HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-31, Page 20 2. 411112101111111W' THE HU RON,EXPOSITOR. ROIMIRM IT IN TOE ,.RUSH ; LIFE IN CANADA. BY 41I1S. MOODIE. CHAPTER Yd. THE ciseeniyaia. Why they treated our cleims to feeir [respect :with Marked insult and rudeness, I could never satis- factorily determine, in any way that could reflect honor on the speciei, even plead an exCuse for is brutali ty, until I found that this insolence was more generally practised by the low, unedacated emigrants from Britain, who better understood your claims to their eibility, than by the nattves themselves. Then I discov- ered the secret. - The unnataral restraint whieh.so- ciety imposes upon these people at home, forces them to treat their more fortunate hrethern with a ser- vile deference which is repugetant to their feelings, and is thrusZ; upon them by the dependent circumstan- ces in which they are placed. This homkge to rank and education is not sincere. Hatred and envy:lie rank!. ling at their heart, although hidden by outward obseqeiotisness. Neces- sity compels their obedience ; they fawn,arel eringe,end fl atter the weal th cn which they depend for breed. But let theta once emigrate,. the clog whieb fettered them is suddenly re- moved ; they are free; and the dear- est privilege of this freedom is to wreak upon their superiprs the lona locked -up hatred of their hearts. Tacy titink they can debase you ta their level by -disailowing ali yotir elaiMs to distinction.; while 06, hope to exalt themselves • and tlicir fellows into -ladies and gentlemen by sinking you baek to the only title you ieceived from 'Naturea=plain -and wolnan." Oh, how much morellonorable than their vul- gar pretensions ! ° „I never ktlew the real diginity of these simple epithets untilthy. wereiesultingly 'thrust upon as by the workiwt'eelasses of ean:tda. But froei this folly the native- born Canadian is exaropt ; it is only i)ist.ctised les the low -born Yankee, o the Yankeened Bsitish peasant- ry and mechanics. It originates in the enormous reaction springiettout fa -sudelett emancipation from a- . etate of utter 'dependenee into one , unrestrained liberty. .As such, ) 'pot oniy excuse, but forgive it, for - the principle is founded in nature ; -and, however disgusting and dis- tasteful to these aceustemed to dif- ferent, taeatatent front': their infe- 'lore, it is better than a bellow pro- fess-lon of duty and attaeh merit urged upon as by a false and unnatural poeition. Stilil it is very irksome -until you think more deeply upon it; and then it serves, to ,atuuse rather than to irritate.. Seveateen years has made fts gi•eat difference in the state of society in Canada., as it has in its COM mercial and politic:al importa-uce. When we came to -ea rl ad a, _ society Was Com- poSed of elements Which did not ale way amalgamate in the best possis Lie manner. 1 We wet e 'reckoned no addition to the society ef 0 . Authors mac 1 iterery people they held in supreme detestation ; and 1 was told by la lte:y, the verv first time I appeared in company, that "he heard that wrote -books, but she could tell the that they did not _want a Mrs. Trol- lope la Canada." -I had net then read Mrs. Trol- lope's work on America, or I should have comprehended at oace the -cause - of her indignation ; for she was just seat a person. as would have drawn forth thekeen satire of that far see - observer of the absurdities Of our eature, whose witty exposure of American affectation has done more towards producing a reformin that retepect, than would have resulted from a thousend grave animadver- sions soberly written. Anther of my self -constituted itd7 visers informed me, with great as in her look and tone, that .Thougl " it would be hetter for me te lay generally lty tha,, pen, and betake myself to formed, a eome More useful employment ; that earriagc. Anxiou ttied to av confined f commo realer off atioua sh .oncluded etch subj hem inca e. This heir self - ant assu hey regai vious, sta iutoler deas of vi, ustcmed ark, or t by others, ut she ca was made ing every ulness ; s areasms attiring a ra,etwal k be contr. mor falle vere more -.y in the c old, than not to offend them, I id all literary subjects. -7 conve satian to topics interest!; but this gav the nrst osten rising, for they. ild not talk o use I though able of understanding was mo e wounding. t 1- ove than the most arro ption on my part ; anc ed me with a jealous, en d-aloofisliness, that wa ble that , I gave un , al tt.i. itirtg flier . I was so ac• o hear th whispered re have it :retailed to m ," Oh, yes - she can write, do nothing else,". that I ore diligent in .cultiva- branch f domestic usel that -t iese ill-natured ltimately led to. my eel reat nett of most useful they prefer the owledge Yet—such is the Virginian m diction Alberent in ohr impassioned stra nee than w of le hat I wo cts, 'bee these' firuly lovely girls remind one of choice flowers half *led_ in weeds. Music and dancing are their chief a,ccomplishnients. i In the for- mer they seldom excel. Though possessing an excellent general tate for music, it is seldom in ten pow- er to bestow upon its stud the time Which is required to make a really gocd- musician. They -are chnirable proficients in ti e' other art, which they acquire readily,•with the least inst.ruction, cften without any in- struction at all, beyoral that which is given almost intuitively by a good ear for time, ant' a qui* perception of the harmony of motion. The waltz is t ieir favorge danc , in which the old and young join wit i the greatest -avidity; it is not unusi at to see parents and their grown-up children dancine in the same Set- ill a public ball-roo Their taste in music is not for the sentimenta ; ight, Jively tunes f e. nstrels to the mo .t us of Bell ni. e of tbe public ba 1 would b . deligh t display of pret y tires. I have har i- dly plain Canadit n ; 'and a dowmigl t st unknown. -bones, wide mouth, nose of the Saxon among the lower 'are here succeed - generation, by the straight nose, and outh of the Ameri- lowing tint of the beneath the wither- atle hours nd stov'e- , I. 1 rally a, fi e people, bilities au talents, J provea 13- cultiVar them sec ed to no rld ; and tl ac peried naturd—these people On enuerine o b annoyed by my proficien- rooms, a strange mmon I. bors of a house- ed with such 1 they avou d have been by faces and neat ft try &splia. s of my mfortamate au- ly ever seen a re horship.. Never vk as the fable of girl in her teens -he old • Ill n and is ass so -truly ,ugly(Are is elm erified. - ' The high cheel There is le of the social, and turned -up liens Whi ong the Cana- race, so cumin() utes the great classes in Britai timidly v .narm of heir hospitality ed in the next S entirely for those mon- small oval face tei. meeti ell they vie with beautifully cut :ach other Tina fine clothes can ; while the nd costly As these la,rge A. tbion rose pale arties are nsive, few fain i- ing influence of . • heat. e ies can a tiring the They are. mai titnost ex and possess cap. vinter. - which, when i very lit siting at h. consti ()me. reserved gs in wh in displa furniture very exp rd to di e more than one visite.'»g Feason, which is lusiVely .onfined to the he great e,uu once fired, ou meet to more a the seine house . , round th social b ird until the en - I ning year end would scarcely know hat you b td a neig: borr were it not or a fornu 1 morninik pall made now just to teinind you hat duals are in the lanc of exist in- your tnd then, tnli indiv th.e living, and sal 'near vicinity. I am speakirg' of the towns t.nd villa nen and h tbits of t tiers in tt e county simple an natural, tality more genui They have not been the hard, )-.1iart town, remembraa ties of ho 'AMC/11g exceeds al •lie _they and. wear i and they in the ar 3oIors. T erate circ does not dyed pou tate in e pounds Up finery, wl meats are thus seed the real c tocracy .of the aristo contempti )Ie. Cot rags, he .1 es beyou orldly w alld ce of the e. he wome others pa re's in lost eXpe angemen • e - wife o inistance xceed t the visiting in _ es, The mea- d European set - are far more and their hospir e and since'. - sophisticated. rty *sclom of a Cana - retain a warm kindly humani- o,a love of dress rsions. In eel b- ilks and satins, sive ornaments, nsiderable taste and - choice o a man in mod - whose 'incom o or three him ds year, does not ltesi 'pending ten T er fifteen n one, article of outside efter4 her inner -gar- 'not Wert as -many sous (lug to o itaVard Shows al infoeta of life. The aris wealth is racy of -Canada in in- their e painter. Greae a id .timnif ruin Of fat lilies, are fro111 this nordinat They derim their fi French Ariteric the Englib, -whom in the lie tnese and costume. . The Oa retain th youth, tir these alums soon haps, to t tierce.se climate, r the the dry,: metallic a r of stoves, ant their emit g too ear y into compare, and. being exposed, While yet chil- dren, to 1 oxicius influenCes of 'ha 'hours,' an( the sudden c b ri ge f ro n heated to ms to the cold, biting, Li ter winte blast. small of stature, they er well sym etricall id posses:( a graceful, eas. • The early age at wide ad er.migh bu ess perfectl d Raphael visi ould be nothin a common sig ld, even to th the evils atisin, love foi dress sbions from th ns --seldom fro hey far surpas, elegance Of thei adian w nten, while the bloom nd freshness o exceedirigly .pretty ; bu 'ade, 'owing, per tremea of thei tiering effect b a basba d, and d to hire nother in tad been nly 'a few Itry,) be ar. to cry an4, a id lament otuieg t Canada. al mom ut, when icon ict d of ,an ar- lwhic N (Add have n clipd o six yearS tapped a the doer, y st unwael- in _ler gossiping, ensities, I gladly let her in. come !' " I cried, ge uproar th lug," sl she thanked her God that she could they many, and are introduced int laughing ; "0 a and 1Ma maka a shirt, and see to the clean- soeiety, t kes from theni all aw .and wring het " ' Thirty I thirty ! thirty! old her barri fate i boy I' 'roared a bondred voices. 'Your wite's worth that, Down we Were jeoth s d with the cash, and we will give you rant _cowardice three cheers, and , three times tieree tion, will rende people in the w is not far distant. Idiots and inc d rpeople tine so eel- dom met with a nong nati es of the colony, that not ono of thi • deacrip• tion of 'unforten bus ver come under my own immediat observa- tion. It .was towaids the/ cicse of the summer of 1833, which had been unusually cold i•nd wet for Canada while 211bodie w absent at D , inspecting a portion of his goven- ment grant of h nd, that TAvas stat - led one night, j st before, eating to rest, -by the sud len firing f guns in our Dear vicinity, accomi anied by shouts and yel s, the In eying of horns, the' beatino- of drums, and the he neigh - a more dant and, barking of all tl e dags itt borhood. "I n ver heat stunning uproa • of disco hideous sounds. What could it all me n' The maid -servant, a much a armed as myself, Opened the door and lis- tened. The goodn ss defend us 1" she exclaimed, quickly -elosins it, and drawing a bolt etdom d. " We shall be murd red. The Yankees Must have tak Ganad_ and are marching hithet." " Nonsense ! that carer ot be it. Besides, they w uld never leave the main road +o ttack a oor place like this. Yet t 'miss is verynear. 4 the.idle yountrfellows in the neigh- borhood meet together to charivari theme For this purpose they dis- guise themselves, blackening their faces, putting their clothes on hind part before, and wearing herrible masks, with grotesque cps on their heads, adorned with cock's feathers and bells. They then form in a reg- ular body, and proceed to the bride- groom's house, to the sound of tin kettles, horns, and ',drums, cracked fiddles, and all the discordant in- struments they can collect together. Thus equipped, they surround the house where the wedding is beld, just at- the hour when Ile happy couple are supposed be about to retire to rest—beating'upon the door with clubs and staves and demand- ing of the bridegroom admittance to drink the bride's health, or in lieu thereof to ieceive a cdtain su money to treat the band at the est tavern. "If the bridegroom refuses t pear 'and grant their request, commence the horrible din you I firing guns Charged with peas inst the doors and windows, rattlingi old pots and kettles; and abusing him for his stinginess in no meas t rms. Sometimes di y break ope doors, and seize u pon h 6 bridegr 1 of ear- ap- hey ear, he may esteem. himself a very f nate Mall, under such circumstances, if he escapes being riddeu on a rail, tarred and feathered, and otherwise maltreated. I have known many fatal accidents arise out of' an im- prudent refusal to satisfy the de- mands of the assailants. People have even lost their lives in th e fray; and.I think the government should interfere, and put down there riot- ous meetings. Surely, it is very hard, that an old mau cannot m young eel, if she is willing to him, withont asking the leave of snch a rabble as that. What eight have they to interfere with his pri- vate affairsr ".What, indeed I" said I, fe Jing a truly British indignation at st ch a lawless infriugement upon the nat- ural rights of man. " remember," continued MrS. 0--, who had got fairly started upon a favorite sunject, " scehe of this kited, that was acted two years ago, at , when old Mr. P' took his third wife. He was a very rich storekeeper, and had made dur- ing the war a great deal of money. He felt lonely in his old age, and married a 'young, handsome widow, to enliven his house. The lads in the villoge woe determined to make him pay_ for his frolic. This got wind, and Mr. was advised to spend the honeymooe in Toronto; but he only laughed, and said that lse was not going to -be frightiened the ne tred the 0111; rtn-: arry take from his comforta.ble home b threats of a few mild boy.' I morning, be was married at church, and spent the day at home, ( where he entertained a large iarty og his own- and the bride's frimds. During the evenire-, all the idle chaps in the. town collected. about the house, headed by a mad young book- seller, who had offered himselif for their captain, and, in the hsual forms demanded a, sight of the bride, and liquor to drink her Walth. Hark ! they ar firing aga • Bring They were very good-naturedly re - me the hammer and some nails, and cei.,,dd by let .us secure th , friend down to them to bid them Mr. 2--, who sent a The, next na welcome, and to inquire on 'what my folly in att terms they would consent to let him log hut, when off, and dispel se. - match to its rot "The captainof theband demanded sume it in a feN sixty pounds, as he, Mr. P , could the • noise incr Well afford to pay it. ftiglitened. M " 'That's to much, my fine fel- shish (for my lows!' cried Mr. P— from the windews. naent I tugbed at ,.mpting t secure a he applic Lion of a en walls ould con - minutes. Still, as ased, !I N as really servlant, who was catch 'girl, Bell, bad 1 I taken to herse open window.. Say: twenty-five, and had been oblig I will send yen down a cheque her place, Who Open the Bank of Montreal fer the days in the co muneY.' 1 Just at this criti shamed a Can for the bride, and leave you to sleep old, Mrs. 0 in peace. If you hang back, we will although geneial raise such a 'lin' run about vour ears i i• JAS. Wilms come visitor, that you sha'n't know that your mischievous p o wife's your own for a moith to "Do tell me " I'll give you twenty-five, re- ing of this stra ." Oh, 'tis n white as a sheet , - bat vat ing of her house '." ' wardness nd restraint. A iri f abe alarmed. le set of w' These remarks were pefectly pet- fourteen an enter a crowded ball have met to harivari tuitous, and called iforth by uo ob-• room wit 1 self possessing d his four 1 as mac rse withl matro 1 midi ty re upon beauty. .ed and c ements, a atteht tli , lent goes servatioe of mitre ; for I tried to aud as Innen con cmceal my blue stockings beneath deuce, its of forty. Th the long conventional rubes of the blush of ad diffidence i. t o I o nn to c i deed r the cheek of at es c tuition!, ace, i i g o - a , er the faintest tinge of the Objecticn- 0,tnadian Their educatien I able color. I had spoken to neither- jis 8o limi nfined to sc few 1 of these women in my life, and was aecOmplis id these not -very 1 mach amused by their retuarke; oat- ,peefectly at . their conver- tieularly as I weld bath wake a eaticn se ssyoed a ehirt, and attend to the domestic ar- lar discus lemon. their.* own dies, or! . mart:neat of my f unily, as well as that of their neigh ors., their houses, I _ either Of -away -I verily believe furniture and ser -ants, sometim s ! that they expeqed.to find an author interIaial d with little harmle s 1 .one of a distiu -ts metes from them- gossip, w deli how -ver tells keen] ! rs of their, dear wno has warn _ eight, a youn should net wo happen a mong bad set,' made ers abotit Port " What is " Do; pray, eul "Have you Canada, and Why, I thou thing 1 Well, it is. The cha the Canadians in the Lower q I eelves; that they imagined the afore- upon th charact said ehould neither eat, drink, sleep, frieeds. }tor talk- like, -other folks ;—a proud, Yet th useless, selfconceited, affected ani- practical mal, that deserved nothing but kicks and buffe'.s from the rest of tuaukiud. tle mEnt, th em hits pauierts. y have a fflities, excellent 1 abilities, which, with a lit - 11 culture, mould render! llectual aid eleseming eom- ' At preeeat, too many of the mean - e iepiied, -y look as need not Id fellows Id Satan, h wife to - gal of sixteen. T der if som them, for p of al th I-Iope and charivar gthen me. een nine sk that lit you k 1 will tell ivari is a • mischief hey ere a idle 1 'ad- Colioure. ?" saidL monstrated the bridegroom, not the least 'alarmed at their threats, and laughing all the time in his sleeve. ' Thirty ; not one cent less Here they gave him such a salute of diabolical sounds that he ran' from the window with his hands to his ears, and his friend came down stairs to the verandah, and gave them the sum they required. They did not expect th.-Lt the old man would have 1 etin so liberal, and they gave him the " Hip, hip, hip, htirrah 'm fine style, and m?...rched off to finish the ' months in uight and spend the money at the E-4 HARNESS, S BRIDLES, Ale MAIN STREET, S DDLES, AFORTH. Come all you good folks ness, Substantial. low-priced, At WILSON'S, Main att. An excellent, stock you The stock is owned by !AIM; WILSON Whose work is so high: The shop is on Main stree Tis a place may easily Here are plenty of bits b Sursingles and saddl)s There is nothing can e vho want Har - pod and. new, t, iSe-tforth, LflY view. renowned ; b'eaforth, e found. idles and. curbs o fine, their nrake, They are just :No. 1 A and prime. Here are lots ef good blankets for winter That will keep fro mer, thoely; nets, so And Trimmed with blue, Crack up whips of every For the stage coach, ca At JAMES WILSON'S May always be had at Here are sponges and Oomilis and rosettes useful and good in heir way; With long and short tags in abundance, And Harness that don' break in a day. _ . Portmanteaus and. Tri nk of kinds, Valises of a quality y and rare If yours::: desire t rebase, To the shop of JAYE-8 WILSON 1 your horses the alful for Sum - en, yellow and lir escription, -riage or hand, hop, Seaforth, onam and. Now come, and that delay, Ekeellent bargains can, At the "Saddle and_ Harn And remember JAM the man. 10 *thout further he while you ss Fmnorinm," 'S WILSON'S keep constantly on h n4 a stock of TRUNKS, PORTAL. N EAUS, VAL- ISES AND AV IPS: Horse Collars- amt Biaaets, And every article co1nn ed with the business. TRUNKS, A IES, HARNESS, SADDLES 0nLl BRIDLES, - Made to rder. LSON. 165-tf TBAVE INSURANCE HARTFORD, LIFE AND A .-STT INSUR PAID UP cup TAL, 6500,000. Cash Assets......41-,600,000 TIA TRAVELERS' IN COMP..0 OF II.ASIT'FO*D Grants LIFE and ENID 1 icies upon the LOW RAI'E dA 1 Which combine amPle cheapness of cost,1 u contract. SURANCE WAILi'NT POL- • It PLAN, ipecurity and d6r a definite NO UNCERTAINT I about the amount of premium. i I ' NO BOTHER abotit otes. NO INTEREST TO 4y for the use of your own money. NO ASSESSMENTS, pesent or priko- PeNetiOveD. ISAPPOINTM i NTS in regard to impossible drvidends.1 N 0 DEDUCTIo.:\ 8 01 loans, notes. o other written obligati° s, when th I icy becemcs a claim. N 0 0 VER -PAY M EN T ' of premium. NO DOUBT but wh you have all the insurance you pay for. NO QUESTION but what you have reliable insurance at 10 e t cost. ACCIDENT DEP TMENT. It has issued over Tw undred. Thou- sand General Accident Policies, dis- bursing in payment 13,74 clams under . them, a sum averaging about Seven Hun- dred Dollars per day lor Vie entne pc -- i r.od. . .4,. During the last twel e months ther were written in this de ailment, L'9,35t General Accident Policies, on which th gross premiums were $521,710 30. Ther ' • . , i • were paid 1,313 c.anns for death. or whol ly dibabling injury by ackeitlent. Of thes 33 were for fatal and 1,1-86 for non-fata riot frem the Fiench injuries. ' question tavern." ew every 'AId do people allow themselves you what to be btillitd out of their propeity ustom that UV such ruffians?" rovince, a d a queer custom it is. When a old 1138,11 marries a young wife, or en old wo- man a young husband, r two old people, who ought to be hinking of their graves, eater for he second or thied time i itsi the holy estate of Nvedlocli-, as the re-iset •elis it, all TO 13E C0NT1NUZD. se,•.11. The expenditure for the protec- tion of the frontier during the hest Fenian raid was 098,289. It is generally thought that the Dominion liouse will be prologeed about the Gth of April. 1 w. N. WA'SON, Agent, SEAF _MTH, Ont. RICHARD BULL; Esq Manager, Hamilten, Ont. TROS E. F0STEP1 Ger_cral Agett, Mentrtal, 166-13t7 MAE.CIT 21. 1871. eaforth Foundry PFE .4sc CARTER ES RE TO CALL THE ATTENTION TTIF4 1-)1JBLIC TO TE.E1R OVED Threshing Machines, THEEST AT PRESENT IN USE. T ese machines possessinany improve - men s on any heretofore made, They are man dad -cuing Machine.s of TWO SIZEs,, one specially constructed for travelling; the Aber a smaller size, calculated more espe ially for HOME USE. St far as their large. machine has bee intr Kluced, it has given the VERY BEST S FACTI . Th y manufacture the Pitts Icproved IIorse Power. li additikm to the above, the subscrib- ers 1 anufactm.e almost every article in. thei line, sock as SAWING' MACHINES, ble of sawing from 50 to CO eerds of wood per day. - STRAW CUTTERS, of a Superior kind. GANG PLOW, The 'Latest Improved. GUILTIVATORS AND PLOWS,. Which cannot be surpassed, , —la -- EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CASTINGS MADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE_ They have a highly approved pattern for SCHOOL USK IRONS. REPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES Attended to Promptly, prF They employ no Agents, andcam therefore give the purchaser the aevan- tage of the commission. - They employ none but the best skilled labor, and material, which warrants. them in guaranteeing satisfaction. . INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE'. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE BUYING FROM OTHERS. . ZAPFE & CARTER. Cap DANIEL M'GREGOR, BOOKBINDER, RULLETT, 11A8 just received. a large Stock of the materials used in the business, and is now fully prepared to execute on the shortest notice and in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. Registers, Ledgers, AND BIAITI 330 01.S., oF KM, Ruled, Printed and Made- • To order, on the shortest notice, and a prices which defy competition. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND FANCY CASES,. Made to order. OLDANDNEWBOOKS., 130U.L.W AND REPAIRED At city prices. Persons residing at a distance by, leaving their books at the Signal Book_ Store, Goderieh, or at the EXPOSITOR - office, Seaforth, or at R. Grant's, Ain- ley ville, stating style, may rely. upon them being well bound. All communications addressed to the undersiped, will receive prompt atten- tion. DANIEL McGREGOR, Coustance, P. O. Hullett. Seaforth, Nov. 9, 18'70, 153-tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.. A BRICK COTTAGE, 26 x 36. frame barn and stable, half an ave of land, planted with choicest fruit trees, all bearing, a good well, etc. Likewise a. 1 ipark lot containirw s x acres, more or 0 less, in the h;glicst state of cultivation, newly drained and marlin ed, and seeded down with timothy and chre er'and fenced with a new substantial board fence. This lot is admirably adapted. for a nursery or a market garden. The above property is situated m the village of Roxborough, on the banks of the Maitland., 25 feet above the level of the river, on a good gravel road, and two miles from Scaforth. Terms easy. Ap- ply to ROBERT SCOTT, Roxborough. McKillop, Dee,..14, 1870. 138-tf. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. T HAVE sold my book accounts to Mr. J. M. NI cGREGOR. Debtors would do well to settleiwith him innne- diately upon recei),ing their accounts. WM. F. Lu-x.n )1C. t Seatcrtb, Dee. 23, 10. 15941 MARCH Dair7 Fa For several reason. of the -Canadian fare been aroused to the dairy farming. For: inice of -dairy pro& mapidly and steadily; -of grain has 'in the oonie down to a ver the avmage erop greatly reduced, in the market value butter: has ruled. It is true that da seller the saute chair realizing a large rata - farms, but 3*.ix.lier liable to the lame im and the same; lluctuz the latter. 'There is iative in the bireintas ing, and it is but lit' variations ot seaesa The latest flasentia establishinent Di a dei First, to have cows. Seeondly, to priasesS ings and appiliankyes, - Lastly, 10 PI tentive and akillful* Slsocx----The opinic mere is unri.4 di ei,lee breed. ef .coeis for in making: i Cam favor_ is with the -c-rosti with tiris breed, ham Shorthorn has ioorannended. Ily asross jadieionsly we, Tiehnese and -ervamint 'While Finch aniinais ...anXi profitably ttlnle ilea. But, whatever realize, we mast 11O ;areat ininortanm of keeping the best of e the beet eraee-, but th tive There is 110 qael rtainly train,rnitiRti efly than that of free, bag. f von haNle emd milker at onc ti tain at .ailotliler, beast," a thin Ile to Bore teatS after Miss tiro bull -frequ <same lievoree beamen, put Jaer up t-4) fattna aio considenttion atty. III-eed frens her. No -which is all wed to r son. NNit1101111. ]usedu l'0111.7 't,OWS their milk and thew butter, and 4eep wee' bolding on iknil be best, and ikeenlarlye blood into Veer hei a bull whwh-is iiotnt ing good milking etoc. _ etatge caw unitkes ter a week fin- Dye Ino time her produce, at Ir pound, Would pounds, orrialent Jars. .11, by; earefla tires, we. eetn image: °ow's progeny by n batter per svelt inereeee of value ni ti &Bale for the time, -or $9 60 per ye10. gregaie of theye aq inereaties that the fa becomes sueceseful itt TWO yelr8 .0b1 is th. to put the heifer to thus bringing Iwr just arriving at 14( r arm ttndwbvi - bear the pais of pill Now, with regal of thee whieb the drying 'off of a I edvmg,opinion v-# onth and :ten ,experiments by tile dairymen }mime hosa the 3 /11.Val. 1 ing 4aq NveeliS is quite sullicV Uf -course for tho- large dairy, • in. the 00 W5 t as will -yield them produce at all wasp proper NM:4,11i IS from -taf May to the end o the general e'easort- in- to be confined to At,: It is, 1 Air& they be exeepl. n tau only to take 614 e from a ▪ A fie!. is N'ery apt 14) ikt.eid 1nirir, and titi•ro4.ivi•r,11 - d six years oid es t 1.1Wat.. These tlungs are, nannamnin,nt... iii t JY Itt eiror who thin!, work is • tl learning ;s such arrangeraill!:. the adva1tat4=•-; cd out, in thw'. vninstanef'S f tin: death. That rows •so as to p2o4ia4at. a 1' 'of both deire proo fairly prey, ,enee ssf mane int, t 1-, wm ing inoeh thon,41it linpervi:i4311. 11 The Po-i4e-li 11- oo, .7%1011411v. venel zadief ' 1ie