The Huron Expositor, 1871-03-24, Page 1ErtcH 17. ISL
`I G about ' tci kav Seaforth,, the
sbscri:ber requires all indebted to
call and sitttle ' t ()lice. thereby
g costs. `11•\UY,
ST, on or about the 18th day Of
elt'tiary rat, a not. Sf hand, made -
raariets (YNeill and JenteB ,MeLach-
11 favor of John Kelly,for the snot.
and hearing date, i I(I(itlola Got.
416:, and payable twelve months_ of
ate. The public are hereby ehy can-
:l against purchasing ox- negotiating
,tote as pa meut has been & sto1pI.:
.L r: one indebted to the late G•il
pert `frill, of Morrie, by note or-
wise, are requested to pay the same
under i•,:ited only ; and any per
;tying daisies against said estate will
hetet theta to us at once.
THUS. A N )F• sON,.
WM, SILE >P \. ,
ship of \lorris,
rali 6th, 1te t. 170-44
c ds SeeGs
It BEA`1:TIE keeps constantly
tater, at hie Stall alt the Mat Lei
,ng. the Inst quality of Seecl9, of
etc., on hand
• JafI\ BI ATTIE,.
Market Building, Sc:aar rl1i.
() crI AI,.I)I4 \ SIT'IP.
N(E is hereby g ccn that at the
tOration of twenty days from: date
aide—signed, mealier of the, infant
an of the late l.drkauiie h tney,.will
tT the rroe -ateCourt of County of
ri to- be appointed guardian of the
ee and estates of William Ecorner
Bey-, Charles Mortimer Whitney,
Lewis Whitney ai.d James Met
lxittnie , infants.' under the age of
y -one yeare-
mother of siartl infant",.
Hier ;Solicitors.
nctr4b March 7, ] 81, l i 0.St
tl I NI)ERSTGXEI) has on hand
'large number of t I '1)N B A I;
which he is prepared to sell cu.
tilde te_riu:t... -
ee Barrows were macimfaetiered- at
eitltke, and are
E. The J', t f .4170m., tL r' e.
Uaaraa .tee -will be given: With each,
f _it • do not work saatisfaactF,rily,
S be retuttic:ci by the ptirchaiier
thirty ttais.
(}t 0:.
,z7rile-titttlrata Trnplesment Aget,,
Agent for the above will be i
?ft ill a few slat.'€,to solicit maitre
trulywoadetfttl invention; Its
to give. ease . and fi't.ceIe)rn *d.
t.Rt to al',l w t i tc•r:t. It win pow-
-give the proper po,i itrn to the
rih.lot rl ii or aittutoreel hand, . of 1 a s.
r`cac`riptiof of the same fn the:..
inlet or Knox's hotel.
Oehc rs aliould see; that thein
te: t.
tut lett: sett ]railed for 8l f' :.
Paris, Oat:
absertlfcr lte•,fs to that
'is still ep:tr :t 1 to 1;l11' ha so Eggs..
at his
t t el Market,
[ ( Uiitei pay the
IIN( CASH rr�rr
all fresh EgLfs that may often..
.t°re•liaauit:t. in. Tweet and Country
,> c firs he has clone Business in: the
;t:( -`e` years, he r%eturns his he t
-rams lupe;'1 for as t:ciuti attaanee of
s relations.
rta, >, I'; t. 10'3-tf
t o �.'Son-
It \.\ 1i Remo' i li
tauul lattcl o.c•ttpteecl by
1. 110II LtTS(1Y
frill ;tell the St.(,eIt ;at 5t(`dtieeei
11: order r ,tniaake r,rttan for Spiting
BAR i UXat
--r —
= 1- i
i -ri a.deCloth ng,
OTS .Ni) SII()I. .
`I.STI c;I:(tC'Etl.IES, jtts�.
retteive 1.
VOL. 4, NO 16.
ierty in •Religion, --Equality in Civil Rights."
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 18 71.
$1 50 A YEAR IN. ADVANt ;
WB OLE NO. 172.
TRACY, M. D., Coroner for the
tia. County of Huron. Office and Re-
eid mce-One door Last of the "Methodist
I riseopai Church. -
Seaforth, Dec. _ 14th, 1863. 53-ly
Q. MOORE, M. 1) C. M. (Graduate
. of McGill ,CTnivtirsit' , Igntreel, )
Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office and resi-
dence Zurich. Ont.
'Zurich, Sept. 7th, 1S70;144
rj , Graduate of McGill University,
Montreal, Physician, Surgeon, c&e. OfIce
•aild residence—Brucefield;
Brumfield, Jan. 13, 1 S71..
-TAR. W. R. SMTTFI, Physician, Sur -
LI geon, etc. Office, ---Opposite Scott
Robertson's Resi knee — Main -street,
i :ortlb. , -
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1563'. . 5 3-ly
1L. VE R OOE, M. D . C. M., Physi-
, elan, Surgeon, etc. 'Office and Re-
-6 -deuce, corner of Market and High.
Street,; immediately in rear of K.idci's
Seaforth, Feb. 4th, I870 53-1y.
T'.:. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the
�J :County. Office and residence, over
- Corby's, corner store, Main street, Sea-
• forth.- Office day, Saturday. .. 159
Barristers, Attorneys at Lal -z-, Sol-
icitors in Chancery and Insole -Queer, No-
taries Public and. U'onve3-ai csrs. Solici-
tors for the R. C. Bahl;, Seaforth, Agents
for the Canada Life Assurance Co.
N. 'B.—$30,000 to lend at 8 per cent.
Farms, Houses and Lots for sale.
Seaforth, Dec, 14th, 1868: 53,tf.
Which T 'sh to re
.41r.d in . lan`tuag
That for -ays that
And fo tric -s th
The heatl en hints
Which' the same
Ah Sin Sv s hi nam
And I hall net d
Iu regard to the san
What t at axle
Blit his smile it
lik •
As I fi quent
It was Ai gust the
And qu to s ft wi
Which it. . igh be
That A Si was
Yet he L ypd 't th
• And u in a way
Which had a sm
I And '.. Sin stook,
it was, - brae': Thu
He di1 of i nder
But he '1 fled as he
With a &smile t
lea d.
:ark— -
is plain
re dark
t are vain,
is peculiar,
I would rise to ex -
ny -
e s
light imply
wa pensive and gib d -
remarked to Bill Ny .
Yet the 'c
And my f
At th
Which we
And the
t I gr
;s we
of N
s• sfufl:e.
But the jh Ods
LEGAL. 1'y that hea
And the pints
& ME 1 -ER, Barristers and.
- Attorneyat Law, Solicitors in Chan-
cery and litsolv envy, Conveyancers, s, N o-
cries Public, etc.'Offices,—Seaforth and
Whetact,e . Agents for the Trust and,
,Loan Co. of Upper Camelia and the (:ol-
oniai.l"Securities Vo. of, England.
Money at 8 per cent ; no commsision,
Seaforth, Dec. 10th 1S6S. 53-ly
e O\1\Igl..(1AL HOTEL, Ainleyville,
kes James. Laird, proprietor, affords
first—class accommodation for the travel-
ling public: The larder 'arid bar are al-
ways supplied with the best -the m:arke
tsaflirrd.. ` Excellent stabling in connec-
t>, inl. y villc, kApril 23, 1809. D-tf.
T -0X i HOTEL (LATE -8H ARl' S)
_s_ The undersigned begs to tua%ik tlic:
public for the liberal patronage awarded
to him in times past iit thehotel business,
and also to inforiim thein that he has ag in
resumedbasilicas in the alxxve stain i,
where he will be happy to have a trill.
from Old. friends, and many new ones. ;
Seafisrtli, May a, '18 (. 12G-tf.`
erieh, ON'r., J l.=ttr.,nw.\,Y, PIto z'fir-
"fermi J.. SZ \\ tt ,I Ms, (late et Ameri•
tilt -lintel, W\''arsaw, N. Y.) Manager.
`l`Itis li otel has recently been newly fur-
nislied, and refitted iliiiou Bout, and is
nowene oaf the most comfertablo:and com-
modious in the Province. Good. Sample
Rooms for Comms reial Travellers.
Terms liberal..
()Marie's, April April 14, 1870. . 123-tf.
f .A. SHARP'S I.I\ Elt L and SALE
,Stables. Office ---At Mui ray's Hotel,
E eaforth. (food Horses, and tir:t-class
C'onveyancese always on hand. , 1(;S-tf
81% 8t.AaroRT1t. First ('las Horses
and t 'amines always onliand at as rcuns-
a'lrle terms.
l L Sirinr, Proprietor: .
Seaforth,. May Pith, 187 0. 3-tf
�( t- \V. Mel'F•1ILLIT'8, i'rovtueiaal
,.3., Land Surveyors, (.'ii-il L-'neiin crs,
( ts. All manner of Uonveyn,nciiig done
with neat noes ;eel di laatc•Jt. (x 1ieVliil
lips, ('oiutttiseiratuet' in 1I.' 1'.. Oflicc-
Next door south of «harp's Hotel!,Sea-
forth .
Seaforth, 1?ee.. 14, 1S6*,
,i S-ly
T5...ETti EXTRACTED :WiTiletil PAIN.
1▪ /entist, Extracts teeth withoutpain
by the use of the Nitrous -Oxide (Sea
thilee,---over the `Beecon' store, Strat-
the I. T PA,'S(1.(137 and Wednesday
daye and Fridays.
Parties requiring, nen- teeth are re -
ton, en. thc iirst day of. attendance.
ei e qt e
Till at laisf lie
Whi.clthe s
nird, -
the skies ;
i Leri ed
likewise ;
day upon Willi m
Ll game,
and ;
at by the table,
t was childlike : ri d
ere locked'
"'s sleeve,
frill of aces
intent to deceiv
ghat - rere played
eii (bine `, .
that be rade
igh t 1 to sm—
ut gilt ri ai right bower
me ye. had dealt u
Then I 1 opted 'ip at
And. e ,aze( upo
And. he o, e, w'tb a
- And spec " t
Wel are ruined ay Cl
�}nd he en `tor
In the sees
I did; ro-
But 'the lo
Like the
ethat en
take a: h
r it was
leases on
With the cards
Ib the g; me
In his slee) es,
13 e basil wen.
Which wa con
S .t I st to b
And we foi ntl
3t tape
What is
Which is -c
And spy
That for w
And. for
The heathe
Which ti
JIM wo
by rem;
wig sage
ys t hat a
ricks than
e .sa ie I
1 ye
Ifhe ;
is'be ?
nee cheap labor
1 at heathen Chin
rest/ d .
Ah ,Sin had been hidii
'he id not understan.
sver long,
pa. ksas-
facts ;
S, WhiCh
are 'vain,
!free to naintai
_nds Bret Haile.
,bald he: kne by the thoughtful
tional Bush upo the trawberry on th.
end of th, .oh fre; liver's nose, the
Simon Wheeler' Me ory wae-busY With
the olden ti es. An so I prepared t
Of reminis -eno --sh is that he weB go
hig to be Ted f another tiresone
begot the t tart- of m A s nearly as
east recellee , t 6 inft lion. -was couch (
in the folio( langt
We -were, oys t en and didn't cat
for nothing, and than woi ry about no th
re vivint'sta e of !devil :lent all the tim
This yal Ji 1\ loll vas king :abo
hearted. fell le he. eve., and:the most fo
given' and mst fish I ever 'saw—well
there could 't eve can ; a bullict b(
than he wa., tit] e hi S how you woul
for the last anis, .
Me and lenl- wi
him: and pla tei'ng
and -putting bun ble 1
milk with :hie n.
growling, .aa d le
So that nieht, yoa-
tasted ae be(
lin into Jin to ia,ve
Our wind oke(
ot to
f the ell and a
Of old ton -f -c ts
-There wee our
roof, and it 'as
al Ways pesterii
e bills on his bacl
es in -his bed, ai.
ell crowd iu at
withstanding h
on to get mad an
ul We 15 mid 1
low; that my m
ndelspullin% the
early, SO as thc
11-. seeing, and me
ene funs
outl into the roo
rke 1 so that there we a
tee on it, and. the
st of
see them cat- like slay
ame. as if he ever
.nd spit, an
acy eat he'd
ow and
the r
en a
sn ch
he yeller ca s hem. u
1 ir cat Was gai ie., al
Well, Jim he
r ev, and ',tossed mid
shake 'ens off'n the
ieely no notion (1 dm
isstinly do, god Jeine
»weevosse just th
a bussin' one et
est- np their back
end swell-aroun
andful of fur out
a spin him ennui 1
he'd come an
ley'd gouge, an
(t, Way they'd mak-
got d'iSgusted with thi-
nib out there and
onf. hadn't
and bullyraggei
him, and 'lowe he'd al ay. bragged how
lie would not t ke a d. e, d so on, till
bimeby he his ed the wi der, ' and low
and behold you he we t-- • ent exactly
as he was ; nbtl7.ip.g on but •: shirt; and it
was short. Bt ' :yon litto see him
cre-e-pin' over he ice, uid tiggin' his toe
Flails in to keep from s 'ppi ' ;and above
all, you ought to see that shirt flappin'
in the wind, ai d. then loa g,- ridiculous
shanks of his gl stenin + in t. e'moonligbt.
Them compaty folks wa- clown there
tinder -the eaves the squad ,f'em, under
that ornery she of old Wa' hin'ton Bow-
er vines -all settin' 1 oun about two
dozen sassers of hot cai dy, ,hich they'd
sot in the Snow' to cool A d they was
laughin' and t. "kin' ivel3 ; but bless
.You, they did'n know oth n' about the
panorama that erns g in' n over their
heads. Well, int he -vel t a sreakin' •
unbeknown totem to •• -ca s—they was
a swishin' their ;tails, , nd :ow-yowin'—
threatenin' to clench -3 on now, and not
payin' any atter_tion—he w nt a sneakin'
right to the coinb of the roo , till he was
within a foot and a half of en, and then
all of a sitdclen lie' ma e a grab for the
yeller cat 1 But, by g sh, e missed fire
and slipped, his .heels' flei up, and he
flopped on his back, a cl he- west off'm
that roof like a dart— ,e -at a slashin' and
a smashin' and a eras in' down through
them old rusty -vines, a d landed in the ,
centre of them company people—sat down
like a.yarthquahe In th n two dozea sas-
sers.of red hot candy, rid 1(.t off a howl
which was fra'i'l: from t e tomb 1 Thein
gals; — well th y' loo ed,you know..
They see he wash t clan .sed for company,
and so they left. - i All.donein'a second.
it was just ont Ilittl.i war -hoop and a
whish of their d1esse:, and blame the
wrench of 'em was lin sight. anywhere.
Jim, he was a sight. , He was formed
-with•'that blin' bot viol sses candy clean.
clown -to liis heels, faii.d :tad •iuore busted
sassers hangin' to 1 lin an if he was an
Injun princess— n i he came. a ,prancin'
up stairs, just a hoopin and enssin', and
every jump he mode he shed some china,
and every squirnli lie fe cried he dropped.
.some candy 1
And .blistered 'Whet bre: s your soul,
that poor creature conldn' really ' sit
down for as much as four wteks.
A Stranger ir. the
.. The members ef the Hous are'of a-ali-
-are :rhetorieal,..(athors heavy, some:mono-
NVOilla .attract. atteatio --in any assem-
Thi,n,. tall, wiry, and. gasti.' .in. :figure,
electric in realm ; .his face s indicative
in. retort, and genial i : his Ministerial
announcements. Eon. Jo n (.1a,rling
possesses phySic. 1 strength and a well
proportion.ed. bode-, a capital ead and .a
thoroughly gOodsha mod fee His ami -
.are admirable. 'II. lea ler of the Oppo-
lei Wee, his- mannti ml earn g is, carneet
and dignified; an( e ar rues with clear -
bold and deflan • in in. nem., huiguhge,
and gest imitation 1,3re ave ot space to
tbuch upon asty. other es; at r visit was
of the members indulge(
House of Commo s, of w
walled apartments al
of ladies, it is no (thee
dulge in this habi Oa)
in the English
arin Y their hats.
he presence
than to in -
edict Illustrated
ambition -to have het, n, me 1 nown, -as a
reformer :or prof ssiona phi anthropist,
qniet13,- attempted. to (..o SOT ething for
bright, cheerful piece to refr shments—
in the neighborhood' of ( ittv frog shops..
an engraving of -Chart( s D (lens, and -
other.pietures,-,adiorned he w ails, news-
papers Were colee _ism ly ti iseed, and
mottoee, in cleali t eye, Were displayed,
of which the foileiwing ere a s mph!:
ls .better thel gin.
-" Drink hot : coffees aild. 'save your -cash -;
The lady Who . eetahlisbed -Dna- coffee-
house nestle hereelf .. responsible . for the
heartily interestell in. -the york.': The'
pay, idi- expense -a -of the est, blishment. 't
And ite influenet is be lig f !It. 'Many ,
Look,- on tlie.-4her hind, it ,the ne-
she has a future as magnificent as that
of any nation in Europe., And what is
England ? . She is evangelical. She is
truly Christian. I do not mean that
toed drop of water is pure to the bot -
m, but I mean that the force of the
nation on the -whole is Christian.—Il, 11'
Useful Instructions to Flag
1. That the best land for flax is a loam
with Clay bottcim or subsoil, light sandy
land is not considered 80 suitable.
2. Fall ploughing is preferable to the
spring ; land should_ be clean—that is,
free , as ixissible from weeds, summer:
grass,, etc. ; when ploughed in fall it
should be cultivated in. spring, and
and.' _thoroughly harrowed and. rand
previous .to sowing. , Seed 'should be
ehenly sowed 'and harrowed in with a
light harrow. Sod land ploughed well in
fall, thorouglely harrowed and rolled be-
fore sowing, it . considered suitable, but
stubble land can generally be put in bet-
ter condition for flax ; but whatever the
land is you cannot get- the surface too
finely pulverized before sowing.
3. The seed. should be clean pure seed.
Sow as early as the first of May if
possible ; * early sowing gives the moat
Fatisfactory results. 65 to 70 pounds is
-what we sow per acee.
4. Weeding flax as practised in the old -
country will notpay in this. There is
nothingto be done to the drop after sow-
ing mitilt the crap ripens.
5. Flax is ripe %%lien the first capsules of
the plant turns yellowish brown and the
lower leaves fall, and should then be
pulled. In a :healthy good growth of
flax the stalk of -the plant ae it approaches
ripeness turns. a whitish yellow, and you
cannot fail to knew when .it is ready for
harvesting ; but in a poor growith the
stalk remains green long after the
capsules all turn brown. Flax should be
pulled. before it gets so ripe that the
capsules make a rustling sound as 'yen
"6, It shonld. be bound in bundles. four
inches: in diameter nnder the baud, kept
even at the butt end, and set in round
shocks :of ten to tivelve bundles each,
and left on the ground until suffibiently-
dry, as long -continued wet weather ina,y
injure it. In- wet . weather, keep flax
well set up and see that the seed enda do
not get closely matted together and
--oho sas
Farmers in the hicinity Of Lu,can were
last week bustly 'engaged. in plowing and.
d— There are at least a ozen new
buildings being put up in Park Ilinhis
spring. •
—A young man named Canapbell,
the Township Esquesing, received *a
coat of tar and feathers, last week, for
some irregularities of conduct.
—The people of Lacan, like some of
those of Seafoath, maintain a masterly
inactiyity with regard to the proposed
the prospect ;s that the village of Ire-
land, the people of. whieh: are bidding
high, will get it, and that Lucan
thereby lose considerable portion of
her best trade. -
---eMr. Henry Godkin, of Ailsa Craig,
met with see ere_ accident, one day la,at
week. While ridiug along the -road. on
horseback, his horse stumbled, and. he
.slipped off, one Soot remaining in the
stirrup. wes dragged 4 considerable
distance before the horse could be
stopped, and his leg and baek were badly
Jared Jones and the Browns. •
To thes Editor of the Huron Ezpositor.
tn your- last is a lease by " Jared
Jones," on the nem° of " Brown, and the
&Own Family."' Now, tiir,!a spicy joke
or a cutting sarcasm got up :against an
opponent or a rivitrmay be so far appre-
ciated as to provoke a but "Jared"
has eo far failed to prOfInce either.
'" Jared." does nbt believe in 7 the _Dar-
wini au schools—not he,—yet a glimmer-
ing of his belief appears in his insinuation
that the Brown flien of Borneo and the
Brownies of Ssothand snay be of the
same family. :Now, if flue themas be
correct, it is just possible that. the pro-
genitors Of "Jared" were a:monkey end
an ape. And. this is the more confirmed
by lus production, partaking, as it doee,
of the mischievousneet of the one with
the stupidity of .the other, and. sh'owing
that ti e peesent progeny lacks some -
links of having become perfect mime
But joking apart, Mr.. Editor, the men-
tion of the Brownie by 'ijared" is rather
Unfortunete, for it is Well known that
to the ignoraet, the euperstitiout and
the n an having an uneissy cop scien ce, the
Brownielas always been an object of
terror, aad thd name of Brown has the
same effect upon " Jared" and the clique
if would-be aristocrets upon the extreme
ty of whose caudal appendasee he Stem
villing to hang. These persons, having
au uneasy conscience, from the bribery
ml corruption practiced by them, dread
be mune- of Bis»vn. fearingethati by the
ight shed by- the Honorable Georee, in
may be exposed; and, instead of repent -
ng of them, they employ such hangers -
t will not do. The trick ie too gale,
lel is seen tnrsitigh by an intelligent
blic, said the name -of t;caage
etill be respected by all true
Hallett; March LI .15 1
tions in Europe. Hew : s it evith Eng-
land ?. 'Men think, that he ie decaying a
simply because her Mat- ve 1 rute force 1
is less than that (if the :onti lents,' nas
in which hrate force is goin t- - '.1
and the power of , ganizatio 1 -and tbe
power of wealth, th. t aee go ne to tell
more than the poWer of the hem', in fu-
ture times ; and Elnelancts iu is not
dried up, 11,r heart is mit .(1. up, ate'
strongest nation in Eurdpe to he is the
day ; and
Walt on.
tiederetited that Rev. Davit" Mann, lately
of Ihmifriee-ehire, Scotland, about to
settle with the United Presbyterian
bigiu on. the first Sabbath in April,
CONCERT. —Professor Ward intent s
holding a juvenile eoucert in this pla'e
on Wednesday evening, 29th inst. NIT
would bespeak for Mr. Ward anti' hous.,
as his concerts are worthy of publi
SSL GAR.—Quite a quantity of maple
sugar has been made in this section of
country already. The people generall
anticipate a sweet spring.
For correctness, ,style, and beauty
Frank Paltridge's photogrophs excel,
at one clpllar per dozen.
The small -pox is increasing in England
—Mr. Childers has reached Madeira
the Enchantress.
--The Queen has been vaccinated, an
-wishes it to be generally known.
—The Period estimates the Queen'
fortune saved aud. accumulated at 3,
—The _lectures for women at Cans
this term:
—Tennyson has a disease of the eye,
froin which it is feared he will lose thei
—The labor wages strike at Newcastl
has resulted. in the success ot the work
—The amenity of Princess Louise is t
be paid quarterly ont of the Consolidate
—The British Government asks Partin,
ment for $45,000 to complete the de
fences of Quebec.
—The Post Office employs at Telegraph
street, London, 485 young women an(
only 250 men.
—The sum received by the LordMayo
of London on behalf of the FrenchItelie
Fund now exceeds :10,000.
—The Observer announces that Mr.
Leslie Stephen has been appointed t
the editorship of the (iorizhill Arayazine
—The Queen and Princess Louis
recently paid a visit to the Duke an
Duchess of Argyll at Canapden
—Earl de Grey and Ripon, at the meet-
ing/of the Yorkshire Rifle Association,
has been elected president for the present
—Sir Edwin Landseer's illneas is of
such a character that the public may
despair of seeing any more pictures from
his pencil. Over -work is said to be the
cause of his illness.
-e-Ati:attempt is to be made to get up
a testimonial for Professor Fawcet, M, P.,
Mike, M. P.. M recognition of the -stand
they took in opposing the granting of a
dowry and annuity to the Princes Louise.
Largely attended meetings of working
men have already been held M two
English towus, and iramerouls email
su.bscriptions have been. made to th-e
—Messrs. Chapman & 'Bel have an-.
flounced that , they have obtained Mr.
Carlyle's consent to the issue Of a cheap
edition of that gi•eat writer's works.. To
thovsands in eecry part of Britain, and
especially in his native land, this reserve
of Mr. Carlyle's will be ver).7 Avrelcume
neWs. The edition will be printed from
the library volumes, which have received
their author's latest re:vision, and will
be published monthly -volumes at two
shillings each, beginning with " Sartor
Resartus," which will be ready in :NI arch,
and will be prefaeed by a. port reit of .Mr.
Carlyle. The French Revolution"
will comprise three of the - two shilhug
volumee ; and will therefore on'y cost one
third of the money that the cheapeut of
the previous editions were sold for.
Plowintematchesnre taking silage daily
, — A free dinner is lesieg .given daily
in Edinburgh to neglected children.
-Ali-elute, 07,107 dinners have been
—There livee in Blantyre a cotton -
spinner mider wheel Dr. Liviegsame,
the African traveller, acted as is pieces'
whet a boy.
It is questionable, if at any peried
during the last thirty yeers the eo»di-
tion. of trade in the town (-if Paisley has
been. in a more flenrishing and satiefac-
tery ceat4ition than it is at the
e— The exhibition of . Clydesdale stal-
lions in the cattle market; thike street,
Glasgow, was the largest and teost meri-
torious ever brought together. There
were sixty-three hoiees catalogued.
--:The Newhaven fisherrnen have corn-
-pleted the heiaing fishing season with
great success-. It generally adinitted
they have had foe the last thietv years.
The last edition is eneiched by a lime
preface, written by the author, neurne
still More reminiseenceo of etcottish
and character,
Me into effect the resolution to pi-ovide
suitable monnment to the nienlory of
Thomas Clmhners., the eminent divine
has arranged with Mr. John Steen to
execute -a bronze statue,. which is to be,
placed at the intersection• ef Castle
street with George •street, Edinburgh.
The Penikie correspondent of • the Bann.-
tias (parser. Oa h relay evelong, eve
male joined, singing the chorus of a will
known hymn, beginning 'Hallelujah,
we're on our way to God,' clapping haeall
and waving books and handkerchiefs at
the conclusion. A lishern an vindicated
the perforoiers' conduct by reading 11.
Chronicles v., 11 -let, which verses he ire-
terpreted as being a warrant for the
whole audience within the hall at Poll-
tessie, to speak, pray and sing altogettier,
as well as dance to the singing. 'We tare
going to have a sect similar -to the Alpe,-
jean jumpers."
Recently Margaret Lyons, upwards of
10 years old, wile has been a widowfor
sixty years, died rather suddenly in Aer
house in Enniskillen.
—The entire elnigratiOn from Ireltnd
1,052,741 were males and 939,512 wera
between May, 1851, and t e end of July
last year was 1,992,233 petsons, of wilpta
females. In 1870, 34,0001persons emi-
grated from Ireland.
—It is reported. that a parish prieat in
County Limmiek, up. to Wednesday last.
netted 2001. 'for feeS this Shre....*-
tide. This fact, "says the Limessiat
Cheogicte is most signiacant of the
prosperity of the agricultural chess irs
this county."
and Biographical House of Commons and
Judicial Bench" states that, in reply to
his customary inquiry -as to the armorifkl
distinctions boine by the new member
for.A.leatb, Mr. Martin. replied—"1: carry,
no arms. This is a proclaimed districts"
—The entire sum realised by the Coast -
fisheries of Ireland is calculated at about
£450,000 • and a great deal of this sum
is earned' by English aed Manx fisher-
men.. The Fishery Commissioners believe •
that the Irish fisheries might be made to.
yield at lease four times as lunch as they
have 'hitherto done.
—At a meeting of the Special Commit-
tee of the Susteutation Fund of the Irish
Presbyterian Church, held in Belfast, it
was announced that the Cohnnittee will
be in it position on the lst qf Apiil to pay
an equivalent to the Regium Donum to
all ministers entitled to receive pay-
ment ; also a bonus by the latter end. of
gragations shall have paid up fully their'
year's subscription by the 14th. -
Gavazzi is just now .preaching Tiu
—The - jewellers' 'shops ,iii Paris are
again as enticing as ever. .
—Signor Guiseppe Mazzini has estab-
lished. in Rome a new weekly periodical;
entitled " La Roma del Popolo."
--The British Government is to pay
23,0001. to Ifolland for the eession of tibe
Dutch settlements on the Gold Coaiit.
--The Court of Appeal. at Athens -
acquitted Mr. Noel of the charges
brought against him by the Greek Gov -
eminent. ,
. —Smallpox is said to be raging fear-
fully in the. North of France. At Lille the
' dcatbs from the epidemic average fifty a
—An English correspondent describes
Ile Bavarians ;IS being: thort in stature.
thick -le: r-ged., th ick waisted; thick necked,
aud thick beaded.
---Mr. and Mrs. Chillies Mathews cone
cl tided their Australian engagenents-oii
the 23rd. December by a farewell per-
formance in the Theatre Royal, Mc: -
be fine
In the Paris shop windows are to be
see i such. announcements as this :— X
large etoek of eats, does, rats, ete., to les -
of the revitailleMent."
state that diamonds of great value are
still being diet:veered. The Thensvael
trileie ere again at variauce.
--The Greek Patriarch Greesery has
regigned on account ef the Porte refneieg
—Captein lfozier waited on the
Crown Prince at Veree;llet on Feb. '21et,
Vittona, the Prince of Wales and the
on.t he success -wen l'iy his armyt These
tjuartei s.
favorable exhiliit ef the iineetles e; Lelia.
The budget providea hie a reduetem- of
i01:1141e .2..i(Litrztliali coiolik.i, aloi ti,(: (.1,1.1-
3ilatti.:r have piopoesd that in eai-e of
I, watrahili.ouihtl il..i.a:ti‘te,t,tii!,,eivalet,,,INitert,oti.i.t, Liii,,
-that a in elesatine tit; -&r, long. th% tern,-
ildIve,:::ititti.hiti :la b,is.- ril.lia,v;iii,,Itg.v.t.ttuttli)0,11.-t1 ie.-.. ..:1;01-..
that disehareed is 'millet whieh k, 1..7 1