HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-01-20, Page 8a 33. s 8. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. JANUARY 20. 1871. urn txpooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. AUC/TION SALES. Salel of a farm in McKillop, being Lot • o 27, 2nd Concession, on Friday, Feb. 24, at two o'clock p.m. Mrs. Cluff, Pro- • prietress ; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer. - Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, en Wednesday, Jan. 25, on Lot No. 24, 7th Concession; McKillop. Robert Len- nie, Proprietor ; C. Yeo, Auctioneer. Remember the clearing sale of Grocer- ies, Wines, Liquors, &c., at Shearson's. Co.. 1584t& COUNTY COUNCIL.—The first session Of the County Council for 1871, will com- . mence at (4-oderich on Tuesday. • • OnennoE.—The annual meeting of the . County Orange Lodges for Huron will be held at Blythe and Varna, respectively, en Wednesday, Feb. 7th. • Afull attend- ' ance is requested in each ease-. , CONTRACT LET.—We understand that the contract for the erection of the new 8tave„ Heading and Barrel Factory,' has been let to Mr. John Young. The build- ing is to be proceeded with at once, and is to be completed by the 20th of March next. ANNUAL MEETING.—.The annual meet- ing of the South Huron Agricultural So- • eiety Was held at Kippen on Wednesday. last. The annual dinner was also held at Shaw's Hotei, on the evening of the same day. A full report of both will appear next week. SUDDEN DEATH.— We regret to learn that the Rev Mr. Duncan, Presbyterian reinistere of the township of Stanley, died very- suddenly, at his residence, in that township, on Tuesday, the 9th inst. Mr. Duncan wee only ill a few minutes. He was nearly tO years of age, and was highly eeteemed and respected' leg all who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaint- aace, 13UBNS CELEBRATION.— The -anniver- sary of the birthday of Robert Burns Scotland's world-renowned poet, Wilt la; celebrated in Seaforth at Mr. Carmichael's Hotel, on the evening of the 25t1i inst Tickets for lady and gentleman, :$1 25. Dinner at eight o'clock. A Cardial invi- tation is extended to all,- by the Commit- tee of Arrangements, to come and par- take of the haggis." RATS AND MICE.—We would recom- mend those who aie troubled with rats or mice about then- premises, to try Meyer's Ratand. Mouse destroyer. • They will find it an effeetual remedy. We have tried, it and Can recenimend it as possess- ing all the ood qualities claimed for •it by its ma ufaeturer. 4 box only costs rifle,. -much less tha the lose fte- qu ntly oceasioned by these vermin -in single night. , CHURCH TO BE FINISHED.—At the annual meeting of the congregation of the Canada Presbyterian Church, held on Tuesday evening last, it was unanimous- ly reeolved to proceed with the comple- tion of the main portion- of the church at once. Thi t resolve is certainly most commendable, and there is no doabt but 'that the increesed church accommoda- tion will add. greatly to the members and resources of the congregation. FIDELITY1,01G-E. —The following is a Int of officers installed in Fidelity Lodge; No. 55; LO.O:F., Seaforth, on Thursda,y evening, the '5th inst., for the current half year : J. It: Kendall, N. G. ; David Potter, V, G. ; A. McDougall, R. S. ; John Dauncey, P. S. ; Wm. Thomson, Treasurer; A. McFee. Warden; John Cavanagh, C.; T. Stephens, 0,, -' I. • Martia, I.G.; Wm. M cDougall, R. S. N.G. ; J. Carter, L.S.N.O.; J. Elder, R. $.V.G. ; it. Hickson, L. S. V. 0.; J. Williams, -Chaplain. s • Miserotteah MEEtnece—The annual Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Meeting • was held in the Wesleyan Church, Sea - forth • on the evening of Menday- last. There was a fair attendance: The chair was occupied by Mr. Jcihn Beattie. The Rev. Mr. Price, pastor of the congrega- tion here, read the annual report. Able • addresses, on the subject of missions and miesion work, were 'delivered by the • Rev. Messrs Watson, of Teeswater, and Rice, of Dungannon. . Appropriate music was furnished for the occasion by • the claureh choir. • • JUVENILE - CONCERT. -- Mr. J. W. I Ward s children s concert came off in Knox's Hall, lest Friday evening, 13th inst. The attendance was rather -small, a fact to be regretted, not only because Mr. Ward was -deserving of. a Eull house, but because those who were absent lost a rare musical treat: The performance of • the children, none of whom. seemed to be older than twelve or fourteen years, was in, the highest degree satisfac- tory, and reflect:a much credit on Mr. Ward as, a teacher, and trainer_ Mr. Ward himself is a singer of considerable • merit, and favored the audience with several pieces, which were well received. The little lady who sang "The Bell gees ringing fee Sarah," and "Coming thro' the Rise," did remarkably well, evincing no little talent in singing and acting. Mr. Jones, of.Harpurhey, presided at the melodeon. The only objectionable fea- ture of the entertainment was the ex- treme length of the programme ;—even a • Tong thing may become tedious by too long drawing out. We understand it is Mr. Ward's intention to give another concert with his ctass before the winter is over, when tyre trust- he may have a more generous patronage than on Friday night. VILLAGE COUNOTL.— The Municipal Council of Seaforth, met Jan. 17, Present the Reeve and all the Council. All members of the Council having dilly qualified, the minutes of last meeting were reed and adopted. T. P. Bull was appointed Clerk., and A. G. McDougall and Archibald Dewar were appointed Auditors. By-laws confirming the above appointments were passed and signed. - Debentures were ordered to be issued in payment of the following accounts J. R. Brine, Auctioneer, $4; S: Harris, • work, $1; T. P. Bull, Returning Officer', $4; W. F. Luxton, advertising, $2 16. The Treasurer was instructed to collect ferthwith, the naarket rent, and rent of butcher stalls, in arrears. •• Samuel Har- • ris was appointed. caretaker of the Coun- cil Room „and Town Hall. The fellew. hag is the amount of rent to be charged • per night for the use f To parties in'Seaforth, Travelling shows andt ies, $4; and $4 50 pe are kept. all night. te the Cleek rnadv then adjeurned. • the -Town Hall: per night, $2 50, eatrical compan- ight when lights rents to be paid e. The Council A OA ION. —On t e st., o e Robert Bre t f this kind, did e 'th t e assistance • eremo hitiely succ.e tie Iy pantaloons hich on ined a few ood their (*cape afte ell filled I -with that he lov o, is the ro ut fur her effort upo epsrties tojustieefe, • ck,I ir iould mostsinde my rie ds in Egmo erite t, and t e apply th wants of t hile on 1is way thr. A. E GRIFFITH, M - Annual I '1 a The annual meeti • mith Braich •Agricu eld ati Cannichael's ay, t e Ilth inst. embers was very f titine s transacte(i fficer and Direct° ear, and receiving ort, a co y oftwhieh olemn. We oare ploa s ate tJliat the affai nd usful society ar tus condition. Ther :•eieties an. the Do oast o m so handsome a odious pounds. Ivi of he society is he untiring exertion irectors; and for the r •alf of the ieterests f : re justly entitled to t f the community e lowingis '` list of h lectedi£1,foe the currehl PRESIDENT.—RObe t f rth. l ; VicE-PaEsali-ENT.--1 Seaforth. 1 SECRETaRY.—Willi Ondqlei t TREastrEER. —.Julia Den etoRs.---John rieve , Graham '1,7i • roactf ot, William fcCaa John McMil 1 y, Thomas McMich e AUDiTORe.—Male0 eorge' E. Jackson. Friah Teas and. C 8 hearscn & Co.'s. Wrox SCHOOL MEETING- S hool neeting Mr l' reelee ed 'Trustee. to be h Id on Wedues t o e P''1P0 e of electin ii place of Mr. Fer 8 gmed his office. • a • 1' 11 1. night of the 13th Mated for deeds r my house, and enry Darby, un - d in extracting ne popket-book, Wings, and made • placing the same, which it is said, • f 111 evil. With - my part to bring his unexpected at- ely return thsnks dvtlle for this nii- ✓ !willingness to itinerent traveler h the -wilderness. hodist Preacher-. eting. • of the Tucker - rel Society, was otel,. on Wednes- he attendance of • The principal s the election oi for thf current Treasurer's Re• pears in another ed to be able to f this energetic • alhost pewee- reIew Township • ion which can hall and so com- h of the prosperi- doubtedly due to f the officers and exertions in be - agriculture, they e hearty thanks ieraliy. The fol - of the officers -ear :— Govenlock, Sea- dwiu McConnell Eg_ uncan; Seaforth. Thomae hamson, James 7ri‘evyi IlialAmriltaagme McDermid, and ees at cost at IV. or. . At thel annual as Heritage was- otaer meeting is y, 1st Feb:, for another Trustee on, who has 51'. Aer REWS.—.-Th t. Andrews 8o- cety of -this town, vel o are notecl for the e celle t yearly celeb, a ions with Which t. ey favorthe publi ntenti holding a rand dirmen in Gof o• 's Ball on the tth inst., when ne bt they will free- ', sustain the good na • which they fileve . I a quire . Ran 'AY MATTE -S.—A deputation c insisthigef Thos. bson, Esq., A. A orthington, Esq., 111., of Wroxeter, ohn Messer., Ese of 1 e vale and others, 1 ft.on nesday, 17th i ist., for Ilamil- t n, to ,or sult With ti e board, on matters c•nnec ed with the p 'o osed railway. , A s tecial train take; th deputation from Elma. FAIR vocalist t n's II inst. r,„ . AIR —nom gate an entert 11, !oh -the elle ,foom was and on theWhole the well pleased with The programme consi Jacobite songs', inters of the adventures et harlie " evitOanecdo, ebrated Scottish inment in Gof- ing of the 12th retty well filled t dience were very entertainment, t d principally of eijsedwith sketches "Bonny Prince e and incidents of tile etrife of 1745. A f ,w songs of a dif- f rent nature were kb given by Mr. 'rbaien and ()therm bees of his troupe. he favorite of the ening was Miss airbairn who render; d "Barney O'Hea," ii charming style.. .h -received an en- thusiastic encore to w a h, she responded by sieging "Beautifn unshine.' Me. Fairbairn goes from re to Teeswater to spend a short time th, some relatives there, preparatory we b lieve to a tour to C alifornia. , LITEILARy ASSOCIAIN--This Society eld their 'regular • kly meeting in eir reorns on t'hie d y evening 10th st. ' V. Barker,•. in the chair, adin,4 , recitations, ., were given by e members. Mr. . Laurie recited '1 TheSailor's Addre o a Sovereign,'" in good stele, and vra ollowed by Mrs, Hossac,k Ida poeticalr ading. Mr. G. EyveLitead " Pandee O'Rafferty's Say Gibson recited " in an able man - 11 oyag Lord er ; •" Mr. A. A ' Ulia's Daugh . John Mor bell's entitle he "Last Man" ner that con ced the audience at Me. Moran has a Cam ecited that poem o a ma died elocution to ibson sang "Jes- • loudly cheered expected that e continue their y, having debates Iternate evening ing, &a, by the ns themeetings odered both plea- s d We would , sug- could not spend; od e s e o': Y the t e So eekly very t eing embe f the 'ng an est t at our village's t ese long winter eve antagtheriby atten o far the numbers t/ rtainly not b:e hose who at 1 AlArnusement a d • I 1 ect.. Mr. Ge. nriadale" and; w au deep ce . I iety will in fie meetingregul1 r o weeks, the! evoted to r s. By this 'ociety will bele instructive, 11 a I* . • lo aye c to ide " i han Z?.revIL nell o eems n the ii the f his throug1 t nce 1 it 0 . • ;CT .—A sp s stint the oth' r the township o at lthe anirna carease of a c 11 oods on Mr. n on happen ,g the woods, ;no head, an an eying got merely a sed t be a rabbit. 1 rash- eap, whence it og wh ch accompanied ok uj its abode in a it w&s only parti en wore not sure al it was. One l 'de to stand one felon, with th w e the other 'I ter early anj he& mpans with his fath eariw le, keeping gs to better ad; g these meetings. t have attended veiry encourag- t owleavor to pro - Instruction hand en of this ani - day by Mr. John Turn.berry. It ad been feasting which was lying Ws farm. Two ta be walking ticed; some dia- • l which they-- pse of it—sup- took refuge in a as dislodged by a theta It then eap of logs; and vasible the young hatkind of an f them however over the self-im• aisistance of the mit for a gun. he returned in r; the veild-cat, • vigorous snarl - •0 31 ing and growling whenevez the deg; ap- ,proached too near' him. Mr. ,Snell put a charge through his head which ended his mortaleareer, in very short time: It is at least two feet nine inches in length ; of a brindled brownish color on the back;. the belly being white with black spots. A gentleman en this neighborhoodl has obtained the hide with the intention of taking it with 1im to Scotland, as al spe- cimen of one of the most savage of the wild saline's o Canada,. •Ainleyville. DEATH. --On the 13th inst:, Mr. Gil- bert Speers, a respected farmer of Mor- ris, died after a -few days illness. His remains were followed to the grave by a large number of lamenting friends; He leaves a wife and a large' family to mourn -his untimely death. RAILWAYS.—I-The people of Jamestown are going to have a mass meeting this Week to try to induce the Wellington, Grey and Bruco Railway to' take a end: towant their fl urishing village—of threel houses. They can already see in agi- nation the cars stopping at their station, and hear the eonductor announcing Jamestown,—and then they will thval- low Ainleyvill ; - But they hadbet- ter wait until we get salt. then! we will be better seasoned. And if they fail to get the railway we will grant them a ;bonus of a few barrels of salt to keep then& for some other purpose. 1 ItEmovaas. Our idd and much res- pected friend, JaMee Leonard, has re- moved to -hie new 'stand, which was for- merly occupied by A. Muir. He has gone to a great deal of trouble in fitting' it up. The travelling public would do -well te patronize him, AB they Will be sure to meet with every attentiion that a,Aandlord is capable of bestowing on his customers. ----Mr. Stretton has again got hack to his old stand, the place lathly Occupied' by Mr. Leonard. We hope he will be well patron' ed by his old cronies. On Monday, t ed y when Messrs. leeon- ard and Stretton Moved, they entertain- ed a large nu bee of their friends ;at a free lunch. SALT. --The [greet topic of discussion for the past week is salt If. you happen to drop into either a public or priivate house you are sure to see some one deep in calcelations relative to salt. Even school boys talk about it. A conatiy has been formed to here for the precious article, ;composed of Meesrs. Holnies, Armstrong, Livingstone, Lechie and Smith, parties who are _capable and will- ing to undertake such an enterprise, and if they do not find saltit will be because there is none to be found in Ainleyville. They seem bent on pushing tie work for- ward with all possible despatch, and e pect to be boring by the 10th of Febru- ary next. It is to be hoped thath ir : work will be crowned with success. —Another correspondent writes s on on the same subject: Some of out enterpris - ing men are ma.kinlg, arrangements for the sinking of a ealtiwell in this village. Very little is ni known of it yet, but .1.8 , Leckie's name is mentioned in connec- tion with the enterprise, it is sure to go ahead. _ GREY BRANCH AGRIGULTURAJ, SOCIE- TY'S ANNUAL M ETING.—The" Annual meeting of this!Society was held atLeon- ard's Hotel on Friday the 13th- st., whenthe folio ing business was transact- ed. The trees rer gave a minute and satisfactory regort of the Finance for the past yearhwhich was unanimously adopt- ed. Samuel Slemmon, Esq., of Cranbrook, was elected WP esident for the current cf year, and . G. Hingston was elected Vice -President. D. Stewart and John Leckie, Esgs.,) were re-elected as Secre- tary and T1 easary. The following gen- tlemen were appointed Directors for the current year, viz.:—Donald McLaughlin, W. R. Wilson, Robt, Broadfoot, JI. J. McLachlan, J. W. Shiel, Oliver Smith, James Johns(' , Do laid Scott; Daniel Woodruff., C. lt. Co per and Rev. Jno. Ferguson were appointed Auditors. . . Moved by Jahn Leckie, seconded by AV. R. Wilson, !that the Secretary send a report of thi meeting to the HURON EXPOSITOR for publication. Carried.— D. STEWART, 8Iereta 7.... 1 I Tu keremith. , PnEsENTATio .—e/a tee evening or Friday, the 6th, inst.1"the usual quiet of the,parsonage elf Rev. Joseph Eakin, was suddenly brokea in 'Ilion by a member of the young peoPle -of the neighborhood, who immediate y organized by calling to the chair Mr. Peter Cooper. Mi, P. Blair was then called to the floor, who in - a few well-turned remarks, comp ring, . the comforts hich 'wet now enjoy With the hardships pf the b&eltwood's times,': but regretting since those da of the visit, na Mr. Eakin of a beautiful cutter and robe, costing nearly fifty dollars, by reading the following address : , Dear Pastor, AVe have met to -night to convey our sentiments of warm at- tachment to you personally, and to Mrs. Eakin, your partner -in life. As a man, by XDUr kimeness of heart and af- fability of manner, you have disarmed your enemies, end, endeared yourself to the hearts of yourtieople. As a minister of the Gospel, we rejoice to believe that your teachings have been "a lantern to my friends in the Bible -class ter the old or young of my congregation. that I re- . gard every expression of your attachment to me 'or my family, whether it be in the form of the kind sentiments expressed in youraddeess, or in that of e handsome and substantial cutter and robe, as most pleasurable. My aim. has ever been to lead you to the Rock that is higher than we are." And my earnest prayer is that you may be enabled with the eye of faith to • "Behold the hest, the. greatest gift. Of everlasting love! Behold the pkdge of peace below, And perfect bliss above !" After the presentation, the company sat down to a a board groaning under its load -of choicest temporal gifts, provided by the I • ies of the company. The par- ty broke up with expressions of kind re- gard for h other and for their pastor. A REP will be f A NE the Cana McKillo their at' have adv -specific& McDerm be left Concessi We le disposed 06n., to pose rem native t County settleme trouhled that /the effeci. so indust as Mr. L the chan ing• him RT of Rev. Mr. Brown's lecture und on our first page. MaiesE.—The congregation of Presbyterian Church, No. 2, , are about to build a manse for tor, Rev. Mr. McDermid, and rtised for teams. Plana and ions may be seen at Rev. Mr. d's Seaforth, and tenders are to t Mr. George li abkirk's, Fifth n,McKillop, until the 24th inst. rn that Mr. Robert Laurie has •f his farm, Lot No. 24, .7th r Andrew Murdie, and pur- ving from this township to his wnship of Blenheim, in the Oxford. Since Mr. Laurie's t in McKillop he has been much ith ill health, and considers emoval have a beneficial Ithough 'wee do not like to lose ous a citizth from amongst us urie, yet we sincerely hope that e may have the effect of restor- o his former vigor and strength. Teeawater. LONDO HURON AND BRUCE RAILWAY. —At the railway meeting in Teeewater, on the 6th inst., Mr. G. -McKibben, Reeve, took the chair. Mr. T. We Dyas,. Ez gin.eer of the London Huron and Bru e Railway, and Mr. Williams, of Londo , besides many: of the influen- tial men of Culross towuship, addressed the meeting in favor of the London Road. It was moved and earried " That this meeting having heard thedeputation front the London, Huron and Bruce Railway, and believing that the Welling- ton, Gre and Bruce Company will net build th dr road in the time proposed, consegmiltly having no right to our venue, e are • of ()pinion that it is to the advantageof this eection to . support -the line that is making the best progress and that will arrive first in our midst." Constanc• e. STRANclE OCCURRENCE. --We are inform- ed by Mr. James Bullock, of Mao plage, tha this -uncle, James Doeherta, of Ohio, called upon him, and remained with him, at his residence, two nights and two days, and strange to say; all the time Mr. Bull cle , Was in entire ignorance of whom bi visitor was, supposing that he was a st ngerwhospeetended to be buy- - ing cattl in the neighborhood. About two wee s afterwards, Mr. Bullock re- ceived. Ietkr from his uncle informing him of the character of his visitor, and thanking him for the kindness lie had shown to what he thought to be an en- tire straegen The. mistake -may be accounted for from the fact that it is about 15 years eince Mr.- Bullock had seen his uncle before, ahd as the -uncle represent- ed himself as a cattle buyer, it threw hair enti ely off the track, and the truth never da red upon him until he received the lette above referred to. Mitchell. Tahna--Thefts are becoming quite eommon in Mitchell. • MITCH16;LL FOUN DRY. --The energetic and tieterprising proprietors of the Mit- chell Pot lndry, have undertaken the con- urnish all the, machinery neces- he sinking of the Listowel salt tract to sary for well. ,ENTERpRisiNo. —The pe.opleof Mitchell have v o ed. a bonus of $1,000, to any person ho will undertake to bore for salt in .th'it village, the money to be re- turnecl t the corporation should salt be reach'ed t e les,. distance than eleven hundred eta. A Goo Smiemee • The Mitchell Advo - ate says hat Bev. Mr. Graham, of Clin- on, preal tied, ontimatay the 8th inst., the AV •slecau Church of that village the.decline of sociality. „nig s, introduced ' the object ely, the presentation to the feet of m would specially teodance upon the Bible -class ny." But to-nighti we thank you for youe at- andtyour instruction to in connection with vour congregation. We !sincerely hope that the seed you have sown will yield an abundant hates et of glory to God, and profit t to our never -dying souls. As a more substen ial evidence of our high appreeiation of your arvices to us,pray . accept this order for- a cutter and lobe, purchased by t e members of your Bible - class, aidel by ther warm friends. The intrinsic valuel of the gift is noteat, but presented as an exponent of ourl sen- timents, we hope it will bring you home pleasure, for gratitude is a sentitnent most pleasing1 to the human iikind. Please accept, also, our best wishe6 for the health ancl happiness of yourselfl and family. And in you may be long spared to labor n this part of your as- ter's vineyard, is our earnest prayer Mr. Eakin then responded witbl the 1.11M7.inCghariekilyarl, Ladies and Gen' tle en, —It gives me eat pleasure to re urn heartfelt thanks for this nnlooke for and very han ome token of your ind feeling for me. It is only one of se eral that I have received from you since 1 be- came your teacher and pastor. To Iyou my young friends I May Bay that I i&ve spent many delightful hours in im art- ing to you a knowledge Of the bl sed truths contained in the Bible, and that I feel in you all great interest, bat re- specting your spintua,1 and temporal el - fare. And I would Say to all, whether • 11 re of th most attic ano impressive see- m ous eve delivered in that church.. B.chwick. LEcnuans.— -Mr. Galbraith has been giving a series of lectures in Gerrie. STA.TIs PIC.,S —There have taken place in Ithe vitfatee of Gerrie, 19 births, 10 mar dages, and 2 deaths, during the last year. . THE LANE ELECTION.—The state of the poll for election of Deputy- Reeve was : Gibson, 66;3Wade, 210. Councillors: Wilson, 422-; Wier, 299; Maguire, 292; Ferguscali 252; At, iggins, 227; • Hazel- wtioel, 88, Boddy, 62, Thompson, 28. Fifty burg A Co.'s. arrels of hand-picked Spitzen- pies, at W. A. Shearson & 158-tf A Street Arab. TD the E itor of the baron Expositor. Sin: of age ve day, and sidewalk . it night. 18 it right, humane ble to suffer this poo; imbecile ? He calls himself GoodChild - ad his stepfather " Tinney." between Seaforth and Clinton. ays his mother won't let him me; the mother says otherwise, no means of keeping him at part from the danger of him with cold and hunger, imagine r of a half-witted person sleep- ing in stables; perhaps with a bunch of matches in his pooket The town may be bm-nt the boy, like Mercer, is irre- sponsible; then, who would be to blame? The autherities of the town should see that this suffering youth is placed in safe keeping. SEAFORTH. Seaforth, Jan. 14, 1860. [Since the above was written, the boy referred to has been taken in charge by Constabl Goderich have conx pitabIe r mainder here is a lad about twelve years ndering about the streets by sleeping in stables or on the or charie to peris Child," They liv The boy live at h yet take home. perishin the clang Lusoy, and escorted by him to Poor "Good -Child" will ortable quarters under the hos. Df of Mr. Campaigne for the re- f the winter.] School Examination In Tuicker- - smith. A public examinatiop of the pu ils of School Section No. 9, Tucke mith, taught by Duncan McLeod, tool4 place on Monday and,Tuesclay, 18th an1 19th December, commencing each day sit nine Ottlock a.m., and was a highly creditable affair to both teacher and pupils. Mon- day was employed in the examinationthoof the junior- classes, and on Tuesday ' of the senior. Each day- there we e over 100 pupils present. The examiiiatiou was conduCted in a practical manner, the teacher explaining and illustratiilg the lessons to the pupils, being assis ed by Rev. Mr: Eakin. of Kippen. There was a large attendance of parents and ',others netereated in education. The achool- house was tastefully decorated. The pupils, who have been under the tuition of Mr. McLeod for the past three eyries, n . were thoroughly tested in the 'various branches taught, by . the teacher and auperintendent, and showed such-hlever- nees and sound training, as to call forth the- eulogies of those present. Toward the close the teacher showed what im- provement had been made by the seholars since they Came under his chargee as he had kept a record of each for the past three years, indicating the progreis they had made, ai well as the time they had attended 'school, after which he deliver- ed his farewell address. Rev. Mr. Eakin, superintendent, followed, who :stated that hegreatlyapproned of Mr. MeLeod's method, as it gave parents a chance of seeing the improvement made by their children, as well as showed whether the teacher had, done his duty, and that from what he had seen of Mr. McLeod, late had no doubt but that he would always suc- ceed as a teacher, as he seemed to spare no pains with his pupils. • He regretted Mr. MeLeod's departure from the School. Mr.' Eakin then delivered an a,dctrese upon education, after which $30 Worth .of prizes were distributed, so that each • of the pupils secured a handsome prize. Ali then wended their several ways home- ward, seemingly well, pleased with the examination; but regretting the depar- ture of the teacher. Hight Exhibition.—The night exhibi- tion took place on tke evening of the 22nd. Before the time for commencing the school -house Was crowded With Bpecta- tors. • The teacher had secured the as- sistance of the Egmondville brass band, which added greatly to the enliveningof the performance. . Mr. Martin Suther- land, teacher, of McKillop, being called to the chair, after a abort address, called upon the band for a tune. The pupils th.en began with their recitations, dia- logues, and speeches, under the superin- tendence of their teacher, and so contin- ued till about eleven o'clock, the band playing a tune now and then, in fine style. The pupils _acted, their different parts *remarkably Well, reflecting great credit see their teacher. Between dia- logues, recitations, speeches and music, a pleasant evening was ispent Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, who was present, was called upon aird delivered an address on. "Education in Canada." A number of thogirls of the school theu came forward. and -presented several beau- tifel presents and d recommendation signed by the girls -af the school, to , Mr, McLeod. The presemtation address was delivered by i iss Sarah Mandl% The boys then deli ered their recommenda- tion and Ipresents in a similar -manner, - after whicn the teacher made his fare -- well address, thanking his pupils, &c., for the handsome presents he had now • received trom the chairman. After a few remarks the band played God Save the Queen, and the audience disperehtd. The- following is a list of a few of the presents Mr. McLeod received from,his pupils : From the Girls—Large Dressing Case,—Double-Clasped Album, ---Barnes' Notes on the New Testeinent,--Pocket Bible, &c. From the Boys—Double-fold- ed Writing Desk,—Holy Bible, -1 -Rout - ledge's Every Boys' Annual,—Wbte r's Pronouncing and Defining JDicOonary, &c. Mr. McLeod has left Tuckarsmith to take charge of the school in Section No. 2, Hay. Gorrte. CATTLE FAIR. —The I Fair held in this place on Tuesday, the 10th insf)was pretty well attended, both with );uyers and cattle, considering the very' dee- merit weather. The cattle on show were all good quality and fit for the purpose intended by, Mr. Anderson and others, who bought to pack for the old cauntry market. Cows sold well on the averege, $30 to $35. As far as we could ascertain - the following are the names of sellers and prices realized: W. -Montgomery, three head, price $152 50; Mr. Sharply seven head. $75 ; Mr. Ranger, five head, $185: Mr. Donally, four head, $185. The next Monthly Fair takes place on Tuesday Feb. 14. Farmers wishing to dis- pose of stock should attend these fairs and encourage the buyers whe come from a distance.-- Star. Go sto Shearson & Co.'s fornewfruit. 58. 00 BUSHELS DRIED P P L E ! VERY CHEAP! AT THE O%SII s Fr o ill mi. W. S. ROBERTSON. SPECIAL NOTICES. • Oyer -exertion, either of body or mind, produces debility and. disease, The usual remedy is to take some stiniulant, the ef- fect of which is the same a,s giving a tired horse the whip instead of oats, The true - way is to fortify the system with a per- manent tonic like the Peruvian Syrup (a. protoxideof iron), which gives strength and vigor to the,whole system: ANCYMER CASS Or BRONCHITIS CURIA. —I war persuaded to try Fellows' Com-. ponnd Syrup of Hypophosphites for Bron- chitis, from which I had suffered much_ I have used only three bottles, said my health is now better than it has been for years, there is a general demand for it From all parts. Yours respe etfuzLsily, W. J. Noir . Bridgewater, N.S., 2d March, 1869. ' Price $1 50 a bottle ; 6 for $7 .50. Sol& by apothecaries mad by F. Cundil & Co., wholesale agents, MontreaL BRYAN'S WAFERS, (The peat public remedy,) hone now been in use over twenty years, hence it cannot be said that they are on trial They have been thoroughly tried, and pronounced (on the authority of those whose lives and health they have preserved) to be a cure, halm - less and eminently salutary preparation, and if taken in season will invariribly cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and all Bronchial affections. One fair trial will convince the most skeptical. Sold by every druggist and most of the respectable stores throughout the Pro- vinces, at 25 cents per box. Cm. C.* 4 0 DAY SCHOOL. hurR. WILLIAM MOONEY, formerly a Sizar in Trinity 'College Dublin, and a graduated Associate in Arts, in the Queen's University, Ireland, will open a School in an apartment of Mr. Caami- chael's new building, on MONDAY; 23rd January, 1871, where he will undertake to communicate to a limited number of Scholars, a knowledge of thearariouS gab- jects which constitute the basis of a sound and thorough knowledge. Mr. Mooney was for some years, head matter in one of the Royal endowed Schools in Ireland.; andshould this ex- periment succeed, he would spare no trouble or expense in establishing a su- perior Academy in Seaforth, where scho- lars would be prepared. to enter the Uni- versity: There will be an Evening Class formed at the same time. • Seaforth, Jan. 13, 187L 162-3* LEAVING HURON. LOT 3, 1N THE 3rd CONCESSION, Better knoWn asthe WILLIAM THOMPSON FARM Is offered for sale, it is admitted by all Who know this Lot, -that for erops and stock it has no superior in the county. Address, • • BOX175, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. • 152, - THE nron txpooiter, • THE OfficialPaper of the County of Euran• IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. AgEAFORTH. TERMS. $1.50 per annum, in advance; if net BO paid $2.00 will be,charged. .No subs- bription taken for a shorter period than, three months. ADVERTISING RATES; TRANSIENT. - Per line, first insertion, 8 eta ; eubse. quent insertions, 2 cts, each time. Ad- vertisements measured by a stale of solid brsesthan One Nro No iaounitert.rhim:nett taken for le CONTRACT RATES One Column for One Year. - - Ilet0 " SiX Menthe, - SS 00 it " Three " - 00 One Year. - 35 00 " Six Months, 20 00 " Three - - 12 00 1-dree:l'i - 2 00 20 00 8 00 46 One Year, - 12 Cet • 8• Tihrx Three °"1:14ths8 00 - - 5 00 Advertisements, withoutepecifto direc- tions, will be inserted till ferbid, and charged. accordingly. BlUltDO Y. lifcLEAlf publi McLEAN BROTHERSth, - ers ALLAN DfcLEAN. 44 Half a 4.4 •4 Quarter it 44 44 44 Eighth • •• 40, CI Three tt Aseseeleettesteettyttl MACLEAN BROTII VOL. 43 NO BUSINESS MEDICA: T) TRACY, M. 11, COrl _LXJ, Corinth of Huron. 0 Isidence—One doerEast of tI Episcopal Churelee Seaforth, Dec. 14th, 1868 ID C. MOORE, sl. ie. JEIn of McGill University Physician, Surgeon, &a 01 ,dence Zurich, (Jnt. Zurich, Sept. 7th, 1870. JAMES STEttigtART, Graduate of Me -Will Montreate_Physician, Surge and residence—Bilicefield, Brucefield, Jam 13, 1871:, re,R. W. R. SMITH, Ph; geon, etc. Office, -01 ilobertson'a Rei knee — North. Seaforth, Dec. 14 1863. Tir L. VERCOE, M. 1) fis, tiara Surgeon, etc. -sidencet corner of Markt Street, immediately in res •Store. Seaforth, Feb. '4th„ 187 CAMPBELL, Core eennty, Oifice and re .Corby's, corner store, Main 'forth. Offiee day, Saturday • -a . LEGAL' lAtt o..\1(1111.8AolliKeitoirt-in:Ch -veyancer, Notary, Public., the Clerk of the, Peace, God..,n_s eri.ch,0c.net. Ny to lend at Fa:loaf:1,1d: :,Tany 28. 110 JC AUG H .13Barristers, Attorneys jolters inChancery and Ins taries Public and Conveya tors for the R.C.Bank„Seaf -.for the Canada Life Assur. enc B.-330,000 to lend Farms, Houses shol. Lots f Seaforth, Dec. ?.4th, 18 DEN -SON & MEYER • 1.11 Attorneyat 1:AW, oiie eery and. Insolvency, Conv -aries Public, etc. Offices, Wroxeter. Agents for t Loan 'Co.. of Upper Canada- onial Securities Co. of Lone 'Money at $ per ceut ; n 'cjilAsS7egifilr;at:,1181Zrc'. iOth 1818 DENTA G. W. EAR' ArtiOeial Iten with'all the 1 -ments. The greatest estre' preservatiot otdena.yed and Teeth extracted withaat over MeDougallis Store. Seaforth. Dee. 14, 181; HO - .t- • latinf letsi first-class acconnitodatiol ling public. Tim:larder ways supplied with the Is afford. It xisellent'stab tion - April 23, 11 NOX'S HOT - IL. The undersianed public for the liberal pzittoi to him in times past in the I and ateo to inform tliem "ha reisumed bushiest in the where he will belhappy from old friends, and mani THOM Seaforth, May 5, 1870.• 1j) RIT NH It X.1 ) erieh, ()NT., L 14A i, L. EToR ; J . S. Will ntams, can Ifotel, WarSaw, N. This hotel has reeently bee nielsed, and refittihl thro nowerse of the mo. t comf or modions be, P t -* therms for Commereial Tr Terms liberal. Goderieh, Aprill 14, 1 MISCELLAN D HAZLEIll'AlenT, Lit )„ eer fer the *oanty erieb, thit- ,intlar at the a)i nf arthrupt Stook Saks at tottlatal lin (":00i1,-1 Mortga Litnall-iial's trriint8 Exai• Bailiff 'tired. Inva toe ( tont Sz- W. LIl 7tX, Land Surveyors, etc. All mannereof rime with neatnees and diepate Vommissioner in Next door south of Sher forth. Seaforth, Dec. 14 1;t6t, MAILL& CROOKE, 1,..) Plans and Specidee rectly. Carpenter's, Pias son'e work, measured -int .)ver J. tt. Dealer & Co. House Square, Go/lei-it:h. floderich, April th, 156