HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-01-13, Page 8•
411nrott xpogitor.
• -3$
Save your Money -by buying yonr
Christmas Groceries. at W. AS Shearson •
CHEAP DRY GOODS. --Cheap Dry Goods
are advertised at the store of 777. Give
Mr. McDougall a call.
• Tietents.-We are hadebted to W. T.
Hays; Esq., M.P. P., for North Huron,
for copies of Parliamentary papers, re-
turns, &c.
TRUSTEES.- At the AnnilaI School
Meeting. hdd on Wednesday last, Mr.
D. D. Wilson, and Dr. Coleman were re--
elected for the coming term.
T. K. Anderson, merchant tailor; has
now on hand some fine Vest Patters, -
also a large stock of scarfs, ties, col ars,
cuffs, &c.- Go and see tkem.
The following is a list of the Births, Mar-
riages and. Deaths, Ie. -Moll occurred in
Seaforth during the year 1870, as taken
from, the Registrar's book :----Births, 54;
• , Marriages, 29; Deaths, 13.
TH• E NEXT SOCIAL. -We understand
that thenextSocial in _connection With
the Canada Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth. will be held at the house of Mr.
James Nichol. McKillop, on the evening
of Wednesday, the 18,...tb. hist
Eatovaa OF DR. S.I/EWART. -Dr. Stew-
art,.late of Varna, has removed to Bruce -
field, as may be seen by reference to his
card in another column. Dr. Stewart
has our bestwishes for success in hisnew
sphere of labor.
PANT-. -A_ meeting of all interested in the
above company, and members thereof
will be held at the Council Room, Town
Han, Seaforth, on Friday evening, 13th
inSt., at 7:30 p. m. A full attendance is-
Three eases of this. fever hay oeccurred in
Tuckersmith a little to the east of Kip.'
pen. We were in hopes that on account
of the severity of the weather the epi-
demic had been stayed. Such, however,"
is not the case.
• 1 1
Me. HAYS ON' HEAL -On Wednesday
• evening, the 4th inst., Mr. I faya deliv-
ered an essayon" Heat as a Mode of
Motion," before the Seaforth. Literary.
and Scientific „Institute. We have a
• lengthy report 'of Mr. Hays very able
and interesting address, but aie unable
to find room; for it.
, PERSONAI,-Mr. John McEwen, bro-
ther of Mr. Peter McEwen, contractor
for the -Merchants. Sett Company of this
village, has received the contract of
building the derriek-, and sinking the
Liston -el salt -well. Air.- MeEwen left
Seaford], on Friday last for Listowel, to
commence operations there.
Aonteasrunai, RikErINGs.-The An -
awl Meeting of. the Hullett Branch
Agricultural Societp.---will4 be held on
Thursday, the 19th inst., in Dinsley't
Hata, Clinton. The Annual Meeting of
• the North Huron Society will be held at
the Orange Hall, Clinton, on the sant.
day, at 14 a. m. The :Stanley Branch
wilt meet at Varna,jn Turner's Hall, on
nida3r, the 19th inst.:.
SeaFortrit DutecTOnv.--The readers of ,
the EXPOSITOR ere presented this week'
with a Business Directmy of the Village
of Seaforth, compiled by J. M. MeGre--,
gor, and given. at a gratuity to the readers
of this paper. It is useful ,as well as
• ornamental, and should be preserved as
well as possible. Hang it in' some ,eon-
spieuous place, it will not take up much
room. •
tura deli‘ ered on the ii,00ve interesting
subject, in the Canada Presbyterian
Church, Seafeith, by the -Rev. Mr.
Inglis, of TorOnto, on Wednesday even-
ing, was quite numerously attended.
The lecture was an excellent one, and
fully sustained the high reputation which
Mr. Inglis has attained as • a public
speaker. There -erequite a number of
country people present, and there would,
doubtless, have been. more, had it not
been for the unpleasant state of the
weather, and the bad. roads.
• 0
Flee Is OLT NroN.-On Tnesda3r morn-
ing, 3rd inst., at 4 o'clock, Mr. 8. Morse,
of Clinton. was awakened by dense vol-
umes of smoke which nearly Choked him
am! hiswife. Thehouse was so enveloped
in flaMes that it was as flinch as they
could do to snatch up some Led clothes
and rush out. • They saved nOthing else,
and substantial sympathy has been dis-
played towards them in. this community.
• The house was situated above the freight
house of the Grand Trunk Railway, and
was owned. by- Mr. Fox. There was no
insurance, and the cause of lire is sup-
posed to have arisen from a idefectil-e
stove-pipe.a--Kezo Era.
CriCReir RE-ortNixo.-Th Irishtown
Church was re -opened on 8 inday last.
Services were held at 10 o'c1ock in the
forenoon, and at 5' in the evening, -the
ltev. Ilishop Welsle of London, officiat-
ing. This church has recently been un-
dergoing extensive repairs, and now that
it is nearly completed, presents a really
handsome appearrnee both internally and
externally. It has beet>vafloored„ re-:
seated, and the large oaken pillars which
formerly supported the arches, have been
• replaced by handsome iron ones. The
galleries heve also undergone a thorough
repairing, and aro now most eommodious
and comfortable. Mr. -Merlin, was the
Contractor, and is deserving of much praise
for the excellent manner in which he,
under the direction of Father Murphy,
perfoeuied the work.
MASONIC SUPPER. -On _Monday even-
ing last, Worshipful I3rother J. F. Toms,
District Deputy Grand Master, visited
• Britannia Lodge, No. 170, Seaforth, for
the purpose ofinstalling the officers
elect, for the ensuing year. On acbount
of illness on the part of the ma.ster-elect,
however, the installation ceiernonies
were postponed. At high twelve, the
brethren, to the number ef from tw-enty
to thirty adjourned froin labor to re-
freshment at Carmichael's Hotel. The
ehair was able filled by Worshipful Mas-
ter Ballentyne, supported on either side
by Worshipful Brother Jones, DD. G. M.,
and Worshipful Brother McIntyre, P.M.,
and the v_cerchair was
ithipful Brother Slimnto
justice having been d
the usual Loyal, Mas
laneous aSts were p
pondecl and at an
Junta. 'arden's T
meet, sorry to par
egain,"-was hondre
ga herieg as ever as.sem
eupied by Wet. -
P. M. AmPle
e to the spread,
ic, and miscel-
posed and. res-
arly " hour the
" Happy to
appy to meet
as pleasant a,
oard Public struetion.
he following is a ij t. of candidates
o received certificateat the Board i of
Public, Instruction for the County of
• Huron; on the 28th an 9 h. December:
-Fir8t Casa. -Bepjam
E. liendei.son, Jaaies
Wilson, J4tn. Hhtehi
Whitley, Malcolm l Isln
roud; Jas. Hislop,
Robert Craig, Coli
Brown; Frank Bisset, D
Geo. H. Ainastrong,-R
ompson, Agnes
son, Catherine
er, John Wal-
bell, 'Henry Q.
aed. McDonald,
rt Scott, Eliza.
Peter McDou-
ord, Alexander
Roderick Mc -
Wm. Ferguson,
Wilson, Eva
Second 0
DeGan til 1 on
Kestle, A.re
h B. Case, Sar; gd
, Wilhiam H. Ciat
Crie, John Armoui
nzie, IN alter Ca pb,e1 ,
ert Ferguson,iJbh
ary N irn.
s.a.--Mar a
Gerrard, - Samucl
mage, Johnhon Fe gu.s
Jo eph Ellis n, John F
Do ell..
hird C'aes.--Henry
Stdwart, 'John 1$1-.a ntos
liv n, AlberL Hoop ne T
Mary Jane Bali, Patric
t Smith, Patrick
her, Alexander
Kenzie, James
'al • Alexander
r, Daniel Dul-
hos. Miller,
ic's, Susan Me -
• D rstein, Alex.
Margaret 8u1-
°Inas Tlamilton,
Murphy, Susan
(la; evening about
' Pe er McGee, of
To nship, ras returi
aft r heving been at
hor es broke loose e
Cli ton and ran
bee- drinkin prat
to i anage his tea
his father'e, who lies ih.
on, where .1ne brotheieli - a
ter, evas'itinee to ridb; hou
Carter im ,
the horses, followed 1
'cliately std
, r
ha not gone very far N
to ive up. i He told Cl tter
bac to liis fathef's-andE eret
cut er, ant hen folio%
ed, thinking he would
his ather'4 and then
Mc loie • behind, and s
41e. mend the horses fa
a qt art er of a mile b
Cor lers, and took the
mo .mg, iiilr.-:Middle O
-him he heard. ItteGee'
hou -e last night. sea
P00 McGee was found
the kitchen, not yet
He as lyine on his fa!,
, on
to a
.ef ti
To la hipl
DE Tn.-Last A.Ion-
ve br tie o'clock, as
Tip net*, Goderieh
irg fOnt Clinton,
the elections, his
1tle way- out of
e ar ls. He had
,ai dwasunable
t icu cante to
f mile further
, Thos. Car-
e with him.
n pursuit of
M Gee. They
en IcGee began
e would go
is horse and
ter consent -
ay ver night at
es le( ahead, left
a r
v b in no more,
iu snow drift,
mid. .Mithlleton's
ho ne. Iu :tbe
7 ijervaiit told
.V3i4 about the
li w s made, and
. etv yards from
•iff, Put lifeless.
with his hands
s breaSt and his h- t ender him, and
appearanees had eta, Jed a few feet
he sank in the snd4e. It see= the
felloW had not re urhed to his
e's as lec stated -he ot4d, but fol-
d Carter a distanc Of three or four
s, and becoming fa rgi e and numb
cold, tried to relic, ii.,t, r. t liddleton's
e. Wandering to e ack of the
en, he failed in ,r I g the people
e house, and. 0'i he ithin a few
s of safety. H ea es t a wife
six small childre a Ipl mourn his
end. 'Coroner R Ov of Clinton,
an inquest on -Wed es a afternoon.
verdict WT,s that i[b narie to his
through - ' faig e, co d, and ex -
of liquor.'
Member the clearii g al of- Grocer -
Vines, Liipiore, &es., Lt Shearson'.
E esennetrion. -The in
tion n School Section N
of U borne, took place ,On
Dec miter. this school le
of M
'fteen mouths undf r t
-: G. Moir, during Iviyh
prominent amo g
schools of the Township.'
began at the ustiAl
y continued until i b te
w.f., and waS well item!'
visitors, notwitita an lir
of the roads and St n
111)115 were very in nu el
e different subject :t, ugit in com-
mon schools, in all of w iic 1 hey main,
feste 1 a proliniency et -1 id ' en only be
attei ed by ,constant and dffig lit applica-
:bleu n the pert, of the teaci er and pupils.
At t le close of the excrein ti n end after
tine' sual number of ach1 rO: so ,the pupils
pros - nted Mr. Moir with be k. and money
to the value of fifteen d( lla as a token
sr appreciation of hie d
rvices an
respect for him ti,S achei and
. During the fift Sian iionths that
loir has been in th's chool he hands showed himself 6 ). e an able
etiC teacher, and ne ei has there ,
the slightest cause f n. -murmuring
e part of either pupil ir P
that he has remove( th
1-atowing to unaa oic abn!
es -he ' carries wit i
I •
of the pupils; az
Aire section is, tha,
ness .thay -aiwaYs
nipils on the fence
ship examination,
, of superior trai.
reatest ramMer of
in the Township
Isabella, Logie.
h at cost, at:W.
on ti
111.1 eiea.mina-
, Township
itlay, 22nd
s 1 cen for the
e supervision
el time it has
t1ie • leading
ha exanljfla-
pilirand was
hour in the
d by pupils
g the bad
y weather,
examiln ed
of th
o11 t
no ve
the e
d. h
s .
rent, and
a distant
circum -
the -affec-
prayer of
perity and
• his path.
ay, at the
tuther evi-
• The first
lied off by
!A Shearson &
FAIR:- A cattle' fairvasheld in ,
-Wro -eter to -day (Monda1). ). We no-'
ticed Messrs. Rincle, Ibledee, and
sothe buyers present, a ld qnite a num-
ber o cattle were offereC fo sale -
84 w, -The llowick r nch. Agricul-
tural Society,.after consi'l -able debate,
resol 'ecl to hold their ne, al exhibi-
tion 'n instea o 'Wroxeteras
WEATHER, -It has 1..ie;
continual sterm for the
weeks, and of course t
deep. The Weather y
day p.ppears more sett
likel to ha•ve some plea
almost one
t ro or three
sn w is very
Ste day and to-
ed! and we are
an eather.
Mr 114 Grant, of t e ost Office
Drug Store, has purchas d he drugs and
meth ines belonging to t e st te of An-
drew Muir. This Stec has been pur-_
chased cheap, and Wil , e have no
doubt be sold at corr n mgly low
Tates. Look for adv rti e ent next
• Howlek.
OBITUARY. -,1-- Mr. Andrew Pollock,
agent of the Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany, and trustee of Union. School Sec-
tion No. 16, Howick and Grey, died on
the evening of the 3rd inst., at the early
age of fifty-two. The deceased *ii a na-
tive of Ireland, but came to thisivicinity
about five years age. Since his settle-
ment here he has gained the reputation
of a worthy and valuable member of the
community. Among his neighbors, and
alt who knew him his word was his bond,
for he possessed to the fullest degree the
characteristics of his coun trSmien-waam-
hearted; generous and confiding. As a
teacher of the Sabbath School, his death
is regretted by the young, as a father,
husband', friend, n i hbori or, acquaint=
mice, he was beloved y one and all uni-
versally, and as a man of sound, good
sense and of strictrobity_` • he has had
few:equals. To many of y eir readers his
death will be the I loss of a sincere and
ighly esteemed friend, Whose memory
will long be held in kindly recollection.
The ,concourse which follOwed his re-
ains to the grave exhibited, More than
ere words • can do, the ,;estimation in
• hich he was generally hnlid. by our peo-
le. He leaves a wife and family of five
o mourn his loss. -Di Mc .
Go- to
I ,
Shearson - -Cos s for new
BUSINESS .-Since slighui) commenced
• i
armers have been ablel, to get to
arket with their gra , and a decided
impetus to business h s been given, and
n order to keep up th the increased
emands upon the trade of Wingham, RI
nox has opened a IieW irocery store,1
here lie „is resolved. to 011 at prices
hich wilI:defy competition.,
CoNpEAT,:e-- Ward's:- juvenile concert
ame. off -on Wednesdair evening last, the
th inst. It was a comPlete sum ss,'
otWithstanding the sever4-of the w]ea-
her and the blocked up state of the
oads, quite a -number were in atte id -
nee, and they showed by the orde
aaner and hearty applause given to
t ach piece which _etas sung, that ti ey
ere highly pleased with the musical •ne,
ertainment given thent by the juvenleS
• f Wingham, under the ttftion of P
essor Ward. We may further say 1 In:
Vard is an efficient teacher,land. deser 'es
reat credit for the paihe he takes w th
1 is class.•
• ANGUS FAIRBAIR.N.-Thi celebra ed
cottish vocalist gave one bf his' enter-
inments in Griffith's Hall, on the even -
i ig of Wednesday- last. The attendance
as large, and the entertalinment g, ve
t le highest satisfaction.
, -
•. McKillop. 1
ohe given at' Cana la
(Jou met oz LEal:URES.H-A *inter con se
f Lectures is to the
Presbyterian °hued' No. 2.--1'he ti st
on the list of Lecturee, is by the It v.
Geo. Brown, of Wroxeter, an the seem d;
by Dr. Ce npbell,' Seaforth.
Conettcre.----The C.ouncil Met at -MI r-
e y's Hotel, Seaforth, Dec. 22nd, 18 O. 1
11 the members present. Minutes t
L st meeting read and pass d. Moy d
bi John Malone; seconded b '- R. Gov- n -
lick, that i the time for the return of t ie
ollector'e Roll be extended to the 17th
J -unary' next.---Qarried. Moved by R..
ovenlock, seconded. by J. Malone, that
a By-law - be. e assed. for. dividing the
wnship into the following electoral or
p Ding divinion for municipal ,purposce;
for the year 1871, vie : No. 1, to he com-
posed of from 'Lots 1 to 10, inclusive,
from the 1st to the 14th Concessions,
both inclusive, and from Lots 11 to 15,
both inclusive) from the 1st to the 10th
Concessions, both inclusive, polling : to -I
take place; at School Section No. 5; Wil-
liam EvanS, Reterning Officer. Division
1\ o. 2, to be composed of from Lots 16 o'
2 , both inclusive, from the 1st to tl e
1 th Concessions„ both inclusive, polli
t take place at the Brick School lfout
S etioniNo. 4, John O'Sulivan, Return -
it g Officer. Division No. 3, to be 001».
pi ised of from Lots 26 to 35 both Mehl -
:Ai re, fram the 1st to the 10th Coneessions,
1.x th ithalettive, .polling at the, School
II use; Section No. 2, George Dickson,
, -turning Officer.. Division No. 4, to be
c reposed of from Lots 16 to 35, in the
1 th Concession; and from Lots 11 to 35,
in lusive, from the 12th to to the 14th
C ncess ons, both inclusive, polling to
take piece at School House, Sectien No.
7, Richard Pollard, Returning Officer. --
C tried. Moved by R. Govenlock,
se ended by 3.. Alalone, that this Council
N II net take any action in regard to t e
a , plication of Burton &a.Brothets per M
Fggers, relative to the purchase of ti
b r, on various roads through this Tow
ship at present, but ma,y be taken u
su )sequently, at a future meeting. ---:Ca
ri d. Moved by J. Malone, secondad-b
T. Murray, that the Clerk be paid $6 f r
hi services as Returning Officea maiden(
v ter's list, poll books, &c., and Wipia i
E EMS, $4, as Return*, Officer f r
th First Division. -Carried, Move I
b It. - Govenleck, seconded by J.
M lone, -, that each Councillor be paid.
$2 per day, for :each day's attend-
ee at. Council meetings -t-Carried.
von by T. Murray, seconded' by J..
ran, that each Councillor bc paid $5,
• g
fo his services for lettinend inspectine
_se t
303s. -Carried. • Mbvecl and- seconded,
th t the Clerk be paid $80 for his salary,
a d S1.4 for different extra services
C, 'Tied. Moved by T. Murray, second- g
e. by R. Govenlock, tiett the following g
ac omits lso paid, viz, J llanery, -$4, j
fo repairing file road ( pposite Lot 21,
C ncession C.; Robert .GOvenlock, $6 25 t
fo* gravel, certified. by pethmasters ;
Kidd, $49 04, being siert of boundary-
eappropriation, 'also $13 32, for lum•
ber delivered to different -pathmasters,
an1 certified, Jo IiINT 0'8 ueLIVelt, Clerk. (
cure weak
Price $
by apothe
tem seemed best adapted to
ess or debility of those organs.
501a bottle ; 6 for $7 50. Sold
aries and by F. Candil & Co.,
gents, Montreal.
Why shod men wear beards? Because
they are a great protection to the throat
and lungsand add much to their person-
al appearance.
• Why should we use Bryan's Pulmonic
Wafers ?" Because when used for coughs,
colds, ticking in the throat, hoarseness,
&c., theyactlike a charm. Ministers
and Lawyers use them, Physicians re-
commend them, and singers and public
speakers siay they are the very best medi-
cine in existence for such complaints.
Sold byl every druggist and -most of the
respectabl stores throughout the Pro-
vince, at 5 cents per box.
ailway Meeting.
According to notice previously
given, that a railroad meeting was
to be held in Belgrave on the 5th
inst., though the day was very stor-
my about two hundred yeomanry of
the vicinity assembled. Simon Arm-
strong. -q., having been called to
the criair, W. Harris, secretary. The
-chairman'stated that the London
aeutlemen could not come any fur -
'ler than Straford on account of
the snow jstorrns stoppina6the train.
He the made a good practical
speech, d scribing the the benefits
of railwa s in general, and after
stating n ore particularly, the good
ondon Northern Railroad
to this section of the coma -
that the
- would be
!try, in t king away ,grain, timbe
shingles, tanbark. wood, salt, &c., I
called mai lhoMas Holines, . Eaq
Who commenced . by saying tht
we ,must have • a narrow , gnat,
railroa:d1; thatin future he believed
the narrow anage woold beconie gen-
etal both in's"Canada and the oldeoun-
try. Hethought that the broad guage
woulq not be built very soon, andthat
the Harriilton gen demen only Wanted
to secure the ground by cairpromisesa
waist and .will be b lilt. Then there
But he fe ti 8:731iPP the Loudon road
would be railroa..1 CO m in unication
Pert Stanley and : incardine ; the
from lake to lake, 1 e then made ref-
erence to Oebeaut ful level and rich
section of ,tlie country, lying between.
, - . .
railroad e u d be built cheap on that
account, at d : every- toWnship would
give a iib ral bonus, as it would in.
crease the value of land and bring
markets t our door. Our polling
should be ' o give a bonus to the first
bOrta; ficie ra i 1 eoad co m pony ' - that
would build a - road at Once. We
are in earnest about this London
read, and ae hope the London. peo-
ple are air. and the shortest and
bast mute, is certainly by- Clinton,
Blythe, Belgrave- and W ingbam, it
would be a costly job to build a rail
road in a i. iagonal direction, across
Morris, on netiount of the bridges
and ghllie, tri the north part of the
tcw eship. •
-- Moved by T. Holmes, and second
ed by J. McCrea, that we °onside".
the route from Clinton to Blytlie,
Belgrave an&,Wingliam the best,
the Shortest, the most direct, and
the line- which could be. most cheap-
ly- built, mid further, the line whieh
and be the best paying, and the one
would ope up the finest country,
least likely to suffer from compete -
in ii lines.---4Carried unanimously.
-The chairman then called On. R.
Currie, Esq., who said that the Buf-
talo and Lake Huron railroad had
been much -benefit to- the Huron far-
higher than a kite, -if the London
men only push on at once.
Putrid). Kelly, Esq., was next
called on. - He proceeded to sho
that the farmers would be mo
benefited by the London road, an
experience has shown that competi-
tion in railroads is one of the best
things for the country. Our object
should oe to get the London men to
build this road at once, -then -we
shoilld tap the Grin.d Trunk, ins°
the Great •Western, and have our
choice of markets in evei'y direction.
Re. thonght $12,000 a mile would,
build and equip- the London rail-
road; but e did h 0 t wish to see
the farmers taxed too heavy, sothat
they would never get out -bf det.
L. Bruce,Esq,,was the next speak-
er. The Wingham people,. he said,
had been served so badly in railway
matters that tIley scarcely knew
what to do. However,. they were
determined to work together like
men. He thotaght they should try
to get a, road to the east, as
that -
was the only route for grain and
pork. He thought the London road
would dol no good, except for coal;
as Lake rie was frozen up half the
year. Hp said the Wingham inen
would stick to the Hamilton -men
in the meantime. •
William Wilson, Esq., was next
called on. He wanted to see ,peace
and unity among the people. Ile
thought no railway company would
be so foolish as to boild a railway
parallel to the GraFd Trunk. ' But
we should urge the London. men to
push forward at once. • He did net
believe the Hamilton men were so
JANUAR 1 3, 187L
TuCHERSNITII, Dec. 31, 1870.
I hereby forbid any party giving credit
to any of my relations, or any other per -
w son, without my written order, from this
st date. THOMAS McBRIDE.
d 161-3t*
Came into the premises of the 'sub-
scriber, lot No. 25, 14th Coneessiten, Me-
Killop, on the 24th December, 1870, two _
steer' SPRING CALVES. The owner is
requested to prove property, pay charges
and take th.em away.• 1
• .161-4e • RIC HARD POLLARD.
Came into the premises of the Sub-
periber, lot No. 7, 5th Concession, Mc-
Killop, about the middle of Aunustlast,
a two-year-old HEIFER,. • The owner is
requested to prove property, pay charges
and take her away. -
• 161-4t • JOHN MALONEY..
Came into the premises of the sub-
scriber, on lot No. 21, 1st Concession ef
;flay, about the 1st October, a WHITE
SOW. The owner is requested to prove
propetty, pay eharOs and take her away.
• 161-4t* D: A. CAMPBELL.
4-11OR SALE, the west half of Lot No,
1, 7th Con., township of Hullett,
situated on a good gravel road, contain-
ing 50 acres, 40 of which are cleared and
Well fenced. Th.F:re are on the premises*
a good frame house and barn, also a nev-
er failing sprm. g of water, convenient to
the house: There are also 4 acres of fall -,,
wheat sown, which will be sold with the
farm. For further particulars apply to
the proprietor, du the premises, Or if be
letter to
•-Constance, P. 0.
• Hullett, Dec. 14, 1870. 158-tf.-
Reiv iich. in money, though rthey•
, ,• .
e3 likely had plenty bogus Papert and
bonds to show. He believed the
-; ,
a Clinton people .would not allow the Famlly Bibles,
„re road to go by Seaforth. as they were
Pocket Bibles,
New Testaments,
Prc4er Books,
merS it] gel ('ral, but now the north-
ern people must have another rail-
road and. 1 e thought the people- in
genel al are willuig to have a railroad,
and give a, liberal bonus also. He
thought the narrow beatiae would be
fit bo ea' ry away all the ,produce at
present, bat be thought we 'could
get a rail pad easier and cheaper
horn Hariaston than from London,
he was not bound to any gunge, but
willing to help pay for any railroad
in reality) that would come. He
bought the London people would
glad to get the read bnilt, but
he East is the nu -mai route for
rain and ether produce, as we can
et a better market direct East, or
y Suspension Bi idge,and lie thought
he Hamilton people are better able
to build at road tlfan the Loudon peo-
nle are • 4o, that the Port, Stanley
lailroad n ver paid. After a short
lialogue wth some other gentlemen
ie resumed his seat.
Alfred 1jrown, Esq., was the next
peaker. JJie thought it was no dif-
erence to us about the debts of
Hamilton or Loudon, so long as we
et the P ilroad. The Hamilton
ien did n. give the first kick until
he Londo# road was spoken of. He
knew all the route from London. to
Wingham, ia; Clinton, to be one of
the best se dons in Canada in every
respect. • ullett will give a bonus;
Morris an Wawanosh will give a
large bonu t and it is our duty to do
alf in our power to secure the Lon-
don railroad, as it will do us all
good by raising the price of land,
and, in fact, the bush land will be
worth more than the cleared land.
In conclusi9n, he believed the Turn -
berry men iivould give a large bonus,
and knock the Hamilton railroad
t aa an established fact, that Con:
su aptiat can be cured; but it is far bet• f
te to prevent the cruel disease from fas-
tening itself on the system, by the timely a
use of a remedy like Dr. Wietar's BalsaM '
of Wild Cherry. This standard prepara-
tion will `speedily mire a, cough or cold, t
and even Consumption often. yields to it
great power.• •,
• The jnvoluntary mutcles are thos
which control the Stoma*, Liver, Lungs
Heart, etc.; they are infhienced dieectl
by the mind, so that cloee study, anxie
ty, grief, irritation, secret excesses, an
a host of other excitants acting directl
on the brain, disturb the nervous system
and prevent due muscular action in thos
.organs necessary to sustain life. Her
]ie e the great cause of Dyspepsia, Head-
ache, Jaundice, Impoverished. Blood, Ir
regnlaiities, Languor, Debility, Bron
chites, Consumption, etc., etc. Fellows
Conipouncl Syrup of Hypophosphites, bei
its potent and salutary effects on al
wealthy in Clinton and would 'give
a large bonus, as they know if they
miss the road they are ruined. He
thought it would be midness -to iun
the road by Ainleyville, as it would
be a round about road, and expen-
sive in bridges over the Maitland
River. •
John Armstrong said be believed
•ailway enterprises to be good aim
rand in every respect, and that
nit road should be secured which
vould do most good in general. •
Poter Fisher, Esq., was called
n. He thought they should 'be care-
d in choosing their route, as it
vould affect their potkets. He was
nterestcd in railway matters, as he
vanted the best market for flour.
he Hamilton road woul,e1 be the
est for the Wingham -people, and
e would never favor any narrow
uage concern, as -he doubted if it
rould ever be a success.
Moved by P. Kelly, seconded by
. Brown, that this section of coun-
-a, will be greatly benefitted by a
ailroad- passing through it, ;and
O pledge ourselves, if it comes, to
ive it liberal and general stipport.
arried by a majority of 30 to 1.
After the usual votes of thanks,
nd cheers for the Queen and Ithe
ondon'. Railroad, the meeting dis-
er,sed. • 1
e pm(
Better known as the
Is offered for sale'it is adrctitted brall
Who know this Lot, that for erops and
stock it has no superior in the county,
B0X175, Seaforth.
Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 152 -
the Seaforth Mechanics' Institute will
be held in the Town Hall, on WEDNES-
DAY EVENING-, Jan. 11, at 8 o'cloCk.
161-1t W. ELLIOTT, Secretary.
• Hymn Books,
Alt in splendid binding and suitable for
At LUMSDEN'S Drug and 'Book Store,
Seaforth. 160-ff
What varied taste around we see,
• Wherever eve may press!
What Fashions gay, for work or play,.
In every point of. Dress !
As seasons roll, so costumes change,
Fresh beauties daily spring,
Whilst ANDEasoN's DREss ,maintains it
• Laine,
For all it's just the thing.
Ask these who bask in princely halls,
Who lead. the world of dress,
Ask those in humble spheres of lif e -
Their opinions to express ;
And one and all those facts endorse,
Which through all Canada ring,
That ANDERsoN's Clothing is for
In truth, the very thing.
For field sports, boating trips uid tours,
For ocean, rail or road,
It it appropriate in each part,
Substantial, smart and. good.
To constitute it first-class work,
• Experienced artists bring
Their combined knowledge, and, of
• Produce it just the thing.
To suit all wearers, ample care
Is fully now displayed;
The choice is most astounding, too, -
The largest in the trade.
If savings, now, to meet the times,
Judiciously you'd bring, _
Why,' purchase, then, Anderson's dress ;
is the very thing.
A choice Stock of Scarfs, Ties, Collars
and.Cuffs always on hand,
Merchant Tailor,
160-tf • 8eaforth, Ontario.
Either for Family use, or for Manufac-
turing purposes. • Botli single -threaded
and double -threaded, and lock -stitch
Machines can be supplied.
Perfect satisfaction guaranteed) and
instructions given to purchasers gratis,
Can also insure property against Fire and
Marine Disaster, and Life and Linib
against death and aecident, with the
best Companies, being Agent for
The Liverpool and London and 40 -Jobe,
The Provincial of Canada, (Canada.)
The Gore District Mutual, (Village and
The Niagara District Mutual, (Village
and 1'am:a
The Travelers of Hartford, (Life and
osses Liberallydel cljusted and
Promptly .Settled.
At moderate rates of interest. No corn-.
mission, and expenses moderate.
.MORTGAGES bought • on -equitable
terms. . 160
AVOID QUACKS. -A victim of early
indiscretion, causing- nervous debil-
ity, preraature decay, etc., having tried.
in vain every advertised remedy, has a
simple means of self -cure, which he will
send free to his fellow -sufferers. Address
J. IL TUTTLE, 78 Nassau st, New
York. I62-6ne
VOL. 4,
100 TRACY, M. Da,
jae County a Huron.
sidenee -0 ne d_te or East of
Episcopal Church.
Seaforth, Dec. 14th„ 18,
ID C. MOORE, M. D., .7
TA). of McGill Universi
;Physician, Surgeons Aim
dence Zurich, Ont
Zurich, Sept 7th,
Graduate of MeGi
Montreal, Physician, Sur
and residence-Brucefiel
Brueefield, Ian. 13, 18:
geon, etc. Office -
Robertson's Besi•lenee
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1865,
TT L. VERCOE, .1t1-
cian, Surgeon, ete-
-sid.ence, corner of Marl
Street, immediately in
Se.aforth, Feb. 4th,- IV,
If:County. -Mee and ;
.Corby's, corner:store MO
forth. Office Office 44-, saiikral
111 P. WALKER. Al
I e and Solileitor-in-C
veyancer, Notary Public,
the Clerk of -the, Peace,
Goderich, Oiat - .
N. ,B. =Mono - to lent
Farm Lands. 1:..
:Goderich, Ja*y. 28 18
Barristers.' Attornej
icitors in Chancery and 1r
taries Public arm'. Convey
tors for the R. C. Bank, Sea
for the Canada Life Assm
-N. B. --$30,000 to lend
Farms, Houses paid. Lots I
Seaforth, Deo. 14thr, 18l
100i' ENSON & MEYER,
Attorneyat Law, Sell
cery--ana Insolvency, Coir
aries Public, etc Oflices„,1
Wroxetcr.Agents for t
Leli neoc..erfitres peco, 4)fi m
on '
Money at 3 per cent,
Seaforth, Deci 1.0tla.184
G. 1W; HA
A rti -ficial. De
with all the 1
menti. The greatest earl
preservation of decayed an,
Teeth extracted I vtrithext
over McDou Store,
Seaf*rth Den. 14, 1,%8.-
ki James Laird, prok
first-class accommodation
bng pubsie. The larder a',
ways supplied With the 1,
ts afford. Excellent stabIi
A inleyville, April 23, 0
The undersigned beg'
public for the liberal patri
to him in times past in the
andaiso to inforsa them tbi
resumed bu.sineSs in the
where he will be happy
from old friends,- Ana name
Seaforth, May 1870.
erich, ONT.; J.
irron. J. S. WILLIAmS.
can Hotel, Warsavr, N.
This hotel has recently be
nishecl, and refitted thro
nolveRe of the rabst conityr
=odious nt -the Provinee.
Rooms for Commercial Ti
Terms liberal. -
Goderich, April 14, 111371
eer for the County
erich, Ont- Particular a
the sale of Bankrupt
Stock Sales attendea. on
Goods Appraised, Mortg
Landlord's Warrants 17.x
Bailiff First biv,ision Co
Goderich, June gt
& W 1114PHIL
Land Surveyors,
ete. All manner -of Con
with neatness and &mato
s, CommisaiOner itt
Next door soutle of Sha
Seaforth, Dec. 14, 1868
0 Plans and Specifieat
reedy, Carpenter's, Plas
son's work, measured an
Over C. Detlor & Co.
House Square, Genterieh.
Goderich, .April 23, 1