HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-10, Page 8$. TH Kan (xoMfo. DISTRICT MATTERS.. MR. Tiros. Lei{, Shearson's old stand, has now on hand n magnificent stock of Fresh Groceries See advertisement. • PHOTOGRAPHS.—F. Paltridge is prepar- ed . to take pictures in his usual artistic style. Secure the shadow, ere the sub- stance fades. NORTH BIDING.—The North - Rieling Society's Spring. Show, for entire stock, -will be held. at Blyth, on Wednesday, April 19th. FpRNI:U.-Thomas. Bell is selling furniture of his own manufacture, at the lowest possible prices. Mr. Bell is a good workman, and has on hand a . superior stock of furniture of -every desci iption.. ST. PATRU,K'S DAY.: The anniversary of the Patron Saint of Ireland, will be celebrated by a pu lie dinner, at Mute ray's Hotel,, on them evening of Friday, the 17th. inst. A retie good time is ex SPRING SHOW. -4t a meeting of the Directors of the South Riding Agricul- tural .Society, held at Brucefield, on Wednesday last, it was decided that- the annual Spring Show, for the exhibition of entire stook, would • be held at Bruce - field, on'Fliday, 21st April. It Vas also decided that the next Fall Exhibition be field at Seaforth. Soctee.—The social given by Mr. Gra- ham Williamson, in the school room o the Wesleyan Church, on Tuesday even ing last, was well attended.: All prese• spent a pleasant evening, and were loud in their praises of ' the Hospitality of Brother Williamson:'and his esteemed. lady. POSTPONEMENT OF THE SEED SHOW: ---r, On account of the elections taking place on the 21st, the Tuckersmith Agricultur- alSociety have postponed their Seed Show until the following day, Wed nes day, the 22d., Remember, then, the Seed Show and Cattle Fair will take' place on. Wednesday, March 22, 1871. MISS JEANIE WArso .--Many Of our townspeople will be pleased to learn that Miss. Jeanie Watson is to re -visit Sea - forth, and will give one of her entertain- ments of Wednesday evening, the- 22nd Inst. Many of those who regretted not attending her last entertainment, will have an opportunity of going to this. • DRA_mATIc CLirn.—The Seaforth Dra- matic Club will give another of their -highly popular and amusing entertain- ments, in the Town Hall, on the evening of Tuesday next. On this occasion the pathetic drama, "Temptation, or the Irish Emigrant," and the amusing farce. The Little Sentinel," .will be put upon the boards in the usual excellent style of the Club. HARDWARE.—The great clearing sale of Hardware at Fuller Brothers, Strat- ford, has attracted buyers from all parts of the country, who have expresses them- selves well satisfied with the bargains ob- 'tented. This stock is still large and well assorted. - Persons coming fi•on1 a dis- tance may relay on getting what they re- quire. For prices, etc:, see our adver- - tising columns.—dom. LECTURES IN E.o tiro\DVIL LE.—The first of . a course of lectures will be delivered in the Canada Presbyterian Church, Eg- no:ndville, by the Rev. Mr. Uraham on Monday evening, the 13th inst., subject, " Leaves from a Note -book." The hour. of meeting is. 7 r. in. A collection will be taken tip in aid of !the Sabbath School. This public are invited to at- tend_ A NEW GALLERY.—The rear part of the second flat in Mr: Meyer's new brick building, is to be fitted up as a Photo- graph Gallery for Mr. Paget. Mr. Paget. is said tole an.excellent artist, and when he is possessed of the increased facilities -which his new rooms will afford him, . will be in a position to turf out. superior work. The front portion of the same Hat is to be occupied by Messrs. Benson & Meyer as a law office. LECTURE. -Dr. Campbell of this vil- lage, delivered a- lecture in the Canada Presbyterian Church, No. -‘2, McKillop, on the evening of Monday last. The. subject was Canada and Its People." The lecture is said to have been one of the most largely= attended of the season, and was well received by the, audience. rlie subject was an interesting one, and was handled by the Doctor is his usually able and eloquent way. A Goon BAKER. -Mr. J. Cavanagh, Taker and Confectioner, next to Car- michael's large brick hotel, is continually adding to his already large stock of plain and fancy confectionery. Mr. Cavanagh Sias now one of the neates-t and most comfortable looking establislimentswhic'h can anywhere be found, and the result is business is daily increasing. As a baker lie cannot be beaten. Any person who uses his bread ouce, will 'desire to use it again. E \TEBrrrsrNG. _ Our enterprising friend, Mr. Joh. Nott, of Tuckersaiith, Inas recently purchased in the Township of York, a. splendid young heavy draught stallion. The horse is of the '`1Vonpariel" laced, and is said to be one of the finest which has ever travelled in this section of country. We understand that Mr. Nott intends to travel his horse in this vicinity during the coming season, and trust that his efforts to improve the - stock of horses, will be duly appreciated. by farmers generally. MORE SALT.—Another new company has been formed f or the purpose of boring for salt, on the Sperling property, near the railway. This company is composed of Francis and A. W. Sperling-, of Sea - forth, Mr. Young, fanner, of Howick, cud Mr. Grey; merchant,, of Leechville. -lie necessary timber and lumber for the erection of the derrick, is already ou the € ou nd. and burin is to be commenced without delay. IN e wish oar friends- all success un their new enterprise, • SLEIGH'' ca. — \.The mild -and genial weather of the past week has competely destroyed the' sleighing, The roads in most places are now bare,.a.nd wheeled vehicles have become genera 1. It tan hardly be hoped, however, that we Will yet have spring. The probability is, that: •: e will have snow and cold heather later in the spring,: wrhea \ve should have it arm and pi � rs" say t..i n too soon ad it laste t e prospect ave been m asa. t ti to tw for eh t. T e sleig have or th an ea etter. e " old residua ing has broken arly spring. ee weeks longer, ly tipring would THE LIB RY t to library has xro.rroe, rmstrongs' etted that :o li s excelleu .in. comprise a ery ooks, but t le diciou8, an ei,ibrace to suit ne: rly'every hard to d a more e' ,pending do�lar---- f e—than in coming echanics' I stitate, ai a cess to the library. prosperou : in its ne - The i Iec anics' Insti- been emo ed from the c to 11 ssrs. Elliott and -stor• I is to be re tie in erest is taken in tituti n. It does not exte a sive collection of , electi n hes been very su tient varie- ast It would rofitable way of e membership memb r of the d thus btaining We ho o e it may quirt. rs. 00 t t e 1. MORE Ho se o not know of til could be 'or ally employe 1 in igafew ' mfo hich would pay a a rental.. of fro oath. Th re o Seaforth her is so scarce, d. i gratifying capering, i is not .very ait for mo use can be any of our rl e, live in a 131 ace, .and p f r a decent t . st that.so not let next p toting the f , vorably. -0 o this oppo b: making.a t e eir money, t • wn, and Wi Al any of its o1 st Acco. MODATON.—We any ve. y in w ich capi e profi ablyo benefici-- Seafo h, ia a in build- rtable nein t houses, for th capita invested i five o e dollars a a' a few Islac s o the size hous ac ora odation ents sa hi While it hink hat th town is is a s re i di ation of, sant ti be co • pelle.l to befo a re pectable ured ct litre • ; or, as are co pelted to able or raped up sufficiently high e privilege. We oneved .men will 'esti without lin- - - w Ic e - now so ekidg a vantage y mlill of only fe i nes went of e i pro ing the -ea bion upon Who •11 move p 1 e a f, 0 s t t to thi 1 th pro wn peopl oor mise y rent otCs , for-. Ae o our uinmer go opportuni ers. Tay Unity, th Yood and s but will 1 confer a residents. e GOING AB he Clinton on of its s airs in S ondered at: sed, is rat rarely tie accou ing on th rce. It ; s qu OAD FOR aper. den .naee, each orth. Th Clinton, er a dull hing of m t either, re, wind i to n: per d to int Tans to colu -cell par Seaf s th etil. at the lob e lively g here sometl ce is ali+e• gnial para( wise ratheird ght, and sh od - taste o '.tor. The the ontsid l.p -she. ing o as ph eary ws e th. ore Pre HOME e tea a 1 week, `s is not it I old ch ust P1 acc .► 0 EWS. rge por- to local much to be con- e onethere unt-or atter— rather eI efore, urn to eaforth, import-. a few other- 's is all ent and Clinton -er-tised pecial- Clinton st dab - affairs, things lished a had to y .small ages in author- misfor f mak itex- nected serious k part. for one another usiness amount npauies cords. s to a fall far et less - wood to Seaforth and But, after all, e dare say, the fault s not s much o ton edito>j as with his cor nd -informers. e know ad lot. He had be ter get` soon as possible, r they se ering ye or that emS ar • tura], t should n of est and a e airing, fa o : nliven it ns. T ntjed„ of the rth s ac bet er, 'as it costs - oth' Bu the p+ per should be ca If it m b e with a to g spoon i See ort e in. aw''e,' oge w weeks go i pu -heat dea ers, and rawl j thro gh ve an a tion for da Last wee' , on the n wh1 ad s to th a fool the of fence 'persis'ten: nuisanc iflin.g occu •rence-co rate's Cot rt ihto. sons to t enough analis t, in ie wood 1 ets -duwn the total t by the Salt Coi his seaso , at 3,20 em very 1" •ge figur but the fat is they correct aa ount ;— to 15, 000 cords - of brought ii his w inter g b 1 ' li h • t it try, on rrect.. A f o el on our cls up and ole to escap c asequence. i a y of a pegs me of being g himself , • gerated a t ith a Monis ot, in whi • 300 pe lid as if t is were ne week, this ve acious jou ragraph, sI eakin of t Seaforth, wood bong d others, a ese may s inton man, ort of the'. an 12, 000 ving been sposed• of 13 0 0 a sl ti c ti with the Cali r a spondents • ti .ein to be -a . ri 1 of them 1' t 3 him to v. of blund Poeta teen. salon Isere d other su tie account lune ' The grea et s p0.itics. •ai jects are o. and a 1 are finedl' atinc on 'notiities. w s a >iteeti r r of t le le, cling It o I this vicin y o Fri lay, , lar I_ t e purpose clic sing delegate 11 Orth Hurt, i Go iven ion at . 14 `essrs. J. 1J cOra , Do ald ! Sco l� liner _and P ter humn son; froi ria, and Ivies rs. : rchi: aid Me- r onald 141eN. eight re J hn Lec T ion eas St achar , fr m 'Gre cl osen. The nom nati n of Mr. b the convei tion ; ivies cry gen ns action.. If publi• op hon is a ainst Mr. Ifay.: in tl e Priding as here, s end 'a vesti re of a ch i g around- lyre i to Make room fie a 1 etter tl ought and . etion RoADs.-Tie ro titne there. b :ing n sl. igliin.g. T e fa. g, r -making, ` hich d 11. e yvi119. t subjec of dis- Railw. ys, salt thrown side as the minds of one and There formers h 3, for to the Blyth. t, John 1 Mor- onald, ie and were Gibson ran set- s much .other pets of he'w11:not ince. T feel - hoist IL ye, and mail—a luau of ds ar •ithei mere cause in a ba waggol are bus s busine CATTLE FA fc cattle, nil i this villa ( ite a numb WTE Lewd: et: h ve_had bea a t the time nearly gone. is rather earl opening of sp Wr. i... ell -co e, of r of For. tiful of w We yet, ing. • xOti fair s, e Fri uyen condi lig nor at su- s to u-sto be r. for the sale of c., will ie held flay, 17 'l1 Met. s a,re ex , ected. more than a ' -eek we spring weather, and ting the sleighing is ear, however that it for tans to expect the ExomtneTr e.— 4. pu lie exan inatiou and distribution of prize will be !held in It roxeter School, n F iday, 17th inst. !.t is hoped tl at as man as ;possible of rents. and .thee° int rested m school m tiers will ttenr . E ercises to come- m nee at half past dine. . FIRE:==A 1 •eme am nd contents_ on t e farm of Mr: _I euj" min ,-Codke, 3rd owic e, `t- re total_y Con - on th nio nitig of rhe 3rd ke h .d sol 1 las farm. a few e fire occu red, so the loss 11 fal upai the pia chaser, ts;ec nsis ug of three, ma- chlines. ten to is of e ay, and • fort* bush- els of wheat, nelon; ed t Mr. Co( ke. It is supposedto have been the'work of an in endiary. b th School Tow-.' held hi the 1'r_sliyt to , . on «'ednfsda. th e present were p Concession, I sunned by fire in't., -Jr. Co( �d< •ys before At: cif the barn w : bi t the. Conte] SABBATH -SCHOOL '{ President)., Millin;: 10'_('YF. TION—A Sab- hip 'oinen tion«•as rian.. -'hutch, Wroxe- , 1 s inlet. }Ani(i:i n J ;ev. Messrs. Slimier, n t4 cl Brown: The differen Sabbath ship were well repr ing service and prel tors were arranged, Glasses, and the be ing them, was t very interesting from the several ing the impressjc}n portance of 7 such el erally and more ca prombting the best of the land. The our Sabbath School considerable discus ed to be that. the 0. ne ent4n approved of juvenile temperanc. s i ciet es. Although at present not prep • r d to[recommend its introduction io all i:)u schools, leaving it to the wisdom and. 01 ristijnn prudence of each school superin`.,e ' dent and: teachers to 'carry out their o onviction. A -variety of matters to rig ons Sabbath School work occupie evening ses- sion. . At the evenuig ing which was a geed one, as respec ie a tendauce a dre ses were ince of Sabbath d the regular at - A note of thanks o ie of- Wroxeter, dy hospitality to vention, Rev. Mr. e benediction. URON EXP ols - in the Town- nted. After open - nary business mat- e subject of "Bible etl:od of conduct- taken up, and a rchan ge of views • ers followed, =lean- t ail felt the im- ss, being more gen- ef illy carried out, in in rests of the youth emperance pledge in , was the subject of ion ; the result seem - chi 1 th mee ed t of, the general pi bli given on the impo School instruction, tendance of pupils. was passed to the p who extended their r the members of the co Millikin closed with t It Oranb NEW SHOE SHOP er, bootand shoema business in'this yillag class workman will u business. Mr. Alexander Hu pointed agent for the Saving ,and Loan So quiring loans can b rates. - SUCCESSFUL SURD who had his leg am weeks agolis now mo in good spirits. T his attending 'phyai Holmes. 11AILWAx.-The p bound to halve a .ai conAider the benefits 1 from a rood passing tion of the County. land, the vast forests the salt beds, &c.,' w develop, they feel fore long they . will horse " rushing thr part of Ontario, ca and prosperity into portions of our Dorsi!: Mr. Charles Lush- 00. er, has commenced , and tieing a first- dou ter Hu, iety sun bit do a large been ape r n and Erie Parties re- plied at low RY. Mr.' Knight, Mita ed about six ing around again s is creditable to inn, Dr. W. J. In here seem When they would accrue ugh this sec- echness of the of valuable wood, ch thisroadwould cert. •o ,that be- 3ople Tway vhich thro ha ugh rYin ne ion. e the iron this western intelligence the richest !IIs' ANOTHER DEBAT there is another de tween the Lumley ary Societies, on F. 17, 1871. The Lu lenged by the Farq the sameubject former debate, whit refused to . accept, lint not willing to leave l t milted several subjec bate, to be chosen by which theywouldlt which they chose a War causes nior'e e4il than Intemperance,, of war, and we befit liminaries were sett backed outland wo :the Farquhar club..' word evil. Althou able "request, it was Farquhar club oily We believe the de affair, and hope t give better satisfac was given last time Tinxr^nn G MATOI prevailed in the vi 25t11 ult., the cause ting match between ting horses, namel owued by Mr. P. Gray Eagle owned ofUsborne Fox IJ. McArthur, of Us owned by I Mr. M and YounglNimble owned t y .Nir. J. B tiug commenced at and after esting with auoth r, the r Gray Eagle came Young Cha npion c but owing Ito the 'that prevailed, it w of the other three w are generally talked who was presentcon so, when hearing so parties giving utt sums of money in t no doubt the mout est pocket.! At t versed. quietly to that much Credit w Fanson, 1411trquis, able manner they C as judges. -n" Com. e. W understand a e to come off be- d Fa quhar Liter- y evening, March y club being chal- ✓ club, to discuss scussed in a the I,Lumley club the Fang club 1 ec 1 gl a a of fi • e ma the excitemen mley, on th was a tion brated trot- Bfatiehard . Crawford ned by 1.1 ay Switch er St. Thomas, The trot - MOR !SALT ST_RUC CHANT AT HE MER • Yesterrla, (Thi rsday, th instant, at the even- f the it erchant ' Salt Com streck, at a depth of 1,043 feet. roam one. 1.35 le no SPECIAL NOTI THE QUESTION SETTLED. nent men, Dr. James Clark, !Queen 'Victoria, and Dr. Hu say that consumption can b AVistar knew this when he c !now widely known 3alsain !ry, and experience hos pr rectness of his opinion!. The extraordinary !effect Comaound Syrup df Hypo due to its power of impart itotious • —Those orni Physician to hes Bennett, iscovered ved the cor- of Fellows' ihosphites is ne the vital prineiple to all cons wasting. or • debilita acceptable to the pa all ages and constit tubermilous. or, con by- apothecaries and Twenty years exe ienpaired by ing mat. dies. It is atle, and suitable for tions. The blood is uinptivt deposit is 6 frit 87 50. Sold lave proved them be SITOR. MMARCH 10, 1871.. to be th most effectual remedy for coughs, a d irritation of the throat, caused b • cold, or -unuival exertion of the voca organs ; public speakers and singers w 11 iind them most beneficial. The entir freedom 'from all deleterious ingredient renders Bryan's Palmonic Wafers, o Cough and Voice Lozenges, a safe reme y for the most delicate person, and have aused them to be held m high esteem by who have used them, Sold by every druggist and most of the respectabl stores throughout the Pros viuce, at 5 cents per box. S ORE TO LET TN THE Village of Belmore,• County of 'Bruce, large frame STORE AND DWELLI G -HOUSE, Well finished, with ston cellar and half an acre of ground at ached. For terms, etc., apply to DAVID GLASSIE, Esq., Belmore, or to FRAIIIS COLEMAN, Listowel. 169-4t MIL NERY, DRESS MANTLE MAKING. S McINTOSH ,s to return thanks to her W ma y- friends and customers for their very- liberal patronage in the past. She feels onlident of giving satisiaction to those ho may still favor her with their cust Farmers' , tore, where all orders will re- ceive pro pt attention. STRA AND HAIR WORK cleaned. on short notice. Seaforth, March 3, 1871. 1119-tf TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH HURON. GENTLE. LEN : I hare erved yon in the Local Legis- lature of ntario four sessions, and in- tend agai to solicit your support in the coining el ction, (in case my friends de- sire me to do tot) I trust haire done my duty, not only in relatio to North Huron, but to. the Province enerally. I am, Gentlemen, Yours obediently. Goderich, Feb. 21, 187L 169-2t EG S! EGGS! THE bscriber begs to intimate that he is till prepared to purchaser Eggs at his Stor at the Market, and to pay the HIGHE T. PRICE IN cA.sa! for all fresh Eggs that may offer. To Mer hants in Town and Country with who a. he has done Business in the past thre years, he returns his best thanks, a d hopes for a continuance of WM. MALCOM. Seafort March 3; 1871. 16S-tf FLAX! FLAX! HE undetsigned is now prepared to furninh FLAX SEED to all parties who wish to embark in the cultivation of Flax d ring the coming season. The can be hae signed : Logan, R be had fro and after at the Stoies of the under- ott Robertson, Killoran and C. Laidlaw, Grocers ; John McDougall. The Seed can any of the above parties, on. he 20th of March next. 13. SHANTZ. RACTORS, And tl e Public Generally. StURNIGLE FACTORY. Thse proprietor of the above Factory desires to state that he is now prepared to supply Shingles �f the Very Best Quality, On the shortest notice, and. at the very lowest eish prices, either at the. mill ot delivered at Sc &forte" Railway Statioa. Orders promptly attended to. .169-13t Wroxeter Shingle Factory. REMOVAL ! HAVE REMOVED ! To the Stand lately occupied by WM. ROBERTSON & CO. They will sell the Stock at Redticed Prices,- in order to make room fot Spring GREAT BARGAINS ! TWE DS, WINCEYS, FLANNELLS, BO TS AND SHOES. A Stock o —ALSO,— received. . undersigned will sell at his late Saturday, March 115 .A large number of -Useful Articles ! Being the Odds and -Ends of his late Bushiess, amongst which, are one LICHT WACON With Shafts and Pole ; Saddle and Bridlg; , BARREL OF MACHINE OIL: LOT OF WINDOW AASH, SPINING WHEELS AND REELS ; IRON BEDSTEAD ; Show Cases, Shop Fixings, Scales, etc, CROCKERY, and many other articles too numerous to mention: t Irre'Sale to begin at 11 o'Clock, a. in. TERMS, CASH. Don't miss the chance. Opposite Cormiehael's Stables, Huron Road, Seafortlo TO FARMERS. IRON HARROWS. MIRK UNDERSIGNED has on hand ..I a large number of IRON tHAR!- ROWS, which he is prepared to +ell on. reasonable terms. e These harrows were manufactured at Gananoque, and are The Best Yow in Use. A Gnarantee will be given with each, that if it do not work satisfactorily, it may be returned by the purchaser within thirty dans. Agricultural Implement Agent,' TO FRAMERS.AND OTHERS. rpENDERS will be received for the L erection of a new superstructure the BRIDGE AT J. BROADFOOT'S, Second Concession, H. It. S. Fuller in. - formation may be obtained by applica- tion to Messrs. Cresswell, Walker or Cousins. All tenders must be handed in at the next meeting of the Tucker - smith Council, at the Daly Hotel, Eg- mondville, on FRIDAY,March 17, 1871. Tenders will also be received at. the same time and place, for repairs to tho bridge at Silver Creek. For further particulars concerning this ,job, apply to Mr. D. Change of Hasines,§ JUST STARTED . AND BOUND TO SUCCEED. •ritHE Subscriber, Mr. TI3.0S. LEE, 1 having purchased the Stock of ate considerable reduction on cost, he is both able and determined to sell to his nusthmers, and all those who may kindly favour him with a cell, at such prices as will astonish the people of Seaforth and the: surrounding vicinity. He has just received a large Stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, COMPRISING TEAS, SUGARS, NEW FRUITS, ETC., Which he will sell at remarkable Low Prices. FLOUR AND FEED. He also keeps conttantly on hand, a large stock of Flour aid Feed of every des- cription, consisting of OAT MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Bran, Shorts, Oats, Bdrley, Peas, &c. - Flour and Feed delivered with dispatch free of charge. 2 $200 to 2,000. . ON MORTGAGE; 1 tieadvance, ) in from 2 to 15 yearn E -PAYABLE by justalments, (mit fn Monthly 5 per cent. Helf yearly pet cent. Apply to Goderich, Jan. 23,11871- 164.8 KIDD'S EMPORIUM FASHION; SEAFORTEL subsciiner begs to announce to the public that he has opentd a plendid Assortment o §TAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, (kROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS, ETC , The whole of the Stock is entirely new, and bought in t,lie best houees Orn.nda. He is determined to sell at prices that will satisfy the buyers. THOS. KIDD4 Seafortla,Nov. 1st; 1870. 15'3 -- HARDWARE STOCK SELLING OFF. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Messrs. FULLER BROS., Hav•e decided to retire from the retail Hardware trade, to open a wholesale business in Toronto. They offer the whole of their immense stock of over $20,000 WORTH OF WARE, For thirty days: Sale to commence '20th February. at the Undermentioned prices. This sale is nee humbug. Parties re- quiring Hardware will find they cao save 20 to 25 per cent. Special induce- ments offered „to blaeltsmiths, caspen- ters, waggon etIakers, painters, coopers, foundrymen, etn, as the - following prices fully testify : Tco. per bcil. of 56 lbs.; Horse Nails, 12Se. 4 50 ; Tell Carnage Springs 10c.; Boiled Linseed Oil, 90c.; ilaw 'Linseed Oil, 85c. per gallon ; Coal Oil, 30e.; Varnish, 15 per cent. discount. The following will be sold at 20 per cent. discount z Locke, Latches, Butts, Hinges, Screws and general Shelf 'Hard- ware, Table aM Pocket Cutlery, Silver- plated. Ware, Tea -spoons, electro -plated Cruets, etc., carpenters' and. carriaeta makers' Tools. • The following goods at 10 pee cents disemint : Spades, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Finn(' hing Nails, Pressed Spikes, Lead Pipe, Bene Stuff, barn -door and T Hinges ; also, owe splendid stock of Lamp Goods, at 20, per cent. diseount. Scales en 15 per oent off list pricest poTunodsfa. lances about lotil(lieg, we offer Sceap Iron Nails at $3 50 per 100- . N. B.—To country merchants thie: sale offers splendid inaucemente to Sort up at lower prices than can be hod ire Toronto or AlontreaL 167-tf All tarietiets of Field. and Garden Seeds kept constantly on hand. All kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods, at THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. REMEMBER I SHEARSON (f: CO.'S OLD STAND ! THOMAS LEE; Seeds ! Seeds T. or' hand, at hie Stall m the Market Building, the best quality of Seeds of every description - TIMOTHY, OLOVER, OATS/ PEAS AND BARLEY, JOHN. BEATTIE, 169-8 Market Building, S:ialorth, BUSINESS MEDI eidenee &hie (bee- Eat. ineaferele Ike. 14th, Physician, Surgeon, &e. 2nritth, Sept 7th, oef e Graduate of -Met ran residence- Brute -In- tl -nee -field, Jan. 13, Dile \V. R. SMITH. gecko, etc. intrice,- beaforth, Dee. 14, I slat -nee, -corner -of :Nla le/County; ()thee t:orby'e, teener store. forth-. 011ie() day, Satnre LEGA Banisters„ Attori icitors in Chaneery and taries Public mill tionvt*:. tors for the It. Q. Baok, se ;For the Camila Infe Aset 000 to len. Perms, Houses and Lot, rleaforth, :Den 14th, Wroxeter. *Agents for Loan it). of rpie.r Can: onial Securities Co. of I James Laird, prop ling public. The larder ways snegilica with the public, for the liheral patr to in tinios past in the and also to iiiforkki them ti where he will he happy from old frieuds,: an41:17.47;i gee:forth, May 5, 1874)„ This hotel has rettentle- N 3ii.shed, and refitted. flirt nowone of the Mint ()omit> narelions in tile ProVilute. itognis for Commercial Terms liberal. -p A. SHARI'S LIVI Stables. (Wive-- At Conveymices, always on 1,1 IIARP'n LIVERY ST., SEAFoRTH, Fine and. ( tarrioges always on h. eble terms. fi*nfortle, May 5th, IS70 (ltd. et 11 manna' nf with neatness anil dispa live, connuienitnier . Next door Bona). of forth. Aeaforth, Dec. 14 IS ' TEETWEXTRACTED lly the tise, of the Nit r (Mee,- -Over the 'fleece ntercial note], on the fo eluested -vain if at SC ai (n-er 54,,o00 patients eetracted by the use of