HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-23, Page 7vit ;TRAYED the premiseof the Aveune, 8eaforth an tudinary sized 3 di a little white on bel - Any person (riving a will lead to the re- t' still be. •suitably re- rEI .At of 18,69. TEIZ' OF AN DREW leytalle, an Insolvent, N% dham.Forrest Fin- 4iami1ton, have been in this matter. (red- tc tile their claims bt- month. W. F. FINLAY, Assignee., 810. LOT FOR FOR SALE. - 'TAGE. 2a.ty 36, frame 4,1e, 1 an acre of land, est fruit trees, all bear- a.c. Likewise a park res, more or less, in [•- ef ealtivaton, newly ired, and seeded down. ielover, and fenced with board fence. This let ted far a nursery or a 'Whe above property is Rage of Roxborangle on Maitland, 25 feet above ..-ver, on a good gravel les from Seaforth. ply ta NIERT SCOTT, Rexborougle , 14. /870. 158-tf - CERY Stock of Gener- dize, in the &ur- ge of Seafolth, itv of Huron an order made in the id *ems McMulkio, da - day of November last, .aga sigseed by the pro - S, will be received by Esquire, Master of the ry., at his Chambers; Os- ke City of Toroeto, up the forenoon of the iird day of De- . ?r, Instant, - one lot, of the re- -tock in Trade of the late MeMuIkin, who carried_ ieaforth. The- Stock in Boots and Shoes, Liq- . Cluthiaig, Dry Goods„ erne Hardware, and tan ate, place of business of stook is large, and this is iityfor parties wishing se The tL riders , are to be aaid Master, who will e thereef at his Chambers staid Twenty Third day , and are to state the of purchase, whether at e the length of credit [,de of paying, and wheth- aut int t rest. and the se - any. A .8 -tock List can aid stare. The Vendor ._1 -ed to -iteeept any tender Tette. should the pm -- der may be accepted, Ws:I:art-elle nt, the goods aim' the detiett ney, if any, toge- her with all charg- ',. sante, ( occasioned ay be made good by the erth. 1870. • J. A, ito•YD, NT niter.. 'GAGE SALE. ' OF A POWER OF I a 'nor gage wade dated the 2t4h day of by , all th it vertain parcel a .4 ptemise, situate in t ;tete, in tir(sandy a In:e, by adnicasuremint, mc.n. (,ri+-s, being cam- - in the IMIt t.'onees- 1:1, te mall be t tee. at 1<ex's Hotel .day the .20th day of aa 12 e'eloca, nom.: ,‘" & 110I,MEsTED, 156-3 - a RAY RAM. • • pi emises of the sub, No. 14. Ceti. 8, McKil- 1st msr., a yearline. ram,, 4 u t ed to pro v e property, t take the animal away. .1}1N IeTtP. ANTED. [ARM wanted to ,pur- e le the townships of eihaturNIcKilIop, the the best quality. well- (tproper stat ef cultiva.- dwelling and out postpaid., stating eres cleared and in bush, II (Alter improvements th prices, IAill be received lot -V 1 N Egmondville it FOR SALE. - west half (if Lot No. township of Hullett, gravel road, contain- " whieh are cleared and -re are (A1 the premises , se and lau•re :list, a. Rel.-- uf wafer, con% enient to- r also 4w•re s ot fall • utI 1,t. -.old with the nt-r partieulara apply to the preini:..es, or if by )S. AVYER, 'onstanee, 137o. DECEIM !ER 23, 1870. Tickling Alligators. . Our conversation on the railway carriage turns on the subject_of Wie have at least sixty° travellers in the iltilway. carilaw, and amongst them is a lady Who is anxious to know if the natives catch the alligators, and, if so, by What process they ztre caught. A. gentle- man seated in front of us volunteers some information on the subject. "They are generally caught, madam, by tickling then" says he. very extraordinary !" exclaims the lady. " Pray! explain how the wts- ty creatures are captured. It lutist be a singularoperation. Vet y sinan indeed, madam," closing mie of his eyss as be speaks. " Them alli- gators are queet:ly made critters, and they:have queer fancies. If you look at one of them you will see that he has,hard spines upon his 'tail. Examine them spines and you will see the his one at the end of the tail to be the laagest, to be very sharp and strong, and curved back towards the heF of the critter like a hook. Now alligators, mad- am, are very sleepy thing. Al- ways a -going asleep in the mud. The brown skinned gentlemen who live. hereabouts, go out to catch them with a cane and a long pole. When they see one asleep they tiekle his tail very gentlywith the cane, so as not- to wake him. The alliga- tor feels it, and turns his tail away from the tickle. Then they tickle a lithe more, and it turns it futther away, curving it .sorter ronnd, as you see. They goon tickling, and the critter goes on bending round his tail till he gefs it right opposite his month. Then they give it a hard ticKle. The critter wakes, opens its mouth. snaps its own tail, gets ,the point of it between its jaws, and the hooked SDi11,9 driven clean into its palate., It has just made itself into a ring, and -cannot help its s tail out again. The natives have tickled it enough. All they've got to do is to put the long pole through the ring the critter; has made itself into, "hoist the two ends of .the pole on their shoulders, taka the critter bonae, and kill it quietly. It's a sci- entific sort of way. of catching them, madam, but it's vet y satisfactory."— The General Showman,. by E. P. Langston. Salt in the Human Body. ,9 i .. Common salt has. from the .earli- est times, been known as iudispen-' sable to the health ot the animal constitution. ft is -easier to assert its importance than to assign its -, function. It is present in. nearly every pareof the bocl, and that in proportions which are quite definite. It is estimated that nearly two per- cent, of the solid part of the Muscle is salt, and in blood the- proportion is about the same. Without it di- gestion is impaired, and the tissues seem to need its presence As its presence with the other materials which go to make up the body lie so constant and decided, it m est I bear some important relation to their in- tegrity, and entei largely: into the complex pi-oblern of lite. ';Without it starvation will ensue as/surely a.s if any other constant coeetituent is refused. As it seems to be Used 11 D .and passed out by the syStern with great regularity, the supply with the food must be constant. This supply comes largely .with animal food, while vegetable food contains it but sparingly, if at all. -Some very wise people, who are determin- ed to insist u. on the [favourite the- oryc that noth'ng of the mineral kind can be taken up diroctly into the. system, are severe on salt, which is a serious stumblingsblock. Doubt- less, it may be taken to excess, and , the -appetite for it increased. beyond or is good. Possibly it May fav- • or consumptive diseases, though of this there can hardly be said to be valid proof. But in all .ages nations have found themselves greatly dis- tressed if deprived, by ear or other causes, of their salt supply, and the instinct of wild animals in visiting salt licks, as well as the experience a those who have the-ca.re of cattle, goes to show that salt must be taken more or less in its mineral and une combined condition. it exits in this condition,. and to a eertain J. S. &h 1, in all drinking avatea and not " B own groat benefit . to in wasted with diarrlicel small portiOns ,of sal or to remove to It again, is a popular r valuablel one, for arr from the lungs. T which it o the ad V ant In such c eirective if detained the palate before swa to get the f CU 1 ia r taste, is through t system. The Salt which is spoken of as T.or,". was robably eratee is go canno es it se tn n to g , thn111'er their food,. air. Salt, ined,r, and a Sting bleeding e Manner 41 n t cle tr, but e doubted. to be mote . bile about lo ing, so as jo of e its pe - i s operation he nerv,ous • Scriptitre osing its ea - ATI It til idires. Possibl he taste. o 1 n ale in which the actual al common St It was strial it was leadhed out left. 'without savor." Aa co imon salt are other . 1 al phosphatic. Th de,pensable ' presenc nerve tissue, and th increases with the ti put upon the brain o. is no reasoitt to doubt mav. be ta -en ititd\t advaptaee y being plied tocIfo d when will not , produce i brain of ,a ool, bu brain ur still use t tage. - se mpure ard.- amount of and when the ,resid u m alagous to alts sueh as have an in- n brain or eit iroportance crutnt of work n ryes. There tl at they also e systern with rtificially sup - needed. They telllect in the ar wise man's teilin to advan- , SIU posed Murder. A hockingstragedy Occurred near the Village of Glencoe on ,Friday night last;the particulars of which are as yet involved In mystery. It appears that three ycung men from the neighborh000 of Aiis tosvn,Thos. Foley, Jol y and Abram Lawton, t Work on the Air Line near- Glencoe. and that af day's work on . _ . the village and one of the ho - the were ;Irink- land0 - havina / , possession that ther carelessly. ern the three n the track of their place of use ' SOTII9 CUB - L 1 nowever, went turning to the ed for the night. till° others until n the body of vered on the tfully muffl- e earl y West- .1- it. His poek- ide out and ail 80r gone; from hat he was niura or -persons and e track to throw rphy was no but as the two e friends is was they had quer- one had taken diligent search result of which ound lying in nce from his ul maiks on quite insen- g on around and prompt - re are hopes We learned somewhat re - leu to give any hi the cause of f his -.companion's e s able to remem- ber is that he was +ruck, but whe- ther by man. or bv the train he cannot Is' y. The body of Thomas Foley lAr s take • here by his father and brothers on unday last a.nd in- terred in the Cat o ic Cemetery 'the following day. He wail about 25 years of age, and generally was a man of sober an industrious habits. me Journal. in Murp ve been Rail way ter their Friday- they went to dpent the evening in tels. It id gain that ing someepiat freel some money in their they dislayed it r. On 'leaving the ta going do Western t boarding, a -farm h tance off. Lawton, only a shdrt way, r village where he sta Nothing ,was seen o next mdrhing, ' wh Thomas Foley was disc railway track in a f ig ated comililtion,one o t ern trains passed ov ets were turned in his mon, about which iit,4 inferred dered by, Some perso his -kidelytp aced on ti off suspi ion. M where to be found, had alwaYs been clo hard to believe that irelled -argil that th Ithe other's life. A Was insit,itedi the was that Miitphy w the wood, some d compani his head sible to were see the G rea U IVI THE L HURON EXP SIPt011.. UKBER! HE undetsigned have on hand at their Mills, half a mile North from the V llage of Ainleyville, 500,000 feet t)f 0«el DRY PINE LUMBER, of the fol - lo ing different kinds; viz .--nuth, inch and a fialf, and two inch, clear. A large 1i,(over (over 100,000,) ineh end a quarter, Pnc inelrand a half flooring, both dressed ,underdressed ; hal inch, siding, mon boards an. pla 'k, 12, 14 and 16 an co feet long. Board and r LATH, all of whicjh will be sold at retitled( prices. l'hey have. lately added- az frst class pi timina machine, to their otner machi- n ry, and Intend keeping dressedlumber of all kinds capstaittly an hand. The public may rely epon being able toprocure any of the above articles of Lumber at their Mills. so long as it is hdre adve•tised. Parties sending lurnb r to the mill can shortest notice s. 87.0. 114-tf • • ". st , with f ar ed body, n erything oi Ho was take ly cared for, and that he may recov yesterday that he. d covered. ut was ab ;nfOrmati n ton his wounds or death. All he.s h ve tt dressed on the at d lowest possible tei M. & Ainleyviile, Feb. 11 T Tnas 11 Plarliame Punni highest kind in Huse lo first day ant hita ME. g no tyle of hich. ni :eto in debate ere ma LAKE. ed to le hat th styled " rowing er.) even when when contained in animal food, (Laugh 4.) it is oh still, its being there pres- eekie. ent not changing its chemical con- is "ve stitution or identify as a true minerallaught r ) • subetance, 'It is worthy of -note' hce-e, that boiled meats lose mueh of their nutritive virttie if they ai e rust taken with the broth or liquor, probably because of the various salts o which are thes dissolved out, and ought ea accompany the albumen - us \ opart of the food. Thie is not to commend salted meat, wherein there is manifestly an excess in the wrong direction, and unfavourable to nutrition. Although the sea- board cattle do not seem to require salt( for their health, this is prob- ably owing to the presence of salt in the atmosphere,' diffused in the manner of ya-pOT or dust. Human beings who live within reach of the salt air may the less need to take for the same reason. It is often of try Pune. by any tneans the wit, but it is ttie mbers of our Local ulge. Du ring the the following brill i- e • We are now treat - A t tor n ey-General a policy." (Laught- AOONALD.—It .is qt," at any rate. IN 0, beer After lrecess Mr. S to the axe-grinlin Governrdent, an mter hacl no poli ice itt any cost Haat .1- S. - Mit. u're yc er XTON are e3lo cy ec Prim misrr RAT AND VERMIN DESTRCYER - IN THE WORLD. For sale by E. HICKSON & CO, Dru'g. 'sts: Seaforth, Ont 151 -e - CERTAIN PRESERVATION OF THE _ M. UNTER, W A J`IFWCLIEARK EseaAfoNt'hD Ont., sole Agent for the sale our Celeb •PECTACLES, tie Lenses of PERFECTED rated ,v1iich are ground. byus,. from material manufactured espe- cially for Optic purposes. It is pure, hard, .andbrillant, and, as near Achromatic as can be produced. The peculiar form _ and scientific aceuracy attain- ed by the aid of complicated S.nd. Costly machinery; war- rants us in asserting them to le 'THE MOST PERFECT iPECTACLES EVER MAN- tIFACTU4ED. They assist the sight mostbrilliantly, fer ease arit :comfort on the veareracause a contirmeus and abiding inprovement of the ey'es. and last a great any -years without requiring to .be hanged. • [So they are the CHEAPEST a well as the BEST. LAZARUS. MORRIS -& Co. 295 Notre Dame Street, (up stairs), Isslontreal. We employ no Pedlers. indeed, for it " (Roars' of: eXt011 referred poliea- of the ared the Pre - t to .remain in ----Sparc Spa e ou ! Why gh Low! (Laught- SAD ScCuRRE June last a young min ag d 22 years, named Michael Writt, f Ellis, county of Perth, left home to seek employment in the ;United Stittes ; and a few daydae whils ,Idanbeiing in Sagi- naw, a tree fell- On him and killed him. is le ailes were brdught 1 home mil Month y last for interment. 0 „I , z 01) ths. <, < 2 0 z z IT CC 03 }-< J141 CC > D X ILI W ,, 7 D 2 > - a. cy :1,11 '8<r W >. la. 0 o O i - i_1 ui. Fc it Z w .1. 1.1 > IA. I A) o ce - - 0-x ey o i'-- .0 I- e sei a Z u) cc -t-- 01+. I- D LI: 08. (I) ta ir V, 5 14 (.0 2 0 <1.- Ill W I ICI a CO cr a I- Cf) < ;.i • s 0 Z ci- 1 03 CO .' MODRUFF, BATLEY & CO., PROPRIETORS,. BROUGHAM, OMT. HOUSE AND LOT FOR S ersigned offers for -Sale a use and Lot, please tly sit- rth Main street, ne t lot to ell's, (Merchant tail n.) moi- re is a good stable a id shed lso a few young fru( trees, &c. For terms of • ayment premises to PHILLIP SPA MING. c. 1, 1870. 156-tf LE. rpHE un 1 good 1.1 uated on N Win. Camp dance. Th on the lot, a good well, apply on th Seaforth, D TRAYE Graha November 1 With a smal owner is r pay expense RR +111111111 Wmgha ES AY MARE. into thc premises R. A , Wingham, about the 10th st, an aged Browi Mare, white spot on ber ft ce. The quested to prove p1 operty, , and take the gam away. R. A. GR HAM. Dec. 7, 1870. 157 -3 - RAY SHEE CAME in o the premises of e sub- scriber Lot No. 32, Con. 2, 'Osborne, about the lat / ugust, One Ewe and two ewe lambs. The owner is requ sted. to prove prope y, pay charges, at d take them away THOMAS CORN4, Rodgervile P. 0. sborne, Dec. 7, 1870. F U 157-3-- -- -- —.--7— F RMI TO RENT.1 BBENG ot No. 16, in the 1 McKil op, 80 acres cleared ly free froni stumps, with dwelli and barns. For particulars app proprietor. S. G. McCA ,GHEY. Seaforth, Dec. 7, 1870. I5' -4-- h Con. nd near - g house y to the EASY EARNED MO AGENTS READ TH new large profit Box 66, Se ceive in re $1, useful buyer and Send for s ants to make mon business, small ea enclose 25 cents t forth P. 0. and -4 urn an article which b all, and profitab seller. Try it, don ecirnensat once. ,Seaforth Nov. 9, 1870. S. y, in a ital and A. B,. will re- sells for e to the ts ;delay. 1p3 -4 - THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY, JOB MOES' PEIODICAL PILLS. This well known medicine is io impo- sition, but a sure and safe remejly for Fe- male Difficulties and Obstructi ns, from any cause hatever, and althonrh a pow- erful reme y, they contain not ing hurt- ful to the enstitution. , To marred ladies it is peculiarly snit - ed. It wi 1, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These I' lls have never been known to fail where the directions on the 2nd page of pamphlet are well- observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet free of the agent. JOB MOSES NEW YORE, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.0Q a d 121 cents for po tage, en- closed to orthrop & Lyman, eweastle Ont., gen ral agents for the ominion, will insur a bottle containing over 50 pills byre urn mail. 157-8- act()14,-, _ MAIN1ST. S AFORTH. HE Snbscribers, thankful for _past favours• would it timate to the in-' habitants lot Seafort t and surrounding country, that they ha -e on band a Latqe I ._Assortn ent of I CA.R14 A. Gis BTJGGIES, • DEMOCRATS, Ac:, -&cc Afade apof ti4 Bet Matel rial,andin the Late/ Styles. In order t.o --make i• OM for WINTER WOE K, t ey will eel OHE P FOR CASH. In ending purchasers well to give them a call before, elaewhere Promptly. a Reineinbbr th door South dry, M tended t Stan f the in St. TAVERN FOR SALE. SELECT S.CHOOL. YOUNG LADIES' Select School will be opened by MRS. E. 3, MILLER, on Oct. 24th, in Mr, Kidd's Block, over the store. A liberal patro nage by the people of Seaforth, is solicit- ed, For terms, see Mrsa Miller, at DR. VEDIOE' S. Seaforth, et, 20, 1870. 150-tf. LEAVING HURON. LOT 3, IN THE 3rd CONCESSION, , Better known as the -WILLIAM THOMPSON FARM Is offered for sale, it is admitted by all who know this Lot, that for ereps and stock it has no superior in the county. Address, B0X175, Seaforth. .Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. 152 - MH E SUBSCRIBER offers for sale the I Tavern known as the New Dominion Hotel, in the village of Bluevale. This Hotel, having been lately refitted, -.snow capable, for the accommodatien of the travelling public, having goodt stabling, with large driving shed. 36 x 201feet ; also a large Ball -room over the sheicl. There is an excellent well close to the l shed with pump in good order. The land attatch- ed to said. Hotel consists of 1,an acre of excellent and, well adapted for garden- ing purp•ses, with a variety of choice young tru t tress. This Hotel is situat- ed a few rods north of the ,Wingham road in th village, this •being the leading road from Wroxeter to Wingh m Luck - now, Kin ardine, &c. This otel will be sold c s eap for cash, or, if t epurchas- er cannot pay all, a bolame cn remain on bond, and mortgage for lone year. The pure asercan buy the tavern fittings, stoves, c airs, bedsteads &c. For par- ticulars a ply on tho premises to WILLIAM 'OSS. Pro rietor. - Blueva e, Nov..,_ 23, 1870. 155-tf.- - S AFOR Pl- lung • Sa 11, Door, BLI "D FACT THE S tbscriberg beg leave their numerous custome liberal pa ronage extended tos commencng business In Sea trust th t they will be fav continua cc' of the same. Parties intending to build well to f, ve them a call, as continue to keep on hand a 1 of all ki ds of DRY INE LUMBER, DOOR BLINDS, MOU SH NCLES, LATH, They feel confident of giving to tho' e who may favour t the'r patronage, as non rst class workmen employed. JR" Parti eilar attention paid woeld do Planing urchasing BROADFOOT GI- Tirst VIOL IleINTOSJI & MOM.RISO.N. C EX. Seaforth Sept. 1, 1870. FARM F R SAL OT 12, Con 9, ownship of Grey, at:j containing 100 a res of land, 55 acres fat 11(-1, . to thank .8 for the hem since orth, and redwith BUSINESS EDUCATION. r -T Canada Business College, HAMILTON, ONT. (Late Royal Dominion College.) PRIZE PENMANSHIP. THis COLLEGE' OBTAINED TWO PRIZES for Penmanship at the last Provincial Exhibition at Toronto. The Canada 'Business College is the oldest, most largely patronized of any College in Canada, it is also the only Businets College conducted by an experienced Ac- countant. fThe Business course embraces BOOK-KEEPING, including the great actual business system by double and single entry. Arithmetic, Penmanship, Business Correspondence. Commercial Law, Spelling, Readmg, &c. TELEGRAPHY & PHONOGRAPHY, TAUGHT BY EXPERIENCED MASTERS. Or Board. can be obtained in private Families at very reasonably figures. For particulars send for College Circular, also specimens of Penmanship to E. GEO. CONKLIN, Manager. Hamilton, Nov. 15, 1870. 154 -7 - would do they will rge Stock ASHES, DINGS, C., atisfaction em with but re J. SEATTE ANGE B And dealcr in Pur DRUGS HEMICALS ANDO PERFUMERY. AND TOILETA for Sewing Machin n easy terms. re Wines and Liqu FANC cleared, with good buildings and orchard. Agent The farm will be soll enemy terms. to lead Apply to • • ear P M. McDERMID. einalpu Ifarpurhey. 149. Seafo Oct. 12th. 1870. oses. J. 8 EA h, Nov. 3, 1870. TICLES s. Money :0: McIntyre & Willis, MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS E SHOES mfra.., =0_ A LL kinds of work manufactured from 1-1, the best material, and on reasonable terms. A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Shop one door south of JOHN LO- GAN'S STORE, and nearly obposite THOS. KIDD'S, Main St. Seaforth. Seaforth; Oct. 13, 1870. 149. SIGN OF THE Circular Saw DANIEL NI/GREGOR BOOKBINDER HULLETT, LJAS just received a iarge Stock of the 11 'materials used in the businesb, ami. - is now fully prepared to execute on the shorte4t notice and. in the latest styles, all orders he may be favoured with. Registers, Ledgers, AND OIKS OF, ANY RIND, Ruled, Printed and Made To order, on the shortest notieera and at prices whieh defy tomi}etition. LADIES' -WORK BOXES AND FANCY CASES, Made to order. OLD AND N EW BOOKS .1301:ND AND REPAIRED At city prices. Persons residing at a distance by leaving their books at the Signal Book Store, Goderich, or at the EXPOSITOR office, Seaforth, or at J. R. Grant's, Ain- leyville, stating style, may rely upon them being well bound. All communications addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt atten- tion. GRAIN SCOOPS SPADES & SHOVELS, LIGHTNING APPLE PARERS WINDOW GLIASS, BEST BRANDS. Oshawa Steel Mould board Plows ONLY $13. ABDELL'S PATENT GEAR HORSEPOWER C.AftiTIN(*;, Always on/hand. DANIEL McGREGOR, Coustanee, P.- 0. Hullett. 153-tf.- Seaforth, Nov. 9, 1870. ee-eadvantages a W. WATSON, FIRE, MARINE, AND LIFE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. FOR The Provincial Insurance CoMpany of Can -ad- (Canadian). . The Liverpool, London and Globe Insu- rance -Company, (English). The Nie.gara District Mutual Insurance Company. The Gore District Mu- tual Ingura.nee c3o., and The Star Life Assurance Society of Eng- land, which divides nine tenths of the profits every five years aniongst Policy Holders. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly id specially i nvited to eon- :ifittFarmers tvarnetages offered in perfect se- curity and in the extreme lowness of rates for insurance on all descriptions of Farm Property. MONEY TO LEND. At moderate rates of Interest; and to be re -paid -by Instalinents, which is themost suitable and safest niethod for Farmers and others to pay Off a mortgage. No Conamission Charges, and expenses small. MORTGAGES BOUGHT 01( EQLITABLE TERMS, 0 SEWING IVIACHINES. The best Sewing Machines._ for Fami- ly Use, as well ea for Manufaeturing pur- poses, are keptodways on hand. Both Single Threaded. and Doubla Threaded, or Lock StitahMaehines can be supplied. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and in- structions given to purchasers gratis.. REMEMBER Wu. N. WATSON'S Insurance Agency Office, and Sewing Machine Depot, north Main Street. SEAFORTH, March 31, 1870. 121 - MACHINE OILS CHEAP AND GOOD. Paints and Oils of all kind.s., WEAVERS 'MATERIALS, WATERLIME, ANI) CALCINE PLASTER. Shelf Hardware of any description. Remember the spoit. Sign of the Circular. Saw. Seaforth, Ont. P.S.- Improved Champion. Cross- cut Sawswith patenii handles, war- ranted to cut twice as much in the same time as the common saw. Be sure to see them. a Jack Screws to hire. ROBERTSON St CO. Seatoreh lept.„ 13, 1870. 112 -- 0 0 NEW IOOKS. REIGN OF LAW, byDuke ef Argyle. HUXLEY'S LAY SERMONS. THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE, (Brewer) CRITICAL NEW TESTAMENT. EADIES' BIBLICAL CYCLOPEDIA EADIES' BIBLICAL CONCORDANCE, •JOSEPHUS' WORKS. EXETER HALL LECTURES. _ MOTLEY'S DUTCH REPUBLIC, GIBBONS' RISE & FALL, ROMAN EMPIRE, MA.CAULEY'S HISTORY OE EN -GLAND. MARKHAM'S HISTORY OF " ENGLAND COTT+GE LIBRARY, choice and cheap. FAMIILY READING, SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES, HYMN BOOKS, ETC. -ALSO- DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDO E RS, • CASH BOOKS.. WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES Commercial and fancy; at • R LUMSDEN'S Drug and Book Store. Seaforth, Nov. 3, 1870. QUEEN Iusurance Company OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL = $2,000,000 Sterling CHIEY OFFICES -Queen Buildings, Liver- pool, And Gracechnrch Street, London. CD ANAA BRANCH OFFICE -7 --Exchange Buildings, Montreal. Boaan--,Win. Morton, Esq. Chairman: Ilen.ry Thomaa, Esq., Davi:1 Torrance. Esq., andthe James Ferrier. BANK ERS-Molson's Bank. LEGAL ADVISERS- Messilt. Ritchie. Morris &. Rose. • MEDICAL ADVISER---Willialn Sutherland. Esq. M. D. Suavsnon--Thomas S. Scott, Esq. Attorron-Thomas R. Johnson, EStj. RESIDENT SECRETARY AND GENERAs AGENT, -A. Mackenzie Forbes, 13 St. Saerement Street, Montreal The undersigned having been appoint- ed .Agent for the above Company, partieF desiring to insure against loss by lire can do so en the most favourable terms. Life Policies granted on as advantage. ons terms as any other respectable COM -- pany doing business in Canada. JAMES L1 I3ENSON. Agentl OFFICE --BENSON &.' MEYER'S LawOffice, Seaforth. Seaforth, Nov. 8. 1870. 63-tf.