HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-31, Page 6t- RON EXPOSITOR Scottish Anecdotes.. Ilave received the fullowing ad- tairable anecdotes, illustrative of dry Scottish pawky humor, both lay and clerical, from• an esteemed Minister of the Scottish Church; the Rev - W. Meanie, 6f Kinneff. 1 have con- cluded that it- would be best for me to record* them nearly in the same -words as his own kind communica- tion of them : An aged minister of the (Ad school, Mr. Patrick Stewart,' one Sunday took to the pulpit a: ser- mon without observing that, the first leaf or two were so worn and eaten away that he couldn't decipher or announce the text. He was not a Man, however, to be embarrased or taken aback -.by a matter of this sort, but at once intimated the atate of' matters to the congregation "My brethren, I -find that the mice have made free with the beginning ef my sermon, so that -I cannot tell you whflur the text is, but we'll just -be- gin whaur the mice have left off, and we'll find out the text as we go along." In th&year 1843, shortly. after the Disruptionea parish minis- ter had left the manse and removed to about a mile's distance._ His pony gotloose one day, and galloped. down the road in the direction of the old glebe. The minister'is man gin charge ran. after Ithe pony in a great fuss, and when passing a 4.rge farmsteading on the way, cried ant to the who Was saunteriag about, but did not know what had taken place---," Oh, sir, did ye see the minister's shault 7" " No, no`,." Waa the answer ; " hitt what's happened ?" "-Oh, sir, fat do ye think, the minis- ter's shault got lorree frae his tether, an I'm frichtraed he.has .taiert the road doun to the amid glebe." "Weel-a-wicht !" was the shrewd clever rejoinder of the farmere who, -was a keen supporter Of ,the old parish churCh. "1 wadna wonder at that, An' I's e warrant, gin the minister was getting louse frae bis tether,- he wad just tak the same road." , Influence of Ormatte upton Man At.a recent,ruceting of the New York Libetal Club, sOme interesting 3 emarks were' made on this subjee.t.;. Man, in bis.delusion, said 4 speaker, generally opposes his dependency upon nature. Being himself her child, he tiainks that no impression is strong enough to leave a durahle' effect upon 131E13. But elepefienee teaches th.e very opposite. It Show& that , man, to a certain extent?iwaa always subject to the climate.4' It is not. generally known, but it is nevertheless true, that a pure, moderately_ dry air generally pro- duces great mental sprightliness:' especiall y with full-blooded, persons. A cloudy and moist atmosphere, on the other hand, produces mental relaxation, and, with many, melan- choly. 'This explains- why Suicides so often ha,ppen. When the sky is over -cast. The &pre -a -sedimental state is thus further enhance0. )7 -Wen- - olive reports that out of every ten suicides that were committed in Paris during two years, nine took place -in the rainy season. The influ- ence of the climate is' also well exemplified in the case of. mount- aineers. They are quicker, here active and excitable. Frdln the unequal action upon. the body, and its reaction upon the mind, the character of various na- tions may be explained. The influenee of a moist atmosphere is strikingly illustrated in the caSe of iudividuals who have been weak- ened by previous- illness, from the :earn ber of suicides committed at the dose of the year 1828, in the Dutch places Gronigen.aud Seek. Most of the unfortunates had saffered from the epidemics of .1826 and 1827. Iri the city of Sneek, with 6,000 iuhabi tants, mat Jess than four suici- des took 'three in. one week, and among those was a bay of eight years. The Swiss naturalist, Dessor, in a recent essay, describes the climate NortheAmerica as very change- able and dry. After haying ex- plained a number of phenomena, produced by the climate in general, •he depicts its influence upon the inhabitania of this country. He de- rives from the climate his activity, acuteness, his tali. statue, his eager- OS8 for ge.in, his practical talent, and his love for adventure. It ia well,known that the inhabi- tants uneler a. preponderate clear sky. possess.% talent for art, while those under a gloomy sky klaVe more rro- pensity for speculationeand thought. -•6 * 48. , Too MOD EtiT BY 11A11,P.-7--We take the following from the National. Baptist : "An infuriated bull attack -- ed a horse and, carriage in -which Atm. Rogers of Auburn, was riding, turned the -Vehicle over, and injal•ed the lady in. la serious manner: A. preeiee editreaa who made a notice ( f the fact, alluded to the animal as a male coat Souse ladies at a pti- aette aewing eirele were speaking of the casnality aud the injuey, when one of t'ie number, who hed not heard of th! Retitle -toe inquired hew the :injury oceurra.1, wherenpon she was told that a gentleman cow turn- ed the earriago over in a •rago, etc. As the comprehe other la more de was a ba er did not exactly the phrseo1ogy, an- plai ed the matter nitely bt :stating that it relo ox.! • The Eng sh notic d, t Europe, t at English 1 gu be spoken . I go to a h least one atild4tthe s Jess of th this fact pheey tha th- going to lave has had it tu had its t um, bad its urn. spoken a oun And it iS a in to know hat perhaps I the Ore standing noblest In has ever it is dist belongs t powerful pression of spirit al life. strength itrid 9nerg 3110 -re agg:ressiVe tures of thought.. bility, ini nd the. sub xperienc . ich is n coming kingd m, be a char 11;c1 vele ior life of man whi inatrame a ts c mpet ion. . Now, s at t in it. W lite to . carry !• there AUG teiat hold, or o data is there lite and of art it ture of re _liberty, a secrete o *founded, tions ;lea Christ Je that is througtio right_ be tongue. think, is sality, be so much Germans The Engl. are search They go I speak o whole r A 1 to.-- ortgrap as an Evan- elizer e last 'me 1 was in herev I went +he ge was eginning to think t at I chd not tel. *here the e was not at ait r thla A oke English. long the principal routes de r ute 1 Lear(' more or E glis tongue. Now vas o me a iint and pro En tM t 3:1, an ncl It 1 th tter that ss ne, tan tong that; I suppose- it is the guage that is •spoken, or en f3pok4n on the globe! nctiVely rich in all that domesti ity It is very and effe tive in theexl- of every shade -and degree It lit3 rn, d t the language is, as the One ns Latin ba French ha oing to b e *hole globe. of some interest tor4ue is. It is sss ftrtistic than int, not with- in tts flex • siteneas; press all phases of tongne w is full of to express the positive foal- renfarka,ble camprehen, acity to kx and inteiiol lIt is just thcL: s ary for th there filial y the interl liall require o its expres .e w at out a li fre ich org rnize is the lan libi too, ene as. 00111 nt at 1anguage ha ature ib is goin& °where else re I the hous - ()where els at re of scien.c ali1nost.for Ire tat e and litera, ho ve been use' t ho h ve learned the rty----fan of libetty npon. rr oral convicr and sp ritualized bY Such is the language ng nto, ascendenci 11 t e 'earth. Am ind it he - Germai Ger tongue, ined to iess • univer the ( inans are no veli 1 eople. Th ho ying people re erers. The Th a •e explorers. wh re. And v.ihe Eng h, 1 mean th axo rage in Etirop Th y are carryirie all coantries; and - e t ey are carrying an with political c rying religious eir anguage is going • hey att hey ar oftltie S- cov rang .fotind • world. sh tong gue. u canno live in nny liv here is to that is i1cu1ated to give e commo pe'ople. There h in it o sympathy and e. Thor is rattch in it ion and -th. It is too ued.. witli the spirit of ci-day, and it ant tongue of e des ail Se tr re h a • ts. eve the glo- and Arne aca. coMmerce int - with co rner political de,a ideas the ar notions; • rid With the Australia islands. nosseeeion They. are They ar , around th the Engl world's to Now, y 'matory t have tyre much in i light to t, is too mu benevolen of inspira much in) Christ. This is i -to be neratio i(iasterl of the: sw full of, th leabwr,isstjali i or.: tull of all the G -reek sanctified language is going itbroad over all and is to be like clouds ging in t le heavens, drop which. ri ake,s the earth lathiern. .1I.: IV, Beecher'. onz ages' • 8 NEW ride -fol menagerie wd rth n it crreer of tri -wil comp -ie not only , an nage ie. and not °illy it e, but a ziuS.1.11.11; and 11 0 11) ltt ti o is of jueggler an ,'no olTy the'se bu las fidi,;. intinn, so ilia -er ,'eon f t. peripateti ilil 1 axe 1 egu a to equal it. es • unz• tak ng lie° time for i ; 1 ut the public will he u,n(1 not the 7,-orse foi , iir( told that his agents nal hean inv are engaged g az iiint Nur numiler of froi 1 th o various *hattle- ) tht •F-1)1endor and aye!! r,t; atubeurn : }I h ti e I. nTeror‘,-,N,4 - 0 •1 •-; sai, 1 to Lo 14 er st arel settling iri the neighboring yet to takZ clwich_ Islandsl th,b continent. in !colonies all And by and b. re will be tb pat that inflam- th world and he co -pa he dorrn to co anglish ,et „influ nobler i ,ed itera are, so fur. of 1 of ivil jurisprudence, so that wits borrowed from and Roman experience, and Ohristianized—this TIlis great rage, so full of. home, so ents of a • the earth, which, hal dewn tha benea. Lectzere.R, BARNUA num's w soon set f u mph. I cis, ens but a menage:: only. these - eyrnuasts, tiler expc frmothing e character :Ilr B,1113 )1 °piratic) he better ihut. in FJ-ance colleetiz riosi t ies iields to aid. t variety Of his ti r Neleche, pelean are -0 tr of the number. THE UNDERSI NED large number of IR ROWS, which be i prepare reasonable terms, These harrows sr re manufactured at Ginanoque, a,nd ar The Best irozp im E • s on hand_ N BAR - to sell- on 11 A Guarantee will be given that if it do not work sa it may be returned by the within thirty days.. 0, C. WIT, • Agricultural Implerh 169 -if ,S. EA FOR, MpftalEY Tb LE Opl. Parra or ilesira,ble Villa !at 6.t per cent. :Paymei suit the borrower- APT4 t A. G. McDOgGALL, Insurabee Agen , CoMMissione or to, JOHN SEAT1.111.13. • ' Exebanci-e Brolt , • Se Jannary 13, 1871. ' 86. with each, isfactorily, purchaser ON, nt Agent, II, ONT. D. e•Property ts made to and , Seaforth, r, forth. 162-6m FAR613 FOR SA E. FR Sale Lot No. 22, 13th Concession Townehip of MsKillop, containin One Hundred Acres„eforty-try of avbic are leere(L Well-fencecl, and ..I1CVE.T fail- ing stream of water runs t u rtotieunghoenxe. cor. er. No buildings. Allo, b pire term Of eight y ars of t e lease of par 1 of Lob e and 2 , 12th, concession, vvit the privilege c purchaing. at any tint . Purchase moriCy 1,27),$to extend overa period of ten -yearn. his lot is all wood la,nd. For furt.her particulars apply to the-undersigne8dT. THOMAS Ep ENS, . Seaforth. 162-tf January 11, a871. • THE SEAFORTH Lumber Yard. MAEE & MAPDO1ALD L: Begto inform the imblic that they have opened a LUMBER YARD ,nakieisforth, near Shea.raon's Mill, on the ground for - moray use'd aa a Lumber Yird, by Mr. Th e,mas Lee. T4ey will keep aonstantly on.hand. oo1 aseortment of ALL KINDS OF dressed and undressed % _. LATH AND SHINGLES, All of which they are prepare(' to sell at° the lowest possible prices, for Cash. 1-14ilders and others', will find it to their saavantage1 o inspect out stock, and as - t certain our prices before purchaaing elst where, as we are in a position. to offe ood inducements to eash ptirchasers. A.BE & ..11ACPON ALD. Staforth Dec. 29 1870. 160-J WM. N. WATSON ALWAYS HAS ON HA I3EST SEWING MAC ii IN THE N IA.RK o Either for Family nee, or turing ptirposes. 1-oth siric and double -threaded; and Machines citif. be sups4icd. • Perfect satisfaction gait instaaustions given to intrehr • Can also insure pro rty agai Marine Disaster, nd lafe istainst death and. ace.iden best Companies, being Agen The Liverpool and Loudon (English.) The Provincial of Canada, ( The Gore Distriet Mutual, Farrn.) The Niagara. District Mut and .111arrn. Tins Travelers of Hartford A ccident. ) Losses Liberally A dlt WM. N. WAT Pr om.ptig Sett MONEY TO Li At 'Moderate rates of nacres mission, and expenses mod.er • MORTGAGES bonght 0 terms. ND THE INES Manufac- le-threaded lock -stitch nteed, and a -e gratis. ON Et Fire and and Limb , with the for and Globe, Jan ada. ) Village and al, (Village (Life and .sted and ed. ND . No com- te. equitable 160 A VOID QUA CKS.—A victim of early indiseretion, causing ,nervous debil- ity, premature decay, etc., having tried in vain every .advertieed.rem dy, has a simple Means of self -Cure; W ich be will send free to his felloW-suffere s. Address J. 1-1. TUTTLE, 78! Nassa st., New York. I6 -6m MR. JOHN THOM SON TAN:KS his'nuinerous c stomers for their his patronage during the last lifteen years, and trusts lie will re- ceive its contrnuan se, He has now on! It and a 1 ge assort- ment of Good' SoUnd - Green lieml ck !, .Which he -Warrants will give. s tisfaction. ! : ALSO FENCING AND DRAINING LU M BE R, IL ALWAYS KEPT ON AND. SO- 2ap,oa FEET -OF PINE CUT FOR BURLING AND OEINERAL !IMPOSES Or- ders will be promlpt y attended to. he offers liberal terms. The Mill is sitnat of 'IcK Wes) and from the flaron Ro !If Seaforth, 140 el on th Ilett, .3 a Townline d 84- tf. TOTICE is here]) - Oven to all persens not to eat any nukeor trespass on lots IN , 18, E. s 9 aml 20 in the 5t1i eonceasion la', as tile owner, PA1'1, 1). DELL i (1f-teirnima..to iittni:-h to the almost ex !J(. ke t t4Je law all •..) doing. 165-1i • -I'M' FARM FOR SALE. TilE Subscriber offers for sale his Timm, Lot No. 28, First Concession of Hay, London Road, half a mile from Kippen, consisting of 100 acres of ex- cellent land, 66 of which are cleared. For particulars, apply to 'ALEXANDER MUNN, 170-tf On the Premises. • PAINTING1 • JAMES W1LLIA S Begs to intimate to the publ c that he has removed from • Mcfnto h & Mor- rison's Carriage Factory, and has tiented. r.William Grassie s lflaint . Shop, Where he may be found at any time. Mr, Williams is prepared to xechte, on the shortcpt notice, all kinds f Carriage Painting Siom. Painting and Ornamental Work. Give him a call. 'Rer-iember the place, opposite Miirray's Stabs. 170-13t , NOTICE% I N -the matter of the estate of Tames Moore, of the Township of Tacker - smith, deceased. All parties to whom the estate of the said James Moore, de- ceased, is in any manner indebted are acquired within two monthigi from this date to present their claims to David. Manson and W. 8: Mundellj for settle - Merit. And all persons inde ted. to the said estate are required t pay the amount due by thein to the said David Manson and W. 8. Mundell. • Dated this 6th March, A.D. 1871. 1 W. 8. MU_ DELL, DAVID M ON, tinder power qf Attorney f ore JaasEr Moo RE, A dininis tratri Ressoia & MEYER, Solicitors for Administratri 170-4t* FRANK -PALTRIiIDGE,. - PHOTOGRAPHEra Returns thanks to his very unraerous friends for their very extensive patron- age; and would beg to state that he is turning out better pictures than ever, since his return from England, where -he visited some of the best galleries in Lon- don :and other large citie4 and also brought home some extra g od chenn- cals. on which the success Photog- raphy greatly depends, )—b tterthe& can be obtained in Canada; a- d made ar- rangements for a further sti ply, which together with extra finely appointed rooms and long experience, re, ders Frank Paltridge's Phototraphs uni ersally ap- pi-eciated and aekhowledged to be the best produced West of Ter nto. Cafl and sec some of ins new sT,y1 of medal- lion pictures,—the only true medallions made in the County; also, t ose beauti- ful, never -fading -enameled nctures,— the only place they can bcl obtatned. Frank would beg to state, in justice to hirriself, that all those -who obtained such poor inferior pictures, laiit smnrner, during his absence in Engla1nd, that if they bring them back (as a theat many have 'done), he will exchang them for good, properly -made and , 41-U2th:tally- posed pictures, made by Tra k himself.. would say I am destroying all nega- tives from which those poor pictures were made, as being unfit for use. • I am determined to keepthe lead. in Photog- raphy in this section. • All work war- ranted. Always at home and in good temper. FRANK PALTRING-E, • Photograpner, Scott's Brick Block, . SEA FORTH- Ont. kr Photographs at One Dollar per dozen, with a view to still further re- dactions. 170-tf FURMTtRE 1‘.-2 THOS. BELL'S THOMAS BELL Is! now prepared to -manufacture furnis tare . As Cheap as the Cheapest. 'Parties wishing to buy Wholesale can be supplied at Toronto Wholesale prices: WARE ROOMS OPPOSITE T1IC2iL-1, KI LW'S. WORK SHOP, CORNI-m OF MAR- KET SQ TURNING done on the Shortest Notice. CO FF t Constalifly 011 1=11. A HEAESE...' FOR HE. 1 -1.0-tf • EDWARD CASH, Dealer ia all kinds of Farm and Dairy Produce,. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Timothy Seed, Flax Seed Cloverseed and Seed . Wheat, Of the beet quality, and cheap. Goderich street, 170-tf • SEA.FORTH. NOTIGE. 13EING about to leave Seaforth, the subscriber requires all indebted to him to call and settle at once, the.reby saving costs. Dl .TRACY. 170-tf NEW LINE OF STAGES, Between Seaforth and Wroxeter. We, the unde—rsignecl, beg to inform the inhabitants of Seaforth, Wroxeter, a,ncl thepublic generally, that We are now running a DAILY STAGE, (Sundays excepted,) each way, as follows Leaving Seaforth at 11 a. ; leaving Ainleyville at 3 p. m.; leaving Wroxete; at 12 noon; leaving Ainleyville at 3 p. m.;—cennecting with morning and even- ing trains, going east and west, also with Walkerton amlaHarriston stages. Com- fortable vehicles and fast time. Livery in connectioni at Seaforth. ROSS & JOH.NiSONE, 167-tf Proprietors, TAVERN FOR SALE. The snbscriber offers FOR SALE the • TAVERN known as the New Dominion Hotel, in the ivillaee of Bluevale, ibis Hetel, having been lately refitted, is now capable for the ace( rnmodation of the traveling public, having asood sta:- Wing, with large driving -shed 36 x 20 feet ;• also a large .Ball -room over the shed. There ss an excellent well close to the shed, with pump in good order. The land attached to the hotel consists of half an acre of excellent land, well ad- apted for gardening purposes, -with a va- riety of choice young fruit trees. This hotel is situated a few rods north of the Wingham read in the village, this being; the leading road from Wroxeter to Wing- • -ham, Lucknow, Kincardine, &c. This hotel will be eold f9r cash, or, if the purchaser cannot pat- it all, a balance. _can remain on bond and Mortgage- for one year. The purchaser can buy the tavern fitting, stoves, chairs, bedsteads, etc. For particulars apply on the prem- ises to WILLIAM ROSS, • Proprietor. • Bluevale, Nov. 23, 1870. 158-tf -LEAVING RURONK -1[ N 0T 3, 1.THE 3rd CONCESSION, 4 Better known as the WILLIAM THOWIPSOM FARM Is offered for sale, it is admitted by all who know this Lot, that for erops and stock it has no superiorgin the county. . Address, . 1.10X 175, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. TOTO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE! W. Hu OLIVE g3g 6,^ r:-41 Ca Cd 4.4 W Le• g) at` 0 M M ors' t - SIGN OF THE M,&IT7 STREET, SCOTCH COLLAR, A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand, Repairing promptly attended to, end charges moderate. Remember the place sign of the Scotch Collar, Main Street, Seaforth. 163tf W. H. OLIVER. • JOHN BRIGHAM, Exchange Broker, and. Railway Ticket Agent, Houghton's Hotel, Oppopite G. T. Railway h' Eation, SEA FORTH, ONT. Through. Tickers issued to all points in the Western States, California and Red River, at reduced rates, affording the greatest facilities to Emigrants. All iseeessary information given re- specting Land Agencies, etc. GREEN B A CK S, Bonds, Coupons and. uncurrent Money, Gold and Silver Coir, bought and sold at hest rates. 1 167-tf SEAFO 1TH la ling Hill, Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY. 0 rpHY.',Subscribers beg leave to thank 1 their numerous caetomers for the liberal patronage extended to them since commencing business in Seaforth, and trust that they will be favoredwith a continuance of the same. - Parties intending, to build would dt well to give them a call, as they wit continue to keep on hand a large Steel of all kinds of DRY: -PINE !LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, :131.,INDS, 'MOLDINGS SII J G LES, LATH, Thee feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour them with their patronage, AS none but St class werkinen are ij Particular a(tItnell i'itMl iliiaid to Custom Piaui:: g DltOADFOOT& GRAY. SEAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROGIVIS. M. ROBERTSON Importeranmanumanufacturer tus rer of alkinds OF IMUSE;OLDFURNITURE, - Lnha SOFAS, LoucEs ENTRE T:I.A_TBATT,Trit,AssE.s, DINING & BREAKFAST TABLES, • YG I?! I .1AA-.IBT SkEi - S, sa.ua • Dl (ire at 'Variety. Mr. R. las great c n`idenceln offer- ing his (roods to the pu lie, as they •aro made of Good Season al Lumbtr. and by First -Class V orkm n. Coffins mad to Order •, On the Shortesit Notice. WOOD TURNING , Done with Neatness and Despatch,. . Warero?ms TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARP'S HOTEL, ain •Street. Seafarth, Ja,n'y 21st, 1870. 57 -tfs No Arnlistice. JOHN L AS declared war against the Mer- cantile opposition of F. e;foiLb, with a laiete and varied stock rf amimition on ham?, in the shape ef -1:33a7Z-GDOIs D . GROCE I -ES I , Which for qUalitY, stye and cheapness, • cannot be :conquered with fair play. The tollo ing are special lines P-- FANCY 3RMS 400DS, WIN - 1 CEYS, (PI, in and ( b eciced,). LUS- TRES, POPLINETTS, FRENCH MERINOS', PRINTS!, POPLINS, GrEY COTTON, BLEA C.BEla DO FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOUDS, HOODS, . HOSIERY, - MANTLES, GLOVES, FINGER- ING- YARN, B Fa&DY - .MADE CLOTHING, HATS &,- CAPS, TWEEDS, COTTON AND FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, DitlAWEIIS, SU- GARS, TEAS, ITU BACOOESi { RAISINS, CURRANTS, SPICES, ‘ 6,-,c.,• &o., - Too numerous to mention, AT THE Manchester House 1 MAIN STREFE7, SEAFORT31, Nov. 15, 187e 152-tf. 11. LUMSDEN Has just received a Fresh Stock of PURE DRUGS •• AND • CHEMI9A173 • Toilet and Fancy Soaps, Combe, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, French; • English, and American. ! • PERFUMERY. CENUINE DYE STUFFS. Guaranteed -to bed tae best quality. Horse and Cattle Medicines Condition • Powders., Physicians prescriptions carefully and accurately dispensed. LUNISDEN.. THE 111101 6.pobvitort remiLISITED EVERY FRIDAY _MORNING, • /eV SEA FORTH.. TERMS. $1.50 per annum, in advance ; if net so paid $2. 00.will be charged: No hubs- crip tion taken for a shorter period than three months. ADVERTISING RATES. TRANSIENT. • Per line, first insertion, 8 ets ; sabse- fluent insertions, 2 eta; each time, A -d vertisements measured by a scale of sell,' brevier. No advertieenient taken kr less than One Dollar. CONTRACT 'RATES One Column for One Year. 1, ,-. " Six M-onths, Half (rt)iiiierec- •}e'atr, C• 31(4Ithe, 111Year, ec. ( Months '11reyee'ar: 0n t ieenanits. wi telt epoeifie (Eva.- " SIX ....\111t1IS Three " • 00 tions, wir. lt hi-ititt(1. ti.l iLid,.11.1,01 ehart. il"a,..sectia:ii--,,i21‘illicgiti-!;.ilicTi IT CC CC CC Quarter 4' C• CA 44 00 3rf 00 20 00 ▪ :15 •PA) 241 00 - 12 2() 00 12 00 8 tst 12 oo 8 Ilia TIURDO Y, Metes/sass ALLAN Mci.P.N. ra'alisherz. MARCH ., 1. 184 110111, Terseness to iaearia There is the soundesj stinse in • the .followin '11 OM the Nanlifitetiirer, Why iS it that there il ragnance on the part C putting their tains to i skilled mechanic, is an ii ill brGoingv.iblite sie niinio' 4k favoi s of none. his fortune in, his own flash parenvis----arnhiti: si-l's should :f! rise in t they say—are more they should study for E mith tbancen 1:even of # litICCA'SS heaVilk ggainSt tl'ire risk of spending th in the ignoble' task.f ; vods, or of 4..oi1ing tie lateountani.is deek,; ta de which asiinild brif # strength, liiialth, 'tt (lace. in 1oia4 of faset! they cheese iei the W n'thieve the ail 1..ant.eir tor the supply- -of et: ppsitione as e" (1fltI plods ciserite, And kin lions, is notoriously ; vihile. -oil• the other 1 nand fin real1e- ekille4 , eery deecription, fieyond supply, Thee 04*- the 'count rv ! II.- *lay - - labor ; and that ,tb,. i,egiets to iirovidehi Useful tr,afiv, -find. •O. thOlonglily MaSters z-, ivi-ed.,WDO1 WY -Ina f ' 'h1:4 r-- • • (l-felisetilo'kir;)11: 'Y ) l ili i*t.;eiTail slot vielons, members is stated in the report Association, lately 1 4,.5 Si f.'s priseners - eon 1a8.-oGii7t,onl.,t,i,:‘1of ,1-illa.TLseretir ? over 10,()00 )t' the ic"-er learnecl a trAk ex11VeyS41.4, •1eS4On. Of p train.ing of lasys, and' ost to those who Je err, the active duties -of lia • • An AmPtexacizi:tlieligef(1 etasy• assay in wh mongery trade_ was Otisessow- neaTly eixty related. Thew was at elion rait livii Irmatii the Cross, wlzen the I was a populaa institut- •iimetor -‘e asoV rat liar •i ion, ani..) law vs weft a -hen enjoe,,i#g tht not. )nent. One day, Itovi 'hut not the iinan cw. 4.aiting fini. a IittIe, lai 4,ame nearly exhaust itaa anti. yman entered two pounds 4f. mils, ter had been!teeved, I Ite w-ould TAO a•gill. 4 tavTerandli7 ai:dingi Irst gill, the eon 1 he wordd take .iu After having diecusset the countryman Went: he natnre (it the ea aeaction puzzling his , le email' not grasp; •reard giVing jitterani • 11 atiens---" Tirapun -0- , pence, amt. , :wa gilta kyhar can th. nras f Eyeless Fiala Pond 4 itis well knowntla and expensel have .the sinking Of a porti Kal the MI5?' jeirtrliOn 1 I it crosses a fstvitinp s., fship in this; ' county. Maud -that i ;tinder ti i isubterralleall pond, ‘i in extent zT..nd of cons IThis pond ie covere 1-‘eet in depth of blaci a aeapports a b ,vy gr • v ,The tI rees ar 11104 pine: henlieek and • i tiiittii ranging from Alitee 11x-1.1es' :in. diame it was ilisc9Yered "t, mnean pondi contaie jibe kind ustially fin, 'this part of i the toi . l'I:t:hlit181:°:lailitlili:.;11:::: a-lanniillia; , , !no use for tae orgara :Ball Pond, about a distant, is now " gr v.ousidexable NI it of eubterr mean within • years, and, in-obaik years it will be 41 like the other. Thi twenty atoe's in ext • distance froin the with e den sei growtl and these, o dor fona.1;ation 4n whid tore. of eartb 5 C01 ro8e ) j4ej.ijil,rU Cies, From Ro'hert Col "Clear Grit" are leg a -Iva -dotes : If I will havecIe my own for all tin' nienee by eating my 1' Jin said " So lo.og ,• on sawdust 'teicutin• s yonr finimcription at -that was true of