HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-02-10, Page 3RU.4Fy 10, 1871. I lh'G REG.OR, ER HULLETT, lust, received alarge 4tock of the aerials used in the business,and ally prepared to execute on the nAke- and in the latest styles, a he may be favoured with. ;esters,. Ledgers, ANL 3300-irS . of ANY KINI PI in ted and Made e n the shortest notice, and a ea which defy competition. XS' WORK_ BOXES .AND Made to, order. D-NEWBOOKS D 'LSD REPAIRED At city prices_ residing at a distance by r books. at , the Signal Book er-ich, or at the `'xPosrroit rat,; or at J. R Grant's, Ain,• ating style, may rely upon well bound. sur cations addressed to the 'd, will receive prompt atteg- AN:IEL McGREGOR, Conatance, F O. Hallett.. 13i 0:: 153-tf. C'E B Olds. LAW, by Duke of Argyle: LAY SERMON. V AND SCIENCE, (Brewer). L NEW TESTAMENT. WBLI CYCLOP:EDJE A 1BLICALCONCORDANCE- 5' ONCORDAN r CL. i' WORKS, HALL LECTURES. EY'S DUTCH REPUBLIC_ & FALL ROMAN F EMPIRE.. Y's HISTORY OE ENGLAND_ fl'A:M'S HISTOR OF ENGLAND, LIBRARY, choice and cheap 4.'r READING, G, fl SCHOOL LIBRARIES HYMN BOOKS, ETC. —sctsir— S a�N,'TA'�[[''L,S, :CASH BOOK& 7 13 Ilk. WRITING PAM, ENYELOPIIIK 41 and fancy, at L M DEN'S i 4g and Book Stare._ e ;'ear. 3, 1870. ?LEEN rice Company RPOOL & . LONDON. $li, 300,000 Sterling y—Queen Buildings; Liver- a.cechurch Street, London. astir Or rcE Exchange :tinge, Montreal. .Marto., Esq., Chaim -au: Esq., David Torrance, to .Her'it. Jaraes Ferrier, lolsont's _Bank. IsElts -- Messrs-. Ritchie. s. sea ---William Sutherland. .Choreas S. Scott, Esq. h ati R. Esq. ora Johnson. Esq_ Fd'r"kETARY AND GENERAL Mackenzie Forbes,, 13 St. et, Montreal, 'Reel having been appoint - ie above Company, parties ire against lass by tire can Etat favourable teiuzs. res v othegran ted on '4 advantage r- be , reap table (1om- rimess in Car ada. ,IES.- II. 'BENSON. SON & MEYER'S gentl Law Office, _ Seaforth. E`, 1Su'0; 153-tf.— LLS E OR TO RENT I ItIBEI OFFERS FOR Rent, on easy -terms, s, tRNA _MILLS. 4lottr, Oatmeal, and Saw ich are it good running... order. 1 contains Four run of Lrtteror iS well finished. vinery in first classcon- is � ill connection a gone iuiidant supply- of water ills the year round. we situated in the centra ricultural country,and a tired to any person desi- g rnthe milling business. a excellent opt>ortunity SALT on the: premises, which could be driven Yperty is situated Six ri , Six from Bayfield. i Seaforth, with good og to eacbplace. rorticulars apply to the prem:rises, az-to Varna W. TURNER 1, 1570. 140 --- LOT' FOR SALE. tied - offers for -Sale a grid Lot, pleasantly sit- [ain street, next lot to (Merchant tailor) resi- good stable and shed ew young fruit trees, Far terms of payment lees to TILL'? SPARLI G. 1870. 15 -tf FEBRUARY •l0', 1871. WAIFS AND STRAYS. The number of deaths in Chicago last year was 7,24.4. -- The glue works, a t Peabody, Mass, make 2,200,000 pounds a year.. - Theie aro 23,000 Free Masons in the' State of -Ohio. -- Canada's lumber business is worth to her annually $15,000,000. ' The Spanish Gen. Prim's estate is estimated to be worth $5,000,000. -- The British Museum library contains 1,600,000 volumes. —.Buffalo Bte cera in 1870 made 142,849 barrels of lager beer. — There are sever) fenAle` sculp- tors from America studying in Rowe. — Spring songs of the seeds- Put me in Illy little bed' Michigan has 5,173 lakes, -hav- ing an area of 1,114 square miles. -= The total rateable , value of London. England is £19,367,814.. One hundred tons,of -Bork have been purchased in Elora, 'recently, daring two weeks:. —Boston has 5,400 street lamps, which were an expense of $321,580 fast year. - hat is th diff re ice b an—auction •-an sea- icl-nks of R ° ects, Eh oth ist elle sici "sea the -Jenny Lincl has-been singing in London for the benefit of the Gera man wounded. • --The North-Western Telegraph. Company have inac'e arrangements "for extending their _line., to Fort Garry early in the spring.- — The Montreal import trade for the eleven months ending Ncvem- bei, °shows an iut:rease in value of nearly seven millions over the sane period of 1869. — The Virginia. Senate, by a strict party division, on the 17th lilt., voted $600: to purchase a por- trait . trait of the late Robert E.Lee, and by the same 1ivison ref used an ap- propriation for a portait of General fr Thomas. .• -- In the Sand wich Islands, it is death fon a man's mother-in-law to visit him without permission. Hap- py Sandwich Islanders. —The German papers mention, - as an indirect result of the war:.`' ° that there has been .a marked in- crease of lunacy iii..A'rance, all the asylums being crowded. Father Hyacinth contemplates another visit to the United States, next autumn, convinced that he did not see half enough of the country . when he was there before. —The Corporation of Quebec is $ 12,000 in •' hrears in the payment of the Protestant, School tax, and the Protestant School {.oinmiss ion. ers have' instituted a suit against the city for the payinent of the money. It is stated that Russia for- mally declared, in advance .that the action of the Conference must - be without prejudice to the abrogation of the neutrality of the Black Sea, - which has already been accomplished by the act of the Russian Govern- ment. , - -A letter has been extensively published, from Mr. John Dent, for- merly of Mitchell, Ont , but now of California, addressed to. Hon. John Carling, in which he warn; Canadians that California is not the El Dorado it is supposed to be. Mr. Dent says, "I never saw in my life so much hardship with the working class of men as -there is in this .co.un- mo Sta and and pr.) and wa wh' 8 e SalE is of ns ha than are 1 Bob, y r 8. - kissi� babiE ucts stayi disc le try sag °. out is•s ltry ho sekee co . monl to eeh tier.• F ing to tli the 'tat agar nst.". NE. l kin ell, dip a iia ar-k ch h I ca e br. al -k (wt wh SO dy. she ca. for _e p kes - go ti the mak wl iskey e t own ar-k i sail. rir41 'h cl vea geeate • � lio an : body. . is . ?E note nab] e. to see -8 whet e's the St 4 It is one of tle It is boundrd ti one side s on the other It its p•pul, ton b coo ago t late ;O'ngh acre ► by Ad -t a ing:. o find r , n • r hw �f radise. T e climat ;illy • u pas t" ie -tropics o ing, when sq ally weather set : in w ith ndh power as 11 hands a:; co 1 as cueuml- r th priuci jr 1 oa s lead- s int resting t te, consult pair of blue y tween —One r the ph y - of the ecauSe ekness. Matri nitec1 ugging nd cradle chie stick s. I d Ev st pas ou run V .ARzTuMETI..=$i k lent into -a whis Nv's.op bel :eve I ,will s end in aekers this 1 ora''' eprer14hand Jim' 'ticker tastes. loot -stand tl em ; give me tidy for the c aoker, s." e -per -gives hi saline -bran- , ars it out, smells of- it, is bead. " on't thi.ik I at. Give me some whiskey randy.." • ®per hands ;els ont a full it and .st.u•ts. on= . elver.—" Hol 1 ou, there ! yo t hav•. paid are for hr -t Whiskey" ick gent—" I ve Iyou tl e b you whi bra or the ii ke s r. nd l� V Y, We 1, you ain't p• id me for tine br ndy, sir" I gi ve :,you the cr.tekei•s for t br • ndy, sir.," We 1, you ain't p, id ineefor tie cr. cker. " We 1,.sir, you ha e your crac e yet.' ar-1- eepa`~ said no. . ore. llitl lout t e glass, drinks ie. • I A, TERRIBLE S1TiJ TION.—Dan el M Neil, who is c;tupe ed in clean g ca, s at the Central de•ot, was walk- in ' alon the rack, and his foot caug t be wei the flooring of the depot a•d•the rail, so that be was una•le t to extricate imself. t that morns i„ a., 'engine t as backi • g down t e sa e track, • nd was not a i od a cl s- ta cel from the unfc rtunate m n. H..:serea ale aloud t) reverse t to engine, and au employee at. the c e - pc t, 'he rd h the the sig • al cOng.illnotice ca e to. : ro:us urachi e m,• l rrir f tl w sed along tl m, and g the ,er. Th let . Tie pond ved aloe , and tl ere scoot t ie n, taste : ed in ' i "s track. ' e lew. !his 1 ody to ne side, a d eel afterwheel pa.. o� er e side of 1 is left fo t, crushing it dieadfnily. The toe of the ria ht fo•t was .al.o: bruisedThe man a ter being eleased 'as taken to a c, triage ant convey,eto his ho ie. T e feeling. of this i an for a f.w moments it ould be difficult ev n t Rophest,r Chronicle. imagine. COLORED try." o ed than 'is — A new machine Tor taking' off t ining the the hides of dead cattle will shortly t. political s i be tried at Buenos Ayres. The op- eration is short sharp and decisive, requiring- only a minute for each Bide. Cold air is forced by a pump between the flesh and tbe hide, and the thing is done, The process ought to b€ an improvement on the old hacking and scraping system.,. GAIETIES. House decorations—Women. The language of Flowers—"Well, I'm blowed." Divorce travelling shits are said to be the latest,' novelties in Indiana. To YOUNG LADIES.—Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, but half• shut afterward. An Irishman upon seeinga squir- rel uir-: q rel slot from a tree, said: " Faith, and that's a waste of powder. The fall itself • would have killed the squirrel." "Boy, why did you take those • shingles last Sunday ?r, "Because, utcther needed some kindling -wood, and I didn't want to split wood on Sunday." Old Moneybags says that a `girl with an 'income of three thousand dollars a year or More is always an objct Of interest, because she has s so much principal. A Galvestonian, whose hennery has been robbed of five Brahmas, re- quests the thief to call and " take away the rooster, as he is very 1`one-1 15,, and no questions will be asked." 1 An oiiginal neighbor of old nip1 Van Winkle was said to be so lazy that when he went t� hoe corn he • worked so slowly that the shade of his broad -brimmed hat killed the plants. I • c An unmarried friend declared to ua the other day; with an expression of °Countenance most lugubrious, " I never cared a farthing about getting married until.I attended an old d chelor's funeral." u . cial "equ the Unit ii st.. Jeffets to the Hou p 'esentativ. afe" now t House and one intI v iere is eve n niberof' ill hereaft race. portant c and hot -cure it. b ates on th 0means 11 residenta o-. some_ I ong the e nominat ie Republ e rnajorit e Unio:n tie world IiEGI:SLA ORS.—The col - rapidly! nd surely bb recogniti n of his rights nd to so e extent to a a itv with: the Caucasian (iWStates. Ou the 15th a F. Lo . g was admitted e at Was Kington as are= from Gt orgia. There o color • d `. men in~the e Senate, and •y piosp:ct that a• large. southern representatives 3• be of tie once despis-- he "colorer vote is a very lement i :. the body poli parties ill endeavor ,to placing colored Candi- ir ticket , and it is by probabl, that at next electiop Fred Douglas Cher iiia uentiah leader colored opulation will d as Vic; President by Can par y, with which of his•r:.o through i' ►. 4 are affi iated. Vel loves. e t s 0 t t t E iHURON EXPO D'S RIT7iVI FASHION, SEAORTH. ITOR HE suhscrib ' begs to announce to the public th the has opened a plendid Assortment STAPLE DRYC. KINGS `o navy hap 1 pi: sten cetn ttnlik iced by t re P'iinc: the origins is a desce lkus;, the presen ting ointe de, ' ynasty of on 113.igtic Iaria I11 f Porth ,a uke:Ch• ;was depos •rather i ueen of; ulers1 of odena;, f Hanove 866 ; an I. of i Spai 0 0 TT F Bu ted by;a 'rs, wh lier than e people. Wasa, royalty., dant bt: Cite d the Bo ' aris hea France ; T(uncle _ a Gloria INEss.—Europe number of roy- se pretensions ever to be recog- Among them ho represents •f Sweden and ustavus A dol- Chambord re- rbon, and the of the Orleans the eldest son of the late Queen who was King for short time in 1828;. rles of ': runswiek, who d and s weeded by his 1830 the King and e respective ex - Parma, and the blind King by Bismarck in los and Isabella CROOKE aples ; t Lombard eorge V. depose Don Ca General f 'the'',` `Ma • ND F�:iN C�! OODS, OHIND � GROCERIES, BOOTS .8& SHOES, l i, T'I� ORS, T -t\rTN ES, ET The whole of he;Stbck is entirely ne and bought in the best houbes,.in Caned He is determined.to;sell at prices th t will satisfy. the ouyari. T . �C 1D D Eeaforth,Nov. !st, 1870: TOYS & FANCY GOODS 1;00 AP V BUSHELS DRIED P E RY' CHEAP i AT THE STORE_ W. S. ROBERTSON. 153 eal Dow i . to write -a history ne Liquor 1 . w " movement. AT` CAST -,A M. R. C; TSNTER, NOW IS HE TIME TO BUY - YOUR Christ asi Presents, NEW Y' ,4 'S GLET Jutat receiv cl' a complete stock of FINE GOLD ND SILVER JEWELR RUSE AND SWIS W TC H ES. To be. 'se d Cheaper t ever. M. R. ('1 YC 1NTE TE SEAFORTH, Dec. 13, 187( 5 1 TORONTO MI DESIRES ladies she has r ment t ov I ILLINER ERW'IN,' respectfully inform eaforth and iinit;y, t her Milling: ti Establi R NO D'S BLOC NEAR TH , R.A.ILwAY sTATioN.' Miss Erwin ould also s ake this pbrtunity of saying that she has v:rryy considerably i creased her stock wh ch consists of MANT se at li- p. E, [ATS �I Ar D BONNE 1 S, R-adytrimmed. DR. SS CAPS, Orders for a 1 kind of work,- such as MantleanclDrIssmaking, Braiding, Tri ming, etc.• Proinptlky altenden to. A stock of piece Satins of all sha hand. on Seaforth, Sept. 21st, 1870. 1464 CW$TOM TAIL'ORI • NANKIN al patron commencing attention to same. the' public .for their li ge' extended to us 8 usiness, we hope by st edit a continuance of C T'TII TG- + es N era ce et he ANTED_ 0 00 'DRESED ._ R K Elf 1 GEESE, CHIGKE NS, —AND- -C.7 Tr - r1iFEE su scriber will pay the highest st cash rice for the above quantity of well-fatte and nicely dressed poultry, delivered at the E Main Str The po the heads ,Cash v whole Seafort g Emporium. et, Seafoi tb. itry should not be drawn and and feet should be left on. id for Venison, either saddles leer. D. D. } WILSON. ov. 3o, 1870. . 125-tf: LEA ING HURON. T OT 3, 1N THE 3rd CONCESSION, mTDI4ETT, Better known as the WI LIAM THOMPSON. FARM Is -offered for sale, it is admitted o kIio' this 'Lot, that for er,�ps stock it as no superior in the CLOSING SALE OFA FIRST CLASS STOCK CROCER1ES W. A. Shearson & Co. having concluded to give up the Grocery business will. for the next two months, dispose of the whole of their stock of Groceries, consist- ing of T EAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, RICE. NEW FRU1Ty, LIQUORS; ETC. At and under Cost. We beg to call the attention of the Farmers and others to this sale, as they will be able to obtain from us their holi- day supplies of Groceries Fruits, Wines and Liquors at wholesale east. The whole stock must be cleared out at once. Hotel -keepers will find it advantage ops to inspect our stock of Wines, Li- quors, '&c., &c. The lease of the store to be disposed of. W: A. SHEARSON & 00 Seaforth, Jan. 28th, 1870.. 52-1y. N. B.—Fifty barrels of hand picked Spitzenburg Apples for Sale. !q OF county. by all who and p Address BOX 175, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 152 - SIGN OF THE Parties w o may require Cut •ing done, casha • e it executed with Accu- racy, Neatn s, andDespatch, at MOD- ERATE OD- ERATE PR GER. SUTHERLAND BR i S. 2 SEAFORTH, September 1, 1870. 0 c� ;0' ;11 GOOD NEWS ! —FOR THE— People ° of Seaforth. .tIEW BAKERY & 'CONFECTIONERY STO.,P _ J. CAVA.NAGH. (Late of Stratford.) Will be found in his oldP lace, one door south_of Mr. 1?. Veal's Grocety Store. Mr. Cavanagh wishes to return to his numerous friends and customers, his bin- cere thanks for their liberal patronage in the past, and hopes that they will `con- tinue the same in theft; tare. -SELECT SCHOOL. A YOUNG LADIES' 'Select School J% will be opened by MRS, L. J. MILLER, on Oct. 24th, in Mr. Itiidd's Block, over the store. A liberal patio Solicit-- 1. cit-- .nage by the people of Seaforth, S is ed. For berms, see Mrs. Miller, at DR. VERGOE'S. Seaforth, Oct. 20, 1870. 150-tf. CHRISTMAS.— Mr. Cavanagh has made great prepatatioiis for the coni• ing Christmas, and will be . able to fur- nish his customers with everything in his line, such as Bread, Confectionery, Can- dy Toys, Fancy cakes, Wedding cakes, Nuts of all kinds, and all descriptions of Syrups. Hot Mutton Pied sand all kinds of refreshments, also - good accommoda- tion for friends from the town and coun- try. Also JUDD BR }S. Vegetable Union Yeast. Try it, .it never fails, and is always reliable. THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY, JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. This i valuable medicine is unfailing in the et re of all those painful and dan- gerous d'seases to which the female con- stitutio is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, and d speedy cure may. 'he relied on. To. irlarrlec ladies itis peculiarly suited. It will, iti.a short time, bring on the Monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken by Fe- males during the First Thr e Months of Pregnancy, as they are sur to bring on Miscarrilage, but at any oth r time they are s fe. - - . f • ` .+ 11 Cases of Nervou and Spinal Affe io s, Pains in the Bac and Limbs, 1 ' Fatigue on slight exertion, ia ptstion of the beast, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed and although a pow- erful remedy. do not contain iron, calo- mel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full t irections in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. • JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12i cents for postage, en- closed tb Northrop d• Lyman, Newcastle Ont., gelneral agents for the Dominion, I will insjire a bottle containing over 50 pills lay return mail. 1 W Shcel in Seaforth by E. Hickson and Co., a d R. Lumsden ; A. Stephens, Clinton?l 1=Iitche 1; J. S. Coombs, Cand lf all Me icinc Dealers. 1 NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newcastle, I Sc.le Agents. 163-? TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE! r v t CO.'S, — N.& 1JPkS J S F Ai1,.RE OI ST Baltimore, the best in the market al- ways fresh. LOBSTERS AND 'SARDINES. A1 -ways on Band. GIVE ME A TRIAL. J. CAVA N AG H. SEAFORTH, Nov 23, 187C. 134-tf, N. B. Orders for WEDDI N C CAKES and supplies for TEA P RTIES prompt- ly attended to. SEAFO e laning Mill, Sash, Door, and BLIND - FACTORY. 0 THE Subscribers beg leave to thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to thein since commencing business in Seaforth, and trust that they will be favoredwith a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build would (It well to give them a call, as they wit continue to keep on hand a large Stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ' &C,, They feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may ;favour ahem with their patronage, as none but 1first class workmen are _ employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing 1 B1tOADFOOT & RAY. W, 11■ OLIVER, SIGN OF THE c a raa o teaa sCOTCi COLLAP AP . A choice assortment of light and heavy farness, uhips,hells, horse clothing, etc., kept constantly on hand. R:cpairinc Promptly attended to, i.nd Charges moderate., Remember the place .? sign of the Scotch Collar, Alain Street, Seaforth. 163tf W. I. OLIVER. TAVERN FOR SALE. The. subscriber offers FOR SALE the TAVE1' N known as the New Dominion Hotel, i i the village of 131uevale. This Hate], awing been lately . re'fitted, is now ca able for the acct. =Iodation of the tra!eling public, Having good sta- bling, ith large driving -shed 36 x 20 feet ; al o a large Ball -room over the shed. I here is an excellent well close to the sh , with pump -in good order. The land a ached to the hotel consists of half an ere of excellent land, well ad- apted fo gardening purposes, with a va- riety of choiceoung fruit trees. This y hotel is situated a few rods•north of the Wingha road in the village, this being the lead g road from Wroxeter to Wing - ham, Lucknow, Kincardine, &c. This hotelill be sold for cash, or, if the purchas r cannot pay it all, _ a balance can remain on _ bond and mortgage for. one year. The purchaser can buy -the tavern fittings, .Moves, chairs, bedsteads, etc. For particulars apply on the prem- ises to WILLIAM ROSS, • Proprietor. Blue*ale, Nov. 23, 1870. - - 158-tf TEETH EXTRACTED WITIl001 PAIN. CARTWRIGHT, L.7:S., Surgeon - Dentist, Extracts teeth without ain. by the use of the nitrous -Oxide Gala Office, -Over the 'Beacon' store, Strat- iord- Attendance in Seaford', at Knox's Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday gf each month ; in Clinton; at the Com- ni-ereial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. Parties requiring new teeth are re- quested to call, if at Seaforth and Clin- ton, on the first day of attendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth .extracted by!tne use of the,Gus, at Dr. Coulton's. ofi'ices- New York. SIGN OF TIIE FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE, the west half of Lot No. 1, 7th Cori., township of Hullett, situated on a good gravel road, contain- ing 50 arcres, 40 of which are cleared and well feaced. Th _re are on the premises' a good frame house and barn, also a near- er ever failing spring of water, convenient to the house. There are also 4 acres of fall wheat sown, which will be sold with the farm. ,For further particulars apply to e tproprietor, ou remises h thep or if by letter to THOS. BOWYER, ° Constance, P. O. 15S-tf.— Hu ett, Dec. t14, 1870. 0 lovvi 111R, ALI Psi 1.0 one ,AJQ 1: 01 pod s.s I"• 101 n Nye tom' Ow C� y,a A lel d tad Ge. immod 1""4 'd e.¢- t"r. ....t r me ry it a) 0221110 NNW AIN • k7.1 r✓,. 1_1N pa *_.• ..i — *do -lilt poi _ � F■r FEW ;ID 5D log M.r TL 0 • Z1� t1 owl iiud Pid pad p r CJ C - ma. N ,.. 0.1 ow, pvviv -- ., Omni 1t� awe cp • MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS SHOES 4TC., ETC, A LL kinds of work manufactured' from _L--1 the best material, and on reaaonable A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED., Shop one door south of JOH.N LO- GAN'S STORE, and madly obposite THOS. KIDD'S, Main St. Seaforth. I Seaforth, Oct. 18, 1870. 149.