HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-23, Page 8a 8 THE HURON EXPO, TTOR. DECEMBER 23,.1870.. THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Fourth session-enrst Parliament WEDNESDAY, In the Legislature to day, after. the presentation of petitions, a. Bill was introduced by Mr. Caruegie to alter the times for holding the Courts of Auditors for auditing county Ito - counts. The same mentber also introduced a Bill to amend the laws referring to fire insuranee companies tieing business In Ontario. In re- ply to Mrs Boyd, .the Atterney.Gert- • oral said his law partner, Mr. J. B. McLennan, had been s.ppointefiCoun- ty Attorney and Clerk of the Peace for Stormont, Dundas and Glengar- ry -eitreeply to Mr. Blake, the At; 'terneit:General paid there ,itasn6 in ;of making any change in the present iession in the tirnber license System . - Mr. D. 'L. McDougall moved, without intending to cast. re- ilectiOns upen ay of the members, that the sale ofeitirituous liquor n the .Flotise be piohibieel, as such course Would tend to promote the • cause of tomperancie and increatie the dignity of the House. Mr. McKel7 -ler referred to the evil effectsof in- toxicating drinks, and Sincerely hoped the _resolution -would passe,ind that the Government would give it their support. The Attorney-den- eral 'did not oppose the motion, though he believed the House would not succeed in stopping drinkiug. Themotion was adopted. Mr. Blake Moved. for copies of all memorials and correspondence' re- specting the appointment of Mr. areeley to the shrievalty of Prince Edward County, and condemned the Government system of administer- ing patrouaee. The Attorney -Gen- eral contended that Mr. Blakehad . . no right to ask for memorials, and in reply to the dirtet question, de- nied- that there was any correspon- dence, and stated there were no me- morials,that be, was aware pf. Mr. Blake also moved for copies of con respondenee between the Govern- ment and the Judges of the Court of Chancery, end any other matters connected with the appointments of •persons in that Cour.t since last ses- sion. He had last eession .speken strongly with • reference to sotee of • the officials- of the Court of Chan- cery. and it would be intelesting to • knowwhat changes bedtaken place, and if any others were- conifemplated., The.. Attorney -General promised co- pies of the Order in Council, and had no tobjeotion 'to bringing down • the registration papers, net other re- presentations are considered of a vate natnee. There was no intent:. tion to make any changes at present Withtiegard to the administration or justice in chambers. The 1,1Ouse adjourned at 'five min- utes east four. • Tfitinsnav. • In the A.sserably, yesterday, after • routine, the Attorney- General, in reply to Mr. Blake,'said the Govern - Meat would take the responsibility • of fixing the day when tate measure • respecting grants of lands to railway -enterprises -would be introduced, as • the .Government had to - ascertain • the merits of the various apPlica- time. • The Lieutenant Governor re- turned thanks for the dutiful terms contained ,in the address of the House in reply to his speech. 'Mr. Blake moved the- House into com- mittee of • the Whole on a series of resol utione respecting he Land- m- • provement Fund, but at the e request of the Attoraey-General allowed his motion to stand over owing to the • absence of Mi.- Treasurer Wood. • Mi. Blake then moved the Reuse into Committee of the Whole, on resoltitions affirming that there should be no. exemptions from tax- ation in the Assessment Act, but that • every- subject should contribute, in due proportion to his means, to the expenses of the municipal govern- ment of which he reoeives the bene- • fit. Re said that there was a grow- • ing feeling in favour of the general principle, but he did not know bow far it would be carried into effect, • by sweeping away ot diminishing all exemptions. He hoped the Attor- • ney-Creneral would accede to the general principle, and then the House could either go into com- mittee or strike a select committee to oonsider the whole question. The Attorney -General didnot intend to oppose the general principle, and • was prepared to say that church and school' property should not be ex- empt as a general rules but the reso- tintions did not refer to this point. 'He thought a committee should in- vestigate the matter. The public evidently favoured the abolition of official exemptions. He had eppos- ed the change last year, but was now disposed to faeour it. Mr. Blake, by pernaissio4 of the House. altered the Motion, ish that it read to refer the matter Oa a delect com- rnittee, no particular day being men- tioned. Mr. .tSinclair thought the subject a very difficult one to deal with, but the primbiple laid down in the resolution ,was the correct one. But he was not, however, prepared to„ tax religious edifices, though he did not see why Government em- ployees and ministers of religion should be excinupt kr. Lount considered - the r4so utione were vateu. and- indist ct Mr. Trow e thou bt the questioi. shonld be made permiseivfs,, and le t to the munici- palities to d cide. ', Mr. Perry con- sidered tha ,the numbei of officials at Ottawa s mild be eereased, and as th� rema'nder could then be better paid there mild be no iliecessity to, exempt them frOin mu rcipal tax- ation, Mr; Perry id he would suppOrt•theiresoluti ii wi h pleasure. Mr. - McKellar adve to the re - i mar able I Manner, °deed by man members, in w ic the Gov ernin'ent had -changed th irVieWs on various sOjects, a con they had been pursuing ever sine they exist-, ed. The. Attorney -Gen ;ral Went as far back. as 1859 to s ow thekhe had in those days always stood up manfully ter the interes s of Upper tiatiada. Mr. Mc ong il was S in ) favour of abolishing All exemptions, and could ' riot see a.111V reason why churches and. schools- should be.ex- . Grahaen, of York, and .th -svpported the resoln- 'mama. to refer them to mittee was then carried. at 4:35 p.m., adjourned. TUESDAY. . ' 1 - After routine in the Legislature yesterday," the Attorney -General in- troduced aill to authorize the trans- ferT of Way e County (Michigan) re- cords; no Essex, to Bill was i land to ani the Toront 'Junction • At torn ey- Getternment did no a new Coin ission:of the Peace for the county f Oxford. In reply to a motion an question by Di'.:. Baxter respeecingl he Hamilton and ePort Dovertplait road, the Hon.. Mr. Wood' said he arbitration award had nothing to do with such class of works. A 1 roads hat belonged to Canada belonged 4, and Ontario . do with • them. tight forward his gthe practice in officio' forth Judges in Ily Fedi:nen assigned to him; e ought to be it unsatisfactory mit justice in . He Sup - an eloquent eneral said t, and wok- e Secretary d in by the ouse should s upon the ember for c' said the Ate& -a few r ferred to in 1. but as the v - steps to rand upon Blake) had ,Hon, Mr. tier should the judges, thathe be - been made I empted. Mr. Galbr tions. T ti select co The Hous Inthe Registry Office of luierican authorities : • A roduced by Nr. Cumber - d the Act incorporating Sinu.ue and Muskoka ail way ' 01 ni pan y The eneral stated that the, t i tend to issue • s • thesold Province of now to ‘the Domini now had nothing t Mr. Blelteizthen;br retteliition$ respecti the Court of Chancery,. that the Sebretary‘ ?f th Chancery clauld iio1 leg the . j ud ie. lel duties and assertingthat t change in the pies nt Manner of dmini te the Charieery C ham er ported theresolutions in _speech: Pie A ttoi.ney- " he had heard no cp plai ed upon the action t as having i een ncqu ese judges. He' thought! the 60t.,,COIlder II the jedff the ..,limi:: e. II, 1r 1la l a ill as 11 etic 11 ti the- rp. t for e e si n ha s fr in i soine motion lar move(i fo r of iteiso the Mt s ok ssa.ge of tl e motion was of evi Sot At ence , th Br rn eye days that t the reset ut bench did ..,. change it, this statem ranted 'his Wood the have been and Mr. B lieved som to it in. an the bench. mission; ti - Mr. McKe the numb squatted i fore the pa Act. The nret prA ons W not -1 le wo( nt he .resol fel t rough ake allu ddres Afte 10 the House shortly after na, adjourned. Manila WAYLAID AND .KILLIOD r NG PRTRES (Front the Telegr L, MIN., 1 an ele tion lar POi t y Mesrs. J. Dr. inc wh me, St PA 30th ult., held at Po addressed Jas. Ross, A fter adj o rumen ers were driving h about 200 yards, s towards T nner's d throwing rse took ftlig anner frohi is skull and Ross,', and eside Tann fely. T nn adjour m n eonfid n whicle was ree to oiie. ressing r pi evince of ming sue heapest,13o ording to overcoat a Tanner's throwing breaking I instantly. driving gauntlet tion befcr a voteof Archibald vote of t ing is pro out the P parties da 4 For the Seaforth ac ventry's. The ne with irn Four tim subscribe 0 Winnipeg and Nebo for other purposes co with. Capital and en reade takieg steps to mean it of oommunic the new Province an barbarians." - By the late railwa B tilton, Eng., the ,ki led And the fireme pa4engers injured. - arly -on the morn.' int., the barn, with co tents, on the pt Stoiey, South Elmsle ed by fire. In the ba were three horses, 1 grin, 40 tons of hay, on straws a lot of fra , including the 6 ,500. Insured in M tual for $1,400. re on to snspect th w rk of an incendiar 0. 1 homemade ki hide for $3.50, st or No. 1 home mad to hos Coventry's. 6.# River, aid nected there- rplise are il- itcreaSe the tint" bf4tvflen the "otiitsnie collisien at ngineenwas and several g of the th 11 its value le mise,s of kr. was destr6y rn at the time 00 bushels of all 'this gees- e timber ; in en, valued ,at the Beaver There is every fire Was ".11(3 boots for : ventry's. Shoepacks, go THE MAR (M. • • SEAFORTH, )ec. 22, 1870. .w iseatit, ti(sFpalriln)g)Vbushel iebnahe 613 rley1 bushel, O ts 0 bushel, Pes 10 bushel, - B tter; E.. a. °los, qh is Skins, A. plea Potatoes Pork ° the bar to; further dis-' withd rawn]. s retur n of s -who had district be - Free 0 rant dopted, and at 4:50 p. LEb,T I °NEER:- le) .:On the eeting was onitoba, and mes Tanner; and others. le the speak- nd had gone v ra men rushed hdrs waving an issiles. c'Mr. t, ran away, he waggon, killing him the others I, ran the r's last ac - was to move n Governor carried by a Electioneer- ly through- nitoba, both es. and Shoetli in lity, go to Co - German lo n is meeting epse auc es in Berlin. s f the A ou t has been fen Notice has been 1.) that a co pany will liament at the next Act of I coliporatio pose of ina netting th the chain of waters Garry and Hudson o cially •given a ply to Par - Ci ssion for an for the pur- avigation of b tvveen Fort ay, by Lake J. • 1:05 to 1.13 , 1:15 to 1:18 0:40 to Q:45 0:38 to 0:40 0:58 tot 0:60 • -033 010:16 0:18 to Q:20 7:00 to 7:50 •s0.40 to :15 0-50 to :60 0:35 to :38 5:50 ¶o :50 splendid stock of C • llars and uncan & Co.'s. ie at CLINTON, ee. 22, 170 Faill Wheat, per.bushel, 1-00 Spring Wheat, per bush .1. 1:05 0 its, per bushel, ' .0):37' Pei s, per bushel, 0:54. o ;59 ley, per bushel, • - 0:40 o ;45 B tter per per, lb, 0.,15 o ;16 E es, per doz. • 0.18 to ;22 P tic s 5:25 to • ;50 nice lot of cloth a d fur Caps, -alsol °a ill stock of Felt Ha s, English i•icli C • adian, at J. Duncan & Co.'s. tf. 01 :13 3 7 ;40 F 6 0 13' al all ST. MARYS, Dec. 22, 1870, Wheat, per bushel, ing Wbeat, per bush s, #er bushel, s, per bushel, ley!, per bushel,, ter per lb., a. per doz. ssed Bogs 001 :346178 tooo001 467108 1, 1:10 to 1 16 • • 0:40 tf., 060 10:15 to ol 17 0:00 to 01 18 • 5:00 to :30 full assortment of Boots & Shoes ays on hand at J. pelican & FOR THE uncle rent, on lop, 'Roxboro forth, and acre and 9 ro ing Orcherd house, 22x32 very comfor and stable o well. fenced apply to the • 159-tf ALE OR TO RENT., signed offers for sate or to e 3d Concession of MoKil- Road, lt miles from Sea- ne mile from Roxbo o, 1 $ of land, wieh a good bear - f 24 trees. assorted e frame feet, in good condit on and able; also, a well, pump, the premises ; th lot is For further pa ioulars roprietor on the pr' mises. JOHN YO NG. FAR 'THEun3 No. 20 sisting of 10 forth, 2i m Road, 70 se barn, 30x50 • frame grana a bearing or of goocl ha ging to be springcree i there s a The above V2,000; $1, balance. A proprietor. 159-1t* • LONDON, Jec. 22, 187 (AdvertrReport) ite Winter Wheat ' $1 00 to $1 114r ng do _ 1 28 to 1 29 i ley 0 48, to , 0 50 s - 0 41 to 042 ter, in kegs, 0 70 to 0 15 0 12 to 0 .8 8, 0 22 to 05 ssed Hogs 6 00 to 6' 0 . Duncan & Co. keep a full stoc1 of tf. sorts of leather. GODERICH, pe�. 22, 1870 (Signal Report) 11 Wheat ring Wheat tss ley atoes ter • $1 05 to 1 • 1 15 to 1 0 37 to 0 • 0 55 to 0 0 40 te 0 035 to 0 39 0 16 to 0 20 o 20 to 0 25 • 5 50 tO 6 45 2 8 9.- 0 pecial attention pai4 to the m mg of Boots & Shoes of all kin p ring done on t -e 4hortest n ice at J. Duncan i1o.'s. 1 TORONTO 'MAR heat,: Spring, eat; Tall, 'Similes, ley, f 8. D ssed Hogs, ys . nufac- s. Re- ssible tf. ET; Dec. 22, •$1. 15 125 0 60 o 62 • 0 40 o 45 , 6 30 10 $o 50 8 00 o 120W MONTREAL, IDec.22, F ur, (Extra) per bart 1, 6:00 Fancy, 5:75 S fine No 1 Canada W. 5:50 No 1 Western Wheat, 5:40 No 2 f6 4:90 B g Flour eat, (danada Fall) Spring Western 0s ts, (per 32 lb.) B rley, (per 48 lb.) .73 tter, (Dairy) •(Store packed) • hes, (pots) Pearls, - P rk, (mess) as, • 2:40 1:14 1;20 1324 • 0:43 0:60 0:17 0:14 • 5:75 6:00 • 20:00 0:82t BUFFALO MARKETS. eported weekly for the _Expo oley (lc Co., Produce 1Commissi nts, Buffed° City. , BUFFALO, Dec. 22, ite Wheat, per buitel, 1:50 d Winter " ' 1:42 S ring • rley, • ts, • aisic dthy Seed, 4 over 1:22 81 52 93 5:00 6:00 essed Hogs, per cwt., 810 tter, (rolls) 1 35 •6 (dairy packed) , • 32 " (store " ) - 28 • rkeys, (dressed) per lbe 16 r, - 17 , 1 cks, per pair, 88 • ese, each, • . 78 rta, per dozen, 35 toes, per bushel, •86 rnips, per barrel, 87 1870. to 6:10 to '5.50 to 6:85 to 5:50 to2 o' 5: to :15 to 0:00 to 1:15 to 0:54 to 0:65 to 0:19 to 0:17 to :80 to :05 to ;860 to5 itor by n Mer - 1870. 1 to 1:!00 to 5:25 to 6:25 to 19 to 1:00 to :15 OTICE TO DEBTORS, HAVE sold my book accounts to Mr. J. 14. McGREGOR. Debtors • ould do well to settle with hiii imme- d atelY upon receieing their acco ts. WM. F. LUX ON. Seaforth, Dec. 23, 1870. 159-tf FOR SAL rsigwed offers for ale lot th Concession, Mo s, con - acres, 14 miles fr m See- ks from Northern Gravel s cleared, well fenc 'd sod eet ; log house, 18x44 feet; , 16x24 feet, well fi ished ; hard of 30 trees ; 2 acres dwood land; 7 awes' log - leaned up ea neve -failing running through th farm; school -house on t e lot. property will be old for 50 cash, end time Ifor the ply cni the premise to the BurroN. .-:.Yva1tc4.1)Q0 qfnce. A11" en 0.1 evidenee as action for persons who the title to Estate hi th perfect. Seaforth, tiNA,R0e* Aie.REWARDtwill be giv- y person who will gi e fetch ill enable me, sus ain an ges against the ;non or have made-statemel s that hat part of the G inlock Village of Seaforthe is iin- • W. C. GOITINLO K1 • Agent for G • ardian. ec. 14, 1870. 158-2--• NOTICE. NY per on desirous of ado fine he lthy Male -Child, a months old, i ay apply for furthe ulars to DR WEI'. 22, Seaforth, Seaforth, • cc. 21, 1670. 4 ting a out 18 partic- Ont. 59-tf ICIPAL NOTIC TO THE E 'ECTORS OF THE IUNi- • CIPL ITY OF SEAFORT N Elec ion for a Reeve a d fpur Counellore, will be held at The Council Roo., Town Hall, ON M NDAY, JAN. 2, 18 0. A Poll 11 be Opened at 9 o'clock •A. M., and losed at 5 o'clock P. M. • T. P. BULL ',- Returning 0 h�er. Seaforth, 1 ee. 20, 1870. 159,1t IN bHANCER Between JO 'EPH KIDD, Plain tiff, and JAMES 1111cMULKIN. and. T .0MAS KIDD, Defendants • . 14th December, 11870. I hereby appoint THOMAS K ,DD, of the Village of Seaforth, County- Of Hu- ron, merchant, Receiver in this c1ise. J A BOYD, M tet. All, parties indebted to the lat firm of K 1DD & .MoMULKIN will ple e call and settle the same at once and o lige. • THOMAS K DD. • Seaforth, Dec. 21, 1870: 59-tf THE SONGS 01 AULD SCOT Under the patronage of THE St ANDREW'S SOCI TY, the Scottish Nightingale, JEANIE WATSON; Queen cf Scottish Song, assist by Mr. J. F. HARDY, AND. The verhatile Comique, Tenor ocalist, • and Pianist, Will give two entertainments at KNOX'S HALL,' SEAFOR 11, • On MONDAY end TUESDAY `VEN- • INGS, Dec. 26 and 27. A Grand Programme of Old So igs and New Songs. Tickets, 25 cents; reserved 3 ate, 50 cents. Tieeets at the usual pia esand at the door. •• • Doors ()lien at 74; commen e at 8 o'clock. GEO. W. 'llt,AS 159-1t ,Business A•ent. • [NERAL STOCK OF Dry Goods, 'Groceries • FOR SALE. Will be r till the EVENINC T EN DER ceived by the • und rsigned OF THE 2d JANUARY NEXT, For the pin chase of the stock i and shop ft rniture belonging to trade he IL .NSOLV NT •ESTATE OF AN - DEW MUIR, A the Vill ges of AINLEY ILLE AND CRA.NB 00K, in t a e County of Huron. The stoc at Ainkyville con Dry Goo $1,060; Bardwa Glroceries, ;603; Crockery and re, $52 Boots and Shoe rugs •• and Medicines, $559; • aggon, C rdwood and sundrie T tal, $2,6 5. - , The stoc at Cranbrook (To rey) con ists of Dry ' Good ardware and Groceries, $300; e y, Glass are, and Medicines Boots and 'Ames, $50; Total, $1 Parties is ay tender for one stocks, sta ing distinctly the am each, at 80 much in the -dollar o ventory- pr'ces. Tenders for the vine stock may be with or wit Drugs an, Medicines. The security m st be stated in the t time be r Tinted. The stock veatories c n be seen on ' aPpli ROBERT . PEN TECOST, at ville, and copy of the inven. 'open to i pection at my office ilton. . The men accept the sista of e and Glass - $71 Vheels, , $250. -plot of Crock - $102; 152. •r both unt for , the In- Ainley - out the roposed nder, if and in - tion to Ainley- oriee is Ham- ee does not bind hi a self to ghest or any tender. W. F. FINDLA Ass gnee. Hamilton, Dec. 16, 1870. • 59 -td 0 FICES TO LET TOYS & FANCY GOODS! TW 0 offi es on the second flat in Scott's Block. The best, and most oonveni- ent rooms n the village. ApplY to 1,4cC TJLllEY & HOLMESTED. Seeforth April 14, 1870. '1234 . SELIANG OFIP .A. T CO,S 2' 1 —AT-. M. R. COUNTER'S NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR Christmas Presents, - AND NEW :EARS • OIRTS. Just received a complete si4 FINE COLD AND SILVER 41, CRY, RUSSEL AND SWISS . WATCHES. To • be sold Cheaper than ever. M. R. COUNTER. SMATORTH, Dec. 13, 1870. • 42 A BANKRUPT STOCK. OF CLOTHS, • TWEEDS, BLANKETS, SHAWLS, ETC., ETC , Jest arrived at Dent's which he has bought at less than 4 their value and is At Less th:eelling nOriginal Cost. - LADIES RICHLY TRIMMED VELVET HATS, FOR ONE DOLLAR —AT-- • 12)1\1-T.'S_ 16 Poutid.s of Raisin's • FOR • ONE DOLLAR, And the Best Tea, in the Dominion is at DENT'S, 3rd Door Ndrth of Robertson's Grocery, Seiforth, Dec. 14, 1870. BUSH FARM FOR sm..n CHEAP rrinE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale, I cheap, Lot No. 30, Con. 15, tewnship of Grey, Co. of Huron; about 70 acres of this lot are timbered _ with hardwood, four acres of which are chopped, the bal- ance is timbered with cedar and pine of excellent quality. There is sufficient of this latter timber to pay for the whole lot. The lot will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, or on time. Title indisputable. For further particulars apply. (if by let- ter, prepaid) to Adam Gray, PlaningMill, • Seaforth, or to the undersigned proprie- tor. - RODERICK GRAY, • Thamesford, P. 0. Thamesford, Nov. 9, 1870. , 153-tf.— MONEY:: $5,000 TO LEND. JBATE the above sum on hand for investment on good Farm Security, at 8 and 9 per cent.,—Privete Funds. • JOHN S. PORTER. SEAFORTH, July 25, 1870. r 139.— ESTRAY SHEEP. CAME into i6e premises of the sub- scriber, on Lot No, 1, Con. 1, Hay, a Ewe and lamb. The owner is request- ed to prove property, pay charges; and takethe same away: • 14---- * W.M. SMALE, 56 - Exeter P. 0. • : 1 • 44, Mrtfir,4.4-1.3 .711 rEETH EXTRACTED WITII0U1 PAIN: CCARTWRIGHT,: L. D . S. , Surgeon . Dentist, Extracts teethwithoutpain by -the use of the Nitrous -Oxide Gas. Office,—Over the 'Beacon' store'Strat- ford. Attendance in Seafortla at Knox' Hotel, the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month ; in Clinton, at the Com- mercial Hotel, on the following Thurs- days and Fridays. Parties requiring new teeth are re- quested to call, if at Seaforth and Clin- ton, on the first day of attendance. Over 54,000 patients have had teeth extracted by the use of the Gas, at Dr. Coulton's offices. New York. Stratford, Fed. 11, 1870. - 114-tf— MII:LINERY7: DRESS —AND— MANTLE MAKING. MISS McINTOSH TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks for the liberal patronage ek- tended to her since coming to Seaforth, and would respectfully intimate to cus- tomers and others, that she is still to be found OVER MR. McDOUGALL'S STORE, All orders will receive the UTMOST ATTENTIO,N. With regard to TASTE, NEATNESS and theLAT EST STYLES, cannot be EXCELLED 1N SEAFORTH. STRAWand HAIR- ee0R,K CLEANED ON THE SHORT- EST NOTICE. SEAPORT'', Mirch 31, 1870. 121-- NO A RAIISTICE JOHN LOGAN TTAS declared winth ar agast e mer- cantile opposition of Seaforth, with a large and varied stock of amianition on hand, in the shape of G-OQIDS. —AND- - G R-0 C.RIES. Which for quality, style and cheapness, cannot be conquered with fair play. • The tollowing are special lines — FANCY DRESS GOODS, WIN- CEYS, (Plain and Checked) WS- TRES, POPLINETTS, FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS. POPLINS, GREY COTTON, BLEACHED DO., FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CLOUDS, HOODS, HOSIERY, MANTLES, GLOVES, FINGER- ING YARN, READY - MADE CLOTHING, HATS 4; CAPS, TWEEDS, COTTON -AND FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, DEAWERS, SU- GARS, TEAS, TOBACCOES, RAISINS, CURE ANTS, SPICES, &c., &c., Too numerous to mention, AT THE Manchester House! MAIN STREET, SM.A.POTV111-1 SEAPORTS, Nov. 15, 187e 152-tf. Insolvent Act of 1869* In de matter' of ANDREW MUIR, 0 • an Insolvent. MHE Creditors are notified to meet at I I my office, No. 1, King Street, west, lei Hamilton, on AM.6.day) cfanuary Src; 787i% At 11 o'clock forenoon, for the purpose of giving directions as to the secured claims, and for ordering the affairs .of the Estate generally. The Insolvent ise - hereby required to -attend such meeting. W. F. FINLAY, • Assignee. Hamilton, De. 14, 1870. 168-2-- - , • CAUTION. IHEREBY CAUTION all parties pur- chasing, or negotiating kt the follow- ing promissory notes, dated Wroxeter, Nov. 25th, 1870,1one payable January 1671, the other payable thirteen months -after date, each for so,made by me in favour of James Vitie or bearer, as I have received no value therefor end payment will not be made. • •• THOMAS MCEWEN, Grey, Dec. 2, 1870. 15 7-3— • STRAY STEER. CAME ON TO the premises of the Buh- scriber Lot No. 8, Con. 13, Stanley, abont-the 20th Sept., last, a Steer 1 year 'old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, .and teke him away. DANIEL GORkstli. Berne, Dec. 14, 1870. 158 -3 -- HEIFERS STRAYED. TRAYE-C! from LotNo. 14, COIL L.R. 0 East, Stanley, last July, two heifers • rising 2 years old, one 'ail red except a white spot on the forehead, the other dark red with a white stripe on the backt Any person. giving Information leading to their recoverywill be suitable reward- ed. • -WM. BANNERMAN 158-4 • Bayfield P.0. DANIEL MoPHAIL, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER r-ff FOR THE COUNTIES OF PERTH AND HURON BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Perth for their lib- eral patronage during the past six years. He would respectfolly announce that he will attend to all orders in PERTH or HURON for 1810. Orders left at the "Exeosrrott" Office, in Seaforth, the Beacon Office, Stratford, or the Advocate, in Mitchell, will be promptly attended. to. Conveyancing, andReal Estate Agen- cy attended to, and loans negotiated. OFFICE—East side of the market. Mitchell, Ont. Mitchell, Feb. 25, 1870. . 121 THE uron xpooitor, -THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF • THE COUNTY OF HURON, TS published every Friday Morning, in • Seaforth. It is the largest paper in the County. :0 1\.2• S_ $1.50 per annum, in advance; if not so paid $2.00 will be charged. No subs- cription taken for a shorter pericid than three months. :0: a ADVERTISING RATES. • TRANSIENT. Per line, first insertion, 8cts ; 'subse- quent insertions, 2 cts, each time. Ad- vertisements measured by a scale of solid brevier. No advertisement taken for less than One Dollar. • ‘. Six Months, - 35 00 columnCONfoTRr csAneCT.yeRastr.TE_ S One 460 00 Three 4 4 — 20 00 One Year, - - 35 00 C 4 Six Months, - 20 00 4, .4 Three " - •• 12 00 Qarter " One Year, - • 20 00 ,u, •6` Six Months - - 12 00 Cc Half 4 4 Eighth • '4 '4 4-' I Three'Y- One Year, • - Six /do -lathe - - 8 00 12 00 8 00 Three " - - 5 00 Advertisements, without specific dire6- -Eons, will be inserted till forbid, and - charged accordingly. tiArsLEAti 13R01HE VOL. 4, No. if3LtS.NES$ IRAT.CY, M. 11„ County of Huron ,eidenee—One -door East Episcopal Church. Seaforth, Dec. 14th, op C. MOORE, M. D., Dee of McGill Unive Physician, Surgeon,&e. dance Zurich, Ont. Zurich, Sept 7th, T AMES STEWAR , Graduate, of 'A Montreal. Physician, fice and residence :— Varna. . R. SMITH, Jr.,veon7 etc, Office, Robertson's .1tesi lene N°81.ea,thforth, Dee, 14, r L. VEROOE, .1-14, clan, Sutgeon, et sidence„ corner ' of Ma Street, immediately Stere, Seaforth, Feb, 4tb, -"FAR. CAMPBELL, .,'s'ountee. °thee arid Corby's, corner store, forth,. Offiee day, satn LE -1--) Fs WALKER, „ and Solicitor Me veyeneer, Notary Pobil the Ckrk ef the Peace Goderich, Ont. • N. R.—Money .to len Farm Lands, Goderich, Jatey, 28, C AUG- HEY & 13arristere„ Attorn icitors in Chaneery end taties Public and Couve tors for the Pe C. Bank,S for the Canada Life As L\'. 13- -430,000 to len Farms, Flouees and Lot Seaforth, Dee. 14th, I IDE.NSON & MEYER Attorueyat Law, eery and Ineolvency, Co aries Public, etc.•Wile Wroxeter. Agents for Loan 43O0 of Upper Cana oniai Securitiee Co. of Money at 3 per cent; eharged. • U. tt. BENSON, ,Seaforth, Det. 10th BENT G. Arti ficia with all the ments. The greatest e preservation of decayed a Teeth extracted althea -over McDougall's Store, Seaforth. Dee. 14, 186 NOTE E Rt.:1AL 110' ij Jaanes Laird, pro first -Glass aceommodatio ling public. The larder ways supplied with the te afford. Ee.cellent stab A inleyville, April 23, TT Novs HoyfoL L. JX The nn,tersigned he public for the liberal at to him in times past ;sa. tit and.aleo to inform them t resumed business in t where he will be happy . from old friend, and. ma TFIO Seaforth, If* 5, 1870s -1-)RITIS11 EXCHA.NG erieh, Oatr.,•J, 1,;A ETOR ; J. S. WILLIAMS can Hotel, Warsaw, N This hotel has recently niehed, an1 refitted thr nowone of the most consf modious in the Province. ROOMS for Commercial Terms liberal, -Goderich, April 14, MISCELLA HAZLE11 eer for the County erich, Ont- Perticular a the sale of Bankrupt Stock Sales attended on Goode Appraised, Mortg Lan.* ad's Warrants Ex 13ailiff First Division. Co oderich, June 9tht W _ MePHILLI •'O•r. Lend Surveyore, et. All manner of COn with nea,tness and die' pat li Comraissioner itt Next door south of Sha forth. Seaforth, Deo. 14, 186 MAILL &CROOKE 0 Plans and Speoificat Featly. Carpenter's , Pias son's work, measured an Over. J. C. Dater & Holm Square, efloderich; Ooderieli, April 23, 18