HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1871-01-06, Page 3T87f, itamampremwortmg, my* brGREGOR, DER NUM 6eivt:(-1 a iarge Stock of the used in the business, and eepared to execute on the e and in the lateat styles, taV be favoured with. Ledger, AN -.73001-rS, ANV XIN 1), ed and Made be shortest notice, and at defy comp. tittort- WQRK BOXES AN it - Pr CASES, tate to artier. fTD ip-N FM BOOKS REPAIRED lit city prices. Siding at a distance by 'i)okt-t at the 64,rnalBoo Oh, or at the Exrcierroit or at J. R. Grant's, Ain.- atyle, May rely upon 41 bound. acations addressed to the ifl receive prompt atten- IEL MeG REGOR, Coastance, P. n Hallett e9 1870. 153-tf. 40ic_LI 7- BOOKS. .;`atol',. by Duke Of Argyle. LAY SERMONS. 'AND St.'IENcE, (Brewer} NEV TESTA, MENT. IRLICAL CYCLOPEDIA 1.,ICALCONCORDANCE. - ! WOKS. RAU., LECTURES. "Y'S DUTCH REPUBLIC. TE & FALL, ROMAN EMPIRE,. 76 all ISTORY OE a ENGLAND. isVt'srti HISTORY OP : EN GLAND, i BRA RV, alutiee and cheap Y READING, SCHOOL LIBRARIES, HYMN BOOKS, ETC. ALS,. WGERS, .( 'ASH BOOKS. ; WRITING PAPER, EN V ELOPES t and faney„at LUMSDEN'S ag Mid Book Store. ;uv. ?UEE N nte Cora pany ;RPOOL & LONDON, 0 $2,000,000 Sterling 0 • tie - Queen Buildings, Liver- tacechurch Street, London. .8.N(;7•41 OFFH*E—Exchange Iditige, Montreal. Mertou, Esq., Chairman: ae., Esq., David Torrance, . ehe jut. jaraca Ferrier. r Molsm's Bank. v Nesers, Ritchie, $.!< • Em —William Sutherland,. Thtanas K. Scott, Esq. . Theme R. Johnson, Esq. :Seeeterefee exo GENERAL Mackenzie Forbes, 13- St. •,i•eet, Montreal. nu ti having been appoint- , the above vompany, parties _ . sure aestmet hes, by fire can mast favourable terms. r grantedan as advantage ally other respectable Cum- usinesA in Canada. A.MES IL BENSON. Agent: .E.NsoN & MEYER'S Law Office, Seaforth. v.8, 1870-. ARKEP MONEY. TS READ THIS. - -- nts to make money, in a usines:4, small capital and euelozse 2.5 cents to A. B„. orth P. (Y. and you will re- m_ an article which sells for all. and profitable th the -eller. Try it, don't delay. .imetteat once_ .N:ay. 9. IS70. 153-4 - ERS STRAYED. from LotNo. 14, ("on. J. R. eulev, kat July, two heifers old, one all red except a n the forehead, the other t a white *stripe ou the back _ ening information leading e:rvs_wilt be suitable rewaad- - W M. BAN N ERMAN Bay field P. 0. M FOR SALE. Itt the west half of Lot No. `on., township (If Hullett, good gravel road, contain - ;40 of which are cleared and. There are on the premises house and barn, also, a nev- . rue rkf water, convenient to There are also 4 aeree ot fall which will be sold with the ;Luther particulars apply to re on the premises, or if be THOS, BOWYER, Constance, P.O. e. 14, 1874. • • JANil Y 6, 1870. CARRIER'S' ADDRESS " TO TRH 'PATRONS OF THE HURON EXPOSITOR. .fir". -01 KIND 'PATRONS, —W e newspaper carriers are rime's en -and -boys; and all the yea r: round, the old -gentle- man sends is from one of your doors to earci-ge.elt-, to let you know ,what he is ti.fiiing about and what he is doing. We are a strange set of urchins; tor, punetually onNew Yeaes morning, one and alt ,of us are seized with a fit of rhyme, and break forth ii such hideous- strains, that it would be no wonder if the infant year, with her Step upon the threshold, were frightened away by the discord with which we strive to welcome het. On these .occasions, most generous patrons, you 'never fail to give trs a taste of your bouc- ty ; but whether as a reward for our verses, or to purchase a respite limn farther infliction of them, is beS: known to your worshipful selvea.: Moreover, we, Tithe's errand -boys as aforeaaid, feel it incumbent upon us, on the first day, of eve-ty year, -to present 'a sort 'of summary of our -master's dealings 'pith the World throughout the whole of the preced- ing twe1ve-MO.11th. Now it has so -chanced by a misfortune heretdore 'unheard of, -that I your present' pe- 'titioner, have been altogethet forgot- ten by the Muse. -Instead of _being ahle Os I naturally expected) to measure my ideas into six-foot Iines and tack a 'ill one at each cof' their tails, I fund myself, this blessed morning, the same simple proser that. 1 waS yesterday, and shall probably . -be to -morrow. And to my further mortification, being a humble -mind -- ed 1itte sinner, I feel 'nowise gapa- ble of talliing4to.your worships with the custotimey'-wisdom -of my breth- .ern, and giving sage opinions as .to what Time has -done right, and *hat he has done wrong, and what Of right or wrong he means to do here- after. SUch 'being 'my unhappy predicament, itris 'Withal.° small con- fusion of face, ihat I make:bold to present myself at your doors. -Yet it were surely a ,pity that myclion- Appeatance shouldidefeat your boun- tiful designs fdr the replenishing of . jypoekets. Whet efore I have. be- thought me, that, it , might not dis- pleae yofie-worships to heat a few partioulars about the ,person and habits of='Father Time, With whom, as being -one .of his errand -boys,. I have more acquaintance than Most lads of my years. Fora great many years past. there = has be a wood -put on the cover of the various Almanacs, pretending to be ,a portrait ',of Father Time. It rePresents that respectable person- ae as almost ;n a state of nudity, 0, with -a single' -lock of hair on his forehead, wrfiga on his shouldetS, and accoutred with a scythe and an. hour -glass. These two latter symbols appear to betoken that the old fel- low works in haying time, by the hour. But, within my recollection, Time ha S never carried a scythe and an hour -glass, nor worn a pair of wings, nor shown himself in the half -naked condition that the alma- nac would make us believe. NOw-, a -days, he is the most fashionably-. dressed -figere about town ; take itto be his natural dispositiOin, old as he is, to adopt every fashion of the day and of. the hour.' Just at the present period; you may meet him in a furred surtout, with panta- loons tstrapped under his narrow -toed boots ; on his head, instead of a gle forelock, he wears a smart -au- burn wig, with bushy whiskers of the same hae, the whole SUrrnounted by a Germarr lustre hat. He has exchanged his hour-gla,ss• for gold patent -lever watch, which he carries in his vest pocket ? and as for his scythe, he has either thrown it aside altogether, ue coneeanted its handle into a cane not much stouter than a riding..switoh.', If you stare him full in the face, you win perhaps detect a few wrinkles; but, on. 4 hasty glance, you might suppoSe him to be in the very hey -day Of life, as fresh as he was in- the garden o Eden., So much for the pi esent as- pect of Time ; bet 1 by no mean, insure that the .description shall suit him a month 1i6ce, or even at thi. hour ,bo -morrow. -- It 'is -another very common mis take, to suppose that Time wandet. among old ruins, and sits on mould ering walls and moss -grown stones meditating abcut matters whic everybody else has forgotten. Som people, perhaps, would expect t , find hire at the bhrial-ground por infes over the , halfi1itgihe inscri tions on the tombs. But they nee not seek him there. Time is invai ably the first to forget his own -deed his own history, and his own forme associates. His place is in the bus est bustle of the world. If yo would meet. Time face to face, yo have only to promenade our prin pal streets, and thare among beau and belles, you will see old Fath Time,. apparently the gayest .of t gay. Ile walks arm in min wit • , nilt HURON EXPOSITOR the you and the and mi recomm a )1e tai ment of genenill his; frie wine, in count of Time tr-ads beide the g rls, whispering to them' (the deceive !) that they are the sw e t ang, with. li LV? n &rig, a a id ga g men, talking about ballls titres, tnd afternoon iides, night _in rry-wakings ; he nds snch and such a fashion - or, and sneers at every gar - six mouth's antiquity ; a d .. , y, before Parting, he invi es ds to drink chimpagne - a whichl Tune delight., on ac - its rapid effervescence. nd air )Id et: ls he eve, was acquainted e tells ,:.thetn, that they thing to 'itlo but dance and d cfatite-tietes in their hair, he'r, A trait of lovers, and teat the vatirld will 41ways be like an il uminlited balliakairn. Arid Time talks with tlie 'merchants about the: a iival 3PCSIIipS, dense and fal Of cks, the'pricelcotton and br ad. 1' g th- ng nd it h s tiffs, the prospetts of tile whal usinea?, the cod -fishery, and all er news of the -day. And the yo entlemen, and the pret:y girls, e merchants, a (1 all others horn he makes acquaintance, are .t pt to ithink, that there is nob 1 ke Tittle, and that Time is all in But is not near so goo llow as they take him for. II ontinulally on 'the watch for 'hief. and often' seizes a sly oppo tu- fty tollity his cane over the shouldrs of sbme iniddle-aged gentleman ; and behold ! the poor re n's bent, hi a hair turns, gray, facelooks like a shrive led This is ii,vhat is mean by time stricken." It i tthe eatine in Time's chant ter . always inflicts. the gre test on his oldest friends Yet, ley int - ink aid lo ack rid _MS pple. eing orst hat h njuirie hamefully as he treats' them, no desire t� cut his acqu nd .can seldom bear tot vince Tice, a f a -finalsaparatiOnJ.' Aga`n, there is al very prevalen ; dea,it at Time loves to sit_ by I th -residi telling ..stillies of bygosi • ava. 'This is an ther great 'ails ake. 'Time is So ovelties, that he n ilculation to the umor of the day eager- to talk o ver fails to giv most incredibl though at th iazard of being CoMpelled t.'a eat hi wn w rds to -morrow. Per .aps you 11l in.quire, 44 Wha re.Time's literary tastes f" A.n 11 *Written by the late Nathaniel Ha thorne. ere again, there ie a general mi ake. It is conceived 4 man hat Tioae spends his leisure Lou rhere he could neither read nor Write. These were called thv Dark Ages. There has hardly been a sin - see rear, when he has not Stirred up s stlifeamong the nations. Slornetiinas ste3 in France less ,.lai It till) ,vears a go, he has bkn 'seized a ith (it a of f enzy, and murdered thousands of i inocent peovle at noonday. He pretends, indeed, that he has grown wiser and better now. Trust hitn -who will ; for my pal t, I Tejoice that Time shall Lot live fotever He bath an appointed office to perfoim. Let him do his cask, and -die. ,Fresh and yeung as he would make him- self appear, he ia already hoary With age, and the very garments that he N ears about the town were put on thousands of years ago, and have -leen patched and pieced to suit the preaent fa3hion. There is nothing new in hith nor about him. Were he to die while I am spealling, we tionld not pronounce it an untimely death: Methinks, with his heavy heart and weary brain, Time shOuld himself be glad to die. Meanwhile, gentle patrons, as ime has ',brought roundanother New ear, pray remember your poor pe- itioner. For so small a lad, you vill agree that I talk pretty passa lv well, and have, fairly earned ilatever spatT specie Thee has left a your pockets. Be kind to me; d 1 have good hope that Time will raii kind to you. -After all the hard 'Mugs which I have said about him e is really—that is, if you take rinifor neither more nor less than he s worth, and use him as not abus- ng.hinsv—Time is really a veiy WI: raele <iAd fellow, and may be endu- ed for the little while that we are to keep him company. Be generous kind patrons, to Time's errand -boy. So may he bring to the merchant AS ship safe from the Indies- ; to the lawyer, a goodly 31.1111a ber of newsuits; to the doctor, a erowd of patients with dyspepsia and fat purses; to the farmer a golden crep anda ready raarket ; to the mechanic, steady employment and good wages; to the idle gentlema.n.some honest bus - turning over the Mostly leaves. o those huge worm-eaten folios, whic nobody else disturhs. .So far frOtii this bir_to; the' case, Tines profound- est stuidies are (the new navels. He skims over the' lighter articles the -pe iodicals o the day,glances at -and then thro a.. Besides publi :ifs himself a god Just .at this sease engaged in o011ec - 'r 1)0 seen • t almo t ur peregrinating fiom stre t et, Etad knocking at half the doors in town, witih a great bund e of these infernal :documents. Never does a marriaae take oleic , but Tpne is pre:4etetgamong the we - ding -guests ; fOi krillr6age is an affa r' in which Time takes more intere4 tha-n in almost 1.41y other. - He get erally gives away the bride, an leads' he bridegroo the tl reshold of th the n th em a-ffairs Time bu deal itt private. of the year, be ing ls, and nr any h to str Wspapers, side forev 1 by the hand bridal chaMbe • Althlugh Time pr tends -to be veify rnerryon theaetoccasions, yet, if y u watch him well,:yon may often d - , . tact a sigh. Wh . i bOria i.iito this wea in attendance, and ing i : fan t ia his poor itabe. shudders instincti41y his eii brace, and sti;ts up a feeble cr Then again. from ;phe bitth cinimb r he m ist hurry to the bedsiue pf isome old acqua is t mee, whose 1 bus i- nes s ith, Tim iS ended forev r thri h their ac °Ants reriarin to e sett! d at a fut re day. - it ister i- bler s ometimeS, to perceive the I n- gerin. reluctatice, the shi veri ig agon ' ; with which the, poor sot 1, 'bid ime farew 11, if they halt"'esge n other frie nevea a babe is -y world, Time s receives the wa 1 - arms. And ti e mess ; to th6 rich, kind hearts and hards-;- to the , poor warm firesides and food enough, patient ,spirit, and the hope of better days; and toyou, sweet maid, the youth who stole into your- dream last night! Ani next New Year's Day (if r find nothing better to do in the 'bean while), May Time again bring to your doom 34our loving lit- tle friend, THE CARRIER. • ow A Canadian Fenian. ed n dece clin yet aspe ver's pia Lo , Time, -"at° 'supply the gr e. How do th nd steal another a nother gIance at his famil L! But idle, the hard -hes ed o d fellow goes through sucl seen s with in ni ,e composuie, a dismisses hisb4st lfriendsfrom me ury sigh he moment they, are out . Others, who have net b too intimate with Time, as know him to be a dangerous charact and sapt to ruin his associates thes0 take lea+e of him with 0 and -pass. away with a look of triu on their featur6. They know, ti in site of all his flattering prom he epuld not make themhappy, that! now they shall he so, long a Time is dead a dl buried. For Time isnot immortal. i mut die, and be, buried in the d grave of etern ty. And let him Frohn the hour. when he passed fo thrOugh the gkte of Eden, till ver f moment, he ha.s gone to and about the earth, staining his ha wit.h blood, committing crimes inn meratile, and bringing misery o himself and . all ! mankind. Som times he has been a pagan; sona tim s a persecutor. Sometimes has spent centuries in darkne - 1 tI : et pl at se 11 te • • KIDD'S POM FASHIO SEAFORTH, THE subscriber begs to a the public thathe has ope Splendid Assor CI 31 nounte to ed a inent STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 'CROCKERY, Captain " Joseph Murphy, one ,of the Fenian 1 leaders, captured at Pigeon Hill last May, and recently liberated by the Canadian a th ori - ties, has published inthe New York Herald the historyof his adventures. He does nobs as is cOMMOn with men who have been imprisoned in Canada. for °Orestes Upon our terri- tory, proclaim .himself a martyr or pretend that he was harshly treated in jail. Ile attributes the saving of hi a life to the fact that, while in the waggon in which he had beak -plac- ed by his captors, he tore his enna, mission,and unobserved ate ape - mill of it while a fellOw prisoner ate the other. The "Coptain" the day after his imprisonment was -rejoiced to find that for thirty-seven and a half cents per day .he could procure decent food, and ha heoame a border with the galor. _ He was liberated on bail of $2,000 to appear at. Otta- wa on the lOth of February, 1871. Ile says very candidly, he thinks be will let it slide, and leave the Canucks to whistle for their bail." "-Captain" Murphy -must have been very amiable iirisoner for accord- ing to his own account the " j ail o r wept copiously alt loSing so steady a boarder." --4a•oa s The Grand Trunk-. BOOTS & SHOES, LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. The whole of the Stockis entirely new, andleought in the best houees in Canada. He is determined to sell at prices that will satisfy the buyers. The Chicago Reilea• e Review says:—The local improvianents dur- ing the present vel have been,— large machine shoils at Stratford ; enteme shed at Toronto. holding 28 engineS ; engine shed et Brockville, Ont.; holding ten eng,ires ; freight 1 shed at Brock iille ; two Pew cars at Portland, Me.; iand the Company's works there' , genOally re modled. The Company , also- drected new sta- tions at ,Gotham, N. II., and at Stratford, Ont.. --the latter 'being a large and. commoctious building, tor THOS. tkIDD, Seaforth,Nev. 1st, 1870._ 153— TOYS & FANCY ..15s4F:azrrzt= 1 No Arndstieci. JOHN LOGAN 11AS declared war' against the mer-- cantile opposition of Seaforth, with a large and varied stock of amunition oii hand, in the shape of DRY C31-0 0 S —AND- - • GROCERIES, Which for quality, style and cheapness, cannot be conquered with fair play. The tollowing are special lines :-- FANCY DRESS GOODS, WIN- CEYS, (Plain and Checked,) LITS- TRES, POPLINETTS, FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS, POPLINS, GREY COTTON,' I3LEACBED DO., FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOUDS, HOODS, HOSIERY, MANTLE, GLOVES, FINGER- ING YARN, -READY - MADE CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, TWEEDS, COTT6N AND FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, DAAWERS, SU- GARS, TEAS, TOBACCOES, RAISINS, CURRANTS, SPICES, &c 4.7.c -9 • 7 Too numerous to , mention, ATTE 0000S! WM. NOW IS THE TIME ' YOUR Christmas Pr AND NEW YEA.R'S- Just received a complet FINE COLD AND SILVER , RUSSEL AND SWISS WATCH!S. To ,be -sold Cheaper than rit co --AT R. COUNTER, 0 BUY seats, GIFTS. stock of JEWELRY -- - A 3 CLOSING SALE OFA VIRST CLASS STOCK OF CERIES W. A. Shearson & Co. ha.ving c.oncluded, to give up the Grecery busint ss will. for the next two months, dispose of the whole of their stock of Groceries,consist- ing of TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, RICE, NEW FRUITS, W NES, L I QUORS, ETC. At and under Cost. i: We beg to call the attention of the 1Farmers and. ethers to this sale, as they be able to obtain from us their holi- day stipplies of Groceries Fruits, \Vines and Liquors at wholesale cost. The whole stock must be cleared out . atonce. Ilotel-keepers find it advautage- ous to inspect our stock of Wines, Li- quors, &c., &c. . The leatie of the store to be disposed of. W. A. SHEARSON & CO Seaforth, Jan. 28th, 1870. 52-Iy. N. B.—Fifty laurels of luutd pieked Manchest6r House Spitzenburg Apples for Sale. Y MAIN STREET, i GOOD NEWS! S A. P0 IR/171-1_ __Fait ,rnE___ _9 1- SPeople of Safortli NIFORTH, Nov 15, 187r 152-tf. . NEW BAKERY &CONFECTIONERY s , ever. M. R. COUNTER. Se.qokes, Dec. 13, 18714. 1 I TOR'ONTO, MILItINERY. MISS ERVVIN, DESIRES to respectful ledies of Seaforth and 'she has removed her Millin ment to fEETH ErFRACTED WITLIOU1 PAIN. CCARTWRIGH , L.D.S., Surgeon s Dentist, Extrac t s teethwithoutpain by the use of the Titroup-Oxide Gas. Office,--LOver the 'Beacon' _store, Strat- ford. Attendance in Seafortb, at Knox's Hotel, the first -Tuesday and Wednesday of each month, in Clinton, at the Com- mercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. Parties requiring new teeth lire re- quested to call, if at Seaforth and Clin- ton, on the first day of attendanee. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted. by the use of the Gas, at -Dr. Coulton's, okees. New York. . - Stratford, Fed. 11, 1870. - 114-tf— MILLINERY, DRES y inform the vicinity, that 13 Ettablish- REYNO TJD'S 3LOCK ITEAR THE. RAILWAY Miss Erwin would also portueity of saying that ihe has very considerably increased: her; stock which consists of 1TANTLES,' _ HATS • \ .1N I) BO:“ETS, TATioN. ake this op- —AND --- MISS McINTOSH rillAKES this oppeitanity of returning thanks for the liberal patronage ex- tended to her since coming to Seaforth,. and would respectfully intimate to cus- tomers and others, that she is still to be found. OVER MR, .McDOUGALL't-1 STORE. All orders. will receive the UTMOST ATTENTION. With regard to TASTE, NEATNESS and theLAP EST ST Y LES, cannot be EXCELLED 1N SEAFORTH. STRAW and HAIR -1 • MORK CLEANED ON THE SHORT EST NOTICE. SEAForau, March 31, 1870. _tee" 121-- leady trimmed. DRESS CAPS, it.c., &e. kin Orders for avrIrk,. such as all d of e 'set antleandDresamaking, raiding, Trim- linethetrafficof ifs junction there (main ..- : With the'Buffalo and Goderich ming, etc. , Promptly agend el to. district), containing ample refresh A. .tock of piece Satins of all shades d 1 vaitina • ment rooms an genera N toomsit. together With the general. 71„, local bffice of ,the Superintendent. These station 'windings at Stratford, together with the new machine shops, water supply and other works in progress anid projected, render the rzkea Company's , means of transacting t ' business at this point very efficient. aa • 0.- 11.8 fr A little sixt-yea-old wa was ng , with his father. atd asked : What house is that'! That is the Dutch • church," was +he rE ply. "People go there to be good, so that they may become langels." -" Will they e be Dutch an els, pa I" returned the ,young hopefu _ on hand. Seaforth, sept. - IroN IN !. • 1 lki - - 1 BUSH FARM FOR SALE CHEM! THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale cheap, Lot No. 30, con. 15, teiseiship of Grey, Co. of Huron; about 70 Acres of this lot are timbered with hardwood four acres of which are chopped, the bal- ance is timbered with cedar and pine o excellent quality. There is sufficient o. this latter timber to pay for the whole lot. The lot will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, or on time. Title indisputable For further particulars apply (if by let- ter, prepaad) to Adam Gray, PlaningMill„ Seaforth, or to the undersigned propriet tOr• " RO,DERI.OK GRAY, ' Thantesford, P. 0 Thiamesford, Nov. 9, 1870. 153-tf.- t. MONEY! $5,000_7_ LEND. THAVE the above sum on hand foe investment on good. Farm Security, at A and 9 per cent.,---Peivate Funds. JOHN. PORTER. I S EA.FoRTJI, July 25, 1870. 139.— HOU E AND LOT FOR SALE. A. BRICK C3TTAGE, x 36. frame barn and' stable, half an acre of land, planted with choicest fruit trees, all bearing? a good well, etc. Likewise 4 -park lot containing six acres, more or less, in ithe h;ghest state of cultivation, newly drained and marimed, and seeded down with timothy and chives., and fenced with a new substantial board fence, This lot is admirably adapted for a nursery or a market garden. The above property is situated in th.e villa e of Roxborough, on the banks of t e t'elaitland, 25 feet above the level of the river, on a good gravel roadsand teko mules jrom Seaforth. 'Terms easy. Ap- ply to ROBERT SCOTT, ROBERT SCOTT, Roxborough. McKillop, Dec, 14, 1870. • 158-tf. J. CAVANAGH. (Late of Stra(/ord.) Will be fouud inhis old place, one door south of Mr. F. Veal's Grocery Store. Mr. Cavanagh wishes to return to hifit . mu:norm-1r friends and customers, his bin- cere thanks for their liberal Patronage in the past, and hopes that they will con- tinue the same in the future. 21st, 1870. 146-tf- -THE 'BLOOD. FoRUITIAN 0 e SYRUP „ He The PERUVIAN SYRUP mak theweak strong, and expels disease by supply g the blood with ,NiTt' RE'S OWN VITALIZING AGENT—IRON. Caution, ---Be sure you get Peruvian Ltrnip. -Pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. No. 36 Dey St., Ne *York. Sold by Dregisistsg • • • CHRISTMAS.— Ain Cavanagh has made' great preparations for the com- ing Christmas, and will be able. to fur- nish his customers with everything in hie line, such as Bread, Confectionery, Can- dy Toys, Fancy cakes, Wedding cakes, Nuts of all kinds, and all descriptions of Syrups. Hirt Mutton Pies andall kinds of refreshments, also good accommoda- tion for friends from the town and -coun- try. Also JUDD BROS. Vegetable Union Yeast. Try it, it never fails, and. 18 always reliable. OYSTERS—J. S. FARREN & CO.'S, Baltimore, the 'best in the market al- ways fresh. LOBSTERS AND SARDINES. Ale ays on hand. GIVE MEA TRIAL, 3. CAVA N AGM SEAvr.ori,oIrtNieolv,8 23for, 1w87E0.34 00nic C14K-Etf, s and. suPPlie3 for r EA PARTIES'PromPt- ly attended. to. LIVERY STABLE T A MES ROSS desiries to inform le t) public that he has opened a Now Livery Stable in connection with his hotel, where parties can be accommod ated with first class horses and vehicles, at reasonable prices. Seatorth, Jan'y. 21st, 1870- 973f. 4 GOVERNML:NT DRAINS. 1 B 00 LabA.y807 ER8 rk 8in ttNe:ii:(Ef ) ehlthpoef Urey, County of Huron, after the lOth of October, Wages,— $1.25 to .$1.7.i perday. G. BLAI.:, Contraetoe. Seaforth, Nov. loth, 1870. 153- - " SEAFORTH Planing Sash, Door, and BLIND FACTORY. 0 TiiESubsciibcrs beg leave to thank their numerous customers for the hberal patronaee extended to them -since commencing bZsiness in Seaforth, and trust that they will be favoredwith a continuance of the saane. Parties intending to build „lad de wen, to give them a call, as they wit continue to Itc op on 14e1 a large Sind of allekinds of DRY PINE LUMBER SASHES, FARM FOR sm.E. OT 12, Con. 9, Township of Grey, I containing 100 acres ofland, 55 acres cleared, with good buildings and. orchard. The farm will be eold oneasy terms. . ApplY to M. McDERMID.; Harpurhey. Oct. 12th, 1870. 149. DOORS, ELINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, &C., They feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who may favour them with their patronage, as none but first clais workmen are employed. Particular attention paid to custom Planing BROADFOOT & GRAY. TAVERN FOR SALE. The subscriber .offers FOR SALE the TAVERN known as the New Dominion Hotel, -in the village of Bluevale. This Hetel, having been 'lately refitted, is noW capable for the ace" mmoda,tion of the traveling public, having good sta- bling, with large driving -shed 36 x 20 feet; also a large Ball -room over the shed. There is an excellent well close to the shed, with pump in good order. The land attached to the hotel consists of hall an acre of excellent land, well ad- apted for gardening purposes, with a va- riety of choice young fruit tros. This hotelis situated a few rods north of the Wingham road in the village, this being tbe leading road from Wroxeter to Wing - ham, Isacknow, Kincardine, &c. This hotel will be sold for cash, or, if the purchaser cannot pat- it all, a balance can remain on bond and mortgags for one year. The purchaser can buy the tavern fittings, stoves, chairs, bedsteads, etc. For particulars apply On the prem- ises to WILLIAM ROSS, Proprietor. Bluevale, Neat. 23, 1870. 158-tf NOTICE. ANY person desirous of adopting a fine healthy male Child, about 18 months old, may apply for further partic- ulars to DRAWEJ 22, Seaforth, Ont. Seaforth, Dec, 21, 1870. /59-tf ; ..0 a