HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-17, Page 7MArtru 17 1871, - riesimmaimsgsal". IIE SEAT ntiwr Yard. & MACDONALD norm the public that they have . LUMBER YARD inSeaforth, arson's Mill, on the ground for- wa az a. Lumber Yard, by Mr. Lee. will keep constantly mi band tortment of ALL KIN ).-4OI :R, dressod and undressed. ATH AND- SIIINGLE, hich they are prepared to sell at H.t possible prices, for Cash. rs and tithe's.; will find it to their !te tt inspect our atock, and ae- oar prices before tatrehasieg is- a,t we are in a poeition to oiler iuct molts to easir pu reit est. rs. • BEE & MAC1ONAL1). rth, iYtc29, 1.'570. 160 -ti NORWAY OATS. s•ears aeta the sullscrilier ul>tamed 11 ToN.ra & CeauK, New Yerk.„ 1.). W. Ilastsaatefa Norway Oats, t la 1 paid, laser Dollarscal sewed. • 11 (me -third of an acre al1itikA2taifIcAl L:iye Bushels ;1 sowed dale again. It and have no a quantity oxl. f othr far sate at the follow - one bushel to ten, one bushel ; ten beabels and up- aseveraty-tive cents tr laishelea- re the moat. TY1'141eVc..: 0 1*;it that - a • (.ext tried fl this part of the calm warrant the above true to name 1,e from any fool aeols„ E ) WA lala TURNER (sonitla :Let 2t);. :2111 Oar.,n E. 1:6•1-,S* F For. Ztlale 1 1t \o. 22. 13:th Coneeseien kvirship of aleKi'.lep, coitatiniuse (untlrett Acres, forty live of which (treal, well -fenced, and a nes1 r rain of of water- runs three -eh o"e NO buildiues. A.lso, the nnex- term 0F eiebt years of the I( ase of 11 Lots 27 and 28, 12t1 ct;ne• ssion, ihe privilege of pm-elm:411g at area- ; Purehive money e'1;27 --i. to exttral period of teat yeare. This let is -all land. For further parriettials • to the undersigneo. THO,MAS t•Vr EPHENS, Seafortla mary II, 1871. 16•141 ,1140114-5sY TO LEND - Farm er desirable Villvt Preperty 6.1, per cent. Paymeuts made to ate:burrower. Apply to A. G. •MeDOUGALle lance Agent and Coininisaioucr, 1etatforth, -JOBS SP:ATI*Elt .Exaltasige Braker, Seaftirth, miary 13, 1871. 1 2 -Gni ;'1' THE 1.IIING VOR ALL. WARM; CH E.:kV' ssaND- -GOOD FOR ALL CLASSES, tt varied taste around we see, 11CreVer we may press, I t Fashions gay, fur -wark or platy, L eery 01! MISOILS se eoaturnt.s 1, sit beauties daily spring-, dirt AN LAIN's DatiintainS fame, . Lir all it's just the thing. those who bask in princely halls, ;Elio lead the world of dress those in humble spheres of -life etir opiniona to express. L tete and ail those facts endorse, Chief' throuh all Canada ring, Astesesoaa Ciothieg is fur ail, 11 truth, the very thing. field sports. boating trips and. taurs, oetetu, rail or road, • a appropriate in each, pa.rt, ttbstantial. smart and go(4. ••,n41Tuteit. Tirr;t-eiai4s -work, .nd artists bring eeadened kuowledge, and, of roauce it just the thing. suit all wearers, ample Garb - fully now di:pls.:, ed ; s choice is most astounding, too, -- he jit thestrade. 5-avinees. now, to meet the times, eoliecausly pal(11,611a, .y, purchase, then, Anderson's dress ; a;i the verybang, chic" S•toek c.f Scarfs, Ties, (',,liars i (uff:: always on nand. "1 K AN1)iiSO" • Nierehant Seaford', t nstario. WAI. -N. -WATSON- 11,1,:v.A.),.- HAS ON 11A.NI) TIIE BEST CEGrfiACHES THEMARK ET, ither for Family use. ar fur Mearufae- rino purposes. Both single -threaded. 'id double -threaded* and ha -a -stitch arhines can be supplied. 'erfeet satistartion gaaranttedand, -strueti,,ns given to purchasers gratis-. \VM-. N. AVATON .•-ai a ts,5 insure property atfaiwt Fire and arine Disaster, and hi and Limb esenst death znels aecideut, with- the -t Cempanies, beine Agent for Lfeerpaol azul Londou and Globe, Ihed:sh. PrevinciaI nf Caeada, (Cereein..) :he ;ore t listriet u turd, id:, ee and Farrn.) Nie etra Diatrict. -alutual, (Village atol l'arm. e Trevettra of Hartford, j1.1fe and. Ateeident.f- tisseLihcrulliv,:l sfrd nd Iirmnptlp ()NEV To LEN1) Lt motivrat r:!tos. (vf int( rcst.. No (Aga- aitti ',titr,Int,flo.•ratt-. .Mtqathasiih, iaateta.tu tenittfhle :taets,es. AI, A - \-M1)- cit-AcKS. .\ victim ef early heltsch e ea eau: lee vele..; de -oh rtv. prtmater, tried. • in vent et -my 10.veri had renae'y, has a neems se:f-cure, v bit i -will see 1 ft-, 0 et Altar CS'S .; . P. LE, 7a New k. 162-6m 4 - MARCH 17 1871. The First of the Credit System. The first Occasion on which we hear of an organized system of cre- dit is when Joseph„imortgaged the cdtle, lands and even the persons of all the Egyptian people, in order to pay for the corn he supplied them frora the state granaries. The end of the seven years' famine found the Egyptians not only paupers, bit bondsmen, sowing Pharaoh's land, and compellectto pay for the privilege of doing it, twenty per cent. of the crop to Pharaoll'areasury for cm. Nvitillout equity of redemption. The Egyptians' had no previous experi- ence of Jews excepting A.braharn, inolifensiv o old patriarch, who -Came to Egypt because he was hun- gry—and he gotPllaraoh into trouble --they had never seena Jew before. It is therefore higi- v probable that rememberanee -'01\ seishs fiscal ,‘ policy while 0 atneellor ( f their ex- chectuer, contributed in D:0 small dc - gree te the severity with which they afterwards ground down and oppress- ed the children of Israel. But the fact especially noticeable about the introdecti on of credit is this—bank- ruptcy and credit came in together ; Joseph, left Egy pt a nation of bank- riyts. And ever, since that time, bound together iy an inuissoluble bond of union (bo2ute, in fact, of bills and promissory notes.) thuse Siamese 1. twins, bankruptcy, and credit, have gone cn together,,iand will go on to thrive, until one of the twain. get his death -blow. It IllatteVS 110t which ; then the other will clie a natural death. --Chambers' Jolt7-72C6/. .01,040, Sensible idea- about Vislting. The French gentry are adopting the plan of inviting gists by series to their chateaux. And eaeh invi- tation sok forth the exact stay, as well as the day he is to com% Not a bad plan either.. A family may be very glad to see a friend on a gven- day, and.to entertain that hie -ad for a;given ; and yet it might be very annoying and incoavenient to have that visitor at any other time or to have his visits prolonged. It is the unexpectedness and length ot visits which vex l_fret families more than anything else. The ease with which people can now get about produces such a rage for visiting, and hospitable families are really in danger of being worn out and rendered utterly Wretched, if not actuallyimpoverislled, by the swarms of friends who find it convenierd and pleasant to make these hospit- able& their tetilporary homes, while engaged in their own business or pleasure. No considerate or well- bred person will ever presume, to make a friend's house a stopPing place even for a day, without having first ascertained whether such a course would be convenient and agreeable to that Mend • an should never overstay the time designated, except on the Most urgent invites tion. f Mark Twain on the Training of Children. Having reflected deeply for half an hour upon the subject of .dornes- tic dikipline, I feel like sparing a few -Suggestions relative to the best method of bringing up childreC - Being a bachelor without children, my suggestions are likely to be as disinterested as if I had never seen a child. AeCording to my observation, the. most dinicult time to bring up chil- dren is in the morning. -You do sometimes, though seldom, bring them up in the mOrning by yelling at them but the effectiveness of this process diminishes with its re- petition, even when not neutralized :by the- children's trick of stopping their earS ANith the bed -clothes. The only prompt, effective and absolute- ly tellable method is to bring- them up by the hair If your child has a good, healthy scalp, without any tendency to baldness, this method - will work with m os t gratify- ing ellinieneY.. Try it about o-nce tweek and you will be surprised to cbsetve how its influe- wh epee will extend through the six fon da' interval inspirinir hour child opi , with the li-veliest poS'Sible intet est in twit the splendid pageantry•of sunrise. To bring up a darling child by the ltair reouires some enerey and firm - me tee correct his careless re (when he was reckoning,: k.pro in shillings), that five times t was sixty-two and a' half. said he, dim bii'ig dyer his spect and surveyingme grim y, ye you know morein 3otir fabher, Come 'ere to we 1" His invit was too pressing tc for -a fe‘v exc Ali reposed in bittr'h his left knee, 1 ith embrace of his left 1 didn't see im ,•deincl)nstrat0 his mathetna.tical acc itacy,1 with i the palm of his right ..) aud oh the large est i arch of the ousers, but 1 felt that the •old illaik was right; . and when, after compl tely 1 aradicating di e M ul tiplica lion table, he asked low tnncl :fi‘ e times twelve I insisted with -tears in my that it 'was ,6 2 :and a half ,:, 1he; "I'll lear•r3 ther if I have to mes a days Now orses 'n be lively ntleman did not for i.m. 5.0 wane am atony - rheu- mat'en disableinn • , and even the he confiat ed 0 in,pire me with awe until I was ' thor vine d that h s d -a,bi man nt. nqguestioni croNNning grac of you tell :your hi] and •e steps - advi 'able to ki him a rap acro him ' that's wl in tle-*ay of ing lacrity, a mand.. ark lem Piste So cles, link aey 7 tion be declined, and ting momeritts 1 umiliation a3ross tidy netpk in the arm. -Me was, eyes TI ye t tlira: go'n too pen) at's r ig I t ' sa' respect y .1), ye twel t' Water thei 1 h The old g it my resi ect until th in d _0 Ann siti enol orn -wel will a • you pro 1 tighly con itv was per- , - obedience ,is the hildlood. When 10 qo anything 6 why, it is- firnily fetch -, and inform will soon get with charm - rd of COLD- veterate and lren is inqui- . nconsiderate/ gratify their you may as . ate, for you, eir questions id in a 'week 1 pelessly cote, re child is a sable discon- lYou cannot 1 inueli rev- •, --3 ignorance out of three s w il.enongh to i-fues ien now and ce ti 1 Yqu you you nd then they will dentj and self-re- trai -ed by venera: you ead open t h ls so much u —, ting some of o enqui diy bu s t e ea Y tarLing, • tl e , w e of the St ii ying traitsof eness If yet are gh ter! atte ivorous • c prepare berioraplu zen times • sagacity N ised; A mar azine of cert ng contin exp et childre ere ce for a •pe the can expo tim s trying. ans els an- ea the just to :6 can do so wl wh n they con tell theni--" or, 'Stint up gro U1):lUd and onl tio from split to f info it o I citli 'effe the NVot ly i oiv in froi mp to sed A --a ilI to di q y; a be/ 11 veva Ina iswe dre t hav •ren wh e t ice It sy nvi cn et h, THE IPIJRON EXPOSITOR, • when ill, they must his presence. Un a makes marginal co the officials who ha them understand. on according to a" and the King has habit—that of work' be opened in fist perusal, he mens, which to deal iwith vierything goes .gnlar method, really only one ng. 1 Jeff D. is. Mr. Jefferson Da.v's is- now a resi- dent of Memphis, T nnessee, where his time and service are devoted to his duties as 1:)teside t, of the South Carolina- Insurance Company. He teceives a, salary 0 five thousand 1 dollars a yeart. His name is regard- ed as of positive mo ey value to the zompany. On public affairs, 'he is very reticent ----cannot, in fact, be his intimate appears 'ill pub - or to say a few -school scholars. -her gentleman he Confederate dent of 4iLena-' \I ces lee-% He is. re, HO build,, conmersation. was wet ; drawn out by, eve friends. He never lie, except atiehurch words tothe suncia General Pillow, ano j . protninent a nong loaders, is 4 o a res _phis, where he pract a man of small stat' and very Agreeable1 Before the war h now, not. 7/ pe. re in nd-outahow w - would b —to esti ts that w r children Id adopt t • dicated. th bin „that• you 411 ods- -e but Alla poser,. vet. -Mini: 1" 11111111ZZLIZZATEZIE" d fficu nate tl n1 be if 1 . 'Very- dill:1- (13 beneficial tti1ed upon pare1-s generally ethc here vague- . Fa il writer ho s all the nil family f which 111 117 says th ght w m de but er in the rea., gi' melt: y eld tiies , ight s b en s bo t on er. S.ro lre cly th t y ing to yot as his trim, et a larg r cow thre itly war ivb.ch bran h. pro portion of 2 gal yot dai cfaii im anC the les dri mo an ons of wa have not y practice, twenty- twenty- per ediately ain,de THIS IVEF.A..- J M 1E-1 Which they are s CHEA Than any other Dom' CH AS, w Black Sil ew Fancy Sil New Poplins, at, his cow NeW Dress Go is irequired I ers,ns, and I And all kinds 0 I ounos of s the fo]low you desire milk, give da,Nvater, salted, in rrecl, in the nib'er the quart to two Reme FANCY Pang, as ER , • , . neuse 151 9 ds, Q01)S. i will find, if Stand. und this by r cow will ent [almost • the eects of it, m she will •ec e att -wiled 'to diet as to efijse car satter un - very thir 'ty but this she will NT 2 dT • • tore, Vea MAIN -ST. SELF° 10641 0.9 stud, he • • s Old T 4-70. EASLLS k almost y tim and ask for .e. The a nou A of his chink is tdinary w 'ter pall n 11 each time orning, n on land TghISo correspo dent as iTely Yorko.i niotht 60 ma lure, and hov mi n it sh.oul b alp th of an acre of.l ma,s, lett no• affectionate parent will - hesitate at any little sacrihce of this kind for the -welfare of his offspring.• Nothing can be more fatal to yonr discipline than to allow' your chil- dren to contradict you. IT you hap- pen to be betrayed into any mis- statement or exaggeration in. their -presence, don't permit them to- cor- rect you. *1':Itgh t or wrong, you must nostinatelv insist o11 your in - and proMptly suppress - every sYnIpt0111 Of puerile -skepticism with force, if need be. The momeqt vou permit diem to doubt your -un- - (Tung wisdom, -von will begin 10 felfeit their resneet -andpunier to t110ir ID Mit. -There can l)e no sad- der spectacle than la parent sur- A....t 1'01111(10d ;by olive- branches who think they know- more than he does. vivid remember how my father -7-who was one -if the most -rigid and sueeessful of disciplinarians—qaelled the aspiring egetism that prompted "1. • '5 the Rurail lis a 1 ting sh, how and: )lied to otioe lad.; • also, an er eon -reared The .21rezei s no better . It 'shotO 1'ith three 'or itick or char - ton. of it s a ferta 1 horse nal nre. i Yo sker .answe tine. wurethan ight so be liked thoi ougely fon .• tithes its . bulk of coa oust„ or itt tqo ab ence of eith- er, -rood' lesm or -.oa.1 '3,shes will 4n- sw na -.Mike( With me such ab- sor ent, it wi 1 la1 ve st its . offen- si V 3 odor' -and hail be, °me as --Porte abl, , as any n ann -e.: 11f, it is to be used to assist' gara en ctiOps, apply af- spading o - pi' wing the laud in .ter. th spring. - • , m uri#g the War. Ring iam'O habits, (bir- th war, have. bee -1 chiracterized greatest simplicityil He rises at -ps hot in. his own ich ihe -carries to maneuvres nds., 11 there is a bed ro rn iSei•e he stays, ut, nd fhe , campaign d. The:patter consists ram • is only a foot litt e furniture. He- els . all lctter himself.- Even 11 seN en ; never sle car Taiga be , iwi all reviews nd wl ich he att air .ziely in th is taken, 1. s u astitut an ir011 hand h it be of hi op 04 • • SALE 00 TO la HE SUBSCRIBE', 1, OFFER FOR SALE or to Ren , on easy t me, E VARNA N IL 8, )nsiting of a Flour, Oatmeal, aa d Saw Mill, all of which al- in. good ru ing_ orate s Tht,Flour con aias Four un of ( 'tones -and the intern is will fi ral all the machinery in first cla s con- ( ition. There is in onneetion good ard. abuncla suphy of water to mu all the mills tl e year toun These mills are si tutted. iia th centra f splendid Agrieult real c4ratra, and a are chance is offered o any pus desi- I eels of embarking int] e In siness. There it also an excellent iippo trinity BOR;N2' FOR SAL on the p-o-mises c rL , ll the woriks for which could be dri ren 1 y water. . - ' The above property is • stria ed Six i riles frorn Clinton ; iX,- from B lyileld, nd Eleven from Se forth, IA -yid good 1 gravel roads leaalintr t ea:Art:Awe. 0 1 or further partic lars - aipply to the proprietor, on the pre rises, dr to Varna P. 0. ' 1 • 1 • W. TURNER. 'LATINA, August II, 17O. 1 .140- , • 04 11 ' 4•C lione G01111;14 unie4signeci Pvilzaa -J UEEN Insu.ra ce Company OF LIVE POOL & LONDON. $2,000,000 Sterling h Street, London. MEE OFFICIEicechurc-Queen Buildings, Liver- ool, And G CANADA. E NCH OFFICE -Exchange • I3uil brags, Montreal. 11 APITAL OARD-Wm. enry Thoma Esq., andt LEGAL AD Terris & Eos EDICAL ADV Esq. M. SURVEROR Ammon. - RESIDENT OENT.-A. acrement Sr The underai a. Agent for c eSirmg to in 0 SO en the Life Pollak. Morton, Esq., Chairman; , Esq., David Torrance, re Hon. James Ferrier. lolson's Bank. isERS - Messrs. Ritchie, OR -William Sutherland, Thomas 5, Scott, Esq. 71romas R. johneon, Esq. )19CRETA1tY AND . GENERAL lackenzie Forbes, 13 St. -Montrerl. • ned having been appoint - he above Company, parties tire against lass by tire can ost favourable granted on as advanta,ge- 1 us terms as a* y other respectable Com - any doing bi siness in Canada: j MES II. BENSON, Agent'', FFICE--B ,NSON & MEYER'S Law Office, Seaforth. 153-tf.- eaforth, Nov. 8, 11170Y CIOIOE NEly BOOKS.. ETGN OF IAW, by Duke of rgyle. HUXLEY', ' LAY SERMONS. NEOLOGY ANDFSCIENCE, (Brewer) C1UTiOAt NEW TESTAMENT. EA.DIES' B BLICAiaCYCLOPEDI A ADIES1B1 LICALCONCORD NOE. OStP,ITUS' IW0RKS. EXETER ITALL LECTURES. MOTLEY'S DUTCH REPUBLIC: aIBBONS' RISE & FALL, ROMLN EMPIRE, MACAULEY'S HISTORY OE Er,`GL N D. MARK AM'S HISTOR - ENGLAND, JOTTAGE L BEARY, choie,e and eheap FAMIIL READING, Sh.B13AT SCHOOL LIBRARIES, HYMN BOOKS, ETC. asO- AY 1300K, , JOUR TALS, L DOERS, 'AS IT BOOKS. WRITING PAPER, • ENVELOI ES Commercia and fancy, at LUMSDISN'S g and Book Store. • Seaforth, ov. 2, 1870. - SI N OP THE Goldin Padilath t7:12 0.,;,'() (=.1 c)*mulg:col.i.i. Y2 P- -1 ti 17) e.-<1 „...., pr.1 = 0..... ,..1 • 'ci ,tn r -t, C1) (13b —r: ,...,“ . e OK) 0 ,....e-4- z•.004,_ .1 rinC4 1.--, Ph,. e4 r—• •-• P it'i' n...., ..., ,.., ii-- s.,..,,,„, c---. ?...ri e-4,- U-) rke▪ l f..t T) Ce eek'D rommi .. la' iamd .03,0 ;ca'i CC O''14 .4fill }macs (g.!:) r'i4 :::dt•- '1'- ..• ffzi )1' Ce' Oma Pike, flild •-ed ok) %NNW 404 4 0,021 .021 .414 e.-+- e- sas • 4,, e'lL Pal .lens4 'WY' imet ,z.) rso)fi', Oal ?"1° ),:ad • frzd Pl"---d r : ' ci , , c 4, )1 i . • . a 4 .:.; 4z''al i.' •.,2,,, • • L-1 rj) TOT 16, J.JConside house, wit Apply to TES), Seao lot 13, 14th IDD'S EMPORIUM —or— FASHION, SEAFORTII, THE subscriber begs to announce to the public that he has opened a FOR SALE. in 16th Concession, Grey. able cleaiing and a good some very valuable pine. oCAI:GHEY & B OLMES- •th, or to Mr. Peter Sinclair, oraceseion, Grey. 167-tf Splendid Assortment STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GO -ODS, CLOTIE 7\1,-G • -7 y GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. The whole of the Stock is entirely now, and bought ia the best homesinCanada. ie is determined to sell at 2riec2 that -ill satisfy the buyers., TE1 Sa 7440 Dpg Seforth,Nov. 1st, 1870. 153 - GOOD *NEWS' ! FOB—, FOO -01e of Seaforth-! NEW EAr:cir: LI4 COZECTiONERY 12. • A V A ij ":74 • (La :`i of Stratford.) Wil:111? fcund in hie old place, ene door south pi. Veal's Grocery Store. • — Mr. Cavanagh witles to retarn to his nunieeous friends and. customers, his sin- cere thanks for their liberal patronage in the past, arid hopes that they will con- tinue tile same in the futur. Cavanagh has raade great preparations for the cora ing CLristreta, and will be able to fur- nish 1 is- cuStoeuers with everything in his, line, sock aS Bread; Confectionery, Can- dy ra'osts, Fancy cakes,' -Wedding cakes, Nuts of all kinds, and all descriptions of Syrups. Hot Mutton Pies and all kinds �i refreslments, also goocl accommoda- tion for frier's-Is:from the town and corms • Also JUDD BROS. Vegetable Union Yeast. Try it, it never fails, and is always reliable. OYSTERS -J.:8. FAR11EN & CO.'S, Batimore, the btist in the market al- ways fresh. LOBSTERS ANI) SARDINES. • Altaa-s on hand. GIVE ME A TRIAL. J. CAYAAGH. SEAFORTIT; Nov 23, 1870, 134-tf, IN, B. Orders and supplies for ly atteraled to. for WEDDINC CAKES TEA PARTIES PromPt- OTICE. NTOTICE is hereby given to all persons not to cut any timber or trespa,sSon rots N. J iS, E. ("i 19 and 20 in the 5th coneetsion Hay, as the owner, PA [1 D. BELL. is determined. to punish to the utmost extre.me of the law all so doing. 165-tf 200 to $2,000 ON MORTGAGE, 11--)E-PAYABLE by instalments, (not in _Do advance,) in from 2 to 15 years. .l\fonthly 5 per cent. IIalf yearly 6 per cent. Yearly „ ........ ......7 per cent. Apply to P. F. WALKER, • Solicitor, &e. Godrich, Jan. 23, 1871. 164-8 BILLIA R ALL R. W. COLLINS Begs to state that he has opened in KIDD'S NEW BLOCK, A BILLIARD E001141. There are in the hall FOUR TA- BLES, (Riley & May's Manufacture,) • and excellent accommodations for vis- itors and. pla3-ers. Attendants will be on hand at all rea- sonable hours. E. W. COLLINS, 6-ltf Proprietor. THOMSON WILLIAMS re introducing the celebrated "C MMING'S" STRAW CUTTER Whi h has blreP,dy inet with Unrivalled ncsess in other parts otCa.nada. rranted to give perfect satisfaction whe driven either by horse -di -hand pow- er. ALS 1 MANUFACTURE A.1.SrEW AD 8 I-10,ESEPOWEE, BLE FCR DRIVING STRAW CUTTERS, VINO ITAMINES, OPEN CYLINDERS, ND X.ATTLE GIANT 'THRESHERS. A .4(), all kinds of Farming Implements ding, - 'Rea SUIT SA TO FRAMERS AND OTHES. MENDERS will 'be received for the erection of a Dew superstrneture to the BRIDGE AT J. BROADFOOT'S, Second Contessoa, IL R. 8. Fuller in- annation may be obtained by applica- ton to Me -sea Ceeswen;t Waker, or F./ Cousins. All tenders must be hended in at the next meeting of the Tut:kw-- smith Council, at the Daly Hotel, Eg- mondville, on FltIDAY,M arch 17, 1371. Tenders will also be received at the same tittle and place, for repairs to the bridge ry, at Silver Creek. For farther particulars a concerning this job, apply to Mr. D. SPROAZ ers, Fanning :Mills, twers, Cultivators, -ornbinecl Machines, Horse Hoes, Separators, Weeders, Pitts' Power, Plows' Sawing' Machines, Gang Mows, ouble Mouldboaal Plows, &e. 1 Mi 'LWRIGHTINa SE ENGIN- G DEPARTMENT. C e a Engines of all Sizes Built. Gr st iIVhIis, FlourMills aw Mills, Flax 101s, by water or steam; And au kinds of FA ;01ES COATRACTED FOR AND E ,::ECUTED IN TIIE MOSTAPPROVED STYLE. TU BINE WATER - WHEELS, ATH MILLS, SHINGLE 1ILLS, BRAN DUSTERS And kinds of machinery of the be. construction, supplied on short notice IZEPURING‘ENGINES AND MACillNERY Promptly attended to A ldresS, , THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, P.O. Seaorth, Sept, 6th, 1870. ; 144 ly FOR SALE OR TO RENT. E undersigned offers for sale or to ent, on the 3d Concession of McKil- lop, Roxboro Road, 11 miles from Sea - fort a and one mile from Ea. -ahoy°, 1 acr and 9 rods of land, with a good bear- ing rchrd. Of 24 treesassorted; frame hou e, 22x32 feet, in good condition and ver -corofortable ; also, a well, pump, and Stable on the premises; the lot is wel fenced. For further particulars pp y to the proprietor on the premises_ 1 9tf JOHN YOUNG. Fog SALE. near on the East side of Main" Street,. E most eligible situation in Seaforth, ly opposite the Poet 'Office, On which the: e is 'a • &armodious DwllingehOuse, 36 x"6, t-wo stories high; stable and wood- - she( , _and a good well vatb a, pump ni The front of the lot on Main street is wel situated for the 'erection of Store, ben g in a central position Pir. buiness. The property extends from Main street to 1: ictoria street.- The lotlfronting on Vic oria.etreet is used as a: Garden, in. 11 there are the choicest :young Fault Tre S, apples, pears, plUmbs„ cherries, gaat e vines; , goesebernes,curratntsarni - stra vberries. The garden is heh st': tate of renitivation and pioduces :an abu ulanee of vegetables. For further par iculars apply to . • ; • • GEORGE MePBILLIPS, P. L. S. S aforth, Jan. 17.1871. 163U FOR SALE; T TAT splendid Hotel Stand on the arket Square, Seaforth, known as the COEN E.itllANGE, and doing a goo( business. TO an enterprising, man, witl some capital, it offers excellent in - due anents, being on one of the leading stre sts and close to the Salt Wells. Also, two comfortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street. Goderich, rented at $200 a yeat, and. several Town Lots. Terms - mo crate. Apply to WM. "MALCOM, At the Market. , m1*64-tfforth, Jan. 23, 1871, WILLHAM MUIR, 169td Tuwnship Clerk. YS & FANCY COODS SELLING OFF LT S i -AT- M. R. COUNTER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR hristmas Presents, AND W YEAR'S GIFTS - Just received a complete stnek of E COLD AND SILVER JEWELV USSETA AND SWISS WATCHESi be sold Cheaper than ever. M. R. COUNTER. EA.FORT/I, Dec. 13, 1870. ea • • •