HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-31, Page 5INIARca 31. 1871. e to convince them of lire linet we say, and that trial de at very little cost err - We slictold think that mu- , are, for the past 'two ter s, been sufficiently unfOte the growing of wheat,, To to hail with pleasureets and profitable a substitutfa We have Utile doubt that tvail themselves of the ex- nclucements• which M. prepared to offer them, 'ail they Will be so highly th the success of their exs in this way, that in fu - will require no urging to ite extensively in this new • ageiculture. S in the Southern States be in a very bad Condi- gla the diseussions in ()un- ite reports in Northernn wears that a state of af- ering upon anarehy exists of the lately rebellious I especially in Smith Oar - secret society, known as klux," commits nightly negroes and uneffending different political views iselvea, while the negroes, tire their secret organize - At retaliate, when oppor- . trs, Ork the opposiag fc- Ceorts of law and the islatures of most of the ia the; hands of cabals - out justite and frame laws tatefit of only themselves. partizans. The general 4 and agricultaral inter - he country, meanwhile, be in. .a very backward The negroes are lazy,. shites, if possible, lazier, t to be wondered that the- oes not i osper. Until y new population, made krauts from the _Northern 1 Europe, takes the place ct-iat thriftless and unruly s, there can hardly be per - ace or presperity in those re. some; littletalk of a Re-- eeistration .being given in this County to cele- aesent victory achieved by 4ssort and Gibbons in the id South Ridings. -We that we regard the propo- h any degtee of favor. Of demonstrations of this "Iterally ill -feeling and ie- tterness between the two parties. Seek a demote- euld make no converts iptes, *cadet add HO fol- o•�r ranks„ or gain us a Oeional vete in the next, ;It might afford a few lo - LES an opportunity of cele- ieMsetves in a small way, iteirtg a little cheapand notoriety, but further hetlang would he gAirted. oton .Yeto Eta is in a great 4isethe Board of Directors -kidtan, Ifiu on and Deuce eave seen fit to locate the nt first consulting the hat ambitious village, and eiany the wise-acrea of and threateos to. de - whole project. We have his week to refer to the his Yaria<ble mentor, but etttime would Ellviso liini tts we feel confident opnoston to the scheme more ' in its behalf •ilvocaey of it. 't, cheapest and best selected ota mast 'Shoes in Seafarth, try's, OF THE WEEK., of Lords on Monday, e WI passed, by the _Rouse wartiage xvit1t \\tile's sister, -tish cf Commons, • a debate arose on the aces, daring w Iiich inerti- a mud military expel:- , red a tireference for ateetta over ether rae- nee. SandlieId _it,Tacdonald t.-overiag front the illness sh he has, been for antler rated. wrorLoins s‘apo.eon was sr ens alouslay last, and of arl hour's- duration to and family, at Windsor di the lakes and rivers ear of ire, and it is exp& -t - la Vieettien• will be hiirv She e-ourse of the coieing ,svi1 be introduced into Parliameut ot therusurve po(Ftt.1.UU of A !sate and si (ler the government of fr It provitivs that ilia uti(,n will Le (qiii,ril.t1 of Ow !anti [rout tht; e I s7`),, MARCH131, 1871. ensmommummumsessimil •••.• FROM OTT.a.WA.. - 11 ,EZ . irrtg IFFECT OP THE ONTARIO EItEC- VON'S --- WESTERN ,!GOVERNMENT etTPORTERS AIARMED—HOW THE IMPORT DUTY WAS REMOVED—THE MANITOBA ACT—THE INTERCOLO- ICIAL GUAGE. rom Oar Own 'Correspondent. OTrAwA, March 27, 1871. The result of the - e ections has berried dismay into the ! overt:anent ranks here. It foreshadows the ut- ter rout of the Dominion Govern - met nwhen they; have to come before the people next year. It is aston- aing how _supporters of the Gov - cement from. the Wept see things in a new light since list Tuesday. Ills was shown very Clearly in the discussion on the coal ditties the oth- er day. The coal duties, your read - era are aware, form a part of the vend "national policy" inategurated last session. Mr. Holton moved that Coed, Coke, and Flour,. be restored to. the free list. Then was seen the effect of the elections. Messrs. Beaty and Harrison and othe-i Wes - teen supportms of the Gverilment 'accomplished the felt Of -turning their backs upon themselves, and characterised the tax -as odious and unjust, albeit theee same gentlemen had last session voted for it. The Government, seeing which way the wind was blowing, were afraid to meet the question fairly and square- ly. They ," put up " . one of their Quebec followers, Mr. Blanchet, to move an amendment that salt, grains of all kinds, 1?ritl meal, be also re- stored to the free list. The object of this Amendment was to bring be- fore the House the "national policy " of last session in its entirety. With this view the Government supported Mr. Blancheei amendment, which, by the way, was accepted by Mr. Holton, and it was carrieda very large majority. Bet when le ques- tion of adoptiug Mr. Holton's mo- tion as. thus amended came up, the Government strongly opposed it. They did not attempt to j ustif/the imposition of the duties. crfi' their merits, but pleaded that in view of the question of trade relations with the. Unita d States bnng considered by the Joint'. High` Commission, it was not desirable to yield anything to the Americans in advance. In spite of all they could do, however, they Were defeated by a majority of 32 in a House of 138. _ 1 This was on Wedoesday. . On Thursday the Goverhment 'only 'es- caped defett on another important question by -" caving in." The par- ticulars of this Matter,are these: In aecordenee with the provision of -the . : Confederation Act, ail Address, ad.: dopted by both Houses of our Par- Aiwa-tent1 ' was sent to: Her Majesty-, praying for the eoneession of Ru- pert's Land and/ the &ell West Territories. Upon . this address 'an• imperial Order in Council was is- sued, and the ter; itory ceded to us. So far all right. But ., the address Made no provision for the establish- ment of a Government for the ceded tertitory. Parliament, however, led by the Government, got over that omission by creating a Government for the new Province. The Manito- ba Act was passed, That Aot is fie Constitu!ion of Manitoba. It is the creation of the Dominion Parliament, ond therefore a blot ripen the . iFederal system.), the very essence of which is th4t the Constitution a each Province com- posing the Federacy shall be derived frem the same high smirce, and be surrounded with the same guarantees for its stability, and therefore above the reach of the Federal Parliament. The position the Opposition took when the Manitoba Aot was before the House—irrespective altogether of the merits of the Act itself—waa that an address should be gent . to Her Majesty, praying for ati Act of the Imperial Parliament, providing a Constitution for the Province of Manitoba. Had this course been adopted; Manitoba would have been en a par with the other Provinces, instead of being as she is now, at the mercy of a majoritY of the Dominion _Parliament. The Government op- -posed the view of the Opposition, and the Act passed. . During the recess, however, the . Government seem to have discovered t1-40 unconstitution- ality of their course, for onthe re- aseembling of Pae4ament, Sir John announced thet the Colonial Secre- tary would be asked to introduce a Bill into the ImpOeiel Parliament confirming the Manitoba Act, and also pt oriding for the establishment of Constitutional Goverement in any other Proyinces that .inight be ad- mitted into -the Union. Mr. Blake moved that the Bill- be first submit- ted to our Parliament for approval, in aceordance with the univereal_ P1 actice in seeking Imperi:sl legisla- tion affecting this country. The Gov- eeninent resisted this motion, and in spite of skillfully worded amend- ments prepared by the Government, the question came fairly and squate- ly before the House, whether the Government of the day had a- right to move the Imperial Pat liament to pass any legislation. relating. te Cm- ada without firstsubmitting such jegislittiva for the ti)spi oval of loth - - - 1 Rouse fi; of c,,u• Parliament. So the njiatter stoodstit six o' d y. • Acco 'ding to ouse c 414 not t 11 Monday a (sided wh b an adver tiiat the Go s bruit the ouse befo nial Secr We had o ber day o dollars for ways The up, and it eakers ti g age, beim nited Sta T e Ministe e er, pointe e million t e existing Lewer Prov rni llions to tIutnj lock on Thurs- he rules of the otne in again On Friday SiteGeorge ost certain to y announcing had agreed to Bill to the it to the Co- t was al e vote eminent prqpoae din May., warm the' vote the Inte ueStion is admit t tie 4 thit of s Ines, that Be of ou o ch lege ov0-neu nces an G and Troia. c uld not l'ffor gt age; at wis d s. me guage roll] a d therefor the a tatting t at t w • s prefera le cl sioato a opt iacussion the of six million colonial Rail- - f gige came ed by all the 'feet 8)- inch 2 nearly all the was the best. Works how - it would cost thetguage on nt lin,es in the abont three e the guage on the he Grand Trunk to change their irable to have the Sarnia to Halifax, Government, while e American guage came to the con - he broad guage. PONTIAC. HE DO I -N10 P RLIAMENT4 A LIVELY CEN IN On Frida 24 h, th Committ e he t S. 00,000 itrni W sCO n arly 3. o'cl ck ext t e item wa pa sed si n. The ppositio te pt to divde tee 11 s bjeet, nor id they i ti e themsel ea to disc s bject. Mr Maclienz A P. Macd e nald of fa j ries, of H difa wi w th Messrs Bit ke a in this attac upon th ac used Dr. npi er w fa sehood, a d vash li try at the publ c ex h s a more d sgra eful in the Cana ian Pad aCkenzie ecla •ed never allude to rova in pamper dads G vernment ti th THE NO On Month ns respect rth-West amendin TH1 y, ng tl nd nts tit' aia.d- H n. th ntaken ?. th withdra al o but Sir .Gcl rge After seine .em_a. of ordettrais d in the Speaker deo amendment n or to vote; with the n4-ys, .77. . ir en Intent we. the., • HE HOUSE. House being abate on the duties' It Mil orniug, w hen ithout a divi- did not at - upon the -ripality con- ssion: of the Le accused Mr. sehlocid. Mr. o as ,united d Mackenzie Gov ern m en t, th }layering a ng ibis dirty ense. Seldom cene (recurred ament. Mr. hat he had Sc the as be- od d by the EST UE TION. r. Bla14s is resoiu- o ad uper f S r 'kit of the and, with eorge Car - 1 . P orion, were r. Blake suggested the amendments; woo d not agree. ks a out the point the1 finer debate, ared Mr. Dorion's ler, Ind it was put resit t --Yeas, 55 ; Ore; Cartier's arn- ca 'led by a vote of 78 yeas te 57 ays. Tion. • Mr. Ang in i an eloquent sp ech condemne the corse of the -G vernment in deali b El with. this .qt estion, as stri ing at the very m ..fo dations f ou • co stitution; and as destroyine co fide ceiin the se - cu 'ides proi isec by •onfederation. T _e Govern en had taken the ex-. traordinrry ,.tep of lequest;ng an al &ration, of the cons itution with- outt the conse t of Pari anient, which , thy had in act et at defiance, and ai adrnissio .of thei • proceedings had net bee ma e TO untarily, but extorted fro th m b the Opposi- tion. He nqu red duriner'. the 1 recess the toyerkime t secured the paesage of a Ac '-wli t remedy the people woul have. Hon. Mr. Holton proposed in a, enchnent, "That th's House is of' the opinion that no changes in the provisisias te. the British North A erica Ac sh ukr, e sought by th exestitive ao arm mit, without th previous- ass nt-to the Parha- m eat of the Do imo •.'1' Sir G. C. rtiet;at once sdinifie 14,3 willing - he s toacce} t tin t an endment. ' Mr. Mills poit ted e ut the great in portance of -t e q estion before the House at aff ctin the constitu- tion, a change in wh oh now had legal- as well as wel, a political bearings. • He sh wed the absurdity of the Govern neat a _king the H use 'to agree t th , pnhvisioes of a raft before it was, submitted to tit ire The Gover ment At Violated th principle of representation by po ulation, and '11)y iti the Govern - in nt could at al y time swamp the Senate. ' He deno inced the blunders of the Gover rime t in the Manitoba legislation, hie might lead tD the most disastro is nseq ences. Hon. Mr. Ho ton'sj amendment was cal -tied nem ous y, 137 mem- bers voting wh reup n that gen- tleman hum rou ly e marked—" I flatter yself I h. ve a ood worlang ma ety." .1r. Blake opposed 1&he resolution as amended, nd ontended that the House sheul sho • in, the most un- mistakeable vav ,its 4ense of the conduct of t le over merit, or it would beite, ectf 11 of its duty'. By accepting Hila. Ir. position the Go ern knbwledged ibey wer • congratulasecl their suppot ters upen the fee 11-ty , witl4 which they • • 11 0 1 olton's pro -- eta had ac - ,wrong, aud could alter their iews, and- vote yea or nay as their 1 ader desired. , , Mr. Maeken ie denou ced the eonduct of the inister �f Militi in accepting M •HoltoWs amend- ment, which was directly o posed to his own resolut ons, as o e of the Most pitiable sp ctacles of mental imbecility that had been se n. But the Minister would go thr ugh any humiliation rather than coufess him- self ill;the wrong Sir Geo. Car ie 's resoltition as amended was the. arried b a vote of 99 to 38. INDEPENDENCE 0 THE S1thATE. Mr. Blake mo ed the sec° d read- ing of the Bill fo s 'cluing he Inde- pendence of th benate. He pro- propoeed that no 5• nator s ould be eligible to office. SirGeOrge Cart e warmly opposed the Bill, contendi g that,if n cessary, it should originat: n the Se, ate. Messrs. Bodw 11, Mills did Mac- kenziel showed the rgent necessity of such a measui , n order ehat the Senate might not e under the con- trol of the Gover m .nt, and e made a refuge of worn- u politici ns. It should have a wight in publie affairs, and be iji. ependen of the exeCutive. Es e ially rovision should be made, 1r ued Mr Mack- enzie, to prevent u h indec nt cases as that of Senator k I cLelan Mr. Blake repl ede to ul e argu- ments against t Bill, and the House divided. Yeas, 57 ; Nays, 58—a majority only of one., RAILWAY TIME TA BLE. Trains leave the eaforth station as follows :-- oeiSG EAST. 8.05 A. M. 10.50 " " 1.35 P. M. GOINa Ns EST. 2.25i' M. 8.50 " 1 3 11 S. CAMPBELL.—In Sealo thon s aturday, . the 25th inst., the wife of ilr. John Campbell, of a sons DE.* S. irANTz.—At his fath r's resiclei ce, purhey, on Thursda , the 2 rd inst., Elroy, only son of ienjanhin Shantz, Esq., aged one year and six • onthas AcKSON.—On 26th lTovernber last, at Nuwara Eluja, Ceylon, Captai Thomas Jackson, late of ti e 37th egiment, eldest and last Eiu viving s � n of the late 0-eorge Jackson Esq., so jolter, of Dublin, and brother of the lass Moles- worth G. Jackson Command a Royal Navy, sincerely nl deserv dly re- gretted. THE M KETS._ = SEAFORTH,, 14a:eh 30, 1871. Market dull, very" little offere heat, (Fall) ip buShel, 1:2., io 1.30 heat (Spring) 10 bfishel, 1:2' to 1:45 Barley Irl bushel, ' 0:4 to 0:00 Oats IP bushel, 0:45 to 0-:46 eas 0 bushel, 0:7 to 0:76 utter, 117 lb. 0:1' &to 0:15 ggs, -0:1 to 0:12 id.es, 70 to 750 'heel) Skins, '0.5 to 1:40 pples 0-8 to 1:00 otatoes 0:3 to 0:75 ork 5:5 tO 6:00 ay, per ton, 9:0 , toll 00 lour, per 100 lbs. 3:59 to 0:00 imothy Seed, per lb. 0:06 to 0:10 lover Seed, per bush 1, 4:5C to 4:90 CLINTON, .1,1areli *11871. By Telegraph to the lesspos tor. all Wheat, per bushel, 1.2 to 1:35 el, 1:2 to 1:35 0:4 to 0;48 • to 0;76 0:4 to 0;50 0. P. &to 0;15 0.1 to 0;12 5:01 to 6;09 1871.. 'pring Wheat, per bus ats, per bushel, eas, per bushel, arley, per bushel, utter per per, lb, ggs, per doz. ork ;GODERICH, lyIarch 301 $1 25 1. 25 0 45 071 -0 50 o 45 0 16 0 13 5 0 _ (67,gna,1 Repos's) pan Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Potatoes ?Butter Eggs Pork ST. MARYS, IN arch- 3 ,. all Wheat, per bushe , 1:10 pring Wheat, pei bu he], 1:25 Oats, per bushel, 0.46 eas, per bitshel, 0:70 arley, per bushel, 0:40 utter per lb., 0:15 ggs. per doz. 0:1 ressed Hogs 5: 0 s LONsIlfrA,)N, (AtIvirti,ser Vhite Winter Wheat 'pring do arley Oats Peas Butter, in keg, Eggs, Dressed Hogs -to 1 30 to 1 28 to 0 46 to 0 80 to 0 51 to 0 50 to 0 18 to 0 13 to 6 00 1871. to 1 35 to .1 40 to 0 47 to 0 75 to 0.48 to 0, 16 to 0 12 to 6 00 larch 3 , 1871. Report. O0 o $0 00 13 o i 35 05 o 060 047 o 0 48 07$� 085 0140 16 0 13 o 0 15 6 5l o 7 CO arch 39, 1871. $1 30 to 132 1 . 0 to 130 0' 2 to 06 (152 to 052 6 75 to 7 50 10 OOto 15 00 0 83 to U85 TORONTO, Wheat, Spring, Wheat, Fall, Soules, Barley, I Oats, Dressed Hogs, Hay, Peas, MONTREA larch 30 1871. PlOur, (Extra) per be. el, 6:0 to 6:60 Fancy, 6:0 to 6.00 Sup. fine No 1 Canada W. 6:31 to 6:50 No 1 Western Wheat, 6:4z.is to 6:50 Bas Flour, No 2 , 5 -3:)0 , too :2 53:900 ts_ to 0:00 to 0:00 to .0 :00 to 0:46 to 0:70 to 0:20 th°:018 to 5:a5 to 7:0 too') :00 (Canada Fall) Spring Western I ate (per 32 lb.) ar y, (per 48 lb.) Butter, (Dairy) (Store packed) Ashes, (pots) Pearls, Pork, (niess) Oeass, ..)resscd Tines 0:0 .0 ;I) 0:0 0:4 0:6 0! I 0:1 5 :8 7:0 oe. to 0:97 Q.,00 to 0:09 BUFFALO LIVE STOCE... Thursday, March 301871 r • The market is overstocked and lower. The receipts of cattle for the three days this week are 270 cars, against 120 cars at the same time last week. The aver- age quality is very good, einbracing an unusual amount of choice finished steers averaging from 1300 to 1500 eh! But the heavy supply has glutted. and weak- ened the market, and an average declines of fully c per lb im the result. Holders readily accepted the decline and a fair degree of animation prevailed. The sales were: Fort, Sadler & Co. 16 hd still -fed stags ay 1219 at $6r25; also, 29 bulls av 1325 at $6; also. 17 hd Ohio -fed Texas steers av 1080 at $7. ' Nicklin, 56 hi very choice Ohio steers av 1455 at $E. _ Crabill, 41:hd coarsish do av 1532 at '75 at $7.. Bennett, 16 hd prime Indiana teeri3av 1415 at $8 50; also, - 15 hd do av 1335 Working orkiant$7g&. Co., 34 hd good lissouri steers av 1290 at $6 75; also, 3 lid do av Myers & Co., 97 hd Ulinois teers av 1294 at $7 18; also, 62 lid do a 1224 -at ; also, 16 lid choice do lay 1441) at $8. JobTaylor,2 r, 35.2hd gmooth Oho steers av62t8 • Ffosebury, 113 hd rMissouri 1293 on private terms. eers av HOGs. The supply is moderate and p ices un- changed,- The sales were as fol ws : No. Av. Price. No Av. Price. 126 175 $7 00 61l 218 $7 00 114 203 7 00 74 181 7 00 84 275 7 ',25 144 386 7 00 130 192 6 '87& 62 184 .7 00 SHEEP. The receipts consist exclus vely1 of estern sheep. The masket is cuiet and lower. A few sales of , extra Western were made at .51. ® 6 cents. , CHICAGO LIVE isTOCK. LIVE Hoos—Active at $6 25 co, $6 75. Carriats-Quiet. Sales at $4 65 ® $5872. NEW -YORK HORSE MAR:K.ET. •At the weather improves, the trade rn horses increase*. There is a geod pros- pect of a brisk trade within the Course of the next ten or twelve weeks. Sales have lately beeu effected in h erne s horses for family use and iu trotters st prices from $4.00. to $650 to $800 for single horses, and from $800 to $2 000 for pistolled pails. A few trotters baye changed hands at higher figures, but they I were special sales. Trade ii hea,v3,1 draught horses is good. Teams oalarge he pair. e in de- ind sell s wagons sell for from $200 to $450 Canadian and French horses a mand, and small teams of this freely at from $200 to $450 a pa ALWAYS ON T1 TK. ANDERSON, MA.1N S s is nowfully prepared for 8 1871, with a beantifill stoc ENGLISH, SCOTCH, ICAN I FRENCH AND AMERI ME: REM', of DIAN,' AN TWE .E S ! DOESKINS, 13p,o.E.nc3_a9rr s, MELTONS, WATERPROQF ETC., second to none itt the county, whisili lam prepared to make up into every style of Gentlemen's Garments, CHEAP FOR CASH. All the latest Novelties NECK TIES, SCARFS, CILLAR ETC. HOSIERY AND G-LOV S, WHITE DRESS SH R S3 FANCY FLANNEL SHIR S, together with a well -selected stock of UssDERCLOTHING-, splendid' value, and everything found in connection with a first-class Gentlemen's Outfitting Es- tablishment. Cafl ou Anderson for a good; suit at a low price. T. K ANpERSO m • Street. Seaforth, March 31, 1871. • 173-tf CHEAP LOT FOR ALE. . , ACRES East half of Lot 2?, Tenth dk) Con., Culross, County of Bruce, with Log -house. 'Eight acres cleared. Patented. Address ExPosrron, Seafosal, or JOHN LOGAN, Esq., Teeswater„ March 31, L 43-13t THE 8.EAFORTH Volunteer Compiiny! Will meet at the Armoury, . ON FRIDAY, APR;114 71 At Noon, itt unifoinse. for Target jractice. T. P. BULL, Ca.pt in, Commanding Company. •Seaforth, March 29, 1871 173-1 HORSE FOR SALE. FOR, Sale, Cheap for Cash, or on time, a good Driving Marc. Apply to - . McINTOSII & MORRISON. Seaforth, March 31, 1871. 173-tf EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber is still in his old stand, and prepared to pay The Highest Cash Price For any quantity of GOOD FRESH EGGS Deli-vered at the Egg Em.poriu Main street, Seaforth. To all parties (merchants and others.) with whom be has done busines during the past four years, he return hearty thanks, and trusts by strict attention to business tomerit their patronage in the future. ,. DAVID D. WIL ON. Seaforth, March 16, 1871. 171-tf JOURNEYMEN SHOEMAK RS. AirANTED, inunediately, tvo oed V )1 general workmen, to whom eon- statit emplo3 silent andthe highest wages willsbe given ; married men pre- ferred; none but steady men need entity. 1.72 -et THOS, L'OVEN*T.V.Y, . BY-Lik* To stop up and sell part of the Rioad al- lowance between Lots /tIo. :15 and 16' on the first concession Huron" Road Survey, in. the Township oi-Tuckersmith. WitnitEas it as expedient to stop up part of the original road 411owance be- tweenr-lots fifteen and sixte n, on the firet conce11.ssion . ft. S., Townsi ip.of Tucker - smith, 8uch part ef road.aiioWance never having been assumed by the "public as a travelled road, the land beilig swampy and unfit for that purpose ;I and WHEREAS another road l4at3 been open. ed in lieu of said part of, rea,d allowance, it is therefore expeclieutto-Sell, grant and convey the same to Y,Vii.LIAM. CHALK QOU/NLOCE, Proprietor Of the lands on -each side thereof. I BE IT THEREFORE BNITED by the Mu- nicipal Council of the C rplratiOn of the Township of Tuckeramith, pLi the County of Huron, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, `VIP.i the part of original road allowance hetween lots fif- teen and sixteen, in the 'first concession, Township of Tuekersrnt1i,r commencing tOR, the Northerly bohndary of the travel- led Huron road.; thenc on the Westerly boundary of the road allowance between lots fifteen and sixteen) sixteen chains and fifteen links to the outherly bound- ary of the allowance, for road between the Townships of Tuckerstriith and Mc- Killop; thence on said boundary course South, sixty degrees East, one chain; thence on the Easterly boundary of the allowance for road between lots fifteen and sixteen, sixteen chains and ten.links, more or less; to the Northerly boundary of the travelled Huron road., thence on said boundary course Norths se venty three degrees and thirty mirnitOs West, one chain and three links to th place of be- ginning, containing one a re and two roods and eighteen perches 1e sold, grants ecl and conveyed to Wirstram CHALK Gourssioen, for the smn of Forty-five Dollars, ($45), to have and to hold, him, his heirs, assigns and suecessors for ever. Noneg. 0 . The above is a true copy of a proposed By-law to be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tuck -el -smith, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of MAY next, in the village of Harpurhey. WILLIAM MUIR, March 17, :1871. Townshiip7C2.14etrls. HOUSE LAND LOT FOR SALE. milE subscriber offers for sale- a large frame cottage, 30x40, n cw, ald a cor- ner Village Lot, opposite the Baptist Church, Seaforth. Farna property would be taken in exchange. Apply on the premise. 172-12ta. ALEX. MeARTHUR. ToRONTO MISS ERWIN Has opened out a large stock of Spring -Goods, comprising alr the Latest Styles in Millinery. Dress and Mantle Making Promptly attended to. Stamping done on the shortest notiee. Straw and Hair Work of every kind executed in the neatest Manner and latest styles. 172-tf Reynold's' Block, Seaforth. BLACKSMITH-SHOp TO RENT. MORENT. a Blacksmith -shop, on the townline between Tuckersmith and Hibbert, Thirteenth "Concession of Rib- bert. A house, with stable, pump, etc., and an acre of land, will be let along with the shop. The shop is in a good loCation for businessfmmediate pos- session given. Apply to JOHN LATTA, on the premises, or address Rodgerville P. O. 172-3t* . TAVERN FOR SALE. ?THE well-known and i old established. is_ Hotel, The Roxburgh Hotel," uated in the thriving- Ivillage of Rox- burgh; along with the house is one-half acre of land and good Stabling. Right opposite is Rock's Mill," doing the largest gristing business iin the County. To a party with a small capital this is one of the best stands in the County of Huron. Apply to the proprietor, THOS. WILSON, Walton P. 0. 171-tf NOTICE. A LL persons indebted_ to the es -tate of lithe late Wilb.am McAdam, whose debts arc overdue, are requested to pay the same to C. L. Van Esmond, at Egmondville, within one month from date. And all persons having any claim on. said estate will present the same to the same person, duly authenticated. C. L. VAN EGMOND, 3A ME S HI LL, 1 Executors. March 14, 1871. 17)-4t EGGS! EGGS! MHE Subscril1er begs to intimate that he is still p epared to purchase Eggs at his Store at the Markets and to pay the - HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH ! , for all fresh Eggs that may offer. To Merchants in Town and Country with whom he has done Business in the past th i ee yew's, he returns his best thanks, and. hop'es for a continuance of Business,relations. I WM. MALCOM. , Seaforth, March 3, i71. 168-tf TO CAI -WENT* SI CON- TRACTORS, And the Public Generally. WBOXETE SHINGLE FA TORY. The proprietor of the a iove Factory desires to state that he is now prepared to supply Shiwiles of the Very Beki Qualitlh On the shortest naitte, and at -the very lowest cash prices,.eitlaer alt the mill or delivered at Seafortn RaOway Station. Orders premptly attentltd to, P. A. IRELAND, Wroxetcr Sillugle Fad MISS McINTOSI-I Wishes to announce to the ladies of 1,'4ea- fortleand surrounding country that she has removed. to The FARMERS' STORE, above the OLD POST OFFICE, Where she will be most happy to receive - rdere in LLINERY, DRESS 'AND MANTLE MAKING the latest and most approved style of t e season. She also keeps on hand. - Choice Selection of Flowers, Feath- ers, Terry Silk, &c. TRAW AND HAIR WORK . cleaned on short notice, 1 1-tf NOTICE 0 BARK MEN. The subscriber is prepared. to contract 1 r the delivery of TAN BARK t the following Stations s , 7" Carronbrook, Mitchell, Sea- -forth, Clinton and Goderich. - Terms of contract and al particulars ' 1.' f rnished at the subscriber's store in 8 aforth. Extra inducements offered to p rties closing contracts at ORM L, R. CORBEY, Farmers' Store, Seaforth. Seaforth, Mareh 17, 187. 171-8t i change of Bitsiness 0. JUST STARTED! AND BOUND TO SUCCEED. • rIIHE Subscriber, Mr. THOS. LRE having purchased the Stocks of - v.A. SHEAR,SON & CO., a a considerable reduction on cost, he: is b th able and determineti to sell to "his c istomers, and all those who may kindly f, vour him. with a call, at such prices -as IN 11 astonish the people of Seaforth and t te surrounding vicinity. " Be has just received. a large Stock of FRESH AMILY GROCERIES, •COMPRISING EAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, NEW FRUITS, ETC, Which he will sell at remarkable Los; Prices. FLOU • AND FEEL), •,e also keeps constantly on hand; a large s ode of Flour. and Feed of every des- cription, consisting of LOUR, CORN 'M AL, OAT BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, ran, Shorts, Oats, Barley, Peas, &c. Flotir and Feed delivered. with dispatch Harpurhey, Egmonville and Seaforth, f ee of charge SEEDS! SEEDS! 111 varieties of Field and Gard -en Seeds kept constantly on band. • 11 kinds of Ptoduce Taken in Exchange for Goods, at HE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. REMEMBER! SHEARSON & CO.'S OLD STAND THOMAS LEE. I69-tf FOR SALE, • A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS,. DESIRABLE Dwelling -house and two excellent lots on St. John street,. 8 aforth, for sale on reasonable terms., pply to JOHN SEATER, 167-tf Disiggist, &c. Seeds! Seeds! OHN BEATTIE keeps constantly on hand, athis Stall in -the laaket, uilthng, the best quality of Secds of eyery deseription: ' ' TIMOTHY, CLOVER, WHEAT, 1 ATS, PEAS AND BARLEY, etc.., on. _hand. JO -HN BEATTIE, 169-8* Market Minding, Seaforth.. FARM TO RENT. TO rent, La Nos 11 and 12; lath Connession, Clay, consisting of two !L undred Aeres, 90 of which, are clear, el about 40 acres ploughed. There is good house and bank barn, with stable ndesneatla and a good yoong bearing rehard. The farm will be let for five 3 ears. For further paatieulara, apply to- OHN THOMSON, Seaforth; or to J.A.`4. OUGLAS, near the Farm. 172-3e PRIVATE SALE. One span of working Horses,. One set of double harness. Ono Wagon ; one iron rleugh, (inc set of double Harrows. The above win be sold on easy terms-. 1. pply to A.LEX.A.NDER SMITH, I sit 2, 4th Coneessisn, Z‘IslCilbs?..s. 71a4t". I