HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-02-17, Page 5IL & R. RAILWAY" NVIUSIASTICMEET- AT WINGHAM. PEO,PLE DECLARE'IN e -v THE LONDON' SCHEItifE. MaLITTWX PASSED IN eavoit isre seRROW GI:AGE.. )eing was held in a Iarge oted with Griffith's hotel. a abaiat three hundred of nteltieene men of Wing- deyville- andIldjoinine -well 'as mm any jtrothe Blyth, Riticeale, Luck- lsewhere present. ter Fisher, of Wingham, chairman, and Mr. Thos. IlInevale, as Secretary. ting was opened by the who delivered an able and odectory address, which _received by the audience. .peatker called upon was. WILLIAMS, of London, hat the London road wag hile the Hamilton one was Hamilton people never . moving until eh& London aitiative. Then they said d build a. branch to Kin - 'Hamilton wanted a wide Ise up the old railing stock att Western. If in Eng - re money is cheap and wide-guage railwayq. how on earth can they al to pay in a Dew- cotintry- ieph Atkinson, of London, city wag anxious to get one Of the finest pora atario. This country had greedy within a few years, ITG doubt due to their ex - rel roads. ,.;After a while- omething more than pod ds are requited. We need : Now we propose to buil(' Went line of railway ; one be a- coni?eeine line, and Le others in check.. This - give. a connection ith ey—an important matter )f- the probable earl ar- t of a new reciproeity taw how is the $1,200,000 $bable cost of a 3 ft. 6 in. London to Kincardine, to Well, London gives r xu1e; $400,000- will be v, stock, $2,000 per mile - ably be the amount froth lamentsurplus fund, and [Id be DO difficulty in bars, i00,000- on first mortgage le scheme was therefore. [)raeticabIe. By this line twenty townships- would , and the advantages offer - much. Raperiar to those ud be offered by either the. a- Hamilton scheme, urray Anderson, of Lon, - ed the advantages a rait- )etition by the fact that be - London and Part Stanley was onilt, the Great West ed 40cents freightage OD :Hamilton to London, but eeropeting line was built, eas reduced to 121 cents. niles of the Port Stanley More than the 100 miles oi eted line would now A ge would not pay running but a narrcw-guage line - (v both directly and indi- 1r. Anderson then referred - tending and enterprise of When it took hold of any tad to go through. raii- d. the value of pro - increase the, worth of every e the line. This line would other tines, thus giving the the north a chance of them trore'te the direct route to amas °hurdler. Secretary adoBoard of Trade, spoke -a commercial centre doea large direct trade, land. , Butter, cheese and _ shiped direct aitd laid the Liverpool wharf at the .ent per pound. Two weeks ndon pork -packer sent off aztr loads of dressed hogs in [ tent. There were five ex- lelciug houses in Londonand ,r in Hamilton_ Now it was. t to look at these facts and •..uvl bear in mind the ini- of the English market to - I da farmei, and the advan- being connected therewith such centre as London._ when we depended alone uerican markets, pork sol4. a to $3 per 100 lbs., now $6.60 to $1a, according to. id circurastances. Cheese, eats; now, 10, .11, and 12 his season London will lesg than 35,000 hogs, end , get enough. This would I value of getting access to- aus a market. Mr. Churek- eferred ta the question, of Sna narrow guages. It has eonstrated that the old-fash- , ; ael-gutage carries some seven lead weight for every ton of reight ; but assuming it at e to carry ten -tons of pay - ht you would have to carry a in all 1 The narraw-gnage y ton for ton. Besides this ; the expense of running, and the wear and tear of the broad-guage are ne- cessarily much greater. The my- rc•w-guage can also: carry freight cheaper. -The narcow-guage lines are the lines of the fit ture. They are ee vol u ace) iz; ng and Will revolu- tionize railwaying. The narrow- guage waS not merely an iniptove- ment ; it was an actual discovery. Only narrow-guages Can hope to pay dividends. . Mr. Cousin, Mayor of London, expressed the earnest desir4 of the corporation he represented, when he saidl that the tine should ba built. They had shown theie feelings by. their vote on Monday night, of e bonus of $100,000 :(applause), they would_ be found doing every- thing in their power to promote the. undeitaking. Mr. Jahn MesSer, Reeve of Turn - berry, was next called .on. He stood in some measure com itted to eil_ the W., & B. scheme, but if that could, not be carried out, he would vote for another.: He 'counselled delay in coneltiding the bargain, feeling 18'1as-fled that _his to wnship Stood ati a high premiUm atitoeg the railway' projectera. Napoleon's Proclamation to the Peopl? of Franca Th following is a tafanelat,on of the proclarrWon addresse by the 's-Empe or Napoleon to tl e electors of. Fr nce •Wi HELMSHOHE, Feb. 8, 1871.— Detre ed by fortune, I -ha kept, since d ai- leiace, ourn- ing. onted each 1 any steps using party • ouger remai ntry's disas nsen- sible was made at for peace, you id uppea 1 per- sonal t the Rage' as to the ni i con - tin ne The Rev. Mr. Murphy, of Wing - ham, strongly advocated the London. - route. The Londoners had Seeming- ly taken an earnest hold on the mat- ter, and he fully 'expepted to see it successful. If they refused the Lon- don. road, they refused to. have any. He had no faith in the promises of Hamilton er Toronto. fie said - Hamilton only intended to, prevent Lendmi enterprisi without- doing anything herself. He mil ton could not confer any .favor upon „the coun- try -which, London could not. . Mr. Leckie, Reeve of Grey, said he would not saY anything against the main line of the Wellington, Grey and Brace Railway ; but he mest be allowed to say candidly. that. ihe had grave doubts of the branch to Kincardine. Besides, Hamilton asks $6,000 a mile. London asks . only $4,000-1-t mile. MI ith regard to London as a rearicet, be might say that an extensive saw -mill 'in - the Township. of Grey, . employing fifty or sixty hands, found a leadv market for nine -tenths of their stuff . in Londoe. It would also afford a paying -outlet for wood. There was no reason to believe that Hamilton was in earnest; but with the bonuses certain to be given, there. ought to be no difficulty in financing the Lon- don,. Huron and Bruce Road. . Mr. Robert Currie, of .Wawanosh, offered some objections, but did not in any specific terms oppose London. Mr. Thomas Holmes, of Blyth, also appeared al:an advocate of Lon- don. It was wasting time to talk of Hamilton, or Toronto, The Lon- don road was a live one, and he was suiprised that Winghem should for a. moment hesita'te to support it. He was surprised that this grand country should go se long witheut a railway: -There was not the slight- est doubt that they would have the London railway. Mr. Farrow, of Bluevale, made a forcible and extreinely clever speech on the advanta.ges of the London route. After viewing the whole situ- ation, he had concluded the LrnCi T cin. scheme was the only tangible m e presented, and be would give it his hearty support. After some further remarks from Mr. N. M. Livingstone, merchant, Ainleyville, and others, the follow- ing resolution was moved, and car- ried alMost unanimously, but three hands being held up against it :— Moved by Mr. T. G. Jackson, of Winghrtm, seconded hy Mr. Archi- bald Fisher, of Wingham, ".That this meeting having beard the ex- nlarations made by the _London, Huron and Bruce Railway delega- tion, we are -convinced of the hon- esty of their intentions, that they are acting in good faith with us, and that the said railway will most effec- tively eerve the interests of this sec- tion of the country; and that we pledge ourselves to support this enterprise to the utmost of our ability." . . • After the passing of votes of thanks* to the chairman and secre- tary, three cheers were given for the Queen, the- London, - Huron and Bruce Railway, the London. Delega- tion, and the people of Wingbare, and the ,raeeting separated, all seemingly well satisfied with the plain, straight -forward, and appar- ently honest statement of the Lon- don gentlemen. ' A shocking murder was commit- ted last Friday morning by a man named Charles Willoughby, a far- mer residing a mile and a half from Rockwood—the victim being his own wife. It seems that while un- der the influence of liquor he asked the unfortunate woman tb rip and get him a drink of watei, but as she did not comply with his request he sprang out of -bed, siezed an axe, and striking her a fearful blow with it on the head, killed her almost in- stantly. The wretch then tried va- rious 'mit unsuccessful methods to commit suicide. He was subseqiInt- Ly arrested and is now in Confln' ee naeiat awaiting examination,. my capti rity a pram whichig rmsfortin e So long as- armies c nf other, 1 abstained f Or r words capa'!ei of ci ihsensions, but I can 'silent; before rhy ot rs; withOlt appea i g f its suffeeings. Wh n prisoner, I could not tr because my resolutions to have, beim dictated 1 considerations 1' t to decide .whether it teresr, of the 'nation t the- strtiggle. Notwit id- ing h r unparalleled revetsek• ranee was v nsubdued her stiongholds un- reduc d, f‘v idepartments invaded and aris in a, state of d fence. The exten of her misfortune Might pos- sibly have ',wen u while attea ion was d reefed he nties, an insur'reetion, aro e ii the s at of the Represe te iv ed, tt e ,vafety of ti e wasi threakened, and ti e whiel had been `thre claimed 1)y the people thro% n and aattraloned my preset' talk nts; I e.• el " Wlat.matter my dy • asty COUn iry is &wen inst a I testila e• against the viola io a' • • right I hoped for the sum defence ;in d aci rnirecl ti e 111 as devo Now .ed ar tory calll boo iesources. It is imposSi don the destinies of F linen horized Governm was left no authority from universals.uffrage. tiden e any a olid pea e reco et -able wl en the p eonsilted Irespecting f e ment most capable of r disasters of. the countr sentill that Franae sbou d• in h r ishes, For my el by it justice and bitter d I do not now claim ma confi -tiled rights Titer for p rsonal ambition; t, peop e are reg ass bl expr ss their. wille it is say iht all acts are Ther is only one/ Gov ,r im whic resides the nation 1 ov ty, • ble to l'eal the w ui bring hope.. to the tire-si es open the profaned e u eh prayer, and to -restore industr cord and peace. ion of the childre When the struggle is d all reaScnable ch n as disappeared, is _o eaCcotint the, n shed and ruin ani s ss st ce nit rd ar op iri . ce • eae- Paris, S was press m pi re, es aq- over- t,iI ling imed, if the f pro- f my of the trUltic ranee. spend - of vic- me to rs, for dered aban- to au which hating r, con - only e are overn- g the is es - united ruised ;thins, atedly n, room ill the d and uty imate. nt in • reign - ds, io to re- s for con- 1 I 11 'A horrible mtirder was co mitt - ed i Kingston, late on Frida night Two brothers, named James and Will'am Duncan, were in a disre- le house iu company witlh some 8 of , a similar characteir. A about someth" on a former o ther, and jam f anger, stab heart with a was instant confessed 'hi puta othe guar -of th .said Can, brat Of The el' -arose ni had, bout the in a fit er to .the einrse deg, uilty ma to t e detective who arreste and expressed deep cOntri his Lash and fatal act. rnelanchoy accident o at Glenwuhan s on the after Tue..clay last, by which Joh pard, about 8 rears old met terr' ble death. On his rdtu scho 1, he att mnted to ge slei h loaded ith thre sa .but.: missing IiS hold, down, and the sleigh pass 'd body. Ile 1ingcred but ments after the accidentr ' Salaries of 1ostrnasters raised from allowance f cent, of the ievenue de iv their office, to 40 per cent amount of ye rly revenue $800, only 25 per cent. Will lowed for the usiness in e that sum. g one casion, s Dull- ed' his k nife nous. crime 0 him, ion for -curred con of Shep- ith a from on logs, hrown ver his w mo - a e been per d from If the xceeds be al - cess of THE MARKETS. SEAFORTR, Feb. 16, 1871. Wheat (Fall) 19 bushe1, o1:30 to 1.38 Wheat (Spring)4 'bushel, :35 to 1:38 Barley itt bushel, 0:45 to 0:48 Oats IP bushel. Peas ig bushel, Bu ter, t? lb. Es. She la Skins, Ap les Pot toes Por Ha , per ton, Flo ir, per 100 lbs. sewer No. 1 homemade kip boOts ,for $4; cow hide for $3 50; at Coventry s. - MARRIAGES'. Forruse—Turees.---In Irishto on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Father urphr, Mr. Robert Fortune, of Tuc • ersmith, to Miss Margaret Tully, of Killop. .MOWLES—PRotri)760T.—On tie th inst. by tike Rev. Mr. McKidd, it he resi- dence of the bride's father, St. An- drew's St.; Goderich,Mi. William 1VIowlds, of theaTownship `of Hay, to Miss Mary Catherine, eldelit s aughter of Mr. R Proudfoot. -0:46 to 0:47 0:70 to 0:75 0:16 to 0:18 0:18 to 0:20 7:50 to 7:75 0.50 to 1:40, 0:85 to 1:00 0:35 to 0;40 1:75 to 825 8:00 to10 :004. 3:59 te 0:00' CLINTON, Feb 16, 171. py Telegraph to the .Ea;positor. Fall Wheat,1 per bushel, 1-2.0 to 1.:40 Spring Wheat, per bus lel. 1:25 to 1:40 Oats, per bushel, 0:44 to 0;48 Peas, per bushel, 0:64 to 0;72 Barley, per bushel, 0:48 to 0;52 Butter per per, lb, 0.16 to -0;18 Eggs, per doz. 0.15 to 0;18 Pork 8:00 to 8;25 AUCTION SALE. 1 1 — On Tuesday, Feb. 28, on lo No. 10, 10th ceb., Grey. Farm Stock and Im- plements. John Govenlock,'P oprietor. J. P, Brine'Auctioneer. Sale of afarin in McKillop, nig Lot ti No 27, 2nd Cones sion, on Fri ay, Feb. 24, at two o'cl k p.m. - Mrs. C uff, Pro- prietress ; J. P. Brine, Auction er. . On Saturday, 18th February; n North half of Lt 44, Concession 1, rnberry, . Farm Stook and Iinplemente. George Hughes, Proprietor. Thomas layk)rd, Auctioneer. ,GODERICII, eb. 16, 1811. (Signal Report) Fall Wheat , Si 25 to 1 40. 125 to 140 0 45 to 0 46 0 65 to 0 66 0 52 to 0,5. 0 35 to 0 4 0 16 to 0 21) 00() to o 2! 7 50 to 7 65 Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Potatoes Butter Eggs Pork ▪ ite Spring Barley Oats Peas - • Butter, in kegs, Eggsr Dressed Hpgs LONDON, Feb. 16, 1871. (Actvertisfx Report.) Winter -Whe t $1 40 to $1 45 -0(1 1 38 to 141 0; 50 to 060 0 46 to 048 te 085 0 15 to 0 1.9 0 25 to 030 8 00 to 8 20 Su McINTOSH & MORMON'S cARRI MONTREAL Feb. 16, 1871. lir, (Extra) per, barrel, 6:90 to 7:00 Fancy, 6:00 to 6.70 . fine No 1 Canada W. 6:40 w 6:73 No 1 Western Whe t, 6:00 to 6:00 No 2 " 1 6:00' to 6:00 3:00 to 3:23 0:00 to 0:00 1;40 to 1:45 0:00 to 0:00 0:46 to 0:47 0:43 to 0:43 0:19 to 0:22 0:16 to 0:19 5:85 to 5:95 , 6:10 to 6:15 21:75 to22:00 - 0:92 to 0:95 8:00 to 8:50 Ba, Flour, W eat, (Canada Fall) spricii?g Western O s, (per 32 lb.) B rley, (per 48 lb.) B titer, (Dairy) . (Store packed) A ies, (pots) Pearls, P k, (Mess) Pe 1) eased Hogs, ch BUFFALO KETS. eported weekly for the Expositor by oley & Co., iroduce Clommission MerL nts, Buffalo City. 13umer., , Feb. 16, 1871. ite Wheat, per hu 14 1:50 to 1 :60 d Winter " rley," ts, 5, othy Seed, ver essed Hogs, per cw tter, (rolls) I • (dairy packed) " (store !` ) rkeys, (imaged) pe wls, cks, per pair, ese, each, gs, per dozen, 1:50 to 0:00 1:3S to 1:38 851:0, 88 54 to 0:54 1 05 to. 1:10 5:50 to i6:10 .5:75 to 6:25 9 00 to 9.50 -$1 • 25 to 27 28 to 30 I 20 to 25 11.,17 to 19 ' 14 to 17 00 to 1:00 50 to -50 29 to 0:00 TORONTO MARK Wheat, Spring, Wheat, Fall, Soules, Barley, Oats. Dressed Hogs, Hay, Peas, T Feb. 16, 1871.1 $1 31 to 13 1 35 te 139 0 56 to 063 0 55 to 058 8 00 to 8 37 8 00 to 10 00 0 78 to 079 1LIVE STOCK I NEW YORK, Feb. tle Market this we 12c. to 15c. pe scarce and rather Canadas of 120 Hogs—Live, 8e. 9e. to 10c. ' ALBA/4Y, Feb. market -is active, 2 the opening price The range was fron for inferior, up to for extra. Sheep stronger vaid .h ig ier. Fine wool sheep brought 1 7:i .., coarse heavy Canada and Weste -;,, -; MARKETS. 14. ---The Cat - k is stroeg, at pound. Cows igher. Shee p — pounds, at 'Tie. Dressed, C:tttle t an advance on of last wiek. $3 50 to $1 75 $.7 50 to. a8 5-0 The market is BOY W "VVTANTED, a sm VII 16 years of ag trade ;one from th Apply at the Moos]. NTED. rt active boy, 14 to , to learn a good country preferred. on office. , JOHN B Exchange Broker, a Age Houghton Opposite G. T. R SEAPORT Through Tickets is ir the Western Sta Red River, at rcdu the greatsst facilities All necessary inf specting Land Agenc GREEN Bonds, Coupons and oleand Silver Co' a best rates. IC I LAIVI, •d Railway Ticket t, s ii,otel, itway Station, , ONT. ued to all points es, California and ed rates, affording to Emigrants. rr, aetteio.n given re- eACKS, uncurrent Money, bought and sold 167-tf AT I 4 E4' LOTS welling -house and s on Main street, reasonable terms. SEATTER„ - I Druggist, &c. FOR A HOUSE AN DESIRABLE two excellent lo Seaforth, for sale o Apply t� JOH 167-tf NOT TN THE MATTE ROBERT CAMP ship of Tuckersmit parties to whom the Robert . Campbell, manner indebted a two months from t their claims to Me Holmested, Solicitor tlement. .And all the said estate are amount due by them "forthwith. MeCA1JGHEY Solicitors for James February 2, 1871. CE. Id the estate. of ELL, of; the Town- ,) deceased : All estate of the said eceased is in any e required Within 's date to present srs. McCaughey & , $eafOrth, for set- extons indebted to 'aired to pay title to said Solicitors 110LMESTED, ouston, Executor. 166-4t GE F'ACTORY' REET, SEAFORTH. 7 The subscr bers feel thankful for the ery liberal p tronage theyhave received ince comme cing business in Seaforth, udIwish to i timate to their customers nd the pabli generally that they keep n hand an1 are manufacturing . all inds of whe 1 work, such as ARRI GES OPE ND TOP- BUGGIES, DEA OCRA.TS, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, &c., lade up by EXPERIENCED WORK- IEN, in the very latest styles. e Do No Horse-shoemg, 3ut, pay all lass of bus Parties wh ur attention to the above favor 118 with their orde -s will get good satisfaction. We kee Pain ter. Done for cot repeiuted alt 4epairing Cordwood, Lath taken i McIN 167-tf a first-class Carriage AIN TIN G- ntry shops, and old work easonable rates. romptly attended to. Lumber, Shingles ancl. exchange for work. OS11 & MORRISO.N. LOOK FIS UT FOR LENT! FISH. FISH! Lake Huro 1 Herrings, Labrador errings, and Sallmon Tr • ut, VERY CHEAP,. at SCOTT ROBERTSON'S CASH WTORE. ALSO, CLOV R SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, and FLAX SEED. .1 Hight i Cash Price paid for Pure Cl vet, Tinliothy and Flax Seeds, at rco'rlf ROBERTSON'S gAsH STORE. 16 -tf HAROWARE STOCK SELLING- OFF. RETIRI10 FROM BUSINESS. Mews. FULLER BROS., The Latest News of the Day. STRATFORD, Have decided to retire from the retail Hardware trade, to open a wholesale business in Toronto. They offe the whole of their immense stock of ov r $20,000 rWORTH OF HARD- WARE, For thirty clays. Sale to commence 20th February. at the undermentiolled prices. This sale is no humbug. Parties re- quiring 1Hardware will find they can save 20 0 25 per cent. Special induce- ments offe ed. to blacksmiths, carpen- ters, waggo makers, painters, coopers, foundryme , saw -millers, etc., as the following prices fully testify: Teo. Iron, $2 50; Band Iron, 31 ; Hoop Iron, 1 75, per bal._ of 56 lbs.; Horse Nails, 124c. to 16c.; Waggon Rims, n in 3 80, 4 in 4 50; Tell Carriage Springs'10c.; Boiled Linseed Oil, 90c.; Raw Linseed Oil, 85c: per gallon; Coal Oil, 30c.; Varnish, 15 per cent. diseount. The following will be sold at 20 per cent. discount: Locks, Latches, Butts, Hinges, Screws and general Shelf Hard- ware, Table an Pocket Cutlery, Silver- plated Ware, Tea -spoons, electro -plated Cruets, etc., earpenters' and carriaae- makers' Tools. The following goods at 10 per cent. discount : Spades, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, Finishing Nails, Preseed Spikes, Lead Pipe, Bent -Stuff, barn -door and T Hinges • also, our splendid. stock of Lamp Goods, at 20 per cent. discount. Scales at 15 per cent off list pric TOfarm rs abont building, we offer Scrap Iro4 Nails at $3 50 per 100 pounds. N. B.—To country merchants this sale Offers Splendid inducements to sort up at lower prices than can be had in Toronto or Montreal. 1 167-tf ANOTHER AR,RIVAL OF NEW GOODS THIS WEEK FOR J. MOHR & Co.,, Which they are -selling, as usual CONCERT. Mr. C. FERGUSON, the well-known blind performer on the Irish Union Har- monic Pipes, will give one of his Popu- lar Concerts at Knox's Hall, Seaforth, on TUESDAY EVENING, Feb. 21. Tickets, 25 cents, children hall price. Doors open at 7:30; to commence at 8 o'clock. 167-1t CHEAPER Than any other house in the Dominion. SUCH AS, New Black Silks, New Fancy Silks, at, New Poplins, New Dress Goods, And all kinds of - FANCY GOODS. Remenioer the store, Veal's Old Stand. MAIN -ST„ SEAFORTH. 1.66- tf 5 TO FRAMERS AND OTHERS. rrtpNDERs will be received for the erection of a new superstructure tea the BRIDGE AT J. BROADFOOT'S, Second Concession, H. Rf 8. Fuller in- formation may be obtained. by appliaaa tion to Messrs. Cresswell, Walker, or Cousins. All tenders must be handed. in at the next 'fleeting of the Tucker - smith Council, at Mr. Whelan's Rotel, Egutondville, on FRIDAY. Feb. 24, 1871. MUTR, 167- 2t Township Clerk. SEED POTATO:ES FOR SALE. !TIRE UNDERSIGNED ha...4 on hand, I at lot No. 5, 3d Concession, Tucker - amid', L. R. S., a quantity of Seed Pota toes of the following varieties: Early Rose, Early Goodrich,. Harrison said Gleeson. He will be prepared to meet, on the.above pemises, those who may want good seed potatoes, on Saturday of each week. ALLAN HOBSON. 167-13t NEW LINE OF STAG -ES, Between Seaforth and Wroxeeter. , We, the undersigned, beg to inforni. the inhabitants of Seafortle Wroxeter, and the public uenerally,i that we are now running a 'DAILY STAGE, (Sundays excepted, ) each wa.y,as follows - Leaving Seaforth at 11 a. ; leaving Ainleyville at 3 p•.m.'leavin -g Wroxeter at 12 noon; leaving AinleyviIle at :3 p. m.; --connecting with morning and even- ing trains, going east and west, also with. Walkerton aneHarriston stages. Com- fortable vehicles and fast time. Livery in connection at Seaforth. ROSS & JOH.NTSONE, 161-tf Proprietors. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN SEA FO RTH. Default having been made in pry -merit of a certain mortgage made by James Stretton, (Jane Stretton; his wile, joining for the purpose of barring her dower,) there will be sold by ' eUBLIC AUCTION At Knox's Hotel, Seaforth, On SATURDAY, Feb. 25, int, at 12 o'clock, noon, Lot No. 5 in Block II on Main street, Seaford', being a part of Lot No. 26, in the 1st Concession of the township of Mckillop, containing one-fifth of an. acre of land, more or less, together with the buildings thereon' erected. Abstract of title produced on day of sale. For further particulars ap- ply to S. MALCOLMSON, Solicitor for Assignee of Mortgage - Sonic A. NEWES, Auctioneer. ' Dated r th February, 1871. 167 -It MONEY TO LOAN. IITJGH LOVE, Sr., Commissioner for taking Affidavits, Conveyancer, ete.,, Townline, Hay and Stan!ey. Deeds,. Mortgages, Leases. Wills, ete., prepared, cheap. .- $50,000 TO LOAN (private funds) Upon first-clast mort,gages ; . integ- est moderate and expenses low, Agent and valuer for Canada Landed Credit Company, who have any quantity o' money to loan at 8 per cent. Feb. 1, 1871. 166-3t FOR SALE. LOT 16, in 16th Concession, Grey. Considerable clearing and a good. house, with some very: valuable pine. Apply to McCAUGFFY & HOLMES- TED, Seaforth, or to Mr- Peter Sinclair, lot 15, 14th Concession, (hey. 167-tt DISSOLUTION OF IPARTNERSH1P.. mum Partnership heretofore exIstipe. wider the name of VERITY & ROS Exeter Agriculturdl Works, has tin day mutually dissolved. All book * counts and. notes belonging to the lata firin must be paid to W. H. Verity, and. all claims against the firm will be set- tled by W. H. Verity. In witness there- of we each subscribe our name, this lst day of February, 1871. W. H. VERITY - JOHN ROSS, The above business will be carried ors, in 8.11 its branches at W. H. VERITY'S Agricultural Works, Exeter, I have a large stock Of sTgu, PLOW'S and REAPERS and all Itinds of Implements constantly on 'hank which I will war- rant to any purchase), and at prices cheap 2.8 the cheapest. All repairs -will be promptly attended to, and ail orders , by mail will have my immediate atten- tion. I am thankful to my numerous customers Mr their past support, and by strict attention and straightforward deal- ing, I trust 1 shalt 'continue to merit your favor. 166-4t W. H. VERITY. BERKSHIRE Pla. TuE' UNDERSIGNED desires to in- form tne farming public that he has a ; thoroughbred. Berkshire Boar, which" he will keep for service at his farm. Terms, 75 cents cash. L. 0. VAN EGMOND, 163-4e Egmondville- CIVINC UP STOREKEEPING TO DEAL IN I-RODUCE; TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED, to the 20th inst., by the undersigned fer his STOCK IN TRADE OF GENERAL DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, At so much in the dollar, cost. ;The stock is not large, but it is FRESH and IN GOOD ORDER. • EDWD. CASH, f3EAFORTIL All indebted to the above will please call and settle without delay. 166-2t itILLIARD HALL, R. W. COLLINS 1T$egs to state that he has opened in KIDD'S NEW BLOCK, BILLIARD ROOM. There are in the hall FOUR TA- BLES, (Riley & May's Manufacture,) and excellent accommodations for vis- itors and. players. Attendants will be on hand at an rea- sonable hours. R. W. COLLINS, 664f Proprietor, 1 k, -11 .41