The Huron Expositor, 1871-03-24, Page 8-
Ruxon txprioitor.
The North Riding Society's Spring
Show for entire stock, will he held at
Myth, on Wednesday, the 19th April:
The annual Spring Show of -the South
Pdding Agricultural Society, for entire
stock, will be held at brucetield, on Fri-.
day, the 21st of April.
The Ushorise and Stephen Society!e
Spring Show for entire stock, will be
held at Exeter, on Thursday, the 20th of
Mon-re.—Mr. Porter has money to
lend at eight percent.. on farm property
only. See advertisement.
A large business enables Frank Pal- -
fridge to give one dozen photographs for
sane stellar.
TO CoRREsPoNDENTS.—Oorrospondents.
will please bear in mind that in all caset
they must send their real names with
their communicationes We have lately
been compelled to decline several letters
because this rule was nOteomplied with.
LECTURE IN. Ea MONDvii,LE.—On. Tues-
day evening 13th inst., Rev. Mr. •Gra:
ham delivered a lecture in his, church,
2gmonderil1e, • on "Leaves- from My
Note -Book." The proceeds -were dei
-noted to procuring a library for the Sun
day sehool.
Besn BALL.—A Meeting will be held
op Wednesday evening next, at half -past
&even, at Murray's Hotel, for the pur
pose of organizing a Base Ball Club in
this toevn. it is to be hoped that all in.
terested rn the game will make it their
duty tO attend.
SOCIAL.—On the evening of the 2.0tlr
inst. Mr. Armitage gave a social in aid
of the 'WeskyanMethodiat Church. ,The
evening being very wet the attendance
was not so large, although a goodly num-
be.r a.ssembled, who had a very pleasant
time, the proceeds "amounting to $8
TOED HE itistein.=7-A few days eget
thait peculiar genius who sings 'tale greaey
coat," and. sells situsek jewelery, was
brought before A. G. McDougall, Esq.,
for selling privately without- a li-
cence. The little man plead guilty, and
-(41.s allowed to go by paying costs t,ind
taking oat the necessary licence, which
amounted in all to the sum. of $12.-
the title of a new paper published. in!
Goderieh by Messrs. Luxton and Cox.:
It is abeut the size of the Exeosinon, is
neatly printed; and. is ()endue -tett, in the
Iteform interest, with considerable abili-
ty. The HonteeToternat will probably b
the means of itnusing uew life and- ester
gy, not only into the Press of Godefich,
but perhaps also into the dull old town
. -,..
JEANIE Watsos's .Co-Nouisrt --e- Mis
-Jeanie Mason's concert dame' off on
Wednesday evening, 22nd inst.. . Ile
. :Audience- was one ofthelargest -ever•as
,. eterabled at a similar entertaannaent in
Seaforth, the Town Hall.being crowded,
until even standisig. room was . hardly
(available. Miss Wat8011, is. possessed �f
e troiee Of unusual power- and, sweetness,
and has at the sane : time. remarkable
.pewers of expression - Mr. Hardy is 'a
comic vocalist of very : onsiderable talent,
and on this occasion kept his audience in
i's)od humor the whole evening. . Ti
.o.neer-ti altogether was a most enjoyable
attar, and gave the most complete and:
d.reneral, eatisfacticei to those who were
! present, '
Seed Shaw.
The annual Seed. Show of the Tucker-
eniith Branch Agricultural Society, held
on Wednesday last, was most suecessfid
in every reepect. The attendance of both
ehibi toes- and spec -tatter§ was very large,
akiag into con lideration the bad state of
the roads. The speeintens of grain and
potatoes exhibited could hardly he heat-
. The fullowiog is the list of prizes.
Spring Wheat—lst, Chesney ;e2ncl,
j. Seat ; 3rd, J. Cumming, ;
Four Or Six Rowed •Barley—lst, W.
Szott, Barueide • 2nd, °O. Chesney ; 3rd,
- denies Sntberlanh: ,
Two Rowed Berley-1st, Alexander
Broadloot . •
^Potato Oat -1st, lingh Chesney.
. Common Oats -1st, It.. C:ovenloek ;
211(1., G• Chesil( y 3rds.Alexa hiray.
surprise, Hopetou, Angus. or other
'Medium variety of () Ist, Wm. Arir
bet:1de ; 2nd, P. Mel'avish. ; 3rd, Thos.
( -"
Small Pea—lst, *James Landesboro ;
.2 id Thos. Grieve ; 3rd, John. Hennah.
'ruKSi all 111.ie1:1t.„ )1111 ttiOtt:
11k -eyed Peas—lst Ja nes Dickson;
2uti, E. Creese'ell. 3
'1 ire o thy Stel —I at, lVm. Stouernan •
2ad, Itotent ttarnochan. '
er Steel -.None shown.
1•tiztee. Seed- -1st, John Steel.
E•taly Potatoes, (Eerly Coodrieh)-1st,
-R 4;0 etedoek ; 2nd, Jas. .MeMiehael.
Leek.: Potatoee, (( '11(3:1$011)-- tat, E. Cress-
; thud, 11. (4)ve111ock.
The Cattle Pair, held at the sante time,
vete also a sucee-)s, it far. as the at-
tr. ildance of stock WaS concerned. There
was liOt 11111C1.1 ehaug1 haiids, 1101VerCr,
owners holding their stoeks at a high
price, and buyers euttendly were afrztid
to v.pproach the lieures -asked. These
were on the ground 63 head of eettle, Of
thei.e about 20 (hanged halals ; else en
Imee aitl. liorees, none of which were
iti;etioried of. .
St. Patrick's Dinner.,
"i'he dinner giena at Murray's. Hotel,
1.'riday ec ening last, tO et)01111eIntWale
t ;.nunve rsatv (if tchina's Parma Saint,
neve oue the most euccesefai gatilea-
iziee (d the kind ever held iu Seeforth.
About nine o'clock .auppei•Was aunounes-
ed, and over eielity gentlemen toots their
eenne at the taides. The chair- 'was ably
tic...tapied Esq., oi the
titeval canaslien Dauls, and the vice
Thomas King, Reeve ot Hibbert, and i)
King, Cerronbrook, After ample ju
tice had been donh the magnsificent
past provided by Mir. Murray, the ta
were cleared, and the Secretary re
number of • letters of apology for •
attendance, among which. were the
Tilos. D. RYAN, E
r. safety, on this o
s- ,swa,y to the me
are gone, and by
les glory and the 1;ie
a Ireland, they ttro
on- to cherish high h
fol- • Canada, Ou
by Messrs. j.
and Isaac Carlin
Mr. Benson, as
could appreciate
so many Irishria.e
celebrate the an
But, although th
. could ' not bu
a Canadian in
' DEAR SIR,—Owl g to a recent bereve-
ment, and the pres nt dangerous ill ess
of a member of the family, I am q ite
unfitted for[ the fe. tivittes Of this eVen- •
ing. Yeti -will p1ease exeuse me. I am
yours, &c.,
Wrsiteasa PRI
Sea,forth,Itlarch 7, 1871.
Tilos. D. RYAN, SQ., Secretary of S.
Patrick's 8ocie y, •
DEAR SIR,—I h ve the honor to ac-
knowledge your inv tat19n to St Petri k's
_dinner. i3utI am rea
y sorry niy u -
ties will not allow my Attending, a I
would wish to join withyou in hone ng
our Patron Sint. Though I shall ot
be with you in p9rson, my best wis es
will be, nc1 I am proud And pleased to
see the worthy Irishmen of Seaforth t ke
this stand. The committee, I must s y,
deserve the sincere congratulations of
their compatriots, for thus celebrating he
• anniversafy of St. Patrick. May y nr
-meeting on ,St. Patrick's night be but
the beginning of a long seri& of snob
happy re futons where Irishmen will an-
nually assemble to honor their Patron
Saint, speak the praises .of their dear na-
tive land and keep alive the pure fla e
of patriotism, Which should ever burn in
the heal t of every true Irishman. •e
lieve, my dear Sir, your5 truly, -
. Wetens, Priest
Irishtown, Marc 13, 1871.
A teiegrain was a so read from II
George 3 Town, of . Toronto, regrett
- his inabi ity to atte d. i '
The Chairman- hen proposed "
Queen," end "The Governor-General
-Canada," both of frhich were lea
received nd. drank 1with honors.
Song b Mr. Cavanagh.
With a f w approp'k
iateremaret "
The eh irman net t gave, accompan
Army, N vy, and. Volunteers," coup
with the
by Mr. 1
• Major
ure iri re
of the an
He was
claim co
,and he
served h
entould b
[so again
.1 -Major th
est praise
names of
"The Re
. 0. Reid
(Amen sa
ionding to
y and na
roud, ho
nection with th t voluntee
as proud' to say that he
s country as a volenteer,
most rea
altel mot
n referred
to the wit
Major OblemAn
, White and 131u
id.he had great pl eas-
thin toast, although
he knew nothi g.
ever, to bo able to
y• and wihng to
ion require. Ihe
in terms of the hi, h-
lig manner in wh' ch
the Cana ban volaeers had come, f
Ward in c efence of their 'country wh
, ever occa ion rcquir d, and. common
Ulm br ve fellowi to tqmpathy a
considera ion of the loyal people of
Country: . s
Captai Bull also reepended in suital
terms. • I e said. that threeeforths of
cbmpany tich he had the honor to co
mand we e consposed of Irishmen or men
of Irish descent. When the Call was
made for olunteers to go to Red. MY T,
the Sealo th company furnished the q uj ta
which era
ion; if h
asked fro n the whole Batt 1 -
had had stifileiont • notice e
:could easly lOve raised l;s full .compa, y
to a,ccorrel any the Red Illiner expediti n.
"The ay and all wb-d honor it," A as
the next oast propor ed. in introduci ig
this toast the ehairotan Said, that we as
frishinen •n seleeti'esSt,l. Patrick's .d. y,
c lene(' so ma
as a day I pan : whiel to recall pleas, t
inemories and ineoleentiens- of the ,d ar
old land, lo it the hi 4164 i137
possible hon r.
as it was se Who ha
blessings Ilion in.
their pntrymen. He it
il I
was who lad first in1jroi4cedChristianiy
into. their island:. . i •
Songs 1y Messrs. TO of 5 tratfo d,
and King of Carron. rook.
Dr. Col man reep add. He said he
must conf ss thiswas one of•the happiest
Periods o his life, when he. could lo Ai..
tuglishinc n, -and. me.i. 0 all nations int ,r -
around a d eee IrishMen, Scotchme ),
changing riendly Sea:6010W s around- the
soeial ba -61. Ther is nothing of -the
bigot in h s compoSi ion.' Ha wished ill
to enjoy thtir reli dant& and peliti al
views ens opinions , -an 1.11e• wished 0
see ..peoph. of all se ts a id all nationa i -
ties jt
oined together , in he endeavor 0
elevate themselves a,nal their Lao\ s.
This Was the great a in and. object Of Lt.
Patrick. It Was his rodu to elevate, ii-
struet and unite the mis es, St. Patrick .
belonged' to no one ere (1,—all Claim d
him.. He is clainied by the ' Protestan s
as .well as the Catholics. i His :great -o J -
j ect was to elevate all clanees. • Let us lo '
the same ; let ns .pai, out lt, helping bard
and.raisse a- beothiir Irishman who in y
haste been less.fortunate than oursely 8,
no matter where 'w lit (i him, and so
matter whether lie1)a Protestant or a.
'Catholic. , The. Dee or .further strong. y
_urged unity among tlnislinion at ll clas,e :=s,
and mem-amended! - that 1 they extend a
helping h end to raiie 4. fellow-manti 0
matter to what nations -his might helon r.,
and. bye ding - eo "he assured them. th it
they would gatn tlio reepect and estee 1
b f a'lle• ri
The 'text --toast tea " Ireland, , the
Land wel eft. " hi 1 ropesing tl 1 i s toe et
the chairman describe 1; the position, • f
irelenel, entitling it to be the entrescot if
the world ; its harbors; die finest in .61 e
world ; ife riVers andlakee-and the ge i-
erel phygical featuret and beauties of tl'e
country. --He referred. to the physied
perfeetion of the- leieh People, aecritiii
it to the purity and viqtie which ehara
terized thsie lives: i)o, climate hi ti e
world, In: said', is se 1,et4eet13 adapted s
that of,- I :•eland to the peoduetiou as d
enstenanet ,of the hielici eeders of *in d
life. Warmed:and fostened by the se t
airs whiel, blow ,over tl c 0 ulf Strea.n
from' the south and .�:.t, lite- of evers
kiati. ilourishee there with a vigor u 1-
lumeii. in other clintee. To the geni I
meieture tend perennial pithiness Of ti c
' Irish -clim Ile might be ettributed, in a
great measure, the hearty freshness of 112.-
fectioe an 1 the genial' warmt1i which
charaeterh ea_ the Trish people. eln 1 0
country in the wgirld are the ties 9f fain -
Iv love am affection so Sttonglv develin
ed as in le .land, and noterherchave the;
reduced I utter' fruit, friteiS it notdue )
ip_operat on •of these tiN that so man
nous of Our couatteeinha aud woines
aye been mailed to gresP the rieh lie
e1te of In sperity awl prietrees held o03.t
). them 1 y the heeds k _ their toilin
ie. there 711 11 sisters,vho tweeeded the' 1
) A merie ? But, though it might lit t
e wise to lwell too muctilupon The men =
ies of th past,- and. tlenteh it is esset 7
tial.A0 :Incl. es in this ana e sn'ot rose th, t
:-.• . , -
see slnadd -ether denI1 (ion the 'bright
posaibil hie - whieh the futnre holde out t 1
our entive hual, yet. that- ueieht -wit .1
-;t oy t ,tlet'aughey, Esq.,;Ieve, v
as1 Benson, Esq., Barrister. The t-
cttairotau was.; sunported on his right by b
the_ ltev. Fatlier.'Murphy, and on his left ts
by the Rev. Mr_ Goldsmiths Among b
these present fro'm a distance We noticed or
leatte 4 aeling, Esq., . end Mr.Hays,
ti 'minty Celan Attorney. Stratfoiel,
--I. S. ninsdai r, lkurrister, ; etleriA, lessrs,
Whelehau azal Itemeely, St. :I:trys,
e night in the year, give
ories hf the daps that
dwelling upon the peat
Ales and perfections of
Ild be nore encouraked
pes f r tio future.
Hom ," responded to
Benson J.. S. Sinclair
thp son o' an Irishman,
ple sure with which
met h re to -night to
iversary f St. Patrick.
son of n Irismen, he
feel hat he was
anad.. In -fact, he
thought all present were Canadiees,--
IrishlOanadians, Scotchn' medians and
English Oanadiai s,—and ti ey had every -
reason to- feel.. rotid. Of heir adopted
country. It was, true t at Canada could
not yet boast of ntuch o history. Sho..
coulcl not boat .of her ings and her
Queens, as Grea Britai ould, but she
had something b z tter a d ore. substa,ns
tial -to boast of. She at that within
herself Which , .c uld.° al a a history.
'Mr.. Benson teon inued at considerable •
length to speak o the et s and undevel-
oped resources. if Canada and of. the
- strong ties of c nnectitn. which bound
her to the notle country, and conclud-
ed an excellent s eech by -picturing the
grand future hfch is yet in store for
Mr. Sinclair lsad tha, eeting as we
do here to-nigl , en of al nationalities
and all shaden of politic 1 and religious
views, showed pirit o tr te patriotism,
and true patri t m we, o e of the no-
blest sentiments c u d animate the
human heart. 8 ich m e tugs as' this,
where men Of all classes rn t amend the
social board, slo -ed a f el ng of friend-
ship 'most comm :ndabl r. Sinclair
went on at 'consid rable en th and in an
eloquent strainitO refer o reland's ora-
tors, peek and &Eller , d conducted
by ?saying thatlal count ie of the world
were indebted to Irelani. nd Irishmens
for some of ther erightett ems in liter-
ature and art. I. le hoped t e clay would
soon come.when, in. (Jaita a, the sham-
rock, the rese an the hi tle would all.
be blended with his maipl -leaf of ours.
Mr. Carling ale made! ti, ew appropri-
ate reniarks in re ily to. this toast.
Seng by Mr. lenntion, "Scotland's
Hilis,&c." .
"'The Poet, 1 areiors a d Shateetnen
of -Ireland," 48 tespotale 1 to by Mr.
S. G. MeCaugh y 'retain 's poets, -war-
riors and atosth ns he !sad, stand sec-
ond to. those of n othet c untry, but a
few in each dep rtment tend out as
stars of the fisst magn trt e. Mr. .11Ic
Caughey Selected koldemit and Moore
as the represent. titre Iris poets, and
recited in a vein,- effectiVe manner Sev-
eral seleetions fro their poems.. Moore,
he claimed, -as I -eland in national poet.
He described the areer ain. splendid Cis
pleas of :Welling on; Iteland's greatest
warrior, and, co eluded by ,referring
briefly to her .o eters ani statesmen.
among -whim he a.scrib6e1 to Curran a
high rank.
" The E(lncati nal I terests of Can-
ada," responded ta in a o t able mari-
ner by Rev. M . Go.ds nith. . As a
thorough. Canadia 1, he foo1 great pride
in the education 1 ins its. tions of his
country. There s as ne c untry in the
world which had ietter ed tuitional ii. -
ti tutions than 0 nada. I1rue, we have
not an Oxford Or a Ca ibridge, but -We
have'a Universit of wl ic1 every Cana-
dian may -well fpo prom , a University
which has, turned_ • ub o it18 halls some
of the brightest l o name ts of the Cana-.
chin Paipit, I3a a id Me ic. I Profession.
Some of thole h have be n the recipi-
ents of goldene( als from th s institution
have worked -their way u ) f oin the hum-
blest -walks.. of lif , and ha se contendeil
with the greatest dipeu tie in order to
attain their obje f, th s showing the
Superior pluele of Can Ili n 'students,
and the facilities afforded hem by.onr
Canadian .colleges. Th ' oronto Uni-
versity embraced. Within its faculty of
;Professors one of he Most istinguished
scholars of the w irld. He :to
Dr. MeCaul. Th revei•eral gentleman
strongly urged th needisik of affording
equal facilities for edema ion to females as
to males, as upon he fe. a os -depended
in a great measure the noulding of—the
character's of thos who to come after
us. He also itr cd • ue ity .among all
cheeses of Canaille] s, am-} s. id that old -
country people, Iv ten t cy came. here,
should leave the r prqjju ces • behind
ltl s metimes leave
be sind them in
ldo left their
them. ltien nen
their Wives and. ch'Idren
the -old country, nt .s
prejtalices. '
De: Coleman •-epee d " Our Guests
from the Sister Isl ex,'' to syl ich Mr. Wit.
littn Campbell and Dr V ',relic responded.
Mr. McCaughey gave th; "Agricultu-
ral Interest." 8 ng y Ir.. Thomas
Kidd, of .Carronb -ook, "1 ie Fartner'e
Bot." . _ '.
Mr: Thomas Ki c dlellowed with a few,
exeollent remarks on the li[e and times
of Deniel O'Connell, '.)Enliiel1 vere well re-
ceiyed and elicited gee(tt epj Tense: •
- The " Mann fac tn eini . Interests of
Seafotth," byA.-fr. MeCangh,e. .
Kc Cam' Banee.•"; •
Song by Mr. John. lird, "When the
, .
Mr. 'McCaughey gave ' r he Learn&
Professions" eseeplod with he name o
Father Arnroliy, Which iva eplied to 1)
Father Meephy, 'Or. Verc , Dr: King,
and Mr. Hapset of. Stratfote .
Song. by Mr. Thomas Dot ney, "Well
Drive Dull Care Away."
. " The Press," " The La lies," " The
Ladies," " Mr. 'rho nas Kild and the
Conunittee of Arrangenie its," ‘,‘ The
Ho it and Hostess," ` GueetS frem-Car-
ronbrook," "Guest. front McKillop,"
and. mauy other Oasts Vs re given in
eapid, succession, ant duly r eponded to.
With speeches and songs he proceed -
were prolonged till an eerl, hour, -When
the pleasant party ,d epersed
4-- We cannot el(se out ije
especial a.ekuovdedgoment
anddspendid meaner 111 rhit
the es -ening, Jr. ltfurray,
share in the enteatainment
M1 s most sumptuous, ans.l.
Murray to be a caterer of th
Don't fail to call at Fran
and get One dozen photogras hs of yOurt
self tor oneelollar.
ort without
the elegant
1 the host of
srformed his
The repast
proved Mr,
first order.
Corse -IL —The Conned • et pursuant
to adjounimente- All the Ill tubers pree -
cult Minutes of kat meeti ag read. and
approved. • Movcd , J. Hays, see:
outied. by J. Malone, that t e felloring-
aecounts be paid, viz : 80 foplank to R.
W. ,.Aelaens, certified by Tins. "Wallace,
pathniaster ;14:sti to each of he Auditors
for their sertices ; $'4 90 f ir postage ;
(311 to Thos. (dnrtins for his ."(ervices as
Tavern Inspector,: provide( that said
Tavern Ieepe.etor-pw.ferres k s duty pre-
MARCH 24, 1871,
perly, in accordaece with the require-
ments of the law and by-law of the
Municipality ; .$9 30 to the Division
Registrar; for recording births, deaths,
and marriages, in accordance with the
Provincial Statutes. Moved by J.
Hays, seconded by J. Malone, that after
examining the Auditor's report carefully
we find it correct, and that the Cletk get
100 copies of the abstract thereof printed.
--Carried. Moved by j. Malone, sec-
onded by T. Murray, that Joseph Evans
be paid $60 for his services as Treasurer
for 1870, and also that he be reappointed
to said office. Carried. Moved by
J. Hays, seconded by It Murray, that
the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be instruct-
ed to draw a plan and sPecification of a
bridge to be erected on the 8th conces-
sion, side road 15 and 16, and let the
same as soon as possible, and charge the
amount to the ward therein.—Carried.
"Moved by J. Hays, seconded by J.
Miran, that George Dickson be appoint-
ed Colleetor for the present year. Moved
in amendment by T. Murray, seconded
by J. Malone, that Wm. Evans be ap-
pointed Collector. — Motion carried,
Moved by . J. Malone, seconded by J.
,1 -loran, that Thomas Burns receive the
sum of $20 for -charity, being disabled
from an injury, providing he pays back
the amount or part when :able.—Carriecl.
Moved. by J. Hays, seconded by J. Hor-
an, that the arrears of, taxes charged
against Lot No. 1, Concession 4, be not
returned in the defaulter's list, but be
charged by the Treasurer in his books
it is understood the position it
stands in the defaulter's its of 1867.-
0trried. Moved by J. Horan, seconded
by J. Malone, that the Council do now
adjourn to meet at Alontgoreery's Hotel,
on Saturday, the 25th inet.—Carried.
. WrOxet er.-
NEW CHURCH.—The Wesleyan Metho-
dists of this placc purpose erecting a
comitiodious church in Wroxetor next
summer. Messrs. Gibson & 131ack are
the. contracters.
clerstand that a competitive exantination
of all the Minto 'schools i to be held in
Harriston on .Tuesday, the 28thinst.
Could not something of this kind be
started in Bowick ? These competitive
examinations appear to -hc productive of
good in infasing life, vigo , and a spirit
of -kindly rivalry in our s h.00ls, and we
believe the schools of Ho wk. are just as
much in need of some such vivifying in-
fluence as those of Minto.
being made by the teaeners of Howick
and. adjoining sections, to organize a
Teachers' Association. Notes have been
sent to all the 'teachers of Howick, and
others in the. neighbor ood calling a
meeting at Leechville, on Saturclaa, the
1st of April. The meeting will be held,
in the school-rocun- and will open at 10
a.m. We hope all interested.- will en-
deavor to be present.
Smoot. Exasentenson. —The examina-
tionof Wroxeter school and distributionof
prizes was held on Friday, 17th inst.
(bite a number of visitor s were present,
teachers fie= adjoining sections, and in-
habitants of the village: Those who
were present appeared to take quite. an
, interest in the proceeding which consist-
ed of the exeetination of the different
classes, dialogues by the pupils', distribu-
tion of the prizes, and a shortand aea
propriate addrese to the pnpila by the
Rev. Geo. :Brown. The following is a -
list of those who obtained. prizes :
History—let, L. C. Lawrie; 2nd,
Thos. W. Gibson; 3rd, Melissa, Hum-
phries. Senior rammer Class—Is,
'rhos. W. Gibson; 2nd; V. E.. Dick-
son e 3rd, joanna Knutesen ax_d Maggie
Gibson, equal. junior Grammar Class -
1 st, L. C. Lswrie ; 2nd, E. H. • Van
Every. , 8 ethos- G eography-ist; Th on) as
W. Gibson ; 2nd, L. C, Lawrie ; 3rd, -E.
A. Worthington. junioir Geograpb
1st, Annie McDonald; 2nd, Malcolm.
Allen ; Bra, Blanche Days. 8enier
Arithmetic—lst, Thee. W. Gibson; 2nd,
iNlaggie-Ckibson. Junior A r th etic--el at,
Martha Orr ; 2nd, Carrie Lawrie and
John Barnard, equal. Spelling and Die-
tation—lst, T. Wz Gibson ; 2nd, L.
Lawrie. Penmanship—lst, Isebella
san ; 2nd, Annie McDonald'. Fourth
Book-altt, Win. 'Walker ; 2nd, Wne
Hoseack ; 3rd. Thos. Gibson, Senior
Third. Book -al st, W. Huinphriee
Is fa ry B. 8 tevenson'; 3rd, Emily Black.
Junior Third. Book—lst, R. -Ballantyne
and Geo. Scott, &mat ; 2nd, Chalmour
Scott. Second Boole—Ist, Alex. Play-
ford. ; 2nd, Annie Allen and. John Boyer,
equal. 'Senior First Book. (part
st, John Hatton ; 2nd, M. Williams,
Stisen Johnson, Robert Nolan and Chas.
Harper. ' Part' Second, junioe 1st,
Jeannie Gibson; 2nd,. A. N. Gibsonand
Sara,h . Melt:dame, equal; 3rd, Jane R.
Gibson and Joe. licentteson equal. Part
First,. (First Book--ist, Joanna Sellivan;
2nd, Clare Orr; 3rd, (Jerrie Walker,
Mary Goften and Ellen I\ loodie, equal,
Special Prize fort,best 'reader in any
class,—Messrs. A. Cowan; McDonald,
and. Thos. F. Miller, teachers, actedas
judges, and unanimously awarded the
prize to Master L. 0. Lawrie.
SA LT. —The work at the "Se.W salt well
is being pushed. fe ward with the. utmost
poesible -speed; '1. he engine ie now in
hill neitk 0order and boring has coin
Menced. • 8o • far difficulty has been
.experienced, and i is hoped that all inay
go.einnothly until the precious mineral is
Seiroot, ExAmr N AT TON, —A school ex-
amination of the p ipils of School Seetion
No: 4, Township f 0 rey, took place on -
Friday, 17 ilf inst At about 9 o'elnek
A. M., the scholars assembled - at the
school -house ready for the exercises of
the day. A number of ! parents and
other visitors were present. At 10, the
exathination comn eneed, and lasted until
3 P. 'AL, during wi lich time the scholars
in thc several elastics acquitted them-
selves -in a manner whieh was highly
creditable to Mr.Fergueon, their teacher, •
and. to themselves. Mr. Ferguson's
mode of teaching did not consist of mem-
ory -cramming of _ esnrds and dry fade,
but each pupil seemed to have formed con-
ceptions and ideas of each eubject exam-
ined. in. The many scientific questiens
given by the teachhr and.. others to the
senior dames, not only on the general
outlines, bet even the minute!, were an-
swered with readiness and correctness.
Every one felt that syetent in all thins
and punctuality in everything was the
order of the day. and also that the use of
tune and opportunities made by M4.
Rene -neon, while in that ficetori, eould
not have limn more instrnctivo to the .
pulii;s c,Intaitte1 to hil eljarge or Ware
honorable to himself. At the close,.
Messrs, McAllister and- Lynn, trustees,
addressed the children on the necessi
of improving the oppOrtunittes., and
vantages they enjoyed, an pointed o t
the duty of parents and teacher in e
gard to the moral as well as the int 1-
1ectual training of Tower Is
evening the affairwas brought to a clo e,
and all went home in the best of hu.rn. r,
Smoot, Exametieriben—The exam ae
of school in Section Nice 9, taught bp 1r.
John Armour, came off on Friday ia
the 17th inst. Tbe weather was vi
unfavorable, the morning being wet at
the roads bad. Not ithstanding th'
however, the attendai4ce of visitors w
very large which sho s clearly that t e
people of this section ake a lively int r-
efit in the welfare of heir school. T e
hoose was neatly de °rated with eve
greens, and presented a handsome a
pearance. The attendance of pupils w s
also very large: The manner in whi h
the pupils'acquitted themselves in th 'r
several departments, was very creditab e
both to themselves- and teacher. Aft r
the examination closed, the -children e
tertained the visitors with some exc.1-
lent recitations, comic epeeches,dialogn s
and singing, all of which were i well pe
formed, and duly appreciated by t
attdience. -There were nearly six
prizes awarded, and algood book, b
sides which there were special prizes f r
writine spelling and arithmetic. 13o h
parents- and children are well plea,s d
with Mr. Armour as A teacher.
Rev. Mr. Eakin, pastor of the Preebe -
terian Church of this place; was Reade
the recipient, a few days ago, of a- very
handsome present from the young people
of his congregation, in the shape of a
purse containing about eighty dollars i
money. We believe that a ehort time
ago ItIr. Eakin lost his horse, and the
present donation was intended to reeette
pulse him in some measure for his loss.
Troublesome Dogs and Noisy
To the Editor of the llurorc Expositor.
SIR,—I wish to direct attention to
nuisance whieh detracts not a little fro
the enjoyment of the people of Seafore
while attending publie entertaipment
I refer to the presence of dogs at 'lecture, ,
concert, etc. The °tier nights", at the
dramatie entertainment, no less tha
four doge and curs of low degree wer
scampering up and down the aisle, on t e
side of the house where I was sitting, the
whole evening, while one somewhere b
hind regUlarly joined in the applause an I
came out heavy in the encores, and a
other in front endeavoted to get upo
the stage, evidently whh a view of a
sisting in the performance. 1 have eve
heard it stated that at several of th
churehes in town there are regul r
• churcb-going dogs, but this I can onl
give as hearsay. Now let the regular
admission fee be imposed on these a
usement-seeking dogs, and let them not
be admitted till their masters fork t
over, eenct let • the church -going doge, f
suchthere be, not be passed over 'whe
the collection goes round. and there wi
soon be71scarcity of dogs at places
pnblie Meeting.
- While my hand is in, I may as we 1
refer to another annoyance at pubiic e
tertainments. -It is occasioned. by a lo -
of halt -grown boys, who ought to be a
borne in bed, hooting, whistling
yelling in the most ear -piercing ad dis
turbine- manner, when there is any pre
tence whatever for applause. Now, can'
something, be done to stop this sort of
thing? Why should two or three hien
dred ladies and gentlemen have theie
evening's pleasure spoiled for the sak
of a few rowdy boys? Will not th
Dramatic Society, at their next entes
tainment, try to do &mottling for th
proteetion of their audience, and th 3
putting down of this annoyance? Le
them take the first step. - - (a. C.
Seaforthal`jarch l 8, 1871.
The Egmondville Sidewalk.
212 the Editor of the huron Expositor:, .
Sitt,-1 would affectionately warn all"
and sundry who have not their lives in-
sured from attempting, to come • to Eg-
mondville on foot, utitil dry weathee
sets in, especially after, dark. 1 won't.
like to see the Seaforth. Common Coun-
cil ,with Reeve McCaughey at theie head,
taking la welk over the sidewalk be-
tween there and Seaforth, some slippery
snowy day. Yours, &e. EumoNnvILLER
Egmendtrille, March 21, 1871.-
Dealer in all kinds of
Farm and Dair?
Timothy Seed, Flax .See
Cloverseed and Seed
Of the best, quality, and cheap.
_ Goderieh street,
'3E1'1 ItO RTH
r)F,ING- about to leave ; Seaforth, th
1.)subscrilier requires aa indebted t
him to call and settle at once, there))
saving costs: 1 •Dlt. TIteIGYi
JOST, on or about the 18th day o
JFebruary last, a note nf hand, mask
hy Charke O'Neill and James MeLach
lan, in favor of John Kelly-, for the sum
of 05, and bearing date, McKillop, Oct.
24, 1870, and payable twelve mouths af-
ter date. The public are hereby can
tinned against purchasing or negotiatin
said note as payment has been stopped.
A LL persons indebted to the late Gil-
let bert Spier, of Merris, by note 6
otherwiee, are requested to partbe sante
to the undersigned only ; and: any per-
son having Claims against said eetate will
please hand them to us at °Dee. -
Township ef Morris,
March 5th, Ja71. 170-4t
Are now prepared. t supply
ci _ ,,
Cheap and Gohd.
Parties are requested to Cill
prices and judge for them
Those bringing their
will have every atte
We Warrant
And are bound not
: for PRICE, FIT,
rtion paid, to Mist
ll our Work
to be beat, eitae
- Men's and.
with care and economy.
-tf Opposite
Boys' o
C'terneichaelts Hottl
. -
any had Seedelf
.Seed Store.
lot of No. 1 Thee
on hand, at Ina
Clinton; Ont.
o you Warit any Good
-E8 !
hen go to
A neultural
hey ha -ie a large
otl y and. Clover Seed
Ise, a large lot of
F eld and Garden
1 1-3t
The subscriber ie still
prepared to pay
The Highest
any quantity of
'vered at the
Egg Emporiuxn.
Main street,
ft() all patties fmer(Lhants
Whom he has done
past four years,
nle-e, and thistle by
iness to merit the
, eaforth, March 1
in his old stand,
. - '
Cash Price
and. otter*
business durnag
he returns hearty
strict attention to
r patronage in the
, 1871. 17141
hes to announce 10 the ladies ef Sea -
erth and surround ng .country that
she ha e re eoved to.
FARMER STO • E, above the OLD
- '- POST 0 /ICE,
ere she -will be m( st happy to receive
in .
' 3
he latest and mott approved. style -of
season. She aleo keeps on hand
Choice Selection_ f;lowere, Feath-
ers, Terry ilk, ete.
°leaned on short notice,
etf -
Seeds !
[ding, the -best quality
ry descripton,
etc., on "land.
8* Market
of 8tents of
uildingy ,Seararth.
ATQTICE is hereby given that at the
expiration of tweuty days from date
the midersigned, mo ler al the infant
children of the late Ed seindW3s I
apply te the Surrogate Court of t 'minty of
Iluron to be appointed guardian of the
persons and estates of; Witham Plummet
Whitney, Charles Mortimer Whitney,
Gcorge Lewis Whitney mid' Janie. Mur-
ray Whitney, infante under bite age of
twenty-one years.
mother of said imarits,
By McCAUGHEY & HOLM ES117.(1.17,
Seaforth, March 7, '1817117 S(ilieilurs:
rnHE UNDERSPINEI) hae on bawl.
a large number of NON HAR-
ROWS, which he is prepared to sell on
reasonable terms.
Thee harrows. were mannfaatured at
Gananoque, and are
17u3 ..17-pw iizV.m.
A Guarantee will be given -with eatli,
that if it do Dot- walk eatiefeetorily,
it may be returns -A by the Turshaststa-
-witliin thirty days.
gninultural 1mplement A etent„
169.41 S FOItTII, ONT.
) TRACY, M. As
_Dee County of Huron_
sidenee—s. hie lb ior East of
Episeopal Church.
Seaforth, Dee. 14th,
-1I) ill 1-niveien
I.ENT. De,
Physician, Surgeon, &n.
dance harib. Ont.
• •Zarich, Sept 7th, 184
tsti e G rein ate - ef -NI el:: Montreal, Physician, Sure:
and residence—Briteefield
Brueetield, Jan, IS, 187
R. Nt; R. StlITII,
geon, etc. Otrice.-
1Z obertsoh's Rest knee
- Nortin 1
SeafortheDee 14, 18tid,
4- L. VERCOE, M. 1
i -. then, Surgeon, etc,
eidenee, corner of Mar
Street, inamedietely in r
Fteeforth, Felt 4th.
---- -
kitstraity. 0 -thee ana
Corby's, corner store,
forth. Offiee slay, Saturela
if H EY
Barristers, Attorne
ititers in -Chancery and 1
taxies Public and. -Conveya
tors for the R.C. Bank., SIM
for the Canada Life Assail -
N. B. —$30,000 to. lend
Farms, Houses and Lots,f
Seaforth, Dee. 14th, 18e
Attorneyat 14yr, Soh
cery and Insolvency, Cone
aides Public;d.tte. Offiees,
Wroxeter. Agents for t
Loan Co. of Upper Oaited.
oniaI Securities Cos of Lor
Money at 5 per cent;
Seaforth, Dec. lIlth 1813
Jantee 'Laird. liropn.
lerst-elass ancommedation
ling pubrie. The larder a
W711.8 eupplied wiee the]
ts afford,. Exeellent etalai
' ties).
A inleyville, A ps-il 23
teekN41))Xe '1.1.1drle()srcg8ss
publie for the liberal pa
to him in tianee past in th
and aiso te inform thein
resumed business ni. t e
-where he will be happy
from old friends, and man
8eaforth, May 5,1111:M
erich, °sr., J. (deeta
Eton S3.S. WieLIAMS„
eall Hotel, Warsew, N.
111in hotel has reeently bee
nielled, and. refitted ihron
nowene of the meet cold') *
3110t110;18111. she Provinee,
1I Onits -for ttommeredal '1)
4;oderiels, April 14,187
e Stables. Oilien At
Ne.a,forth. Cood
.Conveyanees, always en
SE.tFowrH. Firs
and 'arri 'ages always on k
shit: terms.
IL L Snsni,
Seaforth, May ah, 1h70.
& W. Me:11111.1.,I1'
Land Stine:yet:a ei
etc. All inenner.ef 4ter.
with neatness and dit•pate.
1 1Iimis:4.41er in
Next door south of
Seafortsls, Dee. 14,
Dentist, Extra-t-tl•
)13,' the use of the Nitro:,
( ov,r the alkaeesz
ferd. Attend:me/. in 't -a1.
Ifotel, the tirst Tuesday zi:
"f smelt 1,3.lnth ;
inercial lf3tt1. 031 the 114
dash; aiid lids.
l'artit•s rofiniring nylv,
irleNted. to cal], )1. at Sv:If
ton, on flu: first day (tf
()ver .54,00ix patiente
ttxtra "ad lee tile rime 1,4 1:
4,..7o1111.14.1-5 0.11,:,!5. New `1"