HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-10, Page 1LARCH 3 18714
Loddon, Httron and
; ,-tetermjned,, e
was—ineks5 o `- neo
see the hi.gjily, ,of .tlktc5.
sans that if the Seafarth
I us. in acir e `vt s, we
Cei'IS`Li . of it. It 13 to 1;4 -
pe ple of Sekforth.`
to `ltnb:get in 'their Dern
Wuitoz •
Ohu:rch of this pl ce,i
lied 1)y Rev; Mr. Mann.
on Sxlnrl ty,2.6th -nit,.
S e passage, . ' <<
For all ,
°grass, and. all the „ lore°
he flower of grass,. &e " .
in, the plainest, 3 t most
err r:ns, the, humiliating pn..
,an .r that Azures corporeal
rxls;ingly resembled the
,he field, and that ho.tl •
and return t¢ mother
o that m ui\ talents;,were
er of grass. Mr.. Mara
i s ' kl sw u1ies,, and meta-
' fie and cODiVus, lain-
he stays any length of
this place, he will soon
1.r'ge congregation.,
1 egf et .to recal-d
ess, of a fever nature,
alent in 7 ly th and its vi -
J.. H. Lougbeed,
(It pinion, ' Hotel, has solei
vern in this place and re
the Pince of. Wales -
ttcknow. His successor
r J. Emigh, who ie put -
hotel through a course of
repairs. ltlr•:, E nigh .`tp-
>e an, enterprising and ob-
mng man, and will no
nnsh a. l
aame patronage_
(`kt ---The people. in and
yth, are in great.- excite-
the election which is to -
.e- so shortly. The can
on both sides is -"Any
1iays -to i present us."
=itlb e -r Mr. Gibson Or Dr.
brought out its catutfu.iatet-
.l poll ten votes to every
our present member, Mr. .
.old, in the townships of
yawanosh and Hallett.
tarty hostilities have to . a.
rent died away, and Re
and • Conse natires . have
themselves in one cornmon
rormined to select a man of
tdelxt ndeat principles, and
resides in the Riding.
onras Wilsonhas atilt been add -
re improvements of his rill;" to
is to attend to the wants of his
and increasing customers..
bSO'iber offers fl)lt S.XLE the
known as the New Deminio'u
the villane of Blanc ale. This
av ing been lately refitted, is
thle for the acct mmodatwu of
-1%ng 1tublie, having good st--
i th large driving -shed 3G x 20
ny a< large Ball -room over the
here is an excellent vveIl closets
°, with pump in good order. The:
ached to the hotel consistsof
etre t f excellent laid, well ad-
€ erdening
sesame purposes, -with a va-
c e y=oung f rtut trees.. This
situated a few nods uortlr of the;
et road in the village, this being-
ing road from \+-i•oxc:ter to Wing-
tt:el nave , .1 ineaxc m., R tr_ This
ill be sold for cash, or, if the-
n- caninot pay it all, ae belanct
tin on.. bo=nd and iu ng€tge for
The purchaser can buy the
stings, ate ce, chairs, bedsteads,
1r partieulers apply- on. the prem-
W"1LLI.tM 1,05,
ale, w 23, 1n70. 158-tf
ecnders1.;n€d offers far sale Lot
L to nth (. oncession Morris, coa-
t 100 acres. 14 -t-tiles from 'Sea-
miles from the Northern Gravel
1); ae rtes cleared, well fenced, shed
\E.t) feet , log house, I8%24 feet ;
o:t ry I fleet feet,. well finished ;
to orchard of no trees ; 2n acres
.:artivv 0O(1 l=and 7 ages of teet-
he cit u -eel til) a never -failing
tee1 running through the farm ;;
r at sehool-house cru the lot.—,
Eve property wilt he said far
cash, and time for the:
Apply on the premise' to the
Walton Post 01Ge:
u, 1N THE 3rd (1)N ESSION',
Better kronen as the -
l fur sale„ it is admitted by all
raw this Lot, that foe ereps ani
hasno superiter• in the county..
lkt )L -d
I ,. Seam -the
b. Not-. 3, 87n. . 1.52- -
to- •4,000
AYABLE by instalments, (nob in
Ctance,)in from 2 to 15 years.
'outlay ..... ........5 per cent.
trif yea" l ' ...--.t. per cent.
'ctesrly ................. f per cen1t..
[y to
P. i.. WALKER,
Solicitor,. &e_
trit;h, Jan 23', 187 1. 164-
Equality in Civil Rights."
ARCH 1 1871.
WHOLE NO. 170.
Te TRACY, M. D., Coroner for the
IA,. County of Hilton. Office and Re-
eidence—One door East of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.
Seaforth, Dec. 14th, 1868. 53-ly
of McGill University, Montreal, )
Physician, Surgeon, &e. Office and resit
dente Zurich. Ont.
Zurich, Sept. 7th, 1870. 144
es) (tracheate of McGill University,
tfontreal, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office
end residencea-Brucefielde
Brucetield, Jan. 13, 1871.
In R. SM IT Physician- Siir-
j geon, etc. Office,—Opposite Scott
sidence, corner of Market and High
Street, immediately in rear ef Kida's
Seaforth, Feb. 4th. 1870. 53-1y.
R. CAMPBELL, Coroner for the
;County. °thee and residence, over
Corby's, corner store, Main street, Sea -
forth. Office day, Saturday. 159
sal Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Sol-
icitors in Chancery and insolvency, Noel
tanes Public and Conveyancers. Solici-
tors for the ILO. Bank; Seaforth, Agents
for the Canada Life Assurance Co.
Farms, Houdes and Lots far sale.
Seaforth, Dec. 14th; 1868. 53-tf.
EN SON & MEYER, Barristers and
Attorneyat Law, Solicitors in Chan-
cery and Insolvency, COnveyancers, No-
aries Public, etc. Offices,—Seaforth and
Wroxeter. Agents for the Trust and
Loan Co. of Upper Canade, and the Col-
onial Securities Co. of London, England.
Money at 6' per cent ; no Cominsision,
Seaforth, Dec. 10th 1868. 53-ly
ki James Laird; proprietor, affords
first-class accommodation for the travel-
ling pablic. The larder and bar are al-
ways supplied with the best the rnarke
ts afford. Excellent stabling in connec-
KNT01X's litorr.EL,(ILIATsEtoStihIARkPle)
public for the liberal patronage awarded
hi him in times past in. the hotel bueiness,
and also to inform them that, he hltd assain
resumed business in the above -sta.nn,
where he will be happy to have a call
from ola frieadse a,nd many new ones.
Seaforth, May 5, 1870. 126-tf.
Our lov would paralyse our h rid ;
We may e wrong—yoe may be right,
Each shel that struck-- each th
Would essen estete of
And high r raise the wall anew
That hi es the future.brether
Each ship that sunk—each fort hat f 11,
And ad some linke to error's chain.
We will t fight --not now nor ence
thirst the tongue that says we c. n.
Eternal s ame beyond. defence
Were si ch a scandal upon ma
We will not fight the strong an bwra;
But f ncl our strength, au
To cultiv. te across the wave
A Men ship peaceful, brave nd e.
Oar Sha espeare theirs, their Bry nt
Dicker, and Scott to both bel ng,
We will ot fight thit passing year,
Nor an year till time is gre ;
It is not hot or shell we fear,
But Go and Nature we obey
We'll ask the sun to melt our i
The wi d blew our wrath ide,
The sea t drown each wild des re,
And II avers to be our inutua guid
Theob d's Road, London.
erich, Onto J. CALLAWAY, PROPRI-
This hotel has recently been newly fur-
nished, and refitted throughout, and 'is
now one of the most comfertable and com-
modious in the Province. Good Sample
Rooms for Commercial' Travellers. •
Terms liberal.
Goderich, April 14, 1870.
1. Stables. Office—At Murray'sHotel,
Conveyances, always on tand. 168-tf
t-0 St., 5 EAFORTII. First Class Horses
•and Carriages always on haaid at es reons-
ble terms.
George Brown and the
Famil , Including its
Bran hes, the I3rOons.
MR. DITOR—My - last le
widen i defence of, the Grar
Railway as at preSeet condue
as my fri, nd the manager has
ward hi self with Belch noble
estednes to repel the eharg
enemies, and as he has, from h
position, more a,bsolute control
facts of the case than Lean
have, I s all leave him to dea
own side of the queston, and t
demerits of the Hoh. Geer.
Tune an again hat the latt
men. alt • ough only die editor
feel that am acting es a Inim
ment in he hands o justice.
"G eat men ha e little
And little men ave'lesee
& W. MoPHILLIPS, Provincial
U-" Lend Surveyors, Civil Eneineees,
,ete. Mani= of Conveyancing done
with neatness and dispatch. 0 .
lips, Commissioner in B. 'R. Office—
N ext door smith of Sharp's - Hotel Sea-
Seaforth., Dec. 14, 1868.
Georg Brown tl oagh not
origin, b long to 8413
spread and fonnid
risen so 'rapidly i+ import
thuologica evidence.
em. to icier tify them
on of Borneeet but ho
toted_ from that dista
mean continent, like
ter a
ome or
s of hi
over th
with hi
fan w
1, aril
le instr
of nob e
extensive and po
rowns 'a d. Smit
red the m st widely
that hoe e
dee otigin
with t
t isle]
any o
on t
orn of pr
am. ro
hare, aa d
Spain 1 y
the Straits of Gibra tar. T ie
rs of this hypothesis argue th
their„ adaptation to he wat r,
in the remote perio when t e
difficult ,
of the
aace of
would s
they Mi
the Eur
moment', us qtiestsone bearm
origin of
to the .s nggestiena that they s
the Ind an .ocean in vast num
coast of Zanguebar, thence
the nee' 'noted regiona of iCen
finally r ached the ' shores • of
way of:
the 'not
neo she
seae for
age, it
they 'In
CAtI.T WRIGHT, L.D.S., Surgeon
Dentist, Extracts teeth without pain -
hy the use of the Nitrous -Oxide Gas.
Onice,—Over the 'Beacon' store, Stoat -
species, appears to be
1 in the inscrutablegl
it a tic
win ian school. There is anoth
connec, ed with the Browns
been of en ns:ooted by writers
Histor , and that is, whet
any temote relation betwe
the Br iens of Caledonia, a
has SI heisted for centuries
berteri crags of that monnta
'have n; ttpace to. enter in
and Cole of this deeply inte
jecaes, iffice it to say that
ford, - Attendance in Seafaith. at Knox's; :Emir the suppositiori that th,
Hetet the first Tuesday and Wednesda,y lies ha -6 sprung from the
of each month ; in Clinton, at the Com. Then; is even aelarkswhispe
menial Hotel, on the following Thurt- Georg
days and Fridays_ amoeg
Partins: requiring new teeth are re-, but to
ton. oo the first dat of attendance. "Idp
Over 54,M0 patients have had teeth Settlat
coulton's offices. New -York. • • *that t Browaies were mere
fannle, called Brownies.
exeracted by the use of the Gan at Dr.
incline to mischief, and tl at the name
W0,8 for ed simply by the dition of the
diminutive common in he Scottish '
dialect. There is no dou t, that they
were a distinct class, but t sere ap ears
to be s use uncertainty al o their capa-
cities as d. mission. The-, ttrick Shep-
herd, a elebrated stockbre der, hat de-
scribed he actions of the Br wnies in the
descrip ion it would be -di cult to say
whethe they were " spirits -of health or
plains arrined." - 1_
The is elso an aristocr, tie offshot of
the fa y flourishing in ngland and
eleewh re, andisearing the ore elegant
name of Browne. Tt is ulthentically
affirmed that the additi nal e was
affixed Py an ambitious Ma of letters of
the BroWn family, who wished to place
an insu mountable barrier between him-
self anc his' host of vulga
The scheme displayed. de
of hun- an nature, and prov
successful. 1 A man who
name o Browne may aspir
unvarn sh Browns are
"dTis strange such di
The Browns; though gre
are not strange to say, fai
powers of' calculation ; on
their stupidity has beco
for it 4 commonly said,
sum, 49.t he is in la brown,
numeri al force, however,
great eight in political m,
head o the Brown family i
John rown of Ossawatta
recogn zed chief for a long
died. In ddenly at Harper'
on a vi it to his friends th
ways as existed the stron
and as his body, ever sine
choly vent, has persisted
'in the
by the
has st
he woi
at the
the ac
and b
hind t
and tl
Saffieient refute on of t
and. as fen the ,caud
ost be greatly ,carto,
day, for travellers
the islend -make no
physiological pecular
ist have "had ,ample
ection from the absei
in the. matter of • d
egion OH the whole
itiorn fait end reje
I append -
fed t
who, ha se
mention of
tyl thou eh
ce of fa se
r quest
, which
on Natu
er there
them a
amity tl
n land.
o the p
tee) fa un
eine . sto de
the litoons • in the C Id Count y,
further his political' schemes he
id a superhatural In nch of he
is not t tie
If the jui ior
d eminently
x, Its in the
to a connec-
t the plain,
demned to.
nce there
and t
est in
If he
the o
for a
occupied. in relation to the Counter,
at if the by-law to purchase the
ern Gravel Road was again submit -
e would come forward like an hon -
n and »vote for it as a matter of
e to the Town." Very cool, cer-
, to withdraw my "vile aspersion"
against the Town, and vote for the
ase of the Northern Gravel Road.
will only allow me to throw aside
cial robes of the " Hullett Philos-
," and don these of the " Solitary
er," and as money ie very ticarce
st farmers at present, I migh be
ed. to vote, and canvas two ays
f expense, in the neighborhood of
4 by-law to make a trade of the nrt
e and Jail, in Goclerieh, for the
ern Gravel Road, and when better
arrived, the $40,000 would build
er Court House and Jail in a more
al ortion of Ithe County. In eon -
clusi n, dr. Edithr, firmly believe hat
if the ratepayirs 'of Goderich and Sea -
fort would allow the fermers of Huron
free ccess to these" markets and be sat-
isfie with their legitimate profits, heir
weal h would be a credit to the farmers
of th County, besides adding much to
thei prosperity a so. As far as am
.conc rned, I will new finally withdraw
n, hoping that my old
, will be more success -
of the Reform inter -
»than he° has been as
'the purchase of the
oads. k say all alie-
ns as a candidate for
cause I candidly be -
Advocate the inte ests
House at Toron o
lously as be doe the
rich at home. -Vith
he use of your col ns,
If nett, Isfarch, 3, 1871.
from the,discussi
friend, the.Warde
este f the Count
an advocate for
Northern Gravel
cess1to Gibb
South Huron, b
lieve that he will
of Huron in the
earnestly and ze
inteinsts of God
I reason, yours t
o s for their
,e contrery,
en a man's
st dy. Their
ives them
tters, and the
lividual. Old
le was their
eriod, but he
Ferry, while
ns there al -
est synipathy
,Ith at melan-
rave,. the Hon. G otge Brown,
unanimous consent of the family,
pped. into his vacant boots. As
Id have gained a scat inParliament
ast election, had it ot. been or
idental and tri a circa
that another man 'ae chosen.
are commonly f fair moral
er. There are few c inals of the
and I am inclined uspect that
go, cut his grand o er's throat
he fragment of a hiskey bottle,
ried her body in a 1cesspool be
at hie true name wa urdoch Mc -
en. With those r liminery ye -
regarding the gen a ogy of. my
, I now pass on to re personal
lars. George Bro n as born in
The early portion of
shrou ed in obscurity. a
of his initiation into th
email clothes cannot
his fu ure character has
Et is aid. that when at se
nie a
was t
unjus and, that he stoop
expedients to reach the
er was strongly i
ration of the school laws, and was
ch against the Government
Leader of the Opposition."
one , occasion George was
orruptionist, and a setting that he
o liberal in his Veit r grants. That
d to the basest
rivate ends he
is career is
iat the date
Mysteries of
et, ruinous of
een preserved.
iobl the young
favor of an
Si —The Warden of
lishee another long lette
inks tons charge against
iticip 1 Loan Fund." We
iquit us cherge". consist
ment that ;On the 30th
that' own wase in arrear
show it te-be $23,617. t
ing p id. one year's inter
char( e" ort My part ce
state ent was taken frer
of 0 nada, for the year
the "4 hole Municipal Lo.
ada ie to be found, comi il
Joh.' Simpson's report,
orate -statement about t
-tots* of Goderich and S
Bitffelo aud Unclench It
finishes up by contrastin
Dess of the town of God.
nicit al Loan Fund with
other defaulting Town
said tund. But. sir, -wh
to tiO with the purchase
Gral-el Road., or my sta
reifi tes of the County
t Shot,
ron has pub -
last week's
idh to" the
of June 1
f interest to
mad, to the
neral's' re )ort
e Warden then
e affairs of the
✓ tford -and the
he held fed-
ri h to the Mu -
that of. twelte
Corporations to
t has ell. that
f' the Northern
ent, based on
the lett june
ncil, that the
ner in which the Government hav pre-
cipitated the elections has taken the
country by surpr see but I much mietake
the tone of the p ople if -the little ame
will do them g ode On the contr Ty I
am inclined to
tione he verified
of that
month but he
fullY. We feel
whieh has. just el
never the legitim
of North. Huron.
and false pretene
the Riding a bi
partly through --
hink that when
e word to fix th
dial Sir John A.
he never opene
t his foot in it.
welcome them
hat in the Parli.
sed we were vir
ntative. Bill Ha
s was
te choice of the people
He got in by accident
s. He came out to the
ter Grit, --but under as-
ve feathers. He fiot in
the influelace of Mr.
libelling the County Council, and tra,due-
ing the character of Mr. Alex. Rote, of
Goderich, a man every way better than
himself. And_ when he found himself
elected, no person was more surprised. at
the success of his duplicity and mendaci-
ty than he. It was certainly no Credit
to North Ikuron to be represented by
such a man.' Fortunately he is beck to
verdict, and I have no
will be. We have too
Parliament. lu North
none of the long-nobed
nt a
an is
an honor for us pocr bush -whackers to
have sack a great man, and o polite too,
to represent us. '
Because when an effort was made to
turn his father -in law out of Parliament,
he, like a dutiful child, manfully stood
up for his defence.
Because he a man of truth, and has
never been guiity,of the vile practice of
telling lies. All that people say to the
contrary, notwithstanding..
Because he passed. his examination as
Attorney with. the greatest ease and
Because he never promised anything
but what he performed.
Beeadse he has ever been a consistent
politician, never changing or varying
from the principles of his youth.- rl'EVEI.
Because he is the soul of gratitude, and
has never been known to oe ungrateful
td those who helped him when he could
not help himself.—NEVER.
Because he is a nice man or a Install
Now, Sir, what do you think. I defy
any person to gainsay what I, have said.
‘• Come on, Macdulf." I may say that
the stick I carry is three feet long, and,
made of ould country black thorn. Hur-
rah for the Glorious Goderich Attorney.
He is my man. Who will Bard -dare say
--that " black is the white of my eye.'
Yours truly and sincerely,
MICHAEL 011ienn.
Blyth, March 7, 1871.
us aeaain foe. our
doubt what that
many lawyers in
Huron we wan
gentry, and cert
a an in the Ric
pra tical, hones
is. Gibson, if
ta,nd. You
son and. I ar
_tie , necessary
Le islator, that
it We can secure
tive. I am we
e Division Court"
the Riding. We
Mg. We want a
man, and such a
fortunately he consents
re well awaae that Mi'.
not of the same pelitics,
I am aware th Mr.
se .many of the quali-
o make - an ed 'rabic
e may well feel proud
him are our representa-
1 acquainted with Mr.
G4son, and ca therefore speak of his
character -with ctrtainty, and iiidee with
pleasure and pri le. .' Mr. Gibson i hon-
est', honorable, ruthful, and gentleman -
left Every aet f his will' bear exemina-
person to say that he
tion. I defy an
was ever known to make or utter a lie—
to say one thing and mean another. He
is amen intimately acquainted_ with our
waints and wishes as a people, and 'every
w- y qualified
bad laws will
bad. vote will b
maeate from him. No
given by -him, nor will
he' ever neanly shirk a vote he onght to
man, and exten
literature of th
he is a smite un
of great talent
of preception.•
people, and aft
'be. noud of him
I• s all say no hing of Mr. Haye more
than this that in every way he is em-
phaticelly the antipode of Mr. Gibeon.
Any further comparison between them
would be" no Compliment to the latter
gentleman. Mr. Hays has. had his day.
but 112,1 $tar is set. I see it plainly. Be
is Idown among the dead men. " And so
ively read. in the current
day, At the same time
ssuming man ; man
He is the man 'el the
as their Representative.
STANLEY.—The Council met pursuant
to adjoarnment, at Mrs. Pollock's Hotel,
on Monday, the 27th ult. All the mem-
bers present. The Reeve in the chair.
The Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
proved. Inspector's first report react.
A letter from the Clerk of Hay relative
to the townline read. 'The Reeve wet
authorized to have Mr. William Turner's
deed and plan of road on Lot 19, B.R.N.
leading to his mill, 'registered. The fol.!
lowing parties received certificates for
tavern and shop licenses, it having been
shown that they have complied. with the
law and by-law made in that behalf, viz:
For Taverns—James Shaw, Wm. Dixon,
John Turaer, Richard. (thing, Ann Drys-
dale, Mary J. Pollock, William King,
John Morgan, James Williamson, Fritz
Ahrens, John Joslin and Edward Elliott.
For Shops --Tudor islarks, Robert Mor-
rison, and Louisa Rance. Moved. by Dr.
Woods, seconded. by T. Keysethat this
Council does not consider it pthdent to
expend any more Money on the South
boundary than the County boundary line
appropriation, but is willing td apply the
vliole of that fund. so long as Hay Muni-
cipality shall expend an eqoivalent to the
Money expended by Stanley.—Carried.
Moved by G. Castle, seconded by D. W.
Youall, that this Council grant the Bunt
$80C for the improvement of conces-
Sion lines in this Township for 1871-
100 to each line. and. a like amount to
ayfield and Ranges. --Carried. Moved
by 0. Castle; seconded:by T. Keys, that
as the Collecter has finished the collec-
ion satisfactory, the Reeve be instructed.
o give an order for his salary -.---Carried.
Moved by Dr. Woods, :seconded by G.
itastle, that Mr. Sparks be Collector for
1871.—Carried. Moved by T. Keys,
4econded by Dr. ,Weods, that the :mito-
ses of the Township offieers be the same
this year as last, and that a by-law be
framed and pasied to that effect—Car-
tied. Moved by G. Castle, seconded by
T. Keys, that the sum of $2 be refunded
,to 0. Fluke and $5 33 to Valentine Ho-
ban being 'back taxes wrongly charges
tor 1866.—Carried. Moved by D. W.
Youall, seconded by G. Castle, that Dr.
Woods be authorized. to deal with Mr.
Cameron for a roadway through the lots
outh of the Market Square, to avoid the
ost of making a road through Lidder-
dale Street, provided that this Council
be not asked for a further sum than $40.
—Carried. Moved by 0. Castle, second-
ed by T. Keys, that this Council do now
adjourn to meet on the first Monday in
April, at 2 o'clock p.m. at John Mor-
gan's Hotel, 13ayfield.—Cerried.
, pOrting Mr. Hays.
TI') the Editor o'f the Huron Expositor.
'o MY DEAR P1 IEND,—Ieee in yohr last
Core orations of Ashfiell, Colborne,' and paper that •yois say Mr. Gibson ls your
the town of Goderich re eived of Connty candidete. I do not dispute your right
money $7,852 more tittle heir just pro- to have a candidate, but then T, as a free
ommnnicetion born Irishmen,' have justas good a rioht
por4on, a,satated in me
of January last The Werden then aelds : Town of Godenich, then, is my candidate,
" Nnw, Mr. Editor, before closing this and I am not eshaneed to say so—no, I
reply, I would ask my worthy ftiend. in ain not—I shall support him, and. I give
de aghinet the I Because he is a (neat -lawyer, and is
that he was ; May perhaps be ; Attorney -General, or
ed by Mr. Leech, that •eertificates be
granted tlo all tavern keepers for a renew-
al df licenses on application, and produe-
ing the
the licen
Mr. Hcigg
JohleGalbreath receive $25 for damages
to the breaking of a horse's leg
skins 10 and 11.—Carried.- Ten -
opened for the office of Asses-
sor from Robert Millar, $49 50-, R. A.
Cotnyie $49. Moved by Mr. Hegg, sec-
ondedi4v Mr. Haugh, that Robert Cor-
nYntbef,Assessoe for the present year, sal-
spector s certificate end paying
e money.—Carried. Moved by
, seconded by Mr. Leech, that
in regar
on eonce
ders wer
for the o
J. Evan
Deans b
Mr. Gri
for expe
in the
to the
justice to the town of Goc
town, and Writ he will co
ly and. tell. the- ratepayer
quite mistaleen as to .1
position the t. us ,
Carried. Tender§ were opened
ce a Collector from Hugh Me -
7 ; Thomas Powell, 850 ; Peter
John Farrow, $45 ; Robert
by Mr. Haugh, that Peter •
Co.lector for the present year,
t0.—Carried. Moved by Mn
seconded. by- Mr. Hogg, that
receive the sum of $18, being
ses for taking delegates w Alma
terest of the Township in regard
adjourned to meet at J, John-
Wingliam, on the 3rd. Mon -
Jas. JOHNSl'ON, Clerk.
TUCKERSMITIL—The Council met at
Egmondville, on Feb. 24th, pursuant to
adjounonent. The Reeve and all the
members -present. The minutes of last
meeting were read and. approved. Peti-
tion of James . Stewart and others pray-
ing for a grant of money to be expended
on the
paid, v
the cu rent year be as follows : Clerk,
Mewed by Mr. Dallas, seconded, by Mr.
Welke , that the Tavern InspeCtor's re-
port be 'adopted, and that the following
applica ts for tavern. and shop licenses be
provid d. with certificate -s entitling them
to reed ve licenses for the 'ensuing -year ;
John Dill, John , Cook, 5. F. Weeland;
John Daly, John McKennon, Susan Rob-
ertson, and Wm. Van Egmond, tavern
and th t so Much of By-lawt No. 2, of
1869, r speeting tavern licenses at relates -
to the 'mount to be paid by each appli-
cant b repealed, and that the sum of $30
inclusi re of the Provificial duty be the
amoun paYable for a tavern license for
the ne t ensuing year, commencing 1st
March, 1871, and ending the het day of
Mr. D Ras, seconded by Mr. Spritat, that
Edmund. Comber's taxes fot 1870,
amounting to 43 cents, be remitted —
Carried:. On motion of Mr. Dallas, the
requisite number of Fence Views, Pound
Keepere and Pathmasters were appointed
for the current year, Petition of C, L
Van 4 -mond and others, praying for res
lief to pr. Oremus. Moved. by Mr. Dal-
las,• seclonded by Mr. Sproat, that the fol-
lowing' indigent persons be granted., relief
being ii1/2oor aed helpless, viz : Frederick
Gremlin $5; Mrs. Shaffer, $5, and Wide
ow Olilborn, $5.—Carried. Moved by
Mr. Cousins, seconded by Mr. Dallas,
that this Council do now adjourn.to roeet
again in Daly's Hotel, Egmondville, on
Friday, the 17th day of March, at the
hour of 10 o:clock a.m.—Carried. ,
Wm. Mona Clerk,
oad between lots 15 and 16, con-
y Mr. Sproat, seconded bv Mr.
that the following aceoun.ts be
ie John McCann gravel for
Carried. Moved by Mr. Dallas,
d by Mr. COUSilla, that the Sala -r-
e following Township officer's for
TURNBERRY. —The Council,met on the
20th ult., pursuant to adjourninent All
the members prosent- the Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of lett meeting were
read and approved. The follownag per-
sons were appointed to attend to the
bridges in their neighborhoods during the
time of the spring freshet, -viz : Hugn
Hamilton for Ilamiltouti bridge, John
Geramill for Gemmill's bridge, Robert J.
Evans for the bridge on sideline 5 and 6,
David. Haugh for Jobb's, Ea.die's and
Grey's bridges, Wm. Cotnyn and James
Hogg for the Wingham bridges, Jelin
Messer for the Bluevele bridge, and Wm.
H. Leech for the Morrisbank bridge.
Moved by Mr. Hangh, seconded. by Mr.
Cornyn, that the Council pass a; by-law
to assist in the building of the Morris -
bank bridge in conjunesion with the
Council of Morris, and that the Clerk
notify the Moms Council to that effect.
6.nd that Messrs. Messer and Leech at-
tend the first sitting of the Morris tnun-
cil in regard to the building of said
bridge—Carried. Pound Keepers for
I871—Riehard Porter, C. Griffin, F. W.
Irwin, Mrs. Days, XVIII. ROSS, Martin
Ochriek, and Robert Hastingse Fence
Viewers—Robert McKee,. C. Curry, T.
M. Simpson, Cr. Bf Steveris, Wm. Green,
John McLeod, 3. W. Walker, William
Thompson, James McEwan, and James
McGee, 3rd. Coneension. Moved. by Mr.
Hogg, seeonded by Mr.Leech, that Thos.
ina rate bill paid to Section No. 16, Grey
ae71. Ilowick, as he is four miles from the
School House in. hss Section.—Carried.
The following persons applied fot a re-
newal of tavern lieensee, viz : Wm. Ross
; and Jas. Johnston, pluevale, Mrs. Days
and 0. Griffin, Woighaniseapplications
',ranted. Moved by Mr Hogg, second-
McKni.op. — The Council met at
Chambers' Hotel, on Feb. 25. Present-,
The Reeve and Councillors. Minutes of
tut meeting read. and confirmed, Moved
by J. Hays, seconded by T. Murray, that
a debenture be issued in favor of the Col-
lector for 810 lieueof dog tax, as the
parties; have no property and. left the
Conoty.—Carried. Moved by J. Hays,
seconded by, T. Murray, that Thomas
Davidenn bel paid for statote tabor
performed in 1.)eleilf of Dr. Coleman.—
Carried. Moved by J. Hays, seconded
by J. Malone, that Dlevid Robinson be
paid 813 30, the amount of his tax, being
in indigent circumstances. Carried,.
Moved by J. Horan, seconded by . Hays, "
that John Menery be paid $60 for ser-
vices as Collecton—Carried: Moved by
T. Murray, seconded J. Hays, that Thos,
Curtin be app6inted Tavern Inspector,
and be paid $2 for the inspection of each
tavern.—Carried. Moved. by j. Hays,
seconded, by T. Merray, that Samuel
Smith, Robert McMillan, and llobert
Turnbull be appointed Fence Viewers.—
Carried. ;Moved. by 5. Hann seconded
by J. Malone, that the Collector be paid
$2 for stationery, etc.—Carried Moved_
by J . Hays, seconded by T. Murray,
that the Walow Pethick receive $12 for
cherity, and that the petition of homas
Burne be considered at next nweting,--
Carried. Moved and. seconded, that the
sum to be paid for tavern license this
year he the same as last year, and that
the Treasurer inform this Covncil the
amount of license money received by him
and from whom received, not later than
1st' April nett. —Carried. Moved by J.
Malone, senonded by T. Murray, that
followin Returning Officers be paid
81 each for their services for 1871, viz :
son, and Richard. Pollard. — -Carried.
Moved by...1. Hays, seconded by T. Mur-
ray, that this Council do now oe. joun
Win. Evans, John O'Sullivan, Geo. Dick -
Hotel, on Satur-
Seaforth ad:online to quality, go to CO -
For the CheapestBoots anl Shoes in
Jane- O'Stnernes, Clerk.