HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-17, Page 3Cc= mw. R LENT - lerrings, ,trrines and ,!-Y. CHEAP, at 43-ERTSON'S SH STORE: SEED, (›T.TIY SEED, and FLAX )SEED. ash Price paid for Pure thy and Flax eeds, at IZTiON'S 4SR STORE. tit Act of 1 r of ALFREDSVATK/N6.V.N, tr IllScd vent ; igned, 8z.tunte1 Johnson, of •of Seaforth, in the County Lanlware Mirehant, have Ai;:siLinee in this Liatter. requested to their within one mouth. `41-(.-1..lt JOHNSON, Assignee. (-t itOTZIESTER 1)i1icitors for Az,s4.,mee. relk., 1871. 10-8-4t Act of 1869. Ctf AITIZEO AVATKISSON, ITISOlveat- 'E is hereby given, and by virtue ot the Un 'ate, as Assignee of the love-naz zed Insolvent, and Isimas of the Insolvent Aet indersi!nted will °Wet- for Auction, at Knox's flotel, ;f aforth. in the County rrovinee of Ontario, on V; the 2.1lth dav of A VIZ.IL„ it teic noon, all the Estate, equity (,)-f redemption, &e, rropyrtr, No.: rt1xtide t. John Street, Seaforth. atuable holm; (krt sait lot, wili be seid subjett to a 100, -with inters:A, front .31S, CASJI. AMU -EL JOHNSoN, ssign & I i( 1I.31 ESTEE), .itors for ..%) - • NE OF ST AS1-D:i, ca.for‘o. and 1Vroxeter. il&sieti; lie'r to info= -6 (af :;kadortit, Ahnevville. the public z....encratIv that 1-1111.4 111A STA.( E, !,ted,It-.11•Et WaV,a6 ficilo-WS` rtit at 11 a. In. li avir,g leaving Wroxetkr aving: Aintivville at 3 p. info oin:f zuol even.. PaSt and west, also with. d It arri A on [stags s. 4 ru- 1. faA time. Livery senforth. t;Stzi& JoiINTszINEi„ Propri..t00. STAB : sS d..siries ilzferm tht opentil a New •is. in conneetion -with his eau be rieconimod t. lass horzr)es and vt.biLas, ives. r04... SLE. ,tpr.hi working 34 Itt.7. 1,6.54f‘ P 4 NIA.Itca .17, 1871. I BlItEF NOTES. - nmInber of the Cape diamon -The small -pox; has became epi- in London are of are of it demic in London. de- cription ; and none of th ' equal to the old Golconda ge -In 1869, 311 people were de - Miss 01 veured by tigers m 'Madras. - have -Rochefort is bent upon having of $200,000_ Napoleon impeached. ' --Constantinople has 68,400 volumes in its ''public libraries. s .now ferior •nt are s. ogg is rtune infort- an of ouise e half retires ,sorne ay m 1 habi- 11 xra Louise Kel accumulated a f a very tinug, c .- C cepttal for a young vvo yea's; bnt..Miss Clara exts.cts to aceumula illion at Leit before she rn-the foot light ; after %vhic rson-some nice pet scn-n e her to "change her Wet ion and her name:" -The orange 3rop of -Califorbia is reported to he vety fine. -The total number of children , entailed in the •St. Louis public schools, is 26,811. -The propcsed flag of the new. German Empire is black, white, red gold. -Indiana school -teachers get- a little ,over $1 per clay; hod carrierS, -A. prolific couple in Jima ex- hibit 18 children as the fruits of ten :years of matrimony. , -More than 200 students of the German University have been killed dating the war. -e-There 'are at the present tine 110 daily new.spapers in- Great B i- tch" end It eland. -There are 27,000 more males than.,feinales in the ham an popula- • tion of Minnesota. clinch bug, is devasting the wheat ti el de in Appanoose County, Iowa. ...-.Itis said that the Senate pro- posee to establish female ftanchise in Utah. ' - winter has beensosevere in England, that birds are dying of hunger. • . . -A. Wisconsin 0 aida- wcs (mi- . teen miles a day. to teach sehool. . man wrote with o . . page and the Other except the Countess who had but one ey ab a fr ta • a -3 oshi al ill y 3illings comes of a $thaWS Lan st,oroNb., -Klass., f a e3 are " algal' off" as t it Vermont, .at abeat $2 " Joshua" i now fi:ty yea ✓ und-shonl( • e ays carex • expressio • The great Railways taeh ever3 station and to -stop t The most excluei rti Oircib, which c.eded in getting int .1(1' ey say )0,000, rs old, ered -and .an joddiy, ing about on .10.s features n indescr bahly comical. - ocean rabe are •axis oeratie. they Men to Iknov his own ere. . .circle -The o one has suc- "-••?•• 1•1`4.,••• JAS. litti .0r=( <i" 0 • - - HARNESS, SA BRIDLE &c. MAIN STREE SE DESIRE T OF•TH PUI3LIG TO THEIR CALL THE A.TTENTION A lady, in who praised the mut yid-: "Oh, yes; n *rays buys, the best ; cpica-c." -A baehclor flien in most matriages et, nsidera ..oaP," with strong a is used vhole operttion encte in sha . Heinrich 'Heine said ti - e eye on Awn of Rahn-liahn, lusion, madam," ld bachelor to a "Ancl man is all e delusion 01 k • • o some guests on On tl te table, y :husband al - he is a great suggests that :ale "soft , and the ving. 7ery wo- on her e man- ---,Lunacy is increasing in ranee; the asylums are all crowdei -Bankruptcy is beconiing fash- •ionable ,„anion,g the British aristo- , cracy: -Ten thonsani converts have professed religion in Iowa this win- ter. • -The Berlie Royal Library is the only one in Eusope possessing all the works of Mozart. -The, drinking places in Terre Illute, Ind.; are said to outnumber other business houses._ • -One manufacturer . in . Danzie, Prussia, sent 76,000 shells to the besieging army aroundl-Paris.• - --Charcoal and marsh hay. skill- • y componnded with ,a chese of ordinary teas will increase its Intik to fifteeu chests. • This coMponnd is sold in the Wisconsin pineries to stimulate the wood choppers.• , _Every girI student of the tele- graphSchool, conducted at the. Coop- er Institute, New York, has found employment assoonas she gradu- ated. • Women are rapidly taking the inaces of the men on. all the lines. I 'An engineer in the employ of tlicT urkish government has i)lanlied •a railway twin& made in sections, :to be submerged thirty-four feet be- low the: surface of the water, am moored: to the bottom by chain • elides • A. live cat was found in the ma • bag at town in Maine lately. Th • PostumSter made diligent seam' through all the United State, postage hews to ascertaiu the am oun of postage .on the animal, but fortac- notiting touching the ease. . The, :Russian Grand Duke is get ting ready for a trip te the United in May or June, in his own wa vessel, accompanied by a squadroi • of ships. •It will be the first time tltat a member af the royal. fainily has -visited ,a " Women is a d exClaimed cruSty :witty yowl° 'lady: ,iways liuggbing -sot other," was the qui Whiee, of. our asteed cros. his wife, "the -st ciable?" Let' Its sulky by tli mean sociable," was the 1 I ,ehiples grained man o lky at- the so eet rid of th .b ; and ietain th- SpOnSe. Come all -you good fo ks arlho NI ant Har- - and' new., af or th, dew. ness, Substantial, low - At WILSON'S, kl, m An excellent stet)rou .ThE EIN'D OF their Helps, ClerI Privy , a wrier, taws sigui -"the end of meist but this, that a n eentlernea meet t dal rooha ; and, si ble covered with gi arrange all that ..have -beca atrang began." The stock is owned Ib SA11 • Whose work is -so The shop is on Main Stree ood t, S ta,y El ren Se, Tis a place may Aastly bb'feu Here are plenty of As, bralles Sursingles and saddles s) fin There is. nothing ciin equal the They are just .N Here are lots rf go That will keep cold;• And the fly nets, -Men, • Trimmed with b gold. , Crack up -Whips of For the stage ,c At JAME.S May always be Here are -sponges 11 Useful and c With. long and sh And Harness tl Ales. • Mr. A of the Britis 11 d -well-know icantly ctesc-tibcs yars :" "Nothine. mber of elderly (Tether in an ofli- ting r und t t- een cla 11, quietly 1:ig1t jt•st wclll d before the r , NEW SEEDS. -E may do at a fir must, not, tb us phrase, be allowec in too long. All defects to their s °new) y iiitrotl u cod ably well it i,i not an. extraordinary , 1 rt 0 one or two season 1 tar apart should herefote exChange flee:1s, by -so doin mutual benefit. establish a. Syste another in a chs the low rate of etc., w:11 tieke cheap c ne. ' ., • Win THE GE I were askW,",s i his .latest. • lette ." why the "Fuss There are in San Francisco two, Frepeh in this , l tlionsand persons engaged in ntakinetit., t I .1 answer_ '..... cigars. Of th ese,- -one h a Eldrdone So becaus the b;ul: Je tered at e I Aniericans, and nineteen hundred /heads, arts at d leg than the Chinese, many of the latter bait, i'Ftencb. 1,f, 1 N.erel teleed who her ' Waraen and boyI though t the t.-ussiet s could lose - It was .Nathan Hall, of Drithar:e that superiority I slio aid pay that s. Connecticut, -who in 1833thankt:d they night, if they •eniained too God that' he lived "m a hilly eon ne long ia _France. I trv, where it was impossible to build •11 N...t OD IN- NAT I Tail I:0 ads." To -day the cars of. a. rad. ' ft -t,1 c'rs frs road run through t•he door _yard of my a 1- ... his plaee, bet\\.-eun las bobs° and the I 1 Inv -mind such a the sky and elo bnrit and within four fect of lti§1 m aj est y g G-od , owevef Well tlnliy t plat.ting, a 1sto3k1weeder'A to "breed in .ktred tee seed transit it edlings Whet f.tit : d es remaikifn - VILSON ; forth, cl. and curbs • • r make, . 1 A and Irime. d Man 5.-ets or winter from. y ur orses the gra eful for Sum- ▪ greeia, ellow and I .t every descr ption, carriac e or hand, ON'S hop Seaforth, ad at and. nd con bs aid rosettes ood. in then. way ; nrt tugs in bunclance, at don't bre. k in a day. Portinanteaus anc ''1run1Is of all kinds Valises of a quhey spicy a d. rare, If Non should des reto p irch se, To the shop of JA4iES WILSON repair. Now come, and. that vith delay, • Excellent bar ains 4take • can, At the '.`Saddle a Hari And. remember JAMBS WILSON'S the mau. saf:ii to pount up -ield foi, more th . Farmers livi th4 Will confe Any farmer I °flex. hange w mitt, township, • )ostage foil se the operation t; • ut further while you ess lannorium,” • I keepl constantly -on hand a stock, of TRUNEIS; POI.TMANTEAUS, VAL, IISES AND WHIPS. • Horse Collar . and Blrikets, And. every articl -•eonn.ect d with bu •ines TRUNKS, V4LISIES, HARNESS, SADDLE% 'and BRIDLES, Made to oder. J. VILSON. an a tmAises - I f tyre !Dr. ltuesell in from Vereailles; atisI had beaten the Feat war, 1 sb ult1 thonght they acl IMPROVED Thre hing: Machines THE BEST AT PRESENT IN LISE These nachines possess many inaproie- ments on any heretofore made, They are manufae uang Machines of TWO SIZES, one espe ially constructed for travelling; the °the' a smaller size, calculated more especiall.- for HOME LTSE. So far as their large machine has bee -introduc cl, it has given theVERY BEST SATISF CTIO>.T. They 13 anuacture the Pitt Imp -oved Horse Power. P•A-3.,•.• ^ • 1.+S , . • .44.• •••• TAVERN FOR SALE. The subscriber offers FOR SALE the TAVERN known as the New Dominion Hotel, in the village of Bluevale. This MAO, having been lately refitted, is now capable or the ace( nunodation of -the traveling public, having good. sta- • bling, with large driving -shed 36 x 20 feet also a large Ball -room over the sh.ed.. There is an excellent -well close to the shed, with pump in good. order. The land. attached to the hotel consists of half an acre of excellent land, well ad- apted for gardening purposes, with a va- riety of choice young fruit trees. This hotel is situated a iew rods north of the Wingham roadiu„. the village, this, being the leading -road from Wroxeter to Wing - ham, Lucknow, Kincardine, &c. This hotel will be sold. for cash, or, if the purchaser cannot pay it all, a balance can remain oii bond and. mortgage for one year. The puichaser can buy the tavern fittings, stoves, chairs, bedsteads, etc. For particulars apply on the prem- ises to • WILLIAM fl()S, - . Proprietor. Bluevale, Nov. 23, 1870. • 168-tf the side door. i to express it. • -fr. Disraeli, who seems to be Ili1 CA -elytliing, freeing himself soniewhat from the land etars, in t i eeiving that he e 1 blue, `sky, .lin. is not again likely 1 ranimels of party orgmization, p -.me aeld trees au 1 to become Prime Minister, is "Put- alLnaeure. -1S() ed to have said that he intends to in -eiewine..-thee things, and think -- write three more novels, and ti • en in of the swe t giorN of God, until ' ir.etire from th field of an thoesl ip. ' T , woTilit sing \ ial a lend Vela e his They will be more or less of a politi- iseraiscs._ejene /j(17 Edwards, •cal chere.eter; -Count Von Moltke is one of file DFCISIIIN.-- A. glrent de,.1 or alent 'best of modern linguists, there be is lost to, the N odd forthe wint of ing sietroely a language otedialeet of a litt e coura e. Every day sends . Europe he has not mastere(1. He to th grae , ntimber of ol scure is also a singulary retieeni Man, men whip In ve .nly remairi A wittv saving .has been attributed' obsca rity beca Ise .,heir timicti pi-evtnted the i flout mating an ore, So perheps, than ,Blernatek! to Lord Palmerston, thatVon..\101tke , ,,4ror , and NO o, if they could could• talk six language -s, lint knew ., have beeki 'flucd to begin, RBI walked in ure and, g at th ere ea in e t • "10,0011S sense o the hat' I knew nou how Tisllove seemed o be in the in and mon O clouds arid the (Tress and 41 vers 6 1. INVa ,er, anc in - I spPnt much time 1.05-tf !ORAN Cash Ass TLIAVEL dcl,CAP OF HARTFO Grants LIFE land E icies upon thc LOW Which combine a ELERS COMPANY. RD CONN CCIDENT ach. ition to the above, the subscrib- US man facture almost every article in. their lin , such as S. WING MACHINES, Capable of sawing from 50 te 60 cords of wood per day. TRAW CUTTERS, a of a Superior kind. "GANG PLOW, The Latest Improved. CULT -STATORS AND PLOWS,• • Which cannot be surpassed. • _0_ EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CASTINGS MADE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. NCE. AP [TAIL, 00. TH 3 cheapness contract. have in p gone -The diamond 'shipments from lengt hs in the cai.eee.• of fame. •• • • how to hold his tone -tie in ten. 11 " South Africa during the last • two feet years lutve been aS followe : " Ship- in. ft is werld worth dointe w 1 pod (luring 1869, 141 dipmonds, not -tan& eltiverine on the , bank I -valued at .:-C7,405 ; clavier 187( , 5,- ' thin tiri,e' of th cald and dough, but i 661 diamonds, valutd at -11.2-1, )10: - jurn , iii am scramble thick-I:Al as! 1")--Triii-All To the: -•-e, must be aflded the ".e;tar well as we c: n. It will not do :0 I leal - of South Africa" and- sortie others lie. lorpeinell ' celetilating risks end i 'EROS 11 s that it order to do an 0 - UICC anount of pi NO BOTH, NO IINTTE of yew.- O'TIA NO SE pectiVe. NO I)ISA '3. COS D, DO 116001000 URANCE . . YME_NT POL- FARM FOR SALE. ,••••••,••••46 4•••••••4.• d •.4 • •• SEAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROOMS. M. ROBERTSON Importer and. Manufacturer f all kinds oF HOUSEHOLD- FUR:V:7TUE, Such,as SOFAS, LOUNGES, CENTEE TAB :XS, -- MA allASSES, DIING & EAKFAS -TABLES, BUICEALTS, •." CHAIRS, and • BEDSTE.ApS, Pa great Variety. • lin. R. has great coniknee in offer- ing his goods to the public as they are na. de of Good Seasoned,umber. • and b First -Class 'Workmen. MHE rundei•signed offers for sale • Lot! No: 20, 8th COncession, Morris, e011-1 sisting of 100 acres, 14 miles from Sea- I forth, 21 miles frona the Northern (ravel Road, 7i5 acres cleared, well fenced, Shedd barn, 30x50 feet; log house, ISx2a1 feet; frame granary, 16x24 feet, well finished; tiabearing orchard of 30 trees; 20 acres of- good. hardwood land ; 7 acres of log- ging to be cleaxed up ; never -failing spring creek running through the farm ; there is a School -house on the lot. -- The above property will be sold. for $2.000; $1,550 cash, and time- for the balance. Apply on the premises to the Proprietor.• WM. B UTTON, 168-4* Walton Post Office. They have a highly approved pattern for SCHOOL DESK IRONS. REPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES Attended to Promptly, 1..?ey employ no Aunts, and can therefe re give the purchaser the advan- ta,ae o the commission• . The - employ none but the best skilled labor, and material, v.-hich warrants them i guarante.eiog satisfaction. INTEN PURCIUSERS WILL PLEASE GI E US A CALL BEFORE BUYING FROM OTHERS. ZAPFE & CARTER. • 143-ly- LEAVING HURON. LOT 3, 1N THE 3rd CONCESSION, • Better known as the WILLIAM THOMPSON -FARM Is offered for sale it is admitted by all who know this Let, that for crops a-nd stock it has no superior in the County. Address, BOX 175, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 3, 18.70. . 159 - AS -T. PLAN, ple security and. , der a definite E .TA NT about the en iuni E ab( ut tes. a ST TO AY for the use u mey. ''.UENTS, present or pros- OIN wick TO THE PUBLIC A.T LARG -- Wu Els LIVER, D NIEL Pori'GREGOR, OOKBRIBEII, RILLETT, s just received a iarge Stock of the 11 iaterials used in the business, and is inn- fully prepared to execute on the short •Et notice and in the latest styles, all or lers he may be favoured. with. •• gisters, Ledgers, TtNDIR 0 OK S, OF ANY KIND,• . ed, Prin4,4 and Made TMENTS regaixl tQ iMpossIbb • N 1/1..l.U'r(...T10_N 8 o loans, notes. or Itiois, when the pol- .1ai1n. NIE. TS of premium. t you have all r.• what you have 'est eust. • other writt icy becomes •NO VEI NU l. I.> 'bu the insurance N "1:1ON ra 8. reliable inst ACCI E ie 8. . It has is sand. Gene bursing 18. thew, a sin 1 d in - -1-)°111-il y riod. firSt were writtLn premiums w re 321,7.10 30. There. gros.s 10(1 1 CA- A Men vera er ay I but t lo ..)EP kB.T1IENT. Ru Too r o Hundred Thou- t-dis- /42 claims under thout Se.ven Hun - ✓ the entire pe- idei 13, riav i Daring t e last twe ve months there • OulY General Accident 'olic es, on which the I were paid. 1,3 9 el ior death or wliol- b lv disz 15 onfthe shortest notice, and a prices which defy competition.. • SIGN. OF THE • SCOTCH COLLAR'. - A choice assortment of light and heavy harness, whips, bells, horse clothing, etc. kept constantly on hand. Jlepairing promptly attended to, tau Charges moderate. lteracmber the place sik...m of the Scotch Collar, Main Street Seaforth. LADIES' WORK BOXES AND FANCY sistaASS, • -elute to order_ OLD AND NEW BOO KS BOVIVD A ,.7111) REPAIRED At city prices. 13,rsons residing at a distance by leaa ing their books at the Signal Book Store, Cloderieh, or at the EXPOSITOIt 'office, Seaforth, or at R. Grant's, Ain- ley Mc, stating stYle, may 'rely upon the n being well bound.. All communications addressed • to the unC.ersigned, will receive prompt atten, DA...NIEL Ala; REGOR, Constance, P.. 0. Huliett. Seaforth, Nov. 9, 3870. 153-tf.- ' 11, 163tf • W. OLIVElit' ireetIr4e. , •./t McIntyre ex, Willis, MAN U FACT U R F. RS 9F BOOS S -110E ETC. ETC. offins made ip Order • On the Shortest :I\ otiCe. . WOOD TUR Pone -with Neatness an NING 'Despatch,. Wareroo s TWO DOORS SOUTI SHARP'S ! HOTEL, un Si.reet. Seafarth, Jan'y 21st, 170. 57 -tf. No Arm Woe. L GAN AS declared. war against -the mer. cantile Opposition. of Seaforth, with large and_ varied stock a. amunition en and, in the shape of - DIR.:Y" C°4-0 OD Sr —AND -t- iGROCERIES, Which for quality, .style and cheapness, cannot be conquered with fair play. The following are sitial lines se -- FANCY DRESS GOODS, WIN- CEYS, .(Plain and Olecked,) INS- ri TB.ES, POPLINET-'S, FRENCH MERINOS, PRIN ,S, POPLINS, GREY COTTON, I BLEACHED DO., FLANNELS,11 BLANKETS, CLOUDS, HOODS,. HOSIERY, MANTLES, GLOES, FINGER- ING 17....A.RN, READY - MADE CLOTHING-, HATS • & CAPS, TWEEDS, COTTON -AND FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, RetAWERS, SU - GABS, TEAS, TOBACCOES, RAISINS, CURRANTS,SPICES, • - &e., •&e., • - Too numerous to mention, - /VT THE Manchester House I „ tviAtm sTREET, ' SEAFORTH, Nov. 15, 1876 152-tf; A LL kinds of work manufacture( fr m tiAerni,st,he best material, and. on,: reascnal 1e. • A GOOD FIT GUA1ANTE1 Shop one door south of JOHN • 1-10: GAN' S STORE, and ne, ()Ws te THOS. KIDD'S, :Main St cafortir Seafortb, Oct. 13, 1870. 49 JOHN BRICHAM, Exchange Brok4r, and Railway Tit; tot • ougbAdle-cisi'4:11:0tel. Opposite (1. T. Railway 'Station, _ SEAFORTII, ONT. • Through Tickers issued to all po in thp -Western Sta.tes2 _California Red River, at reduced .ratc.s, alfor( the greatest facilities to EMIgrallti. All necessary information given re- specting Land A c..,fencies, etc, 'Bonds, CouiVa,iNtilBAuencKuSr;'ent Mo Gold. and Silver -Coin, bought and at best rates. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. . . A BRICK C3TTA GE, 26 x 36, frame lyt -11. and. .stable, half an acre of land, plantcd with choicest fruit trees, all b• earing, a good well, etc.. Likewise a ereet 33 v.-ure; fur '..atal ud 1,266 fur non-fatal ,4,11 ur by accident. Of these , • -park lot containing six acres, more or 1e:4s, the hlicitt state. of cultivation, newly drained and maiiured, :and seeded down with timothy and, eloN Cr, and fe:ice.d. with a DPW m11) -4(1116E1,1 board 1 fe-ice. • This lot is admira'aly adapted f,n• • • .1. or a market c4arden. The 1 above property is situated in the villa:4e LITAISDEN Has just received. a Fresh Stock of PURE DRUGS , AND CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy Soaps, Combs, Hair, • Tooth and Nail .1;rusli es, french, English) and A,..nerican. PERITIMERY o .-1 • gb, en -Ole banks of the • Maitland, 25 feet ab river, on g-ood p- m il es from S eafort p]y- to SAF Sash, oor, an BLIND F-ACTO 0 rTIHE Subscribers beg leave to t their numerous customers fui patrona.ge oxtende.d to thent commencing business SetlioAh, trust- that they will be favoredw GENUINE oyE.. STUFFS. Guaranteed to beof th best quality . Horse and CattleMedieines Condition:, Powders.. Physicians prescr ption accurately dispensed. LITMSDEN.- carefully and TilE ttrr.on .tik AA! 4 4- 141 (4 IS DI. lif.IIE'D ENICRY FRI \Y MOIING L. SEA FO T17'11-. Tr.4Rre,s. 1 $1.50 per ammo), in advance I, if not so paid $.2.00 will )0 charged. No subs- cription taken for a shorter period than three months. ADVERT/ I ri G RATES. . TRA -81E5T. Per line, Fg.st ipsertion, 8 ; subse- quent inserticin$, Pt.S, each time. _Atl- i vertisements meainiretliN a scale of salad ybrevier. No advertisunient taken tor •• -less than Ciie C 0 N TII A CT R .&TES 1110 One Column for One. Year. $'30 00 smec " Six lonths, - ;35 00 th a I Three - - 00 and •„ continuance of the same. Half ” One Year. - - (10 lank Parties in-U.:riding to INTou dc " Six. ..NIOnths, - 20 00 t1 all as they wit Three - - - •()(} avel road, and two continue to keep on hand. a la* 'loci rj I " .-NiOntbS "• 12 N) erms easy. Ap- of all kinds of " (hie Year,' - - {:0 Quarter ERT SCO .i., Itoxborough. Tli hing 1 injurii-s. , McKillop, Dee, 14, 1S70. .1 , DOORS, BLINDS, MOL I DRY NNE LIMBER S I 1, ES t Gs ' Eighth • 7 a Three " — CO • t " One Ytar, - 1.2 00 .111 11R W. WATSON, gun', AFORTH, Out, 13 -LI., Esq., • ager, iilton, Ont. i. ral Age It,-1‘.1:ontrcal, c, F ,T1t 1vrivitta.` niPans. to 1-7,ui The, ti vAlucd at nearly 1;15,0!-J0 A huge. - C C1103.1. Ceti. I 1G6. -13t-'' ••- 1 I NOTICE TO DEBTORS T sold my brink accounts to 'Mr. ?-!1. Pk 111:G )1 Z 1)e.1;thr3 ‘70111(1 (10 Well t 0 Set tie With him home - t• 'lately upon tl eraeeonnts. • 1V.N!,F . if.c.afortbe Dee. 23, Tlefe.1 4.11 of gl g at SHINGLES LATH &c. is action •-• Six Months - 8 00 i " Three ‚-4 - - G VelcoO to those who nit favour them with Advertiseircn ts. Without specific dirc•e- tne;r pzttronage, as norm !Luz t'ins s 1. 1)0 inserted till forbid, and first class workmen are charged am:oral:1;0y. cnijd.o 4:11. °- Sitir..:210 Z. Nc• g.:17 Particular L.ttention paid to O'ustoni a1 BR ijri', ..,1411••••-••.: GRAY. ALLAN