HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-02-17, Page 3EBRUARY- 17 1871. LRD UP! SALE. UNDER cosi.. EBRUARY 6-th. to continue pUt. AT AND UNDER COST, Millinery. GooDs CHEAP, as the whol DENT, Lt Robertscat's Grocery, Lin Street, SEA FORTH. isoN & WILLIAMS introducing the celebrated 9 II '8" STRAW CUTTER a already met with Unrivalled •sa, In other parts or Canada. ilted to give pt•rfect satisfaction in either bv horse or harxd, pow- aANUFACTrIZE A NEW _ND 8 110IZSEPOWER, Fon -MINING STRAW (1;11111S, aincureteee, or -en CYLINDERS, tarrog Grazer THRESHERS. II kinds of Farming ImpIenaente Foaming Mills. EL 011 ti VatOrS, Lthled Maehines, Horse Hoen arators, Weeders, zts* Power. PIewe, awing MachieesGang, Plows, Ie Mouldboard Plows, ite. (RIGHTING & ENGIN- ING DEPARTMENT. iliagines of ail Sizes Built, _Mills, Flax Mills, r water or steam, And all kinds of S CONTRACTED FOR AND IN THE MOSTNAP-, -PROVED STYLE. gE WATER - WHEELS, MILLS, SHINGLE LS,..RILAN DUSTERS kinds at machinery of the be' supplied on short notice rai&TELe ND retcletNER'y l'romptIy attended to UNISON & _Mitchell, P.ft e t, Gth, 1870. lelelely- RM FOR SA -LE. Je, the Smith half of Lot No. tt CouceaSiOn, McKillop, con- ttv- Acres all of which is dear- , ;tete exception of four acres. t the premises a good log house barn ; also a good bearing and well watered. Apply to tor on the preinisee, GEORGE BURGESS, 8eaferth P.. O. an. IQ, 1871, 162-tf SALE oft TO RENT. lorsignea offers for sale or to t the. 3d Concession of McKil- to Road, i miles from. Sea- ! one mile frion Roxboro, yds (sf land, with a good bear - a of'24 trees, assorted ; frame feet, in good conditien and tastable ; also, a well, pump, on the premises; the lot ie d. For ftuther particular a- proprietor on the premises. JOHN YO,UN( t rta FOR SALE - BY t'CTWN INE Wise been favoured with etions frozu the undersigne.' s, te-Seell 1y Pa -sidle Auction the following able Property, F E it 171 RI-- 24,1871 TWas o'clock, p.in Ortat eonsists of Lot Ne containize. lore Cir.Ices, ). 80 acres Of -whiel. and in a godd st c&. of ci1t- wfl fenCLa. n is situated on the Northeru (1, within a mile and a half of ingvillage of Seaforth There 'remises a good log house, a barn, two- good young bear - a alsoa good well, and all mt-houses. Abut 30 acres all ploughed. e pronertvewili be sold with - Terms -Cash, sIRS. CLUFF, Proprietress. roR SALE. t €hgildt. situatiooiaSefort1t EzIst side: of Main Street. site the Post Office, on which nonatodious Dwelling -house, torieeligh ; stable and wood - :good wet/ with a pump in it. the 10t on Main street is , d for the erection of Storee. sentral position figs business. V extends from Main street tree -t. The lot fronting- on , :et is -used as a Garden, in e the choicest young- Fruit peare, plumbs, cherries, eseseberries, currants and .The gardeu is in the high - -Titivation awl pi °duces an - vegetables For further pply to f;E Mel'ItILLIPS, P.. L. S. fan. 17. 1871- 163tf OR SALE: lendid Hotel Stand on the Square, Seaforth, known, ae EXellANGE,, and doing a e. To ars enterprising man. OW, it offers excellent in- ning on one of the leading dose to the Salt Wells. comfortalde COTTAGES sm. derieft. rented at MO a °era Town Lots. Terms Ikpiely to WM. MALCOM, At the Market, 23. 1871. 1,64-tf FEBRUARY 1871; • -BRIEF' VOTES. e., it-ThrOat Depot is the inviting name of a town.in California. — Grard Rapids (Mich.) girls are suspended from school for g e4ewt Pauarna Reilniad was lately submerged under th t ee feet of water. , — Ewen's thread mills at Man- chester, England, 111,40-: been de- stroyed by fire, throwing ,900 Opera- tives out of employ In en t. , — Of the 7,391 residents of NOW Orleans who , died last y eiti- . t welve were over 100 years -old. . — A nizin in -Columbus, Oh died of too mech laughing -gas i dentist's chair, laet week. in alar Western town, on the Union Pacific; Railway. is a board shanty bearing the following unique inscription on its Sign : " Here's' Where You Get, a Meal Like Your Mother Used to Give Yon." —Capt. Selfr'dge is : repo' ted to 470 foiled a rot to -for' a s'aia canal across the Isthmus of . Darien, the suMmit 'of which is but 300 feet above the ser:i level. , ' ,. —A bill has been intro4uced in the Ohio Legislature, to Ittnit the, charges Tor seats, or betels 'IJ.1 siee ing and dining-rooto cars. — It will bring home to old' read- ers the muedet ()us extent.and hor- rors of the war when it is an- nounced that the Prussian Govel went has ordered a su pply of 200,o Nap o den , 1 egs. —Uhlan and [lunar jackets ..! now favorites with London bell' They are ne.tcle of bright eximso arid trimmetl with White satin: Th are very bright and. pretty, but , U111- io, n lemosamosavousemaimeneammalso 1. . gle for victory. Here 18 the sen- tence refened to : " God g ant that we and our SUCCOSSOPS may pr teet the Empire, nOt by war ike on - quests, but by works of p(-3ece, ree- dotu and civilizetion." ***.- GAIETIES. A Rising Man—The bal ooni What is the sun by ti cle? tanner. , An Impassible Quanti wuch monies,. An lwaginary age. When does. tli When it throws a A co nmon cliff monial s nalible. The best ..Win Canary. Vi(hy like a cause it 8 a .grain schliblmas iurts the uantity— sun wi shadow. ereiice— for Y • f sand it ter's can pil. Duritla peace it egiment tered; d tring war -time it i8 ally cut o pieces. The g of a bee carries tion witi.. it. It n akes a rrir leaver a once. A esti), t. A 0 ly 9--- \ matri- •a] is ti— the 2y6 is quer- ccasion- . Why loes the ministerliave m Dre wives th n any on !else 9— ecaase he often marries a couple at a time. d Allister Jack celebrity sul se- •obably t at of a ' What trade d Horner, f corner quently doptl—P plumber. 00 . An A cadent.— the theft lopieter fe ie week. ssista n ee little "ioud " in their appearance. —It may be a sad fact for son of the present inhabitants -'of th globe to reflect iinon, that a. 'eel ta learned profes:;or h a s'rdisecivered th „ . oar earth cannot -support huma life more than twent,,y:six,miUiol of years longer. The Zergy of the. conntry,wit tliat esprit da, corps so charaeterist of them, will sympathize I with th Rev. - Henry Ward Beechele whose congregation have, in the most -com- pulsory and disereditable Manner, compelled him to -accept as, a salary for the present year .the paltry sum of4520,000. What can his people mean by'" such conducts as those? —New York, Paper. —A year ago; a Bonevill-e, Ind-, couple were to be married, liatethe lady backed out after the coMpany hacl assembled and the minister was ready to begin. The trouble -wes made op, and the Wedding w a-4 fried for the -firs, of the present month. Everything was ready, bu t the groom (lid not appear. To get square with 'the lady, 110 had left for parts \un known. t le, frost' 1 threeti nes 1 ist was .fortul'ately lly said If. tis uld be " at hand ctn each occasion. n, Dog L gic.— It is nroverbik e v that ever dohas iis day. a 1.1e were true, _the do -days w e more numerous. is Good Advice. --I A repotcr or in great exp rience _tells .us tha o. :h- at gest, a. togli solemn you must tirSt take it d is Why Who had: 11 dine be ic officer 9— e —Frank Buckland. the well known naturalist, says that the hes means of securing ores portinan- , teau a speedy transit througk an- custom-honse, ',British or foreib, i to have a live snake on th 6 top .0 Ute articles contained' in it. • This i Wu. houid a' soldier 1 cell in. tl a !long, fraid GO lecause '0111 ill On. still. A trad(sman wh the eity of .Ballir0 fiont-door "Payme 'thirty da s." neiohbord retit ing this "Yeti base not dated the net I do not m out if 11 e ranks meet a eacise e is a vate )1'1 fai 1, n v.r0C0 Of 1 -is it stispen .141 f k'ee THE U R 0 1V., EXPOS' OR . JAS. WI SON, z. IJ4RNESS, S BRIDLES, IN STREET,:S Corne 8ub At W An The st The s Tibi Here Stirs There The Here a, And t Tri 11 you good folks less, tan Hal, low-price4i, LSON'S, Main stre xcellent stock you DLES, FORTH. hr want Har - o d and new.. t, Seeforth, laly view. ek is owned by JA I 1; WILSON se Work is so higky r mowned ; op is on IvIlain stree , ,leaforth, . place may easily be f • i - e plenty of bits, brial s and curbs ngles anct saddles so fine, s nothing can equal their make, are just No. 1. A ahd prime. e lots cf good blankets for winter will keep from your horsesethe old; e fly iiets, so gra.cefu for Stun- ner, . mei with blue; Qrccrt,i yellow aad old. ! I Crack t p whips Of every description, • For he stage coaqh, carriage or hand, At JA IES WILSON'S shop, Seaforth. •May always be had. at no nand.. • Here ale sponges and CoIIlliS and rosettes fill u eful and:good in atei way ; With I ng and short; tugs bunda‘b. And arness thatalou't b e k in a day. Portma teens and Trunks iof all kind e ValisI s of a quality sPicyt a id rare, If you hould desire- to pur h se, To t e shop of .JAMES WILSON r .pair 1 Now c ,1 1.1xce.01I At the 41 And CC No," said he, to do so. t woUldir "Man, had wfie drei 111 la -t night," 8a, d Grant Thorbur 1 01 e morniug. " A v,E -what e - " Hech, i iweq aii awfu' d eani ." Wed what Was't Did ye diea yet- wife was dead 1" " Wan tha .that." " Was ye; dead Yers " Wanr tb,iit that ,p e. I dr 1 they .sent ine back ti Sealant " TRUN Ce. 1.10 in tel d .• i xite-1 ev d l" • a .'t 11 s , ! A muse ry ma i w o had ju:, t 1 _ appointed o th 04 e of del., en t the clays yvbeu hat post .Was o ered one of high hon r, on re to his home brimful of a sern4e Y new- dignitv;" happe Ind firs, e 8 111S COW aS he approa hed, end 0 o o .er f n nowed with, "Ay, crumnaie, or 8 mie, yer no' a comtion cop, deacon's coo." about the first suggestion for utiliz ing snakes since Punch, years ago had a picture of a Kentue -iannlean ing his meerschaum pipe ty walk ing a live rattlesnake through it." -- There is a happy old -man at ienningtOn,. Vt. He has just passed the time allotted for the life of man by a celebrated prognosticator of an- , dent times, and has never known a yr Children will imit their lde *8 _ -A little with t head ce v r with beautiful ends, went aw herself one day,. nd aut thetn 11 off When she met Jjer mother the la te exclaimed with -stir ;rise. : " ry what have you'been, •oing wit] hair ?" To which she iespOnde( she had cut it oif an( laid it a in her box but ithat she inten le put it son again to me -row, as A _NancY did! THE' DooToit' Mi, TAKE -- Mr. Dodge, elearic physicia lecturing arougl tht States, laws of health, h hal pened to one Morning at the. reakfast- a witty son of Erin of the clase. Conversatiod turned o he doctor's fay' rite Subject, as fol 0 s "gel -baps ou think!" would Fe able to con ince .1,0'.1 of the del -t ous effect o • tea and coffee?" don't know " sajd Erin ; " bn like to be here %viten you ds t. Well," sad doaor, "if eun vince you ti at they are injurio to your health willi'you abstain fr m their use !" " Sure, and I will, s r4" "How oftm do you use Toffee tea 1" asked the clocttn, " Mo n n'g and night, sir." " Well, do you ever experience slight' dizzi4 of the brain ongoing to bed ?" n - deed do." "And,' a sharp pain through the temples, in -and bout the eyes, in the morning ?" «T h I do, sir." Weil," said the d ct with an air of assurance and i� dence in his manner, "that is tea and coffee." "Is it, in e And I always thoUght .it wa whisky. T dr nk."I ,-, tlay of sickness. He has had no irr- l‘eritanee ia the thousand natural shocks bequeathed to human flesh and hence fr;s spirits have always 2‘een good.- His moral, nature has been equally sound, for though a : man of property, be never owed a dollar, and never went to a circus, menagerie, or other public eXiiibi- tiara -- A sensatien has oeen produced, _ 1 am told, in England, says Dr. Russell, by the statement that the Prussian officers discuss the -question of ai:i invasion of the British Islands as 4 eoseible operation. Capt. Ho- zier, however, will, doubtlesseinform }ds Government that it is a common practice for officers of the Prussian Axiny, as a part of their military, education., to devise plans of min- paign in all accessible countries -- that they project a campaign in Rus- sia, or in Turkey, on. the. Danube, on the Po, or in Spain, with profese Pessional interest. It would not be surprising if a campaign in England :nut the way of opening it came within the scope of their interesting problems. —On -assuming the Imperial crown of the German empire, King Wil- liam ofsPrusela issued a proclarna- - tion, the dosing sentence of which is an invocation :worthy to be uttered ' by an Emperor in this nineteenth century, and fully. in. consonance _ with the spirit of modern iife .and °Onion That it was a sincere prayer, cannot be doubted; for the bluff King), as been no , trickster. Rad he been, he never would have been croWne - Emperor. It was doubtless the desire of a heart as tender as brave; 'as sympathetic as Strong; as quick t3 understand the horrors of war as to enforce its ne- cessities; as sure to rejoice in the "lawn of a lasting peace as to strug 13 I tha ay t 'in NOTICE. 1V—OTICE is hereby given to all pe _11 not to cut any timber or tresp lots. N.. 18, E. 19 and 20 in th concession Hey, as the owner, PA BELL, is determined to punish t utmost extreme of the law all so do 165-tf I NOTICE TO D'EBTO T HAVE sold my book accoun 1 Mr. J. NI. McGREGOR. De would do well to settle with him - cliately upon receiving their atcount Seaforth, Del e. 23 , .WM18.70F.. LUX., Tl50i s tf to rs rue, and -I, that withont further lay, ; ent bargain*: -n]akf while you n, • Saddle and Harness E noorium," remember JAMES 1L.S0N1$ e man. coestantly on hand. al stock of ; S, PORTMANTEA. S, VAL- ISES AND WH Pe •se Collars and 13 ankcts, - i•y article connect d ewith the bushiest 1:RUNKS, VALISE HAB,N11I88, SADDLES and Made to oder J. VIL .165-tf RIDLES, ON. A'VEI.RS INS RANCE 601V1 ANY. If All'I'FORD, CONN., LIFE AND ACCIDENT SUPANCE. 1111 UP CAPITAL, 500,000. Cash Iss ,600,000 TRA ELERS INSURANCE Cy!re P4N OF HARTFORD, COY:7"Z., Grants L FE and END0W3.1E14T POL- - icies upon the • LOW' RA TE CA.STI PLAN, Which c mbine aniple sedurity and. cheapness of cost, under a; definite contract. F 0 Uin ma,11 ab.1 TED 0 ItIC11.61.1 RESSED U KEYS, qESE, HICKENS, AND - 1:3 _ _ r E ,-ubserilnr will pay the highest J. 'as price fo- the above quantity of wellefatt,d and nicely dres.sed poultry dello red at the 'E g E porium. Main Stecet, Seaf e, }ideals), sit uld not be drawn and the headh and feei• sh oald be left on. Caah paid for snison, either saddles or %S. -hole dem WILSON. Seeforth, Nov. , 187kh 125-tf. ?LET i : t foe INK. 1J, SE TTER, EXCII1AN E BROKER, • And de ler in Pure r,RLICS thIEMICA .S AND DYE sjutrs, PERFUMERY, FANOYAND TiiLET ARTICLES Agent for Sewi Machines. Money to lend ori easy ter . ein elapf Pourr:;:sle:s7".ciinv. 3 ism SE.A TTER, Wines an.d-Liquere for medi- e---e-- MRAOHN THOMPSON r HANKS his m Ij their. liberal las ti fteeit years, cei re its pontinum e has low on metof Good Soin inerous customers for )atronage during the nd trusts he will re - land a, large assort - (1 " Gr en enalock Which...fie Warrants wil! give satisfaction. es° FENCING A TD DRAINING LUBERP z LAVA -YS K FP ON HAND. • —A SU-- , 1 • NO UNCERTAINTY' ; -bout the amount o premium. NO BO 1.1..R about note • . NO 1NEES TO PA ''.. for the use of your oeLl-n money. : • NO AS ESSMENTS, pi esEnt, or pros- pective. ':; NO DI APPOINTMENTS in regard to impossible' dividends. It NO DEDUCTIONS of loane, notes, or other writte'in obligations, when the pol- icy becomes a claim. 4 ' NO OVER -PAYMENTS of premium. NO DQUI3T but what yeti have all the insuranc4 you.pay for. NO QUESTION but what ' You have reliable. intutance at lowest wet, ,- A.CCIDPNT DEPARTMENT. - 1 - It has hotted over Two Hun.d.red Thou- sand General Accident Porcies, ,dis- bursing inlpa,yment 13,742 clams under them, a sant averaging about , even Hun- dred Dollare per day for the entire pe- riod. . :During the last twelve mo ths. there were written, in- this d.epartm nt, '29,359 General AccOent Policies, on which the gross premiums were $521,71 30. There were paid 1,319 claims for dea or who).- e ly disabling iiejury by accident, Of these P 33 were for filtal and 1,286 -fel: non-fatal -13 injuries. •1 i W., N. WATSON, Ageni, SEAFOR'l -On t . RICHA*I4 BULL, Esq. • Markger, Hamilton, II THOS E. 'FOSTER, 44.eral Agent, Mon real. ril. 166-13e ;- •• 200 00 FE T OF PINE l:PT Foi; BUILDING MM flNERAL PURPOSES Whichhe offers it; s liberal terms. �r- dera promp bi attended to. • '1 hc -_.11.11 is situ i scd on. the Townline of McKillop and H Heft, 3a]11 f miles from the Huron R.o d. SeafOrth, Nov. 11, .1870. S4 -f. • THE GREAT FE IALE REMEDY, jOB.MOSES' PE IODIC -AL PILLS. This inveluable 1 edicine is -unfailiug in the cure of ill tin se painful - and deM- geroos diaeases to w iich the female am- stittition ia subject It moderates 411 exceSs andiremoves .11 obstructions, aid a speedy care may be relied on. . To - markiei ladi s. it . is peculiar, y suited. It will, ine short time, bring on the monthly peri d withregularity. These Pills should not be taken by Fe- males duriillg the Fi st Thnee Months of Pregnancy, l as they- re sure to bring ma Miscarriage, but at ny other time they -a: reEnsaaf611. . Ceses of ervous and Spinal e - Affections, Pains in he Back and Limb, Fatigue on slight ex rtion, Palpitation of the heart, ysterics, and Whites, these Pills will e ect a c e when all other means hav failed: nd alilicugh c... pow- erful remec y. do no contain iron, calo- mel, antim ny, or nything hurtful to the constit tion, Full ctirectione in he pamphlet around ach packake, which shoold be carefully Les eerrovseEcis. ,Ias Eve YOR -; SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12!, ce ts for postage, en- closed to Northrop • Lyman, Newcastk Ont., general agents for -the Domini() • will insure 'a , bottle conaining over pills by retorn mail. ' CarSold in3 teafort by E. Hickson and Mitchell; T. S. Co mbs, - Clinton, and. Co., and R. LumS en; - A. Stephens, all -Medicine Dealers NORTHROP & L MAN, Newcastle, ISele Age ts. 163-9 DANIEL IWGREGOR, BOOKBINDER, HULLETT, TT -As just received a large Stock of the materialused in the business, and is now fully iirepared to execute On the shorteet notice and.in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. - Registers, Ledgers, AND 13i4aA.1\1= 1300 -ITS, OP ANY KIND, Ruled, Printed and Made To order, on the shortest notice, and a prices which defy competition. LADIES' WORK BOXES - AND FANCY CASES, 2Ylane to order. OLD ANDNEWBO(YKS Bo UYD AND REPAIRED At city prices. Persons residing at a' distance by leaving their books at the Signe]. Book Store, GOderieb, or at the EXPOsITOR ofike, Seaforth, or at J. IL Grant's, Ain- leyville, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. All_communications addressed to the undersigned, will receive. prompt atten tion. DANIEL McGREGOR, Coestance, P. Hallett:- Seafortli, Noy, 9, 1870; NEW BOOKS. REIGN OF LAW, by Dake of Argyle. HUXLEY.'S LAY SERMONS. THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE, (Par) C RITI C A I, NEyV TE STA MENT. EADI1.38' BIBLIC&t1 CYCLOPEDI A EA.DIES' BIBLICAL CONCORDANCE. JOSEPH:US' WORKS. EXETER HALL LECTURES. MOTLEY'S' ljTJTeIl REPUBLIC - GIBBONS' RISE & FALL, - ROMAN EMPIRE,, MAC:Al:LE-1"S HISTORY OE ENGLAND. MA RKII AM'S HISTOR Y OF ENGLAND, COTTAGE LIBRARY, cheiee and Che#p FAMIILY itEADING, SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES, BOoKS, ETC. or to DAY B.J°01.19;11i:i.s4Llietili . W flITl NG PA PER, , ENVELOPES. W Corannerciai and faney, R LUMSDEN'S Druo• and Book `.:tlrf, - Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 1=24=1131MM THE SEAFORTH 4unber Yard. & MACDONALD Beg to inform the public 'that they have openec a LUMBER YARD in Seaforth, near S teasrson'e Mill, on the gronnd for- ineriyisiale:ea.e .Lumber Yard, by Mr. Thoth ii -The will keep' tonetantly on hand a. sortment- of ALL KINDS OP UMI FAR, dressed and undressed. Also, ATH :AND SHINGLES, AR of vhich they are prepared to sell at , the lo est possibk prices, for Cash. Buil era and others will find it -to thei edema ge to inspect our stock, aiad certain our prices before purchesing else where, as we are in a position to offt good in ueements to cash purch sere, MAYBEE & MACDO -ALD. Seal rth, Dec. 29, 1870. 160-tf FARMS FOR SALE. VOR Selo Lot No, 22, 13th Conceion X Township of McKillop, eentaining One II bared Acres; forty-five of which are cle, red. well -fenced, and a mean sti cam of water runs thr one corner. No buildings. he unex- pired. t eni of eight years of the lease of part of Lots 27 and 28, 12th concession, with tl e privilege of ptunhasine at anv timeurchase money $1,275, o extend over a )eriod of ten years. T is lot is all woo land. For further p rticulere apply t the undersigned. THOMAS STEPH NS, eafort1t jaeu ry 114\1871. 162-tf F RFOR SA E. THE undersigoed oNI R' ffers for sale lot No 20, 8th Concessioo, Mo Tie, con- sistine f 100 acres, 14 miles 1 -sone Sea - forth, 2i miles from the Northe n Gravel Road, 70 acres cleared, well fen ad, shed batn, 3 x50 feet; log bailee, 18 -24 fee; frame.g moue', 16x24 loot, well niebed ; ja bearit g orchard of 30 trees; 20 acres. I, of good hardwood hold ; 7 ac-eof log, ging to he leared up; a never -failing - :spring rtek r, oiling through the faini e there i a school -house on ti e lot.— The a ove property will be, :Add for $2,000 ; :$1,550 cable, and time :for the balance Apply on the preinist— to the 111-0)211 0r. \V.' \-\-- \l'a. 1 tio-fain '11;lo's(-- -‘0•:'illee. ' ONEY TO LEND. (AN .b lam or •lesirable Village l'ropeisty kel 5;le per cent. Payments .I1J-ado to suit the borrower. Apply to . G. AleDOU(;ALL, ' Insurance Agent and Commissioner, 8eaforth, TIN S1,'ATTER, Evehanae Broker, - -e Seal()) th, January I:3; 1871, 162-6m JT' -ST THE THING FOR ALL. QUEEN Insurance Company . OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. 0 -- CAPITAL - $2,000,000 Sterling- - , 0 -- CHIEF Buildieg*, Liver- pool., And Gracechurch Street, London. CANADA.BRANC1T OFriCE—Exellange Buildings, Montreal. 130A1u)—Wm Morton, Esq., Cbairmah Henry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq., andthe Hon.- James Terrier, BANKERS—M0180'S Bank. LEGAL ADVD•zERS NieSSrs.. Ritchie, Morris & 'Rose, . MEDICAL -ADVISE li—Williain Su th aud Esq. M. D. SURVEROR—ThoniaS S. St:Mt, Esq. - At:mon—Thomas R. Johnsoo, keg, RESIDENT SECRET.A.Ry AND (3ENERAL rj AGENT. --A. Mackeuzie Forbes, 13 St. Sacrement Street, Montreal.. The undersigned having.been appoint ed Agent for the above Company, parties 1 desiriog to insure aged:net less by fire can do's° on ,the Most favourable terms. - Life Policies granted on as advantage ()us term. as .any other respectable Com- pany doing business in Canada. a What Wher What In eve As seas° Fresh Whilet I fa For al Ask tho 'Who] Aelt tho Their And one Wind That AN DM, CHEAP AND GOOD CLOTHING FOR ALL CLASSE. ried taste around nee see, Yer we may press shims gay, for work or play, y point of Dress is roll, so costumes change; beauties daily spring, NDERSON'S DREsS Maintains 20, it's just the thing. e who bask in princely halls. ad the world ot dress ; e in hinnble spheres of :lift. pillions to express ; and all those facts endorse. through all Canada ring, ERSON'S Clothing is for ;111; In fru. h, the very thing. For eports, bo;itiug trip* ai a tours., For oc an, rail -or road, It it app opriate in each part, 8ubsta tial. smart andegood. To donsti tate it first-class' work, Experi nced'artists bring Their c mbined knowledge, aml, of cofrs.e, . Produce it just the thing. 10 suit all wearers, ample care is full1, e now displayed; he choi e is moet astoundine, too, The la gest in the trade. f saving-, now, to meet the limes-, 3 ediciouely you'd bring, VIly, pe. 'chase, then, Anderson's dress ; it is th - very thing. A choi e Stock of Searfsa Ties, Collar!! nd. CuITS aIWays on nand. iJA.M ES. H. BENSON ' Ageat 0/1-70E-eBENSON & MEYER'S Law Office, 160-tf Seaforth, Seaforth, Nov. 8, 1870. 153-tf.-- W : 9 K. ANDY' 1-1„.1/40..N. , . 4 ) ,1 . : r ! ..i. . . 4 —' ....1...... ' ...... 1: . I Merchant Tailor, , Seaforth, Oil tar i.O. -MILLS FOR SALE OR -TO RENT! —0 — MHE SUBSCRIBER OFPERS FOR I SAL E or to Rent, on. easy terms, , THE VARNA MILLS, Consisting of a Flostr, Oatmeal, and Saw Mill, 41 of which are in good.running..... I order. The Flour Mill contains Four run. of Stones and the interor is well finished, and all the machinery in first class con- dition. There is in connection a good Dam, and an abundant supply of watei to run all the mills the year round. - These mills are situated in the eentri of a splendid Agricultural country, and a rare chance is offered to any person desi- rous of embarking inthe milling business. There is also an excellent opportanity of BORING FOR SALT on the premises, all the works for which -could be driven byNshraeaterboye property is situated k Tix miles from Clinton ; Six from Bayfield, and Eleven from Seaforth, with good. gravel roadsleading to eachplace. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, on the premises, or to Varna W. TURNER. VA.RNA, August 11, 1870. 140— . HOUSE, AND LOT MR SALE. THE undersigned offers for Sale a good -House and Lot, pleasantly sit- uated. on North Main street, next lot to Wm. Campbell's, (Merchant tailor) resi- dence. There is a good stable and. shed on the lot, also a few young fruit trees, a good well, &e. For terms of payment apply n the premises to PHILLIP SPARLING. Seaforth, Dec. 1, 1870. 156-tf 1. N. WATSON AIiWA\1S HAS ON HAND THE BEST E ING MACHINES N THE MARKET, Either for Family use, or for Manufa,c- titrilie pit poses. Both single -threaded and doub e -threaded, and loca-stitcl ,an he supplied. satisitaction guaranteed, and s given to purchasers gratis. Machines Perfect instructim Can also Marine against 4 best Comi The Live (Engli The Provi The Gore Farm. 1. N. WATSON sure propert•y againkt Fire and isaster, and Life and Limb ath and accident, with the nies, being Agent for )ool and. Londcm and 131obe, icial of Canada, (Canada.) District Mutual, (Village and ra, District Muteb,l, (Village rm. lers of Hartford, (I; a.nd nt.) .1 iberallyAdjustediand -omptly Settled. _ - EY TO LENI) The Nia,, and The Tray • Accid Losses 310 At modera rates of interest. Nci corn - mission, a d expenses moderate. ! MORT 'AGES bought on equitable terms. 160 ,voip 1 indis ity, prema in vain e -V simple in send free J. H. TU York QUA CKS.—A victim of early retion, causing nervous debil- ure decay, etc., having tried ry advertised remedy, has a s of self -cure, which he will his fellow -sufferers. Address TLE, 72 Nassau at., New 162-6m