HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-02-17, Page 66 THE H URO.N EXPOSITOR. DAIRYMEN'S CONVEIITTION. - Pr Mr, rn - ant on ing so- id. of to eh ed it. a er an is; fv r- e11- ese er e n. a n t e of. r e o e e 0 h s e h w i f sociatio tl culture 1'>a or clic to it render fie 1 in pies, tasting Interesting Speeches by P Buckland, Rev. Mr. Clarke, Ballentine and Others. - TIie following is a condensed su ,•nary of some of the most import and practical speeches delivered the occasion of the �ineual meet of the Canadian' Dairymen's. As ciation, recently held in Ingersoll The President in his- address sa —"I would say to thepatrons factories that it is to your interest patronize . e th os e factories ori yswhi only 1 employ the highest class of skill in ikers, remembering always that b �y is more for your interest to pay skilled cheese maker two cents P posited for making your cheese to employ unskillful ones pat. and I think I shall be able to satis you that this is susceptible. of pe P feet demonstration. It is =a we understood fact that our best " the makers are ab -le to produce a high g yield of cheese from . the milk r ceived, while the difference betwee a strictly fine article of cheese end medium one is never less than fro one to _two cents per pound • so tha taking into account the increase i the yield and the difference in th price, and we have -a difference from two to three cents a°pound be tweet' a highly skilled cheese make and an ordinary one. •That:they are difficulties besetting the factor. system of cheese making, those you who have had experience in th business will readily adi it ; thes are incident to the system .itself but theie are perils and dangers. t be found outside of the system whicl to be more destructive to the capital embarked in the enter prise than all ,the difficulties of it inner workings. The reckless rival- ry displayed in certain localities in cuttingtdown-the charge for manu- facturing below- a rerim.lnerativ point presents a danger to the busi- ness at large that those who are about to ereet factories where the Wants of the section are already sup- plied would do well to take.heed. No satisfactory progress can be made, anct. I am bound to say, no permanent success secured, unless patrons are willing to pay such a price as will enable factory -men to employ the highest skill attainable in the superintendence of their fac- tories. 1 feel that I cannot too strongly urge - upon all connected with the business, whether milk producers, factory " proprietors, or dealers, to unite and help one an- other to bring about an end so int - portant to the establishment of the" system on tl satisfactory and perma- nent basis." • Professor Buckland saidi: Land requited rest as inuph as animals- not so rnu.ch rest as- change. Our fields have not failed to be produc- tive now that they have -been con- verted into -pastures. :The increase of cattle was of great advantage to" irnp.roving the land. It is on the skill and intelligence of dairymen, and women too, that . successful re- sults must - be looked for. Resting of land or changing of crops upon it' is of the greatest advantage. We have learned this by experience as well as read of it from,, the old wri- ters_. The changing of. land. into pasture has materially added to our tle 3:14 Cat ho and abu hay of f reg tha food ike them ery. much. t is' bad ut cattle and sheee into the e pasture ' t the same time: Put le into t e pasture w`t`.en the s is lona but when itl is too t for the turn, tae as. they.. t-ite closer, dance of feed after. left it. One hundr� od taken to' cattle, an larly, would go n, u� if the cattle have to Another thing los of land, 1; sheep in, will have the cattle d weight t if given h further go to the sight of -is the •tnanurin til as re- gard quanta and tlflll¢ G � In a g y new country, a this w.l. a few years ago, eo anuring Was very little thought of, b last looked ttlao the in - trod e dairy bus ness on a larg: 1 done art th• section;. as g 1 d cingthe ag icultural: ) indu country, but it must be c� rried on in a well de 'ned sys- tem. Much of our want of.our suc- cess vas owing to a want ofl business tact. .Twenty years ago, in Eng- land, the therm meter vas used, y the rule Bums; ht to belon o the telligent t .this sta ong. He etion of t scale, as i at y'a va lay of the e of things could not but t ley work. such thing Oil past. ` Few i will o ow expose thentsel.v Tisk .f loss from this old - idea. 0 f SOILIpiG COWS. Mr. Balleriti ne, of Strat that he believe the soiling was the most pr fitable pr•ia brought out in dairying. is a machine,. and we should her. produces, much as po Some say we sh uld only soil dry sason,'ar vhen the 1)a fail, but others :s' y soiling shot practiced all t'he time, He ' ac in the Cpunty of _Adding a. dairyman th- re; who hid soiling .all the t me, told h m out of five cos' Ayrshire barns d Alders: eys, which thus f 1,.giving them some well, and whit,} he had seven months, he had reali- ec worth of cheese j d was exclusive of J r the cow was fed, 1 he a1 s is ynten o the ioued. • said o cow$- ciple yet 1t cow make sible. n the , :tures Id be been and been that Dur - had in as m'Iked $72 this st as pro - 1 too y -cls, c it of for hough t1 r er cow,. a ,Sunday's. so wiI be duct of mine. You "cannot much'. Duthie t le 'past nes e had imported each year Western corn, a d seppliedl t seed to.his' neighbors. .He 1 the Western corn the best. HE ANNUAL ADDRESS b ee , The the ann. bion address n deli all -in the folli Mr. the 't oI politics n general, rticular. All p lees versed in iryiu_+ his objec give uch�inforr aetica l suggestic a . accepted ient a Eben si 1e treatnl volved recurren� an indeed f ointind THE •, d u der this hal rules ware given choice of cows havi character' sties. IndE ing theswould breeds, a id -largely' breed. `he treatise /deli co s was re 1 g ide on. th nd to )ic discuss COW MANAC sue- eed in dai ev. W. 1?. Clarke deli. erect ral address in the T. w I all, as dense y crowd d The occupied ` n hour a d a, half ery, and N i11 be pu li. h.din he -annual repent of the As- -We h• ve only:. raee fer wing sum ary : larke'opts ed by re - rrin to style " aid tc new ;, tylein education, locomoti n a ri- and dai 'y n in -sent he'n I. ore the newt s 1: of Waist in tit ly he ration, r 1e nd ns as t n ed to system_ neve �ef d rein unerative. '` A cum - subject umsubject r ii ci- hey wealth as an agricultural corintiy. —an It is a well known fact that the breeding of stock draws materially •upon the minerals of the . soil. He wished to throw- out a few practical, Hints, and we all needed to have, these primary truths impressed upon us. Speaking of grass or pasture fu hind, nothing was more unre mnuner- use fu , than poor pasturage.. This sects was the experience in the old coun- try, years ago. Since the intl•oduc- To Lion of dairying there, these lands . well- -had been converted into good arable cows Ittind, but it is hopeless for a farmer and to expect to tubi exhausted at a le larity land into good pasture at once. We of pu should not only cultivate our grass 1iness (mops but cultivate therm better than gree we do. In our climate, particular, tion, ly in ;;1.41., stns, we labor under peon- F 'gent] liter disadl-anttlges in the°raising _of tions cattle, more so than in the old coun- I vario try. Land there will keep fol t. j milklarge nu inbei ofyears without extra- were ueous effort, but owing to the frost j of Pas Tai winter and the drought in sum- j then ,rata, we rarnlot s,) easily pieserve our I Root pastures. We. should study 'what are ,the best grasses to cultivate. .n t of th - e to firs rsr" thing Lirying is :Ow - ead a Ya to ;aide ng good ividual co l.)e found in ourof G.ue ontnie udc is subject d 'was EMENT.! Tying, tfic beire stnd {infeductiven mus be made a constan siuc cease ess'eare. He urge( leg and tib.un lance of feed, plen re fi 'sh 'water, thorough ; Clee. of animal and stall, tiro ler cl- of 1 arreth, sufficient e til t- regularity in milking, en 1 in+ e tee trnen,t getierally D•re wer -given al to feedin us seasons so as to keep r p that; yield. Pasturage and :oiling disci, -sed, and t le impro event turd.. and meadows by st e ing :with the best i rass-was lege( . growing was re •onimend ;d find various su' gestipns :Ll1tl realer' Y llatiy sit forint .w' a: I I)A1 iety of ii1 he allkig we le v- in til waive lob .n d as'a Tie es ants f'. y� 1 - Ph ere - 1lr.e're arta grasses that woild roe deeper than ours and perhei )s' they weultl be the best, but to grow thee: the ground must bt' Properly, p •e- for grasses os well 'as. for oats, bar-' ley. a :e. • . He thought the grass call- ed levee-Wottld he the i..e_t l)iaut to r rv, a- it was very productive. It isra Hew : plant, :35 to 40 per cent. of Sts t lit's 15 lime, and to cutoff- it it was Iles ssary fon' -lie linin to .c rlta-iri :L large proportion of that 1)roiperty- 1 til l ian rye r' b i ass was :, perpetual How } hint. hoit would thrive= here !Villains to la! 1,i'i7Veibil1' 1`litstr plants throw their root. : fair•- flier into' the ground .than the tfrdin- er - gr:es;ess. end se wouIii defy =frost 'r (Irt,1,',h(.. They had 14-ei tried in „.11,, tit• two oases, hut. islet 215 tlror- • uglily as he should like to see ihetn x I)t•riuientet! upon. She'e't) lanai, eat- rated—dee] ier at rated—deeper eta u re is cs5c nt a1 anti the ca liners rril •final rule 'v eryi.1iing iade forf �edin t+k. The thirt n LAT1 ON, Here -was and- of taring. • The care et' milk gen and the remedies: fi l• tainted ''were the chief point treated this areata. ectory building tures and work were next r le1'red to ; Viand prtcctietll c}ireetions of.c h'"oice of site,_ plans of . ,building, in ernal f factory work •t and oro; t apel-'L fiirnishetl. - bar kep 'lean v methods of dispensinL with it point- ed out. In conclusi n several MISCELLAYEOUS CLATTERS were briefly touched i poo stir ,h as tie manufacture of s all. cheese for home consumption ; the desirable ness of memorializing the Leon' latuI e for an experi+tireirtd_ (airy farm, now that they are proposi g to establish. model, reformator an( asylum f u y ms the necessity of estirn Sting milk ac- cording to q uali:,y and not by a weigh t , keeping up the prod u s tiveness of Old regions ; 2'nd the objections to coloring cheese. 1. h4 opin;iou was expressed that the t', airy business is yet in its infancy, and Is destined to prove itot only it v: 11 able colnlner- F 1 ,. . mai , interest r e nt a n,I ,t r• t, ,.� recuperate - power in our :t;r•ict It ire. Too ex elusive devotion to ( airy. farming was, deprec:tted and t nixed hug - '1 band ry rec.in mem, et. Factories must not ')e too xiumet us, nor firms entirely given up to. d liryin7,ty. The - � cheese yield al,d pi ire. paid during the past season have been highly en- couta„rnrr w_.ilr tle futrrrt loons bright, not only • foe dairying, but for crops, markets, a i Ill °I,uSirress gen- erally. ` n Seafo*th-Foufrdry e� ZAPFE; & CARTER DESIRE TO CALL -T E ?.TTEN T) ON OF TIME; Pui..3LI(` To THEIR - 4 I 1f PROVE Threshing M THE BES AT PRESENT These machines possess ments on any heretofore manufacturing Machines o one especially constructed the other a smaller sire, c especially for HOME US So .far as their large ria introduced,; it has given n th SATISFACTION. They lnanufactur Improved Hors In addition to the above ars manufacture almost ev their line, such as SAWING MACE Capable of hawing. front 5()• i v,-o.od per.day. STRAW OUTT ac fc hines, USE. ny improve - e. They are WO SIZES, r travelling; elated more li ne has bee VERY BES'I t le Pitts' I. ower._ t le subscrib- r- article in. 1 :o ES, 0 cords of .1.5, of a Superior lar d. GANG U GPLI The Latest Imp p v d. CULTIVATORS ANI PLOWS, -Which cannot bestiriasseil. -—_.. J�VE1tY 1)&7;02,1E71 ON OF CASTINGS MA THESHURT.E'.1 NOTI0 CLOSING SALE OF A FIRST '. CLASS }. —STOCK 7 1 IR�.ST (._ LASS STOCK OF CERIES v ■ son & Co. having concluded e Grocery business will. for months', dispose of the r stock of Groceries, consist- ing of . GR W. A. Shea to gi-e up ti the next tw whole of the TEAS, ARS, • CO FEES, RICE, NEW FRUITS, 7 r. `ti ,N ES, ; LIQUORS, I ETC. Ai an under Cost. We beg to call the attention of the Farmers and other' to this sale, as they will be able to obtain from us their holi- day supplies of Groceries Fruits, Wines and Liquors at wholesale cost. The whole stock must be cleared out at once. Hotel -keep rs will find it advantage- ous to inspec c our stock of Wince, Li- quors, &c., & The lease o the store to be disposed of. W A. SHEARSON & CO Seaforth, J4 n. 2Sth, 1870. 52-1y. N. B.—Fift barrels of hand picked Spitzenburg pples for Sale. GO 1D" NEWS ! —FOR THE People of Seaforth NEW BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY 1 S VwN.ta, H, at . of �5'ti��tfurrl) ncl inllis old place, oraedoor I+. �'eal's C:rtrcery !Store.. a h wishes to return to his ods and customers, his sin - o their liberal patronage in opes that they will con- e in the future. (L Will be fou south of Mr. Mr, Cavan numerous friends cere thanks f the past, and tinue the sam FEBRUARY 17,18 1. MILLINERY, DRESS —AND MANTLE MAKING. MISS M0INTOS H, K ES this oppoi tunity of returning MAKES thanks for the liberal patronage ex- tended to her since coming to Seaforth, and would respectfully intimate to cus- tomers and others, that she is still to be found OVER MR. h•1cDOUG_ALL'S STORE. All orders will receive the- UTMOST he UTl BUSTAlT;NTJN. With regard ari to TASTE, NEATNESS and thcLAT EST STYLES, cannot be EXCELLED 1N S AFORTH. STRA\' and HAIR-. WOItK CLEANED, ON THE SHORT - .)ST NOTICE. SEA rifirr i, March 31. 1870. 121 BUSH FARM FOR SALE CHEAP H h1 -UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, T cheap, Lot No. 30, ( - mon. r l.), t. wnship of Grey, Co. of -Huron; about 70 acres of this lot are timliei ctl with hardwood, four acres of which are chopped, the bal- ance is timbered with cedar and pine of excellent quality. There is sufficient of this latter timber to pay for the whole lot. The lot will beo. CHEAP s }d t"HLAP FO11. CASH, or on time. Title indisputable. For further particulars apply (if by let- ter, prepaid) to Adam (fray, Planing Mill, Seaforth, or to the undersigned proprie- tor. ItODERIC'K GRAY, l'hamesford. P. O. Thanlesford, Nov. 9, 1870. 153-tf ,__, MON EY $5,000 TO, LENL). IIAVE the allorc sum' on hated for investment on good Farm Security, at S and 9 pFr cont., ---Private Funds. •l011N S. POUTER. .Sl*AYtotTit,- July 25, 1570. 139 ._- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, A BRICK C',)T t Ac=f , 2G x inti, frame barn and stable, half an acre of land, planted with :choicest fruit trees,' all bearing, a good well, etc. Likewise -a park lot containing six acres, more -or less, in the highest state of cultivation, newly drained and mar,ured, and seeded down with timothy and clover; and ended with a tie* substantial board epee. This lot is admirably adapted for a nursery or a market garden. The above property is situated in the village of Roxborough, on the banks of the Iaitl nd, 25 feet above the level of the iver, on a good gravel road, and two ltiles ;rom Seaforth. '.Terms easy: Ap- ly to RO1BE11T SCOTT, _ Roxborongh. 1 ,.icIsiltol), Dee. 14, 1Sr• 0. 158-tf. i f CHRISTMAS.—Mr. Cadauagh f has made great pre pal aliens for the com:' ins Christmas, and will be ab13 to fur- nish his customers with everything in his line, such as Bread, Confectionery, Can- A dy Toys, Fancy cakes, Wedding cakes, r Nuts of all kin ls, and all descriptions of i. Syrups. Hot r Tutton Pies and all kinds j p of refreshments also good accominoda= tion for friends from the town and coun- trv. H Also J D1.) BROS. Vegetable Union Yeast. ry it, it never fails, and is Iways relic e. 0 Ba wa YSTERS—.. S. FAB REN R C.'().'S, I r timore, the est in the market L s fresh. J4__.,.. SEAFORTH FURNITURE WARERO0M:5y- M. ROBERTSON Importer and manufa,curcr of all kindir 11tiI'SENO D FU NI.7)TWA', Such as SOFAS, LOUNGES, UENTRE TABLES% MATTR gSSES, DINING & BREAKFAST 'TABLES, BUREAUS, AUS,, CHAIRS, and BET)STEAD;`, In Great Variety. Mr. R. bas great confidence in offer- ing his goods -to the public, as they are made of Good Seasoned Lumber. and by First -Class IN ork en. Coffins made i b'Order On the Shtrtest _Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and 1)esnatt'h_ Warerooms: '1' 'U DOORS SOUTH SI-IAli";: HOTEL, ain Street. Seaf arth, •Jan'y 21st,, 1870. 57•tf. No Armistice. JOHN LOGAN- AS 1 declared war against the mer- cantile opposition of Seaforth, with a large and varied stock ^f ainunition on I hand, in the shape of f C3 -CLOD S AND • --- GROCERIES, 'Which for quality,- style and cheapness, cannot be conquered with fair play. The following are special lines :-- FA?+r QY DRESS GOODS, WIN- ! :CEYS, Plain and Checked L `S- 1 TRES, POPLINETTS, FRENCH 1 MERINOS, PRINTS, POPLINS, } GREY COTTON, BLE A CITED DO., FLANNELSI3. , , LA,i.NIiL+TS, CLOUDS, HOODS, HOSIERY: MANTLES, GLOVES, ING YARN, READYt.-MADE I CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS- TWEEDS, APS :TWEEDS, COTTON AND FLA N - NEL SHIRTS, DItAWERS, SU- GARS, TEAS, TOBACCOES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, SPICES, • Sic., &C., . .The numerous to mention, LIVERY STABLE. JAMES ROSS deiries to inform the that } • publiche has opened a New iv er yy Stable Z b c, 1,i connection with his hotel whore parties can be accommod ated with first class horses and vehicles, at reasonable prices. Sea orth, .1an'y. 2lst,. 1870- 97 •tf. LOBSTERS AND SARDINES. Alw ys On hand. GIVE' E A TRIAL.. 3. CAVA NAGE. SE1 roam, Nov 23, 1870, • 13.1-tf, for oWEDDiNC CAKES TEA PARTIES prompt - L. h. Orders and supplies for lyattendedtd. SEAORTH ialli0� Sash and aui (1Ole, d BLIND D N FACTORY. Subscribers beg leave to thank T lien numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to them sine coin lending business in`Seafortli, an trustthat they will be fa-voredwith continuance of tale; same. Parties intend ug to build would well to give the a call, as they w c.,ntinue to keep n hand a large Stoc d a _ FARM FOR SALE. df fOT 12, Con 9, Township of Grey, it J containing 100 acres of land, 55 acres cleared, with good buildings and orchard, IRON IN ' TIDE BLOOD. cc' h SQ AT THE Manchester Rouse ! MAIN STREET, PSY The PERUVIAN SYRUP makes thewnak strong, and .expels disease by supplying the blood with iNATUREIS OWN VITALIZING AGENT—IRON, Caution.—Be sure yon get Peruvian Syrup. Pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor 1 No. 36 Dey St., New York - Sold by Dru$$ists generally. of all kinds of DRY PINE L MBER, SASHES DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES LATH &C They fel conliden E to those who In their patron first class They have a highly= approvcd -,attcrn f SCHOOL DESK IR NS. REPAIRS. IN ALL. BANCHE Attended to liromtitl . ' tr' They employ no Ager is and can therefore give the purchase t 1e all} an- tairc of the commission. They employ none but tht b eft skilled labor, and material, whi li warrants them in guaranteeing satis cion. INTENDING PURCHASERS_ I L PLEASE GIVE: US A CALL'BEFOIt B YING FROM OTHERS. or -- em -of giving satisfaction y favour= then with ge, as crone but workmen are • The farm will be sold cocas}• terms. Apply to - M. McDERMID. • Harpurhey. Oct. l2th, 187(). ' 149. • y GR! AT ' Jar Particular ;,tt iii ion paid to (' Planing 1311O.A1.)FOt.y' & (.RAY. • CIearhiglstom LA PIPE& seat rth September, •1870, TO 'J'1 t l'i:71BI,1 C 4T W, O L titting,s, and routine accoidine tO the late eroved met iods were answered, the need essness shown, an( the imp rtartce o t.`:.ttlibatl) rest, both in dbysica moral poinf of view u g -ed.• In tial testimonies ' ir}st Su inithing were quoted an( 01: it sign it Seaf 16 the and day e SCOTCH COLLAR:, R9 ,14 412C orth. of the Scotch Collate, .1\11 Street, TAVERN FOR SALE. The subscriber offers FOR -SALE the TAVERN known s the New Dominion Hotel, in toe aralla„e of •Llt eN his quow Capable for- lie ace' minodation of Hi,tel, having lean lately refitted, is driving-b-hed 36 x 20 Ball -room over the xcellent well close to p in good older, The he hotel consists- of ig fruit trt. Th is 'ew' rods imrth of the .ham, Lueknow, Kincardine, &e. This , hotel will be sold for eash, or, if the purchaser cannot lay it. all, a balance can remain on bom and mortgage for one year. The pu chaser. eau buy the etc. For pa rti s apply on the prein- the traveling pub Wing, with large feet ; also a largo shed. There is au the shed, with pun land. attambed to — half an acre of exe • riety of choice you hotel iS situated a Wingham.road. in the village, this being i Proprietor. FARM F R SALE. F1, 7th Con. township of Ilullett, id heavy 8 ng, etc., FOR SALE. YOKE of good working afort14 Feb. 3, 1,570, VER. OXEN. ituated on a go.o'd gravel road, contain - ng 50 acres, 40 of which are Cleared aod yell fenced. Th,:re are on the premises a good &ante house nd barn, 1 er fading spring of .ater, convenient to , the house. There ate also 4 acres et . wheat sewn, which ill be sold with the ' farm. For further 1 articulars apply to Hullett, Dee. 1-4, 1870. 15S - Bontliron (Co Son s SELL 1,70 TH WI [OLE Or HEIR STOCK OF 1)fa 001)Sa Clothing, Tweeds, &c. FOR At Cost Price. cif all kinds, At Cost Price. ' At Cost Priee. ” Has just received a Fresh Stock of PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy. Soaps, Combs, Hair. Tooth and Nail Brushes, French, English, and American. GENUINE DYE STUFFS. uaranteed to be of the hest quality. Horse and CattleMedicines- Condition Powders Physicians prescriptions carefully and accurately dispensed. THE lIturon exprodter, Official Paper of the. Cowity of urou IS PUBLIsHED ; EVERY FRIDAY MORNINC LV FO TIL so paid $2.00 will be charged. No subs- cription taken for a shorter perioal tha three months. ADVERTISING RATES. TRA NSIENT. quent insertions, 2 ets, each time. Ad. vertisements racastired by a scale of solid brevier. No advertisement taken fro less than One Dollar. CONTRACT RATES One Column for One Year. - !:360 00 • Six Months, - 20 00 • Quarter We also sell a large lot of BOOTS AND ;SHOES at a Small Advance on COST. GrYa.• This is no humbug. Parties want- Eighth ing Cheap Goods, will find. it to their advantage to give them a call liclorepur- All parties owing accounts will please ! (all and .settle them, as they wish to dose their Books at present. T. BONTHRON & SON. Three - 8 00 • One Year, - - 12 00 • AdvertitiementS, without specifio (Exec - tions, will be inserted till forbid, and chartred accordingly. -McLEAN BROTHERS, Trial b The word jury 4111 - .an institutioe so eon and so saciedly palladium ofi .13a m.1,11 i Trial by .Iury- etli known of it/origin at; haps we shoUla neliet re/narks wou141- tike growth of .eariy history; of tis tiding dieptited /pees very little is Itnown -our reses.reb; we soot far -back ages:of fog history gropee her te,e ing and uneerfin ie. fact, nO- IneaDS when trial by July beg Juries sat to try cattea time. Now- what wer juries like ? It is purest conjezture. and ,NV. cannot nnti far of trial by jury has pie gradual procese. with little room for : together ; thee': eonstitli or larger number these names have no si ing„ if we regerd•their ing. They tietnete met of topographical hoz space witnin those they really meant a; ten families in a ti,t1 dred families in I) tan.; ttommitted erieee in a' He wishes ttt' purge b imputed IIis he was tried, !were tlit own buntira They.' act •of his life—his -out-going, his innocence they constituted the he was _tried ; :and the their ease - that ti knowledge of the ta lies one thief differenee ancient and ottr modern the jurors of of early te a full knoNyledge of ail the ease, the modern. tea men and true",' are mil hazard in the atreets ;; men who are seppost 1,y innocent of any knoy filets of the ease they / Judge whet they think Oil that the fear of has ceased in Englanii twelve honest Men into .1t it; thns established - Juror is the very oppoeit a -trial, in all eases, -ev lethze _of the facts Tot* ti other:, as a, rule, kn,lxist them until they are elisa dence. And this itnewl ed by the :old jurors tee}.1 necessity. Take the vitt) pie, of a small vilitten business, and, if the twee ignorance of facts end lege trie.d. the_ critnie_; Wounds Inflicted b Weaponai of one of the Germar inquiries about thP by different we:44ons, 1,0 the evidence is, oh the effect that the Chas -seats neellegun, and is a WO weapon in crery respfet less inquirer may fin will aeeert the contra Chaesepot: ballet at a tic% ma -de by the Fren; -email, and if 710 hon touched, is apt ta .114')11 4 11)11.t tin? Canal made thr4 etood, that -some of the it( 7c/cent/trend immediate of the oritiee. Now a occurs, themgh 'very boae without shattering V a case here at this mome (tier whose tibia, was pel form, with the eieceptiont (lerailgement of its point! flat -tills 'out anti splinterl ju,st in pr4ortion to lighter -than that of the but its 1,:;elocity at any tance is far greater. fbi varian rifle, the 'Werdet than either Chassepot or gun, but as yet only troops areearmed; with it. dined to think its action loader even einicker than ?siartini. -41t .a small