HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-03-03, Page 7MARCH 3, 1871. SEAFORTII amber Yard. BEE & M ACDON ALD inform the public that they have a LUMBER - YARD in Seeforth, Learson's Mill, on the ground for- ised as a Lumber Yard, by Mr. t Lee. - will keep. constantly- on hand a. isortmeut of ALL KIND.t.;Oi ER, dressed.' and undressed_ LATH AND SHINGLES, rhich they are prepared to sell at -est possible prices,. or Cash. tars and others will find it to their ege to inspect our stock, and as - our prices before purchesing elst 43- we are in a position to offer ducements to caste purchasers. MA.YBEE & MAC:DONteLD. Dec. 29, 1870. Cu I 60-tf ;NORWAY OATS. years ago the subscriber obtained ..ketas & CLARE, New York, IL W. RAMSDALE'S Norway Oats, h I -paid Four Dollars, I sowed one-third of an acre and c)litained -e Bushels ; I sowed theme again and have new a quantity ort -hich I ofter for role• at the fettaw- es :--From one bushel to ten, Can, ex- bushel ; ten bushels- and -up- Seventy-five cents per bushel.— be the most productive oats that [-en triectin this part of the court - warrant the above tette to name from any foul seeds_ EDWARD TURNER. raith, t 29, 3rd Con., H. R. 164-8* ,FARMS FOR SALE. Lot No. 22, 1:tat, concession eiship of McKillope centaining eadreci Acres, forty-ttve of which red. well -fenced., at' :1. never fait-, cam of water runs threugh one No buildings. Also, the Timex.- - rru. of eight years of the lease of Lots 27 and 2S, 12th concession, ;-0 privilege of purehaaingat ante Purchase money $1,275, to extenrl 5eriod of ten years. This lot is lead. For further particulars t) the undersigned. THOMAS. STEPHENS, . Seaforth. 162-tf try- 11,:1&7L M.OistiElif TO LEND. "arm or desirable Village Property - Lit per cent. Payments made to borrower. Apply to e L G. McDOUGALL, Insurance Agent and Commissioner, Seafortle N SEATTE.R, Exehange Broker,,Seorth. 162 -Gm ry 3, 1871, E. THING FOR ALL. 'Sr CHEAP AND GOOD CLOTHING It ALL CLASSES. varied taste aroand we see, 7ever we may press I i'ashions gay, for work or play, ery point of Dress ons roll, so costumes ehange, t beauties daily spring, Attneasett's Denss maintains ame, II it's just the thing. ose -who bale in princely halls, _lead the world of dress;, ,se in humble spheres of life opinions to express ; e and all those facts endorse, h through all Canada ring, a,nnesoN's Clothing is fur all, eth, the very thing 1. sports, boating trips and tours, eeau, rail or road, propriate in each part, ;:tutial. smart and good. titute it first-class work, rieeced artists bring texubined knowledge, and, of rourse, we it just the thing. etli wearers, ample care 1y- now displayed ; )tce is most aetountling, too,- 1areeet in the trade. , new, to meet thettirima, usly you'd bring, orehase, the Amlerson's dress.; Lhe very thing. tice Stock of Scarfs, Ties, Collars - always. on hand. AI\ 1/14: RS ON, Merchant Tailor,. Seaforth, Ontario. ^ - N WATSON Ilekg ON HAND- THE tNQ BEST MACHINES N- THE MARKET, Family use, or for Al anufac- airposes. _Both singie-threadet Ubbathreaded, and loch -stitch e can 1)0 Supplied. et satisfaction guaranteed, and auns ento. purehasers gratis. N. WATSON sure property againtt Fire and tisaster, and lzife and Limb death and aceident„ with the repanies, being Agent for verpoul and Leaden and Globe, iiskj [-iv in vial of Canada, (Canada. ) • Distriet _Mutual, (Village and aeara District Mutual, (Village [ 'Farm. -evelers a Hartford, (Life and • LiberallyAdjustedand romptly Sett(ed. r 017\ LIC. 1 0 LENT) ;trate rates of interest. IN o com- . aud expensts mederate. ; ES bought on, equitable 160 Qr. A( 'IN,' A victim et early scr t:t ion , eaueing nee eons debil- neture decay, etc., havieg tried 'every advertistil remedy, has a teems et self -curie which he will !e to lee fellow -stiffen- ea Address. ,Naseau er., Nevi _W2 -6m IVIARcii 3, 1871. 11111, Fanny Fern on Female Insanity. re A recent writet asks, "What a the- causes of. insanity ataon women I" I have not read his versio of tip matter, bat I have some pr nciiiltoe4 ideas of tity own upon th sebject: First, the universal disgus with whichlal I husbands regard a kella. No matter_how lowerin . the sky, or how- heavily the rai may be falling, perisit ,the though that they Should ever carry an um brella. If they did net alway i carry a can OD such occasiona, on might haver some respect for thi peculiarity -itatl attribute it to a de sire to bury their chilly hands i the depths of their pockets thu 'making human jugs ,of thernselve .ts they plod ;along., ioRt the extent t which they will endure nipped fin gers for this fidelity to their cherish ed canes, is a marvel to tlitegOds an to tleeir wives. ,I know. just whe a colon, or semi -colon, or inter -row,. tioa point is thus indicated ; but 4' full stop," alas ! never. The rim of their hats may be a gutter from which tricklets descend over their noses. _ The substitute of the ruffian- , lplooking :fgraecl-ap coat collar may ttiot pg-tikt a soaked necktie, and limp silirt bosom ; butperish the . umbrella I Sorctetimes when Boreas at:a corner gently lifts the hat which cowers -LII their wise thoughts, the wearer, after walking two blocks, inquires, as he polishes off his wet hat, "if it isn't time to go bonier ! Still, while he looks for the absent hat, he clings to that childish Inas- dine toy, his cane, with a fidelity and a loyalty wh(ticmore it were well to be practiced n ore important oc- casions. Can s, Latfirm, stand fore - 'IAA among the causes of "insanity -among women."1 am sorry to be obliged to add, that newspapers . come next. The coffee may cool, the beefsteak may congeal, the eg ,s may hatch whole broods of chick4, hut tht "editorial?' must be read- through, and also those "book re- views," although the first Only says "you are another 1" and the latter too often praises or censures, accord - .i... -.g to the amount of advertising 'Sent to the paper by the book pub- lisher! Such hs man ! linother 'fruit- ful cause of insanity among wives, is the discussion of Carlyle or Mac- auley while tDe uplifted carving knife gleams in the air, and hunger is knowing the vitals of a man's ex- pectant family. Literature is a good thing, but so is roast beef. Again, our lunatic asylums are full of wOmen whose husbands can never be liars/laded to go in time to a lec- ture or conceit, or a publicgathering of any kinsli- under the stereotyped impression that "there will be no- body there." That this is a transerent sham of laziness makes the e ,critnno less disastxous in its results ::4,..i to "back seats," or no -seats at all. The sweet innocence with which, :after ninety-nine experiments of this kind, a man will venture on the -hundredth, and lift his affectedly as- tonished. eyebrows at the gathered throng, :and exclaim, .' Who would /have believed. it V' is as exasperating :as it is monotonous. Alas I .time. would fail to tell of these little an.- noyannes which tell on our tomb- atoriec.; how, every night regularly, .2a woman will be aske4, even in the r_'et of smuttier, "if she thinks there, 'Ltre bed -clothes enough "1"—how, Avheninencling a husband's coat, she tads a letter in. the pocket which she gave him, three weeks before to put lin the post office, and -which ex - phials the frigid bow she on that day iremived from the friend who should have had it. Goodlea yens! the inore 1 3ontemplate the stirt; eat, the more I wonder that way woman ig sanc.--,Pcooky Rem in, :al, York Ledge..'. The Victims of the War. The following letter is from an _ English Ilady at Sedan ...L -"All goes -on in'str,h a quiet orderly way now at the Soup kitchen' that we find we need ody go twice a week, and; our 'cook is as deeply interested in its •success as we are. When we aug- gested to her the advantage of sell- ing the bones, she replied that she a-ould do it to get more for the -- bouillon de malad es. " With this . .sonp she feeds the babies made or- jpiatnis by the war. One of these chilarea does her evecial credit, Its mother had fled to tle woods, taking what she could wit% her, when she theard Of the approw,dh of the -Ger- inans. The child Ic--as brought into the world beneath die shelter of ,chestnut times, where it &rove well, 44a Mie unfortunate womma died, after entlarine, great suffering from priva- tion ataanxiety, leaving the little 3so1I-to the care of her sister, who, though. she had a husbani am, of ) work, her Louse sacked, and three little children of her own, unliesi- katingiv adopted the orphan. When we went to see her she Waf: sitting (-1 'with her new possession near the little stove. The child looked welk, and the one !little rag around it was 'very clean. The only things begged tior were clothes for the ba. by, and 'her eager faee.expressed the liveliest satisfaction when we wrote on her soap. 'ticket " Fort for the baby." lr-here is an old \woman in the vil- ' THE H RON EX lage of La Moncelle who has -tkd all her little savings swept cleani away, her hotiRt3 burnt, and her ch'ldren scattered by the war She Stti 1 noi despair, because. She has one 4ohce left, (Mon homine,' as _elle cijs her venerable and weakly h Is nth 'And, then what a daughter -law I have got If it had not la' till for mcr brzo I should have, been left to die like a dog in. the streets.' This daughter-in-law has fed her and clothed her out qf t re geneal de- vastation. The pine pal occupation of the villagers nowi. to go i to the forest and cut down all the green wood they can lay ha ds on. It is stealing; but they ni st live. The woad first, has to be varmed before it can be lighted, and then it i oLly the semblanee of: a ft -e. It s the very old and young w o suffer most from the multitudin us effe ts of the war. The ,talk Ione, s say nothing of the sight, f battli and butchers, followed b fami and disease, has crushed the life • itof many young girls, wl o have ssed from the troubled world." Ma,nufn,oture of Plated Sp s ons German. silver ( nickel, copper, and sp into strips, and cut into blanks -of the di spoon or fork, which grated rolls, which ma the spoon or ,fork, thi thick. Next the bla into acid and cleaned, _ready for plating. This latter operatic/ means of baths fille acid, in which plates o are suspend d the ac tery produc s 'a .deposi the blanks; hick are es in the ba hs. The position is gradual, an of blanks is frequently ascertain whether or ceived the requisite a precious metal. The in single -plated teas hour and forty minute less; foridou ale -plating as much time is requir - After plating, ihe scratch -brushing the forks wIth a wire brusl to bUrnishing them. ornpose of lter) is • lied y mad ner ensions of are, rol cl on e one rt of , and at ther ks are r ped heath are is don with li pure ion of of- silv ung b oocess. each weighe ot it b ount o ime occ oons is ; tea -k nearly t d. next s spoons prepar he bur ing is done by a steel iirnishe in ereani of tarter. T pass to the inspection every piece is careful with the pa pose of d the burnishi g has be Thence they go to the to undergo al course and rouge, hich impa and lastly, to the wadi room, ere they are washed and d I the packing -r000 they ar subject 41 to a second r gid inspe tion, ore being paoke4 for'Shit ment. he natural infer nee from be foreg; ing would be th* the mai ufacture of silver -ware is a very asy and s'lly 1 e goods y exam coved n thor uiffing-r f rag -w t the fi by uid lver bat - r on neh- de- nch to re, tbe ied one ives vice is and ory ish- wet ext ere ed. if gh. rn, els sh ; 1S 1 • 1 business; bu i 'on the c ntrary, t is one which iijwolves a b rge au) nt of delicate and cateful 1 bor, amE the unwearied su ervision if intelli nt ancl experien ed skill: Died at HiE duct of gineer. The Phila fol lowing stor on of those so seldom wit Pennsylvania indeed w h ich Enos J. Hoo the record of their. lives so post. It a.1 one of the cal train bound Post --;- a Loco Exch,a7 eroie 9tive on- n- elphia Age tells he : "A fex days i ce enuine ac s of her i ni, ressed, occ rred o he, Rail Roa . It i one entitles he nauq of s is to placed n on those who surrende ner than desert t1eir pears that a wheejl of attached to a fr -est, had c me off, nd the car was being cart ed do mi- a of the tpain. Hoopes las t, and as he he tho afplfht g grade by the a othentum The train of I4ch Mr. engineer was opting ea neared the wi ea - train he SSAV sometl in wrong 0w1to the darknesS Mr. Hopes ste fled to the firma s side, wh ch was ear the other tr. k. .At t mo lent the engine str ck the wreck; break- ing his leg in four pia es, crusing his hip; tearin away ha,'If of one of his feet, and nocking him in om- pany with .th fireman and one Of the brakeme back into, the tank. The conduc •and the Other brake- man were in rea. r car, rid did not, know of the disaster. The train Was not so un.ch injured as to ()play its progress, a d Mr. Hoopes tnw that if it las •ot prom tly sto ped it must run in • the hin4l end o the one next ahea which would stop at a station le's than thr e miloff for water. iir. .Io0ps,i cru lied and bleeding ragged hit self sl wly and painful] over the pros raite forms of his co rades to .he throttle- val ve of hi engine,' s ut off the steam, whistled "pow,, brakes," sounded the. st turnolaa f a. the 'coin - d /rotor, and fel baclwar, exhausted. When the tra n stoppeo and tire conductor can forward r. Hoops was trying to top the fl w of blod ds by ty ng up his d said, 'Itis a11-rtp he best y u can ered. unti net 'thy which h lbore with ry, and then died, a - who know him, from his wou Shattered leg .a With ine; de Me He lin in reat agony ids ufkial brav mental?. ?by all' BY -LA No. 1871. To•raise by way of Loan, the s m of Ten thousand dollars, for th purposei therein mentioned. AAVIEREAS the Council f the Cor - VV poration of the Towns i of Ste- phen, of the County of Huro 1, have re- aolved to extend the Gravel R ad run'. rung westward through Cre 1 od,1, and also to extend westward the _ Loundary and S. Boundary Reads, of a tt. Town- ship. ' And. 'wherees to carry int ffect the said recited object, it will b ecessary for the Council of the'said Co ration to raise the spin of Ten thousan ollars in the manner hereinafter menti n d. And whereas it will requi e the sum of Eleven hundred dollars t be raised annually by special:rate for t epayment of the said debt, and interest leo here- inafter mentioned., And Wihereas the amount of tie whole rateable property of the said nicipali- ty of Stephen, irrespeCtive of ay future increase of the same, and irre ective of any income to be derived fron he tem- porary investment of the si king fund hereinafter mentioned t or any t .t" there- of, according to the last r vi ed and equalized assessment rroll of he said Municipality, beine for the * art One thousand eight hundred an eventy, Seven hundred and fifty tho said two hundred :tad twelve dollars. And whereas the amount of tie exist- ing debt of the said Mu.nici a ty is aa follows, principal nothing, int re t noth- ing. And whereas for Paying t e interest and creatiug an equal lannu 1 sinking fund. for paying the said s M of Ten thousand dollars and interest ae hereinl after mentioned, it will requir D equa- special rate of one mPl and f • y -seven irate -hundredths of a mill (1 m 1 47-100) in the dollar, in addttion to 1 other •rates ancl taxes to be levied in ea h year. 13e it therefore, enacted by t e Council of the Corporation of the Tewaship of Stephen, of the Count+ of Hu • I lst. That it shall be lawf 1 for the Reeve for the time being of th id last mentiened Corporation, to rai e by way of loan from any person or per 0.8, body or bodies corporate, who may willing to advance the same upon the -dit of the Debentures hereinafter s' tioned, a sum not exceeding in the le Ten thousand dollars, and to causee same to be paid Into the hands of tir Treas- urer of said itIunicipality of the wnship of Stephen,- for the purposes an 'th the object Thove recited. - 2nd. That it shall be lawft 1 or the said Reeve -to cause any num e of De- bentures to be made for sue urns of money, not less than One hu d ed dol- lars each, and that said Debent s shall be sealed with the seall of the s 'd Cor- poration, and. be singed by ti e said Reeve. 3rd. That the said Debentur s hall be made payable in twenty years a irthest from the day hereinafteif merit o ed, for this By-law either in London4 in E gland, or some place in Canada,to tie \ e gnated in said Debentures. and shal ve at - ached to them Coupons for t e pay- ent of the, interest Intif-yealil 4th. That the said Oen is and oupons shall be madeout4in ei hr ster- ing money or the currncjk of t is Domi- ion, at the option of -the said 1 e ve, so hat the whole amount of sai a jdeben- ures shall not exceed the bef men- ioned sum of ten thoutand d ltrs and hey shall bear interest at the r t of six er cent per annum, which inte e t shall e paya,ble on the first days of 3 nuary nd July, iti each and every ye 11 during he °continuance of the said. de 6. tures, t the place where the said, d b ntures re made payable. 5th. That for the purpose of f ing a inking fund -for the payment of t e said ebentures, the interest at the r i; afore - aid to become due thereon an e • i 1 spe, ial rate of 1 mill 47-100 of a mi n the toiler, shall in addition to all o h r rates nd taxes be raised, levied and y lected n each year upon all the rateablest preopheer; d eben- y within the said township of luring the continuance of the sa tires or any of them. 6th; That this By -Law shall t nd_come into operation upon the f July one thousand eight hund eventy one." 7th. That the votes of the mu lectors within the said towits tephen on this By -Law, shall • e t the day and hour and place as f 'hat is to say on Wednesday ay of Maieh, A.D. 1871 to am he hour of nine o'clock M the lid that the Poll shall remain il five o'clock in the afternoo ame day at the Town Hell, in hester Prouty, Returning Offic- he effect fi st day red and icipal - of taken llows: h first nee at enoon un - f the re Eton, 11 -I NOTICE. The above is a true coPy of a y -Law, to be taken into consi le y the municipal Council of the hip of Stephen; County Of Hum he said By -Law ,in the Iluitox ne mont from the first public OR, newspaper, the date of wh 'cation was Friday the tenth da eery, A.D. 1871, and that the lo he electors of the said niunicipa t e taken thereon at the aforesaid p lace in the said township of Ste ih Vechicsday the first day of Marih 871, at and from nine of the cloe orning until five of the clock fternoon. CHESTER PROTJT , Township Cler Ste 166-4,t ti il Palsioend own- af r n of -POSI- Pu bFeb- es of will •llieg n on 1). • the the hen. CLOTH LOST'. T OST, on THIMSDAY, the 201 nst., J , I on the Road between 'Egm lville ntl Kippen, about twelve yards Of WINCEY. striped blue and grey. The nnder will be suitably reward npon leavieg the said cloth at Van Egmond's Woolen Mills, Seaforth. 166-4t* . ABRAHAM LEHMAN. If 3,ou want a gooa PORTit.A.Vii TRY W. P. PAGET S GALLERY, Opposite Scott _Robertson's Groce • - Main Street, Seafortle. PHOTOGRAPHS of a superior des- eziption, unsurpassed in the Conn y of uTOn. Itlr. Paget wishes to e#fain tha liis- galiery, though small and of urea ap- earence, is quite suitalAe for tee pro, uetion of first-class Portraits. 163 13* OSITOR.. a D+NIEL 'GREGOR, BOOKBINDE HULLETT, AS just receive1 a iarge Stock of the, materials usedl in the business, and i now fully prepared to execute on the s ortett notice and in the latest styles, a 1 orders he may be favoured. with. i. 'Registers Ledgers, 313 L-A.1•T 33001 -CS, OF AN ulql, Print T ordtr, on the sh prtces which de LADIES' W ANCY Made t dLI.ANt BOUND IN At city KIND, )d and Made rn rtest notice, and a y competitioi)a. RK -BOXES ND CASES, • order. EWBOOKS R.EP.41.1LED prices. Persclns residing at a distance by ving their books at the Signal Book Sore, JOderich, oli at the Exrosrroa office, eea,forth, or at J. R. Grant's, Ain - le vine stating ste le, may rely upon t em b ing well bonind. All c mumnicatio s addressed to the undersigned, will re eive prompt atten- tion. DANIEL fcGREGOR, Coestance, P. 0. Hullett. 8 afort e Nov. 9; 1870. 153-tf.- 1-1 0 0 M W BOOKS. R IGN OF LAW by Duke of rgyle. La LEY'S LY 'SERMONS. T 1..E0 OGY AND SCIENCE, (Brewer) Rfl1OAL NEW TESTAMENT. -E &DI S' BI.13LICA.L CYCLOPEDIA E DIE 'BIBLICAL CONCORD NCE. JOSEP US' AVORK.S. tXE ER HALL LECTURES. M. TLEY'S DOM REPUBLIC,: GI BO i S' RISE & FALL, ROMAN EMPIRE, MCA LEY'S HISTORY OE ENGL N D. MARKHAM'S HISTORY OF .ENGLAND, COTTA E LIBRARY, choice and cheap FA 1IILY READING, ; AB 1ATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES, ..:_HAYLItso__ lNBOOKS, ETC. DAY BJ 1101(8, j ALS, - LEDGER, e. CASH 300KS. • WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES omen rcial and falcy, at R, LU 1SDEN'S rug and Book Store. S1eafor h, Nov. 3, 1870. QUEEN su ance Company, F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. - 0 PIT L - $2,000,000 Sterling CHI 100 0 , Ant teracechur ate t..BRANCH 0 Buildings, it RD— Vm. Morton e y Ames, Esq, esq., hardthe Hon. B &elite Ila—Molson's vices—Queeu Buildings, Liver - h Street, London. etee—Exchange ontreal. Esq., Chairman: David Torrance, James Ferrier. Bank. Messrs. Ritchie, AG Sam T efl diesi do s Sea GAL ris /ft teee 'Esq. TRATE tem ADVISERS Bose. DYISER— X1. D. on.—Thomas it—Thomas es= -`.1‘ SECRETA Y AND GENERAL, ahr, A. Mackenr ie Forbes, 13 St. i emen Street, Mo ie un lersigned haing been appoint- eent or the above Company, parties ing t insure age; t less by bee can on he most favdurable terms. on as advantage-, respectable Com - Canada. illiam Sutherland, S. Scott, Este Johnson, Esq. e Pc 1Cie8 granted ei-ms as any other doin r business in JAMES H. BENSON, Agent,l ICE BENSON 4 MEYER'S I Law Office, Seaforth. orth, -ov. 8, 1879 153-tf.— M 1 LLS R SI LE OR TO RENT! IE S '13SCRIBER OFFERS FOR SAL or to Rent, on easy terms, HE VARNI4 MILLS, C u isting of a Flour, atmeal, and Saw Ii 1, all f which are in good running • order, T ie Fla ir Mill cont ins Four run of S ones an( the interor is well finished, a d -all th machinery n first class con. di ion. There is in c nnection a gooe D tin, and an abundant supply of water t) run all the mills the ear round. , These mills are situ ted in thekcentrt of a splendid Agricultu al country,. and a ra e c . ce is offered • any person dem- ( ro is f em iarkilig intheimilling business. - f ere is also. an exMlent opportunity of 'ORIN FOR SALT on the premises, a 'lie ab :ojiNlii: flo3rrewr b etter. hiertcyh ciosuIsditubaetedrid driven m s front Clinton; Six from Bayfield, and , Eleven- from Seaforthe with good grave roads leading to eachrilaCe. inn further particulars. apply to the preprietor, on the premises, or to Varna . W. TURNER. V RNA, AR,g118t 11, 187 140— HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. nedersigned offers for 'Sale a good House and Lot, pleasantly sit- u, ed -on North Main street, next lot to m. Campbell's, (Merchant tailor) resi- de oe There is a good stable and. shed or the lot, also a few young fruit trees, o d wel , &c. For terms of payment a,p n th premises ti PHILLIP SPARLING. Seaf ec. 1, 1870. 156- tf FOR SALE. TOT 16, in 16th Concession, Grey. J . Considerable clearing and a good house, with some very valuable pine. Apply to McC.AUGIIEY & HOLMES- TED, Seaforth, or to Mr. Peter Sinclair, lot 15, 14th Concession, Grey. I67-tf NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all.pereons not to cut any timber or trespass 011 lots N. 18, E. t 19 and 20 in the 5th concession Hay, as the owner, PAUL D. - BELL, is determined to punish to the utmost extreme of the law all so doing. 165-tf GOOD NEWS! —FOR THE_ People of Seaforth 1 NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY srrcDP,.. J. CAVANAGH. (Late of Stratford.) 'Will be found. in his old place, one door south of Mr. F. Veal's Grocery Store. -- Mr. Cavanagh wishes to returnto. his numerous friends and customers, his sin- cere thanks for their liberal patronage in the past, and hopes that they will con- tinue the same in the future. • CHRISTMAS.-- Mr, Cavanagh has made great prepai aims for the coin. ing Christmas, and -will be able to fur- nith his customers with everything. in his line, such as Bread, Confectionery, Can- dy Toys, Fancy cakes, Wedding cakes, Nuts of all kinds, and all descriptions -of Syrups. Hot Mutton. Pies and all kinds of refreshments, also - good accommoda- tion for friends from the town and coma - try. Also JUDD BROS. Vegetable 'Union Yeast. Try it, it never fails, and is always reliable. _ OYSTERS—J. S. FARREN & CO.'S, Baltimore, the best in the market al- ways fresh:, LOBSTERS AND SARDINES. Always on hand. GIVE ME A TRIAL. J CAVA NAGli. SE.A.Foltni, Nov 23, 1870. WEDDINC CAKES PARTIES prompt" 134-tf, B. Orders for and supplies for TEA ly attended to. SIGN OF THE Golden Padlock! osa cr -01 rP *MO, /1". e4' II 'a 0.4 0.60 ‘S g rah...tat' a.) ett rws, eNe• rir) e•4- ur.‘ tigr.7 .04 w ow e4 - set: IgNia taMI alg 0004 M Ul • • CUSTOM AILORING * rp RANKING the public for their biter- s" al patronage extended. to us since commencing business, we hope by strict attention to merit a continuance of the same. CT__TT''TI1NTGI- I Parties who may require Cutting done. catthave it executed. with Accu- racy. Neatness. andDespatch, at MOD- ERATE PRICES. SUTHERLAND BROS. SEAFORTII, September 1, 1870 S2 BILLIARD HALL. R. W. COLLINS Begs to state that he has opened ma- KIDD'S NEW BLOCK, A BILLI RD -ROOM. There rein the hall FOUR TA- BLES, ( iley & )4ay's Manufaeture,) and excel nt accontmodatioas for vis- itors and ilayers. Attend. eta -will be on hand at all rea- sonable ho s. 6--tf R. W. COLLINS, Proprietor. THOMISON & WILLIAMS Are iii troducing the celebrated "CUMM NC'S" STRAW CUTTER - Which has already met with Unrivalled sucses in other parts of Canada. , Warranted to give perfect satisfaction when driveu eith.er by horse orhand pow:. er. I ALSO M NUFACTURE A NEW AD 8 HORSEPOWER, SAWING AND L OR DRIVING STRAW CUTTERS, IACHINES, OPEN CYLINDERS, TILE GIANT THRESHERS. Also, alilkinds of Farming implements including Reapers, Fanning Mills, - Mowers, 1 Cultivators, Combi ed Machines, Berse.Hoes, Separators, Weeders Pitt' Power, Plows' Swing Machines, Gang Plows, Doubl Mouldboard Plows, &c. MILLVIIIGHTING (Sr ENGIN- EMIT G DEPARTMENT. Steam E.4gines of all Sizes Bunt. Grist Mills, Flour Mills, Saw Mills, Flax Mills, by water or steam, And all kinds of FACTORIES CONTRACTED En AND EXECUTED IN THE MOST AP- PROVED STYLE. TURBINE WATER - WHEELS, _ LATH MILLS, SHINGLE MILLS, BRAN DUSTERS And all kinds of machinery of the be ,construction, supplied on short notice REPAIRING ENGINES AND NIACHINERir 1) Promptly attended to Address, * THOMSON & WILLIAMS, Mitchell, P.0, Seaforth, Sept, Gth, 1870. 144-ly FOR SALE OR TO RENT. THE undersigned offers for sale or to rent, on the 3a Concession of McKil- lop, RoxboroRoad, 11 miles from Sea - forth, and one mile from Roxbce o, 1 acre and 9 rods of land, with a. good bear- ing Orchard of 24 trees. assorted ; frame house, 22x32 feet, in good condition and very comfortable; also, a well, pump, and stable on the premises, the lot is, well fenced. For flutter particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. 159-tf JOHN YOUNG. "OR SALE. THE most eligible situation in Seaforth, on the' East side of Main Street, nearly opposite the Post Office, on whieh there is a eommodious Dwelling -house, .3626, two stories high, stable and wood- shed, and a good well with a pump in it. The front of the lot on Main street is well situated for the erection of Stone, being in a central position for business. The property extends from Main street to Victoria street. The lot fronting on Victoria street is used as a Garden, in eirhich there are the choicest young Fruit Trees, apples, pears, plumb's, cherries, grape vines, gooseberries, currants and strawberries, The garden is in the high- est state of cultivation and pioduces an abundance • of vegetables. For further particulars apply to GEORGE MCPHILLIPS, P. L. S. Seaforth, Jan. 17, 1871. 163tf FOR SALE& THAT splendid. Hotel Stand on the Market Square, Seaforth, known as the CORN EXCHANGE, and doing a good business. To an enterprising man, with some capital, it offers excellent in- ducements. being on one of the leading Streets atel close to the alt WelIs. Also,etwo comfortable COTTAGES on Elgin Street, Goderich, rented at no() a year, and several Town Lots. Terms— moderate. Apply to WM. :MALCOM, At the Market. Seaforth, jan. e3, 1871. 164- tf TOYS FANCY GOODS ! SEWN( t OFF ..A..tr COSTi —AT— M. R. COUNTER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR , Christmas Preselats, AND NEW. YEAR'S GIFTS. Just received a -coTriplete stock of FINE COLD AND SILVER JEWELRY RUSSEL AND SWISS WATCHES. To* be sold Cheaper -Ulan ever. M. R. COUNTO. SEAFORTH, Dec. 13, 1870. 52 •