HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-17, Page 88, TFTE 1-{11RON,EXPOSITOR. loon xpooito DISTRICT MATTER REMEMBER Jeanie Watson's fare entertaininent, at tke Town Hell, Wednesday net.. Mit. GIBSON will address the elec of Seaforth, at the Town Hall, on day next, at, 1 o'clock. DITINE SE-RVICES. —Rev. Mr. Rob . from the Baptist Institute, Chicago, preach in the Baptist Church. Seato next Sunday, at 11 A. M., and 6 In Mum Lessone.—We have pleasur iti directing attettion to the card of dint M. ihmible, which will .be found Ise - where: Miss Humble is a compe ent -musical instructor, an excellent music an and will be sure to give iatisfactim tO those, whose patronage she may obtai . , . FROM Mata oi3A".—We haVe just b en eihtnen a tette , from Mr. C. Wilson ho Jett here a year ago with the Velma era for Manitoba. Mr. Wilson's many frie ds daere, will be pleased to learn that h is enjoying good: health and spirits. He expects that the Volunteers will be lie - banded about the that of Itlay. Mril- ' eon has not yet .quite made up his m'nd to become a permanent resident of te at eountry, but the probability is tha he with SOCIAL -1-A second, socialei• n aid of he Itniading fund of the Wesleyan °hued of this village, was given in the echoolr m • • adjoining the church, on :the evenin of -Monday last, by Me. and Mrs. Tho as Lae. The •attendance was quit la e, and a very agreeable evening was epeet. The chair was occupied by John Beat ie, Esq. The choir, under the leadershi of Mr. Paltridge, and assisted by It iss Price, who presided at the melode n, added much to the evening's enter& 'n - 'meat. Mr.:Paltridge, in, an interest ng and aniusing-manner, gave a descript on of his travels in Europe last season. r. Smith read a humorous selecti n. which was well received. At the c 0n - :elusion, a unanimous vote of thanks as tendered Mr. and Mrs. Lee for the g n- erous manner in which they had ent r- tained their guests. -DRAMATIC ENTERTA1NmENT. c --The S forth Dramatic Dramatic Club gave another ent 'taint/lent in the Town Hall, on Tuesd y evening last. The audience, as on tor er eceasioes, was large and appreeiati The pieces presented were the Drama " Temptation, or The laish Ethigran and the farce•• " The Little Sentine .e. of Theactorswerewell up in their parts, a id all,without exception, rendered thein in a manner which gave evidence of grat painstaking, considerable etudn, •and o slight histrionic talent. To use a n w and. entirely original expression, 'Wh e alt excelled it would be invidious to p t- ticularizee but the parts taken- by Messis. Digby, Cameron. and. Mace were play d in so . entirely appr-opriate and unexce /- tenable a style that we cafinot help re - &zing these gentlemen a epecial mead •f praise. Each performance of the Ch b thews a marken improvement on the n and the pet -severance - and industry i members a lanifest in their endeavors o please aed amuse the "mink are highly o be eommended. • Thet scenery and -sta appointments wore ;excellent. P e "street- scene" in. the. first play was a magnificent, affair, and reflected gre t credit on the artistic skill of Mr., Wi th:e seenicnatist. The Owing if Misses Campbell, Robertson awl Scot,. and of Meseta:- Spatting and Johileon w s _weli received, and formed a most agre able feature in the evening's enteecan inent. The "orchestra," -under the co: Lined leadership of Messrs:- Collins, an leall, dispensed the most enlivening inns c , between the acts, .• Remininnie -Jeanie Watson's farenres 1 entertainment, at the- Town Hall o Wednesday next. - • Salt Intelligence. • THE MERCHANTs' WELL.—At thi tvell, salt Wes reached about a week ago and boring has been, continued ever sine' throngh solid salt. A distance of fort feet has already been bored thi•ough th salt bed, and still there is no prospect o getting through it: The - Company in tend to bore about 100 feet, unless the • sooner get threugh the salt strata, whe • they -Twill sink their piping a,nd com • ., and, if all goes well, it is though melee1pempiug. _ -Workmen ate busil eugag -d in preparing the pans in the sal block thy will be ready to :commence boilim in less' than two week. THE OOLE3TAN AND -GOUINLOCK WELL enAt this well only one block has been in operation for some time, owing to eh font that one of the pans in the 'firs Meek had given out, and is undergoin • repairs. Tin prooess of repairing is bein • rapinly proceeded with and it is expect ed the damaged pan will again be reads •' fee use in about two weeks. In th • meantime, the new block is kept in ope- ration night and day, and an immens • amount of beautiful salt is being turne out. •. Deer, MenEETS.-t-The salt busines has been rather dull -fee some time, ow • ing to the rapid fallin prices. A shoe - time ago, Canadian selt sold readily f9 •$1 • 50 per barrel, . now, however, • th • price ranges from 60 cents to 81. What . has caused this rapid decline we do Do know, but it is probable that when nav- igation opens, prices will go -up again. PtEmp,mnER Jeanie Watson's farewell • entertainment, at the Town Hall, on • Wednesday next. Mr. Cielelenns' Meetings. 'the --Gibbons willl address the electors at •the following Places- as follows '- On Friday-, at 10 o'elock, at No. 6 tichool House, 2nd Concession, H.R.8. Tucker - smith ;ani at the Red tith t.00"1. House, 8-t1. Concession, Tuckers/lab, at 5 o'clock pan. On 8aturday, at the Town Hall, Seeforth, at 10 o'clock ate. • Business Notices. INTessrs. Sutherland Brothers, Tailors and Clothiers, advert* that they are prepared tit supply .the best quality of gen Marianne wearing apparel,.at low ratan SEED8.—Scott Robertson has • given np selling whiskey, and invested largely in field and garden seeds of every kind. Call aad see them, yea will find ,them fresh and. good, PAX .UP.—As Dr. Traey is leaving town, he wants, by card. elsewhere, all those indebted. to him to pay up immedi- ately and save costs. The Doctor Will i also a 11 his furniture and effects by pub- lic au tion on Wednesday next at loon. A • EAT F14—T. K. Anderson has just r ceived a s lendid stock of loth, Twee; s, Vestie s, etc., which he s pi e- pered to make u on the shortest Fiiotice and t prices ow enough to suit all clime. Let any person in want of a cheap and tylish suit of clothes, give T. Kt Ande on a ca1l. and be coninoul that he is ust the one that can get up cloth- tng in a style aed at a price that 4annot be be navest of ,Toronto. He has 4lso on hand. a well stlected stock of C Ilene Cuffs, Ties, :etc. • , Belgtrave. • A F RGED Inerree;—A letter ap in th , EXPOSITOR Ed March 3, "13.0 eft, J. Armstrong, Capt Militi ." We regret to say that w since . (Mud that this letter was a ha We a e making 'evert. effort to di the p rpetrator of the fraud, and it is • rought home to -the proper , will h ve much pleasure in showin up in ur colum1 s. B uevale. WE ennen.—T e weather duri ' g the past t to w eks has been very mil(, and the ' si ow as nearly all clisapp axed. The fell w eat leeks ,splendid, an from till air ar noes In.ot a -sprig has been , killec . , , eared igned in of have gery. cover when •arty, him CON ERT. —Mr. Orr's juvenile c came • if in his nillage on the 6th -and as a great! success. The oh from he tnleetville and St. classes wee preeent to assist. Th inn of he"j venilles was excellent s fleeted vett cre 1 on their toache Orr. 1 hey were, repeatedly .,ericor thto au ienc . •, I 1 POLfrna ---:, . Gibson address d the I elector3 of this ' .1 llage and eicim • on Monday aft moo, last. The atten lance was not ler e, wl ich was no i (kith ow- ing to wan of state of the road. Mr. Gibson's it ress roper notice and bad ) was plain a d inederate, and -waa ward ettentively thronghout althoug the audience w s-inade up of nearly, on' -half Conservativ s. The voting in thie ' part veill be abo the same as last elec on -- scarcely an • chancre will be made. e ncert inst., ldren len's sing - d re - Mr.. d by CONCERT. "Mr. John assisted by Blu'evale, o About sixt tertainment, and gave th to the audie • A man na, for an attem )ted young girl o thi committed t sta Assizes. •POLITICAL ing here Mo day Strachan act ti as a very lair a tend make an -exc Herat up the shirki g, c pursued by Mr. while in the Hou -and demonst ated regard to the polit • day in a wa his hearers. Huron and said he woul( •th at nettb., t $2,000 a mile -num:damns i PERSONAL. has left Ainle Ainleyville. • A Concert was I give by IT'S, juvenile sieging lass, number of his pupils rorn the evenieg of the 8th inst. singers took part in t en- whi was very succe sful, mos complete setisf tion co. edL echville is under ti est ape on the perseteof a village. He writ be d his trial at the ext . Gibson held a vening. Me. Th hairman. Ther nce, andG- . Mr. ' speech. Ho sh •eet- mas was son W ed wardly style of a tton IlaYs, his °ppm ten, e, in an able ma ner, his own position ith cal :questions of I the wh'eh was satisfactory to Referring to the Lo n do ruce I Rail way, r. Gibson do all he could to seenrc for ct• verhment bonus of The r+ting was nearly Mr.'Gibon's favor. Mr: Alexander Stra an vill4 to reside at Londen borough. Di ring his stay here he 1 ade a large numb r of fi ieiids, in fact he was liked by ever one nth i came in contact witIt hiri. i Ir. .6aehan carries ith hini to his ne 1101 e the kind wish s 6f all. II. 1 HoIk. , I PoLITICAL. Mr Hayshas held his meetings thro igh t ils Township, and has been listened o ve atitentively by L rge meetings, bu we believe that he has been unable sa isfyl even his for ler friends cf any bene it hp has been to the We -eau afe y See' that a • a- jority cf the otes f Hitedek will be 'est for Mr. Gibso • SHINGLE F CTOR ' had the pl as- ure of vieiting the hot& factory o P. A. Ireland, \ teen te el and. can rec • reend'all part 's tvi o are in wa,nt of fi'st- class shingles to. g' re hilt-. Ireland a all. nick sketith. RURAL- DEBATIN . CLOP. Wedi es - day ever ing, t e Srinst., the merrn ers of the al eve c un n id their weekly d bate in t e se eel use, Sectiou No Tuckeret ith, vhen the following sub e was (Us ,ussed : " lesolved that sit gl life is m re col dud' nth happiness t married ife." Ma: y weighty aegum. t were all -ance( 011 iot1i sides, but ot withstan ling ihe pat sources of ha ness so g 7aphiially aid down by , the vent elo nem; of e affirmative in leers, the dccis on w s given in favo the nega ive. The i ext subject for mission is " Var Intemperanc which ca ises t e gi• ateet evil.' lc illOp. Seem Exteerv on.—Thenniblic x--. aminatiet of ebool 111 section No. 6, taught -1) Mr Al • nson, came off on Friday la t, th 9th inst, and, as us al men a con plate ucc s. Thereweinala go number vis tors present who me, in fested a deep in et -es in the examinati 111. It is a gc nil 011en t see the parents of the child] On tu n m as they (lid -u • n this occa-ion. 'eve 1 of the classes w re minutely and s are. ugh' examined )y the Rev.: fr. 8 arr, *eeforth, and'Alses 1rs Itergusso and 'ith Hand, Teachers. A ltage nn niter - of luable prizes w re distribut d -tot! e ini stileservine pup' Is in each d parts, ent, and the impressi m generally htaii ed t Mr. Morrison h d his school in al eryt osperous conditi , and that 115 en ranc into a matrimon al alliance: 0 far from impairipg h is u. e - fulness, h s inn lered him even. more -e ergetie V an et er. then appom the Tempi then tender Chairman a parently hi proceedings ACCIDENT instant, M Roxburgh, dent of rather another youhg —Semervil4 companion its' hand shownd strike—the. in brought do severing th one and at t hand tower axe reachin erville had and is now i: ed a d y on which to. form Votes of thanks were d to the speakers and the id the meeting dispersed ap- hly pleased with the night's --1-On !Saturday the llth •. Archibald Somerville, of. IoKillin ep, et with an acci- t a serious ature , He and man tver splitting blocks oiling th, in out, and his g the axe. Mr. S. With his the oth man where to n not per' eiving his hand, the ax with full force, ttle ting r from the next seine tiin splitting up the he wrist, the corner of the ough to the palm. Some rept inedeal attendance, ig well. T.SsbOrnie. °omen. z-- The Lumley y met on; the evening of goodlY number were speeker were Messrs. Creney, and Waldron. • rd hoc Tied the chair. tfirstl call d on to address ut s h had no speech rad "Je y Butler's Ad- tia 0 1." Mr. Cann next .le rnee ing, takine for his i e." Ir. W. Gracey gave st ng-si eech on the evils of a dron next gave a very af- h on 1" I emorsel The • ismis ed o meet again on LITERARY Literary. So March 7th. present. .Pervis, Can Mr. F. .131 Mr. Per vis the meeting prepared, h venture wig addressed t subject, "P a very inter war: Mr. 1, fecting spec meeting thei the 14th ins POLITICAL. coming elect large naeetin on Thursda Gibbons had. • ed by Mr. Is Tory followe the Meeting short time la Pa rliament, by Mr. Carli course, and I themselves. stand and " All he said, just, "Send and I ke present Gove or bad meas borne, spoke Reform princ Mr. Greenwa Mr. Sinclair, speak, but Mr. Carling's then called,'u of the party he was -not • After cheers Queen the me The xcit ment about the is v ry ijitense. A very h Id. xt Francistowne he 9 h i st., which Mr. c lied. It as also attend - a • Car in, and his tribe of s. _,Mr. GI lions laid before t e co rse he pursued the as al ow (1 to remain in e ore is so t was usinped g ; an al o Mr. Carling's fi the peo le to judge for 11, r. 0 rlin then took the I wed fo about an hour. s mind up, amounted t� e as you representetive my sat , nd vote for the nnent who her it be good ✓ s."- •Ir. Bishop, of TJs- a sho t e, • advocating pls. Je as followed by in fr, or of Mr. Carling. of God ric , attempted to a inte u ted by some of f lends itlr. Elliott was o 1, a3e and the rest o Id ni t hear Mr. Sinclair, e mitt d t speak either. f r M . Gbbons and the t ng di per O.—REFORMER. &nomE*n tee N. There was an entertainmen vbn i th Thames Road c School, on Fr ft ev nin , 10th inst., by Mr. elarke'sj pupils. 1 consisted of dialogues, retie thenr an music. We specially notice th4 th atrical talent displayed by M sters 1 An lrew Meldrum and Alexander Turnbull ; they seemed to enter righnin o th spi t of thepiece. The accompanii ents to the pieces of vocal. music Was on the m lodeon by Geo. MeIdrum,oneof hepu i.d considering that 'he is self tauglit and had only. one week to pract c.e moet of he pieces, they were done extremely we for a boy of only -about 14 years o ag Everything seemed to go mit in a co ance with the programme,- for there eva• never a min- ute s delay b4wen en t e d ffere-nt parts OT hesitation on h par ef those reciting, . nor any sticl in of he eurtam or such. little mishap s al ost always befalls amateurs. Tlic nly ooin laint we .heard was that it wde oo so n o Ter, but it last- ed about two io irs, a d e have seen in exhibitions oII he ki d s ery little more in doable the in e. r. larke &serve. s credit for the y in hie the perform- ance was coudnc ed. A HEROIC °mate. , roism still ex- ists in the w r11,. and in the humblest ranke of life, -Worn n, hose husband had been kille 1 by a ea , recently left Muskoka, wh re they ad been settlers, and started n foot to ook for some friends in th cinite of London, Ont., taking with h er fon- c rildren. Her youngest chilo, a study -fellow • of two years, she car n liijir e s, while the rest followed. as 1 et tIjLey ould, through the forest, a di 't nee o for y -eight miles, until they rea d Parry's Sound, where the applied to th land ag nt for a pass to Collingwooc, hich we' readily grant- ed. The good a eat a, so ave her a let- , ter to the Ma or of C ilia him to passhe • nil h o e- - way free, but h upfo letter, which ade her roa a e harder. At ol ingw od., she attracted the attention f 10 wood, asking ▪ flunily on their ately lost the to travel: still ben volent lady, 'who, raised a subscr p ion o $10, and present-: ed her with i . This was sufficient to land --her in Ca ro i beoo c, whence she pro- ceeded to Lum e', arri in there on Sun- day, 5th inst. lhe go d people of Lum- ley immediatel urned out andnendered her every attex ti n, au mining her wants in the Most ger e ens in tnnhr. Her caie was brought 1 ebre ti e Reeve of 'the Township, wb t ou granted/ber a pass to Lornicn by s age, whire it is hoped. she foun riend alul/a comfort- able resting -place after all ner trial:tend sufferings. -for. COUN •ETINGS. Pi - of • TEMPE} evening ti perance House in was well .ANCE AIM Np. —On Mond y e 12t tine aen a public Teii- eetirt " 'we held in the Seh 1 S. S. •To. McKillop; whi h atten ed. The .meeting w a called an the s eak re procured. throneh the exerti ms of Mr, ndrew ttovenloc , the indefa igabl Te •iperance Reform , who occur ied the c,ha r upo 1 the occasio 1. About 101 peo le both sexes we e present, - ho e 'ere addre secl by N r. butherlan and. r.0 le pbell, of Seafort 1, in an interestinl ma nen ,Mr. Goven lock, the Channa an, hen. made a brit sensible a dres,, st, mg in conelusio a, that he 1 -ante( to •rga,nize a Lodge af Good Tem lane_ n ti place, when sonjte persons ge ve • m t eir names and Ike 11 GODE,P.TCII. O Coi 6th: inst., pn Suant Present—Thl ye, D Councillors/09 an d utes of test Mee ing proved.. ' Resol -e 1 that allowed to petit i his the 13th and 1 conc lowing 'account ere o -viz : eale & 11 vis, $ ion, 55 ; iFranc Witti Wilsen, t,"3 ; I. . To Steep, S3 ; IV Tall, 81. The petiti n of C others, was laic over for ation. The Au litor's r tiled, toned or ect an 100 copies thee of order for distribution. The cl telon for damag d cutce lentil next mectir. g of Cm Young • was ap omted year 1871, &der -. $70. . adjourned to m Holmesville, on next, said sittin ion: ' STEPHEN: — 6th instant. meeti n g were Moved. and res Reeve atteed t of McGillivray, givein exteudin ncil met o4 the o adjournment. puty Iteeve and :ook. The imin- ere read and ap- John Herten be statute label- on ssiOns.. The foie lered to be paid, ; Adam Conte- ohtan, $5; Jos. s, 1 f5; George 8 , Chas, Shaw, lax et Shaw and • future consider - port • was, exam- cenfirmeld, and d to be printed f Wm. Can- , as laid over nail. Mr. Henry oll cher for the 'he Council then et again at Knox's Hetet, the first Monday in !thy te be SoMrt of Bevis - T. B. TO*ES, Clerk. • im Cott he nil read lved th e ,next o see -w " the gra cil met 013 utes of fo nd confir t the Clerk •ouncil mee at aid they 'el road bet the mer ed. and ting will eeu amemeeenemeammemesee the Townships of Stephen and McGllhi- vray; Stephen pledges itself to grant $2,500 on said road on condition that Mc- Gi livray grant the sunf of $1,500 for a similar purpose, and that should McGilli- vray not comply, that the matter be left to arbitration as the law in such cases directs. The feline ing orders were giv- en: Charity to five parties. $34; M. Cleemp, part payment of N. B. contract, 1O; 1'. Kessell, work on road, $3; Sul - divan, error in 13.T., $7 98; Balance on gravel road contract, $193 ; Nevins, re- pairing.scraper, $2 65; Balance on S: B. expenditure, $24 52; McGennis work on town -line, $12 ; Changing armies, $4; Collector's salary, uncollected dog. tax, $118 15.• Any person wishing chan- ges in School Sections, are to apply. at April meeting, Court of Revision, to be on the first Saturday of May. 0. PROUTY, Clerk. Gieen."—The Council met at Tuck's Cranbrook, on the 29th ult. Members all present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The InspectOr's-report was 'received and adopted. An order was granted by the Reeve for $150, in part payment of con- tract bridge. Robert Armstrong. The following accounts were presented and the Reeve granted . orders for the same, Robert Laidlaw, salary as Tavern la - specter; 815; J. R. Grant, postage and stationery, 818 66. Moved by A . Mc- Donaldeneconded by T. Williamson, that the Collector's time be extended until 8th March.—Carried. Moved by St Ste - mon, seconded by John Strachan, that Laughlan McNeil receive the suin -of $10 - on work done on 14th concession; —Car- ried. Moved by J. Strachan, seconded by S. Sleinone that this Council now ad- journ to meet again at Davies' Hotel, Ojai/brook, on Monday, 20th March, to appoint Pathiriaeters, Fence Vie -were, &C. J. R. GRANT, Clerk. REmEMR.ER Jeauie -Watson's farewell entertainment, at the Town. Hall, on Wednesday next. Polllng Piacet3 for North Huron. The following are the polling places in North Huron : ASHFIELD,--Johnston's school house, school section No. 6 • Finley's school house, school section No. 9 ; Gardiner's school house, • school section No. 5 ; School house,' school section No. 2, near Catholic church; At the house of R. Hamilton, Concession 13. , Commeente—Benjamin Miller's school house, Town Hall, Smith's Hill• . CLINTON.—POStees Old factory; Core's Hotel. Gy.—School section No. 3: Lot 60 Con. 6; School section No. 11, Lot 6, Con. 11 ; School house, Cranbrook ; School house, Ethel. HoIck,—Schoolhouse, Orange Hill, On Lot 25, Con. 13 '; Matthew's store, Fordwich ; Gorrie's school house ; Law- rie's office, Vroxeter. • Hneeern—School section No. 1, Lot 6, Com 2; School section No. 2, Lot 23, Con. 3 ; School section No. 6, Lot 6, Con. 13; 13runsden & Whenham's wag- gon,' shop, Londesboro ; Scheel section No. 9, Lot 43, Con. 13. Monne,,—School section No. 7, Lot 5, Con. :3 ; School section No. 6, Lot 26, Con. 4; Union school No. 2, Lot 1 Con. 9, School section No. 9 lot 20, Con. 8. Snenonnin—At Cash's store. Mc:Kneen—School section No. 5, Lot 10, Con. 6; School -section No. 7, Lot 26, Con, 12; School section No. 4, Lot 21, Con. 4 ;School secuion No. 2, Lot 30, Con. 3. EAST "WAWANOSII,—SC13001 Section NO. 10, Lot 38, Cott. 2, Scheel section No. 8, Lot 36, COD. 9; School section No. 11, Let 33, Con. 11.9. WEST WAW.AlsZOSTI, School section No. en Lot 21, Con. 3; School section No. 3, Lot 15, Con. 6; School seetion No. 4, Lot 18, Con. 12. • TURNBERRY,:— School hOUSW No 8, Upper Wingham ; Bluevale scltbol house - School house, Lot 3, Con. 11. • - SPEOIAL NotrioEF... • DYSPEPSIA is a. hydra-headed _monster/ from which nearly all the ills the human flesh is heir to originate. . The- Pern,vian • Syrup, a protected_ solution /of the/pro- toxide.of Iron, .is a - long -tried and well established remedy for 'this, distressing complaint ; it has carecl thousands when other remedies lia.ve failed/ - I can testify to the.higli therapeutical value of l'ellow's Cmemound Syrup - of Hypophosphites, and -consider it desert"- ing of attentien b5tthe profession genen• ally. kennel- Aewaire, RD., Marint ,of the City of St. John. Price $1 -MI a bottle ; 6 for $7 50. Sold by apothecaries and by F. Oundil & Co., wholesale agents, Montreal. - - Twenty years experience in ming Bry- an'saPulmonie Wafers have proved them te/be - the most effectual remedy for coughs, and irritation of the throat, caused by cold, or unu and exertion of the vocal . organs ; public spealteirs and singers will lied them most beneficial. The entire fr edam. from all deleterious ingredients re.nders Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, or (Jough and Voice Lozenges, a safe remedy for the most delicate person, and have caused them to be held in high esteem by all Who leave used _them, Sold by evety druggist and most of the respectable /stores throughout the Pro- vince,: at 25 cents per box. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Trains :_ nsleare the Seaforth station as follows 00]: EAST. 8.05 A. M. 10.5 1,35 P.M. • 5.45 a a GOING WEST. 2.23 P. M. 8.50 " " ie 1.35 " 8.05 A. M. TO CARPENTERS, CON- , TRACTORS, And the Public Generally. WROXETER SHINGLE FACTORY. The proprietor of the above Factory desires to state that he is now prepared to supply _ Shingles of the Terri. Best Quality, On the shortest notice, and at the very lowest cash prices, either- at the mill or delivered at- Seaforth Railway Station. Orders prnmptly attended to. p. A. IRELAND, 169-13t Wroxeter Shingle Factory. AIARCH 17. 1871. TO THE FREE AND INDEPEND NT • ELECTORS OF THE SOUTH RIDIIVG OF THE COUNTY OF HURO GENTLEMEN, As the nominee of a full represoita tine delegation from the South JEW' • of the County of linoon, I beg ,egain t an- nounce myself as a candidate for rour suffrages at the approaching eke ion, and I do so, not only from the eci vic- tion that the Reformers of South Hi .ron desire my candidature, but with the ree collection that by the action of the 'on- troverted Election Committee of the est Legislative Assembly, your opinions A ere ignored, and you were pl aetically is - franchised. , My public conduct in the past e a sufficient guaranty for my faithfulnes iti the future; and 1 need only say ihat should you see fit topronounce in my favor in the coming contest, I .8 tall while avoiding a recklees adherenc to any party, place myself in oppontio i to the general policy of the present Gov rn menn by whose unauthorized. expen a- we of the public moneys and contin led disregard of the general interests of the people, the Principles of representa ive government have been notonly jeoprd- ized, but in many cases, quite subver ed. Should I be chenen as your represe ta- tive, the advancement of the general in- terests of the Riding, and the deve op - mans of its material resources, shtdi as heretofore, have my earnest attention • Though, by -the action of the Gov rn- ment in naming so early a day for .he elections, the time for prosecuting, he canvass in necessarily short, I hope to have an opportunity of meeting you 11, and explaining to y8u, personally, ay views upon the past measures of the G v- ernMent, as well as upon the questi ms likely to be brought forward for Le is- lative action. ROBERT GIBBONS. Goderich, March 3, 1871. 17 2t TO THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE. NORTH RIDING OF THE COUNTY OF 14TRON. GENTLEMEN: The lapse of time la s again brone round the pond. w., en the privilege of .electing one to repr'esent you in the. o cal Legislature/has arrived_ Ravi been unanimmisly nominated by the e-. form Coe vention of the Riding held at Blyth thistday, as a candidate for that honorable and important position, I 0- spectfti1ly solicit your support. Shnuld I be successful in the electi itsWill be my endeavor to serve you the best of my ability, and also to p mote the general interests of the count, , so as to maintain intact the privileges f the people, on the one -hand, while n t seeking to infringe upon the prerogati te of the Crown upon the other., 'As is w 11 known, my principles are liberal d progressive • and I shall.endeavor to e - cure amendment where needecl and. tie maintenance, of that which is good. Theory and practice ehow conclusive that for the due maintenance of cons tutional principles, there must be a vi orous opposition, governed by prineiple and not by faction.- All goOd measures will have inv support, whether emana - nig from the Opposition OT the Ministrjr No administration is so perfect biit that it must be watched. The prose t is noi exception to the rule, as it seen s to have been the aim of the Ministry to exalt the Executive -above the Legieli- turn more especially in the expenditu e coofrrtheeettl.ople's money, which should ie Matters oflocal developmentwill ha*i my careful consideration and impartial support. I need only say that it is my ardeeit desire that we may remain united to Great Britain, and. that traitors and dis- turbers of the public peace, in whatever part of the Dominion they may be found, shall receive their due deserts. It will be impossible, in the short time that elapses before the election, to visit all parts of the Riding ; but I will endeavor to overtake as much of it as possible, so that 1 can give further. ex- pression to my views, I remain, . Yours faithfully, • THOMAS CTIBSON. Wroxeter, March 6, 1871. 170 - EDWARD CASH,' • D_ealer ia all kinds of Farm and habil Produce, , -WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Timothy Seed, Flax See Cloverseed and Seed Wheat, . Of the best quality, and cheap. Goderich street, , 1704tf SEAFORTIL NOTICE, ilIDEINO- about to leave Seaforth, the )subscriber requires all indebted to him to call and settle at once. thereby saving costs. TRAts'Y. 170-tf NOTE LOST. TOST, on or about the 18th day of J . February last, a note of hand, made' by Charles O'Neill and James McLach- lan, in favor of John Kelly, for the senn of $,35, and bearing date, McKillop, Oct. 24, 1870, and payable twelve months af- ter date. The public are horeby cau- tioned against purchashig or negotiating said note as payment has been stopped. 769-4t JOHN KELLY. EXECUTORS' NOTICS., A LL persons indebthd to the late Gil- bert Spier, of Morrie, by note or otherwise, are requested to pay the same to the undersigned only ; and any per- son having claims against said estate will please hand them to us at once. THOS. AND.ERnON, WM. SHEDD A • Executone Township of Morris, March 6th, 1871. • 170-413 Seeds! Seeds! TOHN BEATTIE keeps constantne on 0 hand, at his Stall m the Mailine Building, the best quality of Seede of every description. TIMOTHY, CLOVER, • WHEAT, OATS, PEAS AND BARLDY, etc., on hand.. JOHN BEATTIE, 169-8* ; Market Building, Seafbeth. • NOTICE w GUARDIANSHIP. KOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of twenty days from date the undersigned, mother of the infant. children of tbe late Edniunditney,wiIi apply te the Surrogate Court of County of Huron to be appointed guardian of the persons and estates of Wilham Eoratind. Whitney, Charles Mortimer Whitney, George Lewis Whitney and James Mur- ray Whitney, infants' under the age of twenty-one years. • FANNY 'WHITNEY, mother of said infants, By McCAUGH EtY k HOLM ESTED, • Her 8o1icitorn .Seaforth, March 7, 18'1. 170-43t • TO FARA/ tRS. IRON HARROWS. MHE UNDERSIGNED has on hand •_I a large number pf MON 11 An - ROWS, which he is prepared to eoll reasonable terms. - • These harrows were manufactured at Gananoque. and are The Best _You; in Use. A. Guarantee will be given with each, that if it do not work satisfactorily, it may be returned by the purchatter within thirty. days. 0. C. WILSON, • Agricultural Implement Agent, • 169-tf • SEAFORTH, ONT. EASTM• AN'S PENMAN'S ASSISTANT MIA Agent for the above will be i towa in a few days, to solicit orders for this truly wonderful invention. Its object is to give ease and freedom o1. movement to all writere. It will poet, itively give the proper posieion to the most stubborn or untutored hand, old aa well as youeg. See description of the same In the Post Office or Knoxts Hotel teaehers should see that that, pu- pils have it. A coMplete set mailed. for $1 25. J. P. FLANAGAN, 1704t* •Paris, Ont. EG -GS! EGGS THE Subscriber begs to intimate that i he s still prepared to purchase I,ggs at his I Store at the Market, - and to pay the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH! for all fresh Eggs that may offee. To Merchants in Town and Country with whom he has done Business in the past three years, he returne ehis bent thanks, and. hopes for a continuanoe of Business relations. WM. MALCOM. Seaforth, March 3, 1871, 168-tf REMOVAL 1 Bonthron&Son HAVE REMOVIM To tile Stand lately occupied by WM. ROBERTSON & C.O. They will sell the Stock at Reduced Prices, in order to make room for Spying - Goods. • GREAT BARGAINS N TWEEDS, WINCEYS, • FLANNELLS, !T .A. 1K '11 3, Ready-madeClothing, BOOTS AND SHOES. ALSO, — A Stook of MESH GROCERIES,'just; received. J. BONTHRON & SON, 169-tf VOL 4, NO1 BUS NES WL E D : - TIZAcY, M. "nee County of He knee—One door lt )iscopal Church. `Soef or th ke: i4t. MOOR M • of Mettill Physielan, Surgeon, due Znrieh, Ont. Zurieh, Sept. 7thtli T. AM ES STEWee •e Graduate et .Montreal;Pliyentiani and residence - --Brae Brute; Jan. I:: _neat R. W. Re SMIT1 geon, etc. -I WV Robertson's Resi North. Seaforth, Dee. 14, n.VitItantit, cian„ Surgeon ence, earner of I Street, inemediatay Store. Seaforth, Feb. 4thl . _ • IL CAMPBELL nnitee ilifiee • -Corby's, eorner store forth. -Offin.e day, Sa —e eypentUt'illitY . Bainieters, Atte ieitors llama ry taries Publio and inn tors for the IL C.Pen . for the canal% Life N. 13. —4330,4300 t-4) Farms, Houses and I Seaforth, Ike. 146 W°ykMEV Attornoyat Law,„ eetry and Jneolventen Aries Pulilic, etc. Wrexeter. Agents Loan Co. of :rimer C: • onial Sectarian./ co. Money at 8 per cen -charged.' - 3,A5. 11EN$'0S, Seaforth, Dee:. ,HOT le AIM Ellen AL Jamee Laird, nrst-class aecommod ling public. The hen ways enpplied with - ts afford: Eneell(nt s • tion. A inleyville, .Aprii _ TT .N1 )X's nt,I. The undereiene, •publie for the liberal to him intins past ii and a3so tO illior111 tbe reSUinea bneinens in where he will be hap from eld friends, and/ Ti 1 Seaferth, May -In EXtliA • nat)eze):3c-Ill." cent Warsaw., This hotel lute recentle Dished, and relitte'i t nowene of the 7DOSt inodions111f1ie Provin 1;ooms for 4'ommervial Terms liberal.. Goderieb, ettpril 14, tent— 111 A. -SJINR Phi , Staid:vs.:1)1114'h -. neaforth, f ;eod Hor Cour eyaneeet always - II-AI:1"S iJiVE1U\ 1 Tnee Nrikkif)irria. :OA t .arriageS always Z'bie terms. Seafortin Mar nth, 1'- '( tn W. 1.X. Land. niervel, (03.. VI. •11 inarincfr in 4 mith /14,:atlIvMs Mill de - tins, Commieeioner Next deer eon th of :4,1 forth. Seaforth, Inn. 14, TIETH Err TE cAnnvizicar.,, • by the use of the :k." 4 )The, ---i Ivo* the fv)r01. Attoultills't! in 't:1:1•1 the 1h.j ll ; i; :111 "1:oi e::t met -vial days and Fridays. Parties reel uiring in ten, on tne ihnt (ley 911, 'eirtested, to eall, if at (ever enneo p Ez'N1r.).4•t1 by the. n..4±. 0., (-0/1:tta45 uffied.'s. NOV