HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-02-17, Page 82f2
'urea txpooitor.
- Trains leaye the Seaforth station as
follows :—
8.05 A. M,
1050." "
5.45 "
2.25 r. M.
1.35 14 Ct
8.05 A. M.
CONCERT.—Mr. Ferguson, the celebrat-
ed pertormer on the Irish _Harmonic
pipes will give one of his popular enter-
tainments in Knox' e Hall, on the even.
ing of Tuesday next.
• LITERARY SOCIETY,—The next meet-
ing of the Seafortn Lituaty Society will
be held ou Wednesday evening next at
, half -past sev-en, p.m. The report of the
last meeting will be given in our next.
BAYFIELD. —On Sunday morning the
5th inst., an unoccupied house on the
farm of W. W. Conner, Esq., hear Bay-
field, was set on fire by some iperson or
persons unknown, and completely con-
A PROSPECTWE CnittiGenn-We learn
that Meters. Johnson Brothers, hardware
merchants, hove Intent the store en the
south side of eften acreet, v larni is'tb
be ereeted by Mr., L. Myer. The Messrs.
• Johnson's hieleasing business readers
larger premises necessary. •
DRAMATIC. —The Seforth • Dramatic
Association will give tt eir second enter-
tainment in the Town Hall, this evening;
From the general satisfaetion which their
hat performance gave,. we have every
confidence in beipeaking for them e
oumper house" this evenine
themselves on arrival- at th Church,
where a reception commit ee be in
.a tendance to appoint th • ee ho se es during
their stay. e A delegation troll Torouto
including the Rev. W. M lard the Cen-
tral Secretary of the Pres, a cia Sabbath
&hoot Association will be pros nt. The
singing will ne Condu te by C. W.
Coates, Esq., Toronto. t is expected
t let a County Association o h. lci annual
Conventions will be forme 1 at he meet -
i g. It is requested t hat all delegates
ao intend being present at the Conven-
t on, will give the questio is proposed for
escuesion their careful nd ptayerfel,
c nsideration, so that the meeting may
rove interesting, instnict ve and profit -
a le. A collection will b taken up at
e eh evening's meeting to efray printing
a d other expenses. Superintendents
a d 'Secretaries are particalarl request -
e to answer the questions resecting the
s ate a their Schools and re urn that
alf of the sheet to Mr. W. 1 . Robert-
s n, Goderich, not later than 1 th Febru-
ry, so that a repert may he r ady to be
resented on the first d iy of t e Conven-
t on. Will all friends of Sabbe h Schools,
1 to whose hands this ciecelax canes, ask
Cod's blessing On the "'Sabb. th School
onvention to be heel in oderich ?
Ey. W. SMYTH, W. R. ...1,013 RTSON, J.
EI. MILLER, Oontniittee, :
ReKeto, of Kincardine, which has been
suspended two or three months, on ac-
count of its office being destroyed by fire,
resamed publication. The Renieto ap-
pears in enlarged form, with new type, •
itc., and looks better than before thefire.
CATTLE Rua. -1-We would beg to re-
mind our agrieultined friends and others
interested, that the :regular monthly
Cattle Fair, nosier the auspices of the
Tuckersmith Agricultural society, will
• be held_ at their gnaws:Ise:en Tecate), next.
We hope to see a large number of both
buyers and sellers ptesent.
nevolent Committee of Seaforth will fed
obligee to any person who *ill inform
them of cases where relief is necessary.
Any of the following members of the
Committee may be edified ; Adam G-rey,
D. D. Wilsoa; Wm. Campbell, W. N.
Watson; Dr. Smith -
Fount EXcHANGEs.--Tlie Rev. Mr.
Griffith, pastor of the Methodist Epitco-
pai Cheireh, preached te. the Canada Pres-
byterian Church of this village on Sab-
bath last, in the foreriobnIn the even-
ing, Rev. Mr. MeDiernaid, of Sc. 2, Ale-
Killop church, occupied:the same pulpit. -
The pastor, Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, .was ab-
sent in Hamilton, preathitia for Rev. Mr,
This long -contested arbitration was clos-
ed at Cliaten otthe ited inst.; the award
being; mecle in faver of plaintiff for $13,-
996.70. tlesere Mast and gitzaeraid
for plaintiff, and Mr. Robinson, Q.th, of
Toronto, for defendants. - Mt.: W. R.
Meredith acted for the erbitrators in pre-
paring the award. t Their fees alone
amounted to $l,362.-€.; •
MrssIc)NAR,Y SERMONs:—On Thursday
evening; the 9th hist., the Rev. J. Dila-
nevem of Stratford, delinered the animal
missionary sermon in the Baptist church,
of this village. 1The address was an able
and earnest one, and it ie to be regretted
that so few availed themselves of the op -
port -I -piny afforded of listening to what
was so well calculated to instruct and. ed-
" NEW STAGE LINE.—Mr. James Ross,
of this village, in company with Mr. John-
son of Wroxeter, has ,startecl a new
stage line between Seaforth and Weoxe-
ten. to connect with the mornieg and.
ev-ening trains east and west. This Will
certainly be a great boon to the people of
-the north, --almost next to the narrow-
• guage. • For time, &e., see advertise-
. .
KIDD'S BLOOK.—The magnificent new
store recently erected by Mr. Thos.' Kidd
• is now nearly completed. and will, in the
course of a day or two, be occupied by
Messrs. Robertsme& Co, hardware mers
_ chants. Kidd's Block is now an orna-
ment to the village, and. the enterprise
of Mr. Kidd in erecting so handsome and
extensive an edifice is most commendable.
We trust that, before long, other proper-
ty holders in the village May follow the:
example so well set them.
Souan Thermo L. O. LODGE. —Tie an-
nual meeting of the above Lodge, was
• held at Varun on Tuesday last, 7tla inst.;
when the election of officers for the cura
s rent year took place, and resulted as. fol-
lows h. -W. W. Connor. C. M.; Thomas
Cooper; Dep. C. M.; Win. Donaghy; C.
J. Joslin, C. T.; John Whitely, 0-,0.;
and Robt. Gordon., 0. D. of C. The an-
nual proeession on the 12th of July, was
fixed for Goderich, and the next annual
meeting for Baryfieldt—Star.
CONVENTION.—In pursuance to a resolu-
tion, adopted. at a priblic meeting of the
Sabbath school teachers of Goderich, Jan.
16, 1871, convened. at the request of the
Reve-W. Millard, Secretary of the Pro-
vincial Association, a County of Huron
Sabbath School Convention will be <held
in Goderich, on Thursday and Friday, -
23rd and 24th Feb. 1871. The meeting
of the first day will commence at half -
past nine o'clock 4.. M., and. at nine A.M.
the second day. Each Sabbath School
in the County is invited to send five de-
legates; and it is hoped that all who are
interested in. the Work will gladly avail'
themselves of this opportunity to be pre-
sent and give their hearty co-operation
• and support. Delegates are requested to
be present as early as possible on the
first day. Ministers of the Gospel are
• respectfully invited to attend, and to give
notice of this meeting to their congrega-
tions. Other County Associations are
cordially invited to send delegates. Del-
egates and. visitors will please report
SOCIALS.—The social. uiide the • au-
spices of the Canada Presbyte an church
f tkis village are still be ng eintinund,
ed judging from the atteuclan n at each,
d the pleasant and-E.gr eab e manner
i which they are car-wr d b , the f
ject for which they leer in tautest,—
eociebility—is being, waltzed i 1 an emi-
r ent degree.. Tne third. o . the series was
eld at Mr. Mettillahni lto. boro ; the
fourth at Dennipace, the re iderice of
Mr. Robert Turnbull, Mc illo ; and the
fifth at the residence of i T. I . D. Wil -
son, Seriforth, on the eve iog c f Wednes-
(lay last. The.nroceeds of: th one held
4t Mr McItfillan's arno in eel t) $30, and
Of that- at Mr. Turnbull' to 34. Wd
havenot learned the ar our t realized
from that at Mr. Wilsou's on h Tednesday
evening, but judging fro n t e number
resent, it will at le.Lstj eci al, if not
ceed either of the amounts b .fore men.
toned. !, „.
.. •
,FoRGERy.--:A. person n med Nathaniel
adiaberry, was arrested in 5 aforth on
Tuesday last, and. arreie mil sefereethe
•eceve, on a; charge, of li eviltat fo sect a otes--
gainet patties in the' Voilii, y f Rodger -
1 illa The 'evidence ac di eed was such
s to justify his coMmittet for trial, and
eiwas placed iu charge •o the constable:
\ylho arrested hini, to b . coi, to
ederien the following c ay. The pri-
tier, hoivevereproved a o en eh for hie
1 eel protector, at lease a ti e -Way of
onsuseieg "forty rod. ' It is -said that
the captive :induced ilia cap or to ha -
1 ibe ItOfreely of het beverage,
that he be.carne oblivious of ail which was
teeingent aemind- hixo, --wn•n ti e. prisoner
'akingadvantage of the si nati n procer-
d. a sharp kinfe, cut the ,ons ables heir
nd whiskers deee to tae skin and thee
• ook liti departure for Arts an known.
The name of the constable we ave been
'unable to leern„and perh, ps,-__R r his sake,.
it ilea well: '
GOING AHEAD T]1LE R unworn --
Mr, Dyes'Chief E ,
Huron anclnBriice Ranwa
on Tuesday and Wednes
object of the gentlemen
ramtwhat information h
erence to the 'advantage
.his route. Mr. In infor
ew days, two setts of Sti reverie will be
put One -none to finish the route by way
of Clinton and Blythe to King tdine, and
1 by Seas
. to Wing -
he surveys
1, and. all
nce made,
et early in
the' , spring. -- The route 41lic !the road.
will take, will no doubt d Ten 1, to ascons
siderable extent, upon the h ducements
in the shape Of boeusei, whi ,h the ma-
rmites are
seems to
ngui- eering
• quai. :
oft e Lenchm,
, w s intown
J.ay est. The
te it was to
co d. with re-
tie taiuing to
ns n that in. a
the s other from Kippen th
eitheitinley vine, and BitI am. He confidently sh:
tvill be immediately corn
preliminary arrangeineut.
so that the contracts ma
aicipalities. along the differ.n
prepared to give, as Mr. Dya
he of the opinion that She
difficulties en each are abbut
. I
recently purchased twe very
and costly billiard table , fo
Billiard Hall in Kidd's ble ck.
bles were manufactured_ bfy M
& May of Toronto, mat ere
_at a cost of $1,000, and a e of
Glass manufactured be t e
who have gained for thee set
• tion from the pleasuree k-er
minicer., equal if not superior
of billiard table notoritt
totthese Mr. Collins has Iso
two other tables, mak .n -in
that devotees of this plea aim
less pastime, will find ample
tion at Mr. Collins' hal, tvhe
amuse themselves when t roe
tion will permit.
*hat our friends may d o foe u
of canvassing for subtctibe
meetion that we had tee ple•
days ago of giving Miss jeesi
of Caradoc, an album worth
in got up a club of tweeter
/Arse Campbell commenced`la
neighborhood. had been pret
vassed for other pepera but
completed her club in a very f
Strathroy Ay.e.
We should be pleesed • ifi ome of th
ady frieods of the EXPO IVOR wouh
ake a similar effort • on its behalf
'hoelel any of them make t ie attempt
e are confident their nieces will great
y surpass that of the young 1, dy mention
ed above ,
"ollins has
his new
These ta-
ssrt. Riley
the finest
hove •firm,
es a rape -
in our Dos
to Phelan,
u addition
n his hall
11, four, so
e they Ina
pecimen o
in the Wa
8, we ma
sure a fe
4, she hay
e, after th
y well can
-w days."
DARING R013BERY.—A i ost darin
robbery was committed. et t e residenc
of Mr. Thomas Carter, •uron road
Tuckersraith, on Thuraday. he 9th inst
'he following are the part m liars of th
ffair as giren to us by 1 rs. Carter
'About ten -o'clock, on he me ming of th
above day, two men in a cut er drove u
'n front of the door, and sne Of the
lighted and came towards t e house, th
ther remaining in the cutte . The ma
who come to the hhus.e len eked at th
door, which was imme hotel opened b
Mrs. Carter, who was at t e time alon
in the house, her husband b ing at pres
ent in the old country, ancl some of th
tehildren at school, and others of them a
he barn. When Mrs. Carter opened th
opr, the man asked if Mr. Carter wad
t home, and upon being answered in the
gative, stepped i.nsiLe, drew from hia
cket a revolver, and pointing it at Mrs.
Carter's breast, demanded whateve
money she had in the house. Mrs. Cart
ter, closely' followed. by the ruffian, at
once proceeded to the parlor, where the
money was kept, and.opening the drawer
n which itwas,totektherefro a thirty
dollar package of tulle, . and a urse con-
taining some small ;silver, a is ha ad
them.!to the.man, who took th bills, and
.old.. her she might keep the si ere a no
1 oubt she would have need f it. He
hen left the house; jumped in o the cut-
er, and drove rapidly away in the chrec-
ion of - Clinton. Mrs. Carte describes
he robber as being of medium size, • with
light hair, thin fete,- and bl -ck Mous-
-tache, which; she thought, wa worn for
the occasion. He. wore a b ack coat,
dark drab trowaersepeaked ha r, or dog:
thin cap, and a snuffler tvith a lad stripe
in it. The horse he was dri ing was a
ark. : bay. Shortly: after t robbers
took their departure:, Mrs. Ca ter's chil-
dren .ca.me in from the barn, w en she at
once -dispatchecl. sonfe of the 1 to notify
the neighbors. It teems that a large
suin of money,. as Well res se reral valu-
able notes, were in the house at the time,
but .fortimately - the robber was easily
satisfied, and instead of - in titating a
search for More took what was zivcn
him and:asked no questions.
. — One Saturday last a y ung man
named Charles McVey', evas rest 1 on
suspicion Of being.the guilty arty. lie
was tried. before Meisrs. McD itgal and
Strorig, J. P.'s. - But epoi it 1 mug leer- s
ly pto:ven, by Mit Thomas 1 oster, and
others, that he was at Foster's otel front
between eight and nine_ o'cl ck 'i the
morning. until between thrc and four
in the afternoon, dn the day f -the rob-
bery.. he was sliseharged. t the trial
it was stated by Mr. Dale, a 3 ear n igh-
bor of Mrs. Carter; that about en o' lock
of the morning in question
-two seen driving Ivory reh
pil pas
place, tewards, (Austell, ialeu. the
they han.answered precisely to th de-
scriptiou given . by Mrs.. Ca ter. • Al-
though Mr. Dale eould not . swear t� the
parties who -were In the Gutt r, there is
little, doubt but they were the same who
committed the' robbery. his a, great -pity
that si, long a; time was allowed to elapse
before any search !was made for the I Tar -
ties, as if immedialte and vigorous search
had been made, there is little doubt but
they would have been capturefl
SEAEORTH CLIIINcIL.—The ouncil met
on Tuesday evening. l'i 4th instJ, Present,
the Reeve and Councillors Stinsoug, Seg -
miller and" Broa cl:fgote Minu elast
meeting read mid adopted. it re M Dou-
galln account of $:, 'clothing for corpora-
tion baby, was ordered to be said. The
Collector Was given till the 28th inst. to
collect the balaneb of the taxes. • . The
following were appointed. officers for the
-current year: J lips Dune*, -Village
and Sehool Treasu ar ; W. N. Watson;
Collector ; -A. (h. feDoirgell, Ass esor ;
Sanniel Stark, Li. mise Inspector ;
Bull, Bread Inspector, and Al x. Wilson,
John Winter and John M. Ma tin,. Fence -
Viewers. After which theinum: 1 ad -
he noticed
s his
VISITORS. —On 'aturday 9crnieg last,
Messrs. °hurdler, Anderson,
and Cousins, if the London Railway
'Delegation, pai 1 eafors h a flig visit
'on their way hem from the north. The
object ,of their' visite Was no doubt. to
" see how the land lay," with regard to
railway matters. A11 expre sed hem-
" -selves highly pleesed with the healthy
;and business -like appearance of our vil-
lage ; but, owing to the shortiiess of,their
stay, and to the fed that no rrevioflS no-
tice had been iivei1 Of their i itenti n to
call here, they did- not hav3 mu h op -
es otunity of ascertaining t1 opnnoiis of
our people regarding their pr ject,
Renewita compiance
with a numerously .signed requisition, the
Reeve has celled a publicnicctiegoftlie in.
habitants of the village for Tuesday even-
ing next, at 7 o'clock. • The object of the
meeting is to take into consideratioa the
advisability of promoting the interests of
the London, 11 urdln and Bruce Railway,
and to afford the prolllotcrs of the scheme
iaat opportunity o explaining it to the
people. We Jiope to see a very large at-
tendance, as the subject is boe of the
Most vital impor once to every resident
of the village. _
• TAB NEW PGA MILL.-- The c ntract
for the erection °lithe new flax m 11 and
barn, has beenslet to. Mr. Jaule8 Kyle, of
Tuekersmith, whQ was the coatractor for
the salt block and - derrick of the Mer-
chants2.Salt Com any's well. The size
of the mill is to 14 45 by 72 feet, aner of
the barn, 40. by 112. Both buildings are
to be completed by the 1st of June. :The
site for the mill has ;been changed. It is
now to be -erected ou the Getunleck es-
tate, immediately in rear of the Catholic
• .
Dinnera.---The Annual Diane; under
tie auspices of tilNoith 1-Tur on Agrieul-
tiiral Society, • will be held at McCut-
cheon's Hotel, Clinton, on Thursday even-
ing, Feb. 23rd.. Prof. Buckland of Tor-
onto, and. other ,able speakers have con-
sented, to be in attendance, and address
the meeting on the subjeot of Agriculture.
A pleasant and profitable evening is, no
;doubt, in store fo those who car. make
it convenient to attend. We have to
hank the Secreta.y for a complimentary
:ticket. '•,
-. I
, •
Goon ' Tearfasselle —On Friday night
last, a number of the Good Templars of
Clinton paid a Visit to their brethren
` and sisters of the, Seaforth lodge. The
, evening was very] pleasantly spent. Fie-
Veral addressees, recitations aud songs
were given. After the Lodge was closed
the Seaforth Templars entertained their
visitors to a supp a We are glad to be
able to state tha the Seaforth Temple
is in a flourishing ondition, and that their
membership list la gradually but steasli-
road Can
in every
tians kin
was serv
While in
es were d
by Rev.
the pasto
at interv
That t
And t
Sang i
Sang i
da Presbyterian Cllurch. The
as favorable and tIe soiree was
ay a success. The Bible Chrho
ly permitted the use. of the
of their church, a d in it tea
d, from four till s ven o'clock.
the Geuada Presbyterian stone
pquent and. interesting address -
livered to a crowded audience,
essie. &elle, Logie, Goldsmith,
and others. Rev.11. Gracey,
of the congregat'on, acted as
• The choir of Kn x's Church,
were in attendanc , and they
the feast might be
le time might pass
e guests be more co
tones of deep erno
accents sweet and
ore joyous,
a oumbe of choice pieces of music, do-
ing them elves much credit b their skill-
ful exece ion. The congreg tion realiz-
ed the object of the soiree, i a pecuniary
view, which was to clear o from the
church a al manse, an. old. debt a -mount-
ing to ne rly $700. Of this $100 was
raised by sale of tickets, and at the meet-
ing, by a subscription, paya le any time
during t e year, the remain er was made
up. Th re remaining a tare amount of
• eatables, it was determined to have a
Sunday chool Soiree on Thursday, 9th.
• Though lhursday was very stormy, and
• Sunday chool scholars admitted free,
and for • thers the admittance only 15c,
more th 11$25 was realized for the Sim -
day Sch.. ol. , The pastor, R.ev. H. Gra-
, cey, Mr: Madge and Rev. Mr. Turner, of
'Kirkton, gave addressee which . were
highly a predated. .A..choir of the San-
d:1y ttch :ol sr.:belays wae temporieed
fol the • ccasion, and - they sang; with
rit and. animation.
mun sp
! The fo
and An
viz.: t e
and tee
. Harris!)
, Seaforth
',Paris to.
U borne.
PUBLIC DEBATB.—At the School -house
On Thames rod, ortFriday evening, Feb.
3rd, there was a verily spirited debate be-
tween the Lumley ands Farquhar °tubs,
before a full and appreciative audience.
There were four speakers on each side,
Messre. Johnitforibray, James Mowbray,
Maidge and Bolton representing the 1
Lanaley club, and: Messrs. Monteith,
Tifinhull, Gardiner, and Cameron
that of Farquhar. The subject was,
"Resolved that a man will do more for
honor that wealth," the Lumley club '
taking the affirmative. The Chairman,
Mr. S. Halls, assisted by Messrs,
Dunkin and John Kydd, fourid it rather
a hard matter to &elide which had "won
the glorious vietory," but at length con-
cluded that those arguing in favor of the
affirmative had handled tljeirsubgject
best and gave the decision or
No one can say but thatthe 4ecisiori was
a fair and honorable one.
SOIREE.—In the afternoon and even-
ing of Tuesday, 7th inst., there Was a tea -
meeting in connection with the Thames
Harris -1e
a aspens
• Via
Handl tea to Toronto,
Vi London, Huron an
Winghan to Seaforth,
Seaforth1 to Toronto,
lowing are the distances from
to all the markets (Canadian
rican) by the opposing routes,
London. Huron and Bruce, and
Wellington, Grey and prime
UreY and Breve.
to Guelph,
o Harrisburg,
rg to Hamilton, , 19-118
London, _Huron and Bruce,
to Seaforth, •f 26
to Paris,
Hamilton, •, 29-111
To LONDO.:-.
Wellington, Orey and Bruce.
to Harrisburg,
rg to London, 57-156
Iondan, Huron and Bruce.
to London,
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
n to Harrisburg, . 99
rg to SuspensionBridge; 62
on Bridge to Buffalo, 24-185
London, Duron and Bruce. •
n to Seaforth, 26
to Buffalo, • 131)7-165
Wellington, Grey,and Bruce.
n to Harrisburg,' , 99
rg to Detroit, • . 167-266
.London, Huron and Bruce.
n to London, 72 :
to Detroit, •110-,--182
Wellington, GreMaiid Bruck
re, to -Hamilton,
a —15
to Harrisburg, 9
• 112-7--138
Wellinoteie.rey w il Brude ,
Winghani to Guelph, • 71 -
Guelph t1oderich, •85--156
Via. London, Huron an 1Bruce.
Winghain to Seaforth, . ee
Seaforth to Godtria, 21-- 47
There will be the same differences in
favor of the London, fluroo and Bruce
Railway from Luelinow or Kiecerdine
as fano Winglam, the two lines having
the same course from Wingham to Kin -
online, The 'above figures, which are
in all points accurate., show that the
London line is thee shortest to any mar-
ket either- East or West.
Tigis. W. Dyes, Engineer.
031 (280,11.7 evening, Feb. 7, a vert in-
terestin ad sueceseful social tee -party
was heli in the Methodist New Connee-
ioh Chu
ch, 2nd. of Morris, west of
T c Set -Oat On the tehles,diel great
credit t the ladies. The meeting beieg
opened,- °minder Proctor, Esq., was call;
ed to t le charr,. and congratulated the,
congreg: thin en their success. Jr._Thos.
Jewett . ddretsed tne meetiegin an earn-
est and nterestiug manner. Rev. D. M.
McKin zie next came forward, giving
quite a easterly address, taking. for his
subject, "The Canadian. - People., their
Privileg s and Duty." In unavoidable
absence of Rev. Mr. Jackson, Mr. D.
AlcCart ley, of Belgra.ve, was called upon
for the ',Loyal Address," who responded
but regiletted. his inability to do justice
to such an importaot subject. The next
speaker was the !Meer. T. M. Jefferis,
whose heme wits - " Christian -Unity."
He treated it as the basis of all union
Methodistic or otherwise, and if we could
not get those great unions we might, as
Christians, have many such reunions as
the one. to -night. He touched on the
subject lof Loyalty, as found among the
Canadian. people, with many other- mat-
ters in gelation to this great and growing
Domini n. Mr. D. Bell next came for-
ward, , nd through the Chairman pre-
sented tlhcir Minister, Rev. Mr. Jefferis,
with 838, the net proceeds of the party.
The us al votes of thanks being given
this pictasant affair closed, making the
third effort on the circuit this winter oxi
behalf of their Minister.
FEBRUARY 11. 1871
Hubbell and. Reynolds, appropriate to
the occasiote Thanks were voted te the
generous and earnest agents
ting in the up of the affair—Mrs. Hollenbeck,
r. and Mrs. 0. Martin, and others.
The proceeds amounted to neatly •$22,
whiCh will he applied. in making addition
to the' literature for the use of :the Sab-
bath School. The choir did good ser -
trice A little before midnight the meet-
ing terminated, all feeling that a -" time
to be remembered " had tranepircds —
Parkhill Gazelle,
CouNcue.—The Oilmen met on the 4th
February. All the • members' present.
Minutes read arid signed. Resolved that
the ,Clerk _write to M. Corbett to see
what jobs were let by him in 1870 not
yet paid for. That the Cterk answer Mr.
Armstrong's letter. Bissett & Co.
receive the balance of the gravel road
contract. That a By-law Le drafted for
the purpose of raising ten thousand dol-
lars for the purpose, of extendine the
gravel roads in the Township. -That
John Ran Assessir for this year.
That the Clerk notify the Councils Of
• McGillivray and Ho ay, respeetinthe ac-
tion of this Council with regar.d.; to the
gravel road scheme., That 0. Inceity- be
inspector of Taverns and Shops. Thq
following order e :were granten : To J. H.
Shank, error MI etatute labor, 810; Wm.
Folton, lumber, $1 84; r. ditch-
inn, ; — Pedler, work . on side road
$4; Bissett & Co., balaiice on grave
road contract; $40, H. McDonald, chart
ty, $10; J. Et Elliott, error in ; assees
ment, 25 cents, Beird, work on 2.oa
concessioe, 824; W. McCan, appropria.e
tion for N.B for 1871, $13 75; n Rain
error in asteennent, nit 64 ; J. Eltiott*
pars, payment'bf contract, a40 n..
• C. PROUTY, Clark.
SOCIA.- A very successful social was
held in the Hollenheck's School House,
On the 1st inst., in behalf of the thriving
M. E. Sabbath School in that place.
The onl drawback on the occasion was
the staa, lness of the school house—sever-
al bein unable to find either standing or
sitting room. It is supposed that more
than privlo hundred persons were present.
The wa ters were busy serving from six
till hal-past eight o'cloek, p.m. The
viands ifrere ample and of first-class qual-
ity, andi enough left for another social.
As usuaI on such occasions, the maetica-
tory paijt was succeeded by "the feast of
reason nd the flow of soul." C. Ryan,
Esq., presided with marked. ability. Ad. -
dresses were delivered by Rea. Messrs.
LECTURE.—A lecture was deliveted
Mrs. D-ty's Hall, on Monday evenin
last, on the subject, "Cheese -Making,
ami its Advantages to the Farming Coma
mueity." • The lecturer was Thos. Bala
law vire, Esq. Reeve of Downey , ,,A re-
port, of the "lecture will be invefl next
week. '
Moffat and, Samuel 11ossackaof this. vil-
lag,c startrtoonorrow, (Wednesday), for
Red River: While eve regret the depar-
ture of two of our most esteemed. villag-
ers, we wish them every success in them
adopted home. • . •
CHALLF,NGE.—A.letter W38.3.0eived by
the Secretary of the WraneteieLiterary
Society not long ago, from theOhiThid
Society, challenging this association to a
debate to conic off on Thursday the 2ncl,
of March. The Cliffora Society, proposed
the following zubject The Love ef
Fame or of Money—which ie the , greater
incentive to Human Exertion ?" gi vin g
Wroxeter Society the chwee et the side;
or if they did mu accept this subject
_they could propose another, giving Clif-
ford Society the same privilege. At a
meeting of the Wroxeter Society it was
resolved to propose the following - subject
Greece or -Rome- which was the
greatest." The proliminaries have net
yet been arranged, but a very interesting
debate • rnay be expected. The debat
comes off at Clifford.
BUSINESS. — Business • lively. Large
quantities of grain and pork are offered.
for sale.
THE NEw BELL.—Nearly two months
have' elapsed since the bell arrived, .and
no steps have been taken. forthe erection
of a derrick or other suitable place for its
suep.ension. Why does not themanag-
ing cominittec see to it' I
Of this young, but rapidly growing and
flourishing little village, the-41)(ton A d-
rertiser,—whoie reparter .paid it a 1'3831
with the -Iiailway depe tatine 40 Week,
—says : " Wingham is a place Of abont
800 population- It is somewhat strag
glingfy a. has, thereforeplenty o
room to fill h up. --a It Occupies tinteong•po-
salon, being m the cennT of a grand
• country, and pbs4essing boundless water.
privileges ;An future manufacturing pur-
poses. It about 22 mi lei -from Clinton.
It possessesia good many gone e al stores,
and has almost every branch of business
tepresented.; It has a Baptist, Presby-
terian, Episcopalian, and Wesleyan in-
terest ; a -St. , Andrew's Society ; an
Orange Lodge nen 1 0. G. T. Ledge of
Good Templet's ; a splendid school. with
two teachers, and an attendance of 250;
two grist mills ; an oat -meal null; two
saw mulls; Ia foundry, and an extensive
woollen factory owned by Mr. Peter
Fisher. It is bound to be a place."
Busnetas.—Business hoe been lively
for the last few days. There is large
quantities of wood comitig in daily for
the salt works.
REMOVALS.—Mr. Samuel Pearson, hoot
and shoemaker, has removed from his old
stand to the one formerly occupied by
Miss Gordon, milliner.—Mr. Aldridge of
the firm of Aldridge & Greives, has retir-
ed from public business.
around here are all alive about railways.
Some feel quite sent:rine of getting the
London, Huron and Bruce. During the
last week some of our principal citizens
were away an a railway campaign with
the London delegation to Lucknow and
Wingham, and came back with the idea
that they are certain of getting the rail-
way, and aLtothat the large bonuses will
be granted.
LECTURE.—Rev. .uTillewtst: Goldsmith, of
Seaforth, will deliver a Lecture, in Mr.
Young's Church, 10th Concession, on the
evening of Tuesday, the 21st inst. An
excellent lecture may be expected, and
we have no doubt the attendance -will be
large. The proceeds of the lecture are to
he applied towards defraying the debt
upon the church.. •
A debate in connection with the above
Sohiety, took place in the school house,
in School Section- o. 1, Hullett, on
Thursday evening. 9th inst., Mr. W.
P. Hawthorn acting as chairman. The
question under diseRsSiou wase--"Resolv-
ell that nature is more pleasing to the
eye than art." After several lengthy
remarks on both sides of the question,
the decision was given in the negative,
namely, that art is the more pleasing.
• Hayrick.
The W. M. Church, at Orange, will
hold the Anniversary Services as follows:
Sermons—Sunday, Feb. 19, at half -past
ten a. ra. and half -past six p. m., by the
Rev. J. W. Dockstader ; also a grand
soiree the following erening. Admission
25 ceats.
CATTLE FAIR.—A good number of cat-
tle were present at the last fair, and
changed hands at good prices.
• The Rev. J. Dunavan Baptist Minis-
ter, of Stratford, preached a missionary
sermon in this village, on the everamg of
Wednesday, the 8th. inst. The attend-
ance We's Trite large, end the eliecourse
was able, interesting, and instructive.
A; meeting of the ratepayers of this
Township, will be held at the Townsnip
Hall, on Wednesday, the 1st of March,
at one o'clock p.m., to take into consider-
ation the drainage of the swamp lands of
the Township.
A STARTLING TRuTil ! Thousands die
annually from neglected coughs and colds,
which soon ripen into consumption, or
other equally fatal diseases of the lungs;
when by the timely use of a single bottle
o Dr. Wistar s Balsam of -Wild Cherry
their lives could have been preserved to
a green old age
MotaNcuolio.----Whera the nervous sys-
tem loses its 'tone and vigor the whole
body suffers in consequence ; not unire-
quently some one organ suffers more than.
the rest, hence the origin of Heart Dis-
ease, Censumption, Softening of the
Brain, s&c. The most direct method of
cure lies in restoring the vital priteiple to
the nerves, which is most easily accom-
plished by using Fellows' Ciompound Sy-
rup of Hvpophosphites. •
Price 81 50 a batle ; 6 for $7 50. Sold.
by apothecaries aied by F. Cumin & Ca,
wholesaye agents, !Montreal.
• Haaii-rei 15 SirstaNGan. —To pi:event or
cone ueesdisease is one of th-e grandest at-
tainments ever aimed_ at by man ; and
Bryan's 'Pulmonic Wafers will as surely
cure coughs, colds, tickling in the throat
and pulinefinry complaiats, as war and
...pestilence NyllWestrOy. Severe colds, if
tiot attended' to, sooner or later lead to
'iaeurable,conahmption, and the strength
'.-of the stronnn;tt soon fails if neglected.
The readiest end best means known for
the cure of these' 'complaints is "Byran's
Pulmonic Wet-4re," which have been
thoroughly tried for the last twenty
years, and have never been. hi-10*n to
fail. Singers and public speakers will
also derive great benefit from the use of
Sold by every- dtuggist and most of the
respectable stored- fthroughout the „Pro-
vince, at 25 cents Per box.
03T, on TUESDAY, the 7th inst.,
1,4 either in Knox's note], Seaforth, or
between Knox's Hotel- and, Mr Welsh's
store, a morocco PURn'E, with steel
deep, and eontaining -a sum of money
of frona39 to n10. A liberal reward will
be given to any persein who will return
the same to Hiekeon & Co.'s store. Sea -
forth. Rev. <1, 8 EAKIN, Kippen:
166-tf •
lately owned by James Aronson, of
the Towasip of Brant; terms easy ; sat-
isfactory ecasons given for selling, Wag-
oner Eclipse has received 13 first prizes,
12 in the County of Bruce and one in the
County of Yosk. Address for further.
Particulafia poet paid; GEORGE MUlle
RAY, Yorkville th 0., Ont. •1-66-3t*
UATED on the Bayfield and God-
erich Gravel Road, one mile from
Bayfield and ten miles from Goderia, in
a neighborhood where there is a good
demand for Brick and Draining Tile.
The day is of ft quality th it makes the
$40 per ennum. For furth-er partitulars
apply to the proprietor, THOMAS J.
-MARKS, Bayfield, or Mr. Robt. Marks,
or M essrs. G. & H. Jack son, Egmoreiville.
,NTALTER R-ENWICK wishes to M-
V V form the: people of Seaforth and.
vicinity, that he has began the business
'of Drayman, and is prepared to execute
ail odes with promptness and dispatch.
Orders for straying may be left at W. S.
Robertson's, Main Street, or at my house,
William Street, near Main Street, adjoin-
ing W. N. Watson's,
rrom well-known -and old established
situated in the thriving village of Rox-
burgh ; along with the house is one half
acre of land and - good stabling. Rig*
oppesite is "Rock's Mill," doing the late
gesagristiner business in the county. To
a party with a email capital this is one
of the best stands in the County of Huron.
Apply to the proprietor,
Rexburg, Jan. 23, 1871,164 4
If you want a good
0 IR, IR, 'I' I
Opposite Scott Robertson's Grocery.
Main Street, Seaforth,
PHOTOGRAPHS of a superior des-
cription, unsurpassed in the County of
Huron. :
Mr. Paget wiehes to explain that his -
gallery, though small and of mean ap
peat:trice, 18 quite suitable for the pro
duction of first-class Portraits. 165-13*
TwO years ago the eubseriber obtained
fromJos & CLARE, New York, 1
peek of Ds W. RAMSDALE'S Norway Oats,
for which. I paid. Four Dollars, I sowed
them on one-third of an acre and obtained
Thirty-five Bushels; I sowed them again
last year end have now a quantity on.
hand, which I offer for sale at the follow-
ing Prices :—From one bushel to ten, one
dofl1ar per bushel; ten bushels and np-
wards, seventy-five cents per bushel.—
Thy are the most productive oats that
hay been tried in this part of the coun-
try. I warrant the above true to name
and free from any foul seeds.
Tue ersmith,
Lot 2'9, 3rd. Con., 11. R. 164-8*
T OST, on THUP.SDA.Y, the 2d inst.,
the Road between Egmondville
and Kippen, about twelve yards of
WINCEY. striped blue and grey. The
finder will be suitably rewarded. upou
leaving the said cloth at Van Egraondts
Woolen Mills, Seafortla
MeLEAN BnoilEns
VOL. 4, 0
TRAdY, M. Vona
County of Bniron.. Ofh
sr. -doorEast of the
Episcopal Church.
Seaforth, Dee. 146, 1868. •
T) C. •1130RE, M. p., C.M
JL -k). of Alentill. 1.iniversitya
Physiemn, burgeon &c o
alence Zuria„ Ont.. I
Zurich, Sept. 7tit, 1870,
Gradtiate of McGill .
-Montreal; Physician, Surgeo
-and. resideuee-Briiceheid Jam 13, 1871.
-aeon, etc_ Pffice,---Om
Robertson's Rest lenee
Seaforth, Dei. 1.4, 1863.
inr L. VERCOEi M. D„ C.
can, etc. -01
sidence, -cornet of Market
Street, int:Mediate& in real
Seaforth„ Feb. lth,, 1870.-
R, 0AM111E4t, -Corot
JJ County. Office and res
Corby's, -corner sttre.
forth. Office diy,
f. and Soicitor-in-Char
veyaneer, Notery &t,
the Clerk of the Peeeet Ci
-Goderich, Onth
Ne B.—Money -to lend. at
Farm Lands,
Croatia, jal,n'yt 28. 1870
Barristere, ,Attorneys
iatOr8 /11Chaneery and Iwo
taxies Public and. Conveyane
tors for the R.0.Bank, Soak
sfor the Canad.a. Lifo Azalea
• N. B. —$30,000 to lend.
-Farms, Houses and Lots fo
Seaforth, Dee 14tla 1868.
.1) Attorneyat LeweSoliei
.eery and Ineolveney, Conve,
• arks Public, -etc. 1tif flees, —
Wroxeter.Agents for th
Loan Co. of Uppee Canada,:
onial Secueitiee Co. of LoniU
Money at 8 por tent ; no
Seaforth, Doe. 110th 1-68h
: 1
kee James Laird t propri
firstsclaes accommodation
ling pubile. The larder 0.111
ways supplied wi h the lu.
ts a,fford. htercelle at stablin
Ainleyville, April 23, 186
The undersigned be,ge
public for the libetal patron
to hiun in times peat ini the hc
and also to inform ithem that
resumed -bufrinessI in the a
where he will be happy- to
from old friends, and many
Seaforth, May 4, 1870,
. _
f) erich, CALLAAN.
wron ; j. S. WX1,1../A3Is', (LI
lean Hotel, Warsaw, N..
!This hotel has recently been
nished, and refitted throug
now -one of the mosit cotatert
modisous in the Prevince. 41
Rooms for Commercial Tra
Terms liberal. 1
Goderich, Apri19.4, 1870.:
eer for the County of
erich, Ont- Particular atte
Ike sale of Bankrupt St
Stock b'ales attended 011 Li
4o0c1.8 Appraised, Mortgage
Landlord's Warratios
Bailiff First Division Coort
Goderia, ;rune 9th.. 1861
fG& W. •MePHILLIP• ti
Land Surveyors, Cr
etc. manner bf Convey
-with neatness and diapatcla
1ips, Connoissioner m 13
Next door south_ cif Sharp's
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868,
— - •
Plans and Specifleatiot
rectly. Catpenter s, Plaster
son's work, measirred anal
Over j. Q. Dctlor & Co.'s
House Square, Goderieh-
Goderich, April 23, 186:
ST., SEA.FOItTli. First,
and Carriages always on hat
able terms.
R. L_Steenta,
fieaforthe May 5th, 1870.