HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-02-10, Page 8.e•
•FEBRUARY 10, 1871.
ittrott4 tipoitpt.
Trains le.ave the Seaforth station as
8.05 A. :Ai. . 2.25 p. M.
10.50 " 8.50 "
1.35 r. it. L35 a a
5.45 " " 8.05-A. M.
Fish at Oost, at W. A: Shearson &
Co.fe.• - 158-tf
INSURE YOUR Lrn. -Parties clesir ous
ot insuring their lives should apply at
once to Mr. W. Ns Watson, of ithis vil-
lage, who is agent for the Travelers In-
surance Company, one of the cheapest
and safest companies doing businesr
) •
Go to Shearon & Co.'s ,for new
LruitE.-OnJ Monday evening last
Rev. .Mr. Graha , pastor of the Egmond-
ville Presbyterian church, deliveted a
very able and interesting lecture in the'
Presbyteria,n church, No. 2, McKillop.
The subject of the lecture was :-" The
Life and. Labors of Dr. Kitto." We shall
give an extended report of the Ieeture
next week.
Fresh Teas and Coffees at cost at W•
A Shearson & Co.'s.
, •
census commissioners who have been ap-
pointed, we doubt much if there is one of
the number better qualified for the• posi-
tion, or who will perform the responsible
duties more correctly, oe efficiently, than
Mr. Thomas Holmes, of Blythe, the Com-
missioner for North Huron. We have
pleasnre in eongratuleting Mr. Holmes
upon hie anpointment, and more especial.
ly so as he. is an. eld member of the Press
• Fifty barred -8 of hand-picked Spitzen
burg Apples, at • W. A Shearsen &
forth Dramatic Club will give another
entertainment on Friday, the 17th inst..
at the Town Hall, .Seaforth, when the
pia gs " She Stoops to Conquer" and
4.1P'Seldy Myles Boy" will be brought be-
fore the public. Tiekets eau be peoeur-
ed. from all members of the Dramatic
Association. 'Secure your seats eatlyj
We are requested, on behalf of the club;
to express their thanks to Messrs Col-
lins and Bull for their kindness in assist-
ing thhra.
practical test of the amount of shrinkage
between live and. dressed hoes, we may
mention that James McOota and John
Copdatal killed. a hog belonging to Wm.
Deacon, of East Wawanosh, whichWeigh-
ed when alive 202 lbs. and 176 lbs. dress-
ed without inside fat. From this they
reason that One-eighth would be enough
to deduct fi•ora pro,perly fattened: hogs,
instead of one-third as ueually cledactecl
by bnyers.-New Era.
SEAFORTH COUNCIL. -Council met on
Tuesday evening. Present the Reeve
and Councillors Strong, Broadfoot and.
Beattie. The minutes of last Meeting
were read and adopted. The account of
McLean Bros., for printine, &c. ,amount-
ing to SIAM was ordereq to be paid.
Mr, Spark was appointed License Inspec-
tor kr the current year, and a resolution
was 'sensed that the rent of each stall in
the Market House; should be two d011ars
per month payable in advance, after
which the coencil adjourned,
evening last, the officers of Brittannia
Lodge _No. 170, G-.R.C., for the current
Masonic year, were installed by R. W.
Brother I. F. Toms, D.I).G.M., Huron
District, The following is the list of of-
ficers :- - 1
W. Brother James II. Mansell, W. M.
iC C Ballantyne,
•` Adam Gray, S.W.
Phos. Bell,
W. Kerr, Chap.
E. 'Hickson, Treas.
M. R. Counter, Secy.
II. L. Vercoe; S.D:
A. Halley, J. D.
E. Hazelwood, 1.0.
A. McIntosh, D.C.
" R. Smith, Tyler.
" D. D. Rose and. Hugh Cam -
Ieron, Stewards.
' •
Awn:we're-Gilbert Fergie, • an em-
ployee in Mr, Lecch'S saw hell, was se-
verely injured; the other d.ay,while engag-
ed in fixing some of the belts of the ma-
chinery. His clothes caught in the par-
ing of the mill which tore nearly ever
stitch from him and inflicted sever
deep 'wounds on his person. He i,s unde
the care of Dr. Scott, and to all appeal.
ances doing well.
LECTURE. --Rev.. Thos. Goldsmith, o
Seaforth, gave a lecture in this villag
on Tu.esclay evening the 31st ult. Th
lecture was not very largely attended,
owing to the inclemency of the weather,
but these who hadthe pleasure of bein
present enjoyed a rare intellectual treat.
We hope the reverend gentleman wil
net be long before he visits our villag
again in the same capacity,
BIBLE SOCIETF..-Dr. baulfield,lagen
Of the Upper Canada Bible Society, veil
visit this village on Friday veiling, 17t -
int., when the elaims of the above inti
tution will be fully laid. before the peo
Buiiness Notices.
Parties desirous of purchasing a supe
• rior stallion would do well to consult on
advertising colemns.-Messrs. Mohr
Co., have opened a new store in Veal'
old stand, where they have a nicely as
sortedstock-of Dry Goods &c. See ad
• Tertisement.-George Dent • advertis
that he is hard up. and offers great in
ducements to purchasers, in Dry Goods.
-Mr. Wm. Campbell, of the New Yor
House, is selling overcoats under cost,
• and all other articles in the gentlemen'
funaishing goods line can be obtained a
iii store.-Tamea Wilson, successor t
Campbell, makes the very, best an
cheapest harness, both light and heavy.
His stock is varied and his pries low.
Read his advertisement. -Remember th
great Aaction Sale of Books now goin
ott at C. Yeohi Auction Rooms, Seaforth,
HOW 5.4.tiT
SALT j13b8 S.S.
•• , TITEi IAL T ' P S'.p 'CT, d:O.
' Five or six years ago, ollowing t e
great oil discoveries , t Bot i well and Oil
Springs, a mania, wl'i'ch at the time w s
denornineted the " oil f ver," spre cl
over the country. A yo e who ha
perfefl to own a low-lying tqce of groun I,
covered perhaps with stagnant wate
immediately set ' abut phospecting f ir
oil and d- scoveriog, or pefsuading hi
self that he ha,d discovered,-" sym
toms" of the precioue fluid, direct
wentatot nd among his eighbors aa
trey iled on them to join him in a join
stock company to bare for oil, and th s
open to all concereed an easy and speeC, y
road to fortune. Oue of the places
tacked by the oil fever avae Goderich. 1.
well was sunk, in that town. on ti e
Maitland Flats, to the depth - of 1,6 ()
feet, in the hope of finding oil b it
when this depth was reached, instead f
oil the b eers struck salt. This w s
the first ractieel demotes ration of tl e
existence f salt in Cariadar Its disco •
ery :was purely accident I; the we 1 -
sinkers be ng after oil and hever drea
mg of sa t. Several other wells we e
soon sank in Goderic1i,1 al , we ,believ, ,
being su ictssfu1 in reac g salt, a d' '
proving.p ofitable irord,stm nts. A w 11
Was also unk at, Stapleto 1, near 01'
ton, and t 'ere, too, 'sale was found.
During he winter of 1870, Drs. Co e -
melt and'1-ouin1ock, of ; th i village, ha
ing becom convinced that salt might se
found in 'eaforth, resu vcd to make the
experiment of sinking a well. They e-
lected as he site for 416 projectccl e re
terprise a piece of marshy land.. e -
longing to them, near the Railway S a -
tier"; and close" by theRailway trac
On the 1 th of Maacht th ground W s
first i brok n and the buring commence";
on the 21 t of June, the success of t s e
eXperime t was aainbunced a bed of a It.
havipg be p readied, at a depth of 1,1 9
feet.: Th "salt -bed was, pierced to a
depth of iriety-iiixic feet, when, it bei tg
eonsidere1 useless 'for practical purpo es
to go fur her, the. boring,. 'ceased. T re
last hump gl.how ver, ati depth"in t le
salt -Dell ( f ninety-nine fe t, stillin i-
cated pur rock salt, so the aotuaAthick-
ness.of t e bed is unknown. This i a
eater d pth:of sale, than !has yet 'be n
ound in ; ny other place in:Canada. T re
ascertahde 1 salt (lee th' of the Goderi h
wells doe not, we understand, in a ty
case exce; d twenty het. It is theref re
no idle 1)07 st to ei,,airr that the Seaforth
salt-hed i the latest, and the Seaforth
salt -well the best-. 'yet discovered in
- 1 •
Canada. 1 es
•le efee 'SALT BRINE.
Salt as ound itt 'Canada exists iu the
fOrm of r cle-salt. There is no natit al
urine. Pie freshwater' domes in c n -
tact , with the salt, after the well 1as
been sank saturates and cliesolves it, a (1
thus firm brine. 1 -In Messrs. Colemkn
and , Gan nlock's Well, the first li4ri e
pm -aped as very weal, the fresh water
not havin had time td dis] n olve the salt,
but as th isumpinse went oh, the salt 1 c -
coning ti: orounh esa urated with wa-
ter and a eservoli of brinebeing feim d,
the,brine becam stro er and Strongr,
until it r ached 100 d zees by the s 1-
i °meter, ,t e point of co is ,t1 te Saturati n,
about wh eh it has ren eine& ever sine.
Tilt:Isis e.• . trongei brine th 31 is obtained
from- any other we .1 In merica. Dr.
T. Sterry Huntein hi ° eporb on. the
Go4rich Salt Jegipe,"1 says : • "ihe
brines' Of Spmase mark rom 59 eo 65
degrees lo the sa1 oiret4r, while those of-
Goderie1 i rye 81 o 90 and, even 95 de-
grees." ow,' thi Seaferth brine, es en
after th most cont nuous punipit
marks '108 to 100 c egrees by the salo n-
ot-cr. It supen r strength is read ly
accoonte' for .by tie greater depth of mlio
salt' bed, and thc censeguently lar er
reservoir •n which the brine is formed.
• 1
• Seafort has peculiar a vantages
the mane facture of salt ver Goder
and othe places veneee tie busines
carried !. 'fl- • First, en a count of
greater a rength.of br ne ' • with brine
100 degiees it takes about four barrels
.brine' to matte one of dolt; at 80 degr
five barr ,Is are requiieda-e•so it may
seen at �e that it wiI
I Use more f
labor an expenee to produce a. gis
quantity if salt from a weak bfine 4
from as rong one. Another :advent,
possessed by Seaforth is cheap feel,
a third,- 1 mw freights end easy access
interior t wits,
two larg
stands at
angle be
works is
mous cu
the man
only a Ye
marsh, t
It ma
of the"
ing to ge
• but *ha
to descei
is taken
bite; mar
watch th
nery of
like a. eh
the tank
the pum
the grou
20 feet b
From th
means 01
which th
salt "p
iron pla
naces, af
not vrond
mimed. 1
Coleman ankl Gouinlock
salt ' blocks " in operati
he first block
track, the ot
to it, and in
the selt-well
iring salt.
• the railwa
right -angles
• een them is
removed from the 4rine, there is a slight
evaporation- and the saltcrystalizee. y
means of hyphens, the brine, when it ias
reached the proper stage, is drained i to
the second pan, where amuch greater de-
gree of heat i appled., and the evapora-
tion is more rapicl. Here 'the salt set,les
on the bottom of the pan, and men are
constantly er gaged in drawing off, out of
the pan, to a platform on its edge. The
salt is then r ady fpr the (hying eitoc ss.
It is placed in boos, containing about a
bushel, the bottorns piercel with holes,
through which thelwater drains.- ere.
the salt rem ins a shorts thio, :when t is
thrown in la ge bins, and itanc1s for ten
days or two veeks. The crying Pros
is then co plete, andel' e salt ready
for barrellinr
At present about 200 barrels of salt are
manufactured daily. ', The manufacturing
is carried on night and day, but the inimp
.is worked on y twelve or fourteen hours,
durin g which time the well furnishes s iffi •
cient trine fOr the above quantity of salt,
Messrs. ColeMan and Gouinlock, during
the [ coming 'summer propose extent- il. g
thel works greatly: It is expected hat
another block will be added, and arrange-
ments effected for the manutacture of
Dairy salt.. : ,
1 1
An extensh e yard about be
filled With cordwood, an erter-
arty of 1which is consumed. in
facture of salt. The premises
presents a
e, and • Whe
r ago the
e transform
How taut
not be strict
eking" Iofsa
eady-uade, t
at it an to
1, we are abo
e the pt cess
om t1eI ear
• etable .
here the pu
works.racking 80
his kind -e
rm." Close
ecicledly itnpos ng
we consider.t at
hole was a ba en
tion seems re Ily
y correct. to sp ak -
t, as Nature. r-
e oaly trouble
ender it fit for se,
t s td atteupt
by which the b me
hand traasfor. ed
We stand in he
pin goes on, nd
ow smoot • ly
ere is none of he
common in . ihi-
erything " wo ks
y the derrick
to w14ch the ibrine passes f • ra
It %tends lebont ten feet frem
d, and its dimensions are abnit
• 30 fee with. six•feet of dep h.
tank the brine is conveyed day
under ound tubes, to the slalt
e -
and enterd the "pans,"
re are two in each block.
" is a large I basin, formed
8, perh
d, in
er loo
at th
••pia fi
ps, ohe or two feet
e vorks we are now
feet in lehgth by 21
thecpans are great f
ng at which one d
quantity of wood n -
t pan the impurities are
The -benefit derived by our town tncJ.
surrounding country from these wor s ijl
greater than at first would be snpp$ecl
Not only are we supplied with a very exe
aellent quality of salt at a cheap price -
but a large imber of Men are furies e
with ernplo ment, and our farmers nd
at the salt orks ready sale for t eir
cord:wood, ich was formerly almos a
drug in the arket. We might enl rge
on this bran h of the subject to a g eat
extent, but ur leesening space warp:
to be brief, , uffice it to say that thei en-
terprise and 1nergy of Drs. Colemen I and
Gouinlock. i ptojeeteig, and earryin f on
these Works are -worthy; oft all praise as a
public benef etion, andmerit the rewerdt
of pecuniar success arid public apprecie-
tion. •
But the salt business of Seaforth i yet
in its infanc -e healthy vigorous iflIfanl•-
cy, it ie tru , yet bearing only the s me
comparison o what it will be a -few years
hence that a infant does to a full -grime.
man. Ano 1. er: well is already being
sunk by the Merchants' _Salt Companyl,
and we hea oftwo mnre which may be
put down ti
• com ihg le =inter.
Queerest ser.e wenn
): This well s being seolc a little: to the
west of the adevay stetion, on the north
side 'of the ack. • The boring has reach-
ed a depth o ever 880 feet., and although
it has been and is Still attended with
considerable difficeltyl, .on account of the
hard flinty' stelity of the rock to be pen-
etrated, it ,is being tare ied cm with thine-
-Vera -hoe ituid vigor. T i'' :. V- :: '
' tsi oTHER ;PLACES. ......
In Listow 1 a well has been eons-me:pee
ed, .0.Tul we 1ie&r that the boring is rq-
gressmg Sat sfectorilet Aduleyville has
desalt compe y formed, a derrick is b ing
erected, ancl.1 boring will be cornmene d in
a few day]. 1 Blythe, as our corres =-
dent inform d'us last! week, " is .a,git ted
on the sale cfuestioneand the experiment
of sinknig a well will likely be meele.
Mitchell,' too, is not to be behind, and
the contract forthe boring of a well there
has .2,1ready been made. : - . •
tat eel! SALT IINDER.'
We cannot Close our remarks without
according a rerd of praise to . a. 31Ian . to
whom no Sir all, shared the truccees which
has attendee the . salt enterprise he the
County of eromis duh Werefer- to
Mr. Peter MeEs: en: . This gentleinan
_was the con tactor for :the sinking cg
.1.1essrs.- Go eman :arid CouinloCk's *ell..
and.for sev ral others,in Qoderich, inn('
he is now et earred in sink mg theMcie-
chants' well in this village; be is.els the
.contractor f r1the!proposed Mitchell t and
Aitileyville ells, !and in company with
his brother, Mr. John McEwen, is nu
ingdown the Well in Lieto-well.. Mr. itlt-.
Ewers is gee .,6-"a young Man; but the per-
• severance, e erey and talent -with w rieb
he has followed to suecess. the enterptisis
he has undettaken *odd becrediteole to
one of gre ter years. We . need . ino e
rhea in. Can da like Mr. Mc i'weill -to pros
Mote the pr sperity of our country. and
develope its resources. 1
1 -
• BUSINESS. -Business has been very
dull for the peat week, owing niainly to
the rise in grain for the last fe,w weeks.
The farmers are holding their grain, -ex-
pecting a hi harhise. Bat, alas 1- alas !
,it may be t their sorrow.
• GRIST MILL -The new mill built liy
• Chas. Sherrif, on the site oLf the one thet
was b•irnt 1 st spring, is 'hist about com-
pleted. • Iv is a large stone building
30x60 feet., eing built in good style by
Mr Mitche 1, of this place. The machin-
ery was pu • in by Goldie & McCulloch,
of :Galt, itt such a manner as to sheals
highly of t em and their -workmen,' the
mill - being second to none in the Coun-
ty. Now, s the machinery is good,- all
that ii wan ed is a good miller, and far-
mers may r ly upon having good. flour.
I think tha all that is requisite in a mil-
ler will be lound in Mr. Sherrif, he beih
a good Wo kman and always kind and
STREET OW. -The usual quiet of oar
village was disturbed a few nights agp,
by a free fi ht between a father media
son-in-law. They were separated by
some of the villagers., but not, until they
each recei ed some nice • niementoes.
They are li e the French and Prussians
in some of their battles, each claim, a
victory. " ohn Barleycorn" had a good
deal to say in the matter. -Co.
A NEw AN. -11r. NN illiam Tufts 111 s
purchased the stock of Groceries lately
owned by Mr. Knox, ana purposes car-
rying on buisiness in the old. stand. Mr.
Tufts is al good reliable business man,
and is deseijving of liberal patronage.
ard of Thatiks
To the Edi4r of the Huron Expositor. ,
SxR,-Pemit me through the meciiiim
of your ,pajber, to express my unfeigned
and gratef 1 acknowledgement to the
members °lithe Orange Association, No.
833, StanIty, for the very handsome
manner in 1vhich they testified their ap-
preciation ojf a lecture which ...I delivered
before the odge on the 5th of Noyern-
ber last, b appointing a deputation to
wait on t e parsonage, and presenting
• Mrs. Dauntt with a beautiful china tea
service, which will alvraye be regarded
as a pleasin memento of the kindly feel-
ings which iave prompted so unexpected
a favor. I Iremani yours truly,
Ba:ifield, Feb. 4, 1871.
• Bunness.-Sleighing being excellent
makes leusinees lively. There are large
quantities of saw -logs and. cord -wood
•coming in, which find ready sale at. our
andmills shingle factories.
• ImPROVEM.F.NTS..-- Messra. Boland &
Combs are engaged. in :building a large
shingle factory. The niechinery, boiler,
etc., a e of the Brantford. manufacture.
They e pect to have the mill in complete
operaf in about the lst of March. There
will t i en be three shingle factories in
• NOB E CONDUCT. -We Witnessed on
Thurs ay last the most stratifying sight
we hal e had this season; which was See-
ing a umber of the Blyth seines] boys at
the no n hour, with axes on their shout-
- ders; wending their way to Widow
Cray in's wood -pile. The larger boys
went t work with a will, splitting the
wood, while the smaller • one .117:tsied-
• theme lves in carrying and. piling it in
her w ed.shed. Under the axe of -these
• active Ilads, the widow's pile of wood.'was
speedi y dernolisned, and the wood -shed
stored with well -split stove -wood. Who
says ti e boys of this generation are not
as wel brought up as their forefathers.
Re ember the clearing sale of Grocer-
ies, NN -nes, Livers, &c., at Shearson'e.
Co. 1 158-tf&
ary same as last year. -Carried.. Move
by Mr. Cornyn, 'Seconded. by Mr. Leech
that L. J. Brace be Tavern Inipector fo
the present year at same salary as lee
year. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Hogd,,
seconded. by Mr. Leech, that the office olf
Asseesertand Collector be let by tender
at next filleting, and that tenders be r
ceived up to one o'clock of said day, th
Council not binding itself to accept th
lowest tender unless otherwise satisfa
tory.-Carried. Moved by Mr. HaugIl
seconded by Mr. Leech, that a debe
ture be granted to James Johnsto
Clerk, for the sum of $5 20 as Divieio
Registrar of Births, &h --Carried. Move I
by Mr. Hogg, seettide(1 by Mr. Corny
that the time for collecting the ta,xes
• extended to the 1st of February next.
Carried. Council adjourned to -meet
Mr', Day's Hall, on Feb. 20th, at 10
o'clock a.m. Jemes JOHNSTON, Cler
i Exeter.
G oob Gernate-A short time ago, Mr.
Richard Manning, who resides near this
.village and who is ono of our most exten-
sive an4 successful stock -breeders, weigh-
ed. on jhe London scales, a pair of young
steers,l which for weight and appearance
can kalrdly be beat in the Dominion.
Their j,vcigits and ages -were aa follows :
--lst, jagedl. year and 9 months,- weigh-
ed 1,2 0 lbs.; -2nd, aged 1 yeer and 4
month weighed 1,120 lbs.; tote" 2,360
lbs. "he younger steer is o the same
blood s the `dBigiHeifer "6fthe West-
ern F. ir, held at London in 1870.
On FELLOWSHIP. -Mr. W. N. Ford,
M.eW Grand Master of Ontariod I. O. of
Odd F Rows, assisted by a number of the
brethi1en from London end St. Marys,
orgeni cd a new lodge et this 'village'r
short ime ago.. After the lodge was in-
stitut d a n imber of candidates 1Were in-
struet d in he mysteries of the Order,
and tie following oflieere elected': and in-
stalles into office :-David Johnsl N. 0.;:
Alex. 1 ewis, V., 0.; James'Silliet. Secre-
tary; Alex. Saunders, Treasurer ; Dr.
Cowa ' Warden • aritt Win. Rollins; 'V.
0. t the concusion of the, ceremonzes,
the vi iting brethren were entertained at
the h tel of Vr3..E..-Wilkihi, to a semp-
tous r past. A few hour s weeepleasant-
ly spe t in song and. scut -aeon and the
comp ly Separated, all.! highly pleased
and it lighted with the likes= t evening
which had been spent, and the apparent
good 1 rospeets for a successfel and use-
' ful lo ge in Exeter.. .
• Bcs NESS CHANGES.Mr. .11F. Black,
!watch, aker and jeweler, has removed to
•'Walk rton. We wish him every success.
-Mr. John Ferguson. Merchant, who has
carrie4l on business. in Wfoxetir for a
numb r Of years. has rented . his stand
and. b ught a nice little es -tete near Dun -
o which he intends :to remote
shortl --Mr. Bradly, lateofTowbridge,
is his •uecessor. We hope „he will suc-
ceed ell in his new stand'
SCI OL MATTERS: -At the special
school meeting held 'on Wedneeday the
1st ilst.,• Mr! John .`11,nd,3r8on . was
eleeki Trustee i place of Mr. Ferguson.
it wa also dechred that the Truetees :of
the se tion employ an assistant teacher
for a 1 art of the year. •
(itt RCH SOCIAL, -The ''Fruit Soiree"
or Social held in thePresbyterianClarch,
Wrox ,.ter, on Wednesday eTenine, Feb,
ist, i as, .we are happy to', say, a com-
plete success. • Quite a niEnher of the
mein)) rs 'and adherents of the elnirch,
were rresent end a 'very pleasant time
was s rent. After full jusiice had been
done o the ea tab] e:Lprovided, 1ev..Geo.
Bros took the chair. In his opening
speeel he (rave a detailed =count of the
congr %rational Progress during the year.
Mrh-yllie, elders gave a brief but in-
terest, »g ' history of ',..he l'resbyteria.n
chum i at Wroxetcr, -from its organiza
tion until the preseut time. • Mr. Na-
thaui .1 Allen. spoke On the importaficeof
main Ming the schemes of the church„
Mr. .I.- egh llamilten on the hopeful state
of the Iniristizei au )-ch at rd th e world. Mr .
Geo. Iibeou ;owe a very interesting ad-.
drees on the egrieultere of the Bible ; its
interests and relheeree in all ages iu pee-
iNniort i.,nigi etxh. et t'leri )esii 1, -,11,,es icii,g, ,,,;:fo,:ot the1:iioa,w3.tpiheonoli.lste...
ance rf. fanny piety, :s productive of
the:- ,r. reatest hapi /ill USS to the
house mid of fat; h. Au excellent choir
disco rsed sweet music very effectually
to th eujoemeut of the atulienee. The
meet g bruke up aboet 9 o'clock.
TultNDERRY. -The Council. net Ross'
Mite 1, Bluevale, on Monday, Jan. 16th,
a.ecor Mg to statute, when the following
gent men made and subscribed the de-
clare, non of qualifieation and office, viz :
John Messer, Esq., Reeve, Wm.! Cornyn,
Esq., Deputy Reeve, and. Messre. Leeds,
Hogg and Haugh, Councillers. The
Reev having taken the ohair,, minutes
of las meeting were read and approved.
Move by Mr. Hogg, seconded by Mr.
Hau I , that Thomas Fortune be appoint-
ed A ditor for the present yen -Car-
ried. The Reeve appointed Thomas Far-
row, s Auditor. !Sieved by Mr Leech,
secons ed by Mr. Haugh, that William
's account of 61. 50, being expenses
incur ed inethe burial of the late Mrs.
Blancjhard, be paid. -Carried. The
• Reev reported. he had let a job on 15th
side Iline, to Isaac Wright, for $2 75;
job fi ished. Mr. Scott sent in a report
of Sanue1 Lockridge, job on B. line fin-
ishedJ amount 26 rods at $1 45 per rod.
Moir,' by Mr. Haugh, seconded by Mr.
Hogg that debentures be granted for the
folio • .g sums, viz : Samuel Lockridge,
$27 "5; Edward Tindale, 75 cents; Hugh
Han 1ton, $2; Isaac Wright, $2 75;
Willi in Wylie, $1 50. Moved by Mr.
Hogg seconded by Mr. Cornyn, that the
case f John Galbreath, in regard to the
brea mg of a horse's leg some time ago
on th road, lie over to next meeting of
Coun It and that the Clerk notify Mr.
Wm. Thompson to attend at next meet-
ing • d give evidence in the matter.--
Carri d. Moved by Mr. Hogg, seconded
by M . Haugh, that no taxes be collected.
from john Wilson for this year, but that'
he par this year's taxes next year, as he
got hs barn and crops burned. -Carried.
Move1 by Mr. Hogg, seconded. by Mr.
Corn n, that James Jolmston, be Clerk
and easurer for the present year, sal
• e .
MeKunent -The Councilmet at Mu
ray's Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday, Jai
16th. Present -The - Reeve, Deem
Reeve, and Councillors. The abet e ger
tlenten having taken the oaths of qual
ficatiou and declaration took their seat:.
The minutes of last meeting were re cl
and approved.. Moved. by J. Melon
seconded by T. Murray, that John Wu
gle be paid $3, for repairing the approacih
to the bridge on lot 11, 2nd and 3rd cm
cession. -Cerried. The Reeve appointed
James Kerr Auditor. Moved. by T.
Murray, seconded by 3. _Rome that
Patrick D. Cantillon be appointed Audi-
tor, and that the Audi -tors be paid 46
erten for their services. -Carried. Moved
by J. Maloae, seconded by T. Murray,
that John 'O'Sullivan be . reappoint d
Clerk'and. Donald McGregor Assess r
for the pres nt year. -Carried. Moved
by .:. Hays, seconded by T. Murray, that
the 'salaries of the different officers of the
municipality for the present year be as
follows, viz Clerk, $90; Treesurer, 560;
Assessor'$6t) • Collector, $60.- Carried.
Moved by J. Hay, seconded by J. }loran,
that John Sternigle be granted a deben-
thee to the amount of his taxes as chari-
ty. -Carried. Moved by J. Eo -an, sec-
onded. by J. !Malone, that William Kee-
nan be paid 55 for cutting thistles on lot
7, con. 1, certified. by Bernard O'Connell,
pathmaster.-!-Carried. Aloved by J.
Malone. seconded Isy T. Murray, that
the WidowtGuerin's taxes be remitted,
viz, 54 50, being in indigent eircumstans
ces.----Cairied. Aloved by '.1.1.. Murray,
seconded by J. Malone, that Jolra
O'Brien be pelt" 519 50 for work done on
T. line between McKillop and Logan,
certified by Mr. Kidd, to be deducted
from the appropriation ef 1871. -Car-
ried.- Moved by J.. Hays, seconded by
J. Horan, that this Council do now a 1-
journ to eneet again at Chambers' Hot I,
tylien notifie .-Carried:
Jolin ()'SULLIVAN, Clerk.
•Goanatef - The Council met t
Holmesville, on Jae. 30th, pursuant o
• adjournment. Ail the members prese
The minutes of last meeting were re d
and passed. Resolved that the followi ig
Jots be taken, from No. 38 road. division,
to form a new divisidn to be No. 50, vi':
Lots Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19 mid 20, in t me
15th concession, and Lots Nos 16, 17, 18,
19 and 20, in the 16th concession. T ie
petition of Henry Balloaml others, re a-
tive to statute labor was granted, 1 e -
soh ed that Edward Sheppard be allow el
to perform his statute labor on the hitle
and, 10th concessions, and that John Mc-
Mullen be allowed to *Ilona his statute
labor on the, 13th and 14th cdneessior s.
The Overseers of Highways for the (air: -
rent year were then appointed. The ftl-
lowing amounts were Ordered to be paid,
viz: :Henry Beacom, $4 ; Robt. Pollock,
$5; Joseph Proctor, $1'. Resolved that
Dr. Stokes and sone, and eon -in-law, 31 r.
Smith, be allowed to perform their st. t-
ete labor on the eide-road. Twirling 1 e-
tween lots 15 and 16, in the lst cone a-
sion, under the superv;sion of the pat
-master. • Robert henry wat refunded t
sum of $2, Samuel Sturdy; $1, and Joe . h
Proctor, $1, being wrong assessment of
dogs. The deficiency of $25 for the d itT
shed contract, was ordered to be paid.
Fraimis Vm hittingham was allowed $'C or
gra el, and Arthur Knox, 52 50, for n -
juries sustained by his horse in con e
pence of the roads being in a bad st te
• of repair. The Council then adjourned
to 'meet -again at Coldeugh's Hotel,
Holmesville, on the first Monday itt
March next. T. B. Semen Clerk.
CAUTION. -Purchasers of the Peruv4ni
• Syrup (a protected soletion of the p o-
toxide of iron) are cantioned against Ie -
Mg (received by any of the preparati ns
of Peruvian Bark, or Bark and Iren,
whichi may be offered them. . Every bOt-
tle of genuine has Perrivian Syrup (not
Peruvian Bark) blown in the glass Ex-
amine the bottle before purchasing.
EXTRACT. -After a fair and protracted
trial of Fellows' Compound Syrup of Ily-
pophosphites, we coosider it avery hall:t-
able nervous tonic, far surpassing many
others of considerable repute, and well
• worthy the confidence of the profession
• H. A. Jecaos, M.D.
Moncton,:N.B.'Nov. 9, 1867.
Price $1 50 it bottle ; 6 for $7 50. Sold
by apothecaries and by F. Cuudil & Co.,
wholesale agents, Montreal.
conquer disease is one of the grandest at-
tainments ever aimed at by man, and
Bryan's Pulrnonic Wafers will as sere
cure coughs, colds, tickling in the threat
and pulmonary complaints, as war and
pestilence will destroy. Severe colds if
not attended to sooner or later lead to
ineurable consumption, and the strength
of the strongeet soon fails if neglected.
The readiest and best means known for
the cure of these complaints is "Byran's
Pulmonic Wafers," which have been
thoroughly tried for the last twenty
years, and have never been known to
fail. Singers and public speakers will
also derive great benefit from the use of
them. •
Sold by every druggist and most of the
respectable storee throughout the Pro-
vince, at 25 cent per box.
$200 to $2,000
RE -PAYABLE by instalments, (not in
advance,) in from 2 to 15 years.
Monthly. 5 per cent.
. Half yearly per cent.
Yearly ..... . .... .7 per cent.
Apply to
Solicitor, &c.
Goderich, Jan. 23,1871. 164-8
• 1871.
To raise byway of Loan, the sum of Ten
• thouSand dollars, for the purposes
thex ein mentioned.
HERE'AS the Council of the Cor -
VV poration of the Township of Ste-
phen, of the County of Huron, have re-
solved to extend the Orevel Road run-
ning westward through Creditor", and
also to extend Westward the N.Boundary
and S. Boundary Roads, of said Town-
shiLd wherees to carry into effect the
said recited object, it will be necessary
for the Council of the said Corporation to
raise the sum of Ten thousand dollars in
the manner hereinafter mentioned.
And whereas it will require the' sum
of Eleven hundred dollars to be raised
annually be special. rate for the payment
of the saiedebt, ausi interest as also here-
inafter mentioned.
And whereas the amount of the whole
rateoble property of the said Municipali-
ty of Stephen, irrespective Of any future
increase of the same, and irrespective of
any income to be derived from the tem-
porary investment of the sinking fund
hereinafter mentioned, or any part there-
of, according to the last revised. and
equalized. assessment roll of the said
Municipality, beiny, for the year One
thousend eight hundred and seventy,
Seven hundred and fifty thousand two
hundred and twelve dollars.
And whereas the amount of the exist-
ing debt of the said 111unicipa1ity is as
follows, principal nothing, interest noth-
.And whereas for paying the interest
and creating an equal animal sinking
fund for paying the ' said sum of Ten
thousand dollars and interest as herein'
after mentioned, it will require an egna- -
special rate of erre mill and forty-seven
wee -hundredths of a mill (1 mill 4'7-100)
in the dollar, in addition to all other
rates and taxes to be levied in each year.
• Be it therefore enacted by the Council
of the Corporation ' of the Township of
Stephen, of the County of Huron,
lst. That it 'shall be lawful for the
Reeve for the time being of the said last
mentioned Corporation,''to raise by way
of loa,n from any person or persons, body
or bodies corporate, Who may be willing
to advance the same upon the -credit of
the Debentures hereinafter mentioned,
a sum not exceeding in the whole Ten
thousand dollars, and to cause the same .
to be paid into the hands of the Treas-
urer of said Municipality of the Township
of Stephen, for the purposes and with the
object above recited. -
• 2nd. That it shall be lawful for the
• said Reeve to cause any number of De-
benturee to be Made for such sums of
money, not less than One trundled d.ol-
la.rs each, and that said -Debentures shall
be sealed with the seal of -the Said Cor-
poration, and be singed by the said
3rd. That the said Debentares shall be
made payable in twenty years at furthest
from the day hereinafter mentioned.,1 for
this Bydaw either in London, in England,
or some place in Canada to be designated
in said Debentures, arid shall have at -
tubed to them Coupons for the pay-
ment 61 the interest half -yearly.--
• 4th. That the said debentures and
coupons shall be made out in either _ster-
ling money or the currency of this Demi-
Mon, at the option of the said Reeve, -so
that the whole amount of said deben-
tures shall not exceed the before men-
tioned sum of ten thousand dollars and
they shall bear intetest at the rate of six
per cent per annum, which interest shall
be 'sayable on the first days of January
• and duly, hi each and every year during
'the conti mien ce of the said. debentures,
at the place where the said debentures.
are made payable,
5th. That for the purpose of fmming a
sinking fund. for the payment el the said
debentures, the interest at the rate aliero-.
said to become due thereon an equal spe-
cial rate of 1 mill 47-100 of a mid in the
dollar, shall in addition to all other rates
and taxes be raised, levied and collected
in each, year upon all the rateable proper-
ty within the said township of :Stephen
during the continuance of the said debeo-
tures or any of them. 1
6thma this By -Law shall take effect -
and come into operation- upon the first day
of July one thousand eight hundred and
severity one. ,
7th. That the votes of the municirial
electors within the said township of
•Stephen on this By -1
eaw, shall be taken
at the day and hour nd- place as follows:,
That is to say on Vs ednesday the first
day of March,: A.D. 1871 to commenee et
the hour of nine o'clock. M the forenotir
and that the Poll shall remain open th-
til five o'clock in the afternoon .!of the
same day at the Town Hall, in Crediton,
Chester Prouty, Returning Offieen
The above is a true copy of a. peoposed.,
By -Law, to -be taken into coasideration
by the municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Stephen, County of Huron, after
one month from the first publication 'of
the said By -Law in the Hulloes EXPOSI-
TOR, newspaper the date of which pub-
lication was Friday the tenth day of Feb-
ruary, A.D. 1871, and that the Totes of
the electors of the said raursici.pality will
be 'taken thereon at the aforesaid polling
place in the said township of Stephen on
Wednesday the first day of March .A.- D-
1871, at and from nine of the clock in the
morning until live of the clock in the
afternoon. ..
Township Clerk,
166-4t ' Stephen.
rpHE well-known and old 'established
Hotel, "Thi RoXBURGH HoTEL,"
situated in the thriving -village of Rox-
burgh; along with the house is one half
acre of land and good stabling. Rigtt
opposite is "Rock's Mill," doing the la
gest gristing business in the county. To
a party with a small capital this is one
of the best stands in the County of Huron.
Apply to the proprietor,
Roxburg, Jan. 23, 1871. 164-4*
• ALTER RENWICK wishes to in-
form the people of Seaforth and
vicinity, that he has began the business
of Drayman, and is prepared to execute
all orders with promptnees and clispateh.
• Orders for draymg may be left at W. S.
Robertson's, Main Street, or at ray house,
William Street, near Main Street, adjoin-
ing W. N. Watson's. •
YOKE of good. working OXEN.
..Apply to Dr. SMITH,
Seaforth, Feb. 3, 1870. 165 -if
VOL 4, N 11
SS- 0
TRACY, ha,. 1) t.
• e Cliunty of Huron.
ei tenee -----1 bac dom. East il
E Siscopal t lnirch.
Seaforth, Dee. 1-Ithe 1.
W4or,E, M. in,
I len of Univereh
Physician, Surgeon, he.
dome Zuriele, Ont.
- 1/4;
.'" I;.tm m7
• Geaduate of Met ;i1
Physieirm„ Sure
and reeidenee --Brueedielde
Brueefield, Jan. 1:3, 187
_i_ etR, WI, It. SMITH,- 11
lel neon, etc, 1 O ....
Bobeit"-teneds Resi lessee - ,
North. ' I
'Seaforth,- De.e. 14,18
1-1„ cian, Surgton, etc.
sidenee, tomer Of hlark
Street, immediately in
S eaferth, Webs 4th.
County. : Whet ami
ciebyls, conter etore.tMai
f4th. Officedah, Satniaa:
li ; . and Solieitor in -I. I
veyancer, Netary l'uelie,
the Clerk iif1tko Reesse.,
Goderieh, Ont.
N.B.-111 maw to leini a
Farm Lands..
<I:oder-la"!lan'v. 28
-il ."-
rart tTI1 JIEY -ft 1
.1 Barristers,' ,Attorney
eniiers in (!hancery end 11
- tellers Publie and r hinveya.
tons for the R.( aliesuk, n,
tor; the 'the -nada idle Assn -
N. B. -5,30,-000 th lend -
Panne, HouseS 4wil Lots t
lieaforth, I]ce. 14th, J.
arits Public, te tc,i 4 4iii-.21--s,
'-`)N. t AVIri;
' EN
41 - J 4: '1" ' AZ '1"
A etorn eye. ,naw; al bli
- 4
-eerily aed Insedvenene I 'gm%
Wroxeter_ - Agents for t
Loen Co, ef rpilier -Canash
,ctr40,1 Securities t te 4)f Los
MOney at .5 per eent ; 1
JAs. II, 111717: 3
. _
Seaforth, Deeel luth 18r
i •
1 17E.
i1).AmmtiliAL, :II oTE
kJ janses ;tried, prepr
first-class ac emeninlatien
ling public,The larder a
ways supplied•ith the
ts afford. EXtel entstabl i
ti°.zilLinleyville, A'pr'il 23, 4
The milersignd ben
publie for the liberal' path;
to him in times past in the
sandals° to inform thern tb
resiurned leesiness itt th•e
-where he will be, happy
frain el41 friend's, and net
Sealln-th,-"May 5, 1870.
eriele ONT., .1. "ALLA
neon - S. WILLIAMs,
oars Hotel, Wataaw, N. ,
'This hotel has recently 1,0
nished, and refitted thri
now one ef the meet COnlf9r
rnodiouSin the If:my-Mee, 1
Rooms for Conunereial Ti
Terms liberal.;
Ooderieh, „April 14, 18
„Us cer for the County
erich, Ont- Pettieular ati
the sale of Bankrupt
Stock Sales -attended ofl
Goods Appraised, Mortg
Landlord's Warrants Ex
Bailiff First Division 'on
Goderich, Jude 1t1.
W. Mt& If "ELI
Land Sue-heyore,
etc. All manner of
with neatnese arid eliepat
lips, t asimniesioner m
Next deor south of Shan
Seaforth, Dec114, 186e,"
Plans and Specifiers
reetly. Carpenter's, Mae
son's work, measured a
Over Detlor & Co.
House Square, Goderich.
Goderieh, April 23, I
dCIC EFa :Ir
.abie t
R.' L.Sifin '
Seaforth, May 6th, 1870.1