HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-01-20, Page 22.
JANUARY 20, 1871.
The composition of milk, tlOugh
. .
riceepaentl v discuseed, is nut gener-,
:.•allv --Avell understooct It is -quite
,varialAe, fliot °nix in 1hri,:iiii1k44--Trom
lifferent -caws, brit im.thik frort,Z• the
liame co' -z at different ;times, and inf
` Zifferfilt eondivions-, but-espenially
o.t different seasons of the year. It
is more kkuttely in winter, aia more.
--cheesy in summer.; A -cow milked
ellaree timesi-a;dayewthiletegire more-
ia quaneity, liLut p99ret, ii.ecietailitty,
-than if iiiiffeed ' tverce; 'Will -41One
rzilfired twice a dayykia, yield, more
i& than if Milked once a day, but
. eue :milking. a zday woulde be.; the.
richer.. The first milk drawn from
the add e•r i...74nare-eeiela-ey than what
follOws..; the last is the richest. The
ateumuIation. of milk in 'the .cow's
- bag is infiklenced. by the.law of gray-
.,,:.tation. The Water beikg the! ceitvi,
,ee,st ingredient, settles to the b9ttonil
;lath is the first milked, ; the cream,
-which is the lightest., rises, and is
;the last milked. That:, is to say, a
wartiid septration takes dace lathe.
radder, sufficient tr;itiatike'. the "Strip-
.3king;.4" eome ten at twelve. fillies as
aich 'in batter as the 'rnill'e cliwe.
We woield, thereforii; 'infer tlizit '.t lie
rst third contains._ the most.water,
tthe se;Anid third the •most, cheese;
;and -the las'', third the mast butte•r.
• t• hele is said to' be a clifrerenew in . ei
"-the In 0 k ° drawn frOin the compert- in
eueete of the udder of -the same cow, tett
a A from different teat. • ' •.• .. se
, The variation in the coMposition ,
-elf mil k, of cour'sil,, is -indicated .iry .
• fferent„ chemical anelyeis, no two - TE]
„of sdrich can be fond to exactly 2, r.
-ckgree. We give an analysis' by rranslat
tiaid len. _lie found th;tt the speCi-
men contained in 1,000 parts, 873 4 •
parts of water; 30 of butter, 48.2 of dr
bkeese, 13.9 of -sugar of milk, 2.31
-of liosphate of: lime, .42 of mag-
toesia, .47 .of iron,„ 1.01 of chloride of
-pot.acittal,an'l .6G of seditim 6f soda.
'Other chemises have fqiund albumen
.emeng the constitue0, of milk, and
ithis ivredieet, is believ ell, by many,
can make it indicate
is, the figure given
-Alittle Salt or 011
may, be ifadded. to by'
alp to the pure milk
blieness, of .theni
be :reufolVed %by th
Or itnnotto -nifty 1)0
same perpose. . Ma ly
s ,
•s jI1IflL1flg and
vett 96°, -Which —Some leading temperance rne$
✓ pure water.e:In Massachusetts have; become, 64,7
✓ ingredient, vkild, that probibitO4 laws 'aiti--1-iof
g the density efficacious ei9ntOkin suppresSing, temjie
ark. So the, Mice,- ati4 nave preamod a. new taefte
is5tIfiee1d ly. tyid&1 o'n'th e old Washingtoriian'
tdi:iitg mi$7, 1';,r -1.11h will sOin.
buiviit it.5 pla4fifien...-*1 .
•• - •
• C1316f* • —2A' Gr"" radd ()Oki -1161, isn,ow
-ed lo-tAlie in sessimi,;at Ockmulee,
e' Choctaw
'ex)edients Nation. The object of .th;Council
ontat,ime. to is,toebe the Cdnfederation of an- he
or the .pur- tribe's -in the oral vet. The dele;
itimoverish- gates tee° 53' numpPr and repro;
sent the following tribes, Viz : The
• Cherokees, C octaWs? OhirkasawS,
• " why tell Seminoles, Osage, Mosk kees, Sene.
rs7 can skirn cu, Shawnee's'. Quapitm's, Peorias,
?" We Wyandotts, 'Saes and Foxes.
e have told --- L'II( N York zoie
•prorates of scril1es Janice eGotaton,1 ennett.;-
e kiew of en- wetly of the Herald, as a cynic, a
efraud. • Trtie skeptic, and, at heal% 3 •M011arelii8.41;
aCCU rate Or
—one who is profoundly intbeed
•es the execu with the COAViCti011 that pOlitiCS iS
riid and this. mere ,tine—Lhat every non !his his
nt When priee—that IL '44irt110I1S woman is one
1 y the use of who has-neti 1ee:11_10;1nd out, 'Ina
CATI determine I an honest bank, officer one who has
'iic1 if you let not yelp found- his opportunity to
'ceaguletes, make a satisfactory grab.
'. t. T
4! ,
now Jen,
Portland, 11/Ip., ladies, IN CHANCERY
alp tave written home
. Between JOSEPH KIDD, Plaintiff, and
eeenoti suffering, for
of 1i, bat of course. are
-,e- ? - 'ICIDD, Defendants 2,
not a ei •,Aupplied.,. with luxuries. - I 14th December, 'sp.
Thor 044th:it they lately secured a •7 T hereby ap-ointtTHOAtASeliel.DID; of
.1'' in,- tina,r(sed the fat instead;eor "he Nrillage o Seaferth4Gounty of Hu-
--ton,.4terchaut, E4'eeliveivin this case.
'. 1,', ,'; Ji A.• 43(i-v-E4111'At'er QROCERIES v
fineter to niake, cake. At 111011 ta4ted .
Ve been eeserted,t
ire, by the d isb on
se of disguising
nt of milk by..
"But," says some
'dishonest men Row
and „eel ulte,ril „thely
have no clone so
honest nien some of
the. dishenest, with " t •
e hvdrOmeteris 'n.ot
Li teSt ; but it sh
,nsity Of thy milk
a, i m portant
u have decided this
the ereaM-gttages,.y1,-ou
the amoont of create
.t14e milk stand anti
d the, Chf3P'Se. SePee
4" Or A
"positivtliy, delicious."
-,.-,-.. Al] pai-ges indebted to, theilate firth ofl
GAIETIES. KIDD & MeMrL illN will please'vall
-• and settle the sante at °nee am o i Igo.
11-10MAS KID1). - --
A .spirted wag defined syntax as Seaforth, Dec. 21' 1870. 159-tf
./. follows :.Syntax,-,-a-tax on whiskey, 1.-. —
ovEt3co -1.. LOST.
Corollary', .it is a.sui to tax it, - -I- OST between Seaforth and Eginond,
Dr -Holmes calls a kiss a lisping 1 el ville, or in Eg,mondville village, on
consonant. He should have added, Tuesday, the 13th inst., ,ti. Gi<lia
that it, us tally follows a-vowal. He 01141,0)AI, with red and black inung.
. .
. f...hould al -o has addled, Don't do it l T, he fin dr,,r mj.rilli beis,uitably rewarded upon
' leaving A t, au Lee is-veosirou Office, Sea,
Some people can't help exaggerat-i forth, erat the Egmondville Post Office.
., ing..-. One a tle.e.kind says "4 far- _ . , .
li,V; A. Shearson & Co.
to give up the Grocery
the_pext two months,
whole of their stock of
ing of
liaving concluded,
business tor
dispose of the -
EIGNE'A3IA;tr-.N-171,,IsI):ITS, -
At and under.,Cost.
mer h-qntuckY -wa's so lazY that Egmondville, Dec. 22,4870. 1.59,4t We beg to the' attention of th-e.
when he'lisvent_tohOe Corn he worked Farmers and.'(:the'r,s.'Ve; this Sa:1,- IheS,
brond TGOV Ei kl TDRAINS,.
so elowlY that the shatie of
wiul be. ablelo'obTaiiiVoin 'their 1ioi
snpplies of Groceriesi Fruits Wines -
, •
and Liquors al wholesale cost.
.Thp whore stock nmst be cleared_ out
tit once.
lime -I -keepers wi31 -find, it. advantage -
Os to inspect our, stock of .Wines, Li-
quors, &e.,
The lease of the store to be disposed of.
britinited hat the.plants.". .•
" the
Well, Patii.:k, t h;ts c you 100 Tati've°\UviotrEklb.1,6in,11:tAheNri:£01Tust of
to say about stealing, the pig 1" Grey, County of Huron, after the 101 of
"- Well, yor ve see, it was October Wttl4es,.-$1. 2-5 to $1.75 perday.
Jist this : . The pig took upon him to •
p.t.rilen, for three contietet or.
shleep in my- bit, of Seaforth, Nov.. Nth, )870. 5..3. -
nights, yer honor r, anti 1 1st sioemd
, • • .
him for the rint.0" .
t •
a es tom t — cat,t e o exa s
whey, yinu cae tell lth l'elatiye pro- remarkable for its sudden and ra)id A slia:1!1) '-'tudeot, 'xal.; called UP bY
the ivorthy Prof or of a celebrated
portion of water am 'cheese. ThiK growth. 1866--H-foin• veal's atro
ma be a somewhat sl e and chum --aid 7 41. liead of Texan cattle came college end ateet t t he question,
I • "
process, litt nevertlieless decisive, to New A. prk market; but; in 1870
,1 11 11 • • b - 11
\LNY person desirous of adopting a Seaforth, Jan. .28th, 1870.
line healthy" male Child, about 18 t B.°---Pifty batrel5 of hand picked
nionths old, mttS, apply for further partie- Spifzenberg Apples for Sale.
u]ars to 1)13..A.NVE1'. 22; Seaforth, Ont. ;
Seaforth, Dec. 21, 1870. 159-tf
( an a. see wit oi
d oftei 11:v1)a:ea-elle , rouble, For- the mino)pr of' Texan. beeves, sold " Yes' sir," wtis the prompt reply.
et Sub
sole ti
tie it
tances so Ca • is not held New Yo(te,attle idarket was very. " H9w
sir"one(' tile. astonished
• liont2 tf.A.v.t; soh' my hook accounts to
by the er, dr not e,n- nearly 4 :,000; 1.11, Tri67171e argiles profeseorii can a man Se0 Wit .
Mr. J. M. McGREGOR. Debtors
.11 the chee e . r cream, .will Unit the Stztte: west of the Wabash -1- ray, si-r1 how (19 Y°11 n'181° that would do well to settle with himinune-
-the '`.-fottorn 0" the glaseeswill letve a moue'
40 trade while thoee
)01y of the boef OVA " Flthican see with one, sir," dia-Ady upon receiving their accomits.
of the East -Will replied tl e reedy witted youth ; and
d POD?, 04 I
r wan tor the
: • .11219'071. ;p6si,5ar.
The sixth day the Creed n
w near. to.its rIthe sun had
'Erse. I. The gloom
si read Over the
ic st-born SOn
ac oinplished lie co
of evening bwei t
y • uthful parch. T
of the Cteation st
th:, hills of Eden e,
El on h , _h his gun rdiai aT
Darker IkjicI rk ,tr 101. 1 d
be the one that first c(nmeiQneesN • th,- The twi iglit shades deoli-
,Jecaying, in .hot weather, and pro en
10E 'i " tainted " nu1. ve
urds end " • checeie. 8kim so
:.tied milk has been found, in 50P1 Of
.i>11Sta11004 to 001.1b141 as In1i Is 7 pleyful 1 reezes wer
eJaets of eeiter in .100, aud only 3-- What meaneth
eaer cent, of selida, or cheesy matter. eta i . with subctU
find it In ofitable to connue their at-
taition to the production 0)f: butter,
.cheese • • t I twinm
& for labs
7 7
alVe-R; and pi ulto of:killing and
the growing of fine qbaJities of ft uit
and wool.
_An inv.:Mg nt utile:, in Dris 01,
named Mod, Phe.astiett,, bellev ng
'Ilion one bf that the devil vos in be. r, hung Pr -
r hint w isael f in it .eapho I rd.
I -and gttic e —11.1e PruesianGovernment
o wing uILitS u1tasurci se vet iv_
1-1113 Get limn. Rad ic ds. ,We
war of tire 'vontisealioti of .the Yoe-
Zeite4g " for an unpatriotic
d ietu ilight, which spread like a
1 over the hills an( v tlJcys. Tic
ire; of the:16.111-s and the, loud cribs
the ueasts had ceal'( d: ,..EVen the
, -
' e: Swill_ milk" has been found to cc @said guide; s )
,euntain as low as 1.1„ per cent of cr ation perishandli
butter. .4n analysis .of .the first -an-ient 'Tlight expire ?
Cililk taken front a cow's baa
g fter. -Elbah smiled a44-
c.c a -l -trine• showed it to'consist of If):,1 tb .1 -repose of the. earti
° eetit of c;.tseine, or cheese, 2.6 of Now die celestial 1 11
t7, utter, 2 of mucous ueitter,•and 80,3 on , the Moon arose,
eef water. Ordinarypurc..,! _milk. will hot-, st(...od forth
.avertige about 121,- per centof ere:on; ry.
But it ie not unfriiquently ['word to rhe man looked
• 15 to 20 per cent.„ and even wi li sweet SUrpliSE).7
1i as C
25 per cent. of r0;111,1 of God 141 W
;i1- W1
'hetet 11.In4t If milk ‘, ;P1116 less- tu ned faice of the s
tJI an 10 Ili (.'ent. of civain, it is be -i 10 1Ii stillness df
ushed to ret,
s 'asked t1ic
voice, of 1is
f/10 youi
tlie depth
'said rili. .i5
111 lalifS.S11011.13
id the star
▪ seeene
0 oft
IT 1
, to: heala n
e the angels
tie the _u }- 10 .:% 110V dialnantWr011li traclz
f earth b e
dit inereas-
eee- the .1 t,1tge, :fat.d. uoprolitztill (e.] The. fllglitlIlglles song' •brol
for •;,uti
tter-inaking.. • - 1 . tan). the' silenf
ceistron nd clerif4.
_ . We know ef no single ing,trtele•nt - Elozth touched the m :a- ,with his
:--ihitt will at once indh:ate the' tititili- '`A -111d: ]ie lay do "11t 111 011 the 11.11'
sf. V Of Milk. What isj'ezil led the lae- aa I Slept The fireti ( am cLune o
temeter, but is propeilv a heti tom e: hi, spirit, ;there. Meanivhile,Jehovi h
. tele Ne ill in d icate the, density of milk, . formed ;iii help-meAlf n• him_ •
and if its specific gravitY in •ii pure A. moi tying twiligl t b .oke, Eloah
-stete be knos n,. it will show the .to•tehed tlie slim -1440 r again. He
anio it ti t of:Wider.added,.if any. On aN oke and felt rieW )0N et. iiid life
an. 4verage, milk is aboeit 4 per centco trsing- through 14i a te. As the
\.(m. hill and
lilayed upon
S'tf•ekuns; tilt::
s ;Clay. Man '
11.'tiele' on t4e
SOcti„,.; A ic.•letier say8 that
he 11 IIFIIher 0: Fr1410.1 unweele.
eisonees'of "'tVE1.1, u j to..rhe 27t1, of
'coven) bur, ' amounoteti to 303,842
auk and file, y14,14;253 officers. •
Prinde of Wales IlaS Inndly
:tated that ." it will .afford Mut great
etisfaction t.o .yreside at the • a11ni-
(1533.i 50;i0V; 1 _of t110 Eal'18+0011
‘,S1111111 ft r the ensluing
)1 \
ditunoed _fevee
•till_keeps qp. - "The last eteaniee
tirived It (1111 the ear brought
nonde eathneted at .40000 inval-
1 if.
- (11(d1 .j\ tue old
meg' vs -ere kc eping tilol 3 tiouiil. -
111 di'roilirtS.1 OW eXtf9IC-1- 4)) er -100
•iles of countiy, and the poem'a-
jot' had inert!, sed tee One
met had foiled two! winnoirts value
1.-11112'itliej;(:)itue:31r.'rt'llcorge 'Baird v -as
ilea'vier than wafer:. That is,. a hy- sin dows kerc liftea
1 •
drometer with a scale graded at IGO va o, the r 13. twig ligh
tor niiik at .6•0' Fareuheit, ought to. _the Wav of Hewn
efuk- to 96. ia water. The eetriation Sp. 1 tirose and it A 1
1 I
11 the (leMity :01 milk: will be shown locked ailbole 1116 11(INV-nu.Lcile wife, the
an experiment' given by Cletrrei: m ther ef tha 'living. ilstenishment
3,-, i-liiiti in ids " illilelt Cows and .tittil pl(a, ure fille;1 hi. heart. !
I )airy Farming." ' lie Sar S PCi1
: . 1611. 1 Said JEoa1i out of riepose
" For the perigee! of showing the- \-,sliz 11 tiig.s divine -ise, therclore
,Tillerencegiu the specific grztvitv of shalt . t.u hailo'v 1t s day of „rest,
eliffereut specimens of pure nulk, and devote it to go(11,1, things.
- taken from the cows in the morning, '
and alldwed to e.001. down to about Constahee., Jan., 18r
fi*0 s, 1 -used an instrument gritduated
with the puire milk Illftric• at 100, United S tes.
with the folro' 'wfng reeults: The first . The ()Iciest MaSo Itas just died
pint drzewn from a native cow stood again. r.this time in ri •
101. The last pint .of the seine The Cieerease of
Liiilking, being. the_s(rippitgs, of the tio al Debt- during
t:auut cow, stood at tJ. The 2-10,700 90
1 1.11`0 of the two pints stood at abow, two-failedlio4
The milk of a laire bred Jer si ason. in a .inustilutril 'is helping
• stood at 95, that an. Ayrshire drag n, street eay 111 Si Francisco
lie II: S..1C t-
.eeember was
obrithlv wealthy for a. Scolchnian.
efis nievs,ble ustato is valued at,
•t 018,458, whi e he has " large land-
, .
2(1. teitates,ire A nerica." .. The value`
if the stamp 01 which theAlivent ry
s weitten is .'-•4 7,000.
--.A 5.-arei tt of 00111 111'0V11111.:. 111
' • • • ,
: erniallY, an (1 11 ;ie no tu,ty on the
nerease. ' f t e .:ises 'free'. t h --. we 3 e
flabor.ii, the mines, cAtised by the
Wei, levies. " r.Phe. expeclieneeyalfee:-
pleying eonie of the-Freneh prieeeeee
ts.colliers is liCillg tli8C1.18:Seti.
TOM I'ElIgheS. ill IliArit-Ui-
R011i0 1)1'1 7.(14 r(iTlltly ‘-t,\.)x..f:ti -CI,.
etic c..N.ercises ereit)in the least 11-
bserved that he did not l'iclics.v.c. a h-.-
2ompatible ,,,itlt - scholarship. '1111c:
,..ioys who. went niest vigoicertsly.". n-..,
0, the piir!,ni Ls to which they ouil;11t
o pay the gl'cl'116t . attention W( re
•iiso the foreini-, in. games and (.-..-x-;
,./..eises. The scholars of (air: time
lad three fields ofj iiistruction,—;
i ..liat, of limns°, that. el-iiikiks, ;.ind '
- ..
e, after a bril i that of eetioe. : :iiid he wlio used
o I these tl,ree alight -would :attain t he
' higliestof all rewards.,- self-reliance.
---Anieng the people shut up dui
, , 1 !
8 aliS ilr0 t•hr00 .1 apanese stutionits„!
,hom their French tutot has kept
. .
•here. .They write ;short notes to
heir friends in London, iu Japitne,i,,
e l characterS, on the margin 1.f .11.1'W6-
. .
e papeis,,which they *mit to the bal-
loon pOst, te,ind say!. they- heartilV
so d his WI e wish they ,-ere.' out Of the place, as .
.? and libe e hey. get nothing but horse flesh atal
lel' the tx o log -flesh to eat.
1 w. —Mr. Richard Wallace, the tes- I
e amentary heir of the, late Marquis '
f Hertford, 11/L8 given away £20, .
00 in Paris alone within a „period .
n f little more than two: months :
i to necessitous Englishmen and the '
I iruhabitants generally, and continues .`
"eighty-seve • to suliscribe most munificently le
had -Hied in 1 various objects ,-1 nsed to mitigate :
er bieth, and 1 the sufferin'g,s of the poor in -that city.
• xeept in . the ; --A new kind of gunpowder, said
.- ' to be of remarkable power, has been
ill be one of !,manufactured; and experinients are
spring. A_ ' now being made in England, by or-
anufactory s ! er of the Government, to ascertain
all sies- t i bow it may be used with the guns
the shabby I elonging to the present armament
f the eountry, .
the whol elass,shouted with delight eaforth. Dec. 23, 1870. 150-tf
' at the tripeph over metaphysics.
A corfe7,.poneeet eenes via what he
i emits: "Tile True ...3tory of :Mary and
1 her Littl e Lamb," hoping it will:
i take the }iota: on that garbled .ver -
i sioa whieli has hitherto 0(4'11 10001V-
. 1
1.k._. 11S 1.1uP heu tic :
; Mary h d a little lamb
' 1-Vhos fleece was white as snow,
And ev rywherethat .Mary went
The limb it would mit go.
So Mar took that little lamb _
.And beat it for a spell.
'rile -family hal it, fried next, day, --
And went ery well !
P•ar Al A SITIP11,•iii:(1;.-.-A. p:lrty
Of young men were•teliing -svhat thev
311rp11-3 ndersigned offers for sale: or to
rent, on the :3d Conees-ion of McK
lop, Roxboro Road, 11 miles from Sea -
forth, and one nine ,fronf Ro:stboio, 1_
acre and 9 rods of land, with via(' ibear-
ing Orele,rd of 24 trqs. assorted; frame
2-2x32 feet, in -good condition and
very comfortable ; also, a well; pump,
and stable on the premises ; the lot is
well fenced. For thither particulars
apply to the proprietor on the prcinises.
159-tf ° 'JOHN
would do' if they were eilipwreeked PilAYBEE i-,LA,C1Ith,A10
F-9 -
' far out upon thy sea, and left buffet- ..titBeg to inform the piddle that theV have
1 ing with the e•4\es -with it t i lint opened a IIIMBRI1 Y‘PD in Seatorth
oi ; i I ' , , - t 'VAUT) . . ' •
i U.; SUINtidil OICID. ! EaCh one (rave his near Shearson's-Mill; on -the grounl for:
i - h. - - -, . 6 • ( t 7 'I llr al '
inerly aS a Limber Yard, by Mr.
LtiL „ opimo cxti 1 a i() -1 1 Ihounis Lee.
I eine- I r ,
They will keLp 011 !Mind a
plied : " 13ml cess to ye for ;t COW- t;ood assortment (4 ALI, KINDS OF
LUMBER, dressed and undrosed.
Also, - 1
All Of which they are prepared to dell at
the lowest possible }sires. for I 'ash.
Builders and others win find it to thei
advantage to 'inspect our staelz. and al
who, aft,. it
ardly set lof ; ye'd all ho
aftber youri-vivcs, and not
-thrying tip save amither. ANT.liy, its
Atuvphy that would swim to
-shore an' save himself, an' t11(:•11 come
beck and .they to enve 0310 Hwy." -
Berlashire Pigs.
13erkshir(3...pip b.c,longs to a iaige
Llass,iand are cliz-aingaislied by their
ecolor sands' or whitish
'1 • tee 1 1 -i 1 1 le
b• row 1 oe black and by their
llniving bri,tle. The hair is long,
t• hin, solnelsitat. ctirly, Joak.s
rough ; Lae ears ate fringed with
FI ) 1( v. I ill y \\ I
101,)(7 hair -rot.n.f.1 the outer
- 3
thein 1,igged or fe;11.11-
'41-opeannice ; the budv is thick,
compote tn(1 -well-Conned ; the -dogs
-5110r1. sidt., vile bend well
set on, 1. le slimit ort, thc jowl
firm and
ears erect, the sain -ex-
!thin t- store, thejle...,14
ell flavortql The bacon
reeele fry. t; tis-;-te hogs' is very s.lip
erior. '13 list ; et -s.-‘1 of __pigs lee; 1w -el
gt`11CrallY :'('.1 Iry tale uf IL(
• certain our prices before purelas..sing
-where, as we are in a position to oil(
(rood inducements to cash ptirelidsers.
I 111A -1 -BEE & t,IJ
I Seaforth, Dec, 29, 1870. 160-tf
4s•A P.M-J.3ES' PaiteDIC11 MIS.'
Th:, -wen_knowil n. icd-.6.1L.- -4;3 110 -iny,-)0-
,.. ,. • t - . .• • 1.•
sition, but a "sure and safe r(..ine-c-y for
female , difficulties •and (d)al-tie ions,
frem any. cate1‘..lr,1 ever. slid „sr-thorn:1i
a powerftil.remedv, they centain nothiizfr i
hurtful to the -emr:-,titutien. 1 '
To inarriec lnoliis it ..i:=, peenharly 3
suited. It will, in 4 short time, liring ,
on the ,mothle ..peri( d. with regularity,
- TheSe Pills have never ban biotin to '
fail -where. the directions on the i•-(!cond
pa ee of pamphlet are -well ol.,ser ed.- '
, For hill particulars, get a .pamphlet
free •of the agent.
People of Seaforth
(Late qf Stra yard.)
• Will be found inhis old place, (Ate dom
south of Mr. F. Veal's Grocery Store.
Mr. Cavanagh wishes to -return to hi
3111Therous friends and customers, his sin
1 cere thanks for their liberal patronage ii
the past, and hopes that they con
thine- the same in the future.
CHRISTMAS. Mr- (L'avallagi
has made great prepai ations for the com.
ing Christmas, and will abh to fur
31i -di his customers with everything in hif-
line. such. as Bread, Confectionery, Can
dy To:‘s, Fancy. cakes, Wedding cakes,
Nuts 02 all kinds, and all descriptions oi
Syrups. Hot Mutton Pies and all kinds
of refreshments, also good accommoda
tion for friends frOm the town and corm- _
trv. Also JUDD BROS. Vegetable
Union 1.-(s.isit. Try it, it never fails, and
is always reliable.
; Baltimore, the best in the market al
-ways fresh.
Aly( ays on hand,
SE.A1:01.1.1; =Nov 2:3 1870.
I: la; (a_ist.s;:e11.3...),,11.14e(i)i-,(31tefoorsi. EA WptAB.RBTItriCs' 1C):A031H4DIEttiS
Jon 33trir.s,,NEw Pliornitrov.
•-:t.1 P„nd 124 ceuts for _poStagej en- °
srEA co,
Phng Mil
Sash, ii)oor; and
riviE Subscribtrs beg leave to -thank
tile,t1" ,3111IDel'OU8 customers for the
liiieralpittronage extended. to them sines.
commencing business in Staforth, ane
1 trust that they will be. favoredwith
; continnance of the same.
Parties intending "ii) had 'WOT11(.1 df
° -yell to give them a call, as they wil
continue. to kLep on hand large Stocl
ail kinds of
'•• , -•
(Aryl -feel confident of giving satisfaction
to those who may favour them with
their patronage, as none but
• first class workmen.are
Particular t,,ttuation paid to Custom
ciosed to Nerthrop Lyinese New(lustle ;
(-int., general agents for the 1)01))) 01.011.
-; •
will ntsure 0, bottle containing_ oN-er .
pi,. •
heet leeelene eu eeeoinit‘of it.
einelfeees •1- ee-, elele maturity
3.1, littit'
hal tiihOOt , ,titti i:. males
mi -l1 go Although
toriuy(1 ti, 11, el. {01 • 11rced, them
pigs 11„‘.., 1:11-r„-(1. in ditrei,o,it
parts ot liege of the puri
; original - reed,faeve been know,q tc
tittain t ;tit ininw113:e size, 13.11‘,1
weigh butt!) ;Is SOP. t_d 0-ponnils.
Is. -y ere let, noN\ V1.1•,,.. gene1•411y
;in (-not in am size, living 131 11013 mnall
: er tivin vend of !lin older lire.eds.
• 'Their tit -it nary Nveight averages froni
2.i50 to :3 0 pounds, 3111(1 some
et two y 01(1, weigh over 400
• is by return Mail -
- - ;
TEOFG SOrti c72E-1.1114pT1=F;
Are introducing the celebrated
! Which his attee,6y met with unrivalled ;
suesess otherparts of Canada
War:anted to give perfect satisfaAion
when drivim either by horse or hand pow"-
Le 300, that of a Hereford at 106, 11;Tew-Ilitinpshi re paper,
zhat of a 1 )evon at 111, while a thin nouncingl the datth '1of a, man, so,
.-yetem,stood at, 66.. All these speci- leaves a wife and. child by a
::„.i.k‘ris of milk were pure, med. milked ! former husband.'
-1• ,110 same tithe in the morning, .—Owners o•f: cattle, u New. Elva
scerefully htbeled J,11 separate vessels, Ituid are gieatly al:11.1116d t
aud set upon the Same shelf to cool rapid spread of the -
and yet the, vaii.,.itions of specific ztmong their stock.
geateeity amounted to 25, or, MiChigan ma
the ziverage quality of the native •for $10 eta the 3rd i
ow's milk at the variatioos " pireic • ia"
141.noinited to, 17 children.
It will be scen,ly these experie — Milwaukee, \lei., (Ilaiins to
:meats, that the 'richer the Milk in the greatest wheat larket in the
eenttee, the less the specific gravity, world. The receipts ilas year weie
•thin. cream being 30°. below the 19,060,991 bushels, the shi
v.-at3r mark. The richer the milk in ments 22,154,471 hu l els.
ez-tseine, cheeee, the greater the- A lady who die Boston, o
specific gravity, the milk of the Saturday,: at the age
lJtivon -indicating 15' above the years and nine mond.
Water mark. -Watering mille will . the eanee house frene
of cause reduce the specific gravity never heard a sernia
of milk rich in cheese, and by this New 8outh. Church.
means it can be made to indicate the --- Paper clothing,
average density' of pure milk. In the innovations ne
the same way, milk rich in butter leadiag New Yoik
may haye its specific gravity increa.s- getting out the suits 1
eel until it nearly reaches that of will be a godsend f
water, but no amount of watering genteel.
116 -of ctieee.
The subscriber oilers FOR SALE the
'r.A.VERN known as the New Dominion
; 11(41, in the villaGe of Bluevale. This
*, Heti!), 'having been lately refitted, is
Also, all kinds of Famine linp!ements
the shed, -st ith plin115 in good order. The
- land attached to tl,e hotel consists of
now (stir:ride for the aec( nimodation of
the traveling publie, having good sta-
bling, -with large driving -shed 36 x 20
feet ; also a large 1.1itil-rooieinar,e-elorsethtoe
shed. There is an excellent v
A Califtornian Steam Ditcher. Reaners. Fsneing
Tim e;cientifie Press gives the fol-
lowing sk !telt of a steam ditching
machine 1 ow on exhibition in ••'ian.
Francisvo : " On a frame 41 feet
1°1),(5 arid twelve feet wide, mounted
ibur woodi a wheels, are placed a
23 horsrs power steam engine, the
cutting zia paratus, and the belts for
raising a. el discharging the earth.
There are four revolving knives for
pulverizir g the ground, two feet in.
width, ail 1 having en each side a
blade for turning the sloping edge
of the <lite a These can be raised or
lowered a, desired. • The earth is
thrown fr m them on a gutta percha
apron or le1t, which elevates it; to
the rear ot the machine, .whence it
is thrown to the side of the ditch by
horizontel belt. The machine is
claimed to be able to cut daily from
one to two eniles of ditch 41afeet
deep, 4 feet wide at the top, and 28
inches wide at the bottom, three
workmen nd an engineer being re-
quired to iiun it. The entire weight
is about eieht tome
o \verse Cultivators. ` half an acre of excellent laud well ad-
Combine(1 Machintls lion& floes,
Separators, NVeeders..
- Pitts' Power, Plow,
Saving 311a -chines, Gang Plows,
Donl)le Alooldboard Plows, &e.
Steam.Thigines of all Sizes Built
Grist Mills, Flour .1411s,
• Sal; Mills, Flaxt,
)3,- Water or steam,
-And all kinds of -
And all kinds at machinery of the be
construction, supplied on shortnatice
Promptly attended to
tte el, P.
Seaforth, Sept, 66, 1870. 144-Iy
opted for gardening puiposes, with a va-
riety -of choice young fruit trues. This
hotel is situated a fi-w rods north of the
•Wingham-Toad in the village, thiS being
the leading road from Wroxeter to Wing-
- ham, Lucknow, Kincardine, &c. This
hotel will be sold for cash or, if the
purchaser cannot pay it ap, a balance
can remain Oil bond and mortgage for
one year. The purchaser can buy the
tavern fittings, towes, chairs, bedsteads.
etc. For particulars apply on the prem
Bluevale, Nov. 23, 1870.
158 -ti
YOUNG LADIES' Select School
will be opened by MRS.. E. J.
MILLER, on Oct. 24th, in Mr. Kidd's
Block, over the store_ A_ iiberal patro
nage by the people of Seaforth, is solicit-
ed,- For terms, see Mrs. Miller, at DR.
Seaforth, Oct. 20, 1S70. 150-tf.
ST., SEAFORTII. rims (XlaSS Horse
and Carriages always on hand at as reons •
able te,rms.
R. alifiarcr, Proprietor.
Seaforth, May 5th, 1870. 3-tf--
EEAT .A.i.N„Th r
Ess,AY )3Y 211. P. 1XA
On AVedne,s4ay *!,
,inst., M.- 1-3, Ibyes, 1
lage, delivered on
as a Modo of Moll
Seaforth Literary aii,
stitute He-eonune
Mg the difference 11
opposing theories of J
hitherto divided the,
en ti fic enquirxws7
ory, he explained,
which held htett to
tile etherial fluid
tenaie Sette
\ l
ite , or weight, whir
other _material bodiei
howevele that tts tk
to explain. -certain
for instaace, the tin
of beat which ie evo
eration of friction, it
ually abandoned fi
ice." or the lime
The latter tficoe
11 eat 'which may- lae
clear awl coneiee
Baconaas a kind of
0 species of wl la 11106
WaS held by John I
dred _years ago„ ailtd
precision clsprteisoil
pher. Ho said, “
brisk agitztt ion of the ,
of the oleieel, heated,
in us that eeeleation
nomini to 1013 0
in onr sei sation is ,
is 1100111] ,- 'A -t infW
to this ti eorv, the 1,
des of a bu:dy acti 1
mOtion a i)031U theaust,
.et of 11 .; syhn r;t,N-N:
-:0011)1)118ti , Or 4. *
tion, and aS 11. .ti.oreoler
lose their ) lotion, tu#
eapes, te r , Davye
theory ,,f
motion aux} 4Y the .
lts of
l,A m thttine
(Idles,. 7
havingal :11 internal
tion wet et ieorrespoi
4.7oon I-
wo- s. ;tee. pAal;:i
axis, am 1,i_1sa tn
tion Cbrresirnding
don which- ithe ,hui
- around the eider
explaining ill Ul11.
at. i0i0 Ienlgth, .:
stititi.faitete,ld tll:sritl littnos
0f Inn' dailY iiiVei. il
ean hP 210 illOtilia A
, ehape or oth(.r. if.
WV Want ti) Wai'111
lig-., We :=et., the.111 ili 14Z
Illg them 2jhivto..ee!
enir 110d1e,, nd
,:tinetivelv, ,IC -,140),,t,
o5o3)h1-;33.1 in ,_tiod of
for here -w4. li C1h1
ly arrested, ITIII ith
moved the li nlw 1: 51121
verte4 info heat,
adduced as a 'other in
0gine and boilkhr. the I.
on the rails :Aid by tli
railway tr:'ns, t,
blows on ti
of two pieces of wood,
}e. nvil, an
of the convertibility e
- ilie.laitneel'ilit,erejie
through feittion is tra
heat, by means - ,..,f • a ti
he had eonsthcted fo.;
It is inipteijsilAte in DU
its, to follew the learA
thronghout his arguni:
trations. ' -Oie intetel
advanced, ,no1/4-ever, w
tity of heat-prioducing -„
to overeote'o tic
subsisting ,eetWeen tle cohe
explain the, nitT . of
frozen water r nee; wl
governs the 4 ofiiic Or il
del -es, as •e -4I as the:
bodies of the eeiverse-
that Mr: Hae'es may 1
the Institnte on the
when lie may be able- .,
&nee that 'beat is sim.'
the eanie power whiel'
soler bodies ihi ough ,
dearly allied in its I
_ tion to t'ae other eos
the universe.
b'unliglet a We
Sum bathe cost not
the most refreshing, lit'
a man can take, w/
welt Every house
the benefit, of ivin
exposure to the Sun,
time,and especially af
season or absence of th
will think of the injur)
are liable to from
wi.4 never reflect tha
exposure of their own
sunlight is equally ne
own health. The
iothing, and 'that i.
for people are still d
idea that those thinge
e;ooLctd irdnotitsefleiml .fVol
God's most beneficent
three things the most
health—sunlight, fresh
ter, are free to all; )