard. . — The Russian Ern perm: „is open- ly spoken of in St: Petersburg as having become . a confirmed inebri- )te imbibing nothinga but the strongest kind of alcoholic stnzu lants. All the effo cts of 'his family to reclaim him have proved fruit- less: —. A. Lockport dog got a. needle fast in his tongue, and the animal was chloroformed in ord r that the needle might be extracted. The surgical operation was a t cress, but the chloroforni killed the 'dog. r —.there is a re -markable collec- tion of dark -colored slabs in a Can aE:ndaigfta, N. Y., cemetery, marking the graves of the three wives ofone rnan.. They show that the first died. in 1513, the second in 11811 and the third in. 1815. Three wives in -g three years would be quick work even in this fast age. GAIETIES. The Chicago journal. says that by � the term strong-minded- woman," it means s( One who spoils a very respectable woman in vain endeav- oring ndeav-erring to ' become a very. ordinary man." "1 sav, boy-, is -there anything to shoot aroiaald here ?" inquired a sportsman of a boy: lie met: t "NV -ell," replied the boy, nothing .just about here, but our schoolmaster is ,just over the hill there gutting birch rods, vont might walk up pop him over," • Not Likely= -Creditor : "How often mast I climb three !pair of ::!airs before 3 get the amount of this little account?" Debtor: " Do ,you think 1 am going to rent a place on: the first floor to accommodate my creditors?" - NTurse,—"I .cannot- allo;v batter an l lain too on your bread, Mister Alfred ; it is very extravagant." Master, Alfred—"It; can't be extra- vagant _glary if the same piece of 1)rea(1 docs for both." At an infant Sunda \--school the tfachea• gave the stay of the'Prodi- gal Son. When lie .came to the place where the poor ragged son • THE HURON EXPOSITOR.. reached - his former home, and his father saw h iu a great way off," he inquired hat his father probably did. One bf the sniallesll boys, with his fist clenched, said, "I dun- he set the dog on no ; I dess him," A parson, reading the funeral ser- vice at the 4 -rave, forgot the sex of the deceased, and asked one of the mou:uers, a Emeralder, r( Is this a brother ori a sister.,?" " Neither," replied Pat, r' only a cousin. .Pc Them is quite _a , truE lad, who use straw, and sl light of the ( He became and enriched tent of some The poor sc and industry, gets on. A consider- able section >f Cambridge men are pool Wren.. They conte. up well pre- pared to try for the rich scholarships and exbibit'cns with which the col- :ege a.bo�ind The university is mis- erably poor, and pays its professors badl) ; but the colleges are rich, and. get richer every year, and in that way atti act quantities of good inert. Noth'ng is pleasanter than- to see these me when he steady in - .comes of fellowships a�ad pupils flow in Ripon th m. They have never been extrav, gant ill 1 their habits, and could ardly be extravagant now if they tried ; knit by-and-by their _heir wall.- rich come rare pr arts on s, works on ar , many' books, and in - gorgeous bin tng, and choice scienti- fic instrumen -s ; and they travel a good deal, to Torway, to !Rome, to. the East, an are pretty well domes- ticated in witzerland.'— '( Cam -, bridge ETWit, 9'34Life," in, London Soci y. yr Scholars. n affecting. story, and one, told of one poor :I to wl ap up his feet in udy mathematics by thc. :andle on the staircase. rich and fannons man, his college to the ex - fifty thousand dr. polar, .if he 1 has brains W \DEng' -L APPLICATION OF THE ,SES=s 1s.-Sa derspn, the mathem- atician, lost 1 is sight in 1683, when only • • ne . ye r old, after a severe attac of the small -pox. But spite of hi,' compl to blindness he --gave Nims if up to the assiduous study (if the s iences, nd finally lectured at -the JI niversity of Cambridge on math anatics find ptics, with won derful succes.. H`s sense of touch was exquisi ely ne. Thus, in a c..�lletion. of Oman medals,• he could disti guish he genuine from the false; althoug the latter -were' often so ac mirably counterfeited as to decei•e thos: who -examined them with their e es. By the dife:ent feeling of- th air -onhis face he could tell wh-n an .object was plsce- ed bi fore hili. .And his hearing • accur to in seizing and ap- ting th t slightest sound, that ild Bete `mine the height of any into which he was introduced, is dista t� ce from the wall. was s preci ) he: co room .and 1 W RM BA l3INC.—The warm bath is a • rand reiiedy, and will cure the m ost virul en diseases. A person who ay be in fear. of. having re- ceive infectin of any kind, should speedily plan e into a warm bath, suffer .perspi'atieu to ensile,- and thein •ub dry, dress securely to guard . g..' - and finish cL a1nt tai, n colds, off a k1 n with • cup o :strong tea by the fire. If th syste has imbibed any in- fectious mat er, it will be certainly a emoved by t lis l roccss if it he re- sorte(l. to be ore ,the infection has time o sprea.1 over the system ; and even if. some time has elapsed, the dren hing pe spiratioa that may be indu ed in a lot bath will be pretty sure : o i em ore it. BOOr� AND SHO 4 S• r—t v`• sT'•,'ritut� 'k'r �. k. TO CAR 'ENTERS, COY - TP 1CTORS, Anc the ' ublip 'Generally: BVI OXETER SE FACTORY. The proprict r of the above Factory desire to stat that he is now prepared to sat ply .: Slee riles of he T e?'J Best Quality, On th ' ihortes notice, and 'at the very lowes cash pri es, either at: the mill or delivered at L' eafort.ri RailwarStatiou. oI'deI`Io I ) nr )t attended to. - 1 3 1'. A..;IRELAND, 169. 13t Wroxeter Shingle Factory, KIDI'S- Poiu: FASHION, sEarotrM, HE subscriber be the public that he o announce to aopened a Slendd A.$ortment STAPLE AN 1. 'AMY DRY GO. CLO I: - R C OCKRY BOO ING, I CEI;.ES, S & SHOES, IQLT O RS, - TINES, ET theStock is entirely he best amities in Canada. - C. he whole o new, an bought in wil e is dete ed to sell at prices that satisfy the buyers. T Seaforth,Nov. OS. KIDD st, 1870. 153 GOOD NEWS ! _ —FOIL 'THE- People of Saforth NEW BAKERY & CO FECTI ONERY ►, J. CAVANAGH. (Leet( Will be foun south of Mr. F Mr. Cavanag of Stra tx f ord.) 1 inhis old place, one door Veal's Grocery Store. wishes to retnrn to his numerous friends and customers, his sin- cere thanks forttheir liberal_ patronage in the; past, and Iiopes th it they will con- tinue the same;rn the future. CHRISTMAS. _ Mr. Cavanagh has made great prepai ons forthecom- ing Christmas, andwilhie to fur- nish his -customers wit] . e ,erything in his line, such as Bread, Conf 'etioncry, Can- dy Toys, Fancy cakes, ' edcling cakes, Nuts of all kinds, ancl. all descriptions of Sylups. 'Hot Mutton Pi s and. all kinds of refreshments, also . goqd accommoda- tion for friends from the town -and conn - try Also JUDD '•BR(S. Vegetalle Un on Yeast. Try it, it Never fails, and is .1w`aY s reliable. Zia'.' w.a YSTERS-J. S. FAIIRE1 & CO.'S, t=ore, the best in the ° market al - s fresh. t LOBSTERS AND SAItDINES. .Always on hauncl. GIVE ME A TRIAL. 3. CAVANAGH. Noy 2 SE, �.3 1 `0 134-tf, 1. xoRTH' S S , + B. Orders for WEDDING CAKES supplies for TEA : PARTIES prompt- ttended to. - ane lye J To REMOVAL Bo.iithron & Son HAVE REA O ' -ED ! the Stand lately WM. ROBERT, ge occupied by N -& 00. Th y will sell the S o k at Reduced ces, in order ,•o make oom for Spring Good REAT BA ,,GAITS ! —TN WEEDS,: FLANIN JACK eady-read 'BOOTS Al —ALSO, — A tock of FRESH CR rcceiv a. T. I3QN T HR. 1t9-tf 10EYS, LS, ' T S lothing, HOES. CEr.:IES, just "� pT S+0 - �T T p A LARGE STOCK OF IIATS & CAPS CALL AND SEE THEM. 0 CD 0 co O CD 5 0 O CO Have REMOVED their HARDWARE STORE to their HT -II 30 ISDIS 1 rJyAOJ[J MUSIC• - The undersigned is now prepared to give MUSIC LESSONS Either at her own reside ice one door back of Mr. 1tTc,C au hes r at the resi- dences Y of her pupils. M. H MBLE •170-tf - ; eaforth. Insolvent Act6f 1869. InN s ON. the Matter of Az,Fxl:n` � Tri s an Insolvent.. UBLIC NOTICE is lierelby given, U that under and by virtue of the powers vested in me, as Assignee of the Estate of the above-named Insdlvent, and under the provisions Of the Insolvent Act of 1869, the undersigned !wild offer for sale by Public Auction, at Knox's Hotel, in the village of Seaforth, in'the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th clay of APRIL, 1871, at 12 o'clock, noon., all the Estate, right, title and equity of rec.en ption, &c, in the following' Property, iriz.: Lot No. _ 187 on the North side of St Jahn Street, in the village of Seaforth. There is a valuable house on said lot, and barn, ancl will be sold subject to a Mortgage for $300, with interest, front. 5th March, 1S70-. TERMS, CA 5H, - SAMUEL JOHNSON, .t ssigneef McCAUGHEY & HOLMETED, 168-8 Solicitors .for Assignee. WM. G RASS I E, 0) 0 H U1 :CD -CJ w co t -t - :O , 0 POTATOES. FIRST -PRIZE POTATOES FOR SALE. HE subscriber has on hand., on Lot No. 2.5, Concession 4, McKillop, the following varieties of SEED PO'I'A. QES, Vhich , he offers for sale, viz.:—Early Tooclrih , Early 1-lansworth ; Early Lafi(, ; (,reason, and Callico. He has also the right for the Count3 of Huron, to sell and niau.facture J. 1i. THOMAS' FATEtiT DEE HIVES. Individual and! Township Rights for ale. He will also have a few i •ARM t,- E S� OF BEES ! For -Sale in the Spring. IGS•tf - R. GOVENLOCK. MONIEY I - $5,000 Tb LEND. IfI1AVE the abovii sum on hand for inti- stm.ent on good- Farm Security, at 3 and ( per cent., -1 rrs ate.,F unc14. JOHN S. PORTER. 8E.1PCr1,TJI, July 25, 1870. 139— - CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Godericlt Street, Seaforth. SLEIGHS, . CUTTER, S, CARRIA(ES, - BUGGIES, WAGONS, &e., &c., . Built in a superior manner, to 'order, on short notice, - ' Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing and General Black rnithin . 163 FARMS FOR SALE. - OR Sale Lot No. 22, 13th Concession - Township of Merino �, containing One .Hundred Acres, forty-�ive of which are cleared, vtrell fenced, au a never fail- ing stream of water runs th. -ough one corner. No buildings. Al. o, I the unex- pired term of eight years of the lease of part of Lots 27 and 28, 12U concession, with the privilege of purchasing at any time. Purchase money $1,075 to extend over a period of ten years. This lot is allwcod land: For further particulars apply to the undersigned. THOMAS S1EPHENS, Seaforth, January 11, 1871. - 162-tf FLAX ! FLAX! { • HE undersigned is now prepared to T furnish FLAX SEED Ito all parties who wish to :embark in the cultivation of Flax during the conning season. The FLAX SEED! • TO FARMERS.. IRON t HA!ERO•rS■ �11j E UISTERSIGNEI) has on hand 1. aw" large number of IRON BAR- ROWS, which he is prepared to sell on reasonable terns. These harrows were manufactured at Can oque, and are The Best Now in, Erse. A Guarantee will be given with each, that if it do not work satisfactorily, it ay be returned by the purchaser wit thirty days. 0. C. 'WILSON, Agricultural Implement Agent, 169 tf SEAFORTH, ONT. 0 suit MONEY TO LEND. Farm or desirable Village Property at 64 per cent. Payments made e to he borrower. Apply to • A.. G. McDOTJGALL, Insurance Agent and Commissioner, Seaforth, JOHN SEATTER, Exehauge Broker; Seaforth. nuary 13, 1871, 162 6m D. McNAUGHT OULD respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of Seaforth and vicin- ity, that he still continues to carry on Business as usual, in the : old stand, on the North road. Jobbing of all kinds, and Morse -shoeing especially, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. t I -i VI 1�# �-tf DAVID MN c A.GGT. Pig Zwei rd. Olt Paid 412 obi • 0 01 m 0 rn THE SEAFORTH 111nber Yard. MBEE & MACDONALD Beg toinform the p*blic that they have - openecl a LUMBER YARD in Seaforth, 33. -ear' Shearson's Mill, on the ground for- merly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thonias Lee. . They will keep constantly on hand a good, assortment of - ALL KINDS OP LUMBER, dressed and undressed. Also, - LATH AND SHINGLES, All of which they are prepared to sell at the lowest possible Iry ices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advantage to inspect our stock, an(l as- eertai,in our prices before 1)ureha=ing eist * where, as we are in a position to offer ooa inducements to cash purchasers. MABEE & l•1 AUD(EN a LD, Seaford., Dec. 29, 1870. 160-tf iVATSONW.M. N. - ALWAYS HAS ON HAND THE BEST ' EWI G MACHINES can be had at the Stores of the under- signed : Scott Robertson, Kiiloran and Eit Ryan, J. C. Laidlaw, Grocers ;- John turi Logan, E. Dickson & Co., 1-1.11, Corbey, and and A. 0-. McDougall... The Seed can Mac be had from any of the above parties, on 1' and after the 20th of March next. - - inst 169-tf. 13. 51'1 ANTZ. ' VIOLET INK. 4.7 J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, Ana dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYp STUFFS- It JT IL 1L FC L i .FANCYAND TOILETARTICLES Agent for SewingMachines. Money to lei,cl on easy terms. air Pure Wines and LiLuers for medi- cinal purposes.. rti J. S A . TER Seaforth, Nov;3, 1_87O 59-tf. IN THE if ARKET, er for . Family use, or for Manufac- ig; purposes. Both single -threaded daub e-threa(lec , and loca-stitch lines can be satl.)1j,lied. •rfeet satistai;ticai guaranteed, and `uctions given to purchasers gratis. WM. N. ITA S O N Can also insure property against Fire and Ma ine Disaster, and life and Limi) against death and accident, with the best Companies, being Agent for The Liverpool and -London and Globe, (English.) , The Provincial of Canada, (Canada.) The Gore District "Sin tual, (Village and Farm.) The Niagara District Mutual, (Village and Farm. The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and Accident.) iso ✓ Losses LiberallyA dju._ ted and Promptly ,fettled. MONEY TO LEND ,. At Moderate rates of interest. No cora- nrislsion, and expenses moderate. :MORTGAGES b ng ht on equitable terl;us. 1{ll 1141