HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-01-06, Page 5URN: 6, 1871. wasaasanatas a their eonduet. He ates the largest lib- , and maintains that as free as thought, ttiar qualificatians as. LiOUS agitatOIS w110 4 spirit of hostility Aertt oy au zrbuse of ,AII such attempts, paid be energetically —TIM WEATHER. Went of Fort Avron: ;d has caused seine Paris. The Weii ttIld the troops of ve suffered severe :txposure to the .seasen. DEMANDS. lottlit that the Prus- tisfild with nothing idtulatien of Pz tri ; che— that the be- lt t tine this- as ettsy of as they appear to Q. The 1 itrisians, Patches to the last ire eagerly urging to make a sortie 'force as possible, and he eneinv's lines. As ire reported to be re - Loire towards the Itk,y the Frew+ t ma - s not improbable fienn military :ratify the somewhat ires of the citizens. in the latest advices the citizens are atlf-- t of coal. The stip-. ,.s.stiry article is re - Falls and the mann- len and smeAl arms.. !, therefore, in their ng down the trees of 'Jogai-, and the Boa-- heautiful city will I of one of its great -7 • this respect alone, ihe-trad;.s of the fear- gh which it is now if the Paris papers— Are--elias been dis- isability of continu- ing the stru zgle ; and Visianal Government ing more energetie Wm -ling the eity. ier journals also eriti- of the Government, [las been suspended 'urnishing the Prus- ary intelligence. itepie- made Sibeepacksi go aattla Stealing. I ae past numbers of •ep disappeared very mu the Townships of Plyropton. What !it was for a consid- ficult to, -ascertain.; two men, named and Henry Sew- : arwiek, not far Were suspected of be- iith their disappear - k movements were with the view of 'Me home to them. 'of their guilt was Ined about a week , were arrested and .'essy Kenward and Esquires, at \Vat- ' last for examina- •xaminatione Joshep; at he saw the pris- nr head of cattle, all s old, which. they :tim for $100. An- t estified that abont Sintpeort took to sheep, asking to n to his &Id Per - anted, they remain - they were sold to a He next brought same of which rs Ii! t chered and Edwards stated vo head purchased but doubtless all the tn. Henry Haley saw the prisoners tuber of 'cattle and which be thought tv cone by. One iih excited hist sus - they -never brought be day tilr4 but :of their guilt tieing Seward'S, een- .setterswere corn mit- 2fith lust., to await he offence. •After poth expressed a de- limmarily, and they !fore Judge Rabin - e 'County Court, on r„ for • trial. The inpsen WaS. far steal- attie from James vhich • he pleaded sentenced to five ',mat in the Kingston ;f, who said ie had • employment for ,s1ped him to drive to and sheep, oa the 'ifessed the whole af- gcumstantial account f cattle and sheep from time to time, were gat. They 4 r OF 4 • JANUARY 6 1.871. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. - 'fist got seven head on Kinston' COMmor. ; next 1 A steer and heilet • near 8 trnia next, • four lead in Plympton, near the L mdm • road , and next tweety-one $beep, east of ANTatf()rl, all of which weld seolen, there being no pretence that any of thein had been purchased. , Seward was brought Up on •the same cherge, of •etea ling fon e head of cettle from James Simmons. To this charge he also • pleaded guilty, and received °the same senten fiveyears'imptisonment in the King- ston Peniitentiary. Both sen•-)erices though severe, are Well merited, and the country will be well ritl •of both scot] nd rels. Though Sim pson was doubtless the principal offender, Seward knew be was aidieg him in wholesale robbery, and richly, de- serves the same punishment.—Sar- nia Observer. Manitoba, Items. . The Ontario Battalion ball came off on the 15th ult., 4ith great suc- cess. Lieu tenant-Goi;-ernor Aechi- . bald and fa mi y were preeent.— The same regiment gave a- dramatic perform:MCC on the .164 ult.—A proclamation dividing the. Province into divisions is out.—The eleutions came off on the 30th ult.—Riel de- - - chned to run for the House of Com- • mons or the Local. Le s atn re: BIRTHS. . LUNDY. —In Morris, en the 22nd ult., the wife of Mr. E. Lundy, of a son. MARRIAGES. Hottraso Y—WILSON. —At A mley ville, on Thursday, the 29th ult., by the Rev. • Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Wm. Morrison, to Miss Mary Wilson, all of Ainleyville. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan. "5, 1871. Wheat, (Fall) t, bushel, 1:00 to 1.20 Wheat (Spring) V bushel, 1:00 to 1:20 Barley- te' bushel, 0:44 to 0:46 Oats V bushel, 0:40 to 0:00 Peas V bushel, • 0:58 to10:60 Butter, V lb. - 0:13 to 0:16; Eggs., 0:18 to 0:20 Hicks, • 7:00 to 7:50 Sheen Skins, 0.40 to 1:15 Apples .' 0•50 to 0:75 Potatoes •0:35•to 0:40 Pork • 5:00 to 6:75 Hay, per tcm, • 9:00 to10:00 A splendid stock of, Collars and.Ties at J. Duncan & Co.'s. CLINTON, Jan. 5, 1871. (We have been unable to get a correct reportof the Clinton inarket this week.). Fall Wheat, per bushel, • 1-10 to 1:15 Spring Wheat, per bushel. 1:15 to 1:18 Oats, per bushel, • 0:36 to 0;38 Peas, per bushel, 0:55 to 0;60 Barley, per bus•h.el, • 0:40 to 0;45 Batter per per, lb, - 0.15 to 0;16 Eggs, per doz. • 0.15 to 0;16 Pork •6:00 to 6;50 ST. MARYS, Jan. 5, 1871. Fall Wheat, per bushel, 1:14 to 1 20 Spring Wheat, pes bushel, 1 :10 to 1 19 Oats, per bushel, ••0.37 to 0 40 Peas, per bushel, •0:58 to (1 60 Barley, per bushel, 0:40 to 0 45 Butter per lb., •0:15 to 0 17 Eggs. per doz. 0:00 to 0 20 Dressed Hogs 5:25 to 6:35 A full aAsortment of Boots & Shoes always on hand at J. Duncan & Co.'s. tf. GODE_RICII, Jan. 5, 1871. • (S'ignal Report) Fall Wheat _Spring AVIieat Oats 'Peas • Barley Potatoes Butter Eggs Pork , $1. 10 to 1 19' 1 10 to 1 20 35 to 0 40 • 0 58 to 0 59 0 43 to 0 46_ 0 35 to 0 40, 0 16 to 0 20 0 20 to 0 25 • 5 50 to 6 45' MONTREAL, Jan./5, 1871. Flour, ( Extra) per barrel, *20 to 6:25 Fancy, - • • 5:80 to. 5.o5 Sup. fine No 1 Canada W. 5:50 to 6:00 •No 1 WesternlWheat, 5:50 -to 5:60 No 2 Bag Flour, Wheat, (Canada Fall). Spring • Westain • Oats, (par 32 111)' Barley, (per 48 lib.) Autter, (Dairy) ,! (Store packed) Ashes, (pots) Pearls, Pork, (mess) Peas, Dressed Hogs, • 5:05 to 5:10 2:40 to 2:60 1:20 to 1:22 1;20 to 1:22 1:19 to 1:23 • 0:44 to 0:45 0:55 to 0:60 0:17 to 0:19 0:14 to 0:16 5:75 to 5:80 6:00 to 6:00 20:00 to 0:00 0:84 to 0:85 6:60 to 7:00 • . BUFFALO MARKE PS. Reported weekly for the Expositor by Pooley & Co., rroduce Commission Mer- chants Buffalo City. ,• • %. • BUFFALO, Jan. 5, 1871. White Wheat, per bushel, 1:52 Red -Winter ' ' • 1:41 Spring (.‘• 1:30 Barley, • 84 Oats, 51 Peas, 91 to 1:00 Timothy Seed, 5:00 to 5:25 -Clover " • 6:00 to 6:25 Dressed Hog, per cwt., 8-10 Butter, (rolls)•• 35 . • ' (dairy packed) 32 " (store '' ) 28 Turkeys, (lressed) per lb., 18 Fowls, “ 17 to 20 Ducks, per pair, _ • 88 to 1:06 Geese: each, •78- to 1:18 Eggs, per dozen, 38 Potatoes, per bushel, •88 Turnips, per barrel, 87 ' Aniee lot of cloth and fur Caps, also a full stock of Felt Hats, English and Canadian, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. • tf. TORONTO MARKET, Wheat, Spring, Wheat, Fall, Souks, Barley, Oats. Dressed Hogs, Hay, - ,eak, Jan. 5, 1871. $1 20 to 01 21 • 120 to or 21 050toO059 041 to0643 6 00 to 06 !ti7 1000to 14 09 0 60 to 00-62 Special attention paid to the mantifac- turing of Boots & Shoes ofall kinds. Re-, pairing done on ta.e shortest posaible notice at J. Damian e Co;'a, • tS. LONDON, tan 5, 1871. (Aidvertiser Reilor .) White- Winter Wheat110 t 1 15 Spring! Barley Oats Peas Butter, Eggs, Dressed. J. Minoan all sorts .....imi in ke ' Hogs do 1 1 0 41 i4 p 61 s, 0 12 0 22 ; • 6 00 to 126 to 0 55 to 041 to 070 'to 0 1,5 to 0 23 to 6 50 . 4 Co. keep ! a of le ther. '• , , ull stock of • tf. ......... The SEMLIANNUAL 1 the S aforth j be held in the DAY EVENING, 161-1t 1 i NOTICE. M 'Mechanics' Li . Town Hall, o • Jan. 11, ELLIOTT, 'TIMING of stitute will 'WEDNES- t 8 'o'clock. Secretary. I hereby to any son, w da0. 161- NOTICE: Tuck EastarrH, b fo bid any party of my relations, or thout RI y written ord • i. TIIOMA•"- t* ec. ,fiving a,c_y . 31, __ie1,1rn credit other per- r, from this eBIUDE. , Came scribe Killop steer requested and ta 161-4 ST into I , lot N. on th ' PRI to e theiji AY CAIL. the premises 25, 14th 24t1i Dece ' CALVES. more prope away. RIC 11AR as. of the sub- Con •ession; Mc- b,r, 1870, two ‘• r he owner is ty, pay charges OLL A -11D. Camle scnibeij, Killop a two- requea and ta 161-44 ST into lot No. about ear -obi ed to prove e her AY H Ithe premis 7, ."th ton the ntiddle HEIFER. prope away. 30 1 N IFER. s f the sub ession, Mc- of August last, .• he owner is ty, pay charges 1 . LONEY. Cam scriber Hay, - SOW. proper 161-4 TRAY PI e into , on lot bout tit the' premis' s No. 21, Is •e 1st Oc..to er The,wner is req ies y, pay Charges and tit_ * D. A. CA' of • the suh- oncession of a WHITE ea to prove her away. " ' erbrog*,.: ; eS : *, • 7411 A I .4,-$„: DISSOLUTIO AR NER IP. The •partn rship heret9f, re existing under ht, idyl and firm of IOAUGHT -& TE PLE,. arriage Bui1ds, has this day b en dissolved .by mut all consent. The b *Mess hereafter be 'carried on by D. Mel AUGHT, b.ii• sual, at the Old S• and, North Road. Iv SILVES TER. EEPLE will collect 1 debts due by th late ibm, .ant pay al ; and al those parties indebte by note or book ccount are requested 9 come fond settle p irnmediatelV. . ; I AVID MC'NAL ,., I LV ESTE, Sea orth, Dec. 31, 187' IE CI RISTIAN AG TH going sixtee uarto page being ut and stitched. BEEcHER is i Editor. • as an Un ly Journal. EAT CHRIS large GHT, , EPLE. 161-3t • NION. ELIG-1IOU EE RLY. I IAN" UNION is thorough - s Family ',e'spaper,' of ch nutnber RY WARD it may be rian Inde - °tet° Re - °reign and ch and the Art, Agri- , containing wn er4inent. bat d pendet ligion, Demo Scribe, t Wee Mora tie Ne nid s. Reform I s of the �hu World, Literature, Scie ce, eultur , Trade, Finance, &c.: contri iitions from well - writer . • It bis something for al it of the touSehOld.: adrnir bl. and ec ioriai articles, ci'eit grea pies of the day ; it tion cil unliackneyed 8 mattei of a high and pur Poem , Househ old S torie le ones. the • brightest religious pap uouedlrom by th entire country m my other. The s in the hands of ted mein. •, I ddition to Mr. BEIE the lit It i esting being of the than work caltiv e timinbers contri int ted sing all the sh informa- bj (lets ; much religious tone; , and Chat for I .> • a most inter - r •. published, religious Press • rI extensively «hpie editorial xP rienced and ER'S TAR PAPERS. aud the regdij weekly re- ports y Mr. Ellinwood cjIiis Friday Even LEOT U11E-R0011 TALKS, many ther fealures of eon tant yet va- tryoiwngeokn.terest its col s from week The contributors are R presentative Men of all denominations. nd it is in- creasi g in price more opi lly than any ether eligious weekly. 1 SU SCRIF•TION PRI —Only $3 per ye r, for ;which -are givi the paper for e e year and. a copy f Marshall's Super• Engraving of Washi gton, to all new subscribers. Specime copies sent FRE by mail to any address • J. B. FORD P CO., Pu Aishers, 161 39 Park Bow, -Ne York City. OTIC E1 TO SUBSCRIBERS. • , ptESONS WHOSE Subscriptions to ., e EXPOSITOR are 6,verpaid will be suppli d by Mit. MoLkaait, Who is apiso empo ercd t collect U n aidsubsbrip- i.onsIn th s particular W would urge upon those u arrears t necessity of settling, with all possibl ispatch. WM. F. L XTON. Seaforth, Dec. 0, 1870 NEW YEAR PR IL,,t1PAS Family 4ibles, Pocket Bibles, New Testa?? Prayer H All i NE% WRI ING DESKS, ADIE ' WORK -BOXES; 'HAS0MFiLYB0U1W POEMS, P RIAN - WARE, TOILET ARTICLES, &c., At L MSD 'S Drug and Book Store, Sada 160.t splend d binding YEA 1-RESEN nd S. /OS AT ts, oks, n Books, suitable for Also, TUCKERSMITH IANCH AGRICIILTURAL 1 SOCIETY. • ' The Annual Meeting of the -.Tucker- smith Branch Agricultural Society will be 1 el at Carmichael's Hotel,, Seaforth, on ,V DNESDAY, the 1 Ith day of Jan- uary, 1871, at 2 o'clock P. M. Tuc A Eit turn an ersmith, Dec. t8, 1870. 160 2t • M. -N. WATSON AYS HAS ON HA ND THE BEST WING MACHINES. IN THE MARKET, , for Family use, or for Manufa,c- purposes. Both single -threaded ouble-threaded, and loca-stitch Ma h nes can be supplied. • 1 erfect satislaction guaranteed4 and ins ructions given to purchasers gratis. is ,N., WATSON Cis a so insure property against File and \4a. iiie Disaster, and Life and 'Limb aga n t death and accident, , with tire bes Companies, being Agent for TheLiverpool and London and Globe, (English. ) - Th Provincial of Canada, (Canada.) Th qore District Mutual, (Village and Th Th .S1 iagara District Mutual, (Village d Farm. ••- ravelers of Hartford, (Life and ccident.) esLiberallyAdjusted • Promptly Settled. r • MONEY TO LEN At moderate rates of interest. N mission, and expenses Miiderate. MORTG-AGES bought on equ table terms, 60 and c;. corn- ' JUST -THE THING FOR ALL WARM, CHEAP AND GOOD CLOTHIIIdG FOR ALL CLA IN at varied Itaste aroun4 we see, 'h rever we may pres ! W at Fashions gay, for ork or p I every point of Dress ! ' As -c,sons roll, so costum s change re h. beauties daily sp mg, IV i1t ANDERSON'S DRES maintai fame, or all it's just the th i g. ay, a its As • those who bask in p incely h lis, hp lead theworld of ress ; As those in humble sph res of lif lhe r opinions to xpre.s; • An olne and all those Csts endors 'hch through all Caul da ring, Th. t NDERSON'S Clothin is for at ruth, the very thin! .Fot field sports, boating ; rips and urs, }lir ocean, rail or road, it it appropriate in each )art, Substantial, smart an4 good To ;constitute it first-cla.s work, •Fxperienced artists bri g Th ir " combined knowl •,dge, an icourse, ' roi uce it just the thi, g. To uilt all Wearers, ampt care ,filly now displayedl; Th o1oice is most astounding, too he laxgest in the trad If aviiags, now, to meet he times, udiciously you'd brin W y, 'purchase, then, An erson's ress ; 1 is the verything. ANDE SON, I 0 -ti Merch. ' it Tailor, Setif rth, Ont 0 no. IP HA NcgR s BY TENDER 0 a Large Stocki.of Jt.ie al Merchandise,;ip. the fl isl rig Village bf Seaf in the County of1iluron. er- ur- rth, y virtue of an ord4 made., in the ca se of Kidd versus McMulkin, dated th thirtieth day of Novumber las , ten- der in writing, signed b , the pr posed puchascrs. will be teceived by Jo in A: Bo d, Esquire, Master ef the- Curt of Ch iicery, at his Cha bers, 0 goode Ha 1. in the City of To onto, up o ten ock, in the forenoon of the Tviventy-third Day of De- . ' T cember, instfint, Fo ma fir on tr. Li Cr bo- th a g sta ad op ber day of December, ipst., and are to state the roposed terms of purchase, whether cash or, if on time, e length of credit required, and mode o ying, and wheth- er with or without i rest, and the se - cu 'ty offered, if any. A -Stock List can be een at the said Store. The Vendor wi if ch fai m • by es th de • I the purchase, in one 1, r, of t e re- tie'. of the Stock in Ti Ale of t elate of Kidd & McMulkii . who c flied business at Seaforth. The sto k in e consists of Boots and 'hoes, uors, Groceries. Clothing. Dry oods, c.cery, and sorrie Hardware, a d .can een at the late place , of basin ss of firm. The stock is lanes and his is ocl opportunity for •partes avish-ng to Istisiness. The tend rs are to be essed to the said 1V 4ater, who will and dispose thereo at his yham- at noon of the sai twenty-third not be obliged to accept any eemed inadequate. • Should th ser whose tender may be acc to carry out his agreement. the ender pur- pted, goods be resold, and the d ficiency, if any, such re -sale, together lwith all eharg- ttending the same, 011 oecasiond oy default, are to be makie good ly the a,ultee. ate(' December 9th, 870. BOY aster e time for receiving tenders ursu- an to the above advertisement is Iliereby exlj,ended until ten a.m. on Saturday the sesjentb day of January 1871. The ten- deirs will be opened'at noon on the same dar. The stock list can be seen at the o ce Mesaieurs Cameron. McMichael, Fi zgera1d& Hoskin/ Church Street, To- ro to. I Decanter 28rd 170. L. A. BOYD. SCOTT oberisonl' Cash Store. 's. AN -EW LEAF Turned over, commencing with NEW YEAR'S. Be not disc% pointed, if eI edit is refuse( on and atter the FIRST d y of SANITARY, 1871. M terms are str ctly CASH, r Produce. en with s all capitals, like mine, came ot afford to cred- it; the consequences are • bankrupt y and ruin, and to save fro s that, I have ad- opted this method. Per- sons pur hasing for (aslii will find t to 'their advan- tage to gi e me a TR 0 7 ± For N w- Year's; the fol- lowing gs ods will be fund remarkab .Layer Raisins Very fine Choice L French Citron,( Peel. Dried A pies. Walnuts, Hazel Nuts„ 13ra- zil Nu s, Soft-shell Alm- onds. A fewi ch.ice boxes Honey.%, Pure Str med Honey. Canned rnits. Amehca Black Cap. Fres4 Ca ned Pears. Large E glish Cherries. Canned Pippins, Ch ice Piekle and Sauces. Captidn, White Oriental Pickle Cross & Bl, ek- well's how Chow, M xec Pickle Onions, Pic led Salm.o Lobsters, • dines, Potted Yarmouth Herrin I Picealillie, Sayers' British Worcestershire Sat ce ; ad - y low : aisins, See( less Choice Valen ms. t new Curran s. yer Figs. runes. range and •Lemon Mushr om Catsup, ing Sauce, Beef_ Sa ce, Peppei . Sauce, Fre lch. IVIusta d, &c. A SM L LOT OF CI-TOI E Bran "y, Wine, Gin c nd Ale, Yet to e disposed of, be- fore MARCH 1, 1871. W TROU Chea Labrado No..1 Amber Gol ITE FISH, and HERRINGS, and Warranted. Herrings. Mackerel, alt -water Eels. I YruP) I.en Syrup, Good Molasses, for 40' Cts. ganOn- W. S. IRO BERT60k.: Sailor& Foundry ZAPFE & CARTER DESIRE TO CALL THE ATTENT.01\ OF THE PUBLIC TO THEIR IMPROVED Threshing Machines THE BEST AT PRESENT IN USE. Thee machines possess manyimprove- ments on any heretofore made, They a.i.e ranaufacturing Machines of TWO SIZES, one especially constructed for travelling; the other a smaller size. calculated more especially for HOME USE So far as their large machine has been introduced, it has given the VERY BEST SAI'IS FACTION. They manufacture the Pitts' Improved Horse Power. In addition to the above, the Subscrib- ers manufacture ahnost every artiel,e in their line, such IA ' SAWING MACHINES, Capable of sawing from 50 to 60 cords of wood per day. STRAW CUTTERS, of a Superior kind. GANG PLOW, The Latest Improved. CULTIVATORS AND PLOW, Which cannot be surpassed. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CASTINGS MADE ON THE SHORTE -ST NOTICE. They have a highly approved Pattern for SCHOOL DESK IRONS. REPAIRS IN ALL BRANCHES Attended to Promptly. 6.11- They employ no Agents. and can °therefore give the purchaser the advan- tage of the commission. they employ none but the best skilled labor, and material, which warrants them in guaranteeieg satisfaction. INTENDING PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE GIVE US A CALL BEFORE BUYING FROM OTHERS. Z A PFE & CARTER. Seaforth, September, 1870. 143-1 IVIRAOHN THOMPSON MHANKS his numerous custonaers for their liberal patronage during the last fifteen years, and trusts he will re- ceive its continuance, He has now .on band ,as large assort- ment of Good Sound Green Hernlock ! Which he warrants wiE give satisfaction. ALS() FENCING AND DRAINING LUMBER, ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. --ALSO— 2003400 FEET OF PINE CUT FOR BUILDING AND CENERAL PURPOSES. Which he offers on liberal terms. Or- ders will be'pyourptly at'.-onded. to. The Mill is situated on the Townline of 1119Killop and Hullett„3 and miles from the Huron Road. SesIfisrth, Nov. 16, 1870 INK. J. SEATTER, EXCHANGE BROKER, And dealer in Pure DRUGS CHEMICALS AND DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, FANCYAND TOILET ARTICLES Agent for Sewing Machines. Money to lend on easy terms. Pure Wines and Liquors for medi- cinal purposes:7 • J. SEATTER, Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 59-tf. OVERCOAT LOST. TOST between Seaforth and Eganond- J ville, or in Egmoniville village, on. Tuesday, the 13th bast., A GREY OVERCOAT, with red and black lining,. The finderwill be suitably rewarded upon leaving it at the EXPOSIToR Office, Sea. forth, or at the Egmondville Post Office, ADAM SPROAT. Bgniondville, Dec, 22, 1870. 159-4t ^ IN CHANCERY. Between .JOSE K I1)D, Plaintiff, and JAMES AirmULICII)T„A:nd THOMAS.- KIDD, Deftndants 14th Dbcember, 1870. I hereby appoint THOMAS KIDD. of' - the Village of Seaforth, 'minty of Hu- ron, merchant, Receiver in this ease. J. A. BOYD4 Master. All yarties indebted to the la'q.; firm of R- DD & Mcikl I.KIN will please call ind settle the same at once and oblige. THOMAs KIDD. 'forth, Dec. 21. 1870. 159-tf CARD OF THANKS' - rpHE undersigned desires to -knderhis I sincere thanks to the farmers of Hu- ron and pub.ic generally, for the liberal patronage he has received since COITII0t11- eing tue manufacture of Ploughs, etc., in -7•eafort1i, Having had seventeen years experience in the above business, he can with confi- dence recommend his AS FIRST CLASS GENERAL PUR- POSE elOUGITS, AND -OF LIGHT DHAUGHT. Iron and wooden Plotighs with cast steel landside and Mould board constant- ly on band, and made to order. GRAHAM WILLIAMSON._ Seaforth August 26 1870 FoR SALE OR TO RENT. :THE undersigned offers for -sale or to rent, on the 3d Concession of ISIcKils lop, Roxboro Road, 1,4 miles from Sea - forth, and one mile froni Roxbo -o, acre and 9 rods of land, viith a good bear- ing Orchard of 24 trees. assorted; frame house, 22x32 feet, in good condition and very comfortable ; also, a -well, pnnap, and stable on the premises; the lot is well fenced. For fill tiler particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. . 159-tf 3011N YOUNG. REWARD. A liberal REWARD will be given to. to any person -who will give, such evi- dence as will enable me to sustain an ac- tion for damages against the person or persons who have made statements that the title to that part of the Coninlock Estate in the Village of Scaforth, is im- perfect. W. C. GOUI N LOCK, Agent for Guardian. Sea,forth,-Dec. 14, J 870. 160-2t* THE SEAFORTU Lumber YarcL MAYBEE & MACDONAL r Beg to to infom the 'public that they hav-s- °petted a LUMBER YARD in Seaforth,. ' near Shearson's Mill, on the ground for— merly used as a Lumber Yard, by Mie_ Thomas Lee. J hey will keep constantly on hand a . good assortment- of ALL KINDS OF - LUMBER, dressed and undressed - Also, LATH AND SHINGLES All of which they are prepared to selrat' the lowest possible prices, for Cash. Builders and others will find' tto thei advantage to inspect our stoc -, and at certain our prices before purch ing else where, as we are in a position to offe good inducements to cash purchasers. MAYBEE & AI ACDON ALA • Seaforth, Dec. 29, 1870. 10-4.1 13,1E GREAT FEMALE REMEDY, JB MOSES' PERIODICAL PIUS' This well-known medieine is no impo- sition, btit a. sure and. safe remedy fors - female ailliculties and obstructions,. hem any cause whatever. and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. To marriec ladies it. is peculiarly - suited. It will, in a short tilie, bring on the mothly period with regularity. These Pills have never been known to fail where the dill-ections on the second page of pamphlet are well obsen•ed. For full particulars, get .a pamphlet , free of the agent. . 3013 MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR, $1.00 and 121 meta for postage, en- closed. to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle Ont., general agents for the Dominion, - will insure a bottle containing over 50. pills by return mail. 157 -8 -- NOTICE TO DEBTORS. T HAVE sold my book accounts to, 1 Mr. J. M. McGREGOR. Debtors - would do well to settle with him Mune, diatelv upon receising their accounts. • WM. F. LUXTON. Seaforth, Dec. 23, 1870. 15941 . THE Anon expottifor, THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY OF HURON,. ISSpublished every Friday Morning, ixis, eaforth. It is the largest paper ins the County. :o• $1.50 per annum, in advance; if nos..- sepaid $2.00 will be charge& -No alibis,- cription taken for a shorter perioa. thant three months. o:— ADVERTISI NG RATE'S, TRANSIENT. Per line, first insertion, 8ets ; subses quent insertions, 2 cts,-ekeh time.. Ad- vertisements measured by a scale of solid' brevier. No advertisement taken, foe - less than One Dollar. CONTRACT RATES One Column for One _Year. - $60 00; " •• " Six Months, - - 35 Oa. i 4 " Three " - - 20 00- • Half " One Year, 36 00 "Six Months, - 20 00, -1 Three `• - - - 12 00 - One Year, — 20 00• 11_ Six Months - - 12 00- " Three " - 8 0°. " One Year, - 12 00- '. Six Months — 8 00 Three " 500 - Advertisements, without specific dime, - tions, will be inserted till forbid, aireei. charged accordingly. g • Quarter “ “ Ir 4 4 6 • 14 Eighth • •. C4 vt;