HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1870-12-23, Page 5RER 23 1870. . --y- e intention 0attack- 1 aere is a str€. g foie° etermined to defend A despatch from Bur- t Gen. Chansey has einferced, and with leneials commanding f the A.rmy of the tied a (Yen eral ad van ce b. b. jams, who are retreat- iandant of Teurs,who and abandoned that he -enemy appeared, ced. A court of en- stigate the cause of of Strasbourg and merely a formal pro- m the brave -Ulrich is t respecting Bazaine uIt will be seriou& an, however, from his , complacently watch i of the court, :Ind re - et with indifference., trEsDAT. trk hag clearly never Woodman, Spare e IkUR ordered the the fine forests at Ver- n- places around Paris. May be regretted, the will, it is said, be be - fording fuel for the of the French. The e abandoned Anaiens, v.ever, to return at an ;.sides this movement itration of the Pills - [ley of the Loire, there any military events of ice. •,.D.N.EspitY. n advantage gained at • the principal theatre cl will Dot have any Et upon the results of The general impres- am perusal of the war hat the Germans are ' the war, and the spir- late reistance of the was not apparently Le Prussians are said before the Lore army ; around Paris are re- ,ertain apprehensiins culd again assume the \ -*es. iuron and Bruce AT GODERTGR. i from, the Sigitol:.) Ice with a requisition, A , Reeve of Goderich, Meeting of the Rate- iday evenina, the 16th r4ts, attended %yrseve I al he principal business wn. F. said the object of the- e, elicit the views of the t to whether any xad be held cart to the Ethe London Railwair, lead them to make terminus of the line, addressed the voro Goderich as a 4,30N-1RD—it had been t phkets were to gtv:,,i; the Railway,: and ;I'd do the same. He EROS, M. Pe—Let us [don peapie our syinpa- e them here. In cora-- the line would pass garden of Canada,' the honor to represent. • e too mut& rail way n As to the question :as a prop,xty-holder, be taxed for the Rail - Neal & it would increase rupe rty 20 per cent. -said: We might for t.te out of pocket if we 0;,00.0;$5but the puIation, the enhance- erty,_ and the impetus ious industries. would 4 t t€foithin. • n rid waS infOr Med Van a nrely bonus - he was told, would he was pleased to en propose that the Iit- Goderich should give rAot: moved, that God- . the beet present ter - Loudon and Lake _ aS London could here ILIt salt, fish, tan -bark etc., ete., in any gnarl- 0-seettre all the trade northwards without Ie of road beyond, this ATES seconded the mo - 3 unanimously canied. rataved and Mr.. Geo, conded, that this meet - self to oive$50' 000.as :* Landon and Lake ay, should its promoters .1 the terminus at God- . -was carried, ordythree 'idup against it. - Eueron,Sinclair, Savage, :Horton, Gibbous and 1.) -pointed a Committee 'te with, the promoters report in two weeks.. L 4 ,Jsza 23, 1870. Evq1 " TFL HURON EXPOSITOR. -NEW ADVEN'TISEMENTS. 11111111111011111111.1MMIMIIIIMIIIIMMINIIIMI. Tenders for Bankrupt Stock—W. A. Findlay, Assignee. ' Farm for Sals—Wm. Button. Municipal Notice—T. P. Bull The Songs o' Auld Scotland-eConeert. For Sale or to- Rent—John Young. Reward—W. C. Gouinlock. . r Overcoat Lost—George Sproat. In Chancery -4. A. Boyd, Master. . Card—Dr. Cainpbell, Coroner, &c: Notice to Debtors—Wm. F. Luxton. NOTICE Ti) SUBSCRIBERS. pERSONS WHOSE Subscription's' to the ExPOSIToR are overpaid (will be supplied by MR. MCLEAN, who is &leo empowered to collect all unpaid subscrip- tions. In this particular we would urea upon those in erre- ars the necessity of settling, with all possible dispatch. WM. F. LUXTON. Seaforth, Dec. 9, 1870, 1111101111111121111•MRIEW turn txpoitor. DIsTflIcT1ATTERs1 • Fieh at cost, at W. A. Shearson 'ft 158-tf s . - An interesting letter from Mitchell has jest been received as we go to press. We are reluctantly c6mpelled to leave it over till next week.. The. people of St. Mary's are very much annoyed by burglars Several shops and private hounrs have recently been. enter- ed aml ransacked. At .the next meeting of the Seaforth Literary and Scientific Soeiety,t Mr. Hayes will read a piper upoa the tub- jectof " Heat." • Fresh Teas awl Coffees at cost at W. A Shearson & Ca.'s. The St. Mary' t Vidette says that Tockersmith has an infant which weighed 29 ponnds at birth." Good for Tuckersmith. The Party othamicked up a sraall mink far, between Seaforth and tfa.rpurhey, on Sunday last, would do welt to leave it at this. otlice at once. • . Fifty barrels of hand-picked Spitzen- burg Apples, at W. A. Shearson & 1584f JAMES McCaughey, Esq., bother of S. tie McCaughey, Esq., Reeve of this .r,,,. village, has been retelected by acclaraa- - 1 tion, Mayor fertile town of Ingersol. i ODD FELLOWS' ANNWERSARY..—The anniversary celebration of Fidelity Lodge eame off on Wednesday evening last, and was a grand, success.. Report next -week. • „. Go to Shearson & Co.'s for new fruits. 158-ff T. K. Anderson, has just returned from the city with. a large assortment of- the lateet styles in Collar, Ties, and furnish- ing, of every description, which he will sell at prices that defy competition. Save your money lty buyiug your Christroas Groceries at W. A. Shearson & Co.'s. 158-tf . • , Mr. Angus Fairbairn gave one .of his popular ettertainments in Knox's Hall here On Tueeday evening teat. Mr. Fairbairn hail a. bumper heuse and hie entertainment was of its usual:- excellent character. • ''FIutoer Exrosnot."—Mie McLean has assumed the control of this very popie- tar and tergely circulated newspaper, and we knoW enough of • him to feel assured that he Will. conducted it with euergy, moderation, atel. ---Betscon. WE Jam that • our talented young friend, Ma Geo. Cline is at: preterit at- tending the Boston. 'Musical Academy. No doubt, the superioituition of this in- etitution relater Mr. Cline • still moreproficient in the musical, aat, of which he is such a worthy devotee. , • Remember the clearing ,sale off,Grocer- ies, Wines, Liquors, &c., at Shearson tr: Co.'s. " 158-tt at The Directors of the Listowel Salt Company have purchased from Mr. Dra- per, a two -acre lot situated neer the creek, opposite Towner & Campbell's tan- nery. The centract for sinking the Well has been let; and operations are to be commenced immediatelte It is understood, that the death sen- tence against tfercer,the Dearemurclerer, at present confined in Goderich jail: whose execution was to take place on the 29th inst., has been commuted to imprie- • Guinea for life in the Penitentiary. The plea for this extension of meany is sett- .TIIE RAILWAY .40YEMENT IN KIPPEN. —An interesting and. largely attended meeting was held at Kippert, 'Monday even rig, for the consideration of the pro - nosed Loedon, Huron and Bruce Railway. -A. resolution was passed pledging the new . roail everyu its termin At the held at Stratford last week, insteaa of a criminal calendar, -Judge Limes was pre- sented. by Sheriff Moderwellawith a pair. of white. kid gloves. °His Honor was :,4intilarly honored at the June Sessions of the Peace, and also at the DecembertSes- trions of '69: amble assistance, provid ed should be Settitaampten. , :e • ecernhet Sessionttof thePeace, The anniyersary services in connection with the Athodist Episcopal Church,- of this villa! --re, will be held on the 1st -and 2nd of January. Sabbath services will be be heldat 11 and half -past six o'clock., when the Rev. Mr. Gardiner, Editor of the Canada Chri,s.tian ' Advocate, will I preach. ' On the Monday evening follow- ing a tea meeting will be held m the (i. Ton Hall, when severat. xcellent speak- ers will be present. at -I We regret to leatn that 'our esteemed towasman, Mr. Mathew Robertson, met with a very severe accident on the even- ino. of Friday last. It appears- that Mr. Roclertson was engagedin splitting ,a stick of wood, and while in the act of bringing down the axe, his foot slipped, and a the axe, missing the stick, struck. him ou the foot, inflicting a severe and painful wound. Medical aid -was imm.e- diately summoned, anda-we are pleased to learn that Mr. Robertson is now doing as well as could be. expected. We hope to see him round. as usual before long. .• RA/LwAY lie meeting here „propos smiting, the Huron and Grey and B meeting was was address C. PeSmith M. Anderso port of jach next iss e. The 4iect Perth 4e se priety of hol order, it posi of the Hon Trow, belo think that h We, in Hur our brether li sEntNo.I:—.ANd3 • as 'held it ions of • terests o ince, and th ce !Railways. eId1 at Aiele by IMeesres J. .Wilttent4,1 land H.' Lorii. eeting will fa 1. erday a rib- ingham to trona, repre- e London, Wellington, To -day a ville, which W. Hymen, . Atkinson, A full re - pear in our , of t1je on ously ' c nmde g a m m b e, to as' ett • their I local a pro Be is pl o t ete , are IflOLA 'I in P rth. presentative is ea rely' the fence, air 1 the tthei- bnt is now nrary ethr again. , To CoRR ceipt of a co in reply to but althoug willwear barrel Vinery' livered: befo A ssociation will appear Mr.' *Ric den ori the issue. We respondents, market fee ventilated: Omelnon N lishinent, th doing an in the wholes in The trills a ley, and the ued at efte looms, a 240 maehinemn, arid l. con(1,1 all tliat is The (1l)th ti and the new last-year.— I h riding of lig the pro inquest in to which side ember, Mr. n seerhs to d le the fence. o tunate than e of our re - one side of has been over -f urtlis back le 11 11 eeort unication fr Ir. Me Micha tiee i c o xt werk. ill report o the Literaty• Seatforth, ournext. f • a1 have eao-h. ark t Fee tine. ver like to at we eertat estiln. has 1 4 IDOL EN MILL tnostersten t easing focal. e.•den1ands ffr their- protl owned by i meliinery aiicl i$10,000. piudle jac tat and a ser, wool ( k ted u is t yi. censer* for anhlileS are e w Era : Ina' 'tecT ir• I i 1 ialeti,!;70riintl n folle ing i 721. e a-m(1u te r I .• . . e - The The Toll -leased by an day, last. I leases, and 11 tl is leased s f No. 1. A. Naismith, 2, And ollnei II lland • . 3. Mari .1-Teril ' '4. Jam d Jelinseon, 5. .Tohn Vheatley, 6. D. C Viiiteford, 7. Tho s INicholso 8. Rob t Ifinf'x, .- 9. Mar al et „Coulter 10. Ilan Heacke, - • 11, Jame ' johre ton, 12. HenrDin eonre, J3. W. 'Clarla, ' - ' 14. De C Whiteford, s 15. Jam Knox, - 16. Jam Sharp,I 17. Mrs. :Douglas, 18. •Wm. Sherritt. 19. Sam ns al e are in re- " A liqu is," s -last letter, ed ' out. It have also on e addiess "dm nd Scientific week, which r. Cash and communica, dem in this ut ofP" eer- y think the thoroughly This estab- in Ilurot, is usiness, and ni Hamilton ts is active, - star & Mor - ilea is val- re aee four hree carding nd breaker, er, &c., and nie set_ shop. y first-clast, n superior to a - e • Increase o Crop l'Skitner ,„ ates. ountY were on Wedirea- liat of the which each- $ 580 00 500 00 30B 00 401 00 640 00 1060 00 831 00 600 00 305 00 387 00 320 00- 567 00 1551 00 t1131 00 909 00 701 00. 332 00 181 00 100 On Total, 1 $11,402 00 er last. s CO3 00. P. ADAmsoN, s C' unty Clerk. Yiel.s in ale Waiac -. winter has eg• ers haring' edtheir re t else attic' cen itletegard to r)•t'r !.erpatwith this year's yield is the has been. ; the aver It at to e. ),cls may ha efer less tin Agates. Now that and the far grain and se estimate ma returns of t spring whe imellest tha 'past :six yea down at fro acre, some fi but some we est of these man who sowled eeven over three,. rs will ha with, ; • to have- a rson, thou le•of their,° most their 1; both ill be reale f this c -ret.) here is 'a rid niost.of and to sp , there has i'ovirn8hip of in appeared, rethed their creps; some egard to the . cleaned littl tamest far 'any, to pa Imes see ott every hat by the tle and por manage to p was very.. go tity, hut it greater part ed. Of hay, this section, hare enougl oats, and pci return. .• Po those which to a 4onside are, as yet, tips, but fe yielded well, large am ou n flax pulling majority of declare tha they will so lized for the May be set bushels per ie1ed more, venthe low - know of one d els anwho many of our my little, if ed, " Hard test -with al- is Probable ur -. stock of cat - of farmers will Fell •- wheat uttity and qual- blred that the will e amount in our farmers will re. Of barley been an average toes efield al largely, lerit trealug rlt have rotted ble exte-nt • thosedug late mparatieel safe. Of tur- werecultivated, but they Of flee, ti ere was quite a raised.* rest season, but s Very 'un r (molar with the mealy of whom not pay," and f it. —Banner. -Mpaart a 'Col7re pondence. The •follee ttene and inter .esting- letter as handed. us by it friend, two weeks a o, for publi ,atton ; but, by some means r other eta. mielaid. We shall he gla to hear fro ur 'corre$ pon- dent frequer iy on affa, r in Manitoba: The followin is•the lett r en- tratno, No 13th, 1870. '- ir farmers, it " does no. more Education count, and t ignorant. ' ehikii h d ep priest with tions have they are beg the newspap are almoht s you- -a copy Sews Letter. al thing spic conducted ernme.nt an( sheet of gre lows the f brithern in style is. in% may judge Shultz just don in Wien ing his poli tario. Dr. terests oi th Prairie divi the eame t The other p be divided i are to be ie 'that Bishop the Govern f• iere at pres nt is at a dis- e people an .rui a rule very hey seem 0 place almcst ulence on he' priests; the hem is all i all.—The elec- not come off yet, but iina to go !pretty warm in rs. `'Drs. S ultz and Lynch e of electi e —I will send f. the peo le's paper, the It is Ma. , but as a gener- . The 'Ma tit bian, a paper der the lets 'e s of the Gov- Hudsoft Bay ompeny, is• a er pretensions but just fol- tsteps of 'ts Government Ontario al.d nebec. Its dive and er onal, se you at kind of a sleet it is. Dr. ow occupie sante posi- oba that Ge.re Brown, dun; cal career, (re upied in On- ynch is is n (g in.the in - people in the Portage La ion. Shul z s running on ket in ' th o her division. rtions of t • e rovince are to to two mo e ivissions, and resented b renchmen, so ache will h ve a voice in ent in spi of all we can do, W. S. _UNTY 1101111 ATIONS. Sipe at Telegrams to the •uron Expositor T e .following is a co art list of the inations held in the aigerent muniei- 1 pali ies throughout this Vounty • S A.F0 RUT. — Reeve -- S. G Ca ghey, John Beattie. • uncillors. —.Tames Beattie Br() dfoot, F.- Segmiller, Stroi Go inlook, -W. Gressie, Thos. St . I .ffTON. *---Beeve. —W. W. Es i .-, 4 Whitehead. . (.. ouncillors . —I), B. S rathy, E An trews, T. Statibury, . S. Fis WI iteheael, H. C. Searl , James J ii es Smith, Wra. Sma t„ John ODERICH, TOWN. W. T. Es ., Ade ted by acclam tion as R. -ibbos• as Reeve. Horto pu Ree e. 3 . ouncil ors.—St.Daviel s Ward--- Cli ord, Gordon, Elliott, Arc Ru eimans. St. Andrew's Ward so , Wateon, Detlor, Smith, G. I so s. St Patrick'e Ward—Pas Ga • inen eDoyle, Savage, Mc Ar hibald, Dancey, 1 ,UCK _ER SMITH.—A11 the old oil rave been returned by acclama ion. - Mc - John g, Dr. phens. aaren, q., S. une. J. iller, slie. Hays, ayor. , De- 'rabb, ibald, Davi- . Par - More, Coun- AY.—Peeve.--Roberit Brown, lected by acclamation. • Deputy Reeve. ,---Win. Carrick, lected by acclamation., - iouncillors„—All the . old Cou cillors I ' emeectedeby acclamation. • TEPHEN.--Recre. --Thomas reen - way, re-elected by -acclamation. eputt Reeve. —M. Yearly, elec ed by ac lamation. teicKILLOP.—Reeve.-nW ...T . a annon, A. GoVenlock. ' eputy Re,eve.-11. : Govenlo k, i. H yes,1-1. MObery. ItT J. Hrouoturraintt,or, Isl.-. pTa.tMteursrornity; .TW.!vIa oeune; . Ci thill. • S BORNE. -All the old .Cou cillo s re-elected by acclamatioe.. EAST WAWANOSH. — Reev Seittt, Esq„ reieleetecr by acclam. ion. Coencillors.---Henry Deacon, Geo ge ke- Itdy; Datid Robertson, &hoard fund, Dimean McShannock, Thos. Tayl r, Jas. 'Potter, Wm. .M.cDowe11.1 - STANLENT.—Reeve.-..--Thos Sipson, eleeted by acclamation. D?puty Reeue.—George Cattle, lected by enttemation. ; • Obuncillors,—Dr. Woods, David Youii, - Thomas Keyes, Wm. McClymoe , Mal- colm •Campbell, William Turner, . W.f Cohnor, 11, lph Stephenson. ' OD E.R TM Ns' E1IP.-1eeve.-- Mii. Sheph rdt elected by acclamation. eputy Reeve.—M. Patton, eleeted by ac lamation. - touncillorse—Geo. Weston, Geo. Me - Ke , John Cox, jun., jemes Mc ntosh-, Dal 'id Cook. - I • , ULLET't.-:-Reeve.—T. Ma ichael, Th s. Moore. - eputy Reeve.—Humphrey Sn 11, re- ,ele ted by acclamation. . louncillors.—JOhn Warwick, 1. Ste - ph nson, Alex. Monteith; Geo. W tt, W. W mei, Henry Allen. OLBORNE.—Reeve,Wm. oun Buchanan ouncillors. —joint . rancis re lected by ecclamation. - St lker, John Morris, Peter Rol erts7, E ?aril Strachan, Henry Spence. SHE] Reeve. --G. Arn Untie A.1 t. Fraser. eputy Reeve.—MauriOe Dalto John Ja rieSon, 'Andrew Ornery. owacillors.—john Mathieson, atria Cl re, I), McIntyre, John P. Andkew, J. Cr wford, Wm. Lane, Thos. Hari -is e R.NBEll RY. -e-Reeve. —J obi Mus- ser; Nt ni. Thompson. • eputy Reeve. —C. Tait ScotteN Tinian) Co nyn, Thos.. G. Jackson, Geo. Green. - iottneittorse-LJames HOgg, D. • augh, W n. H. 'Leech, John .Gerninill Alex. Ens. ORRIS.--Reeac. - -Thos. Kell , elect- ed by acclamation. eputy Reeve. -e -Dr. Holmes, ele ted by ac lamation. _ attn.: I o NN John- st(' , John Proctor, all 1e -elected by ac cla, eaten. . OWICK.—Mr. James Perkins elect- ed eeve by acclamation. • . eputy Reeve.—Alex„ L. Gibso 1, John K. me, Wm. Wade. otencillors.1—David. Wier, Tho. Wil - o:, Mr.- Magpire'WWm. iggins, Bolit. Oef guson, James Hazelsvoed, 3. Jacques, Th mas Bodcly, jos. W lildridge, James tnason, James Carson GREY.—Reeve,o-John Leckie "Thos. St acham. • •eputy Reeve. —Arch. McDonald, John V% afield. :'ouncillO) N -illiamson, Sarn- ue Slemon, John Strac an, trohn IIIislop, Ja es 8. Va 'storm, L. Haywarm J. R. XI Donald. WROXE IER. 'ATTU: f ir was. eld 4t M:. Day's Hotel, on Mor, 1 y t e 19tn De m. for the sale of Cattle.: &e. Aceo Eli r to all accounts it was •leeidelly t e be cattle fair held. i Wr xete e being a targe number of bn ers 0 ha d; and a great many Ise' est effe 'tea. - • • ERATES.—The Wrqxeter Liter ry A so ation has -lately been re -or a,nizel an is now in full operation. The su jee "Commerce or Agriculture Whio is • e ginatetti benefit to mankind ?" was dis assed by the Society on T esda eY ring, 13th inst., Mr. S. Hoss. ck i th Chair, Mi George Gibson leader oh - dr side of A riCulture, taid Mr. N. Alt le on Comm' rce. The debate was la li ly one, thesubject being ably contest- ed. y both sic es, butthebalarice, accord - in to the Oh airman'' decision, was fa •r of merce. Another debate co es.offto-n alit (Den 20, ) on the sub - r• jec "War o Intemper nce—Which is th greatest evil to man hid?" Mr. W. La vrimis Captainon th side of Intern - pe nee, and Mr. A. S. Gibson Dn, the sit of Wan 11 1 USINESs. Business to -day aa cl yes- te ay hasbe n livelier than we erneni- bel to have sen it this winter. Large ntities of ork and Igrain a.r being b ughtin, aIicl our merphants ar in ec- stlibies. e I AILROAD.-1--One of Our villagers re- ed i letter to -day frem Adam Brown . of the ., G. & . R. R. givi▪ ng people of this vicini1ty good reasons xpect a biJanch of thatrailroad inthis etion. The people f this village are very crediflous in- T ilroad -matter, as y have lea ed somc4 useful leesons in t direction, ,but the indications of a way appear at present more hopeful n at any f rmer period. , ELletA.. OMSK FAcToRY.—On, Saturd y, the 10th inst. a meeting Was held at t e resi- dence of kr. Robert Turnbull, 4t1 con, to discuss the prospects of obtaini g suf- ficient support for a cheese factory Mr. Turnbull made a general statemen of the conditions upon which he would under- take to erect and conduct a factor . Mr. Turnbull's proposition met the al • roval of those present; and the probab ity is that that gentleman will have a actory ready,. for operation next season. The milk of 50 cows is already guar nteed, annedthesi the rlwill doubtless -a eedily ireas H1BBERT. PORK CURING.—The Beacon says: '"1. The Cromarty pork Cluing es ablish- merit is again in operation. M . John Whyte, the proprietor, is too ind strious a man to remain. inactive during t e win- . . . ter mmiths'• and, daittritg, w 'eh he has beet busily engaged during t e sum- mer and autumn, being out of sea on he recommences pork curing and acking. The business has not yet attain d very great dimerisions, but conductby a man of Mr. Whyte's energy and jush, it - isi likely to become an important branch of industry. ST.talif.TLEY. _ A meeting of the ratepayers of this township was held at Varna,. on londay evening last, to take into consi eration the propriety of granting a bonus to the proposed Lendon. Huron and Bruce Railway: The attendance wa quite large, and the enthusiasm manife ted by those present in favour of the r ad was such as to gratify the most arden advo- cate of the s theme. Addresses sere de- livered by Drs. Munroe and W od, and Mr... Secord. Resolutions were p ssed fa- vorable to granting a bonus of 40,000, aud the harbor at Hayfield, on c ndition that the road would run to that 'lace A committee consisting of the Rec. 'e (Mr. Simpson), Dr.. Wood, and D. 111. itchie, Esq., was appointed to confer ith the London Board of Trade and oth r corn- mittes from the different munic palities intersted o the subject. - ‘ MORRIS. At the no M orris Mun geettemen lt Esq Re B eev1e1' and WttJt Sohn Breadfook gentlemen d atm 'other ti ed b:y accla that all the elected with ' Ston, who Holmes. T men by accl estimation Ilingston's gretted. D but is popul ing a useful and County ination for the to cipal Electfontthe f ere *initiated :—Th ve. Dr. ditilmes, Es essrP. CePrector, P on, W. G. Iiietston, ouncillora The- tw tlined the nominati e were therefore dul atiori. It will be p Id members have b the exception of M as been replaced e election of these mation is evidence whiclAhey are lel( etirement is gener. . Holmes is an untie r, and gives promise member of both t Councils. DESTRUCT Dec., Mr. J cession Usb out-baildin built last y but this sun consumed, fire occurre farm _ imple stock Were estimated a covers $1,4 fire is tamer a PUBLIC D debate- bet Lumley -Chi tion No. re, The subjec beauties of ed than the ley Club thi There were pe present, Lertained by the speeches on eith There were to nave been four s on each sid , Mr. Fowlie, on th ley side, di( not, however, put i pearanem a d his side seemed ve dieappointe , but Mr. Mow bray place, Maki g two speeches, and think the 1 umley debaters were the losers b Elder was t debaters, a on the othe the Lumle-v .and though good use of to meet the ture'c beau give.n in fav USBORNE.. VEFIRE.—On.Satur hn Copeland on 13 rne, lost his barn an i by fire. The be r, and. the stable inished. men His whole er p was nd several pip ; but as the about 8 o'clock, a. j., his ents and therest of his aved. However,' th loss is •ahout. $2,200. In urance 0 of this. The origia of the am. 'RATE. --There was ecu the Rodgervil s, at the school -hem n Friday oveningt 16 • -Was " Resolved t ature are more to he beauties of art." T time having theaffir uite a large nqmber who seemed. very tin ship of Hewing s. K(1 ., Dept. Kelly, and R latter n, and elect- rceivecl. ,en re- Ring - y Dr. gentle - of the . r. Ily re- g man, f mak- wnahip ay 10 th h con - 1 other n was 11 nother e and e, See - at the admir- e Lum- ative. of peo- ch en- side.i eakera Lura -k an am much ook his 're don't at all Mr. Fewlie's abseil e. Mr. e leader of the Itudeerville &Mt. Moir again the leader side. The Chairman said debaters had the best side, their opponents niatte a very sophistry it was not enough arguments in favor of Na- ies. So the decision was, r of the affirmative. CORR 4 SPONDENCE. ( Ire wish, that we do 71 responsible our Corms), it to be distinctly understood t hold ourseliws ii a ly way or t1te. opinions expressed ,by ndents. ) To the Edito • ofthe Huron Expositor. SIR,—In outlast issue 1 observed a letter trim t at very splenetic individual, Thos. McMi -heel, in. which he n t only misrepresen s my language, but t •aduces my' characte as a merchant. M irepu- tation has a -.lays been dear to 11e, and although T ave no objection to it r. Michael m 1 Mg any remarks 1 e may choose upon my sayings and (loins at a public me( ti i gnif he only tellt. thl truth, which I m st confess is rather ( ifficult for him to d.. At the Meeting tc which he draws a tendon, I put on TO airs, neither did I say a single word gainst either a far net or graindealer. •1. gave my own ex]. erience ;and- opinion on the matter. 11 ving • been buying roduce from the fa sneers fot the last se en teen y -ears, and s ent on average tw-ent thou- sand dollars a year, I have as good a right to my opini n as be has to his. voted against the olls, and had no obje tion to take off the ees if practicable, or modify them to mu the minds of the publ ic. Mr. Me1 cheat, selfish man, v ted to keep the tol on his neighbors, be ause he did not nee to travel on the grave roads, and had he .ccasion: to do so, he would go round, a i d to the neck in mud before he would p y ten cents of a toll. If he sets hirasel forwarcl as representative man, he 'm st become mom liberal and truthful th n he has hitherto been. In all my carer as a gain merchant I have never form d. a ring or combination with any man t wrong the farmer et keep down price, I never bought a bushel of grain at th station as he says, but it was i who bought at the crater, where he s says he always got gentlemanly treat- ment. Mr. Editor, I am quite willing to leave my reputation in the hands of the public who will do me justice, as they know whether I acted small or mean to - wads them. Now to the creature's own appearance on the platform. Mr. McMichael mount- ed the stage in a perfect rage,. stormed and scolded for a while, and ended by of- .fering to Int ten dollars with- some of the company who did not believe his story. He made a desperate effort to get out his purse, but failed,as usual with him. Mr. McMichael says, when he looked around upon the c,ompany, he instinctively placed hit • hand on his purse—that in- stinct is the only one he seems to have, cultivated. I have no objection that Mr. McMichael should become an advertising medium' for any store in town, and he may carry a board on his back and an- other on his breatt if he pleases, but the laudations of such a man are not worth a stick of candy. Apolaizing taking up so 'Much of. your space. I I am yours, EDWARD CASH. Seaford), Dec. 21st, 1870. To the Editor,of the Huron Expositor. SIR,—In' my report of the Seaforth meeting, relative to the continuation of farmers' market fees, in my last commu- nication, I stated that Messrs. Logan and Luxton took the position that „market fees, collected as a revenue, were unjust to the farmers who paid them, and ruin- ous to the best mercantile interests of the village. Such, Sir, was their assertion, but they produced no substantial proofs to Sustain their position. I will- nylAr oc- cupy.their position, and endeavour to prove their assertions correct by facts and figures, and these_ are " chide that, winna ding, and daunla he disputed." Suppose for instance a farmer with 5 or 6 Of a family, occupying 100 acres, 70 or 80 of•Which are cleared,—in ordinary years he will have about 500 bushels grain to sell, independent of beef, pork, cheese, butter and eggs, his store account will amount to abont $400 or $500. I will also sup- pose that the owner of a first-class store, when we take into consideration the in- terest on his stock, bad diebts, rent, and ,the salaries of his assistants, will require at 'mast 20 per cent profits on his cash salese—ba in order that you may fully comprehend my meaning relative to the profits and loss of tne farmer's custom, I will refer you to the following account: Grain -dealer's commission on. 500 - bushels. 3' cents per bushel; • $15 00 Farmer's store account consisting of dry goods, groceries, hard- ware, green and root seeds; tail - (tiring, et., etc., 8400, mer- chant's profits at 20 per cent.. 80 po Blalcksmith's and carpenter's ac - Count, $40, profits consisting of labour, 20 00 Shoemaker's account, $30, profits consisting of labour, 15 00 Cheese, butter and eggs, $100, merchant s profits at 3 per cent, 3 00 Pork, 800 lbs., profits 20 cents pet 100 lbs., 1 6,0 Shtnikage on pork, 3 lbs. per 100 llikse 20 lbs., at 6 cents per .11e, 1 44 m ket fees on 500 bush - cis of grain, $1 00 Markct fees. on pork $121 04 10— 110 $12214 t one poimdof tobacco,an d J;sa merchant fancy the idea of a farmer buyin ftog the farmer stipulating thatthe merchant 611r01 add one or two ounces to the pound as ehrinkaee. Now, Mr. Editor, you will observe froru the above figures that in corsequence of one fermi -leaving Sea- forthe on account of the imposition of one dollar and ten urns of market fees, there will be a dead loss to the co) poration tf one hundred and twenty -tat) dollars and four- teen cents. This is the ruinous policy to th cri hest interests of the village that Messrs. Logan aud Luxton sear looming up:through the mist. Had the ratepay- ers of Seaforth thoroughly underemod their own interests they would' hive adkited the wise and sagacious opiniOns of Mr. Logan and Mr. Luxton, but by their vote they endorted the silly sophis- try of the " penny wise zind pound fool- ish" policy of Messrs. Cash, Beattie & Go. But some of the ratepayers of Sea - forth are still rejoicinobover the fact th _at Clinton is also going to establish a, mar- ket and collect market fees, but the busi- ness men of Cliartmahave oot yet commit- ted themselves, and I would humbly- mine gest that befere they do -I they will consider well the above figures end a' the same time bear in mind that Clinton occupies eentral position between God- erieh and Seal-orth, arid that if she cen, with a free mareet, only withdraw from Goderich the ;custom of sir's substantial farmers, and f TGM Seaford' the "mean sel- fish M. McMichael" and live others, the profits upon the cuetom of these 12 far- mers will amount in the year to $ t,439.28; and as Seriforth :market ib let fur thc pre- sent year for $1,320, and supposing Clin- ton market to be let for the same amount, there would be sm balance in favour of Clinton, with a free market,. of $119.28. In ;conetusiou, I may perhaps at ome fu- ture time have something more tc say re- lative to free markets :out free roads, but in the meatime 1 wil only add that these are' the narrow and selfish views" of the solitary farmer-, whom Me s is. Mal- coban Gash, Beattie and othere tried to meke a laughing stock (if during the evening of theSea.T.ofourtl Irs: Thos. ICHA EL. Hulled, Dee. 14th, .1870. The Darwiruau Theory. To the Editor of the.Huron Expositor. ou will oblige by inserting the followina° to correct the misrepresenta. tions ofthe Seaforth correspondent of the Ooderieh, Cliuton, Mitehell, and Stratford papers, in reference to the ad- dress given by Dr. Vercoe, before the Seaforth Literary and Scientific Society, on the evening of the 14th inst., upon the subject of the " Darwinian Theory," in which the author states that "Dr. Vere coe is a strong upholder of the Darwin theory." This statement is a falsehood, Dr; Vercoe said nothing of the kind. He distinctly announced in his very interest- ing address, for which he received the thanks of the meeting, that he did not assume to be the advocate of the Darwin- ian theory; and that in giving the pecu- liar views of Darwin, his own sentiments were not eupposed to be represented: Further, Ithe arguments of Darwin, as given by Dr Vercoe, did not 'embrace the statement, "That the origin of life, ani- mal or vegetable, resulted c not as Moses says, from any creative power proceeding from the Jehovah, bet from protoplasm, which being placed in the most favorable circumstances as regards heat, moisture, I produces a low kind of animal life, thus a., process of grad al self -develop - Ment produces a higher, nd that a high- er- tkill, till at last man, he lord of crea- tion, in the pomp of his 1 ride and power, crowned the pile." Now Dr. Vereoe ut- tered no such scntimen s, neither does Derwin. So far, this qi adruple corres- plondent again conviets theself of false- lifood and exposes his iJnorane of the subject. Passing in revi w the aWnom of tIlts correspondent, I will venture to ail- sert without fear el contradiction that no protoplasm nor any other "10w form of animal life" ever exhibited itself in Sea - forth with so much emit+ mptible pomp and vanity as the correspondent ef these papers. His " debut " as more in the character of a "travellm f mountebank,' piping himself into notiet to the tune o 1 the ‘• Campbells are com ng," than tlat of- a respectable physic an wishieg to. practice his profession i 1 an honorable Manner. Next inecharac er we find hiM airing his vanity liLy circi lating over the chuntry a "skylight" e iew of himself,. teken in a garb not re ognized by the i edical department of tjhe college from 1 hich he hails, and whi h for the oeca- s on mist have been either borrowed or stolen. Again_ Ix e see that an afilictiot vidlich hy well regnlated Mirids. would be borne • in silence and_ sorrow, is eagerly seieed upon and paraded to the disgust of the whole corinnunity, as a boon in the *ay of another advertisement. el Your readers can well understand how much injury a mofessioeal gen- tleman nrasustain- h' -dee y in is Tree i and reputation, by having arrayed against lino the strongest prejudices that can be excited. in the mites of a ieli,,eilus com- rhunity, that isthen' determim d opposi- tion to all sceptics and their °pion na. To • *seat that one is not ele.ver is a. -blank eharge to a Lich the mot dicer inay be dt times exposed. To cherge one with any gross immoiality, if he he guilty he will not be debarred -all associatinee'for e can mingle with his epeciese if he be i nocent, the symeathy of fi iends, and he consciousness of his innocence will be uite sufficient to suetain him under the harge, but for a iirofess onal men to be barged in this " maligl tined nieteenth cnotry," with being a disbeliever in the " Mosaic Coemogony," laces 'him out- ide the reach of tymi athy or associa- um. In the present hie ance the accueam ion loecs its force, the Uiscoinfitnre and mortification rebounds fupon its -author when we reflect that it is the result of "natureu sel( ct oi ," of the inetincts of a " low kind of anithal," placid in unfavor- ab1e. circumstances, tha t it pro,,eeds from "the etruggle for existence" of a profes- sional protopta,,,m, who t cons to he run- iiiim with his competitor, Dan Moran, a. sort of sack race from the printer's devil to tho graveyard. - I Your readers will perceive that neither the character and the proceediege of the Seaforth Literary and Stientific Society, nor any of its members so far as they are eonnected with the Society, shall be Misrepresented by the cowardly attacks. (.1f anonymous newspaper correepondents nvitlout coottadiction. I The object of the toci ;ty' is to permit the reasonable and tem ietate discussion c?- f any question with the view to mutual improvement and diffusion of useful knowledge. W. e. SmitiTe See of the Fe-e.forth Literav and 8 -iortific Society_ gremmucam.,---....6.--' ......r..1=4,En -1 SPECIAL NO ICES - . e No organ of thought r action 'cat be employed without the .t ssistauae of the blood, and DO 0 T;;;ZU1 C 21 be iimployed efifely or with inipunityJ without a sup - 1y of healthy blood. With: healthy blood the exercised_ orgt, US become well developed, whetlier they be muscular or intelleutual. By the use of Fellowe' Com- pound S'yrup .of liypophosphites the bleed is speedily vitaliz .d and 'purified, lind so etipable of protein rg a emend ininil and a :•:01.111.1, body. .;1 50 a bottle ; 6 foe $7 50. Sold by iipothecaries ard by r; CumER 4.7. co., who;es;ble agent, lontreal. 1 '1•3.A.YE YOUR DecToR Bals. J.— Where Dr. Wistat's Balsam a Vild Cherry 'will euro coughs, colds, bleed ig at the lungs,. end arrest the fell (lest oe k.T, gen-sump- tion, it doe:, more than •rest physiciami can do. The use of a, sii gle bottle, tosto ing one dollar, will sati ly the incredu bus that they need lo - k no further fin the required aid. 4-str Is health worth having? If it ii protect it is atjewel ts easiltr lost at - virtue, and in m'xny eases as difficult t( recover. In this climate, and more per ticularly at this season a' the year; peo- ple are very apt to take cold mot suffer from sore throat, cotolie, spitting of any., 'which if not checked immediately lt )0(1. and. pulmonary e dnplaints getter- h:ad t•() Very svrions _eon seem m tem . The queete:ni anses--.whieh is the ;quickest zeal most effectual re nedy ? ' Bryan's_ Pulmouic Wafee-s have been before the public for twenty yeare, and have always given per`ect satisfaetion, and invariably- dlect permenent cures when taken in , season. I Sold by every druggis and most of the liespectable stores thro gheut the Prn- }iiice,- at 25 cents mer box. ' MARRIA1. ES. CAMPBeLL--Baird.-01 the 8t1 haste, at the residence of the b ide's father, by the Bev. F. MaQuaig, Mr. A. Campbell to Jane. only daugbljerof Air. James laird, both of Stanley, KIRKLAND — FLEMMING On the 8th inst. at the residence of J. •Chidley,. brother-in-law of the bride, bythe Rev, F. MeQuaig Miss Flora Flemming to , Mr. A. Kirkland, of Teeswaten KAAKE; --YouNo .—On the '21st Nov., ire I Godelrich Township, a the residence olT I the bride's father, by he Rey. T. Ole - worth, Mr. Edward K ake, of Kinloss, ' to Elizabeth., daughter f Hemy Young, Esq., Township 'Celiac or. DEATH Meta:time—On the 2 th late at hie residenee, London Re ad, Township of Stan ey, David Mei enzie, .aged 78 year- Deceased waa one of the first settl Ts on London Road, having come in about 36 years ago, MURRAY.—Iii Tuekersiijith, 011 Wednes- day, the 14th inst., lizalLetrbray,- ,s,ageconed daughter of Mr. W . 4 2 years, 5 months an 1$ day. OVERCOAT 1.0St. OST between Seafo .th and Ec,conomi- J V3. e, or in Egmon;Iville village, on Tuesday, the 13th ink, A BROWN OVERCOAT, with red and bleak lining. The finder will be suitably rewarded upon leaving it at the EXPOSIToR. Office ea-, forth, or at the Egmondville Pest GEORGE SPROAT. Egmondville, Dec. 22, 1870. 159-4 a _