HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-17, Page 5ameasameasaaaaakeer aposition. Sitneoe re Ministerial. -Springer, Reform line-pton South ----- iosttion. NOMINAI . for North Hue Blvth, On Tues-- h5tig he rear Of Kr. ,at half -past 12, Knasideratale nn ale The Morning iori of a beanti- t alarge now- ! all parts of the - is 404 or more Itad the snow-. Med for a -few ',speakers wouhl l'Atfortn, but, the ,such qttantilies, disagreeable, • tlid hearers, ssary get _ess as soon 136 Flsq.., Returning e- with essed tite- r' ‘ •ti.t _raw respect- . i electitila, tnal ,eeztsion the an- , thews& veit irt ' He then . re -- e an oppartu- teir eandif 'atm S fworosed by !-onded by Dr. Wag proposed :teonded by :, J. Riles Johnston. attion. h h eesed the ,otf- hand style, 'mit at makin. g i- he faneied i.en before the re-election, he f what, he had *r years. Ho ireat thing for ianCrittlinfavE). 'Measure for ber landS he aollam to. the Gentlemen, - ieople'a repre- 4tron, f have int to study . my mind, I . I" have Sup - root ecoe- had. They -ing the laat MAW, whi(ele Id speak for- ; have Revel- , ever, for in Ana with the . require to Retbrtuera id Mr. Gib- 6ught in six Sloan, who O -I1 WaS ran- ind is now- , candidate. and second - is twos* t€; if yea our sorrow. 1.n for you. iiee your in- s . „atei.,‘ every F itiii courA- you at wiry i:rag money tr.-s. I have , , . reds of doie ing you, 1 te Ottawa, hat $160',- C'eessfut in I- tell you. I you dier- than all ; ever lied, OtOntS and z before- yen lse in the , etand by nd silver . c atiOn. A. Gent e-, .-t, time to for. One the story'. T. Ilayaa • adche§s- rey would, idol such a Mr.. einseIvm le itee cf =lila not form eimenced t hi d - ("tot s by !!-; for th`e and the Ws. To rt that 1 trent. 'Ar facts, _ I low ere any lure the) t went -tct IVIAReff 17, 1871. slArk a vote than tocast one -with an honorable intention, even if the measure should prove injurious. In reply to the charge of being a "Grit," and the predictien that he would sell himself ia six months, Mr. Gibson said he had been a sub- stantial Reformer for twenty-five years, lint knew nothing of the term Grit,l) and that he valued his Qpiniops. too highly to sell them. .Mr. Gibson used up Mr. Hays at all points, and in conclusion said that as the weather Was so severe, he would not detain the people longer. Ile wonld make a further explana- tion of his views at his weecings throughout the Riding. Ao pres- ent he wished them to go home and think the matter over calmly, and ou the 21s1 to ovine., one _and all, and vote with a clear con- stitietice, for the men they thought Nvo,n1(1 do most for their in tete,- ets. i'kDr. Sloan and several others made a few remarks, which wete well received. The meeting then diverged. LATEST ROM MANITOBA. TROUBLE AHEAD. The Olatario Volunteers Abuscd and Insulted. •SUR GEORGE- E. CA:RiTER'S MODEL ATTOR- NEV-GEN.E11.1.L: Thefollowing letter written 1 Canadian to the Hamilton T will give our readers some ide the manner in which law is adm tered in(the,Province of Maait rt also shows the manner in -wl . our brave volunteers. have been stilted and ill-treated by the mi able creatures whom Sir Geo Gartier has SIlt from the Irovi of Quebec to .dminister the laws 'Manitoba, and to fill responsible sitions in, that Providee. Surel day of reckoning. is not far off these worthie. After reading following. which. has been am corroborated by yaricus other ports, we ask if it is not time people of this country were rising their mightnm , as one man, to dawn, or at least to check, t growing curse of Lower Can dam- ination :— - • The political situation is at pr ent far from being satisfactory. I horde of temporarily disguised reb NV h ich Lieutenant -Governor Arc bald has surrounded himself wi and the persistence with which refuses to give satisfaction to tho who suffered last winter—his t; nig every opportunity to. cast sha and indignity upon them—is grad ally working up to a climaX, and will be strange if it does not termi ate in bloodshed. The Chief Mag trate appears little better than mere tool in the hands of these ya i pires—lloth local. and foreign—whi the authors- of all the evil are f; • toning on the life and blood of ti . . country that as to bear the expens The leading spirits of the coward rebellion of iaet year are skulkin around the settlement with low jaws as long as a yard of crape as make believe that they were "al war loyal," while, at the earn° time, the • have stepped in to all the lucrativ jobs in the country under the ne regime, and laugh in their sleeves a • those who lost everything but p • trietism, at id who are not much be ter off, as. far,as justice and fiiirnes ow, concerned, than when Riel wa in,,po wet-. Tho former are very se --lam ace"). out after dark -a -not tha yone would care to harm the mis- er' able hounds—for the ceneciousnes �f their own. guilt haunts them like 1 ;,•ectre, and they fear retrihutio from those who stffered inuocentl at their hands. The recent impar tations, however, are more audaci OHS, and one from Mon tread—whon Ir. Aichibald has taken to his rexgiorn, has warmed himself into of - „Ice bv writing 'tentacle speeches in \the official organ here, and palming hem off on a credtilous- comtunnity n1 I. 3 eXte110r.3 efforts, made to large . embleges. The. electoral district ae which he was returned (without district&apposition) contains about three :houses, and is ,principally inhabited Vey semi -civilized Cree Indians, wh4) live in buffalo skin tents, and call ale,ither 1-ead nor write. This 'man, 'whose name is Clarke, was a police - wart pettifogger in Montreal, and •:arrived here about three weeks he-. tibre be .eat.s elected to the Maniteba. ✓ eisl'iture—of which he is r ow At- toeuey-Geneed. With the 'nib -lush - effrontery that would do credit 0 a Peter Funk auctioneer; be has 3 'armed himself into the affections f the sianpleeniuded people of this IA aountry so successfully that his audacity has grown into unmitgatcd avarbettrance, and has given SO much confidence to him. that he does not where to stop. He has hood- winked the Lieutenant -Governor, bullied all the loeal magistrates, wheedlea.4).0 half-breeds, and bribed •And muzzled the press. • Yet he is not satisfied, and must, foraoOth, tamper with the spirit of the soldiery. This kat was his crowning effort,. and baa resulted Very unfortunately. About three weeks ago, by his order, •eree-.0 soldiees were arrested for an un - iv. a ives it of oba.. )ich in- ser- rge nee of no - y a for the pi y re - the in pu t his ada es - els hi- th, he se Lk- inc it fl- 111 - e. er a Ys. a.- t- 1 - a important quarre with sonr half- breeds, at the 'bot Gm of wlii h . rurn. and it prostitute mere the i ncipal agents. The men were riecl before a petty tnagistrate who S tb tted to the dic ation of the alkim ortant -Clarke, Q.C., and ttern y- 'eneral, and wete fined $ 0 eacl r to be imprisoned far,thr e mo th. Such an offence in a milto wo ild be punished with a fi le of .,,.2 ft t* the stipendiary magist ate. But Mani- toba knOWS only o e rul r a d that ruler is the great qarke, Q. , V. and Attorney -General, and t4 great Clarke has an. anti mthy Or 1 ntario soldiers. It TS it large cLIflOI nt,for private soldiers to -aise, but ti e fine and costs ($96 in all) as aised, and the nen taken out. On riday last; sit COI opral wh arrea -fd tithe ;street (by orderof 1 Luke, wit )out a. warrant, on a dhar e of h yin. won at card- flaying fr m a half- freed, the sum of $50; it must be recol- lected that, in :cal Frei ch' ettle- mentS, Manitoba n t exclded gam- ing and lotteries ar look d ate ori as _ a iegititi ate busin ss. ram all I can learn, the gam Was -I, fan!' one, and, at the beginning, th half breed was considerably thead, btt1 lock having ti riled agai st hin be s tight the pow r of the aw o thia cone- try-eeor Should sa the farcci that is genera ly enacted in ti e 4bsence sueli—to -recover 'I is mo 1 ey. Bali] to the amonnt of $1,200 N ins offered for the aelease of the soldie - but. Clarke r ,fused to acceipilt 1 u Saturday afternoon the en f he Battalion• to the .rumbe of •b nt 200, Wen to the police -s ati ii and demazadec the release of the o diet. This was , efused,wLen eothe s f them went- in, voice open the ce 1 and took the oldier out. Thg M t nted Police Fo ce made a slight a tript at preven ing the reecue, Itit r sist- ance -we'll 1 have been in vain The ' picket w ts turned out, and the Colonel a d 'Major made ah e i rt to dissuade t tern .frorn takin th man back to the fort ; but if ch ike ould have been found, all the ofhce 8 in the force emild not have Re nted the men from dealing out sum lary punishmertti to that obnox ou Indi- vidual,. and he chances would have been that :iis position in t re ani- .toba Cabiret would have, bedi via- 'Ciint. The'most- unfortum te p rt Of ed ; fte4- e, d isocr the arg- e - b tilt the affair, however,' occatt wards. After the reter wen to the fort, a rife was ed in the nave, , and th pierced the ehouldeft of a y named Heury Thatupaon, dangerous wound in the r of his lupgs, and he now precarious 20ndition. The is believed, •was intended f the officers, most of,w1 orn h of late, re lling in ,the• e;trl ex -rebels. A corporal nal. ed enson, fro Toronto, is no a otter, charg cl with having re( shot., Ste enson, howeve d the charge. He will be xa to -morrow. tin ausit alit like ies itt bul t, it ✓ o ve 1 een, 1 a.n g a Rf tev- mis the . lies tied • NI For the 0 Seaforth aoc ventry's. eapest Boot a,nd rding :to quality, - - The Bi: ck Sea ues,i ion A Loud n telegram st/ ; tes Earl Gran ille 'announced to House of ,ords ori Mon ay the confere ice f the 8.1ck question , h; d •terminated ; th treaty had been .signed ab ogs the restricti ns upon the a mi of foreigu lea Towr i to Dardanelles and Bosahoru . naval vessel, of friendly poaers ne admitted by the Porte -w en needed t� e force the treaty of 1 The Dan 11 b an Comm issio is longed twel years, and the rot expressly de hires that no po ver relieve itself of the obligati° s of treaty witho t the consent o all signatories, I I s40, ii go Co - No.' 1 hom cow hide for $' The Germ indisposed. Marshal .11, ba.den Qu his It is state destruction o •ed by the Gea Eight lives wreck of a st coast of the I • Owing to 1. half a mile of by the Lachia is a foot and I The Germ, are to celehra between Fra a greed demo • It is repot eerta in mem who know wh made kip boots for • 50, ait Coventry' n Emperor is s rio • cMabon h return to that rep: property mans, b ve bee am laun land !of J st week's he CI -rand e bank ne 141f tinder. 138 'in Sa- e the retu •ce and „stration o din - M rs of the ch rail wa • probability, eceive th sistance, are b tying elig the lines of, t e favorit Capt Macdonald, of ship Europa, nd Mr. Mr. Waller, he first officers, were washed ov the 4th insta t on the passage, durin the prey heavy storm. There wi exceedingly h eh sea at that no effort them. • bat the .bat Sea a1 ion - he he iay vere 56 col an, he he lost by b up n rsey. thaw run• ir M ntr 1 wat r. Fr rn o aterl) the titres ity C wjII cit rai tbe Davi and rboa bona lenc s su the ould be madet. • • • ci nd 22ri th) t unc• in 's ts wa tea ft tbi d war of h t im • sav 3 1. • • • THE URO EXPOS' BIRTHS. Weeseee—At Seaforth, on the -14th ins :the wife of Mr. Oliver 04.1Vilson, daughter. HeDOINS.—At E ondvill n inst, the wife o Mr. •* of a daughter, CLUF.F.---IMc the wife of M e David. Chili of •a, daughter. • He Rena —In Seat' the wife of Mr. • sem: . Kil Op, ma 1 8,Di1t1ie' 11 hos. liodgi he 10th ins •1 a s, •1 rth, on' he 1C th Samuel Harris, pf a • IAG S. Thi.nan ClauSEN . -- At Seaforth, on Febr ary 7th, 1 r. Hen y Bauer; to Mrs; lElizabeth Clausens, beth of :the townhip of Hay • 'AUCTIQN SALES. On Wednesday, March O'clock, noon, on lLoc 1, Town'51 ip of Hay, 'arm St pl ein en e Jo hie Co1iingwc to. . A. Bishop, 'Au tioneer. On T iesday, Ma ch 28, a noon, et eclit sale of l'aem St plereen s, on Lot 2, Come 1Vm.• rbuckle, Proprie Brown1 e, Auctioneer. ” THE Ai SEAFORTH, March Market dull, very little o unchan red. Wheat, (Fall) $ bushel, - Wheat ( 'pring) bushel, Barley 4/ bushel Oats ushel, Peas 15 ushel, Butter, 15 lb. Eggs, ides, Sheen Slpis, Apples. Potatoes Pork e Hay, pe ton, Flour, p r 100 lbs. , TiMothy Seed, per lb. Clover S ed, per bushel, 22nd, atl 12 o icessime 2, an(1 pe- od, ProPirie - 12 o'cleck, oe.E and tm- skin 1, Ilay, -or. Jarnes 17, pri!oes to 106 -45 to 1:36 :48 to 0:p :e6 to 0:4 :70 to 0 - 0: 5 to OA 0 to 75 0 to -114( 5 to -1j0 :45 -to 044( • :00 to 6O0 8:0p to101,00 :50 to 0(00 :08 to 0-112 .:510 to 520 OK HE SU• T IERLANp Are now prepared to supply • , 'GENTS' CLOT Cheap °aid Good.. Parti s are requested couipare prices and judge selves. to c0.1, for theni- Those ringing their O'Tt CLOTHf, every attention paa to th4a 3r• rrant a4 our ound not to be beat, either RICE, FIT or FINISH: Men's and Boys' OTHI1NT Cut with are and ecoeomy. S TIIERLAND B OS., 1-71-tf • Opposite Orniiciiaei'b Hotel. will have as -former We And are -for SEED TAO YO elefINO Do you YES! Then ics SEEDS! SE DS! • WANT any bad Se ant any GOod Seed? to SEARLE' DA Ag,riculitural eecl CLINTON. cls? IS tore, They have a large lot of No. Tim; othy and 0 over Seed on hand, t Iow prices. Also, a I rge lot of Field a d • Garden • GO NG O‘FF • $AR.LE ct„, DA 171-3t ClintoInt. EG EMPORI The su•lis riber is still in his o d Btand, and prepare 1 to pay The igliest Cash Pri e For -any qu ntity of GO.b FRESH EGG Delivered at the ggg Emporiu • Ma, n street, Seaforth. • To all par les (merchants and o hers) with whom he has done busines uring the past feu years he returns earty thanks, and rusts years, att t on to business to iierit their • patrona e n the future. • • D VID D. W,IL 0 Seaforth, larch 16, 1871. 1 1-tf 114S McINTO Wishes to announce to the laclies e ; ea- • forth and surrounding countr she has removed to The FARMERS' STORE, above t e IPOST OFFNE, Where she will be most happy to re orders in - MJLLJNE.RY, D ANDI MANTLE MAKI In the latest and most approved the season. She also keeps on ha ( A Choice Selection of Fkwers, • ers I Terry Silk, &c. STRAW .11:ND HAIR 1, cleaned on short notice. 171-tP OLD eia-e t le of e th- 0 PRIV TE 'SALE. One span of w riling Horses. One set of dou ile Harness. One Wagon; one iron rlough. One set of double Rarrows. The above will be sold on easy terms. Apply to ALEXANDER SMITH, Lot 28, 4th Concession, McKillop. 171-4e., TAVERN FOR SALE. TE well-knoWn and. old established Hotel, "The 1.46-xburgh Hotel," sit- uated in the thriVing village of Rox- burgh ' • along with the house is one-half acre lefland. and good. stabling. Right oppotite is " Rock's Mill," doing the large •t gristing.bueiness in the County. To a party with a small capital this is 'one of the best st ds in the . County of Huron. Apply to he proprietor, THOS. W4SON. Walto P. 0. 171-tf No110E. LL persons indebted to the estate of the late William McAdam, whose ciebts are overdue, are requested to pay the same to C. L. Van Eemoral, at Egmoedville, within. one month from date. And. ell persons having any claim on sa d estate will present the same to the s• me person, duly authenticated. - 0, L. VAN EGMOND, MES HILL, • Executors. Ma eh 14, 1871. 171-4t* TE for t ENDERS WANTED. DERS will be received by the idersigned, up to the 15th of April, e erection and completion of a RICK CHURCH ! With Stone Basement, in the Village of AINL 'YVILLE. Pla s and Specili ations may be seen at Mr. JOHN LECH .Ainleyville. • R. GRAHAM, 171-2t. Dingle P. 0. • NOtICE TOAK MEM The 'subscriber its prepared to contract for the delivery OT TAN rARK At th following St tiOns : • arroubrookl, Mitchell, Sea- fo •th, Clinton and Goclerich. Teri sof contrac and all particulars furnisl ed at the s ibscriber's store in Seaforth. • Extra in ucements offered to parties closing cont acts at mice. L R. CORBY, • Farmei ' Store, Seaforth. Seal Ali, larch 7, 1871. 171-8t Chonge )43usiness JU ST S ARTED 0 SUCCEED. • AND BOUND MHE Subscriber, Mr. THOS. LEE; 1 having parches d the Stock of W. A. SHEA SON & CO., at a considerable red both able and deter customers, and all th favour him with a ca will astonislethe peo the surrounding vici lotion on cost, he is Med to sell to his se who may kindly 1, at such prices as le of Seaforth and ity. He has just receive 1 a large Stock of I FRE H FAMILY GROCERIES COM.P111 SING TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, • RICE, NEW FRUITS, ETC., Which he -will sell at remarkable Low Prices. -Oa FL6JR AND FEED. ae also keeps constantly on hand, a large stock of Flour and Feed of every des- , :cription, consisting of 7PLOUR, CORN MEAL, OAT MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, ran, Shorts, Oats, Earley, Peas, eize. Flour and Feed delivered with dispatch i Harpurhey, Egmonville and Suaforth, f ee of charge. SEEDS! SEEDS! All varieties of ;Field and Garden Seeds kept constantly on hand. • 11 kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods, at E HIGHEST CASH PRICES. REMEMBER! ARSON •L• CO.'S OLD STAND! THOMAS LEE. 69 -ti MUSIC. 'he undersigned is now prepared to give MUSIC LESSONS Either at her own res hatle of Mr. McCaughey de 'ce8 of her pupils. M. 17 -tf deuce, one door 8, or at theresi- g.' HUMBLE,' a-Seaforth. FOR A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS DESIRABLE Dwelling -house and two excellent lots on!St. John street, Se forth, for sale on reasonable terms. Ap ly to •JOHN SEATTER, 167-tf Druggist, &c. 5. Root of all Evil! SK EY. No more to be had at SCOTT ROBERTSON'S, But to pro uce the best and. largest of _ COOD ROOTS BUY YOUR Field.& Garden Seeds at SCOTT ROBERTSON'S Timothy, No. 1. Red Clover, . Alsike ditto, " Trefoil ditto, " Dutch 'White do. " FlaxSeed, • • Tares or Vetches. Rape for early feed. Onion and. Cabbage Seed. Mangle. Early Petatoes. —AND— LARGE STOOK Of the following kinds of PROVISION Constantly on hand. SUGAR -CURED and SMOKED BOILING HAMS, BACON--CUM13ERLAND' CUT, CHOICE SHOULDERS, SMOKED CHOPS. LARD, IN TUBS &CROCKS, Sweet and clean. Factory Cheese, Brandy Cheese, Stilton Cheese. A few Tubs of very choice Dairy Packed FALL BUTTER. Choice Family Flour, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, OAT AND CORN MEAL, ETC., ETC. COUNTRY PRODUCE! Taken in Exchange for all Purchase. Goods -delivered in Seaforth, Ilarpurhey • and. Egmondville. W. S. ROBERTSON. Seaforth, 15th March, 1871. • I71 -2i FAR NI FOR SALE. ral Subscriber offers for sale his farm, Lot No. 28, First Concession of Hay, 'Loudon Road, half a mile from. Kipper) Oonsisting of 100 acres of ex- cellent land, 65 of -which. are ,clearede For particulars, apply to .• ALEXA NDER. MLN, 170-tf •On the -Premises. • PAINTING. — • JAMES WILLIAMS Begs to in imate to the public that bo• has remotiied from McIntosh. & Mor- rison's Cairiage Factory, e.id ha.s rented: Mr. Wi iam -Grassie's Paint • Shop, Where he may be found at any time. Mr. Williams is prepared to execute, on. the shorteist notice, all kinds of Carriage Painting, Sign. Painting, • and Ornamental Work. Give him a call. RemeretbeAhe place,. opposite Murray's Stables. 170 -1St. I NOTICE. IN the Matter of -the estate of .Tanies •Moore. of the Township of Tucker - i smith, de eased. All parties to whom. the estate f the said James Moore, de- ceased, is lin any manner indebted are required *thin two months from this. date to present their claims to David Manson a0 W. S. Mundell for settle-. ment. And all persons indebted to the said estat; are required to pay the - amount du by them to the said David, Manson ant W. S. Mundell. Dated this 6th March, A.D. 187L. W. S. MUNDELL, DAVID MANSON, Under povrer of Attorney from JAN -Er Moon , Adeninistratrixe BeNsoe• & )VIE'Vele, 1 Solicitor for AdminiStrateix. 70-4t4n FRANK PALTRIDGEr PHOTOGRAPHER, - Returns thanks to his very numerous friends for their very extensive patron- age, and would beg to state that he is, turning out better pictures than ever, since his return from England, where he - visited some of the best galleries in Lon- don and other large ities, and also, brought home Borne extra, good chemi- cals; (on which the success of ,Photog- ra.phy, greatly depends,)—better than can be obtained in Canada, arid made ar- rangements for a further' supply, which, together wiith extra finely appointed• . _ rooms and long experience, renders Frank. Paltridge's Photographs universally ap- preciated and acknowledged to be the - best produced. West of Toronto. Call. • and sec some of his new style of medal- lion pictures, —the only true medallions, made in the County ; also, those beauti- ful, never -fading enameled pictures,---. the only place they can be obtained.. Frank would beg to istate, in justice to, himself, that all those who obtained.' such poor inferior pictures, last summer,. during his absence in England, that if they Wing t em back (as a great many - hive done), 11e will exchange them for good, .prope ly-made and artistieally- posed pictures, made by Frank himself.. I would say I am destroying all nega- tives from Which those poor pictures. were made, as being unfit for use. I ant„ - determined to keep the le.ad in Photoge raphy in this section. All work war- ranted. Always at home and in good. temPePhotograpner, Scott's Brick Block, FRANK PALTRDIGE, • SEAFORTH, Ont. . Photographs at One Dollar per dozen, with a view to still further re- ductions. 17p -t1 • FUR AmUTURE THOS BELL'SI, THOMAS BELL. Is now prepared toeina-nufacture furni- ture As Cheap as the Cheapest.. Parties wishing to buy wholesale can be supplied at: Toronto Wholesale Prices.. WARE nooNts OPPOSITE THOMAS WORK SH0P, CORNER OF MAR, IC.T SQUARE. TURNING done on filo Shoiltest Notice. COFFINS .lept constantly ou . - A HEARSE FOIR 1-1,11REe. 170-tf 1