HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-31, Page 3Al-tcH 31. IST 11419011111•1=111r Foi ?I E & CARTER f CALL THEATTENTIGN't E PUBLIC al), THEIR - ; 'Mt RON ED [ling Machines, THE BEE;ST ESET '1'"c mot.. posz,ess many improve- rtv h,-retof,krc made. Thy are Mae-Li/to of T 1:v constructed. for travelling; smaller size, calculated mom ift)ME E. tin ir iare machine has bee , it hi' ,given the V ELZ.Y BE6T "NON, , anufaeture the Pitts )ved Horse Power. -; et to Cture aInzzt every article- in ag "[NG 'MACHINES, from 5a to Citt cards of -(sal per day, CUITERS, a . zperior kind. Isatasst Improved. AT AN, AND PLOWS, uo,t he surpassed. -- -0 - 11Y DEsCRIPTION OF CAST[NGS Ti t i.S11( grrEsT 2cm-rem. = al((tvc, the suliscribs , c , a highly apinassed. pattern for. }IELDESK IBM'S.: ;,`"a• IN ALL ERANCKES At -scalded ta Promptly. • employi ItE) AgtntL aJld Cfyrk iv tile purchaser the atIvan- S commission- iipioy none but the best skilled a xnateriai, -which warrants- ataranteeing satisfactian. G Pta-t.CHASERS WILL PLEASE. Ts A cAT,L BEFORE DCY11Sla FILOU OTHFAtz. ZAPFE & CARTER. 143-1y— IEL WPGREGOrts r-KgiiiDER HULLETT ;st received a iarge Stock of the sials used. in the lausiness, and, ly prepared to execute OD the- totice and in the latest styles, lie may be favoured -With. sters, Ledgers, ANDj 33•001eSe'• itF. ANY giND,, . 1-Yinted -a.nd Jiro& On the shortest:notices aiad a. which defy oompetition. IES WORK :BOXES AND . • MON( 'CASES •-• r • • •--- Made to order., N.DITEAVBOORS, xiSti REPAIRED At eity prices_ residing at a distance by. }maks at the :,-;ignal Boox. :tlerielt„ or at the Exeoserose -f.ortli, in- at J. IL (Irma's, Ain- : satiate; atyle, may rely upon la. well bound. !totunications addressed. to the a.d, will receive prompt atten- . _tiEL TNIc4t RE( toll, Constance, P. 0. _Hallett Nov. 1870. 1-53-tf. - AND, LOT FOR SALE. (%)-TTAt F1, 26 x _frame stable, half au asere of land, with eindeest fruit trees, all is good wed, etc. Likewise a. ;containing aix acres, more or 11e hiehest .state of oultiN ation, ed, and maam ed, and seedea h timothy and clos er, and s sat -a new substantial boara. his hit is admirably adapted., seyy or a market garden. The verb- is :,,atuatcd m the villtvc..- oroarb., on the banks of ti7re L. 25, feet above the Ievel of the a good gravel road, and two 411 'taxrtli Terms eaSy. Ap- ROP;ERT SC( al', Roxborough. 14, 1870, lCE TO DEBTORS. a: said lay book aceounts to J.NI. .Met:It t( Irciktors vsell sattle with him /Mine-. ‘1,1 t"^, in.' till ir accounts. WM F. t39 -ti .„ MARCH 31,1871. Dairy Farming. V:or several reasons, the attention Of the Canadian ihrmer has of late been aroused to the advantages of dairy farming. For some years the price of dairy produce has advanced rapidly and steadily; while the Price f grain has ia the last five years mine down to a very low ebb, and: the avetage crop has also, been greatly reduced, a steady advance in the market value of cheese and butter ha.s It is tree -that dairy farms do not offer the ..sanie chance of ra.pilly realizing a large rottnea- as do grain farnis„, but neither is their- produce liable to the same sudden redoction and the same fluctuation in price as the latter. There is nothing specu- lative in the business of -butter-inak- ing, and it is but little effected by variations of season. The most essential points in the esta.blishment ot a dairy are: First, to have a good. breed of cows. Seeondly, to possess proper build- ings and applianoes. Lastly, to be provided with an at- tentive and skillful manager. STocia—The opinion of dairy far- mers is much divided as to .the best, breed of cows for successful bntter-. making. In Canada, the balance of favor is with the Ayrshires. A enoss Niith this breed upon the Dur- ham Shorthorn likt bee'i well re- kyounnended. By , adopting this cross judicioucily 'We increase the richneee and creaminess of the milk, a`vhile such animials are more readily and profitably turned nip) the sham- bles. But, whatever breed we pat- ronize, we must not neglect the great importance of obtaining and 1' eepi33g the best of cattle—not/only the best clats, but the most produc- , _ :aye individitaha The is no quality in cows more certainly tran. witted to their prog- eny than that of free and rich Milk- ing. If you have a cow. that is a eood milker at one time and uncer- tain at another, that is an " unkind beast," a thin milker, eubject to to sore teats trftuek. ealeeng, apt to miss the bull frequently, or has .0f1Ce bet:0112C barren, it is better to. put her up to fatten. at.onee, and oil no consideration attempt again to bleed frem her. No 'cow wilt pay which is allowed to ran over a sea- son lAithout producing.' Watch your cows individually, ,compare their milk: and the weight of then butter, and keep weeding them. out, holarog on and breeding from the best, and regularly infusing new blood into your herd. Never use a bull which is not noted fbr produc- ing good milking stock-. Say an aV- erage Ct;Ni7 makes five pounds of but- ter a week for nve months. in that time her produce, at twenty cents per poand, would. amount to 100 pounds, equivalent to twenty &A- lai* if, by careful selection of sires, we can iteprove the same GIDGV'S progeny by only One pound. of% butter per week, -we should have an increase of value in that cow of 41011V1 donate for the time we ineutioned, or $9 GO per year.. It is in the ag- gregate of these apparently small increases that the far-secing farmer becomes successful in his calling, Two years old is the age at which to put the heifer to her first bull, thus bringing her 'calf when she is just arriving- at her most healthy acre and when she is well able to air the pities of parturition. Now, with regard to the length of tithe which ehould elapse between the drying off of a cow and hei oulving, opinion varies between a month , and ten weeks. Repeated oxperimqits by the most eminent dairymen seeni, however, to justify the prevailing estimate that six weeks is quite supicient. Of Course, for those who koep a large did: y, it is ad vis:tbl e to bring in the. ;cows at such different tinleS 21S yield them -a good average produce at all seasons. The -Most proper season is from the beginning of Mato the end of July, although the getter:Li season, in Canada Seems to bc confined to April and May. Tt is, I think; ,.:uivisable; ueless thoy be exceptiemdly good milkers, only to take thtee or four calves from a cow. After that age, a cow is very apt to deteriorate in 'her milk, and moreover, a Cow ht five or six yeore old nukes the mot.s.t prime meat. Theee things :Ire all rtilitteis of menagewent, and he farmer is great lyin error who tliinke that nollead- work is tequieed and that book- ie:truing is useless in earreing out such arrangements as w311. combine., the ad vanteece that we have point- dut, ia the face of at cidental. cir- cumetances of time, disease and death. That cows may be managed es so as to prod are a laree proportion is of both thiiry profit:lee and beet; leas li r b beP1). fairly proviel by the expert- so, sa once of many intelligent farmers, ! -Jee, but sie•-11 ie a wot-leteeairing rheuir- net'." A 'Extensive Cheese Factory, The La Crosse Leader gives the following ila LI 116 of one of the 1 est cheese fa wiles in i the- United _ States-, whicl is being, erected in Fairibault c tinty, ,Minnesota: It stands ()Lean ' levation in the prairie, abbut three- ourths of a. mile from the depot. Its dimensions are— main buildii g 82_ hy 5 feet, with an ell on eit er sidle 0 by 25 feet, wllich will iv e it the appearance when comple e of at gigantic :cross. It is to be three Stoei high with a bel . tower Distance from the .. , L gr und to the top- of the tower *58 feet. The rst story ia built of stone walls t rettnaining t; 16 inch wai pf tw ea o feet thick; and the to stories are of brick, Is. 'The ground floor Lhe main building is divided into o rooms th smaller of which is ied the la i ger is to th reception be used as S0( and story all in one r, an • shelves cheese .and b of both the n ell are in ph 'ese will st ry of the ro in, where an eMptied Va, S below. th main bui a; . team elev ttor. Th wi I be used as an i th first store, of the ' in the ell, ate Sevent 12 x 14 glass and five doors; in the,, F.!eeoncl stag. ix cloaks and seventeen wiadows, 12 x 18 glass ; third story, tw nty-two indow -,. 12 x 18 glass. i There.!are th -ee ro rid -windows in th gables, a d in the tower there ttr 4 large windcws, ane On each side. The t )Wer ha.: four . gables, T. is fac.tory is one of the largest' in : tdi Uni ted States. ! T6 .it. ca pal)] e , of w irking- up t ie milk of l,:000 cows. It is but a.. j art. ofla grand enter: pr se. Colo] el Thompson has 'Ru- ch. sed i 2,00 acres ' of choice land, all in one b dy, near and in the to -11 of We is, Fairibatilt .county, M nnesota. On elich ' quarter sec- tio of this inmenS'e tritct, he pro- p° esto bre- k up forty acres; to ero et a tenan - house and barns„ and thin. under leases, to furnish a ten - au of e:tch fiu-rn with. a suitable nu ober of cows, , requiring each tet ant to d liver the milic. frond th ir cows, a this faCtery. ream ro 'and the e -divided into vats,. for of milk, and aNill also •a press room. The f the Main buikiing is om, filledi with tables for the reception of itter. 'ripe third story. ain bitildfng and west ne room!. Here the be cured. The. first est ell is tel be the engine' the Milk is weighed hrough pipes into the The &fee .ent stories of ding are ccessible by eastern,. ell !e,hortse. In Ili:Ming and 1/27/Viudows. Mr. •Sin Jo es to be t on, more so. fat ever—he John Paul ra sed in t B anch. but at fiting hit AIETIE th, is y ur customer listed'?" 'I know of no He is o be trusted ever says tit t nokhing is ;I e vicinity , cif Long. he -viSitorS' indignation self there. : . , Cat so and Effect—A correspond - says that be w:as recently, pre- .te I with. a sample of tea, from p. Ile thinke , it made him Fi h nar B .aux—Said an aNron- en er t� a. Right eye.: girl, while ta ki g of ra nbows" se lunar Lowl"--" be eu by. nto nligli, i yo can," N as the sly rejoinder. ather," aid a sporting youth L'e' parent, "they say trout will e ow." ' Well,. well," 'was the is ling re ily, " Mind. your -work I hey won.'t 'biro- you .. .. • . Si -- Freder'ck. Adam spoke with a .ti lig Se tch accent. One, day wl e inspecting a regiment, ho no- ticed that he tuft of a soldier's shtk waS issing. The man was a iusman, 3 nd a bit of a humor- ist " 'Whet e's your fey th er, (feath- er ) ey mbn "asked it Frederick. " Ie s in relanda our honor," svi, 8 he prot pt reply. M: ternal Solicitude—, An old IT ghland w man, -whose 6in-in-law w€. s luch addicted to inteipperance, le tu -inn- bit one di Y on his mis- ts . co di et, con luded with the follow, in rave, a lvice : "Man, Donal', 1 vo ild like that you would bel.ave your..er,, and gather as moch, siller as NV II , bity a new suit of black Th es, for I. ould . like. to' hear . tell of yo tr Lein decent at my funeral." Mt re Wh sky—At a recent meet - ie 1 Kenti cky, held for the pur- . p se of help ng tdong the building Of t a railroa one of the .speakere re la iced th t the Ohio RiYer. -as I getting too Ow for n:i.vigation, and w th (=nail', iagnal saifi, with ! great en phasis, ." Vo are -I getting short of Ile ter," h was serprised to see a in 4rriatet Kentue eian rise tnad sa a ' All ybu've got t do, then, is to is to tie) pt t in nior whisky I" Did you ever have seen a that's -what to bi co an ra old 1a vitneSs es, and et, `.` nto- ieh thouglit and - " Oh." •impru lug int supervihion. 0. E. W. e .6f the ....11-igistrate ti e 1.w, yot-Cl wild 1 like to come Irigle of Commons, -owl ?" "NO, telif of nu 0(W for the.. -1.:X.3 ! sl the oman, w Mondav, are old Nsort y Was re before a. when aS1 bstinatel3 `here's-'- n ently brought Jena of IllAg- ed to take oft refitSed' to do law compel- nff her bob- ently replied 1. " you know Perhaps yOU I and sit hero ;: think .yon., I, tartly, " cu enorig 1 there now, -. 9 4 nsuraince Compa .oF LIVERPOOL &IoNDo --0 APITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling - 'REF virriaEs.,-Queen1Buildings,.Liiver- - 001, And Oracethurcli Street, London. CANADA RRANCIT Orrion--Ex an. e Buildings, Montreal. 30ARD—W111. Morton, Esq.,' Chat an: enry Thomas, Esq., David- Torrance, Esq., andthe JaaneS Fetriel BANKERS:-L-Molson's 33ank. LEGAL Am/miss— Messrs. Ritchie, forris & Rose. TEDICAL A D,VsSER—William,Sutlierland, Esq. M. D. • SuRvni-tor Thom s S. Scott, Esq. .Arsorros Thome Pe. Johnson, lax". ItstunEis SECRET 10 AND 0-BNr.rtAT. GENT,—.j Macke zie Forbes, 13 St. aerementiS 1.•eet, M nt,real. The undPrsigned haring:been pp int- ( -1. Agent br the abo c Company parties insure ag st 1.ss b lire can e most f vo irable te ms. cies grant d on as ad Tentage - s any oth r respectal le Com- b-usiness 'n Canada. JAMES 1 BENSOI esiring to q sp on t Life Pei us terms any doll' OFFIC Seaforth, BENS0.1 mEyE ,.,tgent3, Law 0 ice, 1 eafortb. 53-tf.— REIGN 0 LAW, y Duke of rgyle. 13,UXL Y'S LAY S . - THEOLOGY AND TIENCE, (Brewer) CRITIC I/ NEW ESTAMI NT. 'EADIES' BIBLId. If CYCLO EDI A EAMES' 1BLICA CONCOR NCE. JOSEPHI S3 ATOM'S. EXETE 1, HALL L i'CTURE. . MOT EY'S D CH REP MBBONS RISE & LL, MANE RY OE EN C L D. --STOR Y F EN C MACAU MAR COTTAG PAM S ABB DAY BO JO :(HAM'S JBLI� IPIE,E, LIBRAI(A 1LY READ SCHO Hym —AL 0 -ILNALS, LET)(EB S, , CASH B )0KS. WRIT1NO• . ENV Ceiruner ial and f-ney, at LUMSDEi rug and Book , Nov. :3, 1E70. „choice a NG, L Lor, BOOK Seafort id cheap ETC. ER, LOPES T/A5 t2re. CA, Goiden AAA • Oral" 0—I (12. maul °fa* 4.4 eat,- *-11 eata• ("J I•••• ft" /•• ent r■•• ■d. rep ...f• est,. , .00 *id dik01 Cn4 *ma 0 writ •"' • ez# przrai 11113* fez.,.; int ,NNA ti!al ft= (7 Rao 10031 •74- (111 ff•sf • riffi 1.6151 fop raat- eart- 1111 1.7.1 C1) :FOR SALE.; OT 16 in i61i IConcessi JaACOnsideralile -chit m.(s, and house, with some \--(1,ry valual Apply to McCACCHEY & 1) Seetforth, or o Mr. Peter lot 15, 14-,h Canees ton. Grey. !WARD HAL LR. W. COLLINS Begs to state that he has opened ua KIDD'S NEW BLOCK, BILLIARD R00111 ciNTOSH & MORRISON'S There are in *the hall FOUR, T BLES; (Riley & May's Manufacture and excellent accon7odations for -.94 itors and playet;s. „Attendants will be 4 hand at all r sonable hours. R. W.-COLLINS, 6-tf Proprietor. THOMSON a. WILLIAMS Are introducing the celebrated "CUMMING'S " STRAW CUTTER sinitch has already naet with unrivalled sacsess in other parts of Canada. 'Warranted to give perfect satisfaction when driven either by horse or hand pow- er. ALSO MANUFACTURE A NEW iN Ti 8 1-101;SEPOWER, SUITABLE FOR. DRIVEN Gi STRAW CU9. SANVING 311ACITINES, OrEN CYLINDERS, AND LITTLE GIANT THRESHERS. - Also, all kinds of Farming Implements including-- ; Reapers, Farming :Mills, _Mowers, CultiVators, Combined Machindis, Horse Hoes, Separators, Wdeders, Pitts' PoweriVlo-ws' - Sawing Machines, Gang Plows, Double Mouldboard. Plows, &e. MILLWRIGHTING & 4 EERING DEPARTMENT. Steam Engliaes of all Sizes Built. Grist Mills, Flour Mills, Saw Mills, Flax Mills, by water or steam, And all kinds of FftCTURIES CUTRACTED FOR AND EXECUTED IN, TEE MOST • APPROVED STYLE. TURBINE WATER - WHEELS, LATH MILLS, SHINGLE 11OLLS, BRAN DUSTERS And all kinds of machinery of the be construction, supplied on short notice REPAIRING ENG1i4LS ATIM DIAGRINERY Promptly attended to Address, THOINISON & WILTJAMS, Mitchell, P.O. Seaforth, Sept, 6th, 18,0. s 144-ly FOR SALE OR TO RENT. ml -TE -andersihrned offers for sale or to rent, on the 3d Concession of McKil- lop, Roxboro Road, 14: miles from Sea - forth, and one mile :from Roxhoso, 1 acre and 9 rods of land, with a good hear- ing Orchard of 24 trees. assorted; frame house, 2'.2.x..32 feet, in gooi condition and very -comfortable ; a.10, a -well, pump, and. stable --on the premises ; the lot is well fenced. For feather particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. 159-tf JOHN Y'01.7.Ntis FOR S41L.E. mFIE-most eligible situation in Seaforth, ,1_ on the East_ side of Main Street, nearly opposite the Pest Office., on which there is a commodi(ds Dwelling -house, • 36x26, two stories high); stable and wood- shed, and a &toed well With a pump in it. The front of- the lot 'on Main street is well situated for the erection of Stores, being in a ,central position for business. Thi property extends from Main streat .to Victoria street -The lot fronting cus Victoria street -is usedas a Garden, in whieh there are the choicest young Fruit Trees, apples, pears, , plumbs, cherries, grape V.ales, gooseberries, currants and straWberries. The garden is in the high- est state of cultivation: and pi educes an abundance - of vegetables, ..For further partieulars apply to GEORGE -MePHILLIPS, P. L. S., Scaforth, Jan. 17, 1871. 1,613-tf FOR SALE,: rpHAT splendid 1-Idte1 Stand on the .1 Market Square; +forth, known: as the CORN EXL-1-1A1N GE, and doing a good .business. To an enterprising man, with some capital, it offers excellent in -- (imam -tots, being cn 0110 of the leading streets and close to thp Salt Wells. - Also, two emnfortalile COTTAGES on Elgin Street. Goderichl, rented at S200 a year, and. several Tow Lots, Terms— , moderate. Apply 0 WN . MAT,CONI, . At the Market Seaforth, Jan. 23,- 1871. 164-tf . r TOYS & FA9CY CODS! sEI,Lim(:fo,FF .A_ rT 73S 1 . M. R. _COUNTER., NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY . YOUR Christmas 'Presents, • ANJIP YEW YEA4'S‘ GIFTS. Jut received a complete stock of MEE COLO AND SUER JEWELRY .RU.SSEL AND -SWISS a Grey.11,iiilie_clle 111 rrl OL'ai ES- 1 si1nc7t 1,:i -is 6 W TCHE be CARRIAGE AND WA 6 Goderick Street, S1e or SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, & &e., Built in a superior manner, to rder, short notice, 1 Pr -Particular attention paid jo Horse Shoeing and General BlaCkstai i• g. 163 D. McNA WOULD rcspectfull inhabitants of Set o ity, that he still_ contint es Business as -usual, itt th o the North road. jobbing of all kinds, an I ors -shoeing espegially, promptly atte (1 - d t ray- Terms reas na le. im, te to the • nd Nicht- to carry on d. stand, on 164-tf DAVID A GHT. eat- cmaala- e!D insd est, - ?pg.+ sii3e Itunad 04- a.117..4 rk- orw 4.) Iffri‘ iworl 0.1x:0 Jimit ecmi Pod eiN 1•7••i 0 l••"‘ luwa4 #3,4- 0.zra Pr7,1, (42 (ID eie Jrrazai g‘rsIke• tt-.4 • 0 12a 0 rri r:. 07 • 1..-1 P 7; 7:4 :--1 a CS to t 6 (40 34ifn'31-3C3 ✓ IA Ill > o > -4 40 x co X pi- > -1,,b• 2: ,3 r 7. r rn to- o- _T.- w mW). r m o 5 P < ,(-1 7.3 -1m' r.° ... :: ! c: Min ,.„ P1 X. 0 7 •-i i C ; > 3 3 >:C.: 1PC 3°9-2Cr I C):: I q;C:ii- Z ' .._ u) 0 cs 7,, z z 0 e- ••• . -• aessroi AAA,. S'sa'Sammt . T() c m r <0 mo 0 nr rnrn ...I X > r o -4 1 LIVERY STA AME ROSS desitica to ei public that be has OpEn sold Cileaper than be Livery Stable. in conneetioi 1 hotel where parties can eV ated With t class horses an (-;,1r. , "Cs ,raNTER. at reatonable prices. - 13, its70- 52 1 Sea orth, 21st, I•570 * ,S-kurcirrn, A •... CARRIAGE. FACTORY • TAM STREET„ SEAFORTIL he subscribers feel thankful for the ve •y liberal patronage they have rz ceived si cc commenting businew4 ill eafortb. an I wish to intimate to their customers an1. the public generally that they keep onj hand and are manufactnring all kids of wheel work, .such as RRIAGES, OPEN AND TOP BL-GGIES; DEMOCRATS, viVAGGorif31 S £IGHS,CtrTTER, &c., de up by EXPERIENCED WORK - M 4N, in the very latest styles. 1,1 e Do No Horse -shoeing, inform tilts -al a New -with hit ieeerrinusl. 1 vehicles, 97 tf B t pay all our attention to the above cF s of busjness„ P Ales who favor us with th.eir orders will get god satisfactio-4. We keep a -first-class Carriage P tinter: PAINTING D me for country shops, and old ,work re -ainted ati reasonable rates. Repairing rromptly attinded to. Cordwo o d , Lumber, Shhigles and L th taken in exchange for -work. MclaNTOSH & MORRISON. L 7-tf SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. , IRE UNDE1-1.. ItiNED has on hand, _ at lot No. 5, 3.1 Concession, Tneker- si all, L. R. S., a Tams -thy of Sete]. Pota- toes of the folio -win, varieti s : Early 1)5e, Early (lo( elrit7h, Ilarrison staid G e.eson. Ile will be prepared to meet, o4 the above T. -remises, those who may wlint good seed potatoes on S'aturday of each week. _ALLAN II013S0N. 167 -Jt CERTAN EF THE M. R. COUNTER, le.,1 L. LE IL, Scafoth, AT.7 A T (Ili MAKE AND Ont., sole- Agiut fin= the sale onr FEFFEc-tro ,F;TITAT,11:21 t Lon., -,q of vhich. arc ground IT RS, from material manufactured espe- cially for Optic purpos( s . It is pure, hard, and. brliant, and as near Achromatic as esn be produced; rfil 1,eenliar forni and, seien title ac,siraey attain- ed by the aid (4 comp11eated and enstly mashinery, war -ants tis ta::..t them tz (0 if II !O F1=:( P EVER MAN F.A CT Ult. i They asai the sidit most brilliant]) fcr ease and carn:ort on tit - Wearer, carse a can:inn:ills aril abidint improve:us nt el the es 43,3,ld last; a great 1xlauy years withent rtqui mg 'to be c ian;sed. So the:- are the CilisAITST ai well as the IlEsir, LAZMLI-S. & Co. 295 Noire Den )eStreet (nil stairs), 'We emPioy no Pt filers. :Montreal. PJ C t-t\JL.iY etween Ilaintiff, and JAMES Nie.V.1-1,1: IN anti. TisONIAS KIDD, Deism:a:its th Deeember, 1‘s7o. hcreby apne'int T•i-lOMAS Kipp. of the _Villas's! (if :.-(,nft•rili, Connty of Hu - Ion, merchant, iteativt r in this case. J. A. BOYD„ Mastcr. Al) parties indeles d to the late firm of K 11) D t LK IN Will 1411.n,i.= anti :-.;ett1e the son. at oni:e and. ()bliss. 1110:11..A.-3 KIDD. Seafortli-; -Dee. 21, 1-,70. 1.51-tf If volt 1: -t11.1 -t "'00d ID Ci _A_ 7 '7' 1 W. P. PAGET'S GALLERY, Opposite Iobeitson's Grocery. :;trevteaforth. tll API is; bi a f•upvrinr des- pription, nissurpassul in the -County of iar nron. • _Mr. Paget wishes -to cal:lain that his- gaPery, though stnall and, ef nu an ar- Vearanee; is quite snitable -for the pro- Lluetion of liast-class Portraits. 165-13* BUSH FP.741.7°:FC 3tf..11: rellEAP 11.1-F; ; NET) offers for F;t1.7:e, :cheap, Lot No, :10, Om. 15,t ywnship )of Crey, Co: of lluron; abont 70 acres of this lot are timbei ( d, with hardwood, four acres of which ai-e :Chopped, the bal- ance is timbered h dar and. rine ( f exeelleitt qual:ty. Tlit're is SUilicient of this latter thol er to pay for the whole The lot ViiIl be sted tsTiEsall FOR ('ASH, or on time. Title indisOutabIe. For further partienleirs wi (tiv tit by let- ter, prepaid) to Adam ( ;soy, Seaforth, or to the liodeaegued proprie- tor. 3-.3.0D ER 1 C C .N.7, listoesfords P. .(:). . Thamesford, Nov. 0, Iss70, - FOr:- SALE, La F I I • • N A 1 (ensile tal v ( sot tege & oval sul_ the Pilo crt.a. ()I n..,w.A.RD Cx!-11. Psioh 11.tt Fitt of Al ay, ..:•• j y to the Prliii,.tor, ;talon's. -