HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-01-20, Page 3kNITARY 20, 1871. 'G SALE. CLASS E • men & Co. having concIude,t-L: -he Grocery 'business will, tor o months, dispose of the eir stock of Groceries,consist- ing of EES . RiCE, NENV FRUITS. Wt N Q U OR S, ETC - under Cost: 'an the “tention of th., r,thers to this sale-, as:they a Oh-tali-I./run their holi- a Groceries, Fruits, Wines at wholesale cost. t stock. must be elea.red_ out 4 fitul it advantage- . took of Wmes, Li- e, of the stve to be disposed of. AHEARSON & CO u, .28tX1870. ty bar.yelt of hand picked Apples for SaIe. NEWS -FOR THE— or SeafOr-th _, CONFECTIONERY Q - V :4111AGiC "ttf Strotjord.) ,auttirnbisold place, Otte (10:017 ears Grocery Store. agh .xt-islies to- return to his iends and customers, his sin for their Liberal patronage in d hopes that they will con- ' the future. TPAS:la% Cavanagh -‘q propai ations for the corn. as, and Dbl..; to tur- ners with everything M hie • Brtad, Confectionery-, Can - icy cakes, Wedding cakes, and all descriptions of Mutton Pies and all kinds titsalso good accommoda- m4 fx(an the town and coun- JUDI) 131O Vegetable Try it, it never fails, and rAltItEN & • - hest in the Market al, :RS :4ARDLNE. „kin avs on, hand. viz A TIIIAL. 1 J. ( VANAGH.. • 03; 1'670. 134-tf, itrsfu ERMR GAKES ttI. ArattES prompt- p.r4 1114 NI)1.•••&. ti g .11111, )oor, and FACTORY icribt rt: I eg have to thank ph,s, cust( mers for thc; thelia, sine( i. an iv 'willbe favt redwith same. dir.-.4 to build would df ;htii a call, as they p L;.t..1 a 10.,r,_::e Stoel: QASHES- 1. = tisbil;LE-ItitS„ Iv, exG., u., :t 1: Ludtn of r 4satiNfaetion r.iko may favour aunt with ah none hut, eia,4 oC1tn4n,„are 41r i.t.Et11:1011 paid tt) CtEstOIrt = 111,ZOADFOOT &GRAY_ ^ —RN FOP SALE. rs FOR. SALE the -Oiown as the New Dominion e of Pluevale. This un lately reacted, is ferthe vet., nimodation of paidio, having good sta- , .:Le (I/ iv ing-zqu.d. x lll-rooni over the ert. Y,4•11 e;11z.k. to in (41 (inkr. Th, t)..•1t1 cflitSStS (4 •f .elltitt laud. weii ad- \cid) a. ti hit trtts. This few rods. north of the rI in the village, this heino trent NVroxetcr to Whig. tki hien:refine, c..'This sold tor ca --.11, or, if the .tntiot pai it all. a balance i.fl bond and morts4at4e for - tureltaser ran bu3r thf trts. chairs, bedsteads, culars apply OU the prein- WILLIAM ROSS, Proprietor. 15S-tt ECT SCHOOL. LAMES' Select School opened by MRS. E. J. in (vet. `.:-.4th, in Mr. Kidd the store_ A, liberal patro ,people f Seaforth,_ is solicit see Mrs. Miller,. at Dlt. t O,13.71t. LIVERY" STABLE, MAIN ieril. First Class Horses - Js. al -ways on hand at as reoni- - R. L ifARP, Proprietor. ay Rh, 1870. • ••••••••4:. J . . • • ANti'Aitit 20;" -178 HE.A.TNA.ND• MOTION. -EssAy. By 31, P. HATES, BEFORE :THE stiroant. irarratAav .AND SOTEN-. TIrIC SOCIETY. On Wednestlay evening,' the: 4th. inst., m. p. Hpyes, Esq., of this vil- lage, delitkered on essay on "Heat as a Moo of Motion," before , the Seafortli Literary and Scientific In- stitute He commence(' by explain- ing the difference between the two oppoSing theories of heat which- have '4itheito divided the opinions of sci- entific enquirers. The material the- ory, he explained, was that theory which held heat co be a kiud of, sub-. tile ether -jai fluid which pervaded , the in teratemie spaces Of, matter, and was devoid of th.e.property of gra v- br -weight, which belonged to other material' bodies. Ile slio wed, however. that as, this theory failed to -explain certain phenomena, :is, for instance, the, unlimited supply, • of heat which is evolved by the op- eration. of friction, it had been grad- ually abandoned for the Meehan, ical or • the dynamical theory: The latter. theory, (concerning. heat, which may be defined, in the clear and concise language of Lord .13acon, as a kind of motion., or asa species Of which motion iSthe genus) was held by John 'Locke, two Inin'- dred years ago, and was with great precision expressed by that philoso- pher. He said, .' Heat is a very hriskagitation of the irlsensible parts of the object heated, which produces in us- that,sensation from tt 'licit we denominate the object butt so what in our sensation is heat, in the 01;tect' is nothing 'yet motion." , Act orditig to: this theory, the tuoleculas parti- cles of a body acquire ten internal mOtion -among themselveS, as au ef- feet orthe solar rays, of terrettrial combustion, cit' of mechanical frie- tion, and, as itt welt., the '\ i)artichS. lose their motion, .and the force is capes. Sir 11: Davy held the same theory of 1ie4. He compared this! motion aeiong the minute, particles of Ladies with the centrifugal, an4 axial motions of the earth" and the heavenly b.odies. The tnoleculds, h aviug an infernal tary mo - ion wlitch cbaesponded With tile motion of the -planets On their axis; and also an expansive mo- tion Cbrresponding - with. the nu) ' ,ton wliick the planets perfornled ttround- the solar centre. After explaining the• dynaMical tlieorv at . some length) Mr: Hayes marn- tained, that may be demon- strated by i1rnost eve.rY aio c of Our daily lireg. intistp..tieli as there can be. no motion without a corres?- nonding developinent Of heat in some glitipe or othct. ou a --cold day, we want to w.trtn. our lnuuls and legs, wo 5et then, in motion by strik- ing thein. forcibly together On a4rainst our bodies, and thereby in- stinctively, the ,00st p)(iiound phi"- osophirnd inet ttod-of-prodneing heat, Eby here we have the _motion sudden- ly arrested, and the , fore which _moved the lintbS is immediately con- verted into heat. Mr. -Hayes also adduced as mother instance the en- gine and bellett the heat genettated on the rails and by the collision of. rail way - trains, the blacksmith's blows on tilt anvil, and the -friction of two pieces of wood, as illustrative of the convertibility 6f motion' inte Ileat. Here he introduced tin ex- periment, sho-Wing how -motion. through friction is transfornied into 'neat, by means: 'Of it small machine he had constructed for the purpose, It is impossible, iu our presentlirn- ,ifs, to folIew the lc:aimed gentleman throughout his arzurnent and illu§- trations. One interesting theory advanced-, however, was the quan- tity of heat-produ6ino• force required to overcome the Cohz'esive attraction subsisting litgween the particie't of frozen water'ot' ice, which terved to explain the unity of forces which governs the atomic or molectilar ail ticks, as well as the astronomlicar bodies of the universe. It is hoped that Air. Hayes may again address the lustitnte on the same subject, when he mav be able to adduce evi- dencethat ha- is simply a form of the same power which pi oyels the solar bodies through space, as it is clearly alliedin its laws of opera- tion to the other cosmical forces of the universe. Sunlight a Necessity. un baths cost nothing, and are 1 the most refreshing, life-giving baths a man can take, whether sick or b well. Every housekeeper knows v the beneffi of giving her woolens an -exposure to the l sun, frorn tithe to time,and especially after a long rainy teason or absence of the sun. Many will think of the injury:their clothes are liable to from. dampneSs, who will never reflect that an occasional exposure of their own bodies to the sunlight.is equally necessaiy to their own health., The sun -baths cost uothing, and that is a Misfortune, for people are still deluded with the idea. Wat those things only can be *pod ang useful which cost money. Let it not be forgotten, three of God's most beneficent gifts to man— three things the most necessary to health—sunlight, fresh. air and wa- ter, are -free to all; you have them • I 1, " . URON )EXPOSITOR.- aburdance, wi hout money and without Price, if ou will. If you would erjoy good wrath, then see to itAhat you tire slit plied with 'pure lto breathe, all the time; that you: bathe fot an hour t two'in the 81111- . . light, al d that ou quench you • thirst wi b no otbe , fluid than water. 41.• anne and.,Dea h of the Apos- tle St. :Iftt,tliew it ,sapposed to have niartyrellA )- or was put to the k woril, at the city ef telt was dragged through the Alexar dria, Egypt, till he 1 • tiffered-- ioatli by thiopit St. M • tr.?: ts o •;.tnired. :St. tu live tre St. ;Jo f boilin eath. - was 11 Greeeil. in was pip oilat EEc afterwLd a1 iteat1 111'Epli4i1 •St. James the (14-1.e ed ttt Ji esalem. James the 'Ie f •otti a pinnaele.ot r le„ ftad then bca.:en tl 111 er'S , -St. iliilip. was iu a pillar, at ; 13at1io1oinitv p Ly nintint. Andrew- Mri•% t 1) henc(Ii preache I 11 h e fX 1)i St. Thomas was j11 liodv.-1)\- lance, .r! e East. !id ies. . tt.,1 Qurious It w IS LI16. C.11S,birit fivelulylred ,yoars ti11., erz1,. tt., hltVe n111; '1111 inged upon an into a eauldroi rie aod eseapeC1 died a natu s in Asia. Rt WaS behVatl- wa8 thrown ing of the tem - t death with iGiri 0(' the unnta.trrieq yi;q1K, 011 ;1, certain. la v asset)) 1,4(:11 all ita i.hltag6.1 The niost; pit up:-Orst, and t1ii! n e highest gaino.d. T 10 per:S6,Li 11 wet! her, ancl so !on m grai t w'th handsome. tti •e, ti up against t city of Piny- • flayed alive rbatems king. id to a CrO8s, the pf!Ople throuati the • Malipar, in om ifl i5abylon, rL th(1. mai ary.:tion' 3. in every each- district cf:utarriage- ea ti tu I was 1.11 who paid )ssion of bet.. 1 charms fol. so that the tllenlseljies akcordiegl to e; leee-th -of theii. pumes. Tit re May yet t( n i1A3a4)7101.1 some 4w tern 110 1119110V 'va Offered, hut ti e pto den t yyl!_isianS 1I4I'd Q. at. i When- all li_ju,; comely ,ones ate s41)1a• the crivir dc I ioraiett ono 1.-,0 t11 ma, 'di] wh Lana l sum,' she iS is satisfied with in this manner, till, ti from the sale of the lnin aS a portion. to those of disagreeable looltt„t any other impt,rfectionS. The Qonclition of The 1•01 ) wing ut of the New -1",otlz. Amps, give some t learfel conditiou i 0 any JI 1111.0 1 lo it.tflerIngsot Fren peoplo ca 1 likrdly be i li- ned ; notwithsiant ing, they brivel v hold OUt, a 1 1 tc0l1tIflUc to lie invader : fulniture 6f been burnt 'ling burns )od.' At :Ver- t the cows, very young e (1'S th()d ID p, trn af IrrN7 "her dged to h least ; a one v dsoiiic serve o are eitLer w that have st, per or int ud pe ten su • di ag France. t cUrrespoit- Times will, of the pros! and , it-iflict heavy losses upon 411i-Quild j'-: 15 the. ilich hundreds of villagesla to. Ivar in soldiers. ' 'No -so well as piano -W sales they are eating a antithe d4truetion .r. ( .. rural, as sbell .will mak soon as ; famine in the futurel in the Paris soltie the French not •lily picked up and cartied offth . fl ,Sh of every horse of their own kg& or wound- ed, but added to their in at supplies some Irundrecls of th d de td horses of the Gentians. Those ak n at Chain- pigny are said to be 0 0 or 1,200. South of the Loir 1 i. erhaps the richest and lovelie district of France, the '0'18 a teria 1 desolation. The Itil'etch would !nowhere stay beaten. They atta ked the Ger- mans, tin ee days 1.1.1 1ning, with in- cre lible fury, and th ugh the King of iPrussia telegrapl' ed that they w,e•e victoriously re! Ulsed, it was i no witho-ut. heavy'16 s. On evert sidp were timing villages ; -while fill of Fre ich and 0 rman wound-, everyhouSe not burned -.vas crammed - ed,. and the fields we filled with det d men and borsee. At one point W� are told of fifty thousand Len sle ping in the open a r on._ a frosty night, warniing th' selves from tiine to t :me at. hug fires of un- breshed wheat, whic i added their glow to the fires o burning vil- ages. SO Many vill s are burned c hat their na,mes ar not remem- ered, and they are d upped as the illage that is burning •r the village rning." The burnt—only battle of Or - filled with next the One that is larger toWns are no plundered.' After th' 'leans, the cathedral w wounded and prisone s HOW To FILL Eli Spurgeon gave this ad burgh once If yo -are naourning over e your placeof wors advise you to praise 1.11 There can be no difficttl erino•5 some points in: pastor excel • dwell °enemies, and not up Lt.& of the s irital ben - derive from his se you will induce the p.- 11 PEws.-e- ice. in Edin- any_ of you, ty pews in p, I would our minister. ty in discov- which your on these ex - his failures; t which you ns, and tb.us ple to come and listen' to him, and at the same time you will do him good, for the full house will waatu him up and make him a better pre,ac:her, end you yourself will- enjoy himthe more because you havo thougl# and spoken kindly cot* him. Believe, then, that the tJIiug pp of the eh tnich is ii6t 'ti1b1)e'T14t.e pastor's work." 4 Seitioltit Foltitc11,1 ZAPFE & CARTER TO LL TEL A.TT.EN '1 ON OF THE PUBLIC; `1:0°THE IPIt VE Tka.resIji g 11/1a.chi es BESir I SENT. IN USE. These mach i ies pesseSsManY 'imp ore- -merits on any 11.ketofbre lllalle,: They are manufacturing 'NI aclan es or r.r WO Sii2ES, one especially constr icted for travelting; the other`a sini,ller s' ze. c;t1culated. nore especially 'for HOME I7Sif!. ' • . -So far as their ]ane niaelii ne has. leen introduced, it has giv -n the VERY BEST 8.V11I8PACTIt iN. . rill y 4.1 au urn c ..uro t 11 0 T34-1:' • . I1np1oVecTilors6 Powe . , _ their line,. such as 401a addition. to the allovo, the subs rib - (1S n anufacture atro( -•:t i:-.Vory arLieue in I .8 AWING 1‘. Lk CHINES, -Capable ek satrieg from 50 to C0 cords of wood Ili. day. -: S TR AW CUTTERS-, of a Superior kind. G.A NO PLqw, • 'Phu I.tteF-,t 'ImprOVetl. > 611-LTIVAT0RS AND PLO ¥8, . -Which cannot be surpassed'. -i--7----0 -- EVERY DESCR1.11.1.0N Wi' MADEON THE SHoirrEsT NOT cE. They llaNe a l'i,..0;13' a vroviAl patter, for . . -01..).%zp-..4. ..,.. tt II fluilS. REPAORS HO A L BRANG ES Attended to -)romptly. ' ' They employ 11 ) Agents, and can: - therefore giVo t 10 int chaser the ad-an- tacre of the comthissioi. • Theyc...mploy lionobut the best ski led labor, and material, which ' warn nts them in guar= ceilig satisfaction. INTENDING PU CHASERS WILL PL SE . GIVE US A CALL BEFORE BUYING . FROM OTHERS.. ! . ZA PIE & C.A.RT k. Seaforth; Septembcr,•11870,1-. . : ' ' 143-1 MR. JOHN THOMPSON riHANKS his numerous. custeniera for k their liberal palroinvi'c during he ast fifteen years -1 and: -trusts he will re- ei ve its Contimiance,- He,his now On. hand :a large ass rt- -exit of Good. Sound - - re1e11 ::Henaiock Whi h he warrants give satisfacti n. ALSO FENCING AND DRAINP.1,rG LAMBE:74 ALWAYS KEPT (11..-N .CAN1). —ALSO 2-- 200 GOO 1FEET CF PINE IpilLDINC. AND. CENERAL PURPOSES. Which he offers on liberal terms. Or- ers will bepromptly attended to. The Mill is situated on the Townline f McKillop and Hallett, 3and miles , f orn. the Huron Road. Seaforth, Nov. 16, 1870.1 84-tf: Trv, J. SEATTER, XCHANGE BROKER, _ , And dealer in .Pure RUCS CHEMICALS AND DYESTUFFS, PERFUSIERY, ANCYAN D 'TOILET ARTICLES Agent for SewiniMacliines. Money t lend on easy ternis. OeipPurpumosesW.in, es and_ Liquers for medi- SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. . , MILLINERY, DRESS —AND -- MANTLE MAKING. MISS ,11/10INTOSH MA 1(* this oppuquiiity of returning. I thanks for the liberal patronage ex-: ,tended -x;: her since coming to Seaforth and-wo id' respectfully intimate to ens-, tomers nd others that she is still to be found. OVER. 'AIR, MoDOCOALL'S STORI • All orders will receive the UTMOt T ATTENTION. With regard to TA TE. NEATNES8 and theLAT EST 81 YIJE,S, cannot be EXCELLED IN SE,P FORTH. ,STR.A.W and IIATR mpitK CLEANED ON THE SHORN - EST N TICE. 'SEM? larch 31, 1870. 121 -- BUSH FARM FOR SALE CHEAP UNDIMSIO-NED offers for sale, • -1 chevp, Lot No. 30; Con. 15, t•rwnship of Grey, Co. of Huron; about 70 acres of this lot are timbered with hardwood; four auto of which are Chopped., the bal- ance is imbcred with cedar old pine of excellen quality. There is sufficient of this latt )r tiniber to pay for the Whole lot. The lot will be sold CHEAP 'FOR • CASH, r on time. Title indisputable. For furt ier particulars apply (if by let- ter, wet aid -to Adam (-fray, Planing Mill, Seaforth Or to the undersigned proprie- tor. 1 ODEII1CK GRAY, - mamesford, P. 0. Than]. sford, Nov. 9, 1870. 153- ff.-- T "inves .8 and 9 SEAFoirr !MON FY ! $5,000 TO LEND: 1.1 the above sum, on band for men t on good Farm Security, at er cent. , Pri vato Funds. - JOHN S. PORTER. July 125,-1870. 139 --- • •• • - K 1 D D'S Go to.the Best THE BRITISH AUERICAltt t AND I BRYANT, STRATTON & ODELL. - • CONSOLIDATED BusrAtEss- COE'LtGEt. 3•.Tow the largest, most extensiv arni complete BU81NESS SCHOOL in ths! I country. It .has the largest 'staff 4)i FASHION, adapted business forms, and the. best AT- rteachers, the most practical and btsi ranged and most commodiou;• apart- ments- It is under the management thorough business men, fully alive to aic,. the-. -requirements of the -butiness-com- imutit„). The advantages anc faiiiri-i i. afforded' in this institution:aye unequal • in the cOuntry, and no young man shonir. enter on .a. basil -legs _cariaev without full) availin„a Limself of its benefits. Wc mlIE subscriber begs to annolunee to awarded the the public tbathe has opened a Fit St, I i raze n Business.Pcii - ) EMPORI SEAFORTH. Splendid inanship-! Assortrilent At the lath Provincial &ion 2:2, London. As this is the 8IXT11 eouNcea - five year that we have tal en thi-i we feel confident that there can be ono opinion as where to go to learn t write. For specimens of writing, babk notes ; circulars, &e., address • ODELL & 1,18— STAPLE AND J-f.;--VN(y DRY GOODS, .GLOTIMN-(4-; CROCKERY; MOUS AP LOT FOR. SALE. 1 . 131t_1.3( ei371. AGE, '26 x 36. frame bin). and 'stable, half an acre of -land, :planted 6th ellOieeEtt fruit trees, all bearing, I good well, etc-. Likewise a, I park lot 'Ontailling BX acres, moro or less, in t ieli;ghtst state of cultivation, newly dr tined and manmed, and seeded fenced sith a Dell; substantial ;board 1 W ilown 'NV th tinlettIV and (joy er, and. fence- lot i adinirably adapied 1 f,.‘r nur . cry or a intrket gai'den. Thy. ; abo-e. pr6verty'J it:110,1,il in the village 1 - ire ••• LOri/DtAk THE GHEISTIA.N UNION - A GREAT .11E1,11;10 -FS TuE UMW\ is a going Iteli.•ions , • sixteen large quarto p: -.!.c-4. • cp.,_1; being cut and. stitchet. III:NI:7 NATI •!,-4 BtEmE11 is its Editor. and it may bo_ 1‘.1.1'11)."-"I').; best u-kscribed as an II:, pendrnt Weekly Jodi nal_ dm-01.1.41th lte • lieion,_ Reform, loein anO lAmestie News; of the • t Inn e.'1 • d World, Litertthll CIO; CC, -11:17 'rrade, contril nth o 1n,ni wt n t miut .1 writers . LIQUORS. , It has sfonething for ail the member -- of the household : admirable contriout taL and editorial articles; tliscussii“; all great topics of the day ; fresh informa - tion. unhadkney( d sulqects ; nnivle 'natter of a high :mil pure rtligiatis tont- Poems, Household tones, and ( for the little ones. It is the biighte.,:?z, and most infer 'sting religious ' pal=er being quoLed from by -the rciiious Pres!, of the entire country more exit inivel=, than any Gther„. work- is in the hinds of experi, .1..-xd any.. cultivated men. In'addition to: Mr. L and the gular wt port by Mr. Ellinwnod of his Friday Eveiiing 7171tE-1100M TALKS,. many other it. atIn't 5: of constant yet V -4z rying interest till its Lolumns from weel.. to -week. The contributors are It epr, utativt Men of all denominations, :.•11,1 is in. creasing in pi iee more ra:-/Adly than in other religious weekly. 8 UBS(.111IPTI 0.7.c ]'IIRF, cF, Only POP year, for which are given the papvi ior one year and a ut)ry of 1:0xl»rouvh, on tlic banks of the • Kraitland. 25r'fcet ahove tile -level of the river, on a 'U( t\ mad., and two ; The whole of the Stork is entirely new, •J10. 11 it af, Jab. Terms IU )1-E1 1and bought in the best lion•,es in Canada. - p1 to te;iltAborough. li Dce, 14, . L. IV Mt' QT `Li ME ROSs desiriei• Pi publiti that Le haS Livery Skitble conne hotel, where parties can„ ated with hr; -t. class Inns,. ABLE. : to in form the or( m d a New ction with his ae:•o)11mod •s; ;11,i;vehi(!lede s, lie is termined to sell at prices that 811;s )0 .)U\ T rva KO Neal OYU] OV. 1st, 1870. 153— reason4bie prieeN,. TOYS 8r. triODS Sea or ill, ,lan'y.21 1s70. )7 .f _ . IRO ThJ"TH BLOOD. Sy HuM°13‘g. 1,:)0 PERI AN SYRUP makes th eweak strong, and expels lisease by supplying the blood with ' OWN VITALIZING AGENT --IRON. Caution. Be sure you get Pernvlan S'yrtip. Pamphlets roe. J. P. DriSMORE, Proprietor. 1 o. 30 Dey st., New YorR. ' So dig Druggists generally. C NOW TS THE TIME TO III:1- YOUR beristmas Presents F' -RM FOR SALE. 1 4 - Superb Engaving of 11 hi ;Jon, to all subscribers. Specimen copies $wit PRIM by mail to any address.. .3. 13. FORD P C0., Publi--vers, 161 30 Park 1Z ow, New York oeirtt4re •_g ) 7-01;1.,,r) RESPECTFULLY inforin ; V V the publi c that they now:ha-pc the SALT CPAS AT A AND = ' S FA. r()R T urFirst • j -I- OT 12 Con 9, Township of (4rey, COMPLETED, J 1 containino- 100 acres of land, 55 acres Just received a complete stock of *XI.) PREPAPF1) TO RECEIVE AND FILL ALL ORDEI Zs WI clea,red, w:th good buildings and orchard. The farm -will be sold oneasy terilis. .pply to • 31. Afel)EIENTID. • 1-Tappurhey. Oct. , 1870. 149. ; Cie Bon GREAT 111_1"gr__ je et ihron & Son9 s ff1HE UNDERSIGN ED, INTENDING TO GIUSE VE UP BINSS IN THE STAND THEY NOW Oet Y, -WILL . SELL FOR • • C30;\T MCDsi\Tria--1 THE WHOLE OP THEIR STOCK OF D ta. GOODS, 3 5 Clothing Tweeds &c FOR CASH At Cost, Priee. - Dress Goodsof all kinds,- , • - At Cost Price. (Ready-made),, At Cost Price. English and Canadian Tweeds, At Cost Price. Shawls and Jackets. At Cost Price. We also sell a large lot. of BOOTS' AND SHOES at a Small Advance on COST. Gr This is no humbug. Parties want- ing Cheap (400ds, will find it to their advantage to give them. a call before pur- chasing elsewhere. All parties owing accounts will please call and settle them, as they wish to close their Book l at present. J. BONTHR. ON & SON. Seafortb. "hctober 3, 1870. 132 FINE COLD AND SILVER JEWELRY - RUSSEL AND SWISS WATCHES. To he sold Cheaper thaw ever. M. R. COI.:NTEli. SISAFLIRT11, Dee. 13, 870. 52 TORONTO rifILLINERY. MiSS ERWIN, DESIRES to respectfully inform the ladies of Seaforth and vicinity, that she has removed her Milline) 3 Establish- ment to REYNOLD'S BLOCK EAR THE RAILWAY STATION. Miss Erwin would also take this op- portunity of saying that she has very considerably increased her stock which consis_t:Nsioi NTLES, HATS ANI) BONNETS, ' Ready trimmed. DRESS CAPS, &c., &c. Orders for all kind of work, such as antleandDressmaking, Braiding, Trim- ming, etc. Promptly altenden to. A stork of piece Satins of all shades on hand. Seaforth, Sept. 21st, 1870, 146-tf--- - CUSTOM FINE; COARSEAND LAND ALT: • TERMS CASH. . Seaforth, Sept. 145, 1870. TATLORIN rpTIANICING- the public for their liber. al patronage extended to us since commencing business, we hope by strict attentionto merit a continuance of the same. SEAFORTH FURNITURE WAREROWM: M.ROBERTSON Importi.r and manufacturer of all kinf3-01s HOUSEHOLD PURNIT such: as SOFAS, LOUNGES, C:',EIS''THE TABLES, MAT'rRASSES,. DINING & BREAKFAST TABLE:54 Bi3B.E.A138, CHAIRS, and BEDSTEADS, In Great Valiety.,,,. made of Good. Seasoned Lumber. :AM- Mr. R. has great conidence offfe:i- : ing his goods to the publie, as they a;.7)- -Crillisil\T C4 - Parties who may require Cutting! done, caRhave it executed with Accu- racy, 'Neatness, andDespatch,at MOD- ! BEATE PRICES, SUTHERLAND BROS I sEAFoRili,!sept-f nber 1, 1870. 82 by First -Glass Workmen. 00 - Coffins made to Order,. On the Shortest Notice. WOOD TURNING Done with Neatness and-Desna:till Warerooms TWO DOORS SOUTH SHARLF3 HOTEL, Main Street. Seabrth, ,Tan'y 216t, 1870. 57-. •