HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-10, Page 3_ARCH 10, 1871. FISH. Fierri! stt rrings, lerrings, and out, ;]ItY CHEAP, at ROBERTSON'S dAsit sTorx. 1TMOTIIY SEED: and FLAX SEED. Et. €sT Price paia .for. Pure imothy and Flax. Seeds,, at IT ROBERTSON'S CiAS-11. STORE. ;Vent-Act...of :1869.. atter a ALFRED- WATRINSON, an insolvent. ilersigned, Samuel Johnson, OE ittge (,f Seafortle in the County L Hardware „Merchant, have ASsignue in thia matter. is are requested te hle their kr tee within (me month SANIUEL Jo.Uso. eteeignee. OEN & 1101 MESTE-0, Solicitors for ssignee. .21;st Feb.,. 1871.. 1-68-4t ent Act of 1869. atter t ALFI:ED 'WATKINSON, all 111SOIVelit. f./TICE is hereby given, under aud 113.- virtu e the- '-ettil in un-, as skeeienee of the hove -named. Inside -cur, and provisions of the le:solvent Act the mulereigned wii1 ell'er for ublie Auer ic et, at Enne's wee of Seaforth, in the ( 'aunty awl Proviitee of Ontario, hit rsi cs‘ Y, the Gth day of A PRI Is; - all the tate, - awl equity of redemption, &c, lowing Property, viz. : Leib_ No. e North side of st. John Street, Iclage of Seaforth. is a Valuable lime it said lot, 4 and will be sold subject - to a far F---300, with int ereet, from I870. A TEIBIS, CASI SA:Q.:EL JOILNSON, ssignee. HEY & IIOLMEST Sidieiters fur Assignee. LINE OI STAGES, Seaforth amtWroxeter. undersiened, beg- to inferm ce,itaets of seeforth, _Vieth -ye -Me, r, and the public (enter:My, that tw rtuteiug DAILY sT..\.GE, eereetc. d, ) each AV ay, as ii -01101 -e -se eeforthat 11 a. ne 1. avieg e I he et 3 It. m, loavict roxeter leavine. Ainleyville at 3 p. rivet nee with en( tee: fuel even - cecina east and WE'zit: alz-scc with - n end Harrieton c,tageec. Com - k and fast time. Livery etiee at Seaforth. ),Ses. & JO I I NTS( Proprietors, STABLE .F;4 n(Y,-4Z-; ac.•:-irieS to iitfi rm the that he has (lentil a Nte.- . stable in cermet:that w ith his p;Ert i,,eS Gan c be :wet eruniel 'ail firer, elaes horses and vehicles% }liable pricee, rth jee'v. tllet 1cs7t f;-7-tE• FOR SALE. of fsseel 1 OXEN, •.-ereet., fee. 3, 11-70, 16;1 -ti rs , AtAncrt 10, 1871. BRIEF NOTES. ,- From all parts of America can- tributions in money and food are being sent to the starving in France. . The . Brooklyn Board of Alder- men has passed a resolution to sup- press the howling of dogs. A. lawsuit over a hog in Illinois, lately cost $15,000. Sensible peo- ple will think that this was too little pork for a shilling. A trio of skaters accomplished the journey from Newburg to Albany lltst week—a distance of 100 miles— in seven hcurs and five minutes. In New Haven the police arrest even' boy between the ages of, six and sixteen, who is found in the streets during school hours, and cannot "rise to explain." One of t:he latest wrinkles is to perfume wedding, reception, and visiting cards with violet. St. Petersburg is said to be slowly and surely sinking into the swamp on which_ it is built. sisg. . spl en d id m on umen t is . to . be . °tee.' ted over the grave of Beethoven at Vienna, a distinguished Austrian nobleman having inaugurated the Movement. Things are progressing. The King of Burma]) bite started a news- Issesse and wants a , New York cor- respondent who . writes era 13h ie -Burnaess -lie has also set np a telegraph. ) . The Dickens' 'copyrights have - been transferred to the London House of Clitti,man & Hall. It is eaid that " there is; probably, no literary property in England . of equal money value at the present ,tini e. Walt -Whitman is reported to have said that, before he went to -Washington, he was never the pos- sessor of more than $6 at any one time; and yet be has always been one of the most contented of mor- tals. The first two numbers have ap- peared of a new German novel en- titled "Ham and Sedan"—an illustrated historical romance of the past and present, by Michael Bur.: eeer. -, An expedition has left San Fran- cisco for, the Cocosos'IUands, under the direction of spirits, to seek for •:, treasures buried by pirates. —Brigham Young proposed to Marry a car -load of female recruits 1A'ho recently arrived -in the saintly - city, but only fifteen of them would entertain the offer. Surely his influ- ence is waning. —Some laclies succeed in being economical in their, wardrobes, gen.- eral.criticisms to the contrary not- withstanding. A Philadelphia 'pa- per says : "-After paying their board bills our lady school teachers have thirty-six dollars a year to dress with. They manage to dress very neatly."' , —French prisoners at Dresden co[aj)kt1In of mueli suffering fromi the cod. There are twenty-two thousand prisoners in Dresden, many of whom are confined in bar- racks so near the river that it is feared the buildings- will be inun- dated when the ice breaks .up in the spring. • . exaotly," replied Simons, " but I have- broken three or four _wage' s. ' Big sister: f' 0, papa-, I m iSic g to hear Nilson I. Yon know I am so fond of music " 0 uyenile brothers i trines phau fly : "Then wi• y &in' t you let me pity on the drum ?" A young lady ok Troy a lvised gentleman friend I not to take fl irons to bed with him, as they wcul warp Li feet. The stupid fe low di. not know enoiigh to take ;he hin ' ., TYPICAL TREES. ' For gouty pp p1 e—the ache corn. For ant quarians—the date. - Fel- sel ool-boys—the birch. For Iri, haien—the och. km: con, urers—the istim,. - For Tie, roes—sce dahl Far yonng ladies—the mango. For fart iers—the elauein. ' For iashionable WOME11—a set firs. For dasdies-jethe spruce. Foe act Irs—the pop'lar. For fAissicians-- fie sye-a- gore. For yot r wife—her Will, ol . ' For lo ers—the sigh press For the disconsolate—the line. Foreen aged Feop.e--ethe p ar. For th sewing girls—tie h leek. For bo rding house people 'asb. Always on hand --the paw paw; Who w s this written for? yew. —The DabOrflan hngnage— s1,oken in some section of -Western Africa -L -is easy enough to learn,. if one will not be in too much hurry, For example, the word jug is ex- pressed by simply saying see noo-noO ee-a-voo-tong. sloon iabathlee Iling- flah-dG-NVee. Should one wish to eomplimenta Dahoman belle, t� ex- press the sense of the word beautiful he must say ee-nin dag beeidag be: GAIETIES. -ccs• to - Mr. El lre and tlae Lan Fun.A. As- s on as Parliament • et agai and on. the 10th of Nevem] er, 18 9 --(Arlo her given date for 1 on, • A r. Review -s-Mr. Hays made the f d- lowina nquiry of the GovernMei t having previously given no ice of t, according tothe rules of ti e Hou e: ." Whether the G overtime • t inte d to pay Ver to the differert Cro n ' I Laudewnships in On ario t le amoun of the Improvem)nt Tuid due to hem, and w hat cou •se is • n- tened t be puiseed as to s id fun Mar the answer'of the Attorn y Genera. ! Observe bow riedul it is of encouragement! .See ith wl at candid readiness he admits the rieht and recognizes the Claim! He sad: "The Government of ariada a nebaber of years age intioduced a ineasur appropriating a ce•tain por- . tion 0 the pmceeds -of t ]e pub lc lands f r improvements in the, lo a-. tions here these lands ar situat d. The satpGovernrnent, ten , ears a o, by or er in Council, revoked the app1icjtaoii of that fund in hat w. y. Since that time continue appliea- tion h. d been made to ,the GOve n- ment o ' Cossacks, by parties intere.t- . ed in is e localities which are' most sconcer ed in the appr priati n. . This overn m en t . had no seen or 'discov red that there was any o li- gation n their part to relive w1at w as ex inguished ten. year • ago, aid besides that, they had no unds no , .. means of appropriating ny iti ds I for tin L t purpose. • The 'mad 1 ad been e ainguished 'before this G v- ernmer t came into existen e, and would- be ' a serious matt x to peo- pose t at they sbould revi re a fund which I tad been extinguisl ed by lke ,verv g • vernment that. cret ':sed lit.' — Bricce teporter. To make a Venetian blinds Put out his eyes. , Why is a balloon like silence? Because it gives assent. Carital Punishment—icing kiss-: al to death by a pretty girl. An old bachelor's idea --When taken to be well. shaken—the baby. The mitten that never fits—the one obtained from your lady love. A Western editor reports money "close' but not dose enough to be reached." When does an editor - play a singu14 trick with 'gramthar ?' When ne declines an article,. Why is a clergyman like a loco- motive ? Because you are to look. ,for him when the bell rings. A crosty old baehelor says that the only organ without stops, is the organ of speech in womeu." To lady railroad travelers—For iefet illation respecting the last traits apply to the leading. dress- maker. Inteligest Pet—"Ma, dear, _what do they play the organ so1ouJl for -when church is over ? Is it to wake US up I' One of the papers contains an an advertisement : "Lost, a large , black silk umbrella, belonging' to a, gentleman with a- curiously -;carved head." " aave you evei broken a horse inetiiired a horse joekey.' "No, not Th The - which ment the Pi 1. sectio thirty reign, repeal 2. said after - New Assesmen Act, following are the t lterati have been made in t ct during the last ovincial Parliamen hat sUb.section twe nine Of the Act pa second year of her and chaptered hat section eighty - et ,be cur, ended b he word "townshii first rile, the words, "t lage." 3. hat section eighty said et be amended by after he word, "townshi e' Ass sessio : ty-fiv sed in Majes •ty-Six, ns ss - of MCINTOSH & moRRis0_1(i's ur of the ✓ inser ng ," in be wn or il- six of he inOr ring s," ‘towns WM. GRASS1E, ALI 111111.1.0.10 CARRIAGE FACTORY MAIN STREET, SRA FORTH. The subscribers feel thansful for the very liberal patronage theerhave receiVecl since eommencing business in Seaforth, and wish to intimate to their customers and the p-eblic generally that thy -.keep on hand and are ma,nufacturing all kinds of wheel work, such. ; and v Rages." 4. 'hat sectcon one htndred ind fifty f the said lActbe a nencle by erasims th.e lett: "B," in the second nd inserting therefo • the le ter Th /ion ers tims qu ite wllat 14041e Advice -to Teacla. WiSCODSin, QM' za ives seven maxims iich Are worthy- of "Never teach wh, know. of ct tea - for ite•tch- considera- t you don't iild ou. Never t,11 a c you can make him tell Never give a piece .of i iforma without asking for it aga n. i N use a 'hard werd if an ea y io e aim,.), l elo'Iyour Olean in g, . meet use ally:word at all unl ss V quite sure it has a mean ng t vey. Never begin an a dres lesson without a. clear - v ewof end. Never give an uneces Cutlati and, nor one which you d� mean to see obeyed. N ver pe any hild to remain it the c even Ifoi a minute, with ut a SOfile lliNg to do, and a mota a doiud it. . W. Simpson, M. gonia axiived at the Qu To(onto, on Saturday route for Ottawa. Mr. S tul Ste. Mai ie on th had to wads. some 250 mi shoes b ,fore reselling r, *in (mica tion. P. f r -en's I iornin - 1 1 t il wt es oi CARRIAGES, OPEN AND TOP BUG DE.11.10cRA_TS, WAGGONS, SLEIGHS,- CUTTERS, -c., Made up by EXPERIENC MEN, in the -very latest sty We Do- No Horse But pey all our attention class Of business, Partes who favor us orders Will get satisfaction. keep a first-clas Carriage Pair. er. . PAINTING Pone for country shops, and old work repai ted at reasonajele rates. - Re airing promptly attended tp. Co dwood, Lumber, Shingles and Lath ttaken in exchange for work. MUNTOSH. & MORRISON. IES, eD WORK - es. o the above with their, ood L67 - SEED POTATOES-: FOR SALE. . • rpEu UNDERSIGNED has en halide 1 ai lot. No. 5, 3d Concession,' Tucker - smith, L. R. S., a quantity of Seed Pota- toes pf the following varieties; Early Rose Early Gocdrich, Harrieon end Glee on. He will be prepared. to meet, on t e above eremises, those who inety want good seed potatoes. on Saturdl of each week. ALLAN HOBSO:e. 167-13t CERTAIN PRESERVATION UTNE SIGLI—TT _ R COUNTER, , TiTAT0111\1;AKE AND , VI JEWELER, Seafoth, Ont., sole Agent for the sale of our Celebratea PERFECTED 3PECTACIES, ie-tLenses of which are ground. by us, from material manufactured espe- cially for Optic purposes. It is pure, hard., andbri.pant, and -as near Achromatic as can be produced. The peculiar form , and scientific emu -4y aetaM- ed by the aid a complicated_ .and costly machinery, War rants us in asserting. the* tc be THE ' MOST PERFECri -ipEcTiNcLEs EVE,R. XI AN UFACTURED. They cessis the sight mostlirilliantle, COD wear -r, caufsVaeacsoentainn'tliocu°sma,fint acbuidtihn.t impr veinent of the eyes, and last a great many years without requiring to be changed. So they are the CHEAPEST as Well as the BEST. ' , - LAZARUS, MORRIS & Co. 205 Notre Dame Street, (up stairs), . Montreal ear INVe employ no Pedlars. ' IN CHANCERY!' Between, JOSEPH KIDD, Plaintiff, and j A.M ES M cM UL KIN and THOMAS KIDD, Defendants. e , 14th December, 1870. • leliereby appoint THOMAS KIDD, of theliVilla,ue of Seaforth, county of • Hu- ron, merchant. Receiver iri this case. J. A. BOYD, Master. 1 parties indebted to the late firm of D & 1\sleMULKIN please call and settle the same at once and. oblige. TI-10.MA.S KIDD. S aforth, Dec. 21, 1870.: 159-tf If you want al (rood - 170-c• i= 'T TRY . W. P. PAGET'S GALLERY, Opposite Scott Robertsen's Grocery. Main Street, Scaforth. P HOT OGRAP HS of a superior - des- cription, unsurpassed in the county of Huron. e Mr. Paget Wishes to explain, that his- iou gallery, though_ small and of mean ap- ver peed -mice, is quite suitable for the pro. vele dilation Of ti rst-class Portraits. 165-13* ver B are on - r a its SH FARM FOR SALE CHEAP rp E UNDERS&NED offers for sale, cheap Lot No. 30, Con. 15,:tewnship of ree, Co. of Huron; abent 70 acres- of this lot, are timbered with harirood, ary .feut acres of which are chopped, the bal- not anee is timbered with ced.er and pirie of exo411ent quality.. There is sufficient of thi4 latter timbal to ptty for the whole l0tJ The lot -will be sold CHEAP' FOR' a4 mits CAH, or on time. Title indisputable. .for Foil further particulars apply (if by let- ter, prepaid) to Adam Gralv, Seaforth, or to the under4igned proprie- RODERICK GRAY, Tha,mesford, P. 0. hamesford, Nov 9, 170. 153-tf — •-nvonoamou Uin 20,000 TU - GEESE Al- otel , en left laud. QR SALE, IN HAliPURH EY. sp.0W r 6ons- p 0 to HAT comfortable Cottage & Grounds the Property of Enw.;ten CASTE.— session on the First of May. Apply he Preprietor, Seaforth. 168-tf NTED RES SED. KEYS, CHICKENS, AND— CKS_ (TIRE subscrib..r will pay the highest 1 cash price r the above quantity of well -fatted and nicely dressed poultry, delivered at the Egg -Emporium Main Street, Seaforth. The poultry should not be drawn and the heads and feet should be left on. Cash paid for Venison, either saddles or whole deer, D. D. WILSON, Seaforth, :No 30, 1870. 125-tf. VIOLET J. EXCHA And .BRUCS CHEM! 'FANCYAN Agent for to.lend on. easy Irir Pure Wi .cinal purposes. Seaforth, No INK. EATTER, GE BROKER, de'aler in Pure ALS AND DYESTUFFS, RIPLIMERY, TOILET ARTICLES wing Machines. Money terms. es and Liquors for medi- J. SEA TTER, . 3, 1870. CARRIACE AND WAGON- MAKER, Coderich Street, Seaforth. 0 SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, CARRIAGES, - BUGGIES, WAGONS, &c., Sze., Built in a superior manner, to order, on short notice, Pr Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing and General 131a,cksmithing. 163 GOVERNMeNT DRAINS.. • JO IN THOMPSON .1 sMHANKS hs numerous customers for 1 their -libel al. patronage -during the laat fifteen yea s, and trusts he will re- . ceive its .conti uance, Ile has now •n hand, a -large assort- ment of Good ound Gree Hemlock! Which he warr nts wili give satisfaction. ALSO FENCING AND DRAINING L BER, ALWAY KEPT ON HAND. --ALSO- 200,00 FEET OF PINE C -e -r Fon BUILDING AND CENERAL PURPOSES Which he o flrs on liberal terms. Or- ders will be p omptly attended to. Th.elrill is of .McKillop a from the Eur Seaforth, N • Allele(' on the Townline d Trullett, 3 and miles n Road. v. 16, 1870. 841.tf. ILOO sfz the f Grey, County of Huron, after the lOtt of October Wages, —$1.. 25 to $ L 75 perday. G. BLA1i, Contractor. Seaforth, Nov, 10th, 1870. 153— D. McNAUGI-IT TXTOULD respectfully iatimate to the VI/ inhabitants of Seaforth and vicin- ity, that he still continues to carry on Business as usual, in the old stand, on the North road. Jobbing of all kinds, and Ilorse-shoeing especially, promptly attended to. - Ternis reasonable. 164-tf • DAVID McNAUGHT. THE GREA FEMALE REMEDY, JOB MUSE PEGIODIC4I-PILLS. This invalu ble medicine is unfailing in the' cure of til those painful and dan- genies disease to which the female con- stitution is s tb_j_ect. It moderates all excess and re u eves all obstructions, and a speedy cure nay be relied on. • To marrieC ladies it is peculiarly suited. It wi 1, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills hould not be taken by Fe- males during he First Three- Months of Pregnancy, as they are sure t� bring on Miscarriage, b t at any other time they are all Case of Nervous and. Spinal Affections, Pa ns in the Back and Limbs Fatigue OA sh lls exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hy terics, and White, th se Pills will effe t a cure when all other means have fa led: and although a pow- erful remedy. do not 'contain iron, calo- mel, antimone , or anything hurtful to the constituti cu. 1 1 Full airections in the. pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully. preser veil.. . JOB MOSES, N W YORK, SOLE rnerrirsToa. $1.00 and 12 cauts for postage, en- elosed to Nor lirop.ejs Lynian, Newcaetle Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a (7ttle containing over 50 pills by retu mail. WSold in eaforth by E. Hickson and and. R. Lunisden ; A. Stephene, Mitchell; J. S. Coombs, Clinton, and all :Medicine Pealers. & LYMA.N, Newcastle, 8 le Agents. 163-9 )11 es" ozzi e+ - U7.2 asgij Ort istot pari mai td tJ 0 Los' )rat 17:t4' 67-1; tiwa (reseci ?:)15 r 1:19g; -.4111 rr.cs 3. THE SEAgORTH Limber Yard. MABEE & MAC -DONALD Beg to inform the public that they have opened a LUMBER YARD in Seaforth, near Shearson's Mill, on the ground for- merly used as a Lumber Yard, by Air. Thomas Lee. They will keep constantly on hand a good assortinpnt .of ALL KINDS OF LLTMBER, 'dressed and. undressed-. Also, LATH AND SHINGLES, All of Which they are prepared to sell at the loWest possible prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find it to their advantage to inspect our stock, and as- certain our prices before purchesing else- where, as we are in a position to offer good. inducements to cash purchasers. MABEE & MACDONALD- Seafarth, Dec. 29, 1870. 1604f NORWAY OATS. ycars ago the subscriber obtained y7fo m Joe -Es & CLARK, New York,- I. Tr`' peck of D. W. RAMSDALE'S NorwayOats, for which I paid Four Dollars, I sowed them on one-third of an acre and obtained Thirty-five Bushels ; I sowed them again last year and have now a quantity on hand, which I offer for sale at the follow- ing prices c ---From one bushel to ten, one dollar per bushel -; ten bushels and up- wards, seventy-five cents per bushel.— They are the most productive oats that have been -tried in this part of the coun- try. I warrant the above true to name and free from any foul seeds. EDWAB,D TURNER. Tuckersmith, Lot 29,- rd Con., H. R. 164-8* 27B -7/ C13 FARMS FOR SALE. FOP. Sale Lot No.22, 13th. Concession Township of ,McKillop, Containing One Hundred Acres, forty-five of which are deem& well-fencedeand a never fail- ing stream of water runs through one corner No buildings. Also, the einem- pired. term of eight years of th lease of part of Lots 27 and 28, 12th c ncession, with the privilege of purchasii. g at any time. Purchase money $1,27-5, to extend over, period, of ten years. his lot is all woed land. For further jjarticulars apply to the undersigned. THOMAS STEP ENS, Seaforth, 162-tf Jantary 11, 1871. MONEY TO LEND-. CO Farm or desirable Village Property at 6 per cent. Payments made to suit the borrower. Apply to esk. G. McDOUGALle . 'Insurance Agent and -Commissioner, Seaforth, or to JOHN SEATTER, Exchange Broker, Seaforth. J-anuary 13, 1871, 162-6m JUST THE THING FO ALL. WARM, CHEAP AND OOD CLOTHING FOR ALL CLASSES,. - What varied taste around. we I1see' Wherever we may press! What Fashions gay, for work or play, In every point of Dress As seasons roll, so costames change, FreSh beauties daily spring WHO ANDERSON'S DRESS DliiiltaiUS fame, Fo a,i it's just the thing. I Ask ihose who bask in princely W o lead. the world of dresS Ask those in humble spheres cif life Their opinions to express ; And (me and all those facts endorse, Which through ali Canada ring, That ANDER:W:4'S ClOthing is for ail, In truth, the very thing. For field sports, boating trips and tours, Fon ocean, rail or road, It it appropriate in each part, Sultstantial, smart and good. To constitute it iirst-class work, ExPerienced artists bring Their' combined knowledge, and, of course, Prc!duce it just the thing. To suit all wearers, ample care Is fully now displayed; 1 _ The choke is most astounding, too,— The largest in. the trade. If sa-Ongs, now, to meet the thnes, • Judiciously you'd. bring, Whee purchase, then, Anderson's dress ; It is the very thing. A (phoice Stock of Scarfs,- Ties, Collar and Quirs always on hand. • K. ANDERSON, Merchant Tailor, 160-tf . Seaforth, Ontario. WM. N. WATSON ALWAYS HAS ON HAND THE BEST _ SEWING MACHINEs IN THE MARKET, Either for Family use, Or for Manufao- • turing purposes. Both single -thread -id and double -threaded, and lock -stitch Meanies can be _supplied_ Perfect satisea.ction gearanteed, and *Mstructions given to purchaseee gratis. WM. N. WATSON Can t1so insure property -against Fire and. Mar ne Disaster, and. Life and Limb against .death and accident, with the best Companies, being Agent for The Liverpool and. London and Globe, (English.) The Provincial of Canada, (Canada.) The Gore District Mutual, .(Village and Farm.) The Niagara District Mutual, (Village and Farm. The Travelers of Hartford, ' (Life and Accident.) LossesLiberalliA djusted and Promp tl'y Settled. MONEY TO LEND At moderate rates of interest. No cora- misSion, and. expenses moderate. - MORTGAGES bought on erreitable terms. -- 160 VOID QUACKS.—A vietirl of early indiscretion, causing nervous debil- ity, premature decay, etc., having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a simple means of self -cure, which he will send free to his fellow -sufferers. Address J. IL TUTTLE, 78 Nassau Oa New York. I62 -Om 5'1